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Sam heads out to the academy meets two fellow freshman and things get even stranger.
It was a rough hour of driving before I got onto a major interstate and I was feeling lonley so I tried to call the girls and no one answered. Tried everyone and no one answered. I was alone for now. I pulled into a 24/7 gas station somewhere in Tennessee and got out, I got looks from everybody. I guess they’ve never seen a car like this. I walked in and a tall burly man with a beard was behind the counter. "40 on the blue sports car please sir." he spit into a jug and grunted. "Where you from boy?" I heard a raspy voice behind me. I turned around and looked at a shady man around 30 and cleared my throat. "Alabama, why?" "Nice car you got there I aint seen no cars like that from alabama." "Yeaaaa well I got to skee-dat, im late enough." I turned to walk away and he grabbed my shirt collar. "Where you goin son?! I didn’t say you could leave!" I just stood there and sighed. "Wanna lose that hand hauss?" he mumbled something and I wheeled around, grabbed his hand and snapped it back, breaking it above the wrist. "Ahhhhggggg!!! You punk shit!" I punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. "Clean ya boy up. Thanks for the gas sir. Yall be safe." I walked out and filled up my car, as I was waiting for my gas to finish I was scanning the parking lot. It was clear and I finished up. As I hung the pump up a murdered Ferrari pulled up. I wasn’t all that impressed but it had some work done. Two girls got out and they headed for the door. "Hey I wouldn’t do that!" They spun around and advanced on me. "Excuse me?" Both of them asked in unison. "Look it’s a shitty dump just pay at the pump. I already knocked someone out in there. He tried to mug me, heh." I looked them both in the eyes and I knew they werent normal. "Where are you going?" The blonde on my left asked. "New york, robershaws. Yall are going..?" They looked at each other and the read head laughed. "Us to! So youre like a vampire or some shit?" I nodded and looked them over good. "What are yall? Witches?" They giggled. "Perceptive and good looking. Were not bad from what we have been told." I laughed and explained my origins. We talked for a good 30 minutes and they finally got their gas.

"Where are you staying? Schools closed tommorow and I bet you don’t have anyplace?" I shook my head and patted my car. "Shes been here for me when I had nothing but heart ache and depression. She can be a bed for a night." "Oh no. follow us. We got you covered. Its not like we can diss our own kind, weeeelll not our kind but the not normal people kind ya know?" I laughed. "Well id say that’s generous. And im gonna accept the offer. So lead the way!" we climbed into our cars and before I pulled off I saw the red head come to my passenger window and waved. I unlocked the door and she hopped in and smiled. "Im your navigator btw so follow the black italia and if you lose it I can get you there regardless." I smiled and took off catching up with the black car. I could feel my shirt slump around my scar around my chest. I heard a quiet gasp from her and we hit a redlight. "Damn..hope fully we can catch up." before the light turned green I oulled my shirt off and motioned her to grab one out of the back. She grabbed my old football shirt and I slid it on right as the light hit green and I launched it. I heard her lose her breath. "Shes fast!" I grinned and patted my dash. "Yes she is and she love to go fast. Aint that right baby?" I slammed my gas and soon caught up to the ferarri. "Woah…that was awsome! By the way whered that gnarly scar come from?" I had completely left out my dying part in my story earlier so I kinda laughed and sighed. "Well to make it simple I got in a fight got cut bad almost died nd got turned into a vampire." she looked at me funny and laughed. "Well im impressed you got accepted. Most turnovers get denyed. I wonder what made you stand out?" I shrugged and looked over.

"What about you? Howd you get here?" she brushed her hair back and sighed. "Well my mom and dad were both magically inclined like my cousin you met earlier, sooooo they shipped us off on our 18th birthday and expect us to make a splash in the world without any help." I sighed. And I saw the car was turning into a holler. "This it?" "Yep." I assumed from my gas meter we were driving another two hours at least. As I got closer to this place I saw a gate and a box. "What do I do now?" she handed me a Fob key and I swiped it on the pad. The gates opened and I drove through. "So I never got your names?" "teya is mine and my cousin is katheryn." "Samuel. Or sam." I pulled up to a log cabin. And it wasn’t no abe lincon shit, this thing was two stories tall and had all the comforts of home. "Whos is this?" "Our parents but they arent here they are currently out on a trip to Salem, kinda like a pilgrimage." I nodded and hopped out opening her door as I walked around. I followed them in. the lights came on and I was impressed to say the least. "We can chill here until its time to jet. Or until that storm gets out of the area." "Yeah…I need to get some rest." then I hear rain just pelt the roof and I ran out side to grab my suitcase and roll up my windows, when I got back in I was drenched and the girls were giggling at my misfortune. "God damn it." I took my shirt off and shook my hair out. "Well im gonna change." I heard them whisper and giggle. The last thing I needed was sex. I was dead from the road and needed sustinance.

I slipped into some gym shorts and a sleevless shirt. As I walked down stairs the fire was lit and the girls were in skimpy tanks and flannel pants. I sat in a big lazy boy and let my head fall back slowly sighing. "Whats wrong sam? You seem like you have a lot on your mind." I looked up and smiled weakly. "Well yeah I guess. Im just home sick I guess that and school basicsally." I felt hands on my shoulders. "Hey its gonna be ok I promise. We are freshmen too so atleast you met some people who are fresh outta the fire, no pun intended." I laughed and popped my neck. "Im about to hit the hay. Im so dead." I got up and slowly walked into the guest bedroom and fell onto the bed, slowly drifting off. I heard the tv, loudly and I slowly looked around. I saw blackness and could hear the girls giggling. "Hes kinda hot. I mean id fuck him." "Kat! You just met him and I guess I would too…but still I would too!" They both laughed and I could hear them clapping and breathing heavily. "Question is…when will they make their moves?" I asked myself. Then I heard them get up and cut the tv off. I jumped into my bed and hid under the covers, mimicking sleep. I heard the door open and whispering and giggling. "sammy..? Can we sleep with you? The storms gotten worse and we cant sleep." I rolled over and groaned rubbing my eyes. "Yeah sure, just climb in and try and get some rest." I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes.

I felt them latch onto me grabbing my arms and I sighed. I felt a hand slide under my shirt and one under my waist band. "To be honest sam, we cant sleep were actually really restless and we spent most of the time you were alseep thinking of you." Katheryn was on top of me, kissing me pinning me down. I tried to speak but she just pressed her lips to mine. I could feel teya grab my cock and start pumping away at it gasping. "Holy shit its big like really big!" Kat grabed my hair and looked at me. "Good I was hoping for something fun outta him." I felt teya wrap her lips around my cock and I groaned as she took me all the way in her mouth. "Jesus christ…" I could barely belive this shit. Kat lined herself over me and smirked. "Eat me bat boy. I know youre hungry." She lowered her pussy over my face and pulled me in. I slid my tongue into her and started to tongue fuck her. Taking my time and making sure to lap up as much of her juice as I could. "Fuck sam! That’s it eat my fucking pussy!" I felt teya get off and I heard her laugh. "Im gonna get him to cum in me!" I felt her sink down on me and start riding me. "OH fuck it feels bigger than it looks! God damn!" I squeezed kats ass and kept eating her out like my life depended on it. "That’s it sammy make me cum. Im sooo clohhhhhh, fuck!!" kat came all over my face and teya slammed down and came on my cock, right as I came. "I cant…di that just…" I could barely speak much less function. I laid back on the bed, got comfy and felt teya and kat snuggle up to me, than I fell into the arms of the night.

I woke up around 10 am, both girls were up and about, getting ready. I got a fast shower and put on some sweats. "Well good morning you two." "Well helloooo sammy boy!" teya walked up to me and kissed me. "Kats in the shower. She usually takes this long.." her voice trailed off, as she ran her hands down my chest. "wanna slip a quick one in?" I was shocked, before I could respond I felt more hands on me. "Yeah sam cmon. Fuck me." teya was in front of me and behind me? No its an illusion. I was a little freaked out then I felt the other set of hands vanish and teya giggled. "It’s a neat trick. When I fuck some one or swap fluids of any kind I can fuck with their mind. But I wouldn’t do that to you. But foreal." she kissed me very aggressively and pulled her shirt off. "Fuck me." Her words were deadpanned and almost demanding . I couldn’t move and was locked in place. I was a little freaked out then I heard kat. "Enough teya!" I felt control back in my body. "You have to have more control than this." I walked to the sink and sighed. "Its fine. Trust me I had trouble controlling my powers as well. But we have a long road ahead of us. We gotta get moving." I grabbed all our bags and loaded them into their respective cars. We all got in and our cars and before we left I could see kat giving teya an earful. I kinda felt bad for her she was still young. We started driving and after a while I lost track of time I guessed we were still a good five hours away from the border of newyork, then I saw it a black corvette directly behind me. I sped up and got beside the girls and used my telepathy to convey what was going on, they must have gotten the message cause I got a thumbs up and the gassed it right before I did.

But the corvette still kept up. I couldn’t lead these people to the school so I did what I thought I could and got into her mind. Once in I made her hit the brakes shut the car off and toss the keys. Once I came too I was in the other lane and I jerked it back over. I caught up to the girls and gave them the thumbs up and we kept driving. About an hour outside of newyork my phone went off. It was emily so I picked up. "Hello?" "Hi sam hows the drive so far?" "Good. Im still kinda home sick but ill live." I heard her sigh."Sam its gonna be ok. But please try your hardest even if you hate it." I laughed. "Im gonna love it. Trust me. Are the girls home?" "Yeah wanna talk to them?" "Yeah kinda." I heard the phone pick up and lauren was on the other end. I could hear them whispering and finally they spoke up. They told me they missed me and that they promised to come see me. After being on the phone for a while I had to get off since I saw the exit to get to the school. I told them I loved them too. I hung up and pulled in to a humongous gate with two security guardson both sides. As I pulled up and I stated my name and tey looked at each other and radioed someone and they nodded gave me a packet. "Sorry for the hold up, go on through." I pulled into my parking spot and got out. This palce was in the middle of a valley. Must have been five stories tall and was bigger than most colleges. Three admins were standing infront of the cars holding signs with freshmen mid ways and seniors. I walked to the line of freshmen and I felt weird like a wave of nostalgia washed over me. Like high school. "Crazy aint it?" a tall well built guy about my age was looking at me. "Yeah man. It’s a big ass place. Im sam." I stuck my hand out. "Peyton. It’s a pleasure." we walked up to the administrator and he greated me. "Ah hello mister uhhhhh smith. Welsome to robershaws. It’s a pleasure to have you." I was confused. When was I a smith and then It hit me. Emily must have made me a new Identity since I am a dead man walking.

As I walked in I was directed to my room and I saw two beds, a tv, xbox minifridge and some other homey accomidations. I looked arounf the room and saw make up, burshes and several handbags, pairs of shoes and a big teddy bear. I heard the door open behind me and I spun around and came face to face with what I assumed was my roomie. She was incredible. My height bright red lipstick green eyes that could stare through the earth and as sharp as swords. "Sam. Im assuming youre my room mate?" "Yes, names jessica." we shook hands and she jumped on her bed. "Toss me a beer outta that fridge." I opened it and there were smirnoffs everywhere. And I tossed her one and she cracked it open. "Im a mid term here and I do freshman help class I fucking hate it. Most of those little shits wanna get their dicks or pussys wet and that’s all it is for them." she drank from the bottle and sighed. "Well im a freshman. And honsetly I was forced here." "Vampire, wolf witch or what are you?" she asked with an odd sense of curiosity. "Vampire. In line to lead my clan or whatever we are." "Shit you too?" I was shocked and she smiled licking her lips. "Kinda short for a big bad vampire." I noticed she ran through that bottle in no time and walked past me grabbing one more for her and one for me. "Cmon and relax lets talk. We are room mates arent we?" So I sat on her bed with her and I opedned the drink taking a large gulp from it.

"Well I am kinda short but I compensate with smarts and wits. That and im just really caring." "Well im just over all like a general is what ive been told. Smart tactical calculating and hella smart." she looked me up and down and leaned in close. "You wanna know something, I think you should tell me where that scar came from." I sighed and pulled my shirt off. She gasped. "I got cut open by some fucker who had beef with me. That’s where ill leave it." she ran her hands over it. She hugged me tightly. "You don’t remember me do you?" "What? No?" "I was jeans friend in math last year. You grew up nicely little sammy." then it hit me she was jessica reynolds. The best soccer player at my high school. "God you changed. Ya know I always told your sister you were the cutest sophmore out there." I laughed and smiled an innocent smile. "She spoke highly of you jess. And I see why."

I laid back and finished my drink. "Im sorry I dropped that on you, the whole hot thing I mean." "Its fine jess. Its just good to have a friend here. I kinda don’t feel so alone." she pulled me to her and my face was right in her chest. "I promise ill help you through this place."

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-07 19:59:07
What happened to part 9 why did you take it down

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-04 19:59:50
Can't wait for part nine


2016-01-01 07:54:33
hello all yall! im back after school, work, and family issues im back! Im trying to post part nin and thought i did so a rough week ago but it will not post. any and all help is appreciated, again thank you all for being so fuckin patient with me and my slowness i love you all so much, your support is so incredible.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-10 13:27:33
I've come to the conclusion that he isn't gonna make another chapter

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-02 02:49:50

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