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Jake is an ordinary guy. He worked hard to be where he was, and despite his problems he had made a decent living. But when his friend Mitch turns out to be his friend Michelle in disguise, he's thrown into a crazy world of magical artifacts, witches and lust filled adventures.
Hey guys. I've got a few ideas and I'd like to post them here, but I'm no fan of wasted time. Do me a favor and tell me what you think in the comments.
Also, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on how this would work. I'm curious as to how you feel about something like this, and its not like I can just go around asking, right?
But overall, please just read and enjoy. I'll make sure to check out your comments, and I'll even try posting a few other things if you guys like this bit. I've got more than a few ideas, and I love this site for the freedom of it. I've been constantly disappointed by the number of stories that are discontinued. It's a shame that so much talent and so many great stories and ideas go waste in the archives here... If anyone would like, I can include a few old titles I really enjoyed back in the day with my stories. But hey, that's not why you're here.
Be careful out there, guys. The Strangeling had some fucked up ideas.

“So, what is it? Would you want to be a chick?” I chuckled. My friend Mitch was sitting next to me, well into his third drink and giggling. Mitch had a tendency to do that, but he was a good guy. And despite the giggles, he wasn’t actually wasted.
“I don’t know man. According to them, guys got the better half when it comes to sex. Other than having a little fun, I don’t think I’d like being a woman forever.”
“Dude, Jake… Okay. What about for like a day? Would you do it?”
“Fuck yeah man. People always thought I was weird but the fact is that I’m curious. What’s it like being a woman, you know? I’m curious.”
“You’re curious about everything. You once told me you’d like to spend a day in a wheelchair.”
“Whatever man. You should get this by now.”
“Yep… Detective Jake Moore, ladies and gentlemen!” The other people in the little bar laughed openly and whistled. After the incident I’d made at my twenty first birthday, everyone in our watering hole who’d been here more than once knew my name.The bartender went to pour me another and I stopped him with my hand. He shrugged and poured one out for Mitch.
“Okay, but totally serious. You wouldn’t have a problem being a chick for a while?”
“No, if you’re so worried, I would be interested if there was a cheap, short term way to become a woman. Don’t know why you’re freaking out over this though…”
“Jake, you’re too nice man. Call them chicks, señoritas, hotties, sluts…”
“Whoa, man, chill!” I glared at him. “I’m not going to be an ass just because you want me to. They’re women, girls, females… Whatever. Just because I don’t like being an ass doesn’t mean you’ve gotta get all pissed off. I think you’ve had too much to drink, Mitch.”
“Nah, man, I’m good. You know me, I’m barely even tipsy.” I grumbled, but it was true. The two of us could hold our liquor pretty well. The only thing I felt was a warmth in my chest and a bit of buzz. Mitch was even better than I was, most probably. He kicked back his drink and turned over the glass onto his napkin, his signal to bartenders in general that he was done for a while.
“I’ve gotta go to the bathroom. Don’t bail on me just ‘cause you got butt hurt, okay? I’ve got something to show you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I muttered. A glass of water clinked down on the bar in front of me and I gave the bartender a grin. “Tony, you’re the best. What would I do without you?”
“You need to see the video again?” Tony smirked, but there was no laughter in his eyes. I looked down at the bar. Tony was probably the only person who was still upset about what had happened on my birthday party. He had every right to be. I was halfway through my water when Michelle came back and sat down at beside me. She was dressed in a pair of leggings and a skirt, with a dark blue top that made her eyes look like ice and somehow made her tan skin look pale by comparison. It was a strange contradiction, but guys will understand what I mean. Its something girls do that just makes you think ‘damn she looks sexy as all hell’ and at the same time ‘fuck, I think I’m in love with her’.
“You sure took a while.” She looked over at me, staring.
“Well… A girl’s gotta take care of herself.” I chuckled.
“Yeah…” I set down my water. I turned in my chair.
Michelle was a bombshell; I’d known that ever since we met, years ago. Long dark hair falling around her shoulders, framing her delicate features and a pair of jade colored eyes. She was soft on the outside; looking at her made every guy think ‘maybe I’ve got a shot’. I’d watched a ton of guys get shot down… Or had I?
“…Who are you?” Michelle smiled. Tony gave me a funny look.
“That’s my boy. Come on.” Michelle put a pair of twenties on the bar and grabbed my hand. I barely grabbed my jacket off of the back of my chair before I was outside and being dragged down the sidewalk.
“Wait, what the hell is going on here? Something is wrong!”
“Yeah yeah. Relax, I’ll explain everything in a little bit!” She turned down the alley where we’d both parked and dragged me to her car, pushing me into the passenger seat and climbing in the driver’s side. As soon as she shut the door she turned to me and grinned. I stared at her until I couldn’t take it anymore.
“What the fuck is going on!?”
“What do you remember?” She was grinning that old familiar cheshire grin. The one that made me fall in love with her back in high school.
“I don’t know.” I stared at her, remembering her face clearly. But suddenly the fog lifted from my mind and everything became clear. At the same time, a sharp pain pierced my right eye. “Fuck…”
“What do you remember, Jake?” I thought back, carefully.
I’d met Michelle five years ago, during my junior year of high school. I’d graduated early, and ended up in university sooner than she had. But we’d become close friends when she and my sister started hanging out frequently, since I’d been commuting from home most of the time. When I’d gotten my first apartment, around the time I was nineteen, she’d been there. Now I was twenty one, and things were muddled after that. Michelle and Mitch were interchangeable through my memories, but she’d been picking up chicks and drinking and behaving however she liked. Sometimes she was a man, and sometimes…
“You… You were Mitch? And Michelle? What the hell?”
“Exactly. I was both. You did figure it out!” She was jumping up and down in her seat, laughing like a schoolgirl. It was making my headache worse. After a minute she calmed down. “Let’s get back to my place first. Then I’ll explain.”
“Fine… But you owe me a whole lot of an explanation.”
“I know. Trust me, I have a lot more than that.”
The drive was excruciating, but when we got to her place and she dragged me inside my head was a little better. I flopped onto the couch and she took a seat next to me, still giddy.
“Okay, so you remember me? And you remember Mitch too?”
“No, it’s more like I remember you being there sometimes, and I remember Mitch too. But I know you better, even though Mitch was one of my good friends… somehow… It was like I’d known him without really knowing him. He was you, so it just sort of translated, if that makes any sense.”
“Nothing you say ever makes sense, Jake. You’re a huge nerd, remember?”
“Don’t even, you’re just as bad as I am.” I snapped. “You have a photographic memory, remember? I’m just a putz.”
“Hey, that’s not fair! You always take it back to that!”
“Yeah well, it wasn’t one of your best moments.” We glared at one another, but after a minute she took a deep breath and sighed.
“Whatever. Look, you’re here for a reason. I knew you’d be the only one who could figure this thing out, so I’m going to explain what’s been going on. But you have to promise not to freak out, no matter what. Okay?”
“This sounds way to science fiction for me. bUt whatever, you’ve got my attention.” She gave me a smile.
“Okay. Two years ago, some guy gave me this ring. I don’t remember him well, or where we were or any of that. But I remember when I first put it on. It was… weird. After a nap, I woke up and I was a dude. When I tried talking to your sister, she remembered me as a guy. Then I called you and you called me Mitch, and I nearly had a mental breakdown. When I took it off, I was me again. I was a girl, and everyone knew it.” I vaguely recalled getting lots of calls from Michelle sometime a long time ago, and being pretty worried. But I let her continue. “So gradually I started figuring it out and I tried a few things. I played around with it and no one would remember that I was Michelle if I wore the ring. It was weird at first, but then I picked up a girl at some bar and we had sex… It was amazing. I’d always been bisexual, but this was crazier than you’d ever believe me. I stopped sleeping with guys altogether and picked up girls even when I was me, and I loved it. You and I hung out when I was Mitch because I was a little more comfortable like that… at first.”
“At first?”
“A year ago, I realized that it was weird switching between the two. I got too used to being a guy, but I preferred being a girl. My period got out of whack when I used it too, so that was weird, but I got birth control for it. I started spending months at a time as Mitch, but… It’s not right. I can’t do this. It got weird having to balance the two, and I decided like a month ago that I had to tell someone. But your sister couldn’t handle it. I even took the ring off right in front of her and nothing happened. She just blinked a few times and everything was back to normal. Then I thought of you! You’re so paranoid, that things like this would never slip by you!”
“Paranoid? Thanks. You’re just a ray of sunshine tonight.” I grumbled. She sighed and scooted over closer, even threw an arm around my shoulders.
“Come on, you know what I mean. You get into arguments over the silliest things, like what people said or shit like that. You’re smart, and you don’t deal with people well. But I knew you would notice me. And you did! So now you know, and we can…”
“We can what, Michelle? What do you want me to do with this?” I scowled at the ring on the table. It was a plain band with a pair of interlocked teardrops on it, symbolizing the Yin Yang relationship. It made too much sense. “All I’ve got is a headache and wounded pride.”
“Oh come on, relax. Look, I just want you to help me figure this thing out. It’ll be nice having someone to talk to about this.”
“Yeah, whatever. What do you want from me?”
“I want you to put it on.” I looked at her for a long time, speechless.
“I want yo to try it. No one has worn this ring since I got it, but I want you to try it.” I checked her features and realized she was serious. I scoffed and broke out laughing. Her face grew dark.
“You’ve gotta be kidding! I’m not going to put that thing on! Look, I don’t want to get any more fucked up than this thing has already made me okay? I don’t need any more drama in my life. What I need is more alcohol, apparently.” I ran a hand through my hair.
“Oh come ON! I know you, Jake, and you’re a curious motherfucker. You’re not going to pass this up, are you? You get to figure out what it’s like to be a woman! Or, you know, this is all some horrible prank and you just wear a ring for a little bit. What could possibly go wrong about this? I mean, no one else is going to see.”
I stared at her, then glanced at the ring. She grinned a wide grin andI sighed. She had me, and she knew it, but I wasn’t going to let her have it all that easily.
“No way. I’m not that curious, anyway. Not curious enough to lose my dick.”
“You can just take off the ring and you go back to normal! Come on, I want someone else’s opinion on this stupid thing!”
“I said no, didn’t I? I don’t need something like this anyway.” She pouted and tucked her knees up under her, turning to face me completely. She looked so innocent sitting like that and making that damn pouty face that it dredged up all my old emotions. I shoved them back down and turned my eyes to the ring. I was going out of my mind. Finally I cursed and caved. “Fuck it, what the hell! You know me way to fucking well, you know that?”
“I knew I had you! Thanks, Jakey.” I grumbled, but she’d thrown her arms around me when she cried out. She picked it up and put it in my hands. “Put it on!”
"Not here, I’m doing this in the bathroom first. No way I’m going to subject myself to your little experiments before I know how this works out. Plus I might end up as some ugly chick. I don’t intend to let anyone see that if it happens.” I stood up and walked toward the bathroom. “I’ll come out if I don’t look too bad. If this even works.”
“Pussy!” I flipped her the bird and stepped into the hallway, then shut and locked the bathroom door behind me. The ring fell to the blue tile counter as I stared at my own reflection. I was a mildly handsome computer geek; my hair was a luster filled blond that changed colors in the light, turning to brown or even red depending on the time. my eyes were a light brown with the barest traces of green, just like my father’s. I was just under six feet tall and light, but not muscular at all. I was dressed in a loose fitting hoodie and a pair of ratty old blue jeans, ripped up from way too much wear and tear, but they were soft and well worn. People who knew me smiled when they saw me dressed like this; I’d been this way since high school. Even my glasses were the same frames as the ones I’d had back then, a thin black set that curved around the top of the lenses and then back over my ears. People told me I looked good, but I was always insecure about my looks. Now, here I was about to try on some magical ring that turned me…
“Fuck it.” I stripped off my jacket and grabbed the ring. Although it was obviously too small, it fit me perfectly as I pushed it onto my finger. It was warm, and I couldn’t help but chuckle after a few minutes. “I knew it was…”

“Jade? Jade, are you okay in there? What the hell, answer me already, you’ve been in there for half an hour!” I woke up groggily on the floor of the bathroom. Luckily Michelle had always hated cold floors, so I woke up on a thick mat. My head swam, but I found my way to my feet. I felt different, that was certain. When I looked at the mirror, the image was blurry as hell. Through my haze I managed to grab my glasses off of the floor and put them on. I checked my reflection, ran a hand through my long red hair, fixed my shirt and grabbed for the door handle.
“Yeah, Michelle, just… Give me… a sec…” I turned back to the reflection in the mirror. Behind the my new glasses, a slim and feminine pair of lenses set in rose colored metal, my eyes widened.
I was short.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t the point, but I’d always been a little touchy about my height. I was just under the threshold, and it bugged me. Now, though, I was five feet four inches tall and my delicate features had turned frail. The strong jawline I’d had, the one masculine feature I’d had, was now softer and my cheekbones weren’t pronounced at all. My lips were more pronounced, or more full or however you say that. I wasn’t wearing makeup, thank god. My eyes were slightly bigger though, more bluish green, and my hair had turned to a deep red color. It also reached down to my back. I still wore a black t shirt, which was only slightly baggier, and a pair of well worn soft to the touch blue jeans. They even had a few rips, but not nearly as many as they had before. Finally my eyes settled on the more… obvious changes. My chest was larger. They were heavy, that was for cure, and the bra I wore dug into my shoulders. I could feel how tight the waistband of my jeans were around my hips, and the way my underwear clung to my skin. I unclasped the thin leather belt I was now wearing and pushed my pants down, gasping when I saw myself dressed in a pair of black, lacey edged panties. The fabric was soft, and it certainly wasn’t as tight as I’d thought it would be. It barely dung into my skin at all. I definitely showed off my stomach, trim and soft as it was. The barest trace of baby fat clung to my hips and my lower abs, but there was enough definition to see the muscles of my abdomen. My hips were wider, my thighs a little bit faster, but overall I was the same lanky sort of girl I’d always been… No, I was similar to the lithe build I’d had as a guy. I hesitantly reached fro the hem of my shirt and pulled it slowly over my head…
“Jade, what the hell is wrong? Get out here already!” I dropped the shirt and blushed. My whole face grew red as I grabbed for my pants and pulled them up, fastening my belt and rushing for the door.
“Yeah, yeah! Sorry, Michelle!” I rushed down the hallway and found Michelle standing at the end of the short hallway. She had her hands on her hips, staring at me with an impatient expression on her face. her dark hair and her blue eyes made the whole thing look rather condescending. I actually felt intimidated by her. She was so goddamn beautiful, it made me feel all fluttery… I squirmed under her gaze and felt my nipples harden against the fabric of my bra, then I felt myself get moist. It was surreal; unlike anything I’d ever felt. I felt warm, nervous, horny…
“What the hell took you so long, girl? I’ve been waiting for half an hour to start the movie already.”
“Sorry! really, I didn’t mean to take so long. I dozed off.” I squeaked.
“You sure you’re okay? I know you’ve been having a rough time at work recently…”
“No, I’m fine. Let’s just start the movie okay? I don’t want to talk about it.” I grumbled. Michelle looked slightly upset, but she shrugged and accepted it. She pushed play, and I drifted through the movie. I barely watched it between my little daydreams. Something was bugging me. I couldn’t place my finger on it, but something was definitely wrong. I pushed it out of my mind andsnugglfd deeper into the pillow I was holding. I even tucked my feet up on the cushion, peering over my knees. A chuckle from my left brought me back to reality and the end of the movie.
“You barely even watched it, you little weirdo.” I blushed again.
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to drift off but I couldn’t help it.”
“Its fine. I mean, you’re barely ever really into something unless its a book or a game or some program or something, so I should’ve guessed that a girls night wasn’t your thing.” She sighed and leaned back against the cushions of her couch, looking over at me with a defeated expression. “Why are we even friends, Jade? We aren’t anything alike…”
“That’s not true.” I said. For some reason I felt offended by her words. We’d been friend for a long time. More than that, she was my closest friend. No one else even tried understanding me; no one knew how to deal with women who loved computers and science fiction. They just wanted to screw us. I hated guys. Women were worse, sometimes though… Someone like me, timid and small and self conscious, was like open range to them. I was just some pathetic little girl who couldn’t get enough guys to do things for her, or maybe I was…
“We’re friends. That’s all that matters.” I sat up, looking over at Michelle. I was feeling something else too, something all too familiar. She was gorgeous, sitting there like that. She was so cocky but at the same time she really cared. Her blue eyes were heavily lidded, and she had just that tiny bit of mascara that made her look so smoky and mysterious. Her top was that dark blue spaghetti strap one that I loved so much, too. It made her tan look incredible. It made her eyes look even more beautiful than usual, which was saying something. Those eyes had captured me the very first time we’d met. Her skirt was purple, flowing down to just above her knee and showing off those long, sexy legs that I’d envied for so long dressed in a pair of tight black leggings. I don’t know why she hadn’t changed into something more comfortable, but I sure as hell hadn’t reminded her to.
“JADE?” I jumped and blushed like crazy as Michelle snapped her fingers under my nose. I curled up in a ball and retreated back to the edge of the couch, breathing fast. Something was wrong. The voice in my head was screaming it, but it wasn’t Michelle. I knew that much. She made me feel grounded. It was something… something I couldn’t reach in the back of my mind. Te reason I’d taken off my pants in the bathroom, the reason I’d passed out in the first place.
I stared at it, but my thoughts were murky. I knew Michelle had given it to me. It was the only thing she’d ever given me, and it was important. I’d never taken it off yet. It was a plain band with a pair of black and white teardrops intertwined on the surface.
“Are you okay, girl? Seriously, you must be pretty tired if you’re zoning out like this. Let me take you home.” Michelle went to stand up.
Stop her!
My hand reached out and caught her arm, dragging her back down onto the couch.
“No, I’m fine, really!” Michelle stared at me. She’d fallen basically onto my lap, but I couldn’t let her go so I just blushed and met her eyes. Our faces were nowhere close but I felt like she was right in front of me. Like her breath was right on my face.
“Seriously, you’re such a spazz! What’s going on with you?” Michelle straightened herself out, but she didn’t move far. She ended up propped up on one knee over my lap, with her face hovering in front of me while her hands stayed locked on either side of me. I was so small, and she was so… Not. She was everything I wasn’t. She…
I caught the barest flicker of her eyes and my heart soared. She’d looked at my lips. I wasn’t wrong this time. Her wry grin was fading and she was breathing uneasily. Another flicker. This time it was my turn to smile. I threw caution to the wind and leaned forward. Her lips were soft. After that hit me, her scent filled my nose and I pushed my lips hungrily against hers. She squeaked as I pressed my lips against hers. As my hands rose to catch her cheeks and neck, she tried to pull back. My fingers caught the back of her head and pulled her close, holding her lips against mine. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth; I didn’t push my tongue against her lips, but I suckled on her bottom lip and moving. Slowly she settled and began pushing back against me. Her breath mingled with mine in our mouths as gasps and squeaks began to escape from our kiss. Her tongue ground lightly against my lips and I kisser her harder, opening my lips for her tongue to slip into my mouth had glide over my own. I moaned and leaned back, dragging her along until she was on top of me and her knees were on either side of me. Her hands dug into my scalp, running through my hair and down my neck… It made my skin ripple with goosebumps. I was so wet for her. I could feel the fabric of my underwear clinging to my sex with my need. I bucked my hips and brushed my waist against hers, brining a moan from her lips. A second later we separated for air. I couldn’t help but gaze into her eyes, and yet I wanted her lips. My stare, no doubt the hungry gaze of an animal, darted between the two as I tried making up my mind.
“Jade… What…” Her voice was soft and full of surprise, but at the same time it was lusty. Just a little bit.
“Shut up. I want you so badly.” I whispered. Finally my eyes settled on her lips and I dragged her down to taste her sweet, glistening flesh. our tongues met with our breath and my back arched up, pressing my breasts against hers. One of my hands slid down her back to her waist, pulling so that she was forced to lay fully on top of me. My jean covered crouch pressed into her skirt and leggings, which only made me frustrated. Her skin was hidden from me. I wanted her.
I was going to have her.
I growled and pushed her up, then somehow pushed her down onto the couch so that she was laying along the whole length of it. She gasped as I pushed her down and kissed her again. Her kiss was more passionate now. Her hands slid into my hair and along my waist. I grabbed her legs and spread them, flipping up that damned skirt and exposing the crotch of her leggings. When that wasn’t enough, I dragged her skirt over her legs and threw it, then grabbed the straps of her shirt and pulled them down her arms. She helped, lifting her shoulders off of the couch so I could expose a blue bra, plain, covering a pair of fairly well sized breasts. I dove into the hollow of her neck, kissing her neck and savoring the taste of her skin. Her smell filled my nostrils and made the faint, salty traces of sweat into something sweet and tangy on my tongue. She gasped as I kissed, then made my way down her neck. She groaned when I kissed the skin over her breasts, just above where her top had begun hiding her from me. Finally I couldn’t take it, and I dove in between her breasts as my hands slid underneath her and undid the clasp without any trouble at all. For some reason I remembered having trouble with that before. It must have been because it was her. It was Michelle. She was my one.
As the stiff fabric of her bra fell away I was already savoring the first taste of her breasts. The rise and fall of her chest was erratic and heavy. As I caught one of her pointed, firm nipples in my lips her breath caught and she took a rasping, broken breath. Her hands gripped the couch cushion, then dug into my shoulders through my shirt. I lifted my face as I felt her dragging my shirt over my head, exposing my pale skin and the gray bra I’d worn. I dove back down to her tits and licked my way all over. After I’d covered her chest in kisses and returned to her lips, finding a hungry woman waiting for me. Her fingers dug into my scalp and held me close as she moaned into my mouth. The long passionate kisses had turned into an unbelievable number of short, hard kisses. My fingers, instead, found her nipples and pinched them, rolling them in my fingers. Her kisses broke off and she arched her back so that her tits were pressed even more firmly into my hands. I kissed her neck again, knowing that her moans were all for me and only getting more wet as she cried out in rasping shallow breaths. Unbidden one of my hands slid down and caught her leggings, then peels them off of her skin and down her thighs a way. Her gasps only grew louder. Suddenly I smelled the think, pungent aroma of sweat and sex. I could smell how wet she was. That smell made me ravenous. I needed to taste her. I slid down her body in one single motion and dragged her leggings all the way off of her long, sexy legs. God i loved her fucking legs. I kissed her thighs and knees and calves on my way down to her underwear, which were soaked between her legs. As I drew closer she began to moan and watch me with lust filled eyes. Her eyes weren’t blue anymore; they were bright white with thin blue lines running through the irises, contracting and dilating at a rapid pace. She arched her back and gasped out as I grew closer to her sex. She wanted this too. When I finally grabbed her underwear and pulled she gripped the sides of the cushion and gasped. Pulling them away from her body wasn’t as easy as it should’ve been: they were stuck to her skin by the thin layer of sweat and her own cum. The smell as I pulled them off grew sharp and sweet, but still salty like her body. It was everything I wanted. M fingers lazily fell onto her crotch and ran over the pale skin, down over the sparse hair and down into her sex. She wasn’t as wet as I knew I was, but she wasn’t dry. My fingers slid easily into her body as I drifted down her slit. When I lowered my tongue to her clit, her entire body moved. Her legs rose on either side of my head, her back arched and her knuckles grew white. She gasped and her breasts heaved as her breathing only grew more erratic.
“Jade… Jade… Oh fuck…” My tongue pressed onto her clit harder, then began to play with her button as my fingers slid in and out of her body. Her cum was making splashing noises as my fingers curled against the walls of her tight sex, and as I played with her clit she began moaning my name over and over again. As her mantra grew louder my fingers pressed more deeply inside of her and I found that spot that makes women go so dam wild. With my middle finger rubbing against her g spot and my tongue flicking rapidly against her clit, she only grew wetter.
“Jade, fuck fuck Jade Yes fuck Jade Oh God yes Jade please please please Jade yes oh Fuck yes yes yes Jade jade jade jade jade… Oh fuck, Jake, yes, FUCK!” She bucked her hips wildly as she came, grinding her clit against my tongue and reaching down to bury my face into her sex with one hand. I nearly suffocated and I loved every damn second of it. I suckled on her clit and drove her over the edge even more, making her scream and flop backwards as her back arched. When she fell back onto the couch, limp and breathing hard, I began it all over again. She shuddered and moaned, then grabbed my head and pulled me deeper yet again. She groaned as I brought her to yet another orgasm, this time reaching up and twisting one of her tits just before she came. This time it was even more intense. Her hips bucked up and down quickly, rocking her clit against my tongue, her fingers dug painfully into the back of my head and her back arched, her breath grew short as she screamed my name and juice gushed from her slit into my happily waiting mouth. As I rose up onto all fours and finished licking the juice from my lips, exhaustion hit me. I crawled up her body and cuddle into the hollow her side made against the cushions, pressing my face in to her neck and wrapping one arm around her. Couldn’t help smiling as I let my lips slide up to her ear.
“You’re finally mine.”

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-18 03:58:33
i think its great!!! needs a bit of work on separating dialog by paragraph but other than that its great.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-15 18:43:21
I enjoyed the story and it made me think of my wife. She has talked about wishing we could swap minds or bodies for a day so we could experience how each others orgasms felt. She does keep things interesting with her thoughts though.

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