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The night of the homecoming dance has arrived. Nick hopes to finally convince Stacy to have sex with him again while dealing with a flirtatious Mari. Danny tries to win Lizzy's love which leads to some more public sex.
Nick entered his home curiously optimistic. If Robert or his mother saw him with the goofy smile he had plastered on his face, especially after his rude exit this morning, they would probably send him to the nut house.

Nick reflected on the last words his therapist said to him. He arrived at the conclusion that if the behaviors he engaged in would cause hurt to the ones he loved, then he should stop doing those things if he truly valued those relationships.

He was a little skeptical about putting the theory into practice, but it was better than anything his deadbeat father, Frank, had suggested.

Taking off his shoes, Nick walked into the kitchen, prepared to apologize to his mother for the way he acted prior to leaving for school that morning. He was a little perplexed by her walking in on him this morning post-masturbation and he didn’t exactly agree with her on her desire for him not to see Frank, but he knew he was a little flippant and could have handled the situation better.

His mother had her back turned to him, chopping some carrots for what was likely to be a stew that she prepared at least once a week for dinner. Nick glanced to his right and saw Robert curled up in the recliner reading a book, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind.

Robert looked up and waved.

“How ya doin, Nick?”

“Good, Robert. How are you?”

“Oh I can’t complain. I got to leave work early today and spend some quality time with your mother.”

Robert put down the book and walked towards his wife, who was now facing Nick with a look somewhere between joy and sadness on her face.

“Hey, Robert, can I talk to mom alone for a second?” Nick asked.

“Sure. I’ll just go out and check the mail,” Robert said.

Both Nick and his mother watched as Robert exited the front door. Finally, Nick turned towards his mother.

“Hey mom, I just wanted to apologize for what a jerk I’ve been lately. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way this morning or the way I tried to brush you off at the mall over the weekend when I know all you were trying to do was help. I’m sorry.”

Roberta glanced at her son and then smiled. She walked over to Nick and pulled him in for a tight hug.

“Oh, honey. I appreciate your apology. I’m sure school is really tough but I really want you to know that I love you and have your best interests at heart, ok?”

“Yeah, mom. Thanks for being so great,” Nick said.

After a very spirited conversation at dinner with his mother and Robert, Nick headed up to his room to tackle a paper for his English class. Despite his tough calculus class, he found that written assignments gave him the most trouble.

After his apology to his mother and listening to her tell the story of her past with Frank to dispel any curiosities he had left about the man, Nick felt largely positive about the direction his relationships were heading in. Danny was still mad at him and the Tiffany situation loomed over his head, but he didn’t’ feel as bad as he did earlier today.

A crashing sound against his window startled Nick from his paper. Now that he found the ability to focus, he didn’t appreciate the sudden distraction. Nick peered out of the window and thought he saw Danny through the darkness. He wasn’t sure what his friend could want at this hour. Nick opened the window to see what was going on.

“Why are you here?” Nick asked.

“Can I come up? I want to get some things off my chest.”

Nick raised his brow at the request. Danny wasn’t the type of guy who stopped by just to talk.

“Sure, I’ll be right down,” Nick replied.

Nick opened the door and greeted Danny. Right away, Nick noticed his friend didn’t look like the usual happy and joking Danny. He had the aura of someone who had been shaken. He even looked as if he had been crying.

“You wanna go upstairs?” Nick asked.

“Yeah, sure,” Danny said. “Is your mom cool with me being here?”

“I’m sure she will be. Let me double check though.”

Nick walked to the living room, where his mother and Robert cuddled on the couch watching a movie. It appeared to be The Sound of Music, one of his mother’s favorites.

“Hey mom. Danny stopped by to talk really quick. Is it ok that he’s here for a while?”

Roberta paused the movie and looked up.

“As long as you get your homework done, that’s fine with me.”

“Thanks mom.”

Nick ventured back to the front door and told Danny to come up.

The entire trek up the stairs caused Nick to wonder what was bothering his friend. It probably didn’t relate to their tense conversations earlier in the day about him favoring Mitch’s feelings should he discover Danny pursuing Lizzy as his homecoming date. Perhaps he had talked to Lizzy already and been shut down.

Nick wasn’t sure if he was ready to play the role of psychiatrist to Danny when he was the one using a shrink for his own problems.
By the time they arrived in Nick’s room and shut the door, Danny appeared to be on the verge of tears, which was unlike him at all.

“What’s wrong?” Nick asked.

“It’s just my stupid parents. I can’t take it anymore, living with those assholes. My dad treats me and my sister like shit. Mom doesn’t even care anymore. I try to stick up for Leslie and get them to take her to the zoo like she wants and then my dad goes on with his spiel about how ungrateful we are. I just want to be done with them.”

Nick felt his heart ache for his friend. He knew how bad things were at the Morgan household but perhaps he didn’t fully realize the effect Danny’s turbulent relationships with his parents had on him.

“Do you wanna stay here tonight? I’m sure my mom won’t mind. Even if it’s just to get away from them for a while?”

“Yeah, thanks man. Sorry for being all emotional and shit.”

“No problem. I saw your mom’s therapist today. I think she might be able to help.”

“Really? That’s good man.”

“Yeah, I still have the urges but I haven’t felt a need to act on them. She talked about thinking of how the important people in my life would feel if I did something like have sex with a hooker and whatnot. It gives me something to think about for next time.”

“Sweet. So when’s the last time you had sex?”

“Saturday with Tiffany. I still have no idea how I’m going to fix that situation yet. At least my blowjob from Stacy should satisfy me for a little while.”

“Well if it’s any consolation, I could let you have a go with Lizzy again if Stacy doesn’t put out. But that probably doesn’t help,” Danny joked.
“Speaking of Lizzy, I thought I would ask you how I should approach that situation.”

“You want my advice? I’ve been a total ass about all of this so I’m probably the last person you want advice from.”

“You’re right. You’ve been a big dick about all of this. But you’re my best friend and you’re better to me than my family so I thought I would forgive you and ask anyway.”

“Well in that case, I’m all ears,” Nick laughed.

“Ok. So I have to ask Lizzy to the dance. I don’t really care what Mitch thinks at this point. I just feel something special with her, more than with any other girl I’ve been with. It’s only really been when we’ve had sex, but I really feel the void of not being with her at other times during the day. I’m sure you feel that way with Stacy, right?”

Nick nodded. That much was true.

“But I know she’s looking to have sex with lots of guys and she just broke up with Mitch after so long so I don’t think she wants a boyfriend. I guess I’m fine with that for now but I still want something more than just casual hookups like with Michelle.”

Nick thought it was odd that he was giving Danny relationship advice and not vice versa.

“You want to take her to the dance right? That should just be your focus for now. Ask her to the dance, go with her friends so it isn’t awkward with our group the whole night and then just see how it goes. Maybe she’ll change her mind and want a boyfriend if she likes what you have to offer. Who knows maybe you can have an open relationship and you can still fuck other girls.”

“Wow, wouldn’t that be something,” Danny said. “Yeah, I think you’re right. There’s no reason to get ahead of myself.”

“So are you going to ask her tomorrow?”

“Yeah. I gave Mitch shit for not asking Lucy yet so I’ve gotta walk the talk,” Danny said. “Let’s see if this love thing is in the cards for me.”
Lizzy was bent over near the rear of her neighbor’s purple Pontiac Grand Am in the school parking lot. She had her skirt in the air and her panties were just above her knees as she took her neighbor Pete’s cock for a quick morning fuck before class began.

Pete had wanted a piece of Lizzy ever since the start of high school, but Lizzy was never available because of her relationship with Mitch. Now that she was no longer dating anyone, she had been exploring her sexuality to the fullest, sleeping with four different guys since her breakup.

As she took Pete’s pounding, Lizzy remembered how nice it was to have a steady boyfriend and how she had taken Mitch for granted over the years.

Whenever she was lonely, Mitch was there. Whenever she was having a bad day and she needed a quick pick me up, Mitch was always there. Whenever she wanted a weekend of lying in bed and having sex from morning until night when either set of parents were away, Mitch was there.

Nowadays, she didn’t have that steady partner whom she could rely on for more than sex. Nick had likely been a one-night stand, even though she slept with him twice. Pete and another boy she slept with at the football game were likely one time flings as well. But she wasn’t sure about Danny, whom she’d fucked three times so far. She certainly enjoyed him more than anyone else since she’d broken up with Mitch, but she still wasn’t sure if she viewed him as boyfriend material should she look to date again.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud groaning from Pete. She really hoped he wouldn’t cum in her pussy. That was reserved for boys that made her feel so hot she couldn’t stand straight. That really wasn’t the case with him.

“Pull out before you cum,” Lizzy warned.

“Oh my god, I can’t hold it,” Pete moaned. “I’ve gotta cum. Where do you want it?”

“Don’t cum on me. Cum on the ground or something.”

Lizzy looked back and saw a quizzical look on Pete’s face. Perhaps it wasn’t confusion but rather the normal look he had on his face when he was on the verge of cumming. He quickly pulled out, jerked his penis and came; his goo dribbling out of his penis rather than shooting.

“Damn, that was amazing,” Pete said when he’d finished. “Let’s do that again.”

“Uh huh, sure,” Lizzy said, not planning on a second time.

Lizzy walked through the parking lot, leaving Pete behind. She only had a few minutes before her first class of the day and she wanted to catch up with her friends about their homecoming plans. She still didn’t have a date yet but figured that was because all of the guys were too intimidated to ask her. Maybe part of it was her emerging reputation as a slut, according to some.

She entered the school and strolled towards her locker. She noticed the constant stares from many of the underclassmen boys and she knew she looked hot today. Her white skirt rested just above her knees and she had a tight black t-shirt on that showed ample cleavage. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail. While she didn’t usually wear that hairstyle, she noticed it still earned her plenty of attention.

As she reached her locker, she noticed Danny waiting for her and her heart skipped a beat. She was partially nervous that he would be able to tell she just had sex with Pete in the parking lot. She didn’t want him to think less of her but part of her secretly hoped he would ask her out to the dance.

“Hey Lizzy,” Danny said. “Can we talk?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

She noticed Danny fidget slightly and he spent some time looking at his feet. This behavior wasn’t in line with his normally confident personality.

“I was thinking,” Danny said as he finally shifted his gaze on her. “I’d really like to take you to the homecoming dance. I know we’ve only been seeing each other casually but I’d like to do something with you that doesn’t just involve sex, if you want.”

Lizzy laughed. It was true, they only seemed to get together to have sex the last few weeks.

“Deal. I was hoping you would ask me. Everyone else in this school thinks I’m a slut.”

“Well they’re missing out. Do you already have plans with your friend group? I know the guys have stuff planned but I’m not sure it’s a good idea for us to hang around them and Mitch at dinner. If he sees us, it’s probably best to happen at the dance.”

“Oh yeah, I didn’t think of that. Do you know if he has a date?”

Lizzy was curious as to whether Mitch would be over her to the point where he could go to the dance with another girl.

“Yeah, he does. I helped him find a date.”

“That’s sweet of you. Let’s plan on you going with me and my friends to dinner before the dance. What are you wearing?”

“I’ve got a white suit and slacks. I can wear a black dress shirt or something else if that matches what you have.”

“Do you have a gold-colored shirt? I have a really glittery gold dress that I just have to wear.”

“Yeah, I think I can manage that.”

“Great,” Lizzy said. “I can’t wait.”

She walked up to Danny and gave him a long kiss on the lips. His breath was much better today and she enjoyed the stubble of his chin as she continued the kiss.

She broke the kiss and said goodbye to Danny while smiling to herself. The dance was going to be fun after all.
After a tumultuous end to the week that saw dinner reservations get cancelled and then re-made at the last minute, Nick was excited but nervous as the homecoming dance approached. Like typical mothers, his mom wanted to get pictures of Nick, Stacy, and the rest of the group before heading out to the dance.

So as not to inconvenience Stacy, who lived on the other side of town, the group met at a park that was equidistant from both of Nick and Stacy’s schools. The four couples gathered around the lagoon at the center of the park, the girls trying to shoo the oncoming geese so they could take pictures without interruption.

Danny planned to meet them later at the dance, so as to ensure Mitch didn’t find out about him taking Lizzy until the last possible minute. Perhaps because of the awkwardness of some of the girls not knowing each other, the four guys weren’t as rambunctious as they otherwise would be.

Roberta and a few other mothers patiently waited their turn for the gaze of the teenagers at their respective cameras. Nick noticed some of the fathers that had made the trip were standing at a distance behind the women, talking about golf. Robert, not being much of a conversationalist, sighed and absentmindedly picked at some dandelions in the grass.

Two other things had Nick distracted more so than the actions of the parents in the background. His girlfriend, Stacy, looked stunning this evening. She really had dressed to the nines to look as good as possible for the dance.

She had her brown hair in a double bun which was coupled with a shimmery white dress that nearly reached the floor. Nick found it incredibly sexy even though her dress wasn’t cut short like many of the other girls. Even with more formal attire, Stacy still showed a slight amount of cleavage to keep him on his toes. Still, in his mind, she represented class and elegance at its finest.

The other item that distracted Nick was his sex drive. He’d anticipated that tonight would be the night Stacy was comfortable enough to have sex with him again after receiving a blowjob from her earlier in the week in the bowling alley parking lot.

He could only hope. It had been exactly a week since he last had sex. Despite his initial therapy session giving him hope of controlling his urges, Nick thought he would explode if he didn’t get laid after the dance. Though he didn’t want to cheat on Stacy, he had to admit the other girls in the party, Mari, Lucy, and Julie, would be hard to turn down if he had the opportunity.

“Honey,” Nick’s mother said to him. “Aren’t you supposed to be going somewhere?”

Nick’s mind was so caught in a daze that he didn’t realize the rest of the group had left him behind near the lagoon as they piled into the stretch limousine that would shuttle them to dinner.

“Whoa. How did that happen? Bye mom.”

“Bye, honey. Have fun.”

Nick raced to the limo where he helped Stacy lift the bottom of her dress over the curb and into the car. Everyone’s parents smiled and waved as the limo took off. Nick breathed a sigh of relief as he settled into the seat with Stacy snuggled up next to him.

It was obvious none of the other couples were dating or even comfortable with each other as none of them sat particularly close together.

“You okay?” Stacy asked him. She must have seen Nick’s gaze elsewhere.

“Yeah, I’m great,” Nick said. “I’ve got to warn you, I’m not much of a dancer.”

Stacy laughed.

“That’s alright. Most boys can’t dance worth a darn, even when they think they’re pretty good.”

“Oh yeah?” Trent asked, eavesdropping on the conversation. “I’m a great dancer. There’s not a single song that will be played tonight that I can’t shake it to.”

“Did you just say ‘shake it’?” Mari asked. “I haven’t heard anyone say that other than my papa and he grew up in the disco age.”

The other couples laughed. Perhaps things wouldn’t be so awkward after all.

The rest of the ride didn’t take too long and they arrived just in the nick of time for their reservation to the aptly named La Cocina restaurant. The dinner was very lively and delicious. Nick was initially hesitant about eating Mexican food due to the effects it sometimes had on his stomach, but he ordered a very delicious sampling of the Seafood Enchiladas and felt no ill effects as the limo prepared to take the group to the dance.
Stacy felt her heart pound in her chest as she grabbed Nick’s hand and entered the large gymnasium where the dance was being held. This was Nick’s school and she didn’t know anyone other than those in her group, causing her to be slightly nervous.

Her own school didn’t allow grinding due to it being the “Devil’s Dance” according to the nuns. She was ready for all sorts of crazy dancing tonight. At heart, she wasn’t completely sure if she should get Nick too excited because she wasn’t necessarily ready to have sex with him again. She felt if she gave him sex, she would lose a sort of artificial power that she held over him. If she held strong and made him wait, perhaps she would mean more to him.

Nick led her to the middle of the dance floor, trying to find a small section for the entire group to dance. Stacy noticed her friend Mari eyeing Nick as they walked. It was a little more than a casual glance. It was as if she was undressing him with her eyes. Stacy glared at her before darting her eyes elsewhere.

A slow song, Differences by Ginuwine, played over the speakers. She felt Nick’s hands grip her waist and pull her into the slowness of the beat. Before looking into his eyes, she thought she saw Mari’s hand grace Nick’s backside before she placed her hands around Trent’s neck for their dance.

Was Mari trying to steal her man?

Shaking the sudden anger boiling inside of her, Stacy placed her hands around Nick’s neck and stared at him lovingly. She’d really developed an attraction to Nick that she hadn’t felt with any other guy before.

She decided that tonight was the night to let her guard down. She was determined to quit worrying about being super independent and she would allow herself to enjoy his presence. She could still be the strong woman she wanted to be and yet be in love at the same time. As she felt Nick’s loving gaze upon her, her heart melted. Any worries of Mari hitting on Nick at that point were put to rest.
Nick looked down at Stacy as they danced and noticed a worried look in her eyes. He hoped she didn’t notice Mari’s constant stare and her touching his butt when the group made their way to the dance floor earlier.

Why would Mari waste her time flirting with him? Even though he enjoyed the attention, he wanted to keep Stacy happy to increase his odds of having sex at the end of the night. Now that he held Stacy close, his urges were coming on much stronger than they had at the park when he first saw how beautiful Stacy looked that evening.

Nick moved his hands lower on Stacy’s hips towards the curvature of her ass. He noticed a slight smile form on Stacy’s lips as he did this.

“Go on,” she whispered.

Nick got bolder and placed the palms of both hands on her firm ass. There were way too many people around for any teachers chaperoning the dance to scold Nick. Even then, it wasn’t like they would do such a thing anyway. He gave a playful squeeze, making Stacy jump.

The song shifted to a faster paced hip hop song that Nick couldn’t place the name of. He and Stacy broke apart and she turned her back to him to start grinding. Many of the other dancers followed suit.

Nick felt someone’s booty shaking against his own and looked back to see who was intruding on his dance with Stacy. Sure enough, it was Mari again.

“You like that?” Mari asked Nick softly, so Stacy would not hear.

“Why aren’t you dancing with Trent?”

“Trent will have his fun later. Maybe I’d rather dance with you.”

Mari blew Nick a kiss as she started grinding on Trent. Nick was lucky that both Stacy and Trent were completely oblivious to Mari’s actions. Nick moved Stacy further away from Trent and Mari, hoping they could have fun without Mari’s flirtatious nature ruining things.

Nick noticed Mitch and Lucy dancing with each other, but face to face. Such was the awkwardness of their sudden acquaintance.

Even Jake and Julie, who weren’t well acquainted prior to the dance were grinding. Perhaps poor Mitch wasn’t comfortable enough to make too much of a move with Lucy. Still, it looked like they were enjoying themselves in an awkward sort of way.

Lucy whispered something into Mitch’s ear so he could hear her over the loud music and then disappeared toward the refreshments table, leaving Mitch standing awkwardly by himself. Mitch nervously walked over towards Nick and Stacy.

“Hey, have you seen Danny? I heard from someone he might be here with Lizzy. That’s crazy talk, right? I thought he was here with Michelle.”

Oh shit. Mitch already knew that Danny was here with Lizzy. What would Nick tell Mitch – that it was all a part of a plot to deceive him? Of course he wouldn’t. He decided to play cool.

“That does sound crazy. I’m pretty sure I saw him with Michelle earlier. I’m sure they’ll come over here at some point.”

Mitch just shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Nick thought he saw a defeated look on Mitch’s face similar to the one he displayed a few weeks ago. He hoped he didn’t take it too hard when he eventually saw that Danny and Lizzy were indeed together at the dance.

Feeling Stacy’s ass grinding against his cock had Nick’s mind back to more important matters. He wanted to make sure she felt how hard she made him. He wanted her to beg for his cock when they were alone later that night. As long as Mari’s flirting and his own thoughts didn’t interfere, he was confident he would get his way.
Danny’s dick ached in his pants from grinding with Lizzy on the dance floor. Her ass felt amazing against his hard cock. He wanted to unzip the back of her gold dress and ravish her right there on the dance floor.

While he fortunately hadn’t run into Mitch yet, he knew it was only a matter of time before his friend found out that he was at the dance with Lizzy. He broke away from Lizzy for a moment, promising to fetch some water for the both of them from the back table.

As he worked his way through the crowd of dancers to the refreshment table, Danny spotted Trent and Jake huddled against the folded up bleachers, talking in hushed voices.

“Hey, what’s up, Danny?” Jake asked.

“Just having a good time,” Danny said.

“Yeah, I can tell,” Trent said. “But you’re doing it with Lizzy and not Michelle. Mitch is gonna be so pissed.”

“Yeah I know but I can’t help it. I just feel really connected with Lizzy.”

“Are you in love?” Jake asked jokingly.

“Maybe I am,” Danny joked back. “What are you talking about so secretively over here?”

“We’re waiting for the bathroom to free up,” Trent said. “Mari wants to fuck in the bathroom. Jake’s date is up for it too. You wanna join?”

Danny thought about the prospect of having sex in front of his friends. He’d already done so with Nick, so why not do it with his other buddies? Of course, they’d all likely get in a stall to be with their girls alone, but it was an interesting prospect nonetheless.

Given the state of his still hard penis, he didn’t give any thought to turning down the invitation.

“Yeah, why not, dude. I’ll go get Lizzy.”

“Fuck yeah,” Trent said. “We’ll get our dates and meet you back here.”

Danny stopped at the refreshment table to grab water for him and Lizzy, as he had promised. By the time he forced his way through the crowd to find Lizzy again, he couldn’t help but be amazed by her radiant beauty.

Her gold glitter dress sparkled like diamonds amidst a sea of darkness. In that instant, Danny didn’t think of her as another sexual object to be lusted over but instead he thought of her as someone so beautiful and so loving that he didn’t want to go back to any other moment of pain in his life.

“Thanks for the water,” Lizzy said as she took the plastic cup from Danny and took a drink. “What were you talking about with Jake and Trent over there?”

Danny laughed. “They just want to have some fun with their dates in the bathroom.”

“Oh really? What do you think about that?” Lizzy asked.

Danny made his way close to Lizzy and pressed the front of his body against hers before whispering in her ear.

“Feel me, baby. I need it.”

He felt Lizzy’s petite hand graze the front of his white slacks. She began to massage his impressive length back and forth, paying special attention to his head, which had made its way out of his underwear down the middle of his right thigh.

“Feeling horny, huh?” Lizzy teased. “Well I’m game. Let’s go.”

Danny grabbed Lizzy’s hand as she led the way through the crowd of dancing couples. Danny noticed the gazes of the other male students towards Lizzy. He couldn’t blame them. She looked absolutely stunning tonight.

Finally, Lizzy and Danny made their way to the end of the folded up bleachers, just next to the restrooms. Jake and Julie were standing outside.

“Glad you decided to join us,” Jake said, clearly motioning towards Lizzy. “Trent’s trying to kick people out so we can have it all to ourselves.”

“Won’t people come barging down the door if they have to go to the bathroom?” Julie asked.

“We took care of that,” Jake said. “Trent brought an out of order sign with him.”

“So this isn’t spontaneous?” Lizzy asked. “You guys just planned this ahead of time?”

Jake chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Whatever, it’s still hot,” Lizzy said. “I’m quite horny as is Mr. Morgan here.”

Lizzy began jacking Danny’s penis through his slacks right in front of Jake and Julie.

“Damn, you’re ready to go,” Jake teased. “Rub me, Julie.”

“Um, no way. Not out here.”

Trent emerged from the men’s bathroom and Mari emerged simultaneously from the women’s.

“Men’s bathroom is clear,” Trent said. “Let’s do this!”

Mari rushed into the men’s bathroom past Trent and the others. The rest of the group hurriedly followed. Trent pulled the restroom door to a mostly closed position while taping the “Out of Service” sign to the outside of the door. He then pulled the door shut and locked it from the inside.

The teens looked around at each other in various states of excitement. Danny was still hard from the teasing by Lizzy and he noticed Jake and Trent both had bulges forming in their tight slacks with Jake’s size seemingly rivaling his own. He knew Lizzy was horny based on the attention she was giving him earlier but he noticed that both Julie and Mari looked slightly nervous.

“So are we gonna get this fuck show started or what?” Trent asked. “I’ve got plenty of condoms.”

“Not out here, you retard,” Jake said, taking a condom from Trent’s hand. “C’mon baby, let’s have a little privacy.”

Jake took Julie’s hand and led her to the middle bathroom stall. When Lizzy grabbed Danny’s hand to follow suit towards the larger handicapped stall, Trent was visibly disappointed.

“C’mon, no one wants to have a public orgy?”

“No, Trent. You’ll just have to visualize us fucking when you whack it,” Danny said before closing his stall door.

Upon entering the stall, Danny didn’t care what either of his friends were doing, though he was sure he would hear everything that went on. He already heard Jake slurping at Julie’s pussy in the stall next door, with Julie moaning in appreciation at Jake’s attempt at cunnilingus.

“Well it sounds like they’re having fun,” Lizzy said before kissing Danny. Her tongue swirled around seductively in his mouth as the two teens tasted each other.

Danny inserted his tongue inside of Lizzy’s mouth, akin to Jake’s tongue swirling inside of Julie’s vagina in the next stall.

Another moan of ecstasy rang out as Trent received oral pleasure from Mari. While Danny wasn’t certain his friend was receiving a blowjob, hearing Trent say “keep sucking that dick” confirmed his suspicions.

“Let me hear you moan,” Danny said, taking his tongue out of Lizzy’s mouth. He grabbed her boobs through her dress before unzipping it. Tugging down the straps with his rough hands, Danny slid it down as fast as he could, revealing her gorgeous D breasts.

Before he could even think of ripping her dress down to look at her panties, Danny’s mouth gravitated towards Lizzy’s right breast where he nuzzled on it like a hungry infant. Moving his mouth to her left breast, Danny continued to suck on Lizzy’s sensitive nipples, eliciting a loud moan from her.

“Ha ha, damn, Danny,” Trent said from the far stall.

As Danny busied himself with Lizzy’s breasts, Lizzy unzipped his white dress slacks and stroked his elongated shaft through his red trunk underwear. Danny let out a soft moan of his own before placing his mouth back on Lizzy’s tits, this time sucking and licking both breasts simultaneously.

The next interesting sound he heard from a neighboring stall was the ripping of a condom wrapper. Danny saw the wrapper fall on the floor next to him, signaling that it was Jake who was about to have sex.

“You want me to put this in your pussy?” Jake asked Julie, obviously referring to his penis.

“Yes, please,” she moaned softly.

A loud moan emanated from both Julie and Jake as he entered her pussy. The sound of the toilet seat sliding back and forth signaled a quite intense thrusting was occurring.

“You like hearing other people get off, don’t you?” Danny asked Lizzy, noticing that her eyes were on the floor next to her.

“Yeah, it’s pretty hot,” Lizzy said. “Lean back against the wall over there. I want to suck your cock.”

Being in a handicapped stall had its advantages when it came to more room for sex. As there were no stalls to the right, Danny leaned against the white brick wall and slid his pants and underwear around his ankles. Lizzy slid her dress off and neatly folded it before hanging it on the coat hanger attached to the stall door.

Completely naked except for her lacy black thong, Lizzy got on her knees to suck on Danny’s large knob. He couldn’t help but groan upon feeling her moist lips surround his sensitive prick.

“Ah, fuck,” Danny moaned as Lizzy began her oral assault on his cock.

In addition to the loud thrusting and moaning from Jake and Julie in the next stall, he heard Trent open and unroll a condom on his penis as he and Mari began to fuck.

“Oye, papi. Give it to me,” Mari said.

The three couples were in complete ecstasy as they satisfied their sexual urges in a public place. Danny felt exhilaration flow through his body as he continued receiving an amazing blowjob from Lizzy. He took a newfound sense of pleasure in the act of public sex.
A loud pounding on the bathroom door startled Danny and Lizzy. Danny heard a loud gasp from Mari a few stalls over as well.

“Open the fucking door man. I’ve gotta piss,” a male student yelled.

“Hmm, I better get the janitor on this. We can’t have the only men’s restroom out of order.”

The second voice was that of Principal Marks. It looked like they would all have to escalate the sex quickly in order to get off before the bathroom was unlocked.

“I think we need to speed this up,” Lizzy said as she tugged on Danny’s cock with her hand.

“Yeah, but I really want to taste your pussy first,” Danny said.

“You’re such a gentleman,” Lizzy said. “Don’t worry, babe, I’m so wet right now that you’ll just slide right in me. Besides I wanna walk around on the dance floor with your cum inside my pussy.”

If it was even possible, Danny’s dick got harder just from hearing those words. Lizzy quickly got up from the floor and turned around, her rear facing Danny. Sliding her panties down, he could feel how wet they were.

“Damn, babe, you’re so fucking wet.”

Danny admired the view of Lizzy’s bare ass in front of him. He cupped her right butt cheek in his hand and gave it a good squeeze while he teased his cock against her pussy lips with his left hand.

“Babe I can’t wait any more. Just put it in me.”

Danny was more than happy to oblige. Without warning, he thrust his entire nine inch length inside of Lizzy.

“Ahhh, fuck me!”

“You like that?”

“Oh yessss,” Lizzy shouted.

“Damn, Lizzy, keep it down, chica. They’re coming in here,” Mari said.

“Oh fuck ‘em, let ‘em hear me, I don’t care,” Lizzy replied.

Danny took the opportunity to smack Lizzy’s ass loudly to keep her turned on.

“Ooo, smack it again.”


“Smack me harder.”


Danny placed both of his hands around her hips as he thrust harder in Lizzy’s pussy. Her vagina was so wet that he felt like he could slip out of her at any minute. But did it ever feel good. Maybe it was the fact that Lizzy was so horny and into the sex, willing to get caught if it meant a more sensual experience for the two of them.

Or maybe it was the fact that she indicated to Danny throughout the evening that she would be willing to be a one-man woman again and he had won her love. Either way, Danny couldn’t dream of a hotter scenario than the sex they were having right now.

“You feeling good, baby?” Danny asked as he slid his man meat in and out of Lizzy’s love tunnel.

“Yeah, I feel great.”

Pants, moans, and sighs could be heard from each stall as the couples continued their sex. Mari kept cursing in Spanish as Trent fucked her. Julie let out soft whimpers as Jake kept pounding her pussy in the stall next door. Lizzy was like a sow in heat as she voiced the loudest moans of all each time Danny filled her up with his cock.

Danny loved the sight of Lizzy’s pussy around his gargantuan cock while fucking her doggy-style but he really wanted to try something different. He wanted to show off his dominance and competence as a strong sexual man. He was going to pick Lizzy up and fuck her in mid-air.

“Turn around,” he said to her.

Lizzy turned around carefully, stepping completely out of her panties as she did so. She hung them from the same hook her dress was hanging from and wiggled her ass for Danny as she did so. Danny slid his white dress slacks and underwear completely off, not caring if they got dirty on the floor.

“Let me hold you in mid-air while you ride this big dick,” Danny said.

“Ooo sexy, I like it,” Lizzy said.

“Damn, chica, you gettin’ crazy over there,” Mari said. “Baby, why don’t you pick me up?”

She must have been speaking to Trent. While Lizzy climbed on top of Danny and nearly caused him to fall backwards in pleasure from how tight and wet she felt in that position, he heard Trent nearly stumble as he attempted the same position in the much smaller confines of the first stall.

Danny also heard Jake and Julie change positions and now Jake was sitting on the toilet with Julie riding his cock from above.

But now was not the time to focus on his friends’ pleasure. He was going to focus on the pleasure that he and Lizzy were feeling as they continued their intercourse.

Lizzy had her arms wrapped tightly around Danny’s neck and he had his hands firmly around her waist as she rode his cock in mid-air. The sensation was new to them both and the authority Danny felt over Lizzy urged him to fuck her harder than he had ever fucked her before.

“Baby, your pussy feels amazing,” Danny whispered to her.

“Your cock is stretching me so much,” Lizzy moaned.

“You love it, though, don’t you? You love my big cock. Tell me how big it is.”

“Oh my god your cock is so fucking big,” Lizzy moaned loudly, as if to notify Jake and Trent how tiny their cocks were in comparison. “I love it!”

Lizzy’s ass slapped louder and louder against Danny’s muscular thighs as the teens kept fucking. While everyone had been going at it for at least ten minutes, no one had cum as of yet. Danny felt that was about to change as the overall kinkiness of the situation had him on the verge of blowing his load.

Still, he held back as he lifted Lizzy higher and higher on his cock, hoping that she would cum first. Bracing her back with his left forearm, he moved his right hand to her clitoris to further stimulate her and hopefully bring her to the brink of an orgasm.

“Yeah that’s good,” Lizzy moaned. “You’re gonna make me cum baby.”

“Oye, chica, go ahead and cum,” Mari said.

Danny thought Mari and Trent made a perfect match as they had both made annoying commentary at various times throughout the experience.

“Ohhh fuccccck I’m cummmmiiinnnnggg,” Lizzy moaned as her juices leaked out on to Danny’s cock.

The contraction of her hot vagina around his penis had Danny’s head spinning. Without warning, he began shooting his hot thick semen inside of Lizzy.

“Uggh fuck,” Danny moaned as he kept shooting.

Before the last shot was fired, the bathroom door forcefully pried open and a few boys desperate to use the bathroom trickled in.

Danny could hear the silence and shock from his friends as they paused mid-fuck to hide what they were doing in the bathroom. Danny continued to hold Lizzy in the air, even as his strength diminished from the aftershock of his explosive orgasm. He heard Jake whisper to Julie to place her feet on his thighs so it looked like only one person was in his stall. He had no idea what was going on in Trent and Mari’s stall.
“Shit, we better get out of here,” Lizzy whispered to Danny.

“Yeah. We’ll have to sneak out when no one’s looking.”
Mitch felt his stomach lurch and knew he would be sick at any moment. Rather than puke in front of the entire contingent of students at the dance in a nearby garbage can, Mitch headed to the bathroom. Surely there would be other people in there that heard him but at least he wouldn’t throw up in front Lucy or any other girl.

Mitch stumbled towards the bathroom door and somehow managed to open it in his moment of weakness. Other than a lone boy at the urinal, there didn’t appear to be anyone else in the bathroom.

Mitch walked towards the stalls at the far end of the bathroom. He had misjudged whether anyone else was using the restroom. As he came to the first stall, he saw the door was partially open. He saw a boy’s bare ass thrusting inside of a girl bent over the toilet seat with her hands against the wall.

Startled, the boy turned around to face Mitch. Both the boy and Mitch jumped back in shock. It was Trent.

“Dude, I’m tryin’ to fuck,” Trent said, condom-covered penis hanging in the air. Trent slammed the stall door and locked it before resuming sex with Mari.

Hoping for more luck at the other stall, Mitch opened the door only to see his friend Jake with his pants around his ankles and his hard cock inside of Julie.

“Sorry dude. I’m taking this girl to pound town,” Jake said before kicking the stall door closed.

There was only one more stall left and Mitch really hoped it was unoccupied because he really needed to hurl. The combination of something he ate disagreeing with him and the possibility of Lizzy being Danny’s secret homecoming date had him feeling sicker than he ever felt at any other point in his life.

Fortunately, this stall was empty. Before he even bothered closing the door, he collapsed on his knees in front of the toilet, not caring if his white suit pants were covered in piss, and started blowing chunks.

“Oh yuck,” Mari said from the other stall.

“Shhh. We don’t want people to think there are girls in here,” Jake said.

Mitch could care less what his friend thought. Here they were having a grand ole time at the dance while he was still feeling heartsick over Lizzy. Danny had been right, she was moving on, but it still hurt that she was doing so with one of his good friends.

Mitch eventually finished puking and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe off any remaining liquid from his mouth. Despite his feelings, he laughed to himself inside. His puking likely killed the mood of the sex his friends were having and at least he hadn’t caught Danny and Lizzy in the act if they were even at the dance together.

Looking back on everything he had been through the last few weeks, Mitch realized things weren’t actually that bad. Yes, his hot girlfriend of over three years broke up with him. He realized he may never date someone as hot as Lizzy again. But he still had a very attractive date waiting for him on the dance floor in Lucy. The conversation at dinner and even the initial dancing was slightly awkward for him. But a lot of that was because he imagined that he was still with Lizzy instead of her.

His old relationship with Lizzy was great but it was as if the urge to vomit not only resulted in sickness leaving his body but his desire for Lizzy escaping along with it.

Mitch reached up to flush the toilet and then sprung to his feet. He had a pretty lady waiting for him on the dance floor.

The night had eased into a gentle rhythm of grinding and slow dancing for Nick and Stacy. For a while, it was just the two of them in their own little world as Trent, Jake, Mitch and their dates all ran off somewhere else. This suited Nick just fine as there would be no way for Mari to flirt with him if she wasn’t around.

“I’m really having a good time,” Stacy said, looking up at Nick after another close dance.

“Me too. Have I told you how beautiful you look yet?”

“Yes. Only a few hundred times.”

Nick laughed. It was true. She really looked stunning. She was easily the best looking girl there. Despite all of his urges to have sex, they were all directed at one person, Stacy.

“What do you say we go somewhere a little more quiet?” Nick asked. “Don’t worry, I won’t rape you. I promise.”

Stacy raised her brow.

“I see what you have in mind, mister. It’s a good thing I’m feeling pretty hot tonight. Maybe I’ll just let you have a piece.”

Before Nick’s mouth could drool further, Danny and Lizzy appeared next to the couple.

“Wow, you sure rock that dress,” Lizzy said.

Stacy looked down as if she was wearing nothing more than some skimpy rags.

“Oh this thing? I’m Stacy by the way.” She extended her hand.


Silence followed as both couples looked at each other, perhaps everyone hoped to avoid the awkwardness of the situation.

“So are you enjoying yourselves?” Stacy asked.

“Yeah, we’re having a great time,” Lizzy said.

“How was La Cocina?” Danny asked.

“Man, you missed out. It was quite the place. Some of the best Mexican food I’ve ever had,” Nick said.

While the group continued their conversation, Nick thought he saw Mitch and Lucy walking towards them out of the corner of his eye.

“Crap, Mitch is coming,” Nick whispered to the group. “Does he know about you two yet?”

“I bet he’s figured it out by now,” Danny said.

“Hey guys,” Mitch said, his arm draped around Lucy. “How’s it going?”

Danny and Lizzy looked at each other nervously, unsure of what to say. Nick saved them.

“Pretty good. Are you having fun?”

“Yeah, I think we’re having a good time,” Mitch said while staring at Lizzy.

Nick noticed Lizzy kept staring at Mitch he talked. Similarly, Lucy and Danny were also staring at each other.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here with someone, Mitch. You deserve a nice girl like Lucy,” Lizzy said.

“Thanks, Liz. I’m glad that Danny is with you and not some dumb jock,” Mitch said.

Eventually the teens started to dance again as the pace of the music picked up. Nick pulled Stacy away hoping to get more intimate with her on the dance floor.

“I thought Mitch handled that pretty well,” Stacy said. “You’ve told me how hard the breakup has been for him.”

“Yeah I’m pretty surprised actually,” Nick said. “Maybe he finally realized there’s plenty of fish in the sea.”

Stacy grabbed the base of Nick’s tie and pulled it closer towards her, dragging Nick along for the ride.

“Well there’s only one fish in my sea right now.”

“And who would that be?”

Stacy got on her tip toes and puckered her lips to kiss Nick. Even with high heels on, Stacy couldn’t quite reach Nick without him bending down towards her.

Her scent was heavenly as their lips touched. Instead of wearing strawberry flavored chapstick, a peach flavor coated Stacy’s soft lips. Her perfume was lightly sprayed on her neck and Nick could enjoy her aroma without it being too strong.

Nick pulled away from Stacy, thinking they would just share an innocent kiss before going back to dancing. Without warning, Stacy’s mouth returned to his and Nick felt her tongue snake its way into his mouth.

After a few seconds, it was Stacy’s turn to pull away.

“C’mon. I think you’ve been a good boy these last few weeks. Let’s see if you can claim your prize,” Stacy said.

“Are you the carnival lady now?”

“I’m much cuter than the carnival lady. Let’s go.”

Nick felt his heart race. He hadn’t been this nervous heading into a sexual situation since the night he lost his virginity to Lizzy. This must mean he was going to have sex with Stacy tonight. His cock hardened at the thought.

Nick walked out of the gymnasium, not looking back to see who was watching, and followed Stacy into the warm night air. Nick had been careful to rent a nearby hotel room just in case Stacy was willing to fool around with him and the careful preparation appeared to pay off.

Nick conveniently left his car in the parking lot after coming in to shoot some hoops earlier to prepare for basketball season. With the limo dropping them off, he only had to worry about transportation to the hotel.

“Where to, stud?” Stacy asked.

“Promise you won’t be mad?”

“Mad at you? Of course not. Unless you were reciprocating with Mari’s flirting earlier tonight.”

“Yeah I have no idea what that was about. Don’t worry, babe, you’re the only fish in my sea too.”

“How sweet. Where are we going?”

“Like I said, don’t get mad at me because I parked my car here this afternoon. I had to get some shots up for basketball season.”

“I had no idea you were a basketball player.”

“Yep I sure am. I’m just saving all of the mysteries for later.”

They arrived at Nick’s car and he unlocked the doors.

“So what other mysteries do you have?”

Nick climbed in the car and closed the door and tried on his best Austin Powers impersonation.

“You’ll just have to find out, baby.”

Stacy laughed hysterically as Nick started the engine. He wondered if his accent was actually goo or if Stacy just had a cheap laugh at his portrayal.

“That was groovy,” Stacy said. “Let’s see what grooves you have later. I’m guessing you already got a hotel room.”

Nick sighed. He couldn’t hide his constant horniness from her after all.

“If you’re mad about that, I can just turn this car around.”

“Oh please, don’t do that.”

The drive to the motel was long and agonizing for Nick even though the hotel was less than 10 blocks away. At each stop sign and red light, Stacy would steal kisses from Nick and occasionally jack his hard cock through the fabric of his black slacks. Nick in turn fondled Stacy’s breasts through her dress.

At long last, they parked the car. The hotel check in process was a breeze and the couple found themselves racing to their hotel room for what Nick hoped would be a long evening of lovemaking in bed. He wanted this time to be different from all the others which had come about due to pure lust and desire.

This time, he wanted to have sex out of the love he felt for Stacy instead of these ridiculous urges.

“This room isn’t too shabby,” Stacy said upon entry. “Not quite up to my 5-star standards but I guess it will have to do.”

“Shut up and take your dress off,” Nick said in a teasing way.

“Maybe you should take your pants off first,” Stacy said.

“Alright I will.”

Nick unbuckled his belt and followed by unbuttoning and unfastening his pants, allowing them to slide to the floor. Usually a boxers guy, Nick’s penis was visibly outlined in his blue and orange striped boxer briefs.

“Hmm, very sexy. Turn around, let’s see your butt.”

Nick followed Stacy’s instructions and lifted the tail of his dress shirt so Stacy could admire his ass through his underwear. Nick pulled them down slightly to tease her, causing laughter.

“I think I can out do you, mister,” Stacy said.

Nick turned around to watch Stacy expertly unzip the back of her dress without any assistance. She then let her dress fall down her body and to the floor. It was such a pretty dress, Nick didn’t want it to get dirty. Then again, she looked even more gorgeous standing in her matching pink set of bra and panties. She completed the sexy look but taking the pins and clips holding up her hair and letting it fall neatly down her neck to lightly brush her shoulders.

“Wow. You really can out do me. You’re fucking sexy,” Nick said.

“Why thank you, sir,” Stacy said as she did a little twirl.

“You gave me so much pleasure the other night that I think I should return the favor,” Nick said, referring to the blowjob at the bowling alley. It was tough for him to eat her out before he’d even been touched; that was how much he was craving sexual release with her. He would find a way to satisfy her needs first.

“You wanna lick my pussy?”

Stacy slowly unclasped her bra and slid her panties down, leaving her stark naked in the room. Nick’s jaw dropped as she seductively made her way to the foot of the bed where she lay on her back for Nick to eat her pussy.
Stacy looked awfully good in that position, truly good enough to eat, in fact. Nick took his shirt and tie off and pulled his underwear to his knees before kneeling on the floor to feast on his girlfriend’s vagina.

Right away, Nick noticed how puffy her moist pussy lips looked. She was clearly aroused and would enjoy this just as much as Nick did. As he reveled in her scent, he began to lick her. Instead of moaning like a porn star like Lizzy did when he ate her pussy, Stacy moaned softly, almost as if she were yawning.

After a few moments of tonguing the inside of her vagina, Nick moved his tongue to her clitoris, eliciting a yelp from Stacy.

“Shh, not so loud. We’ll wake everyone up!”

“I can’t help it, that felt good. Do it again.”

Instead of lightly licking her clit with the tip of his tongue, Nick decided to gently bite it.

“Ahhh,” Stacy moaned.

With more shushing being done on his part, Nick gently nibbled on her clit while inserting his long index and middle fingers of his left hand in Stacy’s vagina. With his right hand, he jerked his penis to himself for her pussy.

Stacy moaned softly and began to thrash on the bed. Nick looked up from his down-under view and saw Stacy’s eyes roll in the back of her head. She looked so sexy playing with her breasts while he ate her. It was an erotic sight.

Nick slowed down on his self pleasuring and focused all his attention on the actions of his mouth on Stacy’s vagina. He wanted to add a third finger inside of her but figured that would be too much and she was way too tight for that at the moment.

Stacy’s thrashing became more intense and Nick could imagine the waves of pleasure cascading up and down her body as she yelled his name.

“Nick, I’m gonna….cum….so….hard,” Stacy panted.

Nick removed his fingers from her love tunnel and immediately brought them to her clit in hopes of helping Stacy get off. He also wanted to taste her juices as she exploded, so he replaced his fingers with his tongue before Stacy could complain.

Stacy gave a few last gasps before shaking uncontrollably as she started cumming on Nick’s tongue. Nick lapped up as much of her juices as he could while fingering her clit to prolong her pleasure. It was the hardest he ever had to work in his limited sexual experience to make a girl cum but it was well worth it.

Stacy lay back on the bed, recovering from her orgasmic high. Nick came up to lie with her, hoping she wasn’t too exhausted to return the favor on him right then. Nick could have easily settled without a blowjob just to be inside of her but slowing down to enjoy each aspect of the sex would be worth it after such a long wait.

“How did that feel, babe?” Nick asked.

Stacy’s chest continued to heave as she looked up at the ceiling. She finally turned her head to the side to look at Nick.

“That was amazing, thank you.”

“No problem. I’m glad I made you cum before I did.”

“Who said you were going to cum?”

“Ha, ha, very funny young lady.”

“Oh alright. If I have to suck your dick, I guess I will. You’re just lucky it’s so juicy.”

Nick laughed.

“Ha, I’ve never heard a dick being referred to as juicy before.”

“Well there’s a first time for everything. Lie down, mister.”

Nick didn’t need to be told twice. He slid his underwear completely off as Stacy held her hair back and prepared to tease Nick’s head with her tongue. She gently eased his foreskin behind the corona of his glans so she could lick his frenulum.

With the movement of her tongue over the most sensitive part of his penis, Nick shuddered. He couldn’t wait until she put his head in her mouth. Instead, Stacy pulled up for some air.

“I love making you squirm like that”

“You couldn’t have had as much fun as I did earlier seeing you thrash on the bed like a patient at an insane asylum.”

Stacy shook her head as if to disagree before swallowing Nick’s cock whole. She was almost able to fit Nick’s entire 7 inches in her mouth.

“Oh wow,” Nick said, impressed with her abilities. “Keep going.”

Nick grabbed the back of Stacy’s head and started guiding it up and down his cock before realizing that he wanted to treat this as more of a loving experience instead of a lust-filled one. He grabbed her hair and gently held it behind her head so it would not get in the way of her bobbing motion on his cock.

The suction and wetness of her mouth felt so amazing that Nick felt like cumming already.

“Fuck, you’re good at this. You’re gonna make me cum.”

“No, you can’t cum yet. I’ve only just started. Do you wanna get inside me first? We have all night.”

As much as he enjoyed oral sex from Stacy, he wanted to fuck her pussy more. He still had that yearning feeling in the pit of his stomach that could only be relieved by being in Stacy’s vagina.

“Yeah I want you to ride me.”

“Ok but first we need to use one of these.” Stacy reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom. How did that get there?

“I know guys don’t like using them and we didn’t our first time but I’d rather be safe than sorry,” Stacy said.

Oh no. The last time Nick wore a condom was when he fucked Cookie the hooker and he felt absolutely nothing that time. That led him to making the costliest mistake of his young life by taking off the condom and ultimately contracting chlamydia.

He didn’t blame Stacy for not taking chances. Reluctantly, Nick grabbed the condom from Stacy, opened the wrapper and began to roll the condom down the length of his penis.

“It’ll still feel good,” Nick said, if only to reassure himself.

Once the condom was on, Stacy straddled Nick’s waist and slowly lowered her womanly flesh over Nick’s cock, engulfing his large shaft in a smooth motion.

“Oh wow,” Stacy said. “I forgot it was that big.”

“You like it?”

“Yeah, it’s ok.”

“Enough teasing, just ride me.”

Stacy bounced on Nick’s cock like he was a trampoline. Apparently, Stacy was in the mood for more hardcore sex than that of the passionate variety. When Nick leaned towards her to kiss her tender lips, she slowed her pace.

Tongues intertwined, Stacy kept riding Nick but in a gentle way. Despite the sex not being rough and the unpleasantness of wearing a condom, Nick felt like he was in heaven and he wanted to keep it going in a different position.

“Let’s do missionary,” Nick said.

Nick quickly re-inserted his penis in Stacy as soon as her back hit the mattress. His thrusts were slow, like a gondola traveling down the Grand Canal in Venice. The couple made out passionately, not allowing their lips to leave each other for a second.

Nick felt like he could be in this moment with Stacy forever, just the two of them. This was the most satisfied he’d felt during sex. It may not have been the single greatest physical sensation but it was more than that. It was Stacy’s sounds, her lovely scents, the gentle heaving of her breasts as he thrust inside of her and the calm but loving face staring back at him that really turned him on.
He finally may have found a new addiction; the love he felt for Stacy in that moment.

Before he could gain control of the situation, Stacy’s vaginal walls tightened around his cock, causing him to cum earlier than he wanted.

“Oh shit,” Nick said.

“It’s ok, cum with me,” Stacy said. “We’ll cum together.”

As Stacy shuddered and let out a few pleasurable moans, Nick gritted his teeth and grunted as he felt his cum rushing through his cock and into the condom. He felt like his cum would puncture a hole in the rubber material given how hard he shot.

Careful to avoid any spillage of semen, Nick pulled out of Stacy, took the condom off and placed back in the empty wrapper as he lay back on the bed, spent. Both Nick and Stacy were catching their breath from their first sex of the evening.

“Sorry, babe. I didn’t think I would cum that fast,” Nick said.

“It’s fine. We have all night.”

Somewhere between pleasurable bliss and his body beckoning him towards sleep, Nick felt Stacy spooning with Nick atop the covers. Still hard, he placed his cock right at her vaginal entrance, seeing if she would be up for another quick round.

Yet, in the peaceful stillness that enveloped him, Nick felt no urges to continue for the evening. Perhaps his battle was finally won. He could sleep with his love in peace, at least for one night.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-30 03:54:27
I really enjoy reading your stories. Great story and its very well written

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-30 03:53:33
Awesome series!! Keep writing!

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