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A one-off this time. Intro is a little long, but what follows is a very long, very hot three-way. Enjoy :)
Chapter 1

I started drinking when I was way too young. By the time I hit the legal drinking age, I had already been to rehab twice. When I got to 21, I was sober if sober is defined as “does not drink alcohol, but in order to not drink alcohol, frequently abuses every manner of illicit substances.” Yeah. I was sober.

Needless to say, I was a black sheep. My family was wealthy and the rehab didn’t put them in some dire financial strain. But my parents always threatened to not give me any support as an adult. At first this scared me, but then I found it to be a blessing. Rich kids who grow up with their trust funds, as fun as that may be, also might miss out on any discipline. It might sound funny to hear about the cultivation of discipline from an addict of every drug you’ve probably every tried, or thought about trying, or would absolutely never try for fear of becoming like me… but I am actually a fairly disciplined individual.

I turned my years of addiction into something a little more than depravity by becoming an artist. I’m not saying being an artist excuses the pursuit of suffering. Don’t just let yourself fuck up because it’ll give you insight. But if you have fucked up, you better get some insight out of it. And with that little bit of internal growth, make something out of it. I became a sculptor, and by the time I was 24 I was making a very good living off of it. I don’t want to brag about my salary. Not that the money mattered that much. I could have afforded the drugs I liked best on way less.

When I was 30, I cleaned up. Thank god. I would be dead if I hadn’t. My girlfriend, Emma, love of my life, told me that if I didn’t get sober then I would only get to date her for another year. Because after that, I’d be in the ground. And she didn’t want to fuck the ground. The theory she was throwing at me wasn’t the convincing part, it was the knife she was brandishing as she told me she was certain I’d be dead in a year. And then the fucking she rewarded my sobriety with.

This woman could make the Pope swear off little boys. If she wasn’t such an intoxicating woman, it would have been much, much harder for me to get off my other drugs. But she took me into our bedroom and told me that we could only fuck on days that I was clean. And if I didn’t fuck her one day, then she would find someone else who would. I had already gotten high that day, and so she said I had already earned a punishment.

She went out and within 45 minutes came back with a man I thought even I couldn’t beat up. I’m not huge, but I’ve been in a lot of violent situations and fancy myself cool under that kind of pressure. Experience alone can sometimes get you through a fight. This guy was way bigger, and way more experienced.

She told him, “Frank, this is Jack. He’s my boyfriend. He’s gonna watch you fuck me.”

Frank looked at me and said, “You cool with this?”

I said, “Not really.”

Frank looked at Emma, who had taken off her shirt and was kneeling in front of Frank’s big black cock. He didn’t need my blessing anymore.

She fished his cock out of his pants and I suddenly got to see what it actually looked when she gave me a blowjob. I don’t watch porn very often, and I don’t see a lot of live blowjobs, so it was actually a sort of shocking experience for me. She wasn’t just inhaling his dick and coming up for air only to drown herself with it again. This woman was an expert. She made his dick feel like it was the king of the world. She opened her mouth, left her lips on the head of his cock for a while, and she came back she her lipstick had left an imprint of what I liked to imagine was crown. Then she expertly wrapped her hands around his shaft and the size of her hands relative to the size of his dick made me feel like I hadn’t even gone through puberty yet.

“I’m gonna cum,” Frank admitted after about 5 minutes. Thank God, I thought.

She didn’t stop, instead she picked up the pace. I could see her teasing him just a little bit with her teeth, until she finally drove him over the edge by taking his whole piece in her mouth, and then extending her tongue to cover his balls. He was engulfed. The look on his face was so happy, it made me ecstatic to know he’d only experience this once, and I could experience it every sober day of my life.

I haven’t done heroin, or any other drug, in five years, starting on that day.

So now I’m 35. I’m well-off, I’m sober, I’ve got a huge back-log of awful and awesome memories, and I’ve got a girlfriend I would kill for. I’m not self-destructive in any drug-related way. But there’s one way in which my mind continues to try and ruin my life.

I cannot stop thinking about sleeping other women. I told you, I’m disciplined, and I never act on these feelings. But “these feelings” are more like “that feeling you have when you wake up and you don’t stop having it until you fall asleep but then you have it some more while you dream about fucking other women.”

I know most men probably do this kind of fantasizing, and you might think you go through this every day just like me, and though it’s a little difficult at times, it’s really not a life-ruiner. You have to understand - I’m an addict by nature. I don’t do drugs anymore, and the beast in me that always wants to turn off my life and get lost in a substance suddenly sees drugs all around me again. Everywhere. I see blonde, busty heroin walking by me every day on the sidewalk. I see slender little needles slinking around on the dance floor. Every kind of woman looks like just the kind of woman I want to scoop into my arms and make track-marks with.

Little women, big beautiful women, older gals and younger girls. Blonds, brunettes, red-heads, white, black, asian, hispanic, whatever girl it is in front of me looks like the one I want to be inside of. I can turn off my feelings for girls under 18 because even my addictive subconsciousness doesn’t want to go to jail. Beyond that, I’m fucked.

I never had sex with anyone outside of my relationship. Until I did. And that’s the story I’m about to tell you. But trust me, it’s not just that I went out one day, succumbed to my desires, and cheated on Emma. Emma, as it turns out, is a monster herself. And thank fucking God.

Chapter 2

Emma comes from a funny family. I mean, no wholesome upbringing could have brought her up. Her hair was always a different color. It’s red right now, but when she was blowing Frank it was blue.


She pulled it off. She has a tattoo on her ass that says “Imagine,” but it isn’t because of the song. It’s because seeing her body makes you drop into a rabbit hole of sinful fantasies, and she loves to make you feel guilty for it.

Her parents only had two kids - Emma, and her younger sister Lydia. Lydia was 15 years younger than Emma, at 18. She turned 18 on the day that this story takes place. I hope that hint doesn’t give things away.

Lydia shares a lot of Emma’s qualities. She’s strong, she’s independent, she’s artistic, she’s cruel a lot, and she’s the sweetest ally you’ll ever have. She’s also a little minx. I wouldn’t call her a slut, because I don’t shame women for liking sex as much men, but I think she has a lot of it. I think this because of the way she looks at me, and because of the way she constantly makes me think that the room she just walked out of is the room she just finished fingering herself in. It’s in the eyes. It’s very hard to be around.

On her 18th birthday Lydia went to a big party in a canyon. The three of us ate dinner without her parents, who were such assholes that they had left town on the day their daughter turned 18. But we were the real family and we had a good time, and then sent her off to have fun. We knew she was going to probably get drunk and do drugs, but it isn’t my place to tell her how to behave. The most I could do was tell her my truth, how it would have killed me if it hadn’t been for Emma, and then let her make her own decisions. I hoped that would make her wise enough to not make too many mistakes.

It didn’t. At least on that night. She’d only been gone maybe an hour when I got a call on my cell phone. It was from Lydia. She and I are close, but she would never call me instead of Emma. I showed the call to Emma and she told me to answer it.


“Jack? Jack, I need you to come and help me.” She sounded scared.

“Lydia, what’s wrong?”

“I did something and I think it’s really fucking me up. They told me it was molly but I heard that molly just makes you feel happy and want to party more. I’m getting stressed out and… my mind is getting filled with awful things. I don’t know how well I can control myself. I need you to help me.”

I told her not to worry and that I would be right there. She gave me directions and I hung up. 

“What is it?” Emma asked.

I told her, “I need to go get Lydia. She’s having a bad trip. She must have called me because I’ve obviously been there a few times.”

I got in my truck and Emma jumped in the passenger seat. She didn’t have much experience with drugs, but I suspected she was coming along mostly to find the guys that gave Lydia drugs and flay their dicks.

Or, knowing Emma, maybe she would blow them just so that every blowjob they got for the rest of their lives would pale in comparison. That’s the kind of sadistic shit this woman was capable of.

We got to the canyon and there was a big fire pit and a bunch of 20-somethings drinking PBR and spilling it on their flannels.

“Jack!” I heard Lydia calling my name. She was sitting on a stump away from the group. She was wearing next to nothing, first of all, so she was not only mentally uncomfortable. She must have been freezing.

Emma said, “Lydia, why weren’t you by the fire? You don’t want to die of pneumonia!”

I cautioned Emma, “Don’t put any ideas in her head that could make her paranoid. Just be nice and we’ll get her out of here.”

Lydia said, “I wanted to be over there, but the guys were all looking at me and I got scared of them. I’m not all there right now, you guys. I don’t know what’s happening in my mind. It’s hard to figure things out.”

I put my arms around her for a second to warm her up. Her little tank top did nothing for her arms or her stomach. I crossed my arms around her shoulders to her waist. I did my damnedest to not feel turned on by this contact. If I started thinking that way now, what kind of sick fuck was I? Is there a rehab for simply having fantasies about women? What about women in an awful bad trip who are asking me for help?

Well, I didn’t get a boner, which makes me a hero. All I wanted was to take care of this girl and help her through a horrible experience I knew all too well.

I got her into the truck and drove her back to her house. We offered to take her back to ours, but she said she really needed to be in her own bed. I got that. I was happy now that her parents were so neglectful and had gone out of town on the day of their daughter's 18th. If they were in the house, it could make Lydia very paranoid to have to talk to them.

We got her into her room and she was quietly crying. She told me she was sad, and she was seeing that emotion played out before her eyes. The whole world looked sad to her. Every experience is different, so I can’t say that I knew exactly what she was going through, but I have also been in a similar place over a dozen times, and it took me no effort at all to imagine her situation.

It can be very hard for someone to relate to this kind of experience if it hasn’t ever happened to you, and so I was very grateful for my awful decisions in this moment. Psychedelic trips can be isolating experiences if you don’t have the proper companionship. Now I got to be that for Lydia.

The first thing I needed to do was ground her in her body. If she escaped into the vortex of her mind, she could fall into a nightmare. She needed to realize she was in her own bedroom, safe and sound, surrounded by the two people that loved her the most in this world. I sat up in her bed, and I leaned her back against my chest as she sat between my legs. Kind of the way two lovers would watch a movie together. But this wasn’t sexual. It was the position in which I could give her the most support.

Emma sat next to us and watched as I put my hands on Lydia’s shoulders and started rubbing them down her arms. This wasn’t in a sensual way, it was sort of stiff. I wasn’t trying to be sensual, I was trying to bring her back. It was comforting.

“Lydia, can you hear me?”

She whimpered an assent. I kept grounding in her body with my hands on her arms while I spoke to her. “Lydia, I’m right here for you and so is your sister. We love you. You’re safe.”

She started to moan and at first it sounded sorrowful, but it became more and more neutral as I could feel her calming.

“Where is one of the most beautiful places you've ever been to, Lydia?”

It took her a second to respond. To make sure she was still with me, my hands started to make contact with the sides of her body, and her stomach. I did my best to make this as non-sensual as possible, but I had to admit that this gorgeous woman in next to no clothes sitting on me was having an unwanted effect.

“I like the beach,” she offered. I was so grateful to have something else to focus on.

“Lydia, you’re at the beach. Visualize that you’re there. There’s sand beneath your feet and it’s snuggling between your toes.” I saw her smile a little bit. “The sky is blue and purple and pink as the sun is setting behind a soft blanket of clouds. Isn't it beautiful?”

“Beautiful,” she agreed. I was getting worried that she might start to feel my erection on the small of her back. I took my hands off of her totally. I hoped that would help me become less aroused.

She whimpered and grabbed at my hands. She put them back on her stomach. God dammit.

I looked over at Emma for the first time. She was staring at me and she looked… impressed. I guess getting Lydia calmer already was a good sign that I could get her through this. But I was really looking to Emma to see what she thought about my hands. I gave her a questioning look and then indicated to my hands on her sister’s hardly clothed body.

Emma looked at me like I was idiot. Of course you need to keep going, they said.

So I kept smoothing her skin with my palms. This was getting hard, but at least Emma was on my side.

“Can you feel the sun on your face, Lydia? Those rays of light peaking out of the clouds, are they touching you?”


“How does it feel, Lydia?”

“It feels good. It feels so good.” At this point her hands started to move. She started to run her ringers over her own chest. Her thighs. She looked like she was getting immense pleasure out of her own physical contact.

“And do you know that you’re totally safe here, Lydia?”

“I couldn’t be safer,” she answered. Her touching was giving herself goosebumps all along her torso. I could see them erupting on her inner thigh beyond her little red skirt.

Her head drifted over to the side and started to rub on my shoulder. Her body was beginning to activate in a new way. I thought maybe she was starting to feel the molly in the way she was supposed to feel it. It’s supposed to just make you happy and intensify the pleasure you get from physical contact.

“Who is in this room with you, Lydia?”

One of her hands came to trail its fingers on her cleavage. “My sister, Emma. My beautiful sister, Emma.”

Emma giggled as she looked on, sitting just a foot away from us. She said, “and who else is with us?”

Lydia’s other hand began to work on her leg. Her inner thigh. “Jack,” Lydia said, smiling. She snuggled her head onto my shoulder.

I was happy she was feeling better, but I didn’t like where this was going. I was now fully erect. This young woman’s body felt amazing to me and I wasn’t even on drugs. And she was becoming… I mean it looked like she was becoming horny. Her sister was right next to me. And she was on drugs, in a bad way. If I got horny from this, I’m a fucking monster.

And I guess I’m a monster. Because my hard-on was now pressing heavily into her back.

She moaned.

I said softly, “I think you feel better now, Lydia. I’m gonna get up.” I started to move but Lydia immediately began to whimper.

“No, no, Jack you can’t leave! I can’t be alone!”

“You won’t be alone. We’ll be right here, but Emma and I will just sit next to you.”

“When you aren’t holding me, I think I might slip off into my head again. I need some way to make sure I stay here in the room.”

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Emma spoke up, “Jack just stay there.” If that wasn’t enough, she nailed me into place with her eyes. Her look was the kind that could give you a sober man a bad trip. Then, to Lydia, she said, “We’re right here you, baby. Anything you need.”

Lydia returned to feeling happy pretty fucking fast. She took me by the wrists and placed my hands on her stomach and again beckoned for them to keep traveling around her body.

“Keep talking to me, Jack.” She started very slightly to grind her whole body around. Every part of her skin was now ultra sensitive, and she was rubbing each inch of herself up against the nearest thing to make contact. That largely meant me. Her back and me. And the top of her ass and my guilty, rock hard dick. God, please get me out of this.

I sighed. Maybe I could help myself out a little bit by taking away the sight of her body. “Emma, could you put that blanket over Lydia so she doesn’t get cold?” Nobody protested, and I was grateful that I could no longer see where her hands were going, unless they were grabbing her breasts. Her perfect breasts that were above the blanket. Her perfect round brea… God dammit, Jack, focus!

“Does that feel nice, Lydia?” She nodded her head and kept rubbing herself on me. I saw one of her hands actually go up and squeeze one of her tits outside of her little tanktop.

“Yes,” she said, elongating the word.

Alright, now Emma had to have an issue with this. I looked to her and I didn’t see concern. She was watching Lydia with fascination. Was it lust?

My hands were still on Lydia’s waist and occasionally I would forget myself. I was so used to her humping her back onto my cock that when she moved away, I would occasionally catch myself pulling her back in. This made her smile.

All hope was lost when her other hand disappeared completely under the blanket, I heard her loudly sigh, and I saw what must have been her hand moving the blanket up and down above her crotch.

She was masturbating while humping her back onto my cock. Her sister was watching and seemingly getting turned on. Was I the only sane person in this house?

“Keep talking to her, Jack,” Emma said in what looked like a trance.

I couldn’t go on with this. I was just about to protest, when it hit me. I was coming up. Everything was beginning to feel good. My body’s senses were becoming heightened even beyond sexual excitement. It felt just like I remember it felt like when I was doing ecstasy or molly.

And then I looked at Emma and her trance now made more sense. She was high.

I was about to blow up at her but I realized that would be the worst thing in the world for Lydia. I grabbed Emma’s arm and brought her within whispering distance. I was right up against her ear so I could try and talk to her without Lydia hearing.

“Are you high? Are you feeling high?”

Emma nodded her head. She didn’t seem worried, she was just saying yes.

“How did this happen?” I was having an extremely difficult time talking to her with Lydia fingering herself and humping her back against my ultra-sensitive cock.

“I don’t know, baby,” and she turned her head to bring her lips next to mine. “But it’s turning me on, baby. I’m so horny.” She started to slowly kiss me.

Total cognitive failure. I realized five years of sobriety were now broken. I didn’t care. I didn’t even care how I got dosed.

The bed I was sitting on suddenly felt softer. Emma’s lips on mine felt like heaven. The young girl in my arms became like a dream. My hands started to rub on her in a very different way. I started to tease my fingers on her skin, lightly brushing up against her and feeling every individual goosebump.

Lydia was fingering herself more intensely now. She didn’t seem aware of the making out happening right behind her head.

“Jack,” she said. This brought me out of my kiss with Emma. “Keep touching me like that.”

I got worried for a moment that Emma hearing about how I was touching her sister underneath the blanket would upset her. Emma indeed became suspicious, and she slowly took the blanket off of Lydia’s body.

Her panties were now lowered on her thighs, and I saw for the first time her fingers massaging her clit. She gasped with pleasure as her body hit the open air.

My hands jumped off of her and landed on the mattress, hoping Emma wouldn’t see. She obviously knew what they had been doing. Emma brought her face down to my left hand, the one nearest her, and she started to kiss the top of it.

Maybe you can imagine that, when on drugs, even this kind of thing feels extraordinary. You wouldn’t expect a kiss on the top of your hand to drive you wild, but this did. The sensation was combined with the relief I felt realizing that this kiss also meant that Emma was giving my hands her blessing.

Then Emma surprised me even more. She raised her head and let her hair fall down below her face. She started to trail that magnificent red hair along her sister’s naked stomach. This must have driven Lydia wild. Her skin was so sensitive, I’m sure she could feel every strand.

I could see Lydia’s nipples protruding strongly out of her shirt. I have no idea how I hadn’t already cum. I took my left hand off the bed and slid it underneath Emma’s shirt, to her back. She needed a little bit of love now.

Every minute, the drugs were kicking up their effects on me and Emma. We were losing the rational parts of our minds as our bodies took over.

I rubbed Emma’s back as she kept sweeping over Lydia’s body with her fallen strands of hair. Lydia kept fingering herself and even though she hadn’t explicitly cum yet, I knew what she had already been feeling this entire time was immensely better than usual masturbation.

Then she killed me. Lydia took the hand she wasn’t using on her pussy to reach behind her and grab my cock outside of my pants. It felt amazing and I didn’t even feel the guilt I should have. Instead, I needed to give Lydia the consent I’m sure she wondered if I would give. I did this by bringing one of my fingers to her mouth. It was asking to be let in.

She opened her lips and sucked my finger into her mouth. I now had one sister’s back in my left hand, and my right hand in the other sister’s mouth. Lydia’s hand was pumping my cock outside of my pants while she fingered herself. Emma looked up from massaging her sister with her hair and saw that I was getting a hand job. I wondered if her face would show any anger.

She didn’t even show surprise. She smiled, and then bent back down. Then everything went up one more level. This I never would have guessed.

She used her hands to lower Lydia’s tank top below her breasts. Her eager nipples now were right out in the open. Emma put them in her mouth.

It took all of my will to not cum. I felt it rising from the center of my being and into my cock, and I used everything I had to suppress it. If I was going to cum, it wasn’t going to be with my pants on. I took my finger out of Lydia’s mouth and told her I needed to move out from under her. At first she got sad and her hand stopped massaging her clit.

She calmed down when I laid her on her back, and took the nipple Emma wasn’t sucking on into my own mouth. Now she was getting the full package. Both her tits were being licked and sucked as she brought herself, finally, to a crashing orgasm. She almost bucked Emma and I off her tits as her chest swelled and her body undulated with the power of the orgasms working its way up her spine and into every crevice of her body. I’ve always been so fascinated with the female orgasm, but I’ve never seen something like this.

When it was over, Lydia opened her eyes and her smile was miles wide. She started to laugh. I smiled despite myself and so did Emma. Everything had gone wrong, but we all were too fucked up to feel anything but joy.

Lydia said, “Now it’s your turn.” I thought she was talking to me, but then I saw her push Emma onto the bed.

I thought for a moment that this must not have been the first time these girls had made out, seeing how passionately they were going at it without any hesitation about kissing their sister. But given everything leading up to it, I didn’t give this much thought. Lydia started to pull off Emma’s shirt, and I went behind Lydia to finally take off her tank top and unclasp her bra. When they were both topless, I decided to take my shirt off as well.

Lydia quickly went down to suck on Emma’s breasts. They were even bigger than Lydia’s. Lydia’s were not small, but Emma’s were in another class. Emma let out a moan and I used this opportunity to come around to her face and start making out with her. I took the breast that wasn’t in Lydia’s mouth into my hand. I got as much of it as I could into my hand and squeezed. I felt Emma’s tongue slide into my mouth and a moan came from her mouth into mine.

We made out for a little while until she pushed me gently away from her. As our mouths parted, she kept her teeth on my bottom lip and escaping the little bite sent pleasure rippling through my face.

I now saw that Lydia had made her way down Emma’s body and had removed her pants. I hadn’t even noticed while I was so caught up with kissing her. Lydia was breathing lightly on her sister’s pussy. This was driving Emma crazy. She was using her own hands to dig her fingernails unto her stomach and lightly claw upwards towards her chest. This kind of light pain can feel amazing on molly.

The anticipation of her sister’s mouth touching her clit was killing her and her whole body was wriggling. In a moment, she wrapped her legs around the back of Lydia’s head and actually pulled her mouth to her waiting pussy. Lydia didn’t mind. I could see her smiling, her mouth pressed up against Emma’s opening.

The noises that came out of Emma’s mouth were so purely made of joy and lust that I can’t say I’ve ever really heard anything like them. Then her eyes came to mine and I knew she wasn’t just going to sit there, get eaten out, and let me watch. She started to undo my jeans.

I had gotten a little time to desensitize, so I wasn’t so close to cumming. I was excited to finally let the little guy out onto the field.

My dick sprang out of my pants and I have never seen it so big. Neither had Emma. The first time she and I had sex, she said it didn’t actually feel good because she had to stretch to let it in. It was only after us fucking daily for about a week that she got used to it. I could see in her face now a mixture of lust and intimidation. She knew this was going to feel like the first time again.

But before she would fuck me, she was going to take it all into her mouth. She grabbed my dick and sank it into her throat. This wasn’t subtle. She was overcome. I showed no restraint. I immediately started to pump it in out of her mouth by my own accord. I wasn’t going furiously. I just wanted to put in the effort for her, so she could enjoy Lydia’s work on her pussy.

I could feel every centimeter of Emma’s tongue, the roof of her mouth, and the beginning of her throat. I wasn’t thrusting all the way in. I didn’t need to yet. I’d save that for sex. This was enough for now. I used my hand to go back to her breast and pinched her nipple. Then my fingers expanded to play with the entire area of her round flesh.

I glanced at Lydia whose eyes were closed. She was entirely taken up with her task of making her sister cum.

I couldn’t hold on anymore. The drugs were in full effect now and my control was completely overridden by lust. I groaned and cum started to force itself into Emma’s mouth and down her throat. She brought one hand to the base of my cock and helped pump it out as much as she could. It felt like I was flooding her mouth with wave after wave and I looked to her lips to see if any of my cum was escaping.

She was expertly swallowing as fast I could shoot. I never saw any of my cum rise out of her mouth. I was in awe of this woman.

The taste of my cum in her mouth and the knowledge that she had brought me to climax so early was enough to trigger her own orgasm. She used one of her hands to reach around to my ass and pull me deeper into her mouth as her own pleasure erupted from her pussy and filled her whole body. She bucked into her sister’s mouth who was now completely trapped between her sister’s legs, lapping up all the juices spewing out of my her pussy.

I took my cock out of her mouth, and now it was time for us to laugh. Lydia rose out of her sister’s legs and looked on bewildered as Emma and I giggled and started to kiss again.

“Hey,” she said as she climbed up her sister’s body to brought her mouth to ours. “Don’t forget me,” and her tongue snaked between our mouths and we all kissed for a while.

When I got out of the kiss, they kept on going. “I could never,” I said. I put my hand on Lydia’s back trailed it down her spine as I walked down to her ass. The two girls kept kissing as I brought my face to Lydia’s pussy that was hovering over her sisters. I put my hands on her ass cheeks and spread them apart as I extended my tongue from her opening all the way to her clitoris.

I let my tongue massage her from behind for a while, and then I detached. I switched to Emma’s pussy, and then back up to Lydia’s. The sisters tasted phenomenally similar. Each time I would leave one for the other, I could sense a feeling of loss in their body’s. I didn’t want either of them to feel ignored.

I pushed Lydia over onto her side, forcing them to stop kissing. Now they were both on their backs beside each other, wondering what I was about to do.

My cock was back to full strength. I didn’t know if it would be okay to fuck Lydia, so I put my left hand on her pussy and started to finger her. I used my other hand to guide my dick to Emma’s sopping clit. I rubbed the length of the vein of my cock up and down her inflamed clit to build the tension before I fucked her. Both girls were chewing on their own bottom lips, loving what I was doing and waiting for me to make my real move.

But they also couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They started kissing again. They rubbed each other’s tits and sighed together.

I needed to be inside of Emma. I brought my cock to her opening and was excited to see how my new girth would fit in. I knew I needed to go slow. I pushed just half of my head in at first. Then the next. This kind of slowness took enormous concentration, and it got hard to focus on my other hand stimulating Lydia between her legs.

I heard Emma moan into Lydia’s mouth. Lydia saw what was happening and pulled out of the kiss. She switched positions to bring her face to see my cock entering her sister. She looked at it with fascination, and then came to look into my eyes.

She decided to straddle Emma at the waist and rise to meet my face. Our eyes were inches away from each other, and she reached down to feel my cock as it entered Emma’s pussy. She watched me and helped guide me, centimeter by centimeter, into the love of my life. She smiled a little, and I could tell she was asking me whether or not she was ever going to get the cock inside of her.

Despite my better wisdom, I let myself nod my head a little bit. With that, she moved her lips to mine. They weren’t kissing at first. Just two sets of lips touching each other with the heightened senses brought on the by the molly. Even this aimless contact felt great and extraordinarily intimate.

At the same time as I finally let my entire dick sink into Emma, Lydia and I started to kiss for real. Lydia’s tongue was penetrating my mouth as I was penetrating her sister. My hands were all over Lydia, from her tits to her back and her ass. I knew I badly wanted to fuck Lydia, but I still wasn’t sure if Emma would be okay with it. She was okay with a lot, but actual sex might be different for her.

Despite that, I had my cock inside of Emma, but all I could see was Lydia. I was kissing Lydia, and it felt exactly like I was fucking her. I let myself imagine that my dick was inside of her tight little pussy instead of her sisters. I felt my cock throb, and Emma responded with a moan.

Suddenly I felt Lydia being pulled away from me. Emma was pulling Lydia by the hips towards her. She wasn’t doing it to stop us from kissing. She was bringing Emma’s pussy to sit on her face. I now got to see these two gorgeous women from yet another perspective. Lydia’s smaller, tighter body sitting upright on Emma’s more voluptuous figure. I didn’t know who I wanted to focus on more. Who did I touch? Whose nipples did I suck?

These were the kinds of problems I was having now. Not bad problems to have.

Before I could decide who to put my hands on, Lydia bent forward. Her pussy was still on Emma’s mouth, but now her face was once again right over my cock. Her little mouth was open in awe as she saw me thrusting in and out of her sister. I put my hands on her cheeks, holding her face as I fucked Emma. My thumb traced her open lips and I got a new idea for that open mouth.

I brought my dick out of Emma and touched the head of it to Lydia’s lips. She took the hint. Immediately she started to sink her mouth around my cock head. It felt so taboo to let Emma’s younger sister actually give me a blowjob, and the naughtiness of it took me to another level.

I didn’t stay too long. I came out of her and once again plunged right into Emma. I pumped for a few seconds down there, and then I’d come back and return to Lydia’s mouth.

Emma’s pussy was hot and wet, while Lydia’s mouth was a little cooler, and smaller. The contrast was thrilling. I thought I might be close to cumming again, and again I was faced with the world’s biggest problem - which one do I cum inside of.

My conscience was overridden and I decided to go for Lydia. I sank deeper into her mouth before, and she could feel my cock getting bigger as it prepared to release.

She sensed it. She came up and pushed me out of her mouth. “No way. You’re not cumming yet,” she said, and got off of Emma’s mouth. “You’re fucking me with that thing.”

“Lydia,” I said, exhausted and horny, “I can’t fuck you.”

Emma started to laugh. “Why not?” she asked.

I was shocked. “You want me to?”

She got up and brought her lips to my ear. “Here,” she said into my ear, “I’ll help you.” Lydia spread herself in front of me, and Emma grabbed my dick and guided it to Lydia’s entrance.

“I love you,” I said to Emma as my cock-head made contact with Lydia’s pussy.

“I love you too,” as she pushed me in.

“Ohhhh fuck,” Lydia said as she let in a dick way bigger than she’s ever had before.

“I know it’s big,” Emma said. She went down to Lydia and fondled her tits. “It will feel so good in just a little bit.”

Lydia was definitely not a virgin, but I know this was a new experience for her. I went very slowly, and soon she seemed to be feeling more pleasure than pain.

I, on the other hand, was dying. This girl felt amazing. Her sister was whispering to her and fondling her perfect, young tits right in front of me. I wanted to know what she was saying to her little sister as she took my big cock into her. Lydia would close her eyes and focus on the sensation, and then turn her big eyes to her sister’s to listen. They would dart from Emma’s eyes to her mouth, as she considered kissing her again. Emma put her mouth on Lydia’s breasts to give her yet another thing to focus on.

Lydia’s face started to contort in that way that makes pleasure look like pain. Maybe she was feeling both. I knew it couldn’t be bad, because she started to buck against my cock as furiously as I’ve ever felt. She wrapped her legs around me, and she massaged the inside of her pussy up against my cock. I didn’t have to do anything. I was in heaven.

“I’m gonna cum, Lydia.”

“Me too…” she said. “Just a little longer.” Emma increased the pressure on Lydia’s nipple and used her other hand to fondle Lydia’s other breast. Lydia’s mouth opened and she let out a silent scream.

“I’m cumming,” I said, out of control.

“Cum inside me, Jack!” She kept moving her pussy wilding around my cock. “Give it all to me!”

I released everything I had into her. As soon as the cum actually started to shoot, her eyes opened widely and I knew she was cumming too.

I collapsed on top of her. Still inside of her, but my erection fading, Lydia and Emma and I all had our faces together. I would have loved to make out with both of them at this moment, but suddenly my senses were returning to me.

I pulled out of Lydia and asked the question I had been wanting to ask all night. “How did we get high?”

Lydia smiled. “I dropped it in your dinner.”

I couldn’t believe she would do that to me. “Lydia, I’m five fucking years sober,” I said, exhausted. “Why would you ruin that?”

“We did it together,” Emma said. I looked at her like she was crazy. “I told you that your punishment for doing drugs would be that I would fuck somebody else. So, I thought, maybe your punishment for fucking someone else would be that you would have to do a drug…”

“What?! I never fucked anyone.”

“But you were going to. I knew you were. You think about it all the time. And Lydia told me the about the way you look at her. I was going to lose you some day, Jack. I knew you would do it to me. So I decided to take control.”

“So you dosed me, broke my sobriety, got high yourself, and then had us both fuck someone else - your sister. So that it could all happen on your terms?”

“Fucking me was my suggestion,” said Lydia.

“And your bad trip?…” I asked.

“Yeah…” she said, “I know how to handle myself on drugs, Jack. Give me a little more credit.”

I wanted to rage at the both of them. But how could I? I had just made love to them. I did love them.

“Emma… you’re a monster.” She came up to me. Her body getting so close, her tits pressing up against me, and her sister lying in wait in front of me, all of it making me hard again.

“I know, baby.” She wrapped her arms around me and bit my lip. “We both are.”

My erection came roaring back.

“Thank fucking God.”

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-19 01:20:47
Great story especially the twist at the end.... He deserved the reward.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-18 20:03:59
Grade fucking A writing. Good job. Best ive read on here.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-08 04:14:46
This is an excellent story.
To the previous comment about "reactivating his addiction", you never stop being an addict, you just get better at dealing with it.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-29 03:24:27
Stupid, that was so boring

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-26 23:55:25
haha i know this girl she gives $kype shows her $kype name is SarahBernard842

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