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The next moring has come and Mr. Williams hatches his plan.
I woke with a bit of a start. I had been having a hell of a dream. I was watching from a bird’s eye view, and it was Isabella’s initiation. First the leader of the gang had used a blade to slice of her already skimpy dress, then cut off her undergarments. He praised Brianna for bringing in such an impressive prize. He commented that he might be willing to make her one of his envied “special five.” The five girls he had as his personal concubines, they got the best drugs, the best food, the best cars, the best clothes. Everyone wanted to be one of the honored sluts, and who wouldn’t want Isabella?

He got on his knees and put his hands on her calf. He slid them up her slender calves, her rounded slightly thicker thighs, the contour of her quad muscle just discernable. He glided his hands up, around the exaggerated for her age and still growing perfectly rounded bubble but, past the wispy hair , still thickening and darkening around her pussy lips, the connecting point well sealed by her strong lips, not a hint of labia visible outside. That was something that would change as she piled on the number of raw fucks. That was the only way the gangster boss liked it, hard, bareback, drugged up, constant, and young.

He continued on, over her almost womanly hips, but not yet at their full proportion to her waist. The flat, even indented pelvis, the tight, line free tummy, her small belly button, to her stomach, a hint of the definition of her outer abdominals barely showing. The waist pulled in to a miraculous slender width, which grew steadily up to her shoulders. Her just starting to fill in breasts, a solid B cup, pushing the limits until they would finally end up no doubt a small D. Her areola were the size of quarters, the nipples the size of erasers when erect. The areola were tight, like everything else, and would goose bump when excited, giving them a wonderful texture to the tongue. Her neck was long, smooth to a fault in every direction, sloping up from her shoulders. Her face, he just held in his hands. She was incredibly beautiful. She even gave the boss a chubby, impressive since he had dropped two loads just an hour ago to prepare for her. He wanted to last on a newbie, and now that he saw her? He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to go a day without her.

Her slight natural curly shining black hair was pulled back and the sides, tied together over the rest which cascaded down her back, her taut athletic frame molding a vivid line down her back. Her deep, large eyes sparkles, her naturally plump lips, so red they didn’t need lipstick. Her cheeks with a natural hue of blush, her skin a dark golden brown from centuries of Aztec blood. The young Latina literally defined the word attractive, she was the pinnacle of her gender, of all woman kind.

The boss stepped back and disrobed, naked in front of everyone, just as Isabella. He raised his hands and spoke, “Homies, the first five minutes are mine . . . . after that, dig in.” He took his first step towards Isabella the fear in her eyes making her all the hotter, she knew she had hours of cock in front of her, and she never even got broken in. . .

That dream had been intense and vivid enough to get me hard, I had a 4:00 AM morning wood. Jesus, Isabella could get me hard in my sleep, not that I was surprised. She was a thoroughbred, her pussy a prized orchid. And she HAD been broken in. By me! Fuck yea, by me! I, the one who had suffered a sub-par existence had broken in Isabella, the queen of sexuality and pleasure. Not only had I broken her in, I owned her virginity. The Vattos could kill me, the police might throw me in prison, Brianna could expose me, but nothing, NOTHING could take away the fact that my cock broke Isabella’s seal. I had outdone every man on Earth, and the confidence that came with it was intoxicating.

I had been in relationships with ugly women, married a sexless woman, and had fucked a fair share of ugly whores. Then, in 6 months time, I had been fucked by Brianna, a stunning sophomore, sodomized a sexy thick classmate of hers named Leticia, and now . . . I had deflowered her younger, hotter, god-damned-perfect sister. I remember when I used to go to church, hearing the pastor say, “god can make up for lost time.” I never believe it. I do know. My whole life had sucked, and the last 6 months were better than any man’s, no man had the experience of those three females in that short span. Maybe one or two, but only I had had all three!

And by god if my plan worked, my time wasn’t over. I sat up, wondering what to do with my hard on. I looked over at Isabella, curled up on the floor. I wanted to lay back down next to her, slowly pleasure her lips between her hips until she was wet and make love to her again. NO!

No! I told myself again, there isn’t time, get everything figured out and then you can spend days on end fucking the shit out of her. Boy howdy, I sure planned to. I got up quietly and went to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and cleaned myself, man was I covered in . . . .cum? Her fluids? Sweat? Probably all of them. I showered myself clean and went into the room. The sun wouldn’t be up for a bit but the downtown lights of Houston were enough to see well in the room. I sat on the corner of the bed and looked at her. Her perfect, perfectness. Great legs, taut ass, concaved tummy, perky breasts, flowing hair, milk chocolate skin, and an angel’s face.

The smudges on the glass windows and door leading to the balcony were priceless, I took a quick picture with my phone. I didn’t know if it would show, but if it did, it was getting blown up and framed, what a fucking memento. Her finger and lips prints everywhere, and lower, a clear-white residue stain, where my cum had leaked out of her pussy and smeared on the door. I wondered if she could possibly could be pregnant. While I wanted her to father every child I had, I wasn’t ready to let motherhood damage that body yet. Abortions, pills, IUDs, whatever. If my plan worked, we would get that part figured out next.

I knelt down and gently woke her.

“Mmmm? Emm. Maestro?” Isabelle squeaked to me, her eyes blinking and squinted.

“Yes baby, here let me help you up.”
I took her hands and pulled her to her feet. I held her. That amazing sculpture of a body. Her muscle tone and skin made the most amazing combination. Her skin was stretched so tight that it had a buoyant property to it, and the muscle below was firm. Yet the skin was also thick enough to provide give and make her supple. She really was god’s gift to sex.

“Go take a shower and clean up sweetie, we need to go.”

“Ummkay maestro.” She walked slowly to the bathroom, as I watched her still expanding hips sway from side to side, each step her ass plumping to the point it looked as if it would pop. She was walking sex, pure fucking sex.
I was going to run away with her, take her far away, where we could be together. And I would be so good to her, we would go where the dollar went a long way. I had retirement I could cash in, and I would have my buddy Rob put the house up for sale at a discount and wire me the cash. We would live well. I hoped Isabelle would understand that all those things would happen eventually. But not for at least a few weeks.

No, once we were settled, we wouldn’t leave the bed except to piss, shit, shower or change the sheets. Every once in a while grab some carbs from the kitchen to go with all of my protein she would swallow. It would be wonderful, morning, afternoon and evening sex. Missionary, spooning, cowgirl, doggie, laying down doggie, shit, even positions I haven’t thought of before. I was going to do it all with this girl. Sure, American society might not call her a woman, but my dick could attest that she most certainly was. We would go where our love was accepted, I would find a place.

Isabella came out of the shower, her hair damp and sticking to her. She walked to her clothes on the bed and pulled off the towel. Not a moment of hesitation. She didn’t worry about exposing herself to me. That was good, it would make everything a lot easier if she was willing. I hoped she enjoyed the sex I gave her, because she was going to get a lot more of it. Would I force her? If I had to. . . . hey, I was saving her from a life as a gang whore. I wasn’t asking for a lot in return, just her undying devotion and her pussy.

“Ready?” I asked a bit later after she was dressed.”

“Si. Where are we going? It isn’t 7 yet.”

“We’re going away Isabella”

“Donde?” She asked?

“Mexico, Brazil, Peru
, I don’t know, I just know I am not going to let Brianna or that gang hurt you, OK? I will take care of you.” I said.
“You will?” Isabella broke into the first genuine smile I had seen. I thought she was gorgeous before.

“Of course.”

“What about mi mami?”


“Mami. We need to take her too. I can’t leave her. What if Brianna hurt her?”

Like I would take the risk of bringing her mother. She might have a problem with me depositing three loads of cum a day into her young daughter. I couldn’t risk that.

“Look when we get settled in a few days, when we are safe, we will send her some money and a message and bring her down. Ok? I promise”

“Oh ok. But I still need to go home first.” Thank god she was young and naïve.

“Why do you need to go home? I will take care of you.”

“I need my jewelry box, has the stuff my grandma gave me. I can’t leave it!”

Shit!! A waste of time, but I needed her help along the way, I didn’t speak Spanish that well.

“Ok, if I take you by your house will you go in and grab it quietly and come right back out?”

“Yes, I promise Mr. Williams.”

“Ok, ok, let’s go.”

Her house was in a bit of a scary area, thank god I didn’t have a nice car. The houses here were all small and close to the street. I didn’t feel safe as Isabella was opening her door.

“Hey, grab a few clothes in a back pack while you are in there.”

“Si maestro” she said quietly and got out and went in the house. I got a little agitated when 10 minutes when by. What the fuck was she doing in there? Didn’t she know we had some serious driving to do? Didn’t she know I was already suffering blue balls, my cock demanding that I give her another load? It would be night by the time we reached Juarez, and I wanted to go a little further south beyond that.

I saw the door open and not just Isabella but another person come out. I thought it was her mother at first but as they came to the car I saw she was smaller and thinner than Isabella. Isabella opened and got in the front seat and the other girl got in the back, both with backpacks.

“Isabella, what is . . . “

“Shit! Madre!” Isabella shouted, pointing at a window where a light had gone on. Mom was awake, no time to argue. I threw it in drive and kicked up pebbles as we drove off.

“Isabella, what the fuck is going on, who is she?”

“It’s my half sister Dominique. I couldn’t leave her, Brianna will try to initiate her next year!”

Jesus fucking Christ. Really? I have to deal with this shit? I just wanted to run off with my little sexpot and have disturbing sex with her for the next 20 years and then off myself. Was that too much to fucking ask?

We drove in silence for a while. As the sun crept over the horizon I got a better look at Dominique in the rear view mirror. Fucking A. I wish I had gotten a chance to see the mother of these girls. Brianna was gorgeous, Isabella was god’s gift to manhood. Now Dominique. She definitely had a different dad, her skin was lighter by a few shades, her hair was brown and not black and she had a more willowy and thinner frame. Her eyes were much larger and rounder, her lips a little thinner and her nose a bit pointier. But make no mistake, she was almost as beautiful as her sisters. Given a few years to fill out and lose the facial baby fat and she might pull even with Brianna. She wouldn’t top Isabella, no women ever would, but talk about 3 for 3. This mom of theirs had batted a thousand and given the world three incredibly fuckable females. She was a bit too young and looked it at this point, but damn, maybe in a couple of years she could make Isabella and my evenings a great threesome.

Long story short, as we drove Isabella explained that Dominique had a white daddy but he had ran off when she was born, and that she and Isabella were very close. We grabbed food from drive thru’s and drove south. As it passed 7:30 my phone rang. It was Brianna. I turned the phone off. I would text her later and let her know what happened and that Isabella wasn’t coming back. I have to admit I thought about offering to bring Brianna with me, to save her from the life too. God knows I would love to fuck each of them, every other night. And when Dominique was ready, threesomes, foursomes, or better yet, one for breakfast, one for lunch and . . . then a sensible dinner. I laughed to myself.

But I couldn’t risk it, Brianna wasn’t naïve and she could make a lot of trouble for me. I just needed to get away, and hope Brianna didn’t have Mexican connections. When we got to the border I worried about explaining why I had two Latina girls with me, but nope, wide open, just a dude in a booth on the side who never looked up. Thank god for Democrats wanting votes and Republicans wanting cheap labor! Score one for me!

I was very tired when we pulled into a semi-shady motel. But the clerk was more than happy to get American money and I paid double, thanked him for his help. I didn’t want any trouble and a happy clerk would help with that. We pulled up to our room and went inside. Two twin beds. Perfect, one for Dominique and one for me and Isabella.
We got in our beds and watched tv for a bit. Slowly under the covers I pulled off Isabella’s clothes, I wanted her ready. I would wait until Dominique had gone to sleep, which was tricky because she didn’t say much, but she would roll over at some point, and then I would give Isabella the best . . . well 45 seconds I had in me. God knows I was about to bust a nut by myself under the covers. My balls were overloaded with a gift for my angel.

I eventually saw Dominique with her back to us. She must be asleep! I began to feel Isabella beneath the sheets. That hard tummy, those firm sculpted legs, those impossibly perky breasts. I was already ready to cum, but I wanted a little bit of stuff to remember during tomorrow’s drive and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold it.

Then I felt the bed jostle. Isabella turned to her side, as her sister was climbing in bed with us. I heard the talk in Spanish, then Isabella said quietly. “She is afraid to sleep alone away from mama. Sorry.”

FUCK!!!!!!! All I wanted was a quick fuck! I almost yanked Isabella out of bed and to the bathroom just to release the crazy pressure in my testicles. I turned and looked at the ceiling. Ok, Ok, just relax. You waited all day, just wait till the little one falls asleep. Shit she was only a year younger, maybe she would just have to watch and learn how things were.

No, no. I could wait. I could. I think.

I did. I waited a full hour, just literally counting seconds. I heard it, a slight snore from Dominique. She was asleep for sure, and hopefully deeply. I slid out of bed and grabbed to pillows and the comforter from the other bed. I make a nest on the floor. I leaned onto the bed from my knees and pinched Isabella softly on the forearm until she blinked awake. I motioned for her to join me on the floor.

She pushed her legs forward until I saw her perfect little feet sticking out. The glided to the floor and her body followed, slithering like a cobra. Her perfect mound came into view, her body still naked. She went to her knees, propped up by her ass on her heels as the rest of her slipped out of bed, her amazing breasts jostling as much as her tight stretched skin would allow. She was an amazing vision. Her femininity dancing for me, presenting her to me.

I gently laid her to the ground and laid on her side. I kissed her. Long. Slow. Wet. Our first kiss as a couple, I would never let myself forget it. I continued to wrestle with her tongue, as I massaged her perfect breasts, one as a time. Her skin had the most incredible consistency. Like silk given a bit more friction. As my penis rubbed back and forth on her thigh, I wondered if her silk skin of velvet pussy felt better. It was impossible to say, but a pussy, well a pussy has an intrinsic value, and a man’s cum wants to be in a woman, not just on her.

After another few moments I knew I had to get going or I would just lose it next to her. I gently nudged her legs apart. I slid my leg over hers, and moved until I was on top of her thigh. That amazing, rounded, fit thigh. Then I knee walked to between her legs. I could feel the heat coming off of her nether regions. She was in heat, but I had to assume she would always be in heat. She was ready for me, there was no doubt about that, she was ready to receive me, and we didn’t need a ceremony or a piece of paper. She was my wife, I had taken her and would keep her honorable.

I grasped my rod and drove it into position, feeling momentarily held at bay by her tight pussy lips. Then they parted and gave way to warmth and wetness. The mushroom cap of my cop pushed against her tight opening and met much more resistance than I expected.

“Aaaaahhmmm!” Isabella whimpered very softly. I looked at her eyes as I was propped up on my knees and palms. She showed pain in those eyes, as her body natural protector of her golden womb would never give in lightly. I put my lips on hers and pushed. Hard.

“Nnnnng!” She moaned into my mouth as I struck pay dirt. Her labia gripped me and her opening slid over my cap and took hold. I thought her pussy was amazing before, but she showed me the true power of nature’s greatest womb.

Her opening pulled back, pulling me in and her inner walls grasped me. Her opening slid further down my cock and pulled back again. There is no greater feeling than a pussy literally pulling you into dock. The dock for my cock. Her pussy kept grasping me and pulling me further in.

Each suction of her gonads was accompanied by a painful grunt from Isabella and a look of derision. I didn’t want to hurt her, but hey, she was pulling me in. Well her pussy was, and I think it acts independent of her. Bent on helping nature’s perfection copulate as much as possible.

“Ooooh. Uuuuuuh! Mmmmp!” I was as quiet as I could be on each pull, but it was too amazing to be silent, thankfully the tv was still on. A final pull and I was in, full, up to my base. I shit you not, her memory foam pussy, had kept my shape. I think it had been completely un-contoured, waiting for her first dick. Her pussy molded to this shape and it was what she would hold for life. Thank god I had been her first! She would be molded to me for life! Literally fit me perfect.

I brushed the hair out of her face on the left and looked into her eyes as I laid on her, resting my weight on her. Her lips were quivering, her blinking was fast, her body was warm everywhere I touched, almost hot. Like she had eaten fifty Niacin pills and got a sunburn. Her body was gearing up for sex, the literal sex machine. I pulled back, the sphincter of her opening stayed latched around the bottom of my mushroom tip, and wouldn’t let me free. I had started it, but her pussy was gonna finish it.

“Uiimmmm” Isabella grunted her eyes pressed shut. Her pussy was still so new, so stiff, its exaggerated sexual characteristics were not broken in. My god, what if she had been ravaged by those heathens? Thank god I was the pervert with her, at least I would appreciate her. I ended my pullback and let her body pull me back in, flex by flex, inch by inch.

I did this seven more times, a long slow pull back, and her pussy suctioning back in, but that was all the resolve I had. I pressed my face into her shoulder, held her hands over her head, I was ready to pump. I yanked back and smashed forward.

“Um! Um! Um!” Isabella said. Three times. There wasn’t a fourth. I held in that time, and let my semen fly. A massive glob of hot jizz exploded forth into her.

“NnnnF!” I grunted as I spasmed, and a second shot of my sperm poured into her tight, sculpted, heavenly pussy. I just kept my grip on her and barely pulled out on shot number three. More of just a jerk back and buck back in. I felt like my cock was a fire hose. I figured I had covered every inch of her innards with white Maestro Williams goo.

I ceased moving. My testicles ached from pushing out the cum so hard. She cradled me. Her heart could be felt through her chest. It matched the rhythm of mine. I couldn’t believe how different it felt to cum with her. I had never felt such satisfaction, such contentment. Never before had man gotten to fuck nature’s perfection. No man knew his seed was at the top of the chain. Until now. I was that lucky man. I was going to procreate with nature’s finest design. I was the luckiest man on Earth. God really was making up for my sub par life. You didn’t get more above par than perfection.

I finally had control over my body, and I pulled back and finally her womb let me free. I rolled off to her side and she turned to me and cuddled with me. My wife, my angel, my everything. I would do anything on earth needed to keep filling this pussy. Anything.

After we had cuddled for a bit, dozing in and out I woke up, feeling viral, vigorous. This time it felt different, I felt manly, powerful, in control. I was the hottest woman in the world’s man, her lover, her much older and happy lover. I looked at her in the light reflecting off the ceiling from the tv. God she was amazing. So fucking perfect. I knew I wasn’t done for the night. I gently rolled Isabella on her side and slid beside her. Her ass was warm and toasty. I could feel the heat of her womb again. She natural form stuck out her ass and left her pussy a bit higher and further back on most women, giving easier access from behind. Nature thought of everything.

I was going to wake her, but thought maybe I could be gentle enough she didn’t notice. Ok, ludicrous. But I wanted to enter her like this, so sue me. I pushed one leg just a bit forward, and snuggled up as close as possible, and glided right in.

Her womb was much more sedated, already fed its daily quota of semen. My cum had indeed coated her and now it was like fucking with extremely slick lube. Her vaginal walls held onto my cum, it was scintillating. I began a long, slow, controlled stroke and pump.

“Mmmm? Maestro?”

“Yes baby. It’s me. Just relax.”

“I am very sore Maestro.”

“Just relax, I will be gentle.”

I could feel her pussy began to do the pulsating it did to me the first time we made love, like a vibrating glove. God that pussy was versatile! She was tense outside of her womb, the pain obviously noticeable. But I kept my pace, long and slow, it just felt like what I should do.

As I slowly pumped her over the next hour, I couldn’t understand how I was holding it. But her pussy was helping, every push in felt like a rolling bar pushing cum down my dick back to my balls, her pussy flexing in amazing ways. The long slow massage of my cock had worked the capillaries of her walls. The blood began to flow freely through her womb, cleaning it of the stress of her first cock, and eased the soreness she had.

Isabella began to feel pleasure, real pleasure, and the walls of her pussy began to steer me in a certain direction. It knew she was saturated, it was working to pleasure her now and it guided me to her g-spot.

“Nnnnnnmaestro!” She grunted in a quiet squeak.

Another slow pump. “Mmmmmaaaeeeestro!” She squeaked again, beginning to pant.

Another pump. “Nnnnnnrrrr maestro. Uuuu!” She went hoarse, barely conveying her sounds.

The next pump her hand jolted down and behind me squeezing my ass, her other hand grasping the leg of the bed.

“Hhhnnnnnfff! Unf! Ommmf!”

Isabelle moaned while her pussy pulsated and throbbed. I stopped, allowing her to bathe in her orgasm. When her pussy finally slowed, I began my rhythm again, beginning to feel the stirrings of copulation myself.

Isabelle was panting as I worked her, she began letting out brief grunts and I knew I would join her soon. My balls were aching and my dick was starting to pulse. Her pussy changed gears and became a milkmaid again, her pussy working me like a hand to an utter. I kept my slow pace, feeling totally under control. I could feel the sperm making its way up my shaft, but going at a crazy slow place.

“Oh. Oh shit. Izzy, oh Izzy. Izzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyy” I purred into Isabelle’s ear as I felt the cum dribbling out of my cock, some how her pussy had slowed it to a crawl but each drop gave the same sensation as a full shot of cum, only muted as I entered into a two minute orgasm.

“MMMMmmmmm Izzy. Mmmmmmm baby. Hooooooooooooooo gawd. Oh Izzy.” I kept moaning over and over as my pumps stayed in rhythm, my cum slowly filling her again.

“What are you guys doing?” I hear in a soft young voice. I know it was Dominique but I was far to engrossed in my continuous orgasm and Isabelle’s flawless body to stop. I just kept grunting softly.

“It’s ok Nika, just go to sleep.”

“Why is he making noise?”

“Later Nika. Ask in the morning” I heard Isabelle saying, her voice getting more strained.

“Why are you moving like that?”

“Shut up Nika!” Isabelle said forcefully, her body’s fulfilment of taking cum filling her with unparalleled satisfaction.

“But what is he doing?”

“Dios mio Nika! Vete ya! He’s cumming in me. Oh maestro! Oh god I want all of it!”

She reached back and grabbed my hair moaning loudly as I finished cumming. I was just able to reached her lips and kissed her as my body finally stopped moving, completely drained of semen, completely drained of lust, completely drained of desire for anything more in life.

I know Nika kept talking for a while but we heard none of it as we drifted off to sleep, exhausted and content. But it made for a long ass conversation on the next day’s drive.

The Great TashReport 

2020-01-02 08:42:39
Fantastic series!


2016-01-07 21:38:30
Just started reading these today. Keep up the good work :)


2015-11-12 12:29:23
dude, you've outdone yourself with this chapter, with the cliffhanger ending I hope you're planning on writing a whole lot more, this is amazing and has the potential to become a novel. I see many possibilities in the future and I can't wait to see what you do with the story

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