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Part one of a story about a Brother and Sister end up having a great vaction yogether
" Freedom Island! The perfect vacation resort for Adults only! White sand beaches on the water and around Crystal clear lakes, hiking trails, shops, restraunts, shows, and so much more! Season starts May 15th. Reserve your tickets within the next two weeks and get 10% off instantly! And as a bonus on top this offer, if you order within the next 48 hours, you get a pass for unlimited massages! Call 558-768-5563 or go to today!"

The ad plays on the tv for the fourth time since I sat down in front the tv. It's like the satellite is trying to tell me something. I have been considering getting a few tickets for the last couple months. I want to take my sister out to that new resort, which she has been longing to go to.

Chelsea has been more helpful to me the last year than I can begin to describe. When I got t-boned by a semi, she left college, moved in with me, and took care of me. I got a huge settlement check for the wreck and want to thank her for her help with this as a gift.

My only real problem with it is that it's an adult resort, aimed towards couples out together. We'd probably share a room and bed, and it would be an overall romantic kinda getaway. I'm close to Chelsea, but that might be kinda awkward.

As I sit there thinking about it, the ad comes back on as Chelsea walks through the room. She stops and leans over the back of the couch, saying," That place looks so awesome! I wanna go!" She looks down at me laying across the couch, and asks," Need anything?"

I reply," No, I'm not crippled anymore, you know. You don't have to tend to my every need anymore." She blows air out her mouth in frustration, and says," I know. I'm just bored. I'm stuck with nothing to do for the next four months until school starts back up. I was kinda enjoying helping my big bro out, you know? But, I guess I'm not needed no more..." She pouts her lower lip out sarcastically.

I lift my head and say," Well, then I require a head massage, my young butler." She zips around the couch and sits under my head. I rest my head in her lap. She runs her fingers through my short brown hair and scratches my scalp gently. She massages my head, temples, and forehead for almost 20 minutes as I slowly fall asleep. I wake up to her sliding herself from under me. I hear her kneel on the floor in front of my face. She pets my face gently with her full hand, and whispers," Love you, big bro" Then she leans in and kisses me for a second. She then lays next to me and cuddles into my chest. I think to myself," I'm gonna take her. I owe her that much."

Five weeks later-

" Oh my God, I still can't believe we're going!", Chelsea squeals happily as we walk up the ramp to get on the small ship. It's still kind of dark, since it's only 6 am. We're getting ferried by a large yacht from the Brazilian coast out to the island. We don't have any luggage with us because the resort has already put plenty of stuff in our room at the resort's hotel.

Freedom island is a brand new island almost a hundred miles off the coast of Brazil. It was formed by an underwater volcano that erupted, which also caused a massive wave to hit the coast. Some young Billionaire gave Brazil 400 Million for ownership of the island, which helped pay for the damages. It took him three years to turn a massive black rock into the most exclusive resort in South America. It opened last year, and today is the first day of their new summer season.

Once we get aboard, we are met by the Captain of the ship, Captain Reed. She says loudly," Let me be the first to welcome you aboard the 'Serena'. If you will all follow me.", and then she leads our group into the upper lounge. It's a large room, with several couches, two bars, and a buffet table. Captain Reed said to the group," Here is where you can relax during our trip to the island. We will arrive in a little over an hour. You can go out onto the deck, to the pool, or to any of the rooms on the two decks below us. I just ask that you don't go below the main deck. Enjoy the complimentary food and drinks." She turns around and walks out the lounge.

A large chunk of the people head to the buffet, since most skipped breakfast to get on here. Chelsea grabs my hand and pulls me behind her as she heads down a set of stairs two decks down. We walk down the hall to a door that has a vacant sign showing over the handle. We walk in and she locks the door behind us.

I suddenly get body slammed onto the bed. I'm laying on my back, wind knocked out of me, as Chelsea is laying on top of me, hugging me tight. She says," Thank you so much for this Jack." I hug her back and say," I owe you a lot for leaving school to take care of me. It was the least I could do."

She gets off me and slips off her sandals. I do the same, and then we lay down on the queen sized bed, her head resting on my shoulder. She says quietly," I wonder what this is gonna be like. Most the island is solely aimed at couples. Lots of the games and challenges are on that point." I shrug and say," We'll figure it out as we go. Shouldn't be too bad." Chelsea rolls onto her side, wraps her arm over my chest, and says," Yeah, it'll still be loads of fun. I'm gonna try to get some extra sleep real quick. I wanna have as much energy as possible for today. Wake me up before we arrive." She snuggles her forehead into my neck and I put my hand on her side.

After a few minutes, I move my hand up and down her side, slowly and gently. She lets out a subtle, happy sigh, and I feel her move herself up my side. She now has her whole face in my neck, and I can feel her warm breathing on my skin. She also places her leg over my hips and legs. She hugs me tight with her arm and leg and stays like that. I lean my head against her forehead and continue rubbing her side.

After probably about 5 minutes of us staying like this, I feel her head move in ever so gently. I feel her soft, wet lips softly kiss my neck. She presses her lips in fully, and holds it. After a moment, her lips let up and kiss my neck a few inches higher, near the jaw bone.

She whispers," I'm not bothering you, am I?" I reply," Not at all." " Ok, good. I'm just a little excited is all. This place has servers called Halos who do any sexual request you want. I'm looking forward to trying that out.", Chelsea says, giggling. She continues kissing my neck.

She stops kissing after a minute, and I feel a strange sensation on my neck. I realize that it's Chelsea's soft tongue on my neck as it slowly licks up my neck. I shiver from the feeling and Chelsea giggles sweetly in my ear. She whispers," I can feel you growing under my leg. Am I turning you on?"

I shrug and reply," What straight guy wouldn't get turned on by a pretty girl kissing and licking their neck?" She rolls herself on top of my chest and rests her chin on her hands, which are on my upper chest. She's smiling wide and her eyes are looking into mine. " We could do this, you know?"

I ask," Do what?" " We could pretend we aren't siblings for the week. We could pretend to be a couple out on vacation together." I look at her weird and reply," That would be kinda weird." She adjusts her head on her hands, scooting her face a bit closer, and says," Was that weird? Was it uncomfortable for me to kiss your neck, or lick you?" I shake my head and say," I really didn't about it. I just let you do you."

She smiles and says," Exactly my point. I think we could enjoy the place better too if we can do all the activities." She leans forward and kisses me with her soft lips. She holds it, savoring the feeling. She pulls her head back and asks," Sound like a plan?" I nod and say," Ok, I guess it'd be fine." She smiles and says," Great! So how about we go get some food? I'm not gonna be able to sleep anyways."

We get up and head back up to the lounge room. We walk up to the buffet to find it has been pretty well cleaned out. Chelsea lets out a quiet growl in frustration. Behind us, we hear an amused voice say," Well, you should've ate before you went down to the rooms."

We turn around to see a cute blonde girl in a white uniform, with her hands resting behind her back. She looks us both over really quick, then says," Nice to see some younger people coming here. It seems like it's mainly middle aged people coming to the island, trying to pretend they still know what fun is."

Chelsea grins and extends out her arm, saying," Hi, I'm Chelsea. This is my brother slash boyfriend, Jack." I look at her confused as to why I was introduced by both titles. You can tell it caught the blonde off guard as she shakes Chelsea's hand, replying," Well, that sounds kinda interesting. I'm Sara by the way."

She looks over her shoulder and says," Not supposed to do this, but we have extra food in the employee break room. It's the same as the buffet, but it's for the crew when you all get off. But I can go get you a bit to hold you over." She zips off behind a door and comes back a couple minutes later with two plates.

She hands them to us and says," Here you go, but can you do me a big, easy favor? Take me back to your room with you. I'm the Captain's personal errand girl, but double as one of the ship's Halos. I'm tired of her making me run around nonstop. But it has to be a legitimate service. So think of something on the way."

The three of us walk back down to the bedroom floor and duck into a room, but I can tell by the different color schemes that it's a different room. Chelsea looks at me and asks," You got anything for her?" I just shrug and shake my head. I have like ten things I'd like to do with her, but I'm being polite. Chelsea looks at Sara and says," Ok, give us a show with breakfast. Strip down and show off that gorgeous figure."

Me and Chelsea sit on the edge of the bed and start eating, watching Sara. As Sara is unbuttoning her dress shirt, she says," That's one of the tamest requests I've gotten. Usually guys are quick to screw me or have me blow them." Chelsea replies," Speaking of that, why do you work this job? You give in to all sexual demands from all kinds of people."

As she slides down her white shorts, Sara grins and replies," One, it's $90,000 a year. Two, taxes don't touch a cent of that, since the island is considered an independent country. Three, I get to live on the island. Four, it's loads more fun than you'd think. Most the time, I'm just getting some CEOs rocks off real quick, which is kinda boring. But then there's times like this. I'm strip teasing for the two of you, making you smile and have fun." She slides off her pink panties and matching bra.

Chelsea blushes at the beautiful sight, and that makes Sara blush brighter. I fight to hide my growing dick from showing. I say outloud," Hey Chelsea, didn't you say you wanted to try licking a pussy?" She darts a glare at me, but then nods, blushing harder.

Sara walks over and lays on the bed, legs spread, and a huge smile on her face. Chelsea puts her food on the dresser and kneels between Sara's feet. She whispers to me," I'm so nervous! I don't know how to do this!" I say," Just feel your way through it. No-one expects you to be great. Just enjoy yourself." She nods and leans toward.

I watch closely as Chelsea 's mouth comes within an inch of Sara's light pink pussy lips. I whisper," Slip your finger in and play inside too. It'll get her going more." I see her index finger slide in and her tongue make contact, then move up the bed and sit near Sara's head. I rest her head in my lap and massage her temples. Sara says," I'm usually the one giving massages or eating pussy. This is great!" She whispers real low," Your sister really has no idea what she's doing." We both laugh. I lean down and kiss Sara, and we slowly make out as Chelsea does her thing.

Chelsea spends a good ten minutes eating Sara out, and I can tell by Sara's breathing that Chelsea's getting better at it. We hear a soft intercom ding noise, followed by the Captain saying," All guests, we will be arriving at the island in fifteen minutes. I repeat, fifteen minutes."

Chelsea pokes her head up, lower face shining from Sara's juices, and asks," Does that mean I need to stop?" Sara shakes her head, giggling, and says," You can continue for about another ten. You look really cute from this angle, you know that?" Chelsea smiles, then looks at me and says," My jaw kinda hurts. How about you take a turn." Sara looks up at me and says," Can you have sex with me please? I'm really turned on now." I nod and move myself from under her, then get off the bed.

As I take off my shorts and boxers, I ask Chelsea," Did you enjoy it? Was it everything you thought it'd be?" She nods and replies," Yeah! That was so much fun! I didn't know it tastes so good.", then she licks her two fingers she used to finger Sara. I crawl onto the bed and put myself between Sara's legs.

Sara says," We have like 8 minutes, so don't hold back.", as she raises her hips to line up with my hard dick. I slide my dick in with ease, and can tell she's had much bigger inside her than my 7 inch rod. I get inside, then lay on top of her and put my face in her neck. I bite her gently and start humping her roughly. She moans quietly and wraps her arms and legs around me.

I feel Chelsea come up next to me and I suddenly hear the two of them passionately kissing. After a minute, Chelsea says," It sounds really wet!", and giggles, then asks," Where does he finish at?" I'm glad she asked, cause I completely forgot to. Sara says in a moanful voice," It doesn't matter. I'd prefer in my mouth so I don't have as much to clean up later."

After another few minutes, I say," I'm almost there", and I get off Sara, laying on my back. Sara goes to roll over, but is beaten to the punch by Chelsea. Chelsea lays over Sara and starts stroking my dick. I soon reach my climax point and Chelsea puts her mouth over my head as I squirt cum out hard. I see her swallow the cum and smile at me, saying," I really have no idea why I did that. It was an impulse." She then looks down at my dick, then back at me and says," I hope you aren't too satisfied, cause tonight, you're going to do the same to me."

We all three get up and get dressed before heading out onto the deck to get off. Before we get in the line, I give Sara a hug and say loud enough for only us three to hear," Thanks for the food and great sex. Hope to see you on the way back." Chelsea says at the same volume," Even though it was my first time, that was the best pussy I've ever ate. You gotta let me know your secret." Sara nods at both of us, smiling happily, and says," I'm off the ship Thursday thru Saturday. I'll come find you guys. You were by far my favorite clients. I might even be able to hang out today if I don't get too much work from the Captain." Chelsea lands a kiss on Sara's cheek before we walk down the ramp

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-30 04:58:12
Just like I just did & spelt "first" as "firat".
Just a simple mistake like that can.
the only looser was me, my credibility, I cant spell, it was just a typo, but looks bad, I know I should have checked before submitting.

We all live and learn.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-30 04:53:42
Please use Spellcheck or get an Editor first.
Even the intro has mistakes, not a good start.
Just like going to a Store, you get a bad vibe from even one staff member you dont go back do you, in this case bad spelling or just typos look bad..
Hey, but it does have Paragraphs, so that is a plus.
But please proof read or preferably get someone else to do it too.
When I was doing Web pages & I had a problem I went to a friend, who found the problem instantly & visa versa, you see what you want to see, BUT you need someone else to read it firat before putting it up


2015-12-19 20:20:01
Very enjoyable tale. I look forward to future chapters. Thank you !!

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