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Jenna came for a visit, and got much more than she bargained for. . .
So it’s been about three weeks. Nothing. I am kind of shocked, really. I completely lost my head. I didn’t even know I could do something like that, and damn sure never thought I would be a free man afterward. Not that nothing could happen, but if it hadn’t by now . . . . was she too embarrassed? Was she unsure anyone would believe her? I don’t know, but I am amazed to be sitting here at the dinner table like all is well.

I did lose my head, but I can’t pretend I didn’t know what happened, or that I wasn’t in control. I could try to rationalize but I know deep down, I had just wanted it, no matter what, and I took it. I figured I would pay the price, but I think . . . . I think I am going to get away with it. It sure had kept me hard. My wife just the other day said I was like a teenager, with how much I had been pushing for sex. She sure seemed happy with my renewed interest. So I guess I owe it all to . . . Jenna. Jenna, the most amazing fuck, just thinking about our encounter now has me hard under the table. My wife Chrissy also seemed to like the more aggressive nature of our coitus.

If only she knew a different kind of, I guess I would call it caveman confidence had altered my actions. Now I was of no fear of being aggressive. It had gotten me what I wanted. God I wanted it again! Sure Chrissy was a good catch, she was still pretty, relatively fit for a mother of three, nice full tits. Hell, most guys in the neighborhood probably jacked off or fucked their wives real hard after one of our pool parties. We liked to have those for the neighbors. We had flood lights, backyard games like horseshoes, and corn hole, and ladders. Through in a nice curved pool with a gazebo and outdoor grill and fridge/keg orator, and we were the happening place.

There is me, Chrissy, our eldest daughter Samantha, middle child Brenda and little one Mikey. Chrissy and I met in school, me for economics and finance, her for law. She had a probate practice, I had my own little investment firm and money market accounts business. We weren’t rich, especially not for the nice area in which we lived, but we certainly did ok. The house was only about 2400 square feet, which sounds good, but with a finished basement, it’s less than you think. And all in all it will end up costing $750,000 when we are done paying for it. But we are just outside of Marin County and it affords us a less stuck up area to live, with easy access to the big money players, which help both our businesses.

We moved in just after Jenna was born, had the other two kids and have had a great marriage. Really, we are both fit, I still rock climb outside and at the gym, and Chrissy has always been a runner. She really is a great wife.

Supportive, kind, intelligent, driven, fit, and one hell of a great cook. I didn’t cheat on her because of her. I didn’t ever mean to cheat at all. Sure things were a little ho-hum, but after 25 years of marriage, passion isn’t usually still around, but mutual love and respect and adoration were still there. Still now. Like I said, it hadn’t been premeditated.

I am a nice guy. I drive only a few miles over the speed limit, treat my few employees well, donate time and money when I can, try to be there for my kids all the time, from sports to the arts, to whatever else grabs their attention. I really am a good guy! I just. . . . just. . . . I just didn’t have the resolve to stop myself. I wanted it too much.

I did pretty well in high school, played sports, good grades, dated a pretty cute girl my entire junior and senior year. I hoped Jenna got to have that too. A steady strong relationship to learn about relationships and not the topsy turvy crazy emotional ones some people had then and have now. Then college with some cuties until I met my wife. I have nothing to complain about, really. I really am a nice guy! But I can’t ignore what I did, or that it still energizes me every time I think of what I saw in the mirror. God forgive me, I think I will always look back on it fondly.

Maybe I am a sick fuck, but if it were all started over, I think I would do the same thing. In fact, if I knew how hot it would be . . . . I now I would do the same thing. Samantha was talking about the fall Sadie Hawkins dance coming up next weekend. She was excited. I wondered if I should chaperone. Would she be there? Could I find another secure place to take her and relive it? It was the craziest, most intense, and amazing orgasm of my life. God it was . . . . . fuck! I swear I am a good guy!

Ok, ok, I am stalling. But I am trying to keep my mind from just going there too easily. I shouldn’t be proud of it. I shouldn’t be okay with what happened. But I am. It was amazing. I will never forget it. I will never forget her. Jenna will be the foremost image in my mind’s eye forever. I never thought of myself as capable of anything like that. I lived such a noble and straight life. I still can’t believe I raped that little tart. I still can’t believe how amazing it was.

Three weeks ago. The week of Samantha’s birthday. She was born in August but we had put her right in school when she qualified so she was always behind her friends. They all were driving at some point last year. But it was the right move. Samantha got her parents brains and was doing well in school and was starting to work on extracurricular activities. She had joined a local community theater group, and had made a number of friends. You know, Samantha had brought a lot of friends home, to spend the night, for dinner, for practice, for study. Some were real cuties and some were trolls, but I never paid them much mind beyond their friendship with Samantha. But there was something about Jenna. Something . . . primal to my brain.

Samantha wanted a birthday party at the pool, she had so many newer friends with that community theater. There were only girls invited, as I didn’t want young boys trying to feel up the girls at the party. God knows my hormones were surging at their age. So the girls started showing up at about 1:00, just in time for lunch. I was busy out at the grill and met a lot of the girls with a quick hello and back to work. Some I had seen often, some a bit, others I didn’t remember. Again, I was happy in life and never had thought of any of Sam’s friends like that. But I hadn’t seen Jenna.

I was going into the kitchen to put another batch of burgers and hot dogs down, and grab fresh ones to cook. I came around the corner from the patio into the kitchen just as she popped the top on her soda. It fizzed and she had brought her hand up to slurp up the foam that was coming out. She had her head craned forward and she was up on the balls of her feet in her sneakers.
I almost dropped my tray.

I actually froze for a few seconds midstep, before she looked up from her soda at me and thankfully the spell broke so I didn’t just start babbling like an idiot. God knows my ears were burning red, thank goodness my dark brown hair covered it up. All I can tell you was the 6 seconds I paused and stared, are the 6 most indelible seconds of my life, and lead to what might have to be the best 6 seconds of orgasm in history. She was just . . . . you know, she was actually awesome. She filled me with awe.

I don’t even know if I can describe her in a way that does her justice. Let’s just start with hard, and sculpted. That is the first overall impression you need. Her thighs were rounded, just thin enough to leave a tiny gab at her holiest of holies. Her calves were slender and long for her short 5 foot 1 frame. Her jean shorts were cuffed high on her thigh, and because she needed a small enough waist, they were a bit snug, and pressed her thighs in just a tad.

Now for the top half. Her waist was just shocking. It was a bit on the thinner on the side, on the sides, and the tummy was concaving right at the point where it disappeared into her white bikini bottoms which barely showed through her unbuttoned shorts, which had both tips folded down as girls do. I hadn’t see her ass yet, but trust me, as good at the rest. Her belly button had a dangling diamond or diamond looking gem. The sides of her tummy sloped down and out on both sides, her athletic abs only showing through at that point, the rest of her stomach was smooth as a baby’s backside.

She had on a sport bra, white, over her tip. She was wearing a thin black hoody over it. I could see much definition of her chest, but it was clear she had one. She still had plenty of time to develop, and as I can attest, there is a bit more than meets the eye, as layers disguise. She had a average neck, and dark brown hair to her shoulders, actually a touch below. Her face is hard to describe because it is a bit plain, but not in an ugly well. She just was a little longer faces, with outer cheeks instead of high bulbous ones. She was certainly a cutie, but she always had that resting bitch face, which went perfect with the too-nice-to-touch body.

Do you remember that girl on the Olympics team for the USA last time? She was kind of notorious for looking pissed? Jenna could easily pass for her sister, but her eyes were bigger, rounder and deeper. But what really, REALLY pulled it together was that the hot body had skin to die for. First off it was perfectly smooth, seemed to be pulled just a bit tighter than the average person, maybe she was over toned for her age. Maybe a few too many hormones in the food. Now, her heritage was ½ American Indian. Zulu and Cherokee I think. Half Italian. So she had skin that tanned VERY well, and instead of just brown, it had a serious red tint to the brown tan. Almost a brown rust. It is the hottest thing I have ever seen. Think the slightest hint of a sunburn. All I wanted to do as grab what looked like the warmest, coziest, most sculpted girl I had ever seen.

She didn’t say a word as I put the food down. She just went to the table grabbing buns and some ketchup. I grabbed a few more burgers and brats to grill and left without breaking the silence. I can’t describe it, I was so intimidated. I felt like our roles were reversed, as though she was the elder statesman. Maybe because when you see great figures, you just assume it knows more about fucking than you do. I don’t know, but I know I starred at the grill to keep from looking around and finding her and probably not being able to stop.

I finished this round of food while the girls had been mawing on the first round. They finished up eating while I made a plate and sat in a chair in the other room. When I first walked in I saw her out of the corner of my eye. I had held my composure but now was sitting alone, eating foot, hard as Wolverine’s claws and COULD NOT think of anything else.

It didn’t take too long for the young ladies to make their way out to the pool. My wife headed out with them and the house went quiet. Man, I had to get a grip. I was gritting my teeth and I was sweating profusely. I took my near empty paper plate to the kitchen and dropped it in the trash.

I closed the trash cabinet and was washing my hand when I looked out. Somehow, God had created a perfect seem in all the girls and I saw Jenna. She was pushing her shorts over her modest hips, they would be great when she filled out all the way. Her pure bright white bikini bottoms had string ties on each side. I loved those. A quick pull and bush or ass was being seen.

Oh man, if only he could do that to her, watch that amazing skin under the peel. She dropped the zip up hoodie and peeled the sports bra over her head, showing a matching bright white top. It was a very supportive top so I couldn’t see a lot of skin on her chest but she had better heft filling the top than I expected. She sat by the side and dangled her feet in.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and went back to watching her. I saw her actually smile for a minute. To be honest I thought the scowl was hotter. Her smile made her look innocent and young. My hips were softly rubbing up to the counter, as I absent mindedly released some sexual tension.

I became aware and replaced the counter with my hand, softly massaging my dick in my swim trunks. I kept watching her as she walked up the steps and out of the pool. I loved the way the sun sparkled against the drops of water on her skin, dripping down to the ground. I took another long pull from the beer . . . .

And I hunched over the sink as my stomach muscles clenched in reaction to the orgasm that caught me in surprise. Beer and foam spilled from my mouth as my cum spilled from my cock and filled my trunks with my seed. My stomach fluttered again and my legs flexed hard as my clenched again, sending more cum into my swimsuit, but by then my cock numb to anything but the pleasure waves that emanated from my body. The bottle clanged into the sink as I lost my grip, even my eyes forced closed by the rush and intensity.

My body ceased seizing and the orgasmic waves receded. My temples were throbbing and I could feel my heart in my teeth. I brought my head to rest on the cool surface or the sink edge as I waited for my mind to returned to its relaxed state. I made my way up the stairs once it did and hoped in the shower, cleaning the mess off of me. I dried and got some new shorts and went downstairs confident I was back in control of myself.

I was wrong. I knew it as soon as I saw her. She had grabbed her hoodie but hadn’t put her shorts on. Her great ass and legs with that skin were as luscious as ever. She had her scowl and she and a girl ate hot dogs leaning against the wall of the dining room. The house was flooded with girls, most grabbing a second bite to eat. I didn’t want to stare at Jenna so I went to the sink and just looked out the window.

My wife came up to me, “Everything okay sweeties?” She asked putting her hand on my arm.

I turned and smiled and raised my hands, shaking, “Too much estrogen!” She laughed and gave me a peck on the cheek. The last time I felt her touch before I cheated on her.

I told my wife I would clean up the kitchen and dining room and they could all go back to enjoying the pool. Soon the house was quiet again and put away all the condiments and leftovers, wiping down the table and chairs and swept the floor.

The door opened.

It was Jenna. She saw me and quickly said, “I need to use the bathroom.”

Thank god she spoke, it broke the spell I was under. “Uh, oh, yeah, that way” She thanked me and started walking. As she was about to round the hall I said.

“Wait! The downstairs one is working funny, use the ½ bath up stairs to the right.”

“Ok!” She said and I heard her feet as she bounced upstairs. Why did I tell her that? The bathroom works fine. But I knew why. I did. Upstairs she would be far from ears and eyes. She would be alone. She would be . . .vulnerable, I thought as I had reached the glass door leading outside. I flipped the lock, securing the door.

I walked slowly and quietly up the stairs. I got to the door of the bathroom and waited until I heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on. I tried the handle . . . . it was unlocked.

I strode right in.

“Oh gosh you startled me, what’s wrong?” Jenna asked, obviously confused as to why I walked in. She wouldn’t be confused long. I did stand there for a good 3 second first, just drinking her in. That great tan, those athletic legs, with a much more visible pert ass, the cheeks sticking out the edges of her bikini bottom. I said her tits were better than expected, and they were. A very perky and rounded pair of mid level B cups. To say my erection was approaching with vigor is an understatement.

Her hair was draped over her shoulders, a gorgeous healthy dark brown, that bitch face. She was just fucking hot. I took the few steps to her and wrapped my arms around her and held her right in front of me and looked her in the eyes.

“Fuck. You are so, so hot. Just look at you. . . “ I leaned in and placed my lips over hers.

“Ohhhhmmmmyymmm. MMMM-NNNFFFMM!” Jenna protested, her voice muffled by my mouth, and she tried keeping her mouth closed. I reached back and grabbed a clump of that sexy hair and pulled hard.

“Quit your shit! You’re gonna be a good girl!” I snapped back at her and shook her once before I began groping her all over.
“Hey! Hey stop. Stop! What are you doing?!” Jenna was yelling in a panic. She knew she was powerless and hoped to alert someone or make me fear it. But the window was closed, and the door was closed downstairs. The stereo was on outside. No one was gonna hear shit.

I gnawed on her shoulder and collar bone while she protested loudly. I made my way to her neck as my hand found her thigh and the string of her bottoms. I gave it a yank.

“Oh Jess-mmmmm-maaah! Wh-ha-ha-ha-hat are you doing?” Jenna cried between stained protests as she was quickly coming to grips with the fact that she was gonna be my treat. I didn’t give a shit if she wanted to give me that body or not. It was the body I wanted, and I wanted it nice and young. Young and hard. Oh God she was hard! Firm everywhere my hands went. And when my hand dove under her peeling bottoms to squeeze that ass, oh Christ it was spectacular. I was hard as steel and ready to feed my Frankenstein.

“Ohmm fuck! Damn Jemmmmmah. God this is gonnmmmbe great!” I spit the words out between kisses and sucks of her neck, face and lips.

“Oh God let me go! Please! I will do anything you want! Please don’t!” Jenna was screaming now. It was really amusing, there was no way anyone was going to hear her over the next few minutes. I would be done by then, and I honestly didn’t give a shit about press, prison, or shame. I wanted to fuck that teen pussy and I was gonna.
I pushed down my shorts and my cock bounced free, smacking against Jenna before I began to grind my hips into her. God the pressure felt good on my cock. It felt a little less good to Jenna.

“Oh God! Stop! Stop! Stop, stop, stop!” Jenna screamed, smacking me. I grabbed the bitch in a vice grip on her throat, silencing her.

“We can do this the fun way, or the hard way. Makes no difference to me. But you better decide.” I growled at her at threatening as I could. She could be a good little fuck doll, or she could be a fucking cunt. But either way, she was getting a cock inside her. She was also getting a good hard fuck. The only difference was if I tried to make it hurt.
Jenna didn’t say a word when I gave her the ultimatum. She just teared up, before her lips began to quiver and then she began to out and out cry. Her bikini bottoms had slid down her other leg. She was exposed. She had a cock pulsing against her tummy. She knew. She knew. I wished she would just go along with it. But we don’t always get what we want.

Except for that pussy of course. I was getting that!

I started sloppily licking and kissing her lips, getting my saliva all over her. She tasted scrumptious. It started to feel like she was going to just be a good girl. But then she shrieked again and smacked me. Hard. In the face.
“Choice made, eh?” I grabbed her hips and spun her and slammed her up against the far wall. Her face was pressed over the side edge of the window wooden pain. Her throat was getting dug into which made it all the tougher for her to make noise. Her fucking ass, wow, it was like the softest pound of flesh on earth. I wanted to fuck her ass as much as her pussy, but no way in hell I could hold out that long.

“Pl-ple-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-se stop!” STOP!!” She screamed. It was like sexy music to me at that point. A woman giving a mock difference in a pre-mating ritual. Ii was happy to let her indulge. For about 2 seconds.

I reached between her legs and began to explore with my fingers. “Oh Jesus, Jesus stop. Help me!! Hel-el-el-el-elp me-ee-ee!”

I found the right spot. I grabbed my one genitals and buried the head of my cock in her opening.

“Oh God, oh god. Please stop. Just let me. . . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

Jenna wailed like a siren when I shoved. I expected a lot more resistance, but then again I pushed pretty damn hard. I was too god damned turned on to be patient.

“Scream bitch. Scream all you want. They won’t hear you. Daddy needs his medicine. “

I pulled back and rammed home again, feeling my testicles slap up against her spread lips. Fuck she was warm and tight. Just as a little slut should be. She totally deserved my cum in that sweet, tasty pussy.

She had devolved into a soft sob now, I guess she was resigned to her fate. About time.

I had a hand now crossing her chest and gripping the opposite shoulder. My other hand was massaging and rubbing her thigh and pelvis. Mmmm, tight, toned, supple and firm. She was fucking brilliant. My balls were just starting to tingle and the tip of my cock was not far behind.

“Uh fuck! Fuck baby, you milking me!! You want my cum that bad huh darlin’?” I slammed home again and again.
“Uh-ah! N-no! N-n-no I don’t, UGH! I don’t want you to cum! Please d—UNNNNG!” Jenna tried to persuade me not to fill her pretty little pussy with my old man jizz. But she deserved my cum. I had never fucked a body quite this hot, shit girls didn’t even look like this when I was in school. I wasn’t’ gonna live vicariously with this one.

I felt my shirt getting wet with my sweat, and my ears picked up the squishing, rubbing, wet sounds of our uglies as they bumped, as I gave this girl the fuck she deserved. She would appreciate it one day, the little sex tart.

“Oh shit baby, my dick is tingling. Baby it’s coming soon!” I roared as Jenna’s hand slapped the window. I laughed. While she could see some of the party goers, we were too high and around the corner for anyone to notice.

I happened to see our movement in the side mirror. I had never watched myself in a mirror. Well a ceiling mirror yes, but not a side mirror. Watching that tiny teen ass of her, squishing and bouncing as I rammed my manhood into her tiny cunt was a sight to behold. It turned me on something fierce. And I was already close.

I was ready to erupt and this would be a fun way to do so. I kept pumping but put a hand on each hip and yanked her back to me, then stepped back, and yanked her back to me again. We did this until I had her parallel with the counter and mirror and watched my dick fuck her in the mirror. Jenna looked to the side for a second, got a look of pure horror on her face, watching a man 30 years her senior pump her body like a doll. She bent at the waste, and I could see her crying via the mirror. She was crying hard now, hard sobs, making her stomach jerk, her lips were pulled back. Her eyes clenched.

Oh god this was it! Oh shit. Shit this one was bubbling over in the pot. It was gonna be a big fucking orgasm! Oh shit it was worth raping this little bitch. Lock me up and throw me away, I was experiencing God’s best!

I felt the tingling of my cock head began pouring down my penis until it collided with the tingling moving up from my balls. I began to ascend the ladder of orgasm. Usually you go up four or five steps. The great ones are a 6th step. I was a step above. My heart felt like it was clenching, my lungs were numb, my face felt like it was now on fire. The orgasm was seconds from exploding and I was worrying that I might have a heart attack right there, with my cock inside her.

“Look at me Jenna. LOOK!” I yelled at her as I kept pumping.

Jenna’s hair bobbed and her head under it with each thrust. She finally turned and looked at me in the mirror, her face stained with tears, her lips still sobbing.

I looked her right in the eye, and released. I let her watch my face, as my eyes rolled back, as my face scrunched up, as my jaw fell open. She knew, she knew exactly what I was showing her. I heard her scream-cry as she buried her face in her hands, knowing my 7 inches of cock was pumping semen into her young hard body. Christening her, marking my territory.

I don’t know how long she screamed, when the orgasm topped out I slowly stopped pumping as my legs jelloed and numbed. My ears were ringing, my temples throbbed and my mouth was so dry. Her pussy kept milking me on instinct as she sobbed. I was drained. Drained of fluid. All for her.

A wash of fatigue hit me so fast and hard, that I had to clutch the wall and counter to keep from falling. Finally free Jenna fell forward and slid off my penis, a sting of white left us connected for a couple feet. Jenna crumpled to the floor, now sobbing softly.

I slid down the wall to the floor to catch my breath for a minute. I stared at her the whole time. Those tight thighs, her bulbous ass, the line of her back. She had stopped crying and just lay there. I forced myself to my feet. Time to pay the piper.

I grabbed her bottoms and tossed them onto her legs. “Get dressed. Your work is done.”

I went to my room and yet another pair of shorts and shirt, the current ones were wrinkled as hell. I went downstairs and poured a double of single malt and threw in a few rocks. I went outside and pulled and sat at the table and cranked the umbrella open and just sat and sipped.

I figured soon I would hear a scream as someone discovered Jenna. Or see Jenna walk out without her bottoms, sobbing and spilling the whole event. I figured I was about to lose my wife, my daughter, my freedom. It was fucking worth every penny.

It was a bit later I saw her, gingerly walking out the door, bikini on, hair straightened, sunglasses covering her eyes. She sat on the edge of the pool and dangled her feet in the water for the next two hours with a forced smile. She never said a word about it. I assumed after her mom gave her a ride home, I would have cops at my door. Still nothing.

Still nothing now. Nothing as I ate my dinner. When Samantha spoke up.

“Can I be excused? I need to get to Jenna’s for an extra practice.”

“Sure sweetie, say hi for me.” I replied, unable to keep the smile off my face.

The Great TashReport 

2019-12-24 08:23:32
Holy hell so good


2019-11-14 03:57:02
This is still a favorite of mine I come back to.

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