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Tyrome deals with more interference
Tyrome awoke a few hours later, feeling Cloe snuggle closer startled him a moment 'til the day before came flooding back into his mind. Getting up he had to get ready for another day of training with these young enforcer wannabes. Sighing it was going to be a long day today he was hoping the training they had done yesterday had strenghtened them up some, if not then they'd work on it more, Funny thing not many knew of the exercises to increase power, hell it seemed like something he'd have thought all mages would have sought after. Looking at the bed as he started to leave he shook his head he still didn't believe that Cloe wanted to be his slave, it was the farthest thing from his mind that he thought she'd ever want to be. Leaning over he kissed her softly on the cheek a stray smile stealing across his face, he needed to start he punishment tonight, hmmm he had the perfect idea.

Walking to the old factory building I saw Celina awaiting me, "Damn! Sorry Celina in all the activity yesterday I forgot to code the building to allow you access when you got here in the morning."

"It's alright sir, I figured it was something like that, no need to explain," she sweetly replied. Wow! This was a definite improvement in her character from what she'd been before, now caring and meticulous compared to before when she was wild and dangerous. Opening the building he pulled another chain from his pocket, waving his hand over it then over his chain he felt the new chain accepting the orders he gave it.

"There you shouldn't have problems now this gives you access to the building, your office, all the rooms out there and the very front of my office." I told her.

Her eyes grew large, and then she curtsied, a shock to me, "Thank you though you didn't have to curtsy."

Celina's mouth dropped open, "But sir I have to you were and are the greatest enforcer there ever was. I was also told that you were the one to bring me in when I did all the terrible things I did."

This time it was my mouth that hung open, I'm going to kick Toni's ragged fucking ass! I felt like dragging him here and roughing him up 'til he told me everything, I was starting to get tired of being left in the dark by others that thought they were far better than me. We'd see about that. Letting Celina go I called the council I needed witnesses just in case I killed him. Explaining as soon as they all arrived, I reached out and violently ripped Toni into my office as NON gently as I could. Landing in a hard heap he looked up at me and swallowed hard.

"Look Tyrome I was going to tell you," he started to sputter.

"Uh huh, you're going to tell me EVERYTHING though just in case, I brought the council in case I kill you out right.

"Alright shit, I told her you were the one that captured her. It was the first thing that actually got her new personality to stick. So now she is bonded to you, hell as I said you OUGHT to take her to bed to cement it even further." He rapidly explained.

"Yeah right and then she imprints on me something like a hero worship child 'til all she wants is to be my slave." I growled at him.

"Hey that sounds good doesn't it?" He replied.

"NO!" I roared at him, "I was right I should kick your ass all around this building."

"Damn Tyrome, alright, go a week before you do anything it should be gone by then." Toni said.

"What about the hero worship?" I asked.

"That's not my doing that, is all the lady's on her own." Toni replied.

"If I have ANY women coming at me again like this, I am coming for you, I know that somehow you have a hand in this Cloe business though, I don't know how, but if it isn't gone soon I just might take you in just out of principal." I again growled at him. Looking at Cloe his eyes got huge and he nodded his head vigorously.

Toni walked over to Celina snapped his fingers four times and nodded at me, Growling I gave him a look that if it didn't work he would be under the cell I had for him. Shaking a bit, he then walked to Cloe who was still sitting opened mouthed snapping his fingers five times, then leaning over and whispering in her ear, her eyes got huge then she nodded. I looked at Toni with a suspicious look, "Cloe, who am I to you when we are in private?"

Smirking she snapped out, "I am your slave 'til you let me go, which fucking better be soon!"

Smiling I was glad, NOW, I could punish her and it really mean something, "Good when you aren't in council business you will be at my home, naked, understood?"

"Yes Master!" she said sarcastically.

"Good that helps me to determine your second punishment tonight." I smiled an almost evil smile at her that had her shaking. "Now then Toni before the council swear that are no more women, mage or otherwise coming after me."

"I can't yet Tyrome there are at least twelve others only ten of whom I know where they are!" Toni cried afraid he was going to a cell soon.

Reaching out I drew him to me and snarled in his face, "you will find them and soon or the next time you see me will be the last time you see the sky free, you've broken a dozen mage laws, GO!"

The entire council was laughing, even Cloe, though I knew that she was truly seething now, good she was going to see what a true bitch she'd been to me all these centuries. Thanking them all I watched each leave 'til it was just Cloe and me, "I should punish that little toad myself," she said her anger apparent. "Effecting a council member could garner him the death penalty!"

Smiling, she was right though, "Only thing is this was done to you before you were even approached by the council. Therefore you were still just a mage."

Nodding her head, she turned to go, "I meant what I said you WILL be naked when I get home, with these attached." I could see the color drain from her face when I handed her the nipple clamps.

Laughing I saw her horror grow as I flexed the clamps open and close, "All day Cloe, the second you are done I want you there wearing them."

"But," she started.

"NO! You will pay for being a bitch to me for making the already dangerous job I had deadly. Some of the things you tried to do could have gotten me killed many times over, You are mine bitch 'til I say different finally you will know the pain and humiliation you put me through," again the color drained from her face. I could see she was remembering several things that she had done to me, some very painful. I held up a third clamp, "If you still wish to argue I have this smaller clamp you can wear," indicating between her legs she quickly shut her mouth.

I watched her leave I knew she was heading back to the apartment, smiling I adjusted the ward in the room. Watching I saw that she appeared stark naked both clamps in place, her mouth formed a big O then she turned to me, "damn you Tyrome!" Smirking as I turned away, she didn't know the half of it, this was tame compared to what I had coming up. Sitting at my desk, a vision of Celina appeared, Sir, they are all here all but one." She said.

Obviously they didn't realize that this was mandatory, appearing in the training room I searched everyone's face. So it was him, guess he thought his father made him immune to class. Reaching I searched hmmm so he liked to hide huh? A minute later I found him in bed with another young female beginning mage.

Snarling, I ripped him from the dimension he'd hidden in, appearing naked in front of me, screaming flailing upside down his blond unkempt hair spilling everywhere. "Son, you obviously don't realize who and what you are dealing with. So I will enlighten you, this one time." Turning I faced all the young mages. "I am Tyrome Greenstick, I was an enforcer for two centuries, I am rated at a gold, class one rating, I have been asked to serve on the council ten times. I am number one in counter spells, shields, immobilizing, and destructive abilities. Only the council leader has a more powerful imprisoning wave. Now then young man if you do not want to be destroyed your first time out I suggest you listen the hell up." Leaning close I whispered, "Your father has a wicked skin flaying spell you'd be surprised what you can live through, do this again, I will do more than haul you naked ass out of the bed of a female, do I make myself clear?" The young man's eyes got huge as he vigorously shook his head affirmatively.

"Now that we have been formally introduced, we can actually start real class. There hasn't been a class like this for 200 years, hence the reason the enforcers are at a low number right now. It is my job to help you stay alive," reaching over I slapped the upside down naked, blond, young mage, "I can also sense strong negative emotions especially when they are directed at me or about me. I would be happy to call your father and have him demonstrate his legendary skin trick." Again the man's eyes got huge, shaking his head no, had I not been as pissed as I was I might have laughed. "Now as I said, it is my job to train and help you stay alive, listen to me, learn, then you have a more than 75% chance of surviving, ignore me, well, tell me now so I can kill you where you stand. Take this serious, because the scum you will hunt will be nothing but serious. They will kill you as painfully as they can, many will suck you dry taking everything, then your life. For the next two weeks we will work on strengthening your fledgling powers."

I stared at the young mages more than half were shaking, good nothing like fear to awaken the senses to danger, smiling I thought I might actually get a few good ones out of these. Looking at the young blonde man, I thought IF I can get smart ass trained the others would follow, Sighing I knew it was going to be an uphill battle with this one. At least now he would be more leery of me good, the more alert the better chance he had of surviving.

Dropping the young mage unceremoniously on the floor, I let him lay there a moment then he scrambled to his feet. Waving his hands nothing happened, looking at me a look of pure hatred was etched on his face. "Oh I forgot to tell you I am also rated number one in power blocking," snapping my fingers, the man was dressed. "Just in case you doubted that I couldn't do what I said." They all had a look of shock on their faces, this last ability I tried not to advertise, it always seemed to leave a bad taste in the mouth of those that I used it on. I was sure that was the reason for the look of disgust on the young blond mage's face. The rest of the day I had them doing exercises to bring their power up another notch. They were all staring at me when I had them begin as if I was crazy, that is 'til a young mage lost control and shot a fire ball that would have killed his companion had I not been there. The young man's eyes were as huge as saucers staring at his hands.

"As I said these will increase your offensive abilities, tomorrow we will start on defense., oh and to those of you that might be thinking it. Here I looked directly at the young blond mage, "I am also number one after the parents of a mage at finding them, I can and have been in almost ALL the dimensions, NEVER think you are hidden from me, Dismissed." I told them as I watched them leave.

Sighing now I had to put up with Cloe when I get home, looking out at the front at Celina I thought and possibly Celina. Walking to the door I told her I'd see her tomorrow, I was starting to walk home when she caught up to me. "Mr. Greenstick," she called, "I need to talk to you."

Toni had warned me that discussing much about who she was before the new personality set in might be dangerous, the fact that she wanted to talk meant that the old dying personality was trying to re-emerge. Looking back at her I wasn't about to let that happen, I had after all almost made her my first wife true I still had feelings for her.

Hell, still had them for my current ex-wife, it was just that she was such a bitch that there was no hope right now of us being together.

"Yes Celina?" I said when she caught up to me. "I need to know," she said trying to catch her breath.

I nodded the first downfall of mages now a days, all magic use no stamina it was the main reason so many enforcers were killed lately. Many had grown lazy, fat depending almost solely on their power. No stamina, no chance it was the one thing that had saved my life when I fought the chameleon mages. Three brothers bent on a path of utter destruction, power and greed. The last had played a big part in their defeat.

"I would be glad to talk to you Celina but I have an appointment to make," I said as I thought of Cloe twisting uncomfortable in my apartment.

"I need to know Mr. Greenstick, why you didn't kill me? I was told that hardly nothing I did wasn't destructive. So I need to know why didn't you kill me?" She asked almost in tears. Sighing I didn't have time for this and snapped my fingers. Toni appeared behind her, his face screwed up in fear then concern for Celina.

"I want her back tomorrow, she's the best choice for my office staff, try any way." I told him then walked off hearing the sobs of Celina.

"NO! You should have killed ME!" she screamed firing a weak fire ball at me.

Holding up a hand, the ball stopped, floated, then extinguished, walking to Celina, Toni backed away seeing the killing look on my face and death dancing in my eyes.

"I didn't kill you," I snarled as I grabbed her by the throat, "because I believe that everyone deserves a chance, though," here I slightly squeezed her neck causing her to gasp, "I can kill you now that you tried to kill me, you still want me to? Yes, you can feel you breath shorten, you can feel you life slipping away. You still want me to kill you? I can make it extremely painful, quick, or everlasting, your choice."

Toni was huddled in a corner he'd never seen me this angry, though earlier today I had almost been as mad at him just more under control. Celina was starting to choke, still I didn't let up. "Plea... ," she gasp out.

"You're lucky, I should have killed you, but you work for me remember that!" Dropping her I stared at her with an intense look. "Next time you're dead, I will forgive this one time, ONCE!" Turning I started to walk away, "Fix her up Toni, don't fuck with me again, I've got something far worse in store for you if you can't fix the whole situation. Find them all, if she isn't in the office tomorrow, I'm coming for you."

I started to head down the street trying to calm down, a block from my apartment a man came up behind me. "Give me all you got."

Growling I told the man, "Walk away NOW, while you still can, you've picked the wrong night and the wrong man to screw with!"

Obviously something about me scared him off cause he was gone in a flash, still pissed I felt him running away, snapping my fingers he fell in front of a store both legs broken. Growling again, I moved on I could feel Cloe shaking good! She could feel my anger also I had to calm more or I'd end up killing her before I even started.

Walking up to my door I reached to open it but could only watch as the door was blown off its hinges shattering against the wall. I found Cloe cowering in a corner, yanking her out, I froze her with a paralysis spell the look of absolute terror in her eyes is the one thing that saved her, and myself. Sitting I took a deep cleansing breath feeling most of the rage leave me, turning I look at Cloe, "I am starting your punishment tonight, you are to sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed with this," I held up the smaller clip from earlier, "attached all night, you cannot take it off, nor can you touch yourself to remove it. I moved to between her legs and place the clit clip. As she started to squirm I smiled, "every night, you will sleep like this, I want you to know the pain you caused me. The terrible long nights of wanting you. Having you laugh in my face telling me I was a man to fuck myself. This is the first of the punishments but won't be the last."

I watched her begin to jerk in near orgasm but not quite achieving, the whines she started to make started to sound like mine all those nights of torture she'd subjected me to.

Early the next morning I awoke to Cloe laying on the floor quivering, looking up at me she begged, "Please Tyrome I can't take it anymore. I have to have an orgasm." I removed the clip as she finally stopped quivering.

"I am afraid I can't do that, neither can you nor anyone else. Until you can give a proper response to me you will remain like this. You better think hard, you have another session tonight, no orgasm no relief, much as it was for me that whole week." I told her as I watched her eyes grow large.

"You can't mean it!?" She said incredulous.

"Wrong answer," I said as I reapplied the clip, within seconds she was again jerking and whining. "All you have to do is make the correct response, I know you know what it is."

Her eyes narrowed, "Never! I will never debase myself like that especially to you!"

Shrugging I got dressed watching her eyes following me around the room, she seemed the most transfixed on my dick. "By the way you're not getting any of that either 'til you answer correctly." I tossed back at her over my shoulder.

Oh, I was going to enjoy this and milk it for all it was worth. I wasn't going to release her 'til I was convinced that she'd truly changed. At the moment it appeared to be hopeless, we'd see. I didn't know of many females that could last through hours of that clip and not change something. I had to admit Cloe was strong, going far longer than any I'd ever seen. I started to head out Cloe staring at me then the door, "don't worry no one can come in but they can certainly enjoy the show, see you tonight," smiling I looked back at her, "bitch!" Laughing I headed for my office.

Going in I saw that the building was open, so someone was here. Entering my office I saw Toni in my chair, growling the chair collapsed. "Well!?" I roared.

"I reset her to just after her treatment, though I am afraid she still remembers you are the one that stopped her. I'm sorry but that is her and not a memory that can be erased, I found out that at one time she did love you. That's why I can't erase those memories, not when they are strongly connected to emotions." Toni babbled.

"We'll see," I said then called Celina.

"Yes Sir," she said standing front of me.

"Are you alright? After yesterday?" I asked.

"Oh yes sir, The Dr. has given me a clean bill of health, thank you again for hiring me," curtsying she turned and left.

I growled at Toni, "Hey," he started, "that was all her."

Why was I not having a good feeling about this?


Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-27 05:44:25
Last two chapters have been flipping from first to 3rd person. definately not to the same level as all your other works that I have enjoyed so far. def see how it could become a great story though.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-19 20:37:46
Sorry PARS, but half of the story is just garbage, and the rest is almost unreadable, DEFINATELY NOT UP TO YOUR NORMAL STANDARDS... regards from djb8247..

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-19 07:28:43
It was good but it seemed a bit rushed towards the end.

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