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So you’re not going to believe what I just got back from doing. I’m sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DON’T WANT TO FORGET A SINGLE DETAIL! My girlfriend is now laying in bed asleep after putting on the performance of her life. She earned it!
So you’re not going to believe what I just got back from doing. I’m sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DON’T WANT TO FORGET A SINGLE DETAIL! My girlfriend is now laying in bed asleep after putting on the performance of her life. She earned it!

My girlfriend and I have been going out for about two and half years now, and since I can remember being intimate with her, I’ve tried to get her to play games where she’s having sex with me and another guy (or more). Let’s just say that those nights don’t go over very well. For some reason she just doesn’t like the idea. I, on the other hand, think that it would be super hot if she were to fuck around with other guys and me at the same time. It turns me on to picture her as the center of attention, pleasing several guys. It’s a rush.

Tonight my wish came true, as my little baby FUCKED A ROOM OF GUYS! That’s right! My baby’s asleep in bed right now after a solid 45 minutes of getting her pussy and ass fucked by 9 or 10 guys. It was amazing! It had to be the single most exhilarating experience of my life… and I’m sure her’s. I’m not sure how she’ll feel tomorrow, but tonight she was amazing.

So everything started out like this. My girlfriend, Maggie, is a fitness instructor at few local gyms. She teaches a few aerobics classes and a kickboxing class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I usually drop her off with a few pieces of equipment and I come back to pick her up after an hour or so. Tonight was no different, in that respect at least.

9:00 rolled around and I was sitting in the parking lot with the car running. 9:05, 9:10 passed and I wondered if she was busy talking with people and maybe she needed help with her equipment. I was right. I walked in and a few of the guys from the kickboxing class were hanging around chatting with her for a bit. I’m sure they did it just to spend a few more minutes staring at her body or something. I don’t care about those things. If people want to stare at my girlfriend’s body, I’m all for it, actually. I think it’s a turn on as well. She’s hot! What can I say.

So when I walked in I saw her turn towards me and wave and motion that she’ll be a few more minutes. I didn’t care. I figured I’d help her out by taking her equipment out to the car, which I did. I packed up the back seat with her gear and closed the door. You know, in most cases my mind turns into a pervert’s mind and I picture myself walking in and seeing her top off or something and a bunch of guys squeezing her tits, but oddly enough, tonight I didn’t. I was just anxious to get home and get to sleep. Maybe that’s what made it work, I just needed to NOT think about it happening… then it all works out.

Anyway, I walked back in and Maggie was still standing there talking to the same three guys. I walked up to the group of them and I introduced myself. “Hi, I’m Maggie’s boyfriend Jake.” The guys all shook my hand with minimal effort and kept the conversation going. They were talking about some camping trip they just got back from, like it was some Lord of the Rings sequel or something. Looking back on things now, I’m kinda pissed that those guys ended up fucking my girlfriend, because I wasn’t a big fan of them from the start.

So. I’ll be honest, I was anxious to leave and I was kinda prodding Maggie to get a move on so that we could get outta there and get home. She kept giving me the “one more minute” look. ‘Fine’, I thought.

Throughout her conversation with those chumps, I kept hearing guys hooting and hollering in the background at something, but each time I just dismissed it as guys being guys at a gym. The testosterone levels there were usually through the roof. This time was no different, with the exception of the two girls at the gym, Maggie and another girl working out in the back of the gym.

Enough time went by that I started staring at the ceiling waiting to leave. I could still hear those guys hooting and hollering in the background, and I was just bored enough that I was interested in what they were doing. I walked back to where all the noise was coming from. There were a bunch of guys in the owner’s office staring at a computer screen. As I walked closer to the monitor, I could see that they guys were watching porn.

Funny, I thought. I’m usually the one that’s thinking about porn when I’m in these situations, and here I stumble into this office full of horny guys. The guys were watching some girl on the screen sucking some black guy’s cock. I watched. I’ll admit it. It was cool to watch that stuff, and it turned me on a little to see.

A few more minutes went by, and I guess Maggie was now finished with her conversation with those guys when SHE was now looking for ME to leave. She walked into the office and saw the scene that I just described, with the 6 horny guys staring at the computer screen. Maggie saw me watching and shook her head and smiled. She stood there, just as curious as I was, and watched a few seconds of the scene herself. Now, I don’t know if this was just a perfect storm or what, but we all just stood there staring at that screen for a few moments. It now must have been about 60 seconds that went by with all of us watching this girl suck that cock, but it felt like minutes were ticking by.

The scene changed. The girl ended up taking off her panties and laid down spread-eagle for the black guy. He wasted no time and started fucking her. I was getting a little flush with some pent-up sexual tension, personally, as Maggie and I hadn’t had sex for a week or two at that point. I watched that girl getting it from the black guy and I was starting to get turned on more and more.

Maggie was standing right in front of me, and without thinking about it, I walked up to her and placed my hands on her waist and started kissing her neck. I didn’t care who was there or what they thought. I just wanted to kiss her neck. She didn’t stop me either. Strangely enough, I think she was getting a bit horny too. If you know Maggie, though, she’s definitely not the type to get horny around other people, and CERTAINLY doesn’t like kissing in public, and other public displays. So getting to kiss her neck with people around was different. Nobody noticed, though. Maggie and I were in the back of the room and all the other guys were crowded around the computer screen watching the porn clip.

I was getting more and more excited though. Not only was I kissing Maggie’s neck around other people, but I was doing it watching a porn around other guys. In all honesty, it wasn’t even occurring to me that things were about to happen. I was just interested in feeling Maggie’s hair caress my face when I kissed her neck.

After a minute or two, the two guys next to us started to notice me and Maggie getting more and more intimate. At one point I looked up from kissing Maggie’s neck and saw them both watching us. I don’t know what came over me at that moment, but I motioned to one of the guys to come over and take my spot. I moved a step to the left, and let that guy stand behind Maggie. He put his right hand on her right hip, and his left hand on her left side by her navel. Needless to say, it didn’t take much time for this guys to start feeling Maggie’s abs, and then move on to other parts of her body.

This guy, call him Guy #1, took my place and then some. He put his left hand on Maggie’s left tit, and put his right hand straight down her shorts. I could only imagine that he was starting to finger Maggie’s pussy. By the look on Maggie’s face, I was right. It was cute, though. Maggie was being real quiet, as though if she would keep the noise down, nobody would notice what was going on. To be honest, I’m not sure if she knew it was another guy or not. It didn’t look like she cared!

The other guy that was watching this with me, Guy #2, started to make his way up to Maggie as well. I motioned to him that we should take her shirt off. The motion was just an upwards nod, which I guess is default in a guy’s library as “take that girl’s shirt off”. Maggie didn’t hesitate, in fact, while we were taking her shirt off, she had already started taking her sports bra off.

Tits now exposed to this room full of horny guys, Maggie stood there with one guy behind her kissing her neck, while me and another guy started caressing the rest of her body. We didn’t waste much time before we dropped our heads down and started sucking on her tits.

If you haven’t seen, or felt, Maggie’s tits, which I don’t think you have, her tits are great! They’re a nice size (B-cup, I think), and soft as hell. When you put her nipples in your mouth, they seem to stay there. They’re just really nice to suck on! Needless to say, Guy #2 and me were doing our best with her tits, sucking each tit pretty hard, squeezing and fondling as much as we could.

It must have been the sucking noise that we made while sucking Maggie’s tits that got the attention of the other guys, because before I could really get going sucking her tits, all the other guys in the room were now aware of the topless chick in the back of the room getting her tits sucked. A huge circle formed and guys were getting a little pushy trying to get a spot up front. A few of the guys were already grabbing for Maggie’s shorts. Soon enough, her shorts were on the floor and Maggie was now standing completely naked in a room full of horny guys, each of which who ended up leaving that room having fucked Maggie forwards and back.

The hands came from all directions and after enough grabs, I decided to calm the crowd down. “Alright, alright. One step back,” I yelled to the guys. They all complied. I think they knew that if I gave the word, we’d be outta there.

I walked up to Maggie and I guided her up to the desk where the computer was. I pushed a bunch of papers and pens off the side of the desk to make some room and I propped Maggie up to sit on the desk.

I think Maggie was already enjoying the attention, though she didn’t smile that much. In fact, she was kinda playing the part of NOT wanting to do this, but being pretty passive about it. “Oh I see how it is,” Maggie said, “just because I have the only pussy in the room, I’m the one who has to get fucked!” The room erupted in laughter, and I think Maggie enjoyed being the funny one. “You guys all get horny watching a porno, and look for the nearest set of tits! I just happened to be in the wrong place.” More laughter. Maggie was smiling now.

It didn’t take me long to get my pants off and stuff my cock into Maggie’s pussy. She tilted her head back and moaned. It was hot. I could feel her pussy slapping against me with each thrust. I held each of her legs in the air and tilted her back a bit more. She put her elbows on the table and let me fuck her for a while.

Her tits were jiggling as I pumped her, and I guess that was the cue for guys to approach. One guy came up to her from my right and started sucking on her left tit. That was hot. I’m sure I’ll say this again later, but what really turns me on about this is the fact that Maggie is the center of attention in the whole room. Her body alone is making so many guys excited and thrilled. Whether it’s a guy finding pleasure in sucking her tits, fucking her pussy, jamming their cock up her ass, or getting their dick sucked, Maggie is the reason that they’re excited. If she left, the room would just be full of horny guys. I love that she can pleasure all these guys at once!

What happened next was funny. One of they guys tried to bring his cock up to Maggie’s mouth and she batted it away as if that was not allowed, or off limits. I thought it was kinda funny because by the end of the night she would have several guy’s dicks in her pussy, her ass, and yes, her mouth! Hehe. But at first, she didn’t want to suck dick. She just sat there on that desk with her legs spread and kicked up in the air with a guy sucking her left tit. The guy who tried to put his cock in her mouth ended up sucking on her right tit. Again, pretty hot.

After a few minutes of fucking Maggie, I decided to let the rest of the room take her for a ride. The guy behind me already had his pants off and was playing with his dick. I stepped back away from Maggie, and this guy walked right up and pushed his dick into Maggie’ pussy. Maggie closed her eyes, tilted her chin up into the air and took a deep breath. This guy wasted no time in pumping Maggie. He was pumping so hard, in fact, that you could hear a firm slapping sound from where his crotch met her’s.

Maggie was biting her lip a bit as this guy fucked her. The fucking was getting hard enough now that the guys who were sucking on Maggie’s tits had to stop, as her tits were bouncing so much from the fucking. Maggie went from holding her head and torso up with her elbows on the desk, to now fully on her back. She was starting to get pretty moany and started making pretty loud noises. A few minutes went by and finally this guy came all over Maggie’s belly, which she watched with pleasure.

“Get a towel!” she yelled at the guy after he came onto her abs. “Get me a fucking towel! I don’t want to get all covered in cum.” Two seconds didn’t go by before a towel came flying up. I think the idea was “don’t let her get mad, or she won’t let the rest of us fuck her”.

The next guy in line was a tall black guy from her kickboxing class. In fact, he was one of the guys who was talking with Maggie after her class. As he walked up to her, Maggie smiled and said “Oh really?!” as she laughed. The guy replied to her “Fuck yeah. You know it!”. Both of them laughed as Maggie kicked both of her feet straight into the air and spread her legs for the guy. I’m pretty sure she was looking forward to this, and she should have because his cock was huge. I had to look at it for a while to believe that it was real. Not only was it much longer than mine, but it was thick too!

The guy slapped his cock on her pussy for a little bit before he lined it up and pushed. Maggie went from being on her back with her chin tilted in the air to almost sitting up entirely as his cock slid into her pussy. It was cool, too. She was DEAD SILENT for the entire slide in, with her mouth COMPLETELY WIDE OPEN. Her hands were palms down on the table, and his cock finally came to a rest at the back of her pussy, Maggie belted out a HUGE moan. The look on her face was priceless too! She looked at the black guy as if in disbelief. I’m sure it was 90% pain that was making her make that face, but there was also a 10% loving it face in there as well. The guy pumped back a forth a few times and Maggie closed her eyes, put her head down, still completely silent. I stood next to them as I watched his dick move back and forth into her cunt. You could see when he reached the back of her pussy that her abdomen would raise a little where his dick was pushing up.

Each pump was more and more emotional to Maggie. She would go from gasping for air on her back to sitting up quickly and grabbing the black guy by the shoulders. What I liked the most was that he didn’t even break stride for any of it. He just kept on giving it to her, no matter what she did. He had his hands on her hips and just fucked her old school! This is right about where the moaning got the loudest and Maggie seemed to be out of control with either pain or pleasure. The guy finally came all over her chest, and like a good boy, cleaned it up afterwards.

Maggie was almost out of breath and seemed to be verging on passing out. I liked it! In fact, while the next guy fucked Maggie’s pussy, it seemed as though she wasn’t moving much at all or reacting in any way similar to the previous two guys. This time it seemed as though she was just letting the guy fuck her for a while, while she recovered. Maybe he had a small dick or something. I couldn’t tell.

By this time I was in the back of the room. I was talking to the guy who fucked Maggie after me. He kept thanking me and stuff, as if it were a great gift I had bestowed upon the room. I just liked the fact that Maggie was the center of attention. It was hot to look up from my conversation with the guy and see some random guy fucking Maggie in the background. And better still, I watched as some guy put his cock in Maggie’s mouth and she took it like a baby taking a bottle. It just seemed to disappear into her mouth, only to reappear periodically as she moved her head back and forth sucking the head of his cock.

At this point I was just standing against the back wall watching these guys fuck Maggie here and there. One guy would finish up and the next guy would take his turn. These guys were, by this time, holding Maggie’s legs in the air for her, and she was mostly focused on sucking that same cock that she was sucking earlier, as she just let these guys do their thing to her pussy. She would moan loudly sometimes while others she would just bite her lip, hold her breath, and then release her moan in one giant gasp.

After watching guy after guy walk up and plow Maggie missionary style on the desk, one of the guys decided to move Maggie towards the couch where another guy was sitting, naked and hard as a rock. Maggie was led to the couch and was made to straddle the guy sitting there. He didn’t waste much time lining up his dick with her pussy and he sat her down onto his lap, her pussy sliding down his dick.

Seated in this position, straddling the guy on the couch, Maggie was bent over in just the right position for another guy to come up behind her and take her from behind. Maggie, I think, sensed what was being intended and sat up a bit, with the seated guy’s cock sliding out of her crotch. “No way! Huh uh,“ Maggie said covering her ass with her hand.

“Don’t worry about it, baby. It’ll feel good! Let these guys have some fun!” I said to her as I walked up to her and placed my hands on her back. The guy seated on the couch took Maggie’s hips and thrust her back onto his dick with force. I kept running my hands up and down her back, putting slight pressure on her to lean forward again. “No! I know what you’re trying to do and I don’t want to do that!”, Maggie said again. “Please don’t! I don’t want anyone fucking me in the ass”.

I looked at the guy seated on the couch and I motioned for him to play with Maggie’s tits some more. I figured if he were fucking her pussy and playing with her tits, she might start moaning again and going back into her trance or whatever she was in. The guy who was trying to penetrate her ass from behind was being persistent, but Maggie was resisting still. The guy who Maggie was riding was keeping up a good rhythm and started sucking her tits at the same time. It was starting to work– Maggie was still waiving her arms back behind her body but with much less effort than before. She was still saying “No” but it was now mixed with moans, and it seemed as though she was starting to succumb to the pressure that we were putting on her. The guy who was looking to penetrate Maggie’s ass was pushing his cock up to her, while Maggie was still holding her arms back trying to stop him. “No. Stop. Please.” Maggie pleaded.

Finally, a few of us grabbed Maggie’s wrists, as she tried to avoid our grasps. With a little effort we brought Maggie’s wrists together, held them, and pulled them forward a bit, bringing Maggie’s face up to the seated guy’s face, allowing the second guy to push his cock into Maggie’s asshole. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure how this was going to go over, but at the time, we were all raging with testosterone and we knew that putting Maggie in that position would allow us all to have even more fun with her bottom!

In no time at all, Maggie was being fucked in her ass from behind and fucked in her pussy from below. Both guys were pumping back and forth as Maggie seemed to be in another place entirely—overcome with sensations from between her legs. I crouched down and tried to whisper to her, but I didn’t get a response. She simply moaned and screamed wildly.

Instead of chatting with her, I decided to see if she would be up for sucking my cock, since she wasn’t responsive. I put my dick up to her mouth, and just like the guy before, she took my cock in with a slurp sucking hard, and mixing it with a few deep breaths.

I grabbed the back of her head and pushed my dick into her mouth a few times, pretty hard. She almost gagged after the first few pumps, but started sucking again after she caught her breath. I couldn’t help but stand there and take in the moment. It was not only exhilarating, it was beyond words. I stood there thinking about how my precious baby was the center of attention tonight and that at this moment there were three cocks alone inside of her body! Each cock was being caressed by the inside of her body and tonight 9 or 10 guys were enjoying my baby in ways that these guys could only imagine they would.

I stepped back again and let someone else fuck Maggie’s mouth. She took that cock in as if mine had just temporarily slipped out. I’m not even sure she opened her eyes! I watched as this guy rhythmically fucked Maggie’s mouth, while two other guys (a different guy was now fucking Maggie’s ass) were fucking Maggie’s bottom parts pretty hard. I could only smile and take the moment in.

I watched Maggie getting plowed for another few minutes and decided to go get her a bottle of water for when she was done. No doubt she was going to be exhausted and in desperate need for water. It was cool too to know that while I was walking toward the cooler, I left behind a room full of guys who were fucking my girlfriend’s ass, pussy, and mouth simultaneously.

I got the water from the cooler (I didn’t pay!) and walked back into the room. In that short time, the guys had moved Maggie from straddling the seated guy on the couch on her knees, to now sitting reverse cowgirl on the black guy with his massive dick up her ass. They were careful to keep Maggie’s hands together still, and they raised them such that they reached behind her head. Two more guys held Maggie’s legs, nearly suspending her in the air. Last, another guy was now positioned in front of Maggie, fucking her missionary style—Maggie now fully double-penetrated once again.

This session was just as popular as the first, as most of the 9 or 10 guys took a second turn fucking Maggie in this position. I wasn’t sure how Maggie was doing with all of this. I’m pretty sure this was a bit too much, even if she was into it. These guys were really giving it to her at this point – with loud slapping in front and behind. Maggie looked at me while she was being pumped by both men, and simply made eye contact, moaning and screaming profusely from the fucking. I wasn’t sure if she wanted us to stop, of if she was still okay with it, but nonetheless the group kept it up for a bit longer – not letting up much on the intensity of the sex.

When it was my turn to fuck her, for some reason I really laid into her. Maybe it was the fact that the previous few guys had just done the same. Obviously I had never fucked her while she was being penetrated by another man, and maybe it was for this reason that I wanted it to be good for me. With guys on each side holding her legs and with the black guy’s dick up Maggie’s ass, I pounded her pussy for a few minutes before I came onto her belly.

About half of the guys finished off this way as well, and we let Maggie go and laid her down on the couch, which was now covered in sweat. She didn’t even move. She just lay there, nearly passed out. What a night! A few of us put her clothes back on and helped me get her into the car. This was fun – real fun!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-12 22:36:32
can you let me break my virginity with this your.wife pls?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-10 13:33:36
You can bet all of her classes will now be full and there will be a waiting list to get in.......inside of her.

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