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First of all, this is a gay story, if you don't like it, don't read it. Once again, thank you for your great support and positive comments. The next part will be the last, so hope you like this one. :3
Chapter 5

One week later…
I contemplated the city bellow me as I leaned on the black balcony railing of the 10th floor ballroom. Given that it was 8pm, the city was surrounded by the usual darkness that came with the night, but since it was a large city, it was illuminated with bright lights and colorful video billboards. I briefly looked up at the sky, but there was no visible star that night, it was only the moon, silence, and myself.
I raised the masquerade mask that I had in my hand up towards my face and analyzed it. It was crimson red, with dark black Victorian designs covering it. It wasn’t that big, at most, it would cover half my forehead, my nose and part of my cheekbones.
I guess it was a good thing that Mr. Beckett decided to host his annual Masquerade Ball a couple weeks earlier. Because even though I could fake a smile and act like if nothing was happening to me, I wouldn’t be able to conceal the devastated look in my eyes. At least the mask would be able to take some attention off my eyes.

“Eric, come back in, the guests are arriving” said Jack from the large white balcony door.
Jack was wearing a black designer tuxedo just as I was, but he was wearing a gold and ruby colored mask that made his eyes stand out even more.

“I’ll be right there” I said.

As soon as Jack left, I put on my mask and walked towards the ballroom with a fake smile on my face. I knew I had to put on a good show for the guests, I couldn’t keep on moping around like I had been doing for this past week. Many clients had complained with Mr. Beckett, and consequently, he had threatened to kill me if I didn’t raise my performance. But how could I, the more I tried to think about something different, the more my mind led me to my memories of Charlie.
I looked over at the stage, Mr. Beckett was standing in front of a microphone pedestal.

“Gentlemen, it is an honor having all of you here tonight, and I am glad that there are not only old familiar faces, but new ones as well. As many of you know by now, this ballroom event, is something that The Corporation has organized for many years in order to award, and thank you all for your loyalty and preference towards our services. As so, we have prepared a large banquet that will be open all night, until dawn. Also, per tradition, you will be able to spend the night with our lovely boys, and that’s not all, you will be able to do with them whatever you wish to do, of course, in order to keep this event as elegant as possible, we have prepared all our rooms if you wish to be accompanied by our boys in more than one way. Well, enough of me, enjoy this event” said Mr. Beckett with an enormous smile as he was applauded off the stage.

About three hours prior to Mr. Beckett’s speech, I was bored as hell. First of all, I wasn’t in the mood for anything that night, and also, I was constantly being bombarded by the guests, as they pleaded me to go to a room with them. I probably had sex with about 8 of the guests up till now, if not more, and of course, I had to put on an Oscar worthy performance in order for them to think I was enjoying myself.

“Oh god you’re so tight” moaned the Hispanic looking client I was with at the moment.

Surprisingly, there I was, being fucked by one of the finest men I had ever seen, and I felt nothing, no pleasure, nor pain. I was just looking at him, with a fake lustful smile, and forced moans. Thankfully, it seemed that he was buying it since he was pounding away at me with such a pleasurable look on his face, that I was sure he was going to cum inside me at any second, but he was still able to last another 5 minutes.

“Fuck, you were amazing, I think I’ll ask for your services next time I come” said the client as he was getting dressed.

I nodded in approval, and he smiled with joy.

“By the way, what’s your name?” he asked.
“My name is Eric” I answered.
“Cool, see you next time then” he said as he squeezed my ass and left the room.

After I finished cleaning up and getting changed, I walked out the room, and began to slowly stroll down the hallway, back to the ballroom. I really didn’t want to go back, I was tired, unamused and still quite sad.
As I kept on walking towards the ballroom, I looked down at the floor as my mind began to think about Charlie. What was he doing right now? Probably he was with Logan, I answered myself. Does he miss me, or was I just a onetime adventure? He probably does miss me, I answered myself again.
Eventually I bumped into someone who was just leaving the bathroom. The person fell down with a thud and his mask fell off.

“Sorry, didn’t see you there” I said as I helped him get up.
“Don’t worry about it, I was distracted to be honest” he said as he got up with his mask in one hand.

When he turned around and looked me, I felt my heart stop for a brief second as I tried to comprehend what was going on. It was Charlie, thankfully he didn’t seem to recognize me since I had the mask on, and even though I was glad to see him, I didn’t want him to know I was here, and much less for him to know that I actually worked here.
I turned around, and began to walk in the direction I had come from earlier on.

“Hey, come back here” said Charlie.

I didn’t stop, instead, I walked even faster as I heard footsteps behind me. As I walked, I could hear his steps get louder and louder. So I decided to do the only thing I could think off, run down the service stairs. But as I made it down my second set of stairs, I tripped and rolled down about 5 or 6 stair steps before crashing against the wall.
Fuck, my whole body was hurting, and I could feel something warm and wet slide down my forehead, just what I needed, blood, I thought to myself as I raised my hand up to my forehead in order to find the injury.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” asked Charlie in a worried tone as he ran down the stairs toward me.

Crap! I thought, I no longer had the mask on, it was over, he was going to find out. I could feel my heart racing as he placed one hand on my shoulder, and with the other, he gently clutched my chin and turned my face towards him.
His gorgeous grayish eyes were looking directly into mine, I gulped down a bit of saliva, as I waited for him to yell at me, but instead, he began to clean away the blood I had on my forehead with a handkerchief. I didn’t get it, why wasn’t he screaming at me angrily.

“Did you actually think I wouldn’t recognize you?” he asked as he finished cleaning up the blood.

I didn’t answer him, not because I didn’t want to, but because I couldn’t bring myself to doing so.

“Well, no matter what you would have answered, the end result would have been the same, I’d recognize you even from a mile away” he said as clutched my chin again, but this time, instead of turning me around, he pulled me in towards him.
He took a deep breath as he looked at me.
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do” he said as he helped me get up.

Once we were in one of the rooms, we sat down next to each other, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at him yet, I didn’t feel worthy of his patience, if only he would scream at me, show me his anger, at least something to take away part of my guilt, but he just sat there, with a cute smile on his face, waiting for me to say something.

“Go on, you can trust me” he said as he placed his hand on my lap and gave me a reassuring smile.
“Fine. By now you’ve probably already deduced that I work here” I said as I took a deep breath.

Charlie nodded and I took another deep breath, I wasn’t sure if I should tell him everything or leave it that.

“Ummm, and the day that we met, I was actually hired by Logan, to ummm, bring out your gay side” I said as I looked down at the floor. “But I assure you, that my feeling towards you were real, everything about it was real” I said without looking at him.
“Was that so hard?” he asked in a surprisingly unfazed tone.

I looked up at him surprised.

“You’re not angry at me?” I asked confused.
“Of course not, I don’t need you to tell me if everything was real or not, because your eyes tell me everything I need to know” he said as he placed his hand on my cheek and gently caressed it before kissing me on the lips.

I responded to his kiss immediately by doing the same. It felt amazing, I finally felt happy again, it was almost like if I was complete. I could feel tears of joy run down my face as I placed my hands on his cheeks gently.
As we kissed, I reached down to his shirt, and began to unbutton it, but he pushed away my hands and backed away.

“Not now, let’s just enjoy this moment” he said with a smile as he took my hand and took me out of the room.

I followed Charlie for about 5 -10 minutes as we walked up the stairs, finally we reached a gray metallic door and he opened it. We were on the rooftop, it was amazing, the city was radiating beautiful colors, it almost seemed to be alive.

“So, how’s the view?” asked Charlie as he leaned his head on my shoulder.
“It’s amazing, but how do you know about this place?” I asked in awe.
“Got bored a while ago, so I decided to look around, and I found this place” he answered as he interlocked his fingers with mine.
“I wish I could be like this with you forever” I said as I looked over at him.
“Well we can, let’s just leave together” said Charlie as he lifted his head of my shoulder.

I looked away from him and focused on a toothpaste billboard in front of me.

“It’s not that easy. If I leave, they kill me, and not only that, but they’d kill my best friend as well” I said.
Charlie remained silent as he looked at me in shock, he probably didn’t know what to say.
“You came here with Logan, right?” I asked without looking at him.
“Yeah” he answered.
“So, have you had fun with him?” I asked as I looked over at him.
“Ummm, of course” he said hesitantly.
“Guess, he treats you right” I said in a kind of bothered and jealous tone.

He didn’t answer, instead he looked away.

“He does treat you right, doesn’t he?” I asked in a worried tone.

He still didn’t respond.

“What did he do to you?” I asked as I grabbed him by his arms and turned him around.
“I’ll show you” he said with a sad look on his face as he turned around.

I waited patiently as he took off his coat and undid his shirt. As he slowly took it off I gasped and took a step back, his back was covered in dark bruises and some deep cuts that seemed to be scars.

“Why…why did he do this to you?” I asked as I gently pressed my fingertips over some of his injuries.
“I refused to do as he pleased” he answered in a quiet, sad tone as he turned around and looked me in the eyes.

He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around me as he buried his face into my chest.

“Please, tell me we can leave, tell me we can leave it all behind and start again” he said as he began to cry.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a gentle reassuring hug as I caressed his hair with my right hand.

“I promise I’ll do everything I can to get you as far away from here as possible” I said as I looked up towards the dark abyss above us.

Suddenly the door that we had come in earlier burst open violently and about 10 muscular security staff members surrounded us, and just a couple feet behind them, was Logan and Mr. Beckett.

“So here you are, I’ve been worried sick about you” said Logan as he approached Charlie.

Before we could even move, the security staff members grabbed us and placed our arms behind our backs. Logan took advantage of the situation and grabbed Charlie by the neck. I could tell he was squeezing him by the painful look on Charlie’s face.

“And I see you were with him, didn’t I warn you not to go off with some other man without my approval” said Logan before letting go of Charlie.
“I’m very sorry about this Mr. Alec, I assure you, that this well never happen again, and to further compensate for this unfortunate stressful moment, I will give you a whole week of free services from any of my boys” said Mr. Beckett as he looked at me angrily.
“Thank you very much Mr. Beckett, but I believe it would be best for me to go now, I need to further educate this boy” said Logan as he turned around and walked towards the door.

The security staff members that were holding Charlie began to drag him towards the door. I could tell Charlie was trying to break free, but it was of no use, they were way stronger than him, and worst of all, I could only stay there, looking hopelessly as they took him away from me.
Out of nowhere, Mr. Beckett slapped me with his forearm. I couldn’t really tell what surprised me more, the fact that he had slapped me, or the fact that he had done it with such force that my neck actually cracked. I wanted to soothe my cheek, in order to somehow vanish the stinging pain, but I couldn’t manage to free even one of my hands, and even if I could have freed one of them, it wouldn’t have been of much use since Mr. Beckett slapped me once again, but this time on my other cheek.
To be honest, I was having some trouble thinking straight after the second slap, my head felt light and fuzzy.

“Don’t be stupid Eric, you’re only here to satisfy the clients, not to have a romantic adventure on the rooftop. I should kill you because of this, but you’re worth way too much, so hopefully, you’re smart enough to know your place” said Mr. Beckett before punching me in the gut with all his strength.

As all the air left my body, I could feel how a horrible and painful sensation coursed through me. Suddenly, I felt the security staff members let go off me, and I fell face first onto the ground. A couple seconds later, it all went dark.

Brent was happier than he could ever be, he was pounding away at dozens of cock hungry clients. He felt like a modern day Adonis, wanted by everyone. Brent looked around the room he was in, there were 5 other pairs fucking each other, but what motivated Brent even more, was the fact that all the clients were looking at him with lust. Even though he didn’t like to admit it, he loved feeling wanted sexually by others, it made him feel powerful, almost like sex god.

“Who’s your daddy?” asked Brent in a seductive tone as he spanked the client’s ass.
“You are Brent, you’re my daddy. Now feed me more, give my ass some more of your cock” answered the client as he stretched open his ass even more.
“As you wish” said Brent as he bit his bottom lip and pounded away at the client’s ass.

As he was nearing his climax, he began to thrust even faster and deeper into the client’s warm cock hungry ass. In a matter of seconds, Brent’s cock began to throb as he filled the client’s ass with his hot cum.
Brent backed away from the client and walked towards Michael, the guy who Eric had met the other and placed his hand between his butt cheeks.

“Well, aren’t you the tiger today. Wouldn’t I be your 7th in just these 2 hours?” asked Michael as he turned towards Brent.
“Yeah, but how about if we switch it up a bit” said Brent in a suggestive tone.
“I like the sound of that, now just bend over, it’s time for you to meet your maker” said Michael as he spanked Brent.

Brent bent over the brown leather couch in front of him and awaited to feel Michael’s cock open up his ass. Michael poked at Brent’s ass hole a couple times before fully pushing his whole cock inside Brent. Brent moaned in pain as he grit his teeth together. He was hoping that Michael would stay like that for a while in order for his ass to get accustomed, but it didn’t happen that way, instead, Michael began to pound away at him with such force and speed, that it kind of reminded him of the time that Eric had fucked him with that same animal like lust.
Suddenly, a long thick cock appeared before Brent’s face. He looked up and saw David, the man that Eric had left unconscious after fucking him, or at least that’s what he had heard.

“What are you waiting for, suck me” said David as he clutched Brent’s hair between his strong fingers and shoved him onto his cock.

Brent tried to suck him as best he could, but David was pumping his cock into his face way to fast, he had to force himself not to gag every time the tip of his cock hit the back of his throat.
Brent could barely keep his thoughts straight as he was being pounded away at viciously. Brent felt like if his ass was being ripped apart, and his throat was being drilled at. He wanted to back away, but David’s grip was way too strong, thankfully, he could feel both cocks throbbing inside him.

“I’m going to cum” moaned Michael and David at the same time.

After about 2 seconds, Brent could feel warm cum fill up his ass, while he tried to swallow down the cum that just kept on flowing into his mouth. Both Michael and David let themselves fall back onto the ground, they seemed exhausted.
As Brent cleaned himself off and got changed, Michael embraced him from behind and began to kiss his neck as he pressed his half-hard cock against his ass.

“You’ve got a nice ass” said Michael.
“Thanks” answered Brent as he was buttoning up his shirt.

Michael grabbed Brent’s head, turned it towards him, and before Brent could even react, Michael began to kiss him. Brent kissed him back. As they kissed, Brent heard the door open.

“Brent…I’m sorry for interrupting you, but its Eric, he’s not doing so well” said Jack as he looked away from Brent, trying not to show how disappointed and jealous he felt.

Brent didn’t need to hear another word, he stormed out the room, making sure to take Jack with him, since Jack was the only one who knew where he was.

As I woke up, I could slightly hear the faint sound of voices around me, and as I opened my eyes, I could tell that 3 other people were there with me.

“So you’re finally awake” said Jack with a smile.
“Are you okay, does anything hurt?” asked Michael with a worried look on his face.
“You better tell me who did this to you, so I can bust him open” ordered Brent angrily.
“Calm down Brent, we wouldn’t want to stress him out” said Jack.
“Don’t worry about it Jack, I’m fine” I said as I sat up.

It took me a while to sit up since my gut was hurting like crazy, but I managed to keep a straight face.

“Good, so tell me who…” Brent was saying before I interrupted him.
“Brent, Michael, would you mind leaving me alone with Jack for a while. I promise I’ll tell you everything later” I said.

Brent and Michael nodded in approval and left the room holding hands. I could tell by the way that Jack looked at them, that he was suffering on the inside.

“I’m sorry about that Jack, but if you wanted something more than a sex partner from him, you’re not going to get it. He’s always been like that, sex crazed, to be honest, I’ve never heard him say that he was in love with someone. But of course, I don’t want to destroy your hopes, he might actually love you, it’s just that he might not know how to deal with it” I said in serene voice.
“Never mind that, tell me what you wanted to tell me” said Jack as he looked at me.
“I want you to help me escape The Corporation today” I said in a serious tone. “And before you call me crazy, I need to tell you that I’m doing this out of love. So please, help me”

Life or Love
I couldn’t believe I was actually outside, the escape had gone perfectly, but I couldn’t help but feel selfish. Jack, Brent and Michael had placed their lives on the line on the exact moment they had decided to help me, of course, so had I, Mr. Beckett wasn’t going to stop looking for me until I was dead.
I didn’t want to be honest with myself at the moment, but they were surely going to get killed the second they found out I was gone.
The city was once again plunged into the darkness of the night, but like every big city, it was quickly illuminated by bright and colorful advertisement.
Since I didn’t have any cash on me, I had to run at full speed towards Logan’s house, I couldn’t allow him to hurt Charlie any longer. Once I reached the front door of his mansion, I stopped for a second in order to catch my breath, I felt exhausted, but who wouldn’t after running 40 minutes at full speed. Thankfully, Jack had given me my old clothes and shoes, if not, it would have been even more difficult to run in a tux.
I opened the door and walked in, the house was heavily illuminated with chandeliers. I wasn’t even there for a second when I gave a step back in horror, there was a trail of blood on the floor leading all the way up the stairs. I quickly ran up, trying not to step on the blood, and followed it all the way to a dark room that was being partially illuminated by moon light. But the moon light was enough for me to see someone on their knees leaning over a lifeless body in the center of the room. I walked slowly in to the room and turned on the lights.
There, in front of me, was Charlie holding a knife that was deep inside Logan’s chest. A pool of blood was surrounding Logan’s lifeless body, therefore, tainting Charlie’s legs with a dark red color. They must have been at it for a while since Logan was covered with open wounds, and so was Charlie.
Charlie looked up at me with tears in his eyes as he tightened his grip on the knife.

“I didn’t want to do this….I swear…I didn’t…I…I…” was saying Charlie before I took his hands off the knife, and embraced him.

Charlie returned the embrace as he cried into my shoulder.
“I swear….I didn’t…I didn’t want to” he said again.
“I know you didn’t, so don’t worry, it’s all going to be okay” I said as I caressed his soft hair. “It’s going to be okay” I repeated.
“Please Eric…get me as far away from here as possible” Charlie pleaded.
“Fine, but I have to make a quick call first” I said as I got up, and helped him up.

Charlie reached into his pocket and took out his cellphone.
“Here” said Charlie as he handed me his cellphone.
“Thanks” I said.

I hesitated about it a bit, but in the end I dialed 911, if I was going to be chased for the rest of my life until I was killed, it was going to be because I was the one to take down The Corporation, not because I was the one who fled.

“911, what’s your emergency?” asked a female operator.
“I would like to report that The Corporation isn’t what it seems, it’s a human trafficking company that forces young men into sexual labor” I answered.
“How do you know this?” asked the operator.
“I was one of those young men” I answered.
“Would you mind giving me your name?” asked the operator.
“That’s irrelevant at the moment. So please, go to The Corporation as fast as you can, search everywhere, save the boys inside, and stop Mr. Beckett before it’s too late” I said before hanging up.

I gave the cellphone back to Charlie, he quickly turned it off and put it back in his pocket.

“So, ready to go?” I asked with a smile as I extended my hand out to him.
“Always” he answered as he took my hand.


2016-02-16 07:54:11
really enjoy тнιѕ ѕerιeѕ canт waιт ғor parт 6

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-20 15:10:02
Thanks for posting! Looking forward to Part 6. :)

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-02 17:15:40
I certainly enjoyed it and the violence was a nice touch. I'm looking forward to the conclusion.

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