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Danyel and her best friend go thrill seeking and find themselves in the pits of Hades itself, with Adam as their eternal antagonist.
Just outside of Summersville, West Virginia, on route 19 there was an abandoned gas station. The local lore said that it was haunted and that anyone that ever went there went missing. Danyel, being the stupid little thrill seeker she was, decided that she would test this little legend, knowing in her mind that it was probably just a creepy-as-fuck place, with a few homeless people squatting there in the summer time. A thing she wasn't worried about in late autumn.
It was Halloween and Danyel had spend the first half of her evening getting stoned out of her mind, and pigging out on sweets, but as she sat there at the bar looking around at the floozies in costumes, and douche bags in capes she realized this was not the kind of Halloween she had in mind. She nudged her friend Amelia to get her attention and leaned in close to her ear. "Lets get out of here. This is boring, and if one more fat guy hits on me I'm going to break his nose." Amelia laughed and just nodded, taking Danyel's arm and stumbling out of the bar. Amelia was way to drunk to drive, so Danyel jumped behind the wheel. Before they took off she looked over at Amelia. "Hey, I was thinking...Halloween used to be scary, right? So lets do something scary."
"You mean like letting me be on top again?" Amelia asked snarkily. Danyel reached over and swatted Amelia over her corseted tits and laughed.

"No bitch! Lets go to the gas station everyone talks about."

"Yeah! I've always wanted to see what inside was like!"

And with that they were off, and 45 minutes later they were parked in the ancient looking parking lot, Amelia passed out in the passenger seat. Danyel did all she could to wake the girl up, but nothing was working. It kind of pissed her off that her bestie had passed on her like that. She didn't want to go into the damned place alone, but there was no turning back now. If she chickened out, Amelia would never let her live it down. But before she left she got into the glove box and pulled out a fairly thick dildo.

She pushed Amelia's' seat back, spread her legs, and chuckled when she found that her bestie wasn't wearing panties. She almost never did, but that she did so tonight, while at the bar and in public meant that Amelia had had plans for after the party, and they more than likely involved Danyel, and whom ever was lucky enough to pique their interest at the bar. She opened Amelia's pussy up with one hand, leaned down and spit into her pussy before pushing the thick rubber cock into her pussy until it vanished. Amelia moaned softly, but didn't wake up. Then she put Amelia's skirt back into place, covered her up with her cape and finally left the car.

Before she got half way to the broken glass door of the gas station she regretted leaving her cape in the car. It was getting cold that night. It wouldn't have surprised her if the ground was covered in snow the next morning. She hurried into the gas station and shut the door behind her as best she should. Once she was inside she looked around for a long moment, and realized...the place was awfully clean, considering how long it had been abandoned. That was unnerving to say the least.

She walked toward the back, wondering if there was any abandoned booze left in the place, and indeed there was. Then she realized that the cooler was still on. How was their still electricity after all this time? She didn't know, but she was getting more and more creeped out. Then she heard a shuffle of some kind in the back room and whirled around. She looked around for a moment and saw a door labeled "storm cellar" and walked toward it. It was open a little ways and she peaked through it.

At the bottom of two flights of stairs she saw a dim light, and could smell smoke from a wood furnace. 'Is some one living here?' she thought to herself. She was to curious to turn back down. It felt like it took forever to get down those stairs, one painful quiet foot step at a time until she reached the bottom. The room was quite big, and lined with shelves stocked with survival rations, and what Danyel considered to be a fuck-ton of weaponry. Around the room there were different tables, and chairs with straps, and wooden contraptions, and in the corner, a bondage cross. That was when she realized she needed to get out now, but it was to little to late. She heard the steel door above slam closed, and heavy foot steps on the stone steps.

Her heart was about to leap out of her chest, she saw a door on the other side that led into a long hall way. 'An emergency exit' She desperately hoped, and bolted for it. Then she heard something that stopped her dead in her tracks. Amelia's muffled screaming. She turned around, just inside her only hope for escape and watched as a lean, muscular man with a goatee, shaved head, and tattoos came to the bottom of the stairs, Amelia, tied, and gagged over his shoulder sobbing and struggling drunkenly for her dear life. He dropped her on the ground like she was trash and started walking toward Danyel. There was no haste in his movements, no threat in his body language, totally contrary with what Danyel had just seen.

"Well, you saved me months of planning." He said in a calm flat voice. Danyel frown in confusion as her body started to shake violently in fear.

"What?" Was all she could manage to say. She had no idea who he was, or what he was walking about.

"I thought you'd be happy Danyel. I finally came to claim whats mine." His voice was almost a growl, as he went to the side of the room, pushing a button that slammed a metal door closed, a mere 2 inches from where Danyel stood. Effectively trapping her in the room. She blinked a few times, and tried to interpret his words, and finally when she wrapped her head around what was happening. She swallowed hard and tried to keep the fear from her voice.
"Adam?" It was almost a whisper, but it echoed in the concrete room, and even Amelia heard it, suddenly going very still and very quiet. In a blink he was on her, pinning her against the cold iron door hard. She hit her head against the door, and for a moment her head swam, and then she felt his hand at her throat. His grip tight, but only tight enough to make breathing hard, but still possible.

She gasped in as much air as she could and put her hands on his shoulders, trying her hardest to push him away. He growled right in her ear before biting her neck hard, breaking skin and making her bleed a little. For some reason she knew, he was marking her, like a beast. Danyel also grew very ashamed of herself when she realized how wet she was getting from it.

"Alright, you have me, now let her go." Danyel pleaded. As far as she knew he didn't want two girls. His hand snaked around her waist and down her back, quickly finding her bare ass under her short skirt, and jammed two fingers into her tight, dry pucker. Danyel screamed, and then bit into his shoulder. she controlled herself enough to not make him bleed though. She bit him to muffle her screams, not to do something as stupid as mark him. That sounded like a good way to die to her.

"Nope. If she is yours, that makes her mine too." He growled as he started working two dry fingers in and out of her ass roughly, while grinding his hardening cock against her pussy. The feeling of him against her caused an instinctual reaction to wrap one of her legs around his waist. Which was a mistake because when he saw her perfect pink hairless gash he lost his mind, nearly ripping his own pants of and violently forcing his thick meat into her tight cunt. The feeling of his throbbing cock ripping her pussy apart made her gasp, and then cream in agony. She felt like a virgin again, and not in a good way.
The suddenness of it made her head spin, and she couldn't breath well enough to beg him for mercy. She hadn't been with anyone in a good while, and her pussy was over riding her brain, and reprogramming her to love it. Even as she stared over his shoulder at her dirty and bruised friend. She panted and tried as hard as she could not to react, afraid that anything she did would only make it worse...Then she realize 'Oh god...if this is Adam...I'm not going to survive this.' The realization sunk to the bottom of her gut like a gold brick, even as her pussy started tightening and twitching around his pistoning cock. Then she thought 'Maybe I can save her at least.' And hoped she could succeed at that much, but then her mind went blank as he lifted her leg higher and started ravaging her fuck hole.

The force of him fucking her was bouncing her roughly against the metal door, making her head bounce off the metal on more than one occasion, and the rusted bolts on the door were digging painfully into her skin, but even then she could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter as he claimed his property with his cock. She was loving it, she hated herself for loving it, but she couldn't help it. His cock was deep inside of her smashing against a spot she didn't realize was even there. 'Maybe, if I'm good this wont be to bad.'

She was shaken violently from her thoughts when he stuffed a 3rd finger in her ass and start thrusting them in and out at a cruel pace. She screamed through grit teeth, trying so hard to act like she wasn't in pain, and failing. He pushed until his fingers were completely buried in her ass, and then ripped them out and started stuffing them back in until she as lose enough for him to savagely finger her now ruined ass. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and her body was shaking in almost silent sobs.
Despite how brutally he was using her she kept getting wetter and wetter, he body betraying her as her pussy spasmed and clenched tighter around him. He hiss in hear ear and rammed his fingers in and out of her ass harder and faster, and then bit in her shoulder savagely as he started to cry out in his infuriated lust. Her head sagged to his shoulder, her body going helplessly limp as she sobbed against him, her tears getting soaked up by his plan white t-shirt.
Adam hadn't said much sense he had started fucking her, the only noises he made were growls, snarls and the occasional gasp for air. His thrusts were getting more and more frantic and violent, and Danyel was openly sobbing against his shoulder as he brutally stretched both her holes at one time.
"You stupid fucking whore. All those times you challenged me, all those times you pissed me off, you are finally going to pay for that. Starting with carrying my bastards." He grabbed her face and made her look him in the eye, and every time she closed her eyes or tried to look away he slapped her hard in the face. So she was force to stare into the eyes of the man that was raping her. His face was dark and twisted, almost like a demon, as he gasped in a big breath and then practically roared, shooting his thick cum into her cunt, filling her womb. His thrust slow, but impossibly rough as he filled her. For a long moment he kept her there, pumping in and out, milking every drop out into her pussy.

When he finally stopped Danyel looked over at Amelia, sobbing raggedly...and then almost immediately stopped crying. Her eyes went wide when she saw the enormous wet patch on the concrete steps under Amelia, and the look on her face. That face! The look of nirvana she had after the first time her and Danyel had fucked each other into a coma. Danyel knew she should have felt hurt, but for some reason it made her pussy spasm hard, almost bringing her to orgasm. Amelia caught Danyel staring and looked away, her face blushing a bright red. She turned her head away from Danyel and started to cry softly, ashamed of herself.

Finally Adam pulled his softening cock out of her ruined cock hole and threw her on the floor and walked away to the far wall, punched a code into a laptop on the other side of the room, which was fallowed by a series of loud clicks. Amelia didn't seem to grasp what was going on at first, but Danyel knew they'd just been locked in, and judging by the amount of rations on the shelves, it was going to be a long hard life.
He walked over the Amelia, he untied her, and took the gag out of her mouth and pushed her in the room. She ran to Danyel and hugged her tight, crying into her shoulder, Danyel wrapped her arms around Amelia and sobbed into her in return.

"We're going to die here, aren't we?" she asked in a shaky whisper. All Danyel could do to answer as nod her head and continue to sob.

"Shut the fuck up." Adam barked at them. He came back over, two leather collars with metal rings in them in hand. He grabbed Amelia by her hair and tore her from Danyels' arms, the girls both screamed and reached for each other. He back handed Amelia and sent her flopping back onto the floor, then he jumped on top of her and buckled the collar around her neck. He put the other collar in his pocket so he could lock the collar around her neck with a pad lock. Then he yanked her over to the stair case and hissed in her ear. "You think I didn't notice the mess you made? You disgusting skank, clean it up!" He snarled as he kicked the backs of her legs, sending her crashing down on the stairs in a heap. She whimpered, but didn't hesitate.

Amelia was a smart girl most of the time, and did as she was told, lapping up her own girl cum off the dirty cement with her tongue. She had dirtied six stairs with her shameful orgasm, and as she reached the top stair she was just in the right spot. Adams cock grew hard almost instantly and he grabbed Amelia's hips, lined up his cock, still wet from Danyel's cunt, and thrust the whole thing into Amelia's plump white ass. She shrieked in pain and collapsed onto her stomach on the stairs. He growled and put his full weight against her, pressing her painfully into the stairs as he rut against her ass, burying himself as deep as he could, withdrawing and then shoving it all in, again and again, ruining Amelia's ass for life, on its first use.

Danyel wanted nothing more than to help Amelia, but she had a hunch that if she tried to intervene that it would only make it worse on the both of them. Amelia must have got the same feeling because she didn't struggle, and after awhile she stopped screaming and only grunted and groaned between his thrusts. Adam was ruthlessly fucking her ass, even from the other side of the room Danyel would see how red her cheeks were getting red from the impact of his hips against her ass. After about twenty minutes he was growling again, fucking the crying girl with all he had. At first she wondered if her friend had started crying again, but the longer she listened to them, the clearer and louder the sounds got.

Her head turned slowly to look over at her friend again, and was shocked at what she saw, Amelia reaching back and spreading her ass wider for him, bucking her hips back on him as she moaned and purred drunkenly. Danyel wanted to assume it was just the booze, but no, Amelia's face was one of bliss, and the stairs were again ruined with her cunt juices. Not long after that Adam gasped and grunted loudly, dumping a a thick load of cum in her tight ass. She screamed and came violently, squirting him, the stairs, and her costume with her juices.

Adam turned then, cock hanging out of his jeans, dripping with cum, and smiled at Danyel. He took the collar from his pocket and threw it on the ground half way between her and him. "Put it on." He said in a perfectly calm voice. Danyel stared at him, then stared at the collar, suddenly recalling all the times he had promised some thing like this was going to happen, and how much she'd enjoy hearing him talk like that. Then she remembered all the promises she had made him as well. She did say she would be fine with this sort of thing, didn't she? Had begged for it on more than one occasion.

With a few calming breaths she got on her hands and knees and crawled across the room. She took the collar and put it around her neck. Then he dropped the pad lock and key on the floor at his feet. Danyel was starting to shake again violently, but she crawled over to him slowly, every inch closer to him more and more terrifying. Kneeling at his feet she took the heavy lock and put it through the clasp in the collar, and locking it. Trying to be a 'good girl' she offered the key back him, her head bowed, staring at the floor.

She flinched when he reached down and took the key from her, which made him chuckle. He went over to Amelia and grabbed her by the collar, dragging her over to a 5'5' cage with a small tattered dog bed in it. He threw her in, but didn't lock it. He simply said to her "When ever you fuck up, she gets punished." Then he looked over at Danyel and grinned maliciously. "The same goes for you, piss me off, and I take it out on her, while you watch." Danyel's lip quivered, but she nodded her head obediently, knowing there was no way to be perfect in his eyes.

Her eyes stayed on the floor as he walked back over to her and gripped her by her thick brown hair, jerking her head back so he could look down into her face. "Good girl, I think its time for your reward." He grabbed his limp cock and started smacking it against her face roughly. It stung, and she knew she was probably going to have bruises the next day. His cock was hardening again with a quickness "Open your mouth." he commanded quietly. She did as she was told and opened her mouth, flattening her tongue, knowing what would happen next. Adam wrapped her hair around his hand and gripped tighter before sliding his cock in her mouth. At first it wasn't that bad, she could taste Amelia's' ass, and her own cunt juices still on his cock, which induced a mild gag.

Gagging was the wrong thing to do. "You fucking whore." he growled as he started pumping his cock in and out of her face in a slow but rough pace. It wasn't enough for him for long, and soon his whole cock was sliding in and out of her throat. Taking the cock down her throat wasn't hard, but every time he withdrew she heaved and retched hard, hacking up thick bubbly globs of saliva on his cock. This only goaded him one more, his thrust quickening until he was more or less just holding his cock down her throat and bucking hard against her face. She couldn't hardly breath anymore, her face turning almost purple.
Once in awhile he would pull his slobber covered cock and smear it all over her face, making her mascara and eye liner run down her cheeks like a street walker in the rain. Then he slid his cock back down her throat and started fucking her face in fast, long strokes. Danyel's eyes started rolling back in her head, and she was getting dizzy. He must have noticed because he reached down and ripped her flimsy costume top off of her body and started mauling her breasts with his hands, slapping them around and tugging hard on her erect nipples. The searing pain in her breast cleared her mind. He growled and pulled his cock out of her mouth and slapped her hard across the face again.

"That's not good enough you stupid cum dumpster!" He snagged the ring of her collar and started dragging her over to leather wing backed chair. 'His throne' she thought to herself when she saw it, knowing that power had a great deal to do with his pleasure. He flopped in the chair and pulled her up between his legs and started slapping his cock all over her face again. Not as hard this time, but still taking great pleasure in making her face a sticky mess. He sat up and held her by the throat, lifting her to his face. "Open your mouth, and stick out your tongue." he commanded in what was almost a whisper. Danyel did as she was told, opening her mouth wide, and sticking out her tongue as far as she could.

That's when he jammed two fingers into her mouth and held it open. She whimpered and tried to jerk her head away, but he more or less had her by the jaws now. Seemingly from out of no where he had a ring gag in his hand, and was pushing the treated leather ring into her mouth. He secured it tightly around her head and chuckled evilly. Her tongue was back in her mouth, and it made him growl at her. "Stick your tongue out!" She corrected herself and did as told, sticking her tongue out through the leather ring. He gripped her hair tight and pushed her back down between his legs, looming over her as his cock rubbed against her cheek. He grabbed the tip of her tongue between his finger and thumb and held it in place. It stung badly and made her eyes water, tears rolling down her cheeks again. Then he slowly leaned down, and spit into her mouth. The first time Danyel retched hard and tried to squirm away, then he slapped her again, gripping her hair tighter. "You're nothing but garbage. I will do what ever I want to you, and there is not a damned thing anyone can do about it? You are worthless, and no one will be looking for a disgusting cum toilet like you!" He taunted her cruelly while spitting in her mouth several more times.

He made her hold it there, and then shoved his cock down her throat, bouncing her head up and down on his cock hard and fast. She gagged hard, and almost lost it and puked on him, but she feared the punishment for that just enough to keep it from happening. Apparently it still wasn't enough, so he grabbed her collar and started twisting it around his fingers, making it tighter and tighter, closing her throat more and more until around his cock until she couldn't breath anymore. But that wasn't enough either. He tightened it even more, until it was so tight around his cock that is got harder for him to thrust. "Oh fuck. I am going to fuck you and your friend to death. Do you hear me bitch? To death!" then he threw his head back and howled and before Danyel's vision went back she felt his cum pouring down her throat like a river of thick salty frosting. Then the darkness swam up around her and it was quiet for awhile. Before she lost consciousness she heard Amelia bawling hysterically, and Adam laughing like a psycho, and saying "You're next bitch." and hearing her scream.
~More coming soon!~

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-26 10:16:22
awesome storry .. its clear we have the same taste


2015-10-26 08:55:17
Thanks for the feed back....don't understand the second comment, but umm, thanks? Im sorry? Which ever. lol Those of you who didnt care for my story, please contact me via comment or PM and let me know why. I need constructive criticism to improve, right? And for those of you who like to troll, I get off on ridicule and verbal abuse...obviously. lol

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-25 01:32:37
Omg best ever I love it

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