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Emma comes to terms with events
I woke up with what felt like a cartoon rat slamming a hammer around in my head. My mind flashed back to the night before and my idiotic friends trying to hook me up with Matthew 'dickhead' Bates. Matthew was the kind of guy that thought a relationship was when you have sex twice on one night stand. I remember his foul breath when he was whispering so called erotic things into my ear. I mean who honestly thinks that saying 'I want to feast on your beauty' is going to impress an 18 year old. 'Feast on your beauty'???? What a grade A douche bag.

The argument that my friends and I had was pretty epic. Any fight that makes me walk through town by myself has to be fairly off the charts.

While I pieced together that nights events and tried to keep my head from exploding I reminded myself of where I was. The, admittedly, tastefully decorated bedroom was that of my birth father Michael. I remember stumbling into the spare room and seeing the mountain of boxes and files that had been stored on the bed. I was pissed off that Micky hadn't cleaned before I arrived. But then I guess he was just a man so maybe I shouldn't have held him up to the lofty heights of a woman's standard. I smiled.

I sat up in the bed and immediately saw the bulk of Micky lying on his front alongside me. His leg was sticking out from under the covers. Thankfully the rest of him was covered. I looked around and saw my dress, jacket, shoes and panties on the floor up against the wall. I looked down and saw that I was sitting topless. I moved the sheets and realized that I was absolutely stark naked. I froze.

I didn't dare move. I didn't want to wake Micky up. I didn't know what was going on. Then I felt it, the sticky mess between my legs and arse. I slowly moved my legs and saw a large wet patch on the sheets. I opened my legs and wiped my fingers across the sticky area and bought my fingers up to my nose. I inhaled.

The smell was familiar. It had the aroma of sex. Juices mixed together. The musty smell of my own arousal and the musky tang of semen. I felt a little more and touched the lips of my vagina and realized that the stickiness was there as well. Oh shit. I had had sex. I had fucked him......oh my god I had sex with Micky. Oh shit

I shot a glance over at the sleeping Micky and was about to launch into an expletive filled rage but suddenly my overwhelming desire was to sneak away. I got out from under the covers and walked over to my pile of clothes. I put on my bra, dress and jacket and slipped on my shoes. I picked up my panties and put them in my jacket pocket and I left. I grabbed my handbag, opened the door, stepped into the hall and burst into tears.

I eventually calmed down and got my shit together. I fished out my phone and called my friend. I apologized a thousand times and I swore I would never walk home by myself again. I told her that I crashed at my Dad's place but that I needed to get my bag. I let her know that I was getting a taxi and would be around soon. I then had to apologize that I had called her so early. She was monosyllabic and very annoyed.

I hopped into a taxi and typed out a text to Micky:

E - We need to talk. Call me.

The taxi ride over was uneventful apart from the taxi driver being a complete creep. I suddenly realized that going commando with such a short skirt was not a good call. I arrived outside her place and threw some money at the driver just as he started his 'Maybe we can come to an arrangement' speech......why are all guys such jerks?!

I knock on her door and waited. And waited. And fucken waited. I banged on her door again and after a minute or so she opened it. She had my bag in her hand and threw it out onto the street.

"Take your fucken bag and piss off."

"What the fuck?! I need a shower."

"Well maybe you should have thought of that before you embarrassed the shit out of me in front of Jack Thornton."

"Who? Who the fuck are you talking about?"

"Jack Thornton. The guy I have been trying to hook up with for the best part of a year. You know, the guy that you told my secret about Matthew Bates to."

"What secret....what the hell is going on?"

She leaned forward and through gritted teeth spat out the words, "About me going arse to mouth for him. You bitch. Find somewhere else to stay." And with that she slammed the door in my face.

Brilliant! As if this day couldn't have got off to a better start.

I sat on her front garden wall and contemplated what I was going to do next. I was receiving some odd stares from passersby’s. I tried to picture what they were seeing - a young girl in a small revealing dress, with a suitcase and a mop of hair that looked like a shrubbery. I needed to get cleaned up. I remembered that a coffee shop a few hundred yards away had proper bathroom facilities as long as you ordered breakfast and coffee.

I walked down the road and through the small park that linked on to the main road where the coffee shop was situated. The park was full of people getting their late morning exercise. Smug pricks.

I entered the coffee shop and ordered a breakfast muffin and a latte. I asked if I could use the bathroom and they gave me a key. They told me that my breakfast would ready in about 30 minutes. I went to the back of the shop, opened the bathroom door and closed it behind me. The noise of the street and cafe suddenly disappeared. The automatic lights came on and I found myself in a newly refurbished bathroom. All white with the occasional splash of blue. I put my bag down on the bench and opened it. I took out a an old hooded top and a pair of jeans as well as a bra and panties. I got out of my dress so I was standing naked in front of the mirror.

I had been told by my last boyfriend that I had a 'cracking little body'. I had nice sized breasts that sat high on my chest. My belly was trim (which it should be due to how much I was paying per month for a gym membership!) and my hips were shapely. I was ridiculously short so I was never going to have long legs but what I had were OK. I looked down and I could see that between my legs I had a little bit of crusted cum. The sight caused my bottom lip to tremble again as I remembered what happened leading up to me standing here. My Dad had fucked me and my friend had abandoned me.

I stepped into the shower and allowed the hot water to wash away the sticky and crusty residue on my body. I washed around my crotch thoroughly but I felt like I couldn't get clean. I decided to forget about washing my hair as I didn't want to spend 20 minutes blow drying it.

I turned the shower off, stepped back up to the mirror and wiped away the condensation. I could feel myself getting angry. Why had Micky done that? How dare he do that to me. Should I call the police? Should I tell my mother? I only lost my virginity 8 months ago after fending off my ex's hard cock for about a year before finally deciding I was ready. My first time was terrible. My ex thought we were in a porn movie so was making all sorts of sounds and facial expressions. He was clumsy and thought once he had entered me his sole job was to pound against me until he came. He even had the audacity to ask me if I came. Yeah sure vagina loved being treated like a cum dump. It really turned me on you fucken stupid piece of shit wanker.

I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that my breakfast would be served soon.

I finished drying and getting dressed. I pulled my hair back and put it in a ponytail. I gathered all my stuff and opened the door to allow the noise of the room to surround me again.

The breakfast (well more like brunch) was good. A poached egg on a savory muffin with a couple of bacon rashes. I ate it quickly and downed my latte. I walked out of the shop and onto the street. The morning was gone. I had been awake for almost 5 hours. For 5 hours I had contained my rage enough to get on with things.

The guy on the shitting bike came out of fucken nowhere. I mean what the hell was he doing on the footpath. There's a sodding great cycle path on the road. I heard a yell and then the sound of tires skidding. I turned just in time to see a man on an expensive looking bicycle struggle to keep from tipping over the handlebars.

"Watch where your walking you idiot!"

Shit just got real, "Why the fuck are you on the footpath you twat! Why not ride on the fucken cycle path you cunt." I was surprised by my sheer anger.

"Well if you didn't wander around with your head in the clouds you would have seen me....I'm wearing a pretty bright cycling jacket."

I walked aggressively up to him. I wanted to smash his smarmy rat face in with my fist. "Fuck off dick. I'm having a shitty day and I will end you if you DON'T. BACK. THE. FUCK. UP!"

The look on his face was a mix between terror, disgust and embarrassment. A little crowd had formed with one or two of the random strangers telling the cyclist to leave. There was also a voice telling me to watch my language.

The cyclist muttered something about me being a bitch and on my period but my anger had been replaced by shame. The prickle of tears stung the back of my eyes. I quickly walked across the street and into the park. I found a park bench and sat seething.

The phone in my bag buzzed and pinged. The message was an answer from Micky:

M - Come round as soon as you can

I got up from the bench and walked over to a taxi rank. I hopped into a taxi with a female driver and gave her the address. I text Micky:

E - Coming around now. Be there in 5 mins.

I was struggling now. I was going through a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute annoyed, then ashamed, then furious, then full of self-loathing. When I got out of the taxi at Micky's place I was settled firmly with anger - white hot pure rage. I walked up to his door and got my keys out. I fumbled them in the lock and then finally opened the door. I burst in, threw my bags down against the wall, slammed the door and screamed at him.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MICKY! What were you thinking!"


To be fair to him. He was incredibly apologetic. I tried to keep my rage going but I suddenly felt very tired. He was explaining to me how it all happened but I was feeling exhausted and in need of a shower. I remember the look in his eyes though. Absolute sincerity. He knew what he had done was wrong and I did believe that it was a mistake. But I couldn't get the whole thing out of my mind. My Dad's cock had been inside of me. In my pussy. Thrusting into me. It was all too much.

I excused myself telling him I needed a shower. I made some weak joke about hoping there was a lock on the door. He said he'd stay down this end of the apartment.

I walked over to my case and took it through to the spare room. I unzipped it and got out a t-shirt and some jeans. Everything felt dirty. I walked into the bathroom and closed and locked the door.

I turned on the shower and sat on the toilet. My mind was racing. Images of what happened swirled like a x-rated tornado. I needed to work it out. Why didn't I wake up. Why was he able to slip inside me....was I wet? Was my subconscious OK with the sex?

I got out of my clothes and stepped into the shower. I cried. I wasn't OK with this. This isn't what I wanted. I was scared that I would never be able to forgive Micky. Right now I didn't hate him, I was angry. Not so much with Micky but with the situation, the whole fucked up stupid situation. I sat on the floor of the shower and pulled my knees up into my chest and sobbed.

My tears finished and I stood up. It was time for me to cowgirl up and start making this better. The weeping was doing nothing for my state of mind. I had been through shit in my life before and I wasn't going to let this mess trip me up.

I got out of the shower and realized that I was tired. I quickly dried myself off and went through to the spare room to get changed. I threw on a pair of black jeans and an old Gun's n Roses t-shirt and went out in to the lounge.

Micky was waiting for me and immediately launched into his explanation. I was sitting on the couch, kind of listening, kind of zoning out. He started to tell me about a girl he was seeing at work and that she wanted to meet me. Seriously! After all of this and he thinks it's a good time for his new lady to meet me!?

He then told me that she was quite young. Suddenly my interest was piqued.

"Hoooow young?" I enquired.

NINETEEN!!!! My Dad, my 41 year old Dad is hooking up with a 19 year old! What the hell is happening with him at the moment?!

"Nineteen.....Jesus Micky. What is going on with you?"

"Nothing is going on with me. I'm happy Emma......well I was until the fuck up last night."

At the mention of last night I drew my legs up into my chest. It wasn't a conscious decision but the issue was still raw.

"Do you want to talk to her about it?" Micky asked.

I rolled her eyes, "Micky......I don't even know this girl. Why am I going to talk to her about anything!"

"Well maybe she might be able to help."

"I don't need help Micky, I need to forget it even happened. Can you understand that?" I felt like I was going to say something in the heat of the moment so I stood up and walked down the hall and into my room and closed the door.

I threw myself on to the bed and willed myself to not cry. I was done with tears. In the fight to stop the moisture from leaking out of my ducts I closed my eyes. The tiredness enveloped me in its cozy arms. Soon all the troubles melted away and I was being gently held in the comforting grasp of sleep.


The knock at the door roused me. I sat up just in time to see the door opening and a beautiful girl step over the threshold.

"Hey Emma, I'm Becky." the girl said in a whispered tone.

My brain wasn't quite connected to reality yet.

"Sorry - who?"

"Becky, I'm your Dad's"

I smiled a little at the way she said this with inflection at the end that made it sound like a question.

"Oh hi. Micky said you were coming around."

She walked into the room and stood there. She was quite a sight. She didn't look 19, more like early to mid 20's. She was average height with nice legs and a very impressive 'rack'. I could see why Micky was keen on her.

She spoke again, "Look, I know you don't know me but Micky has told me what's been going on. He's killing himself over this Emma. He's a real mess. I'd like to talk to you if I can. Maybe help?"

"It's Becky isn't it?" I said perhaps a little to cattily

She frowned a little, "Yes, or Rebecca if you want."

"I realize that you are trying to get some brownie points with Micky but you've never met me before so I'm really not sure you can 'offer' me any advice."

She stepped forward and sat down on the bed near my feet. "You're right. I've never met you before but I do think I can talk through some stuff with you."

Oh great - she's a helper. One of those people that feels that she can offer sound advice in any situation. I'll just wait for the 'I know cause I've lived it man' moment.

"So you have experience with this kind of thing do you?" I said tersely.

"Well not quite like this. But I did have a situation where I was completely out of my depth and would have appreciated talking to someone outside the situation."

"I'm not out of my depth. I'm completely aware of what happened. I'll sort it out with Micky. I don't need his trophy girl coming in here and trying to act more mature than me." Perhaps that was a little harsh but to her credit Becky didn't react to it.

"I'm not trying to 'sort it out' Emma. I just want to offer you an ear to bend so that you can say what you want without the added pressure of having the person directly involved sitting across from you."

DAMMIT! Why was she being right! Why couldn't she be annoying and stop making sense.

I sighed, "So you know what happened then?"

"Kind of. Why don't you tell me. The only version I have is the ramblings of Micky."

So I told her. I tried to be aloof and give only a hint of the details. But she was right. Speaking to her was easy. I could say anything and not go through the crippling embarrassment that I would have endured if I was speaking directly to Micky.

It all came pouring out. The start of the night, my bitch friends, Matthew Bates, walking to Micky's, the messed up spare room, waking up in the morning, the feeling that I had enjoyed it.....everything. Becky just sat and listened. She occasionally made a few well-placed jokes to keep my spirits up. She was good at making me feel like she was 'with' me not just listening 'at' me. When I cried she knew when to let me be so I would carry on, but she also knew when to make a gesture, holding my hand, putting an arm around me. Once I had got the end of the story she directed the conversation so within minutes we were giggling about the punishments we would carry out on stupid Matthew Bates.

We heard the shower go on so knew that Micky was up and about.

"I don't want him like that Becky." I said in a deadpan voice.

She looked at me, "I know."

"I keep thinking I should have woken up. I thought that maybe I had secretly wanted it. But I don't. Regardless of the fact he's my Dad, I just don't feel that way about him at all. The whole thing disgusts me."

"I think that's Micky's problem as well. I'm going to tell you something that might freak you out a bit."

I sat up a little straighter and readied myself, "Go ahead."

"Micky's main problem is that a few weeks ago he and I kinda of....well......kind of did a little role playing."

"Oh god no Becky - please don't tell me things like that. My eyes will literally fall out of my sockets and dissolve in front of me."

"No details. But let's just say that we BOTH kinda riffed on the fact that I was his daughter....we had a pretty good time."


She laughed, "I know, but it was harmless stuff and it was"

"To much info," I laughed, "tell me something Becky. Why Micky?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're a beautiful young girl who could probably have their pick of guys, but you choose the 40 year old?"

She sat and pondered this for a while.

"Honestly Emma I have no idea. I guess I had never really been treated right by the guys I was with. Micky showed me that I was allowed to feel special. He made me feel like I deserved to be treated better. He's been so wonderful. I know it must be hard for you to hear this but he is what I class to be a proper man. He's strong, well built, with a caring sensitive side."

"Really?" I was genuinely amazed at how much Becky thought of him.

"Without making you feel sick and possibly putting you off sex for the rest of your life he satisfies me like no one I have been with before....and it's not about just having sex. We share things, experiences and yes, as cringe worthy as it is for you fantasies. Micky has grown so much in the last few weeks. His confidence is up, other women are taking notice of him simply because he likes himself. I'm really proud of the fact that I have had something to do with that."

"Other woman?"

"We're not, shall we say, exclusive as such. I encourage him to experience as much as possible. If that means he is with someone else then I'm OK with long as he doesn't lie to me or hurt me. I'm honest with him if I share something with someone different."

I was shocked, "Wow....I had no idea that Micky was!"

Becky laughed, "We have had some pretty good times already."

"So I guess that Micky is pretty open to all sorts of stuff."

"It looks that way. But I can tell you right now that he is not looking for anything from you. Fantasy is fine but bringing that into his reality is not what he is about. He loves you....but there's a line."

I felt relieved, chastened and impressed all at the same time. My Dad, my old pensioner of a Dad was living life to the fullest. He was embracing the opportunity that had presented itself and was running with. Part of me wanted to know what he had been up to.

"I think I get that now. Was I silly to overreact?"

"Are you kidding me?! I think you did an amazing job being as calm as you were. High five for that." And Becky reached over and indeed gave me a high five.

I leaned in and gave her a hug. This complete stranger to me had just helped me through a tough spot.

I pulled away from her and looked her in the eyes.

"I'm gay....I mean I'm a lesbian."

She looked a little stunned and then softened, "Am I the first person you've told that to?"

"Sort of. It's the reason I came up here. I wanted to tell Micky before I told my Mum. I needed to let him know first in case my Mum reacts badly."

"Why would she react badly?"

"Well maybe not her but her husband might. He's a bit religousy. Casting folk into the lakes of fire and all that."

"I'm sure Micky will be happy for you."

"Well I'll speak to him later. Please don't say anything."

She gave me another hug and softly whispered, "This is your news to tell Emma."

She hopped up from the bed and smoothed down her skirt. I glanced at her and felt a prick of jealousy at her tall slim figure.

"Is it OK if I stay tonight?" she asked me.

"I can't see why not. Micky will probably be asleep by 9pm anyway!" We both laughed.

"Thank you Becky. Seriously. You really helped."

"My pleasure Emma."

As I got up she stepped over and gave me another hug. I felt her arms wrap around me and her body press against mine. I smelt her hair and could feel the warmth of her body. I gripped her tighter and felt the mass of her breasts up against my chest. She started to pull away so I let my grip loosen as well. She leaned down a little a gave me a kiss on my cheek.

I felt a bolt of electricity surge through my body. My nerve endings tingled. I breathed in her aroma and felt my throat contract. I unconsciously dropped my hands to her arse cheeks and pushed her hips into mine.

Becky stepped back. Not forcefully, not with any urgency but with enough strength to break our hold.

I put my hand up to my mouth, "I....I.....I'm sorry Becky. I have no idea what happened then."

She laughed sweetly, "It's OK hun, lots of emotions going around at the moment."

"Yeah - I think I should get some more sleep."

"Well if I'm staying we'll get some pizza or something in? I'll let you know when it arrives."

With that she turned away from me, opened the door and closed it behind her. I collapsed onto the bed with my head in my hands, "No no no no no idiot!"

I climbed under my blankets and pulled them up around my chin. My mind was going at 3000 miles per hour. Had I just fallen for my Dad's girlfriend? Well that would just cap off the perfect start to my stay here!

I thought about dozing off but fired up my laptop instead to check Facebook and twitter and snapchat and YouTube and Instagram and emails and the various other 'social' sites that make up a huge part of every teenagers life. It was the usual stuff, party updates, holiday snaps, viral videos, meme's and inspirational sayings presented in a fancy font over a picture of a rocky mountain face or something equally tacky . I did have a few emails from friends wanting to know when I was back from the dark north. I had a long email from my ex which I read. I wish I hadn't - dear God what did I ever see in that emo wannabe.

My relationship with my boyfriend had broken up due to my realization that I was attracted to girls. He was kind of an arty guy that fancied himself as a deep thinker. But often his conversations bored me. His attempt to get me to turn vegan was the last straw. No one takes my right to bacon away from me! I had kissed a couple of girls at Uni but it was always laughed off as a drunken thing although my body's reaction to the contact told a very different story.

I had met one girl called Tamara who was 'out and proud'. I had confided in her and we had fooled around a little. It was the first time I had let a girl finger me. It was nice but Tamara was not really my type. She was pretty but seemed to try and hide it behind a masculine exterior. I felt that I was a lesbian - I wanted to be with a girly girl, not a girl pretending to be a lumberjack.

After a good 20 or 30 minutes more of 'social interaction' I closed down everything and decided it was time to eat. I quietly opened the door and made my way down the hall and walked out into the dining/lounge area.

I saw that Micky and Becky were on the couch. All I could see was the back of Micky's head and a view from Becky's head down her body. Micky had his hand under her shirt and was massaging her breast. I could see Becky's hand frantically rubbing between her legs. She was on her back with her feet flat on the couch and legs bent and spread. I could hear her breathing in shallow pants. As she writhed on the couch her breasts freed themselves from her shirt and I got a glorious view of them gently bouncing in time with her own spasmodic movements.

Without realizing my hand had pressed up against my chest. I moved it so my fingers worked their way under my shirt and bra. My nipples had reacted to the scene I saw in front of me. They were rock hard and sensitive. I felt an explosion of energy rip through my body as my fingers applied pressure to them. My other hand snaked down the front of my jeans and massaged my crotch. The thick denim not allowing me to experience too much contact.

As I looked again I could see Becky starting to spasm along with her obvious orgasm. Her legs coming up, knees being pressed against her chest. Her chest rising and falling as she did her best to contain the sensation so not to alert me to what was happening.

It was too much for me. My own passion was starting to take hold of me. I had an insane desire to launch myself at Becky, push Micky out of the way and let my lust devour Becky's body. I recovered my senses enough to stop what I was doing and to quietly head back to the spare room. I opened the door and closed it behind me as carefully as I could manage.

As soon as the door closed I tore of my clothes. My shirt and jeans were off before I made it to me bed. My bra fell to the floor and my panties were kicked off.

All I could picture was Becky heaving in the midst of a huge orgasm. This one image meant I wasn't in the mood for a romantic wander through my mind. I needed release.

I immediately traced my fingers over my pussy and felt the sharp tingle of expectation. I rubbed myself but I was already so wet I plunged my fingers into my lubricated pussy. While two of my fingers probed into my hole my thumb massaged my clit. I felt the surges of electricity, the same as I experienced with Becky's hug, roll through my thighs and across my lower back. I could hear my breathing quicken and I heard the soft sound of suction coming from my pussy as the walls of my cunt gripped my fingers. I could feel my orgasm start from my toes and make its way up my legs.

With my eyes closed I imagined Becky lying down between my legs. I fantasize her tongue darting in and out of me and flicking my clit.

As my orgasm took hold I made sure it was her image I saw. Her slim smooth legs, her tight arse and her swelling tits. But mainly her face. her beautiful kind face. I wished I could be kissing her full lips, letting her tongue wrap around mine while our hands entwine. I imagined her mouth open in pleasure as I brought her to her own orgasm.

I lay there looking at the ceiling. The sweat that had formed on my naked body started to cool. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. My body showed all the signs of my sexual experience. My nipples still stood proudly on my breasts, my face and belly were flushed and my pussy was visibly puffy. I picked up my discarded clothes and put them back on. As I put my t-shirt over my head I heard a knocking at the front door. I checked myself in the mirror once I was fully clothed and made myself presentable.

As I opened the bedroom door I was hit by the smell of pizza. Micky was in the kitchen opening the boxes and Becky was sitting on the couch flicking through the on demand movies. She turned and smile at me and waved me over to the couch. I walked over and sat down next to her. Her face was still slightly flushed. She put her hand on my leg and gave it a squeeze which caused me to almost lose my breath.

Micky bought the pizza through and we all tucked in. I felt relaxed. Although the issue had not disappeared it had been put into perspective. I felt safe sitting there. And then Becky smiled at me and gave me a wink.

Uh-oh - this wasn't going to end well.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-22 06:43:44
I feel like im reading a really good story not only about sex but how life opens your eyes when sex comes into play

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-27 02:51:18
You are a genius dude. Kudos

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-27 00:20:54
The master does it again. Good way to clean up a touchy situation. I am interested to see what you're going to do now though. Something is going to snap eventually if this keeps heading in this route. Good luck and keep writing!


2015-08-26 19:15:52
Cheers last comment! It was my vision all along but I admit I was surprised at the passion that people showed when that theme came along. It was actually nice to see that people cared about the characters.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-26 18:22:14
Dude. Great fix up. Never would have guessed! That last chapter is put behind me now lol positive ratings all around

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