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Hey Guys I know it's been awhile since i've posted, if this is your first time, you may want to read through the other chapters first!
A Chance Encounter VI

Two days later. Marie was sitting in her hospital bed talking to her aunt. “Have they told you anything yet Marie?” her aunt asked.

“No, but I have been feeling weird since my diet change, which is probably the reason for it.”

“Have you told them?”

“I mentioned something, but they just wrote it down and then gave me something different to eat.”

“Weird. You did tell them that Jer told you his mother was diabetic right?”

“Yes, and I’ve talked to Cathy, and she told me she can come down and help out when I get out if I needed her.”

“That was nice of her.”

“Yes, Aunt Sarah I think I am going to try and take a nap, I’m tired. I don’t know if I’m stressing about being here or if it’s just the baby, but I have been really sleepy the last few days.”

“Alright sweetie, I’m going to go back to the hotel for a few hours and try to get some work done.” Getting up her aunt hugged her and kissed her forehead then left the room.

Jer was walking into the hospital when he almost bumped into a woman, “I’m sorry ma’am.” He said absently. He was still in uniform he’d landed 12 hours ago, and had to go through a debriefing with his commander, before he and Theo were told to leave. Not wanting to waste another minute he went straight to the hospital.

Sarah not even paying attention absently said. “It’s alright, I wasn’t paying attention either.”

Going to the receptionist desk Jer asked for Marie’s room number, after she called the doctor on the floor she looked at Jer and said, “The doctor will be down in a moment.”

“Thank you.” He walked over to a wall and leaned against it, hoping Marie was alright since they were sending the doctor down to get him. When he looked towards the Elevators he saw a woman dressed in a white coat walking over to him.

“Excuse me, are you Jeremy McBride?”

“Yes ma’am.”
“Hi, I’m Dr. Hamilton, if you’ll come with me I’ll take you to Marie, sorry I didn’t have the receptionist just send you up, but when she said there was a military man I had to make sure it was you and not someone coming to deliver some bad news, because I need to protect my patient from any more stress, which is one reason why I think her body is rejecting treatment. I haven’t brought myself to tell her yet; because I don’t want to make things worse.”
Jer just looked at her as they went up in the elevator, and Maddison, Dr. Hamilton, notice a tear slip out the corner of his eye. “Sir, I’m sure you know this but Marie is a fighter, and I honestly believe the stress of worrying about you and finding out about the baby is what is making her sick. But knowing you are home for the time being and safely at that I am certain she will improve greatly. Now when I looked in on her after her Aunt left a few minutes ago she was asleep.” Getting out of the elevator she headed towards Marie’s room. “This is the first time she has been alone since she’s been here, first Aélita and Simon wouldn’t leave her side then once her Aunt showed up she wouldn’t leave either.”

Jer just smiled, “That doesn’t surprise me about Aélita and Simon, and from what I have heard about her Aunt Sarah that doesn’t surprise me either.”

Stopping in front of room 306, she said, “Here we are.”

“Thank you Dr.” Opening the door Jer walked in as quiet as possible, closing it behind him. Going up to the bedside he noticed she was indeed asleep by her even breathing, so he just kissed her forehead and sat in the chair by the bed, grabbed her hand and waited.

Meanwhile at the Restaurant about 1130 AM

Theo opened the door to the restaurant, he was also still in Uniform just like Jer was because he couldn’t wait to see Aélita. Walking up to Anh he asked. “Is Aélita here?”

Anh looked up and gasped, “Yes, she’s in the back. You’re Theo right?”

Theo smiled, “Yeah.”

Anh nodded, “Come on I’ll take you back there.” Going through the doors to the kitchen she led him to the office door and knocked, after there was a soft reply to come in Anh said, “I’ll just leave you alone.”

Opening the door Theo stepped in, and what he saw made his breath stick in his chest, there she was sitting with one leg up in the chair, hair thrown in a messy bun, sweat pants and a tank top, and she looked like she had been crying. “Hey there good lookin’ why the tears?”

Aelita’s head snapped up and her eyes went wide, “Theo!” she squealed, and jumped up running to him and throwing her arms around his neck. “I’ve missed you and I have been so worried!”

“I’ve missed you to!”

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you are here!” she sobbed into his shoulder. Leaning back she looked into his eyes, “I can spare a few minutes come on,” she said leading him out of the office and up the back stairs to her apartment, once the door shut, both of them started tearing at the others clothes with a need so fierce, the customers downstairs were probably able to feel it.

“Theo,” Aélita groaned as he kissed her neck, “I need you now I can’t wait!”

“Neither can I,” Theo admitted as he tugged her tank top over her head. “God you taste so good.”

Together they managed to get all their clothes off and landed on the bed in a tangled mess of arms and legs, Aélita broke free for a moment and grabbed a condom from the night stand, and rolled it on to Theo, after she straddled him and slowly lowered herself onto him, going slow wanting to feel every inch as she sunk down on his 9 inch penis.

Theo groaned in ecstasy, trying with all he had to go slow and make this moment and the feelings last, it was a struggle because he really just wanted to flip her over and drive himself into her hard and fast, but with amazing self-control he managed to go the slow pace.
Aélita was feeling the same way as Theo was she was wanting to go slow but kept feeling the need to go hard and fast, and as she was on the brink of her climax she broke and started to ride him faster sinking down harder. Noticing her change in pace Theo praised the holy sex god and flipped her over not leaving her for a moment and drove himself into her hard and fast, making her scream out his name. “Yes Theo! Yes, Oh god!” She screamed as she came. Not much longer Theo thrust into her a few more times them held himself as he felt his own release.
He collapsed on top of her, “I’ll get off in a second, just let me get my breath back.” He joked with her then rolled to the side, pulling her into his arms.

She smiled, and kissed his forehead, “That was amazing!”

“That’s an understatement.”

Aélita just laughed, pushed him over onto his back and straddled him, “are you ready to start round two?” she asked before nipping at his mouth.
“Oh yeah.”

Back at the Hospital About 3 Hrs Later

Sarah walked into Marie’s room, and stopped short when she saw the man sitting in the chair next to the bed, she was about to tell him to get the hell out because he looked ruff at first glance, then she noticed the uniform and the way he was holding Marie’s hand. So instead she just cleared her throat. Causing the man to jump to his feet.

“Who are you?” Jer asked.

“I could say the same thing to you, however judging from your attire I am fairly certain that you are this Jeremy McBride, my niece has fallen in love with.”

Jer nodded and relaxed when he realized this was Marie’s Aunt and that she had told him she was coming. “Yes ma’am, I am.”

With a nod she went over to the other chair. “How long have you been here?”

Jer glanced over at her, then looked at his watch, “about three hours.”

“I think you’re the guy I ran into when I was leaving.”

Jer looked at her again. “Yeah I think you’re right. Sorry about that.”

“Not a problem, like I said earlier I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” Looking at Marie she sighed. “I won’t say that I am not worried about the two of you. This is all so sudden, but I do have faith in Marie. So I am also going to put my faith in you.”

Jer wasn’t looking at her but he nodded to let her know that he had heard her. “I understand.”

For another hour they both sat there Jer just holding Marie’s hand, and Sarah jotting down ideas and paragraphs on her notepad. Jer had started to nod off when he felt Marie’s hand squeeze his. Opening his eyes he saw she was looking at him “You’re awake!” He all but shouted with excitement.

“So you are really here, holding my hand. I’m not dreaming?”

“Yes, I’m really here.” He replied with a smile, and a squeeze. Getting up he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

“Do you really think that I have waited almost two months for a kiss on the forehead?” she scolded while sitting up, “Lean over here and give me a proper kiss, forget Aunt Sarah.”

With a chuckle Jer did as he was bid. Leaning over he kissed her on the lips bringing her in for one of the most soul searing kisses he had ever had, and he knew that if he wasn’t sure before, he was definitely sure now that he loved this woman and was going to marry her as soon as possible. He only pulled back when he heard laughing, making him remember that they weren’t alone.

“Sorry ma’am.”

“Oh don’t worry about me.”

Marie smiled, and grabbed Jer by his collar and pulled him in for another kiss. When she pulled back she looked him in the eyes, “God how I have missed you. I hope you don’t leave again for a very long time.”

Jer nodded his agreement then said, “So do I, however there is no guarantee’s. I could be home 3 months or three days, I never know.” He paused, then added, “Which is why I want to marry you as soon as possible.”

Marie blinked and then looked at him like he had three heads. “You want-.”

“Yes I want to marry you, and sooner rather than later, because of the baby I want you to have the benefits of the base, and military before I get shipped off somewhere again. Also, we can plan the type of wedding you want and have it later on down the road, however I want you as my wife before I have to leave again.”

“I think it’s a wonderful idea.” Sarah said.

Looking at her Jer smiled, grateful she agreed. “Thank you, ma’am.”

“Stop with this ma’am junk, if we are to be family, you can call me Sarah.”

“Okay, cool.”

“Aunt Sarah do you think that Jer and could have a moment alone.”

“Sure thing, I’ll go down to the cafeteria is there anything that you want me to get for you?”


“Marie, are you sure you can have that?” Jer asked.

“No I can’t, but what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

“I don’t-.”

“Jer it’s the only thing that I have really been able to keep down in three weeks.”


“Jell-O it is then.”

Once they were alone Marie looked at Jer and said. “Are you sure?”

“That I want to marry you?”

Marie nodded.

“Yes I am sure, I have never been surer of anything in my life. I love you Marie, and I want you to be my wife, and not just because you are having my baby. I didn’t fully realize how much I love you until I kissed you just now. Everything in my life seemed to just fall into place and it felt right.”
Marie smiled through the tears that were falling. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know how I feel; so how are you honestly feeling.”

“I’m not sure, honestly I feel terrible, but I don’t feel like death anymore, and I think that is only because they have been able to get fluids in me. That first day/Night I took in eight IV bags.”

“Damn Marie. Why didn’t you come to the hospital sooner?”

“Because I am stubborn and you better get used to it. And before you scold me, I had a feeling I may be pregnant. However, with how sick I was I wrote it off as a stomach bug and I wasn’t about to go to the doctor for something they can’t help with.”

“Would you like to me to see if I can get ya outta here?”

“You can try but I don’t think Dr. Hamilton will let me leave.”

“You never know I can generally be very persuasive.”

“I would love it if you could get me out of here.” Marie said, then watched Jer leave as Sarah was walking back in.

“So Jer is it?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, that’s what everyone calls him.”

“What’s he up to?”

“Going to see if he can spring me?”

“We can only hope, I know you are ready to get out of here, oh and by the way here you go.” She added handing Marie the Jell-O.

“Yay, Jell-O.” Marie all but yelled. “Do you have any idea how good this taste right now, I wasn’t joking when I said it’s the only thing basically that I can keep down.”

“Well at least you are able to keep it down.”

Marie laughed but stopped and hid the Jell-O when she saw Jer and Dr. Hamilton walking over to her room. “Okay Marie, I have a few conditions, and then I think I will let you free. First I need you to promise to try and keep to a strict diet. That means, take it easy on the Jell-O.” She said with a grin. “Also I need you promise to not work so hard, I’m not saying don’t work at all, I realize you need to make a living, but take it easy.”

“Aélita has got the work thing covered. She doesn’t have me scheduled to work at all which gives me time to work on my recipes.”

“Remember though to maintain your strict diet.”

“Don’ worry, I will taste everything, but I have my Guinea pig right here.” She said patting Jer. “At least for the time being.”

“Good, so if you’re ready I just need you to sign a few papers then you can go home!”

“Yay! Hand them over.”

About thirty minutes later, Marie walked out of the Hospital and got into Sarah’s car that Jer had went and brought around. When she got in she asked Sarah who had gotten in the driver’s seat to take her to the restaurant. When she started to protest Marie said, “I just want to say hi to everyone and let them know I am okay.”


It took them about twenty minutes to get to the restaurant from the hospital by time they got there it was three fifty. “Call me, if you end up needing me to come get you.” Sarah said as she dropped both Jer and Marie off.

“Thanks Aunt Sarah, we will.”

Walking inside Marie closed her eyes and took a deep breath breathing in the sweet smell of her place. God she missed being here. She opened her eyes though when she heard a small gasp and what sounded like a notepad hitting the floor; looking she saw that it was Anh. “Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost Anh?”

“I’m sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to be here, and Aélita didn’t say you were getting released.”

“That’s because she didn’t know, it was kind of last minute, macho man over here sprung me.”

Anh laughed, “Nice, Aélita is upstairs in case you are curious she’s been up there for about 3 and half hours now.”

Marie shook her head and grabbed Jer’s hand leading him through the kitchen to the back door and up a flight of stairs outside. Where Jer knocked loud when they reached the door. From the other side they heard some shuffling and muffled cursed before Theo opened the door. “Oh Hey.” He said looking back at Aélita. “Does she know?” He asked in a whisper.

Marie shook her head.

“Okay cool, we’ll meet you downstairs.”

With that Marie and Jer went back into the kitchen, and into the little office. Marie being Marie went over to her desk to see what Aélita had been working on before Theo obviously interrupted her. Seeing that she had been working on the supply order she turned to Jer and Asked, “Do you mind if I finish what Aélita seems to have forgotten she was working on?”

“Is it necessary?”

“Yes, definitely, she was working on our supply list which has to be turned in by five o’clock pm, and it’s now four ten. If it’s not turned in we’ll have to wait until next week to get another order.”

“Okay well, is there anything that I can do to help you?”

Marie sat down and handed him a list, “You can read this off to me and I will type it into the order form.”


Together they got the order knocked out in about twenty-five minutes, which was right when Theo walked into the office with Aélita.

“Marie what are you doing here?”

“Jer sprung me.”

Aelita turned and looked at Jer, “Nice job stud.” She turned back at Marie, “Why are you working?”

“Because someone forgot what they were working on and went and had marathon sex.”

“Shit, the supply order!”

“Don’t worry, I just finished it and sent it off.”

“Thank god.” Aélita said on a relieved sigh. Glancing at Theo she saw his confused look. “When you got here I had been working on our supply list for the restaurant which has to be turned in by five today or else we can’t place the order again until next week.”

Theo nodded that he understood. “How are you feeling Marie?” he asked.

“I am starting to feel much better, I think I was worried about y’all and not liking being in the hospital. Hey Aélita I want to talk to you about the possibility of creating a diabetic menu.”

“Sweetie that is all on you.”

“I think it’s a great idea,” Jer chimed in. “And it doesn’t necessarily have to be centered on diabetic, but healthier eating.”

“Thanks Jer.”

“Hey Theo, could you give Marie and I a ride to the base to get my truck?”

“Sure.” Turning to Aélita he gave her a kiss, and said. “See you later babe.”

About 30 Minutes Later at the Base

Jer helped Marie into his truck after thanking Theo for the ride. Going over to the other side of the truck he got in started it and looked at Marie, he leaned over towards her and brushed his lips over hers. “What do you want to do?”

“We can go back to my place if you want, however can we go by the grocery store so I can do some shopping since my diet is supposed to change, I need to get some things to replace other things.” Pausing she looked over at him and smiled adding, “And I need to get some Jell-O.”
Laughing Jer put the truck in reverse, and headed to the commissary on base, since it would be cheaper than off. It only took them about five minutes to get there and as they were walking inside Jer Asked, “Have you ever been to the commissary before?”

Marie Laughed.


“My aunt’s ex-husband is in the Air Force. I grew up a military brat.”


“Yeah, I know I’ve never told you before so I shouldn’t have laughed.”

“No it’s okay. So if you don’t mind me asking why did your Aunt and uncle divorce?”

“I don’t mind, and they never actually told me. But from what I gather, he fell in love with one of the airmen he worked with and got her pregnant. So he divorced my Aunt, married the airman & now they are in the process of getting a divorce.”

“How do you figure all that.” Jer asked with a chuckle.

“Because I found some letters to my Aunt from my uncle telling her what he did and that he was leaving her. Then the recent one apologizing for what he’d done and how it had been the biggest mistake of his life. Oh did I forget to mention that he found out the baby wasn’t his he was just the sucker that she was able to sink her claws into.”

“That really sucks.”

“Yeah, it amazes me that he even strayed; my aunt and uncle were so happy together at least around me.”

“Sometimes people hide their pain from those they love, because they don’t want them to worry.”

“Would this knowledge have anything to do with that girl Theo told me about that left you?”

“Yeah kind of. Also has to do with me having PTSD.” He looked over at Marie as they turned down another aisle. “I’ve only told you and Theo. My parents don’t. I mean they suspect but I haven’t been able to bring myself to tell them yet.”

Stopping Marie turned to look at him tears in her eyes. “You need to tell them Jer. Help them to understand what is going on with you.”

Jer brought her into his arms and hugged her close.

After that they continued through the store talking about recipes Marie wanted to try out, and what she thought she would need. When they got to the aisle that had the baby things, they both stopped and looked at everything. Looking at each other they both smiled. “Are you ready?” they both asked at the same time, causing them both to chuckle.

“What diapers do you think you’re going to want to use?” Jer asked, just being curious.

“I’m not really sure, I think I’ll try Pampers and Huggies, but you know babies can have an allergy to diapers right?”

“No I didn’t, I guess we’ll have to be careful then.”

“Yeah, and lots of butt paste.” Marie said with a laugh.

After looking at a few things and pricing them on the baby aisle they finished getting what they needed, which included Marie’s shopping list and some hygiene products for Jer to keep at Marie’s condo.

On the drive to Marie’s Jer asked, “If I get the approval from my commanding officer do you think I could move my things in with you? I mean we will be married soon.”

“That’s fine with me, we should start as soon as possible so get to asking.”

Jer laughed as he pulled into a parking spot next to Marie’s car. “I’ll get the bags you just go in and sit down.”

“Sir yes sir.” Marie said mockingly with a salute which made Jer chuckle.

Going inside Marie put the eggs she was carrying on the coffee table and sat down like she’d been told. When Jer finished bringing in the bags Marie got up and went to direct where she wanted things. When he opened the fridge, they both turned up their noses. But the smell really got to Marie and she ended up running to the bathroom and throwing up the contents of her stomach, groaning she leaned her forehead on the toilet bowl for its coolness.

Jer came up behind her lifted her hair and placed a cold wet paper towel on the back of her neck, placed a glass of water on the floor next to her, then started to rub her back in slow circles.

When the nausea passed she took a sip of water swished it around and spit it into the toilet. “Thank you.” She finally said.

“No problem. I have a feeling I’ll be doing this a lot.”

Marie just nodded and said, “Yeah probably, you don’t mind do you?”

“Nope, not at all if I could do it all for you I would in a heartbeat.”

“You’re sweet.”

“I try.” He joked. Then added. “So do you want to lay down in the bedroom while I take care of the offending items?”

“Yeah, that sounds good, I’m not feeling so hungry anymore either. Do you think you can manage to put something together for yourself?”

"Well, we just got some bread, so do you have peanut butter?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“And do you have jelly?”

“Yes, but its strawberry.”

“Then I think I can manage sweetheart.” He said picking her up off the floor, he carried her to the bedroom.
Once she was in bed, she laid down closing her eyes. “Sorry I’m not very good company right now.”

“That’s perfectly fine, you just rest as long as you need to.”

“Thank you.” She replied rolling onto her side and closing her eyes.

Jer left the room, going into the kitchen, he started to clean out the fridge, all the vegetables that had been in there were spoiled, so he decided to replace them since none of them were what they had purchased while at the commissary.

Before he left he checked on Marie who was out cold. Just in case she woke he left a note next to her glass of water on the night stand.
It only too him about thirty minutes at the grocery store down the street, while there he got the vegetables and some sandwich meat as well as other fixings for sandwiches. When he got back to the condo Marie was still asleep it was about 8:30pm. So he went and put the groceries away, got the things he needed to make a sandwich out, afterwards he took his meal into the living room he sat down and started to watch a little bit of TV while eating.

Meanwhile at Aélita’s about 8:45pm

Aélita and Theo had just finished having another round of mind blowingly brilliant sex. And were cuddled up together.

“Theo.” Aélita whispered.

“Yeah sweetheart?”

“Just seeing if you were awake.”

“Barely, I think you really almost did kill me this last round.”

Aélita chuckled and kissed his chest.

“You think I’m joking?” He teased. “We probably should get some sleep though. What time do you have to open?”

“Ass crack of dawn. Also known as 6am. But I need to be down there by 5 to let everyone in. and to start the soups and gravy.”

“You cook?”

“Not really, but I know how to chop up vegetables, and follow Marie’s recipe, when Michael gets there at five thirty I leave it in his capable hands.”
Shaking his head Theo kissed her forehead. “Get some sleep. Five am comes quickly.”

“Don’t I know it.”

Back at Marie’s about 9:15pm

After cleaning up his mess in the kitchen Jer went to check on Marie, seeing that she was still asleep he went and got in the shower. While in there Marie stirred and opened her eyes. Blinking a couple times she realized where she was. “Jer?” she said to the black room. When she heard the shower, she reached into her night stand and grabbed her pepper spray. Tip toing she went into the bathroom holding up the can she said, “Jer.” Again.

“Yeah.” He replied pulling the curtain back.

At the same time he said, “Good god Marie.” She breathed a sigh of relief and lowered the can.

“Sorry, I couldn’t remember where I was at first when I woke up, then I couldn’t remember if you were really here or not.”

Jer nodded he understood. “I’m almost done.”

“Alright I’ll meet you out in the living room.”

After what seemed like forever to Marie but was actually ten minutes Jer walked into the living Room with nothing but his boxers on.”

“Oh yummy.” Marie said with a giggle.

Walking over to Marie he leaned over and kissed her, placing his knee between her legs and pushing her back into the couch. This caused Marie to let out a soft moan.

Kissing him back Marie slid her hands up his chest then back down and around grabbing his ass. Breaking the kiss Marie looked into his eyes. “I need you Jer.”

“Thank god.” He groaned out then “are you sure it’s okay? Are you feeling up to it?”

“God yes. Dr. Hamilton assured me that sex is okay during the pregnancy also.”

With that being all Jer needed to hear he picked her up and took her into the room, laying her on the bed he stripped her of all her clothes as well as shucking off his boxers. “God Marie, you have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see you like this again.” He said breathlessly, then proceeded to kiss her senseless.

Marie rubbed her hands up and down his chest, then took hold of his dick and began to rub it gently causing him to jerk a little, after a few more minutes of heated kissing Jer broke the kiss and slowly started kissing her down her neck until he reached her left breast where he suckled the nipple gently occasionally se softly bit it making her groan with pleasure, he did this a few more minutes switching between the left and right.

“You’re teasing.” Marie whispered huskily.

“And you love it.” He replied, but took the hint and continued his journey south. He place a gentle kiss on the inside of her thighs making her groan with frustration. With a chuckle Jer dove in first licking from the bottom of her slit up to her clit. Mari groaned deeply and sighed when Jer started eating her out ferociously.

“Jer, I need you now please.” Marie screamed.

Not needing to be told twice Jer positioned himself above her and entered in one stroke, not stopping for even a second he pulled almost out and then slammed his way back in cause Marie to scream out in pleasure. She grabbed onto his back and dug her nails in slowly scratching her way down his back. “Harder Jer.” Marie said breathlessly, when he complied she groaned and then screamed as she came all over him and for the first time ever she squirted. Not long after Jer came also and then collapsed on top of Marie.

Trying to catch his breath Jer kissed Marie’s cheek. “Give me a minute sweet and I’ll get off ya.”

Marie laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, “I don’t know I kinda like ya right here.”

Giving her a kiss Jer rolled to the side and dragged Marie to lay up against him. “I love you Marie.”

“I love you too.”

And with that they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

As always thanks for reading, and please no Hateful comments.
For those of you that have been keeping faith even though i have not updated in forever thank you! And I hope you enjoy

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-27 21:03:48
EXCELLENT keep up the good work

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-29 17:39:11
A great story . I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-20 03:47:38
It is excellent and i yearn for more.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-18 10:30:15
Keep it going best story ever

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-16 21:39:33
This is now one of my favorite stories.Each chapter keeps getting better.It goes to show that you can have a story with some mind blowing sex without it being the main story.Very well planned and written.Keep it coming.the boobster

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