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I finally get into my cousin's undies
"Whatcha doin?" my cousin Stephanie texted. We grew up together, but in the fifteen years since high school ended, we had evolved to seeing one another in person just once or twice a year, if we were lucky.

"Nothing, how about you?" I said, trying to not sound too excited to hear from her.

"Well, I'm going to be there for 3 months for an assignment. Wanna have dinner?"

"Of course I do!" I said, squealing like a little kid.

Stephanie is my cousin, but she is drop dead gorgeous, and although nothing's ever happened, she is a delight in real life as a friend and relative, and I confess, she's also a delight to fantasize about. Perky breasts, not big, but in exchange for not being big, they are also the kind that will still be perky and delightful when she's 40, 50, 60, and beyond. Tall, lean, athletic, and a bit of a tom-boy. And at times, seemingly oblivious to what she looked like. She'd always let a fair amount of skin show, as if it was nothing unusual, and at times, would change clothes right in front of me, meaning I had seen her in bra and panties countless times, topless many times, completely nude a few times, and a full genitalia view once, on a particularly glorious day when she had to wiggle around on her back to get a particularly tight pair of jeans off.

And there's more. She's also good at everything. Athletic, successful, intelligent, funny, charismatic. Currently working as an IT consultant, travelling the world for lots and lots of money. And lately, not just a regular consultant, she's been promoted numerous times, and is now the manager of hordes of other consultant's from her company. She's yet again outdoing me in life, because although I'm quite successful, she's on her way to a big corner office on one of the highest floors of a really tall building someday.

We decided to have dinner on the Tuesday of her first week in town. We had arranged to meet at 6, but I got a call at about 5 o'clock, can we postpone until 7. Then at 6, a call again, postpone until 8, work and such. And again at 7, postpone until 9. But this time, it actually came through, and we met at the bar at her hotel at 9. It was like old times, we had always gotten along well, but after college, we ended up only seeing each other every couple years. We enjoyed a great dinner, a couple drinks, and were catching up.

"So tell me about the house! It sounds really exciting!" she said. It was. I had gotten very lucky, and bought a huge old house in a questionable old part of town, you know the type that is always on the verge of becoming hip? Well, as I said, lucky: The neighborhood shot up, and the ramshackle house I scraped my money together was worth over a million dollars. And it was just 5 minutes from downtown. And yes, 5 minutes from crack-houses too, but still. The neighborhood was on the up and up!

"It's great, I love it. It's tight to pay for it and fix it up too, now that the neighborhood is on the rise, it's become one of the less well kept properties in the neighborhood. And it's huge; I might need to rent rooms out to pay for the repairs." I joked.

She crinkled her nose like she always used to, something doubly cute because of the freckles on her nose. "Hmmm." she said.


"I'm paying $250 a night to stay at this hotel, all on the firm. Download one of those invoice creating programs on the internet, let me stay with you for the 3 months I'm going to be travelling here, and I can pay you the same $250 a night. It'll be fun!"

"I can't charge you to stay with me; you can stay free, geez!" I said.

"It's not my money, you moron!" she joked. "It's my company's money. Done deal. I stay in town 4 nights a week, that's $1,000 a week, $4,000 a month, $12,000 for the 3 months I'll be here. That's it, I'm staying at Jack's bed n' breakfast!"

"Well, you make a good offer! Jack's bed and breakfast it is!" I said.

"Excellent. Oatmeal and coffee for breakfast please, 6 a.m. sharp! My only requirement is prompt room service. Oatmeal and coffee, 6 a.m. sharp every morning is all I need. You can bill me for that too; I think it's about $30 just for that in this crazy hotel."

She decided to check out of the hotel right then and there, and would follow me to my place. I was a bit concerned about this, because as a bachelor, I'm not exactly a good housekeeper. Seal of disapproval, in fact, is all I would qualify for. I tried to get her to wait until tomorrow, but she'd have none of it. "I've seen your room before, remember? I know how you live." She had a point. However she saw my room when I lived at home and had a mother who cleaned up after me. My place was a bit of a wreck, but thankfully, the house was so big, that I did actually have a spare bedroom with private bath that was in decent shape.

"Oh." she said flatly as we walked through the front door. She can't say I didn't warn her. It was a magnificent house, but I was a bachelor, it was a bachelor pad, and it looked like one.

"Toldja you should have waited!" I teased. I was quite embarrassed, but decided to try and pass it off as a joke.

"Tomorrow, we shop." she said, walking in. "God, I can't wait to get out of this damn suit! Where's my room?" she said, walking up the stairs, taking off her jacket as she spoke. I followed, carrying her suitcase.

"Second door on the left." I said up the stairs. I looked up, and lo and behold, not much had changed, because by now, she had undone her blouse, and had slung it off before she even reached the top of the stairs. She opened the door and went in, and by the time I made it in the door with her bags, she had kicked off her shoes, and was wiggling her pantyhose off, from underneath her skirt. Not too much to see, other than her feet, which had always been sexy. And that there was a little peach thong bundled up inside the pantyhose too, she had removed her pantyhose and panties in one motion. I tried not to stare.

"Ok, this is actually quite nice." she said. She had a knack of disarming those moments where she disrobed in front of people. "Although, you realize there are these things called window treatments? Blinds? Curtains?" She was mocking the vinyl roller I had for window treatments, apparently. "Yes. Tomorrow, we shop." she repeated.

"Fine. I suppose you are going to find fault with plastic knives and forks too?"

"OMG!" she said, spelling out the 'O', the 'M', and the 'G' for dramatic effect. "We are not barbarians! OK, tell you what, I'm going to pay you $1,000 right now via PayPal, because we have to cover this whole bed and breakfast thing. You make up an invoice, plus $30 for breakfast and $30 for parking, and that'll be the weekly bill. You're going to have to pay for the furnishings. And you have oatmeal and coffee? 6 a.m., remember!"

"Yes'm" I said, doing my best "Hoke" voice from 'Driving Miss Daisy'.

"Ok, g'nite! I better get some sleep, but I'm really excited, this is going to be great!" she said, and gave me a tight hug, breasts pressed firmly into my chest, but again, this is Stephanie, no reason to think it meant anything.

"G'nite!" and I turned around. I wasn't intentionally looking, but in the reflection of the picture next to the door (the picture came with the house, by the way), I saw the bra fly off, and a glimpse of breast. I could tell this was going to be a great 3 months.

I had set my alarm for 5:30, to give me ample time to make the coffee and oatmeal, plus shower, get cleaned up, etc. I was a little bit of a health nut myself as well, so I did actually have old fashioned oat-meal, not the instant kind. I made a nice breakfast tray of oatmeal (well, if you consider using a desktop in-box tray as a breakfast tray, remember, I am a bachelor) and walked up the stairs. Tap-tap-tap. "Room service!" I said loudly enough to be heard.

"Come in!" she said harmoniously, emphasizing the 'n'. I walked on in, and wasn't disappointed. She was already up, standing off in the bathroom with the door open, in purple panties and nothing else, standing there with her toothbrush in her mouth and breasts fully exposed as if it were no big deal. "Just put it right there, I'm running a bit behind. I'll be home early, I hope, like six or so."

It was a long day of anticipation and excitement. I still had years of experience to call on, so I ultimately knew that nothing would probably happen, other than a peep show now and then, but we sincerely enjoyed each other's company, and it was going to be nice having her around.

Her first evening home, we went to a couple stores and she chose things to begin the transformation process from bachelor pad into a nicely decorated home and bed and breakfast. She suggested going pro on the bed and breakfast idea, because she could even suggest other consultants from her company start staying there after she's left. I liked the "after she's left" part, because I was being selfish, I wanted her all to myself. She suggested things I would have never imagined for the house, and that first day, I spent pretty much every penny of her $1,000 payment for the weeks stay, and we came home with things like comforters, knives and forks made of metal (what a concept!), towels that matched, and things I didn't even know what they were. We had been to three stores, ranging from a supercenter style store with lower prices, to an upscale department store, and also to my favorite store, the Dashard's outlet.

This was the local store where Dashard's somewhat upscale items went after each season's clearance, and although it involved searching and hunting, incredible bargains could be found there too. Most of my wardrobe came from Dashard's clearance, in fact, and although we just got house wares, Stephanie was impressed with the store. She liked her bargains too. We got home, threw some of the items in the wash, and got busy putting the new things out. And halfway through, she changed into short shorts and a white tank top with no bra, yet again giving me nice things to look at, and like always, doing it in such a casual offhand manner, that it wasn't really a sexual thing, she was just being comfortable. At one point while spreading the new sheet set on the bed, she had to lean way forward on the opposite side of the bed, and I got a little down-blouse glimpse of her nipple, and that was delightful. But for the most part, her first full evening at home was busy redecorating, and I had to admit, the place looked a lot better.

"I really liked that outlet store we went to. The prices were amazing; the stuff we got there would have cost 4 times as much if they had been regular prices!" Stephanie exclaimed.

"I know, if you're willing to search through some junk, there are fantastic bargains there. My whole wardrobe came from there!"

"Well, you may not know much about decorating a house, but you do dress well." Stephanie said with a grin, pleased with herself for combining an insult and compliment in the same sentence. "You know, for a man?" Again chuckling that she had furthered the insult. "Hey, tomorrow, let's go clothes shopping. At those prices, I have to pick up a few things."

"Oh, yes you do!" I said. I could play the joking insult game too. "Actually, you look amazing, and you dress incredibly well. It's a date!" I wished out loud. I felt a little weird paying that kind of compliment. But he knew to just be happy for the time with her. And she'd be staying with him another 2 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days. Not that he was counting.

Stephanie got home at 5:30 the next day, and they drove off to the outlet store. It was a huge expanse of racks, and you just had to take the time to dig. A typical 10 feet of rack space would be probably 200 crappy items that should just be burned, but the reward for taking the time, would be an amazing needle in a haystack item. Stephanie knew what she was doing, and about every two or three minutes would pick something out to try on. In no time, she had maybe 10 outfits, including suits, dresses, and blouses. And based on the taste she was showing, I started rifling through a nearby rack, occasionally picking things out that I liked. I'm actually good at spotting clothes, so most of the items were nice, but not all. "Oh my god, what were you thinking!" and "Ewww" and "Ick" were Stephanie's response to some of the items, but all in good humor. I spotted one little blue dress that made my insides stir. It was a little slutty. No, a lot slutty. Incredibly slutty, far too short, thin fabric, neckline down almost to the navel, no back, and slits, incredibly trampy slits up to the hips. "How about this?" I joked, secretly imagining what Stephanie would look like in it with no panties. He knew it was her size too, size 4. God, Stephanie was amazing looking. "In your wet dreams, buster!" she joked. I had to wonder with that comment whether Stephanie indeed knew what I was really thinking.

"I think there's a limit of about ten items, you better start trying some on." I suggested.

"OK, come with me." Stephanie said. I followed, and stood outside the door to the fitting room area. The store clerk was an incredibly beautiful girl, perhaps a few years younger than the tow of us, and almost the exact height and build as Stephanie. She smiled warmly and was very helpful. "You're going to have to keep an eye on him. And keep him from the 'Hoochie Mama' aisle too" Stephanie joked to the clerk.

She laughed, and said "I'll make sure he stays right here. My name is Ashley, by the way. Weren't you two in here buying up the house wares department last night?"

"Yes, that was us. His taste in home décor is as bad as his taste in dresses!" Stephanie joked. The store wasn't busy, so the clerk was mostly by the nearby cash register, sorting through things. She kept chuckling at the constant back and forth of barbs and insults and jokes between the two of us.

Stephanie came out with her suits first to the three way mirror. As with everything, she looked stunning. I nodded in appreciation, and the clerk said "Wow!" However, good store clerks always flatter their customers, but I could almost swear she was checking out Stephanie.

"And this is $40?" Stephanie asked in disbelief. "I have this in black at home, I paid $300!"

"Yep." said the clerk. "Everything here is at least 75 percent off, and this week, it's all an additional half off the lowest price. There's some amazing stuff here!"

The fitting process went on for 30 minutes, me trying to conceal my drooling over Stephanie, our comments back and for the continuing to entertain the clerk, and occasionally, either I or the clerk would go off and search for a size bigger or smaller for Stephanie. The three of us pretty much had the place to ourselves.

Stephanie came out with a white dress, the equivalent of a little black dress, only white. Two things were extra stunning about this white dress. First, how it looked on her. But second, it was one that clearly would require a slip and pads for the breasts, neither of which Stephanie had on at the moment. In other words, it was partly transparent, with Stephanie's nipples presented in magnificent plain sight. And she still had on her purple panties, which were practically glowing through the fabric. Plus the outline of her legs through the fabric. She sashayed in front of the mirror, and both the store clerk and I looked on, in silence. If we didn't say anything, maybe she'd keep on twirling in the mirror?

"That looks absolutely amazing on you!" Ashley finally said. She was staring.

"Mmm hmm!" I managed to get out. I was staring too. The fact that we were looking at the dress gave me permission to just stare. At the dress that is, yes at the dress, I laughed to myself at my ability to fabricate excuses.

Stephanie loved it too; this was the one that she loved. Yes, she really liked everything else that she was going to buy, but this dress, she loved. "Actually, that one is a designer dress, so unfortunately it doesn't have the extra half off price. So it's a little pricier, it's $150. I wish it was half off, I'd have bought it myself!" Ashley wistfully said. Stephanie didn't bat an eye, she had the money. "Do you want a slip? We have one somewhere here, but it is the same one all our customers use?" Ashley said, making it clear it would be a bit gross to use the store slip for trying on clothes.

"Well, not if I don't have to. Sounds a bit gross!" Stephanie said.

"Oh, it is. Not everyone who comes here looks like you!" Ashley said, smiling. She was a smart girl too; she managed to toss out a compliment like that, while leaving room for interpretation. Was it an innocent comment? Or hitting on my cousin? You had no way of knowing. "We don't mind one bit, right?" she continued, looking at me. Ashley and I shared an inside joke, because at the moment, we assumed that Stephanie didn't know how see-through the dress was.

"Nope, we don't mind! Sashay!" Everyone laughed. We were all enjoying the moment, and Stephanie and I were getting to know Ashley more and more too.

"Ok then. I'm going to buy all of these." Stephanie said. "Hold on, let me look for one more thing." and she disappeared off to the racks again, leaving me with Ashley.

"I can't figure you two out. Are you a couple?" Ashley asked me. "On the one hand, you're both super good looking and you came here together, but you don't exactly act like the typical couple."

"Quit being so observant!" I joked. "You pegged it, she is my cousin."

"Just a cousin? Well, that's still legal, go for it! God knows I would!" she joked. I guess Ashley had picked up on the lustful way I looked at Stephanie. That comment triggered a twitch in my loins, and I felt a little precum seep into my underwear at that comment.

I was trying to think of a witty response to encourage Ashley to try too when Stephanie returned, with a second identical white dress. "I'm going to take both of these. Ring one of them up separately though, ok? Put in a bag by itself, I'll pay for this one with cash." Ashley rung the whole thing up, and we all expressed amazement that after spending just about 500 dollars, Stephanie had almost $2,000 worth of clothes. "This place is amazing!" Stephanie exclaimed.

"Ok, listen Ashley. You have been absolutely wonderful today. You've been the best store clerk I've ever had. This is for you." and Stephanie gave Ashley the white dress.

"Oh my gosh, I can't." Ashley said.

"Well, the receipt is in the bag, it's paid for. You're taking it! Got it? In fact, I tell you what. You're going to earn it. Go put it on and model it for us. And no slip either!" Stephanie commanded, but in her sweet persuasive voice. So Stephanie did know the dress was see through. Another twitch in my pants. Another drop of precum in my underwear.

Ashley looked around, nobody was anywhere around, and pretending to be reluctant, said, "Oh, all right." She dashed off into the fitting room, and came out in the dress. The same super-thin fabric as earlier, and this time around, no purple panties. No panties at all, in fact., so when her back was to us, we saw the crease of her bottom, and when her front was to us, we could make out a delightful racing stripe on her pubic area, and nipples that could poke an eye out. Ashley looked as amazing in the dress as Stephanie. Two of the most beautiful women you're ever likely to see, and there I was with both of them.

"I guess it would be too much to have you BOTH try them on at the same time?" I joked. God, that would have been amazing. But just then, the store announcement came on that the store was closing.

"Ha!" Ashley joked. "She's your cousin, you perv!" Stephanie looked over at me. She had been away when I had told Ashley we were cousins, so she was realizing for the first time that I had been talking to Ashley.

"Watch out for this one Ashley. In spite of how he looks, he's actually a smooth talker!" Stephanie joked, continuing our banter of insults.

"I see that now!" Ashley said.

"That's it. I'm buying something for both of you too then." and I stormed off jokingly. I found the slutty blue dress I saw earlier, and thankfully, there were two in size four. I came back, and said, "I'll take these two please. Ring them up separately, and I'll pay cash for this one."

"I had forbidden you from the 'Hoochie Mama' section, Jack!" Stephanie exclaimed, as Ashley nodded in agreement.

"These" I said, in a mock indignant voice "are from the 'Skank-ho' department." I was proud of my witty comeback. "This is for you, and this is for you." I said, giving Ashley her gift, and Stephanie hers. "No go put them on."

Ashley and Stephanie looked at one another. Ashley was the most hesitant looking, because she was at work. She started to say why she couldn't, so I jokingly but firmly said, "Now! And change together too, same changing room. Scoot!"

"Yes, boss!" Stephanie joked. They looked at one another, nodded, and decided to do it. They disappeared into the changing area, and I heard some laughing and giggling, plus some disparaging "Oh my god, this is so slutty" comments, plus an odd silence for a minute or two, but nonetheless, they both came out after a few minutes in the blue dresses. Sure, they were super slutty looking, but god, the two of them looked amazing.

With a smirk, Ashley walked over to me with something in her hand, her hand pointed down so I couldn't see. "Here, this is for you. I rescued them." and when I held out my hand, she dropped Stephanie's purple thong into my palm. It had been quite carefully folded though, inside out, and the little piece of padding was right on top, with a little line of wetness, including a few droplets clearly visible. "That's right. Now you owe me!"

"Thank you." I said, still staring at the two of them. My head was spinning. Stephanie's thong in my hand, two beautiful women playing and flirting seductively, wearing slutty dresses for me to look at. The only thing missing, were super high stiletto heels, both were barefoot. "It's too late to get the stiletto heels here, isn't it?"

"God, you're so bossy!" Stephanie said.

"Shuddup!" I joked. "Go back in the changing room, just out of sight. Kiss." I ordered, pointing at the door.

"Again??" they both said in unison, then giggled. "Well, OK. Come stand nearer so you can watch." They went back just behind the door, for a little more privacy, and embraced softly, arms entwined, and proceeded to kiss. It was tender, yet passionate, soft, yet hard. Moans emanated, sounds of lips smacking, flashes of light reflecting off of tongues. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen in my life. That is, until Ashley pulled up the back of Stephanie's dress, exposing her entire bottom, and slid her middle finger right between Stephanie's cheeks, clearly rubbing Stephanie's asshole with the tip of her finger.

Then again with the infernal store announcement, the store was closing. The girls had to stop kissing, but Ashley naughtily popped her middle finger into her mouth and sucked on it. "Ok, I have to close up. I don't know where you parked, but drive around and wait by the package pick-up entry. You'll see a Red Nissan, that's my car. I'll be there in about fifteen or twenty minutes." Then sternly, but obviously joking, she said to both of us "And no hot first-time cousin sex without me there to watch, got it?"

"Got it. Ok, fine. See you in about 15.", and Stephanie and I made our way out the store. Stephanie was still in her super slutty new blue dress, while I carried the bags of everything we had bought, and we both noticed all the stares as Stephanie gracefully but sluttily paraded through the store.

"She's a naughty girl, isn't she?" Stephanie said, as we walked to the car through the parking lot.

"I like the way she thinks, though." I said, and given that it was dark and nobody would really see much, I reached with one hand and slid my own hand in and under the flap of the back of Stephanie's dress, gently caressed her asshole, then popped that finger in my mouth. "God, I've wanted to do that my entire life!" I confessed.

"What were you waiting on? God, every time I showed you my boobs or my ass, you acted as if it was no big deal. And at your sister's birthday party, I showed you my fuckin' pussy! I'm like, is he gay or something?"

"We're going to make up for lost time, that's for sure!" I said, and in the middle of the parking lot, before we got in her car, I flipped the back of her slutty little dress up, leaned forward, spread her cheeks apart, and flicked her asshole with my tongue, right out there in the open.

"Remember, no sex without Ashley watching."

"I know, I know. I couldn't resist. But technically, that wasn't sex either, was it?" We were both getting in the car by now, and I started to drive to the other side of the store, where Ashley said she would be parked. "I know she probably had to change back into her regular clothes. It'd be hot if she came out in the blue or the white dress!"

Stephanie's eyes lit up with an idea, and she whipped out her phone and dialed directory assistance. "Dashard's please." and soon enough she was on the phone. "Women's dresses please." she said to the next operator. "Hey Ashley, it's Stephanie and Jack. We want you to put on the White dress before you come out... Hmmm... O.K., you're probably right, I'll help you change in the car." Stephanie hung up and explained, "OK, she had a point, she's at work, she can't leave where everybody knows her dressed like that. I'm going to hop in her car, show her how to get to your place. We'll have her all changed before she gets out."

"OK, good idea." I wanted to watch them changing, but I was already dealing with this incredible sense of anticipation. I had to be patient; this was turning into the night of my dreams. Then I remembered, and exclaimed, "Oh, I forgot I had these!" and took Stephanie's purple thong up to my nose. If we can't do anything until Ashley arrives, at least I have these!"

"Give me those!" Stephanie insisted. Reluctantly I complied, disappointed that I had to return them. But Stephanie, being the wonderful cousin she is, instead spread them out, stretched the cotton padding over her middle finger, and reached into her dress, and clearly was sticking her finger into her pussy with them, three or four times. Then she popped them out, took the panties off her finger, smeared the wetness across my nostrils before putting the thong back in my hand, and asked, Better?" Then, to top it all off, she finished by popping her finger into her mouth.

"Mmmm, so much better." I replied in a happy daze. I put them back up to my nose to inhale Stephanie's smells, and at about the same time, we saw Ashley walking out of the store toward us.

Stephanie hopped out of the car, and she talked to Ashley, discussing the plans. She came back to my window, and took the purple thong out of my hand. "Be right back." She said, then she stretched it over her finger again, and still out in the open, but somewhat discreetly, slipped it inside Ashley's skirt, then came back. "There. This will keep you entertained for the drive home? Oh, wait." then before giving me the thong, she smeared Ashley's juices across her own nostrils. "Ok, drive safe!" She went back to Ashley's car, and they talked a bit more, then Stephanie actually took the keys and drove. Smart, I realized. Stephanie would drive so that Ashley could change on the way. God, they looked so good together.

The drive was only about 15 minutes. We more or less drove in eyeshot of each other, Stephanie following me mostly, since she was still new in town. About halfway home though, my phone buzzed. I try not to text and drive normally, but the light ahead was turning red, so I decided I could at least take a quick look. It was from Stephanie's phone, and was a text with two pictures that Ashley obviously had taken. The first, a bit dark, but I could still make out it was a close up selfie of a vagina, completely bald, and the second one also a close up, of one with a racing stripe. I smiled. So my lovely cousin Stephanie was completely bald. That was a nice thought. I didn't have time to reply, because I knew the light was about to turn green, but they were right behind me at the light, so I held both hands up to give a "two thumbs up" hand gesture. Stephanie flashed her lights at me twice in reply.

On the drive, at one point we were on a 4 lane stretch of road, two lanes each way. Stephanie made a point to pull up next to me, and when I glanced over, Ashley was mooning me, her spectacular ass stuck out the passenger side window at me. I tapped my horn three times.

My phone buzzed to let me know another text had arrived, but this time we were on a stretch of highway, so I couldn't look this time. I even patted myself on the back (in my mind anyway) that I didn't look. I wasn't going to risk anything stopping this evening from progressing, even though I knew the text was probably something spectacular. Then my phone buzzed again. Then again. Then a fourth time. I knew they were still behind me, so I sort of did a shrugging motion for them to see, hopefully so they knew I couldn't look. Two more buzzes.

Finally, my exit came up, and after the off-ramp, the light was red. I knew the light well, and that I didn't have much time, but I would at least be able to look quickly. The first text was Ashley's hand on Stephanie's boob on the outside of her dress, and the text said "They are real. And spectacular!" The second was the same basic picture, except this time, Ashley's hand was inside the dress, so her hand was directly on Stephanie's breast. This text said "Even better up close and personal!" with a smiley face. The third was Ashley's hand, hiking Stephanie's dress way up high, her hand on Stephanie's inner thigh. No text content for this one. And the fourth picture made my heart skip a beat. It wasn't a picture, it was a video. It was Ashley, reaching into Stephanie's dress, a brief glimpse of Stephanie's hand pulling her dress up, and Ashley slipping a finger right into my cousin's bald pussy and five or six gentle finger thrusts.

HONNNNK! Oh, crap. The light changed. Then I realized it was just Stephanie and Ashley right behind me. I pulled away, embarrassed, but knowing the ladies were probably laughing. The house was only a couple more minutes. My phone buzzed a couple more times, but I decided to just tough it out, get home without further event. I pulled into the driveway, and into the garage. There wasn't room for both cars, so Stephanie stopped in the driveway behind my car. I quickly glanced at the phone. One text said "your cousin's pussy is hot", and the other said, "Just so you know. Stephanie's wanted to fuck you for the past 20 years, and says you are a dummy."

They got out of the car, and Ashley had put on her matching blue dress also. They looked spectacular. But they weren't done. They looked at each other, smiled a bit, and at the same time, both of them pulled the dresses up and off of them, holding them at their sides, the two of them stark naked except for their shoes in my driveway. It was dark, but still it was a bit daring and naughty. I was getting my first proper view of Stephanie completely naked, with implied permission to just gawk, and gawk I was. Her bald pussy, the little gap between her thighs, her bare labia major looking so amazing and inviting. Firm perfect breasts, pointy nipples. A stud style belly button ring, that was new, I didn't recall seeing it before. And next to her, Ashley, almost an identical build to Stephanie, in her case her racing stripe, but what I hadn't seen earlier, was that it came to an end before reaching her lips, so she too, had fully bald labia major too. And her breasts, even pointier than Stephanie's.

"It's sort of cold out here with no clothes, you know!" Stephanie joked. Ashley nodded. They were right. But I decided, they were being so naughty and daring that the least I could do is drop my pants too.

"Come on in!" I said. They walked in, and just as they passed the garage door, I reached in to the garage door opener and clicked for it to start closing.

"You jerk! You've had that big huge dick all these years, watched me show you my boobs and ass every chance I got, and you never fucked me with that thing?" Ashley complained jokingly. "That's it, I'm not sucking that. Ashley, you have to suck it. I'm too upset!"

"Well, Ok then." Ashley joked, and the reached out, held the base of my very hard cock with one hand, and leaned forward and took me into her soft warm mouth. I had been hard for about an hour straight, so there was lots and lots of precum to be had, and Ashley tugged most of it into her mouth. "Are you sure Stephanie? It's pretty damn nice! And salty, and juicy, and hard, and big. You're missing out, you know!" and she turned back to suck me some more. She let me slip out of her mouth, then stood up straight, and kissed me deeply. Ever so slightly naughtily, since some precum was still in her mouth, she used her tongue and lips to pass it into my mouth. I instinctively had my hands reached around her to caress her firm behind, and Ashley followed up: "Fine, I'm in charge of all sucking. But let's go inside. I need to see you two cousins fuck the hell out of one another."

She stepped back to give me a chance to fumble with my pants, undo my laces, and step out of my shoes. The three of us walked into the house, and tossed our clothes on the floor.

"Fuck your cousin!" Ashley exclaimed. She held me by my hand, and pulled Stephanie in front of me. We were still standing in the kitchen, but Ashley couldn't wait. She reached down, and pulled Stephanie's left leg up to part her legs, and I crouched down just a bit to make up for the height difference. Ashley used her other hand to hold my cock, and she guided it to Stephanie's pussy. I felt the moist warmth of Stephanie, as Ashley helped line things up, and I pushed a little, and after a lifetime of dreaming of this, my cock was inside Stephanie. I was fucking her.

"God, that's so hot." Ashley said, and dropped to her knees to be eye level with my cock gliding into Stephanie. "So fucking hot." I was kissing Stephanie by now, but could hear Ashley's running commentary. "That big fucking dick in that hot wet pussy. Mmmm." and I could feel her reaching around to rub my leg and Stephanie's. "Let me taste that." As she gently guided me out of Stephanie's pussy, and sucked Stephanie's juices off of me. "Where's the bedroom? I'm ready to watch some serious cousin sex!"

We practically ran upstairs to my room, and I gently (ok, maybe not so gently) pushed Stephanie onto her back on my bed, and I climbed on top of her, between her legs, and thrust myself back into her. I had waited and dreamed of this for years, and Stephanie was obviously into this too. I plunged deep into Stephanie, knowing Ashley was nearby, enjoying the show. I propped myself up on toes and elbows and palms, and each thrust into Stephanie was long and hard and deep and noisy. It was amazing, and I was sort of glad I had masturbated that morning; otherwise this unbelievable amount of excitement would have made it hard to control myself.

"Climb over here, show me that pussy." I said to Ashley, and patted the bed up next to Stephanie's head. Ashley climbed over us, and lay on her back, legs spread wide, her pussy maybe a foot away. She plunged three fingers into her pussy, and masturbated furiously. "Closer." I said, and Ashley scooched her ass across the bed to be closer. "Give me those fingers." Ashley knew what I meant, and took her fingers out of her pussy and put them in my mouth. I sucked her cute little fingers thoroughly. "Give Stephanie some too." and Ashley dipped her fingers back into her pussy, then fed her fingers to Stephanie. "Both of us now.", and I leaned in to kiss Stephanie. Ashley reached down again, dipped her fingers, and this time put her hands between my mouth and Stephanie, so we both licked her fingers from opposite sides.

"I see something else that I like." Ashley said, and reached down between Stephanie and me, and collected sex juice from between us. First, she sucked her fingers, then got some more and popped her fingers into Stephanie's mouth, and then repeated for me. Stephanie sucked Ashley's fingers eagerly, the whole time with me still fucking her pussy long and hard and deep.

"Rub my clit!" Stephanie said, looking at Ashley. Me still fucking, Ashley reached down and worked her fingers down so that she could rub Stephanie's clit at the same time. Stephanie started panting and moaning, wiggling and writhing, but Ashley knew what this meant, and didn't let all the moving around distract her attention. Ashley expertly managed to keep rubbing Stephanie's clit, and it wasn't long before Stephanie tensed up, grabbed me tight, and froze with an intense orgasm. I felt the Goosebumps all over her skin, and I had learned over the years, just keep still for a bit, let the waves of pleasure proceed uninterrupted. Stephanie finally let her head fall back with a sigh, and lay there. I was still gliding my cock in and out of her pussy, when Stephanie whimpered, "I can't take any more right now. Fuck Ashley. Fuck her just like you fucked me with your big hard cock."

Imagine, every boyhood dream you ever had, coming true. And it was happening to me. I pulled out of Stephanie, and had an idea. I hopped off the bed, and stood next to it. Stephanie was very relaxed, sort of basking in her post-orgasmic glow. Ashley was looking at me, wondering what I was doing, because she had that "Fuck me now" look, but I knew exactly what I was doing. I went to Ashley's side of the bed, took her by the ankles, and pulled her by the legs so that her ass was just barely hanging over the left edge of the bed, while Stephanie was mostly on the right. And I entered her that way, guiding her by the ankles so her knees were up to her shoulders, sort of rolled into a little ball, while I fucked her standing next to the bed. I hate to have to get nerdy, so I'll keep the physics brief. Me standing gives me leverage. Her body being rolled up makes my cock go places inside here that don't always get stimulated. Being able to hold her by the ankles lets me hold her in place, and also pop her toes into my mouth for sucking whenever I want. And the angle means that I get to watch my cock going in and out of Ashley with every thrust. And it gives a good viewing angle to Stephanie too, whenever she recovers from her orgasm and decides to watch me fuck Ashley.

So yes, I'm fucking the hell out of Ashley now too, and looking at Stephanie behind her, who is starting to regain her senses. Ashley's head isn't that far from Stephanie's hips, Ashley sideways on the bed, Stephanie lying lengthwise on the other side of the bed. Stephanie moves a bit, so Ashley knows she's ready again, and she reaches up over her head and with little hand feels, figures out where Stephanie's body is. She finds her inner thigh, and starts pulling Stephanie, who plays along by crawling via her ass cheeks to follow Ashley's lead. I'm still thrusting into Ashley, watching my cock shiny with her juices gliding in and out of her, looking at Ashley's breasts and chest arched as she is guiding Stephanie into position, until finally she guides Stephanie's pussy to be right next to her face, and her legs parted nicely. It is an amazing sight, and Ashley arches her neck to reach Stephanie's clit and suck. Stephanie giggles and pulls away, saying "Oh my god, I can't yet!", so Ashley mumbles something that sounded like an acknowledgement, but without skipping a beat, reaches up with her other hand and pulls Stephanie's ass cheeks open, sticks her tongue out, and dabs the tip of her tongue perfectly against that amazing back door.

"Ok, how 'bout this?" Ashley asks. The moan from Stephanie tells Ashley it's all good, very good, and Ashley eagerly tongues Stephanie's asshole. "I'm a bit of an ass freak, sorry guys!" she giggles, then with a broad swipe of the thick part of her tongue, gives a long broad lick from Stephanie's backbone all the way up to just below her pussy. Then as if she knew how much this excited me, she did it again. And again. I'm sure I somehow got harder at the sight of this, and we found a nice rhythm. I'm still thrusting into Ashley, and she is continuing to give Stephanie the most erotic ass licking I could ever imagine.

"Oh god, I love that!" Stephanie says. "I love it, don't stop."

"I have no intention of stopping." and Ashley pivots her head to the side as she licks, this time a left to right licking motion from one cheek to asshole to the other cheek. From this angle, I get a new view, and this is just as amazing. "You know, when you two walked up to the fitting room, I wondered to myself what licking your asses would be like. And now I'm getting to! Mmmm."

This too got me thinking. Was I next? Was Ashley going to lick my ass too? God I hoped so.

"Well, I call first licking!" Stephanie joked, referring to how she and I competed to get things first by saying "I call it first!"

"I call first double licking!" I joked, and leaned forward and over, still thrusting into Ashley, but into a position where I put my head right against Ashley's, and we both licked Stephanie's gorgeous little hole. God, it was amazing, and feeling Ashley's breath and mine together off of Stephanie's ass as we both licked it was amazing.

"Mmm!" was all we heard from Stephanie, as I repositioned slightly, to lick Ashley's tongue as Ashley kept licking Stephanie's ass. At times we kissed, at times I licked Stephanie and Ashley licked my tongue, we did all sorts of delightful things. Then Ashley decided she was done sharing, she playfully pushed my head back up and said "So what does a girl have to do to get her ass licked around here?"

I didn't need to be asked twice. I pulled out of Ashley's pussy, and dropped to a crouching position. Her ass was already hanging over the edge and her legs were already in my hands from behind her knees holding them up in the air. Her asshole and crease were already delightfully wet from our combined love juices flowing from her pussy, so there was a lot to lick up first. I did a long broad lick from her back up her crease to collect all the accumulated pussy juice, but not quite all. I guess that meant I had to do it again, right? And again?

I loved how the tip of my nose touched her asshole when I was near her spine with my tongue, and it was heaven. But something about her twitched, and I knew that meant it was time. I made my tongue as firm and pointed as I could, and I stuck it straight into her tight little asshole, and inside, wiggled the tip a bit. I heard a squeal and felt a quiver. She liked receiving as much as she liked giving, and I had some good news for her, which she probably was in the process of deducing. I'm a bit of an ass freak too, and licking a beautiful woman's ass is way up there on my list of things I want to be doing. I kept at it, sometimes tonguing deep in her, other times flicking with the tip of my tongue, exploring each cheek. She wasn't lasered, she shaved, which I actually like. She had a few stubbly ass hairs, but that is just sexy, it adds character to the experience. I could catch glimpses of what was happening up above me on the bed, and I could see that Ashley had grabbed Stephanie by the hips, and had lifted her ass in the air a bit and was plunging her tongue into Stephanie, so I decided it was time to return the favor by proxy, and tongue fuck Ashley's ass with the same intensity.

Ashley also reached down with her other hand, and was patting away at her clit. I started to sense a little trembling in Ashley's body, and I did everything in my power to keep my focus and not change what I was doing, since clearly it was working. I had my tongue as deep in her as it would go, and she was grinding against me too, then I saw her pussy lips starting to make this amazing spasming motion, and next thing I knew her whole body had tensed up as she had her own massive orgasm. I had to bob my head back a bit as she writhed in ecstasy, and just then, I heard a little noise and felt a little breeze on my face. Ashley had done a little poot right into my nose and face, and I loved it. I secretly wished she would do it again, but I decided just to relish that it had happened at all.

Ashley had managed to keep her tongue deep in Stephanie as all this was happening too, but the moment was coming for everybody to take a little break. We all looked at one another, and smiled.

"Wait. You haven't cum yet!" Ashley exclaimed. "I think you should fuck Stephanie in the ass, right now!"

"Yes, yes, fuck my ass! But wait a minute." Stephanie said, and jumped off the bed to her purse, rifled around for a few seconds, then ran back, handed me a little tube of lubricant. She positioned herself right next to Ashley, both on their backs, asses hanging partway off the bed.

Ashley was really enjoying her role, in a way as matchmaker, but also as voyeur, bad influence, naughty girl, and more. "Fuck your cousin's hot ass!"

I had gotten the lubricant open, and squirted some into my hand and gotten my cock all nice and slippery. But right in front of me, two gorgeous women, open wide, pussies and assholes fully exposed. I squirted a bit more onto my fingertips, and gently caressed Stephanie's first, Ashley's second adorable little assholes, but having been fucking and licking for so long, everybody was already nicely slippery.

I stood in front of Stephanie, and the height of the bed, my height, was pretty close to a perfect match. I had to bend my knees a bit, but I pressed the head of my cock against her asshole. I took her by the ankles, and rested them on my shoulders, then held her by her shins and calf muscles. I also happen to have learned a trick or two along the way too, so I said, "Ok. I'm not going to push, but I'm not going to flinch or pull back either. Push yourself on to me; I'm not going to budge."

"Oh, OK. You old pro you! My cousin is full of secrets, isn't he?" she said to Ashley.

"Fuck your cousin's ass." Ashley said, distractedly. She was staring with intent. She wanted to see this. And Stephanie did just what I said. I stood firm, not jamming my cock in to her ass, but not budging either, and Stephanie, completely at her own pace, could wriggle her asshole onto my cock. She wiggled, she jiggled, she rotated her hips, balancing her heels on my shoulder, and next thing you know, her tight and amazing asshole was going further and further down my cock. Once the thickest part got in, I knew I could do miniscule little movements too, to spread the lubricant, and next thing you know, I'm fucking my cousin in the ass!

"Oh god, fuck her ass. Fuck her ass!" Ashley exclaimed, leaning over just over Stephanie's pussy to get a closer look. "God, look at that cock in that ass. Fuck it!" Ashley said, as I started gently making strokes into Stephanie's ass, each stroke just slightly longer and deeper than the last. We were still just getting started.

"Oh god, give it to me!" Stephanie said, and by now, I had gotten far enough in, and we had found that happy place, that I could just start fucking. "Oh yeah, fuck my ass. You like that Ashley? You like watching my cousin fuck my ass?"

"Oh god, your ass is perfect." Ashley was now crouched over on hands and knees, her head so close to Stephanie's pussy and my cock going in and out of her ass. "God, that's so hot. So damn hot. I've never been this close to a cock going in and out of a hot asshole."

At this point, Stephanie's ass felt so good, it was such a turn on, and I was here achieving my lifelong dream, I knew I wasn't going to retain control much longer. This was just too exciting. I hoped the ladies wouldn't notice, but I had to slow down my tempo a bit, otherwise I was going to just cum deep in Stephanie's ass before I wanted to. Ashley climbed over Stephanie's body, so technically they were in a 69 position now, and she continued to put her head and eyes as close to my cock going into Stephanie's ass as possible. "Ohhh, yess! Right there!" Ashley exclaimed. I couldn't get a perfect view, but it certainly looked to me, as if Stephanie had started giving Ashley a little ass licking of her own. God, this was hot.

Ashley was intentionally not licking Stephanie's pussy, I gathered that being a grown up adult who knew what she was doing, and she realized that she should avoid Stephanie's pussy after having licked her ass. I admired her for her wisdom. But something about how close Ashley was keeping her face to the action told me to try something. Given all that had happened, all that we had all shared, that Ashley had told us she was an ass freak, and that she seemed to be intentionally breathing in the smell of our anal sex, there was something else I'd seen in movies, but never thought happened in real life. I pulled my cock out of Stephanie's ass for a moment, and offered it to Ashley to suck. She instantly took it deep in her mouth, and sucked my cock hard and deep. She pulled back, looked up at me with urgency, and said "Again!" We did that three or four more times. Ashley was sucking my cock so hard, it almost scared me. "Ok, cum in her ass." Ashley ordered. "You'll get mine later, right now just cum in your cousin's hot ass!"

"Umm." I heard from the background, Stephanie's voice. I knew what that meant. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to cum in her ass more than anything I'd ever wanted in my life, but as I mentioned earlier, I've learned a few things over the years, one of them being, 'Don't cum in a girls ass unless she tells you to cum in her ass'. So since Stephanie said "Umm." and not "Cum in my ass." I knew not to cum in her ass.

I leaned down to Ashley's ear, and said, "I'm pulling out, and I've just gotta cum, now. Where should I cum?" In my mind, I'm thinking "Please oh please tell me to cum in your mouth. Please please please please please!" but I would also be happy however it turns out.

"Cum on her belly. I'll lick every last drop up of your hot cum." Ashley said passionately.

Wow, that's incredibly sexy too. I can do that. I pick up the ass-fucking intensity on Stephanie, building myself up past the point of stopping, and just when I'm at that point, I pull out, pump my cock with my hands a few time, and aim at Stephanie's mons and belly. I release a powerful hot blast, that fires out at 100 miles an hour. It's almost a direct hit, but it's hard to aim your cum with complete accuracy, part of it blasts Ashley's chin and neck, but mostly it gets to Stephanie's abdomen. The next spurt is always easier to aim, that creates a sexy trail across Stephanie's abdomen, the third is adding, and by the fourth and fifth spasm, nothing is coming out any more, but my cock is still twitching.

"Mmm!" Stephanie and Ashley both moan. Ashley from seeing it, Stephanie from feeling the heat. Ashley kisses at the stripes and budding ponds of cum on Stephanie's abdomen, and starts licking and sucking it all up. "Hold my hair." she says, and I reach down and hold her hair up. She systematically licks every drop up, at times using her finger to collect any she can't lick up (including my cum on her chin). She sits up and climbs off of Stephanie, but keeps on collecting the cum and making sure she doesn't miss a drop. She's almost in a daze.

"Sorry." she giggled. "I'm kind of a cum freak too."

We all laughed and had a warm moment together, all taking a breather. And the night was just getting started. There were twenty toes in this bedroom that I hadn't sucked yet.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-26 04:08:49
That was an excellent story, good build of the individual characters and their reactions and responses I made up my mind after all the sexy stuff, that you or are probably a professional writer, and yes I picked upon that after all that well-written sexy stuff.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-12 06:28:51
Best one yet cuz I was finger fucking myself and cuming all over I even got so slippery that more fingers entered and I got so turned on I moaned as if I had sex to

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-10 10:43:05
I wetted my underwear, imagined that I was fucking Stephaine and Ashley.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-04 08:42:34
Oh my god I absolut loved it
Do me, it again

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-02 00:56:20
Fantastic story. More more more please.

The build up was excellent. I usually don't cum during the build up but this was so hot.

You're clearly experienced (sexually) and your writing reflects that. You manage this blend of realism and sexyness that most on this site don't.

Best story I've read in years. Keep em coming.

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