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uthor’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.
Chapter 39

Half an hour later, I found myself in a quandary.

After dragging our weary (and in Jill’s case, sore and dripping) asses to our feet, the two sexy stewardesses and I made our way from the clearing to the nude beach. We didn’t bother dressing, just carried our clothes to the cubby and dropped them in, noting it was pretty full already, and stepped onto the sand. A small crowd of people were there, including Rain and River, Alison, Juhee, Peter, John, Anjali, and Onyeka with her two children (I still hadn’t learned their names yet).

Anjali and Onyeka seemed to be doing some sort of yoga or Tai Chi together, while the youngsters ran hither and yon on the beach. The teenagers were lying out on the sand soaking up the sun.

Rain and River were lounging in the shade near the trees, since he still wasn’t allowed in the water after his injury, and we stopped briefly to say hi on our way to the water. Rain observed the various body fluids spattered on our bodies and dripping from multiple orifices and correctly deduced our recent activities.

“Someone’s been busy I see,” she said, giving me an arch look.

I gave her a sheepish grin. “Duty called, I answered.” Jill snickered.

“You better get cleaned up,” River told us. “You guys look like the after picture from a brothel fight.”

Sharon stuck her tongue out at him, and the two hippies cackled laughter. We did as he suggested, however, trooping out into the cool ocean water to swim and relax. We strode through the water to the protected area near the adult end of the beach, where the waves were much tamer.

“Do fish eat cum?” Jill wondered, washing mine out of her ass as we floated in the water.

“Believe it or not I know the answer to that,” I said with a laugh. “I had a friend in college who used to jack off into his fish tank for fun. He said they loved it.”

“Gross!” squealed Sharon, as she scrubbed her pussy clean. “I hope one doesn’t swim up inside me trying to get it!”

“Who knows?” I teased. “Maybe you’d like it.”

“Pervert!” she yelled, splashing me. We sprayed each other with water for a couple of minutes, then settled back down to hang quietly in the water. As my mind wandered, I suddenly had the stray thought that I had never heard from Sharon and Jill what had set them off earlier.

“What had you girls so hot and bothered before? When you came to wake me up you said you had some sort of problem on this beach this morning?”

“Not a problem,” Jill said. “More of an event.”

“We weren’t upset,” Sharon elaborated. “We were horny.”

“I gathered that,” I said wryly, earning another splash. “But why?”

Abruptly I heard sloshing noises and turned back toward the beach to see the four teenagers stepping into the water to come join us. Watching Juhee’s big tits bouncing as she walked, and savoring the brief glimpse of Alison’s sweet body before she dove into the waves, I wondered that the two boys didn’t have monster hard-ons by now. Maybe they were finally getting used to seeing naked girls.

They swam over to our group and we said our hellos. We chatted for a few minutes, and it occurred to me that I had now fucked all four of these ladies at one time or another. An absurd sense of pride filled me, and I felt very studly for a moment. Then I remembered that John, at half my age, had probably gotten more tail at the field hockey party than I had in my entire high school career.

Harking back to the previous topic, though, I was still interested to hear what the two flight attendants had experienced this morning. “Are you able to finish what you were telling me?” I said to Sharon. “Or is that a private matter.” I cut my eyes toward the young folks in explanation.

“Um, it’s not exactly private,” she answered, “but I’m not sure this is the setting to talk about what went on.”

“If you mean this morning,” Alison butted in, “we heard all about it.”

“Were you here?” asked Juhee eagerly. “I wanted to find out exactly what happened. I couldn’t believe the rumors that are going around.”

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked, miffed that I seemed to be the last one to know what was going on.

“Well…,” said Jill, looking at Sharon, who nodded. “I guess if everyone else knows about it, it wont hurt to tell you.”

Jill began the tale:

“Sharon and I were over here on this beach this morning. I think you were giving your class, Dave. Anyway, we were here with Rodney, and a bunch of adults, and some of the older kids (the community had decided that kids over 16 didn’t have to attend classes if they didn’t want to). We were all just hanging out, catching some sun, looking for anything useful washed up on the beach, you know.”

“Somehow a bunch of the women got to talking about masturbation. “ Jill blushed at this point, and Alison and Juhee looked at each other slyly. “We were arguing about how much the average person did it. Women, I mean. You guys do it all the time, I know.” Now it was Peter and John’s turn to blush.

Sharon jumped in. “I was saying it’s a lot harder for women to get themselves off than it is for men. And pretty much everyone agreed. Then we got to talking about how it’s even harder for a man to get a woman off by hand, especially compared to how easy it is for us to jerk them off.” The teenagers looked mildly shocked at this conversational direction, but hung on her every word.

Jill continued. “So now Stu, who overhears us talking, says it’s not that easy for girls to jack off guys. He says he’s known a lot of girls who were pretty inept at it. So now we’ve attracted a lot of attention and people are grouped around us listening to this. And school’s out, so some of them are kids, too, including Truk. So Sharon says, ‘I can jack off any guy in 5 minutes, easy.’” Jill looked at her friend to see if she minded being called out. Sharon was red-faced, but unrepentant.

“I still stand by that, even after what happened.”

“What happened?” asked Peter eyes wide. I looked into the water, and no surprise, he was now sporting a blue steel boner. Now that I was looking for it, I could see John was pretty erect, too. I guess all this talk about girls jacking guys off was getting them fairly turned on.

“I’m getting to it,” said Jill a little crossly. “So after Sharon says this, everyone is like’ ‘Oooh, a challenge.’ And we’re thinking Stu is going to accept the challenge and let her whack him off, but then Alexis says she can do it even faster. So now everyone is all riled up and anticipating a duel or something, if you can believe that.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her I’d already seen this movie at the field hockey camp.

“But then Rodney starts in, all ‘It takes a guy to really understand a dick. I can beat both of you bitches.’ And so everybody laughs, and Adam high-fives him, and the women start arguing, but all of a sudden Stu says ‘Quiet! Tran has something to say.’ And then Tran says in a real soft voice ‘I beat you all easy. I best at this around.’”

“So now you could hear a pin drop,” said Sharon. “And then some of the field hockey girls are like, ‘Contest! Contest!’ and Logan’s like ‘I’m down with that.’ So of course Christopher and Stu have to jump in and say they want to see who’s best at this, and the ladies should put their money where their mouths are. I mean, I was a little intimidated at this point, but I couldn’t back down, so I agreed.”

“So now the crowd decides that Logan, Christopher, Adam, and Stu are the victims, and Tran, Sharon, Rodney and Alexis are the competitors. And of course, being guys, their dicks were all sticking out at this point, bumping in to things and poking the girls. Honestly, I don’t know how men survive with those ridiculous organs of theirs.”

Peter jumped, and at first I surmised it was at the thought of having a boner in front of a crowd, but through the wavering surface of the water, I could see Juhee’s hand now wrapped around his stiff little prick. Her brown nipples were hard as diamond, jutting off of her succulent mounds and occasionally peeking out of the water for my viewing pleasure. I got to suck those! I told myself hungrily, trying not to be jealous that the girl was stroking Peter’s small cock instead of mine. After all, I said to myself, you got to plow that tight little pussy for the first time. Let the boy have some fun.

Meanwhile, Alison was showing signs of being in heat, standing between me and John. She was flushed and wide-eyed, and looked altogether an irresistible erotic confection. I snuck a hand behind her and stroked her tight little ass lightly, and she gave a little jump of her own, then smiled a guilty little grin. My fingers fluttered through the water, across her pale ass cheeks, then down between them, soon brushing the tendrils of red pubes between her sweet young thighs. I took it slow, just letting the tips of my fingers trail through her hair, not even touching her skin at first.

“So because Tran said she was the best, she got assigned Stu. Since he was the oldest, everyone figured he would be the biggest challenge,” Jill continued. She looked at Peter and John. “No offense, boys, but it’s hardly a challenge to get a teenage boy to bust a nut.” Everyone laughed, even Peter, who was looking a little shell-shocked as Juhee reenacted the drama from the morning on his stiff cock underwater. I think Alison at this point had just realized what the younger girl was doing, because her gaze was fixed on Peter’s crotch, her mouth open in a shocked “O.” It soon became even more shocked as I finally let my fingers stroke her labia, and she struggled to control herself and not cry out.

Sharon picked up the narrative again. “Alexis got assigned Logan, since they were the two youngest, and I got Christopher. Honestly, I was feeling a little uncomfortable because he’s only 16, but I remembered what you said the other day, Dave, and I tried to get over that. As it happened,” she smiled, “he wasn’t any shy virgin. He knew what he was getting into.” Juhee smiled to herself, and I knew she was thinking that she had personal knowledge that Christopher wasn’t a virgin, having let him into her teenage twat just yesterday.

“Rodney got assigned to Adam, of course, since they’re both gay. I’m not sure the boy would have let a woman near his prick anyway. So the guys all lined up in a row, and I can tell you it was quite a sight. I’ve never seen so many erect penises at once. It was a real turn on for me, anyway.” Sharon was starting to look like she was back in heat, reliving the excitement of this morning. Her pale pink nipples were hard again, and I didn’t think it was because of the relatively warm water. I was getting pretty randy myself, and indulged my desire by finally slipping a finger into Alison’s sweet young cunny. The poor girl jumped again, closing her eyes momentarily as my stiff digit slid easily into her quivering, silky tunnel. As warm as the water was, her snatch was even warmer, a liquid fire that enveloped my finger, clenching on it like she was never going to let me go. I had no intention of leaving however, and began softly thrusting in and out of her in time with the gentle waves rocking us all.

Looking around, it became apparent to me that our entire circle was pretty horned up. Sharon and Jill were both crouched low in the water, and the flushed cheeks, wide eyes, and subtle rhythmic motions of their shoulders as they told this steamy tale suggested they were pleasuring themselves under the water even as they spoke. Juhee was quite full of herself, jacking off a defenseless younger man in front of others, perhaps envisioning herself participating in the beachfront beat-off. Peter, of course, was in his own private heaven, his cock receiving a sensual massage from the lovely Indian girl. John looked a little flushed himself, and if I wasn’t mistaken, had taken matters into his own hand, stroking himself discreetly beneath the waves.

And I, of course, had the great fortune to be knuckle-deep in a hot young redhead’s tight cunt. That makes two redheads today, Dave! my inner voice enthused. I felt like a birdwatcher who had spied two rare species on the same expedition. Except the red-plumed honeydripper was so much more exciting than the yellow-bellied sapsucker.

It no longer surprised me how constantly horny I seemed to be, but it seemed like everyone else was as well. Maybe the whole rising Kundalini thing was contagious, or maybe it really was the water we were all drinking, or just pheromones in the air. It just seemed like there was an undercurrent of sex everywhere I looked these days. Not that I was complaining.

“So all the spectators now sit down in the sand and the four contestants line up next to the guys,” Jill continued. “Hannah from the field hockey team called out the rules. She sounded like she knew what she was doing.” You have no idea, Jill.

“So she calls ‘Go!’ and all the ladies, plus Rodney, grab a cock and start jerking. It was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen! I thought I was going to slide away I was so wet. And Hannah was even playing with herself! In front of everyone!” Jill shook her head in disbelief and finished her story. “I was rooting for Sharon, and I thought she was doing a great job. I think Christopher did, too, because his eyes were rolled back in his head and he was shaking like a dog shitting nickels.”

John and Juhee snorted laughter, and Sharon murmured, “Thanks, girlfriend.” Peter and Alison said nothing, both being preoccupied.

“But despite pretty good technique from the other three, and I mean I sure learned some things, Tran was right: she is the best. She had Stu spewing in about 2 minutes flat. She had some complicated hand motions, and kept reaching under his scrotum and squeezing different areas, and I don’t know what-all she was doing, but she was definitely the winner. Or Stu was. I’m not sure which. The others all got consolation prizes, since they all came in the end. But Stu was definitely first.”

“And the amazing thing is she did this in front of her daughter. She almost seemed to be teaching her how to do it!” Jill shook her head again, unable to comprehend it.

“You do know what Tran does for a living, don’t you?” I asked. Both women shook their heads no. “She works in a massage parlor. One of those kind of places. And she’s teaching Truk to work there, too.”

“Oooh!” Sharon said. “A ringer. No wonder.”

“Well, I’m just glad I got to see that,” said Jill. “I will never forget the sight of all that cum shooting out from all those guys one after another.”

“I wish I’d been there,” said Juhee fervently, jerking Peter hard enough that he finally shot his load, the jets of semen spurting out of his prick and wafting lazily through the water as he trembled and sweated, trying not to alert the others what was happening. He needn’t have worried, as other than me, everyone else was nearly in the same boat by then and was paying no attention to him.

Juhee watched, fascinated by the pearly effluent squirting from his penis, and then seemed to come to some internal decision. Grasping Peter’s hand, she began pulling him to shore.

“Come on Peter, I want to talk to you about something.” He let her pull him through the water, her devoted slave after what she had done to him. Somehow I didn’t think she wanted to talk. I thought she wanted to rejuvenate his wang and get it into her a soon as possible. Reluctantly I pulled my finger out of Alison’s vagina, causing her to voice a small “oh” of disappointment.

“Juhee!” I called out, and she turned to me. I crooked a finger to beckon her over, and she came reluctantly. I whispered in her ear so as not to embarrass her, “If you are planning what I think you’re planning, make sure you get a condom from Joelle or Janie.”

She looked at me skeptically, then whispered back to me, “I don’t need to. I can just go back in the water and wash it out. Then I can’t get pregnant.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, girl. That’s complete bullshit.” She looked shocked.

“Promise me you’ll use protection?” She bit her lip and nodded, and I let her drag her fortunate victim off into the woods for some fun.

I glanced at Sharon and Jill, who were deep in conversation about something, presumably jacking off guys, while apparently still masturbating. They hadn’t caught any of the exchange. John was still beating his meat, half turned away so he could yank on it a little harder. Alison was the only one close enough to have heard, and she was staring at me fixedly.

“What?” I whispered to her bemusedly.

“Those two are gonna go fuck, aren’t they?” she said into my ear.


“Why don’t you take me into the woods, too. You’ve really got me worked up and I want you so bad right now.” Her hand strayed to my cock, which was now semi-erect after the story of the Great Beat-Off.

And there was my quandary.

I was still sore and depleted from flying the friendly thighs of the two stewardesses and not sure if I could perform yet, and I didn’t want to disappoint her and embarrass myself. But she was so hot and obviously ready, it was hard to say no and disappoint her that way either. What’s a guy to do?

Spying John out of the corner of my eye, I had an epiphany. He needed to get off; Alison needed to get off; it was perfect.

“I don’t think I can right now, honey,” I said reluctantly. “But I think John is ready to go.” I pointed my chin at him.

She glanced to her left, and quickly figured out what he was doing, the knowledge bringing a smile to her freckled face. She looked back at me. “Does he even know what to do with a girl?”

“Trust me, he knows. He may surprise you.”

She looked at him with a calculating expression, then back to me. “If you say so. Maybe another time?”

“Definitely, my little strawberry cupcake.” She grinned at that. “Are you still taking the pill?”

“Yep. Just a few left, though. See you later!” She gave me a peck on the cheek, and tapped John on the shoulder.

“What!?” he squawked, jumping violently.

“I’ve got something better than your hand for that,” I heard her whisper.

He looked at me, wide-eyed, and I gave him a wink and a nod. A big smile lit his face and he grabbed Alison’s proffered hand, practically dragging her through the water. I watched as they made the shore, and chuckled when they fell to the sand in the middle of the adult area, not even making the shelter of the trees.

Alison spread those long legs of hers, and I got a fiery flash of orange before John’s ass obscured my view and he plunged his rigid meat into the girl. She wrapped her legs over his back, and together they writhed in passion.

Jill and Sharon interrupted their conversation to gawk. “Aren’t they a little young for that?” said Jill hesitantly.

“Not really,” I said ruefully. “I think we’re just getting old.” We watched the two teens wistfully, humping like bunnies just 40 feet away. I sighed, forcing myself to get over it.

“Well, ladies, I think you’ve got things well in hand.” They had the grace to blush, knowing their submarine activities were obvious to me. “I’m heading back to camp.” I gave Sharon a wink. “Watch out for the fishes!”

“Oh, you!” she cried out, splashing me with her free hand as I strode through the water to shore.

To be continued....

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-26 23:51:47
haha i know this girl she gives $kype shows her $kype name is SarahBernard842

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-24 09:51:59
I haven't read a good sex scene with Mackenzie yet. Or is she going to remain pure in this series?

The plot needs advancing though, it's still unclear if the story's events are a mirage or not.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-21 19:01:49
Ok, it looks like you're running out of steam here. Maybe it's time to either skip forward into time, and have all these ladies deliver their little bundles, that all bear a striking resemblance to Dave, or have the rescue ship arrive and those that want to go home can, those that want to stay can. They get their little island put on the map for regular supplies to be delivered every month. Life on Dave's island goes on with Dave and all the ladies that want to stay fuck him on a daily bases. It's just that the chapters are getting shorter. The ratings are falling. That's usually when the networks cancel the shows.

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