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The story evolves
I landed 20 metres in front of Emma and Becky.

With just a slight push from my thighs I had travelled 30 feet in the air and 50 metres from where I had 'launched'.

Both girls screamed at the shock of my sudden arrival.

"Micky! What the.....what are you doing?" screamed Emma.

I laughed, "I'm flying."

They looked at me dumbfounded, unable to process what was going on. I took the opportunity to show them.

I crouched down again and launched myself straight up. I put a little more into this jump. It felt like I was easily 100 metres in the air. The girls looked tiny. I could see their agog faces staring up at me.

I carried on upwards and enjoyed the view. At the familiar feeling of weightlessness and then falling I felt my body once again click into its instinctive mode. I landed with an almighty force, but again no pain, no sense of the obvious forces that my body was experiencing. It was like I had stepped off the curb onto a road.

I ran over to Becky and picked her up in one easy motion. I crouched and holding back launched myself up around 40 feet holding the now screaming Becky.

As we fell she gripped on to me, struggling to imagine how she was going to survive. My body again proved to be a master of instinct. As I touched the ground my legs took the force and dispersed it. My arms held Becky aloft so her deceleration would be more gradual. In the end she experienced no greater force than what you would expect from a braking moment in a car.

And she was furious!

"MICKY! What the fuck are you doing!?"

I struggled not to grin, "Sorry, but admit it was pretty fun!"

"It wasn't fun Micky. I thought I was going to die!" she yelled

"Can I have a go?"

Both myself and Becky turned to see Emma looking sheepish, "It looks like fun."

I walked over to her, "Are you sure?"

"I trust you.....but don't hold back."

I picked Emma up noting that she felt like a feather in my arms. I looked back at Becky whose face of thunder was now one of concern. I turned my face back to Emma, "No holding back you say."

"Take me to the clouds."

I crouched again, feeling the power build in my legs. I launched at probably 30% of my capacity. More than I had done for any of my other leaps.

We were airborne. I could hear Emma screaming in terror but also excitement. I looked down and saw that I was higher than I thought we'd go. I was maybe 250 - 300 metres in the air. Becky below was a speck on the green lawn. The house, still expansive, looked small when placing it in the context of the gardens surrounding it. I could see the roads winding themselves through the hills. The hills themselves stretched out like gnarled fingers on the landscape.

At our peak we must have been a good 400 metres in the air. Emma squealed when the moment of weightlessness came to bear. And then we were falling.

Emma tensed now. The realization that what goes up must come down suddenly hit her. Through the rushing air she yelled, "I'm scared Micky....don't drop me."

I must admit that my thought was that I had pushed things too far. How was I going to slow down in time to allow her to decelerate in time. The ground was approaching fast. I felt in control but not confident of how to make this OK for Emma. The tops of the trees now were above us. The foliage was just a blur of green.

My body rescued me again.

Mere metres from the ground my body instinctively lofted Emma upwards away from the ground. She left my arms and almost hovered in the space that I was in only a split second beforehand. Time slowed. My body touched down, took the force, dispersed the force, steadied itself and then, feeling like it had hours to play with instead of milliseconds regained Emma in its powerful arms. Her landing was soft and controlled.

Time resumed it normal pace.

The crater beneath me was a physical representation of the forces involved in this 'party trick'. It was a couple of feet deep and about 2 metres wide.

Emma was laughing. Like proper hysterical laughter.

"Are you OK?" I enquired, slightly concerned at her wild eyes.

"Are you kidding me....that was amazing. Did you see how high we were Becky?"

Becky was standing there with her mouth open unable to say anything. Emma was now dancing and jumping around talking rapidly to herself about how she thought she was going to die, how high we'd gone and could she do it again.

I walked over to Becky and held her. She fell into me. It wasn't a time for words. It was a time for me to be quiet and let her know that I was still in this body.

The Micky that she had fallen in love was still there. But he was now an entirely different beast.


We carried on with the walk which was a good time to have a chat to the girls about what had happened. Emma was still as high as a kite whereas Becky was more interested in hearing about how I was feeling.

I couldn't lie to her. I was feeling pretty amazing about the whole thing.

“It’s like I have no limits. My body feels like a machine.”

“But you’re still the Micky I love?”

“I course I am. I’m not sure what I am capable of though. I think I need to do some trials.”

“Well no more surprise space trips!” She laughed.

“I’ll make sure I ask permission first.”

As we walked I could feel the first tingles of a crash coming on. The leaps had taken it out of me. I was not in tune with my body’s needs yet. I made my excuses and made my way back to the house.

I arrived and was immediately greeted by Tennyson.

"Mr. Davidson, how can I help?"

"Firstly Tennyson, you can call me Micky. No more Mr. Davidson. And secondly I really need another smoothie."

"Very well Mr. Dav......Micky. What flavour and where would you like it served?"

"Banana and right here by the pool I think."

"Excellent. Take a seat I'll be with you shortly."

"Oh, do you drink Tennyson?"

"I have been known to partake in the odd beverage."

"Do you like beer?"

"I do."

"Well, get me 2 cold beers as well please."

"Very good."

I walked over to the pool and sat at the large outdoor table. I sat back and took a little time to be quiet. The wind was still carrying the sounds of nature. By closing my eyes I allowed my accentuated hearing to drift along to the sounds of the pool lapping, the wind rustling through the grass and the birds continuing their arias.

I heard the swinging door open in the dining room and soft footsteps make their way towards me.

Tennyson arrived with my banana smoothie and let me know that it was a 15 000 calorie dose. He placed the 2 beers in front of me and made to leave.


"Yes Mr. Davidso.........Micky."

"I would like it very much if you would join me for a beer."

He looked a little taken a back, "Well Micky I do have engagements around the house to attend to."

"Nonsense. We've all had dinner. The girls are out walking and I am sitting right here with 2 cold beers and no one to talk to."

Tennyson looked back to the house and then to the beers, "Perhaps one then."

He sat down at the table with perfect posture.

I looked at him, exasperated, "Tennyson, seriously! If this is going to work out you need to relax a little bit. I'm not used to being waited on....and frankly I'm not that comfortable with the whole idea.

"Would you like me to be dismissed Mr. Davidson?"

"No....not at all and it's Micky! I know that we need someone to keep things running here. If it was left to me the place would be a smoldering ruin within 1 month. What I want is for us to work together. How old are you Tennyson?"

"I'm 49."

"And how long have you been working here?"

"Coming up 5 years."

"Right. Do you like wearing suits all the time?"

"Well it does promote the right kind of image."

“Not what I asked.”

“It’s what the people I look after prefer.”

"Yeah maybe if you're waiting on a Prince or a Lord or a billionaire....but I am none of those things. I'm a recently retired Service Planner that is now a genetic freak. I like 90's alternative rock, wearing sweatpants and eating pizza. I feel uncomfortable having someone do everything for me so would prefer that we come to some sort of agreement on the way to move forward."

"Well I don't have to wear a suit."

"Damn right you don't have to. In fact - I don't want anyone working here wearing anything other than what they would normally wear in their own homes. No more blazers, and jackets and polished shoes. I want shorts and t-shirts and bare feet. If people want to use the pool they can. I want barbecue’s as often as possible. I want the bar to be well stocked. Friday nights are to be a social night where anyone in the house is to come to the pool or dining room for a couple of hours."

"Should I write this down?"

"Just pass it on. I don't want there to be a separate eating area for staff. If it is your dinner time than eat in the main dining room, or by the pool or out on the grass. I want this household to be fun.....and it starts from tomorrow morning. I want bacon, sausage, eggs and hash browns to be served out here if the weather is OK. Everyone here is welcome. And if I see one suit or tie I'll be sending folk home to get changed."

Tennyson sat with his eyes wide. I could imagine that most of the people who he would have looked after during his 5 years would have been self-important blowhards that felt they were a little more special than everyone else.

He took a long drag of his beer, put his bottle on the table and then took off his tie and loosened his shirt buttons.

It was a start.


We heard from the hospital that Mandee was going to be delayed due to an emergency at the hospital. It meant that she might not make it out to the house tonight.

Most of the staff had gone home except for a couple, including Tennyson who had retired to the onsite staff accommodation near the front gate behind the conifer trees.

The girls decided to have a swim while I carried on having a few drinks and catching up on the news on the iPad.

Emma and Becky came out of Emma's pool house dressed in thick cotton robes. They made their way to the sun loungers and stripped off the robes revealing their swim costumes.

Becky was wearing a small red bikini. The thong panties clung to her skin allowing a clear outline of her pussy to be visible. Her arse cheeks were barely covered. Her bikini top was essentially two small triangles of material held in place over her nipples by red cotton cords tied at the back. Her taught stomach disappeared down into the panties which only just managed to cover her mound.

Emma revealed a white bikini of 'wet look' material. Again nothing was left to the imagination. Her tight body moved like silk under the material. I couldn't help but notice her hard nipples pushing against the material of her bikini top.

Becky dove into the pool while Emma climbed in down the ladder giving me an unintentional view of her arse.

Becky slicked her hair back as Emma disappeared under the water to emerge a foot away from Becky's face. Becky leant in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips and then pushed backwards and swam away on her back.

The girls played in the pool for a good 20 minutes, threatening to splash me and telling me to get in with them. I declined as I was unsure of how long the calorie smoothie would last. I was told that there were a few 10 000 calorie dose’s in the fridge if needed them.

The sun had set and the last light of dusk was slowly being swallowed up by the approaching night. The pool area was sympathetically lit, not too bright. The pool itself a brilliant blue from the underwater lights. The patio area had a comfortable orangey/yellow glow.

With my head in the iPad I didn't notice how quiet it had got in the pool. I looked up to see Becky and Emma kissing each other deeply on the far side of the pool near the infinity drop off. With the lights in the pool making it easy to see everything below the water. I could make out their two bodies wrapped around each other.

Becky had her back to the pool wall and had her legs wrapped around Emma's hips. I could see them deeply exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues. My sensitive hearing could make out the delicious slurps and wet breaths.

I saw that Emma had pushed aside Becky's flimsy bikini top exposing her breasts and nipples to her touch. One of Emma's hands was softly massaging Becky's large tits. Emma's other hand was lower down. I couldn't make it out clearly but it was definitely resting on Becky's crotch.

Becky pushed Emma away gently and untied her own bikini top letting it float away from them and slowly sink to the bottom of the pool. To my surprise Emma also undid her top but then also slipped down her bikini bottoms.

Becky laughed a little and then did the same until they were both naked, pressed up against each other kissing passionately.

I was unsure on what I should do. I was aware that Emma being my daughter made the situation difficult - but - I loved seeing Becky aroused like this. My mind said leave - my cock said stay.

They embraced each other in a tight hug. Becky was facing me over Emma's shoulder. She looked at me and smiled then blew me a kiss. Emma must have taken the opportunity to access Becky's pussy as Becky's face suddenly contorted in pleasure. She let out a gasp and then slowly leaned backwards until her head was resting on the side of the pool, her legs stretched out in front of her.

Emma spread Becky's legs and placed a leg each side of her head on her shoulders. She moved slowly up Becky's shapely legs, kissing as she went until she reached Becky's pussy. Emma immediately assaulted Becky's slit. Emma was gripping Becky's hips, pushing her up against her frantic tongue.

Becky very quickly escalated from shallow breaths to ragged moans. Although I couldn't see Emma's tongue working I could see her head moving side to side as she greedily attacked Becky's sex.

I saw Becky's back start to arch as her orgasm approached. Her defined abdominal muscles tensed as Emma's tongue pushed her over the edge. She thrashed around in the water screaming in pleasure uninterested in the noises she was making or who could hear them. And as quick as it had started it subsided. She lay still for a few moments longer. Emma released Becky's legs and they fell gracefully in the water.

The two embraced and kissed again. She whispered something in her ear and they both moved towards the ladder on the far side of the pool.

Naked and dripping they headed up the ladder. Two beautiful specimens of femininity. Emma put on her robe and walked towards the pool house. Becky followed her but turned around and blew me a kiss.

Five minutes later Tennyson appeared behind me. I had heard him approaching so greeted him first.

"Hi Tennyson. Here for some more beers?"

"Well, here for a chat really."

"An informal chat - whatever will the neighbours say?"

He sat down in the same chair. He was wearing a white linen shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Very casual."

He smiled, "You must understand that the people I am used to dealing with have a very different set of rules and expectations."

"Well forget about them. What did you want to talk about?"

"It's difficult for me to bring up and I hope you don't think of me as rude for doing so."

"Me, Becky and Emma?"

"Yes," he looked down, "I...I wasn't sure of the....erm.....arrangement?"

"Fair enough. Becky is my girlfriend and Emma is my daughter and Becky is Emma's girlfriend. Simple."

He looked a little taken back, "'re the boyfriend of your daughters girlfriend?"

"By jove he's got it!" I exclaimed.

I got up and walked to the pool bar and took out a couple of cold beers. I walked back and handed Tennyson one.

"But....but....isn't that awfully confusing?"

"It is a little. Basically I met Becky through work. We started a relationship and then one night while I was drunk I fucked Emma thinking it was Becky. Emma freaked out but Becky helped her through it. Emma started to have feelings towards Becky so asked me if it was OK and I said yes. There is also a girl involved called Sarah, who you will probably meet. Becky and I will probably have a threesome with her as that was being discussed before my 'accident'. I have also fooled around with Mandee who is the nurse coming to stay. She's also fooled around with Becky as well. I think you'd like her. Beautiful woman - around your age as well."

Tennyson was staring at me with his mouth open wide.

"I understand if it's all too much for you. I admit that it is a pretty strange arrangement and it's not for everyone."

"You fucked your daughter?"

I grimaced, "Yeah I should have probably not put that out there until you had necked a few more beers. It really was an accident and it will never happen again. It's been resolved."

“Well it’s not my place to judge.”

“Yes it is. I would never expect people to understand. You can be disgusted or turned on. The choice is yours.”

Tennyson nodded his head and glugged down a large mouthful of beer. He looked over to the pool house, "So they're in there know...."

"I would say so."

"And you're OK with that?"

"I'm not sure if the term would be OK with it. I wish I had Becky all to myself but Emma is wonderful and I want both of them to be happy."

Tennyson sat back in his chair and sighed.

I laughed, "Don't worry about it Tenn, just go with it."

I leaned over and clinked our bottles together.

"Oh yeah," I said, "I'm calling you Tenn from now on."


Mandee arrived at just before midnight.

She looked exhausted. She gave me a hug when I opened the door and apologized profusely for how late she was. There had been a multi-car pileup on a motorway flyover and they were stretched to the limit in A&E. I told her not to worry and instructed Tenn to take her bags to the self-contained apartment over the garages.

I almost had to carry her up the stairs. She was obliterated.

She lay down on her bed and was asleep within 5 minutes. I lifted her with ease and put her under the covers. I turned off the light and closed the door.

Tenn bid me good night and left to head back to his apartment. I was thinking about heading to bed but thought I had better go and check on Emma and Becky. I was wide awake thanks to my calorie smoothie which was still making my skin tingle.

I walked through to the pool house and knocked on the door. 30 seconds later a naked half asleep Emma opened the door, "She's asleep, you wanna come and get her?"

The, apparently, very recent decision that Emma had subscribed to that she was not going to be affected by being naked in front of me was still taking a little getting used to. It was hard not appreciate her petite frame, feminine hips and full breasts. It was difficult not to become aroused when she so flagrantly flaunted her body.

She led me through to the bedroom. The house was beautifully designed so that the steep drop of the property formed a 3 story pool house with the bedroom at the top (while being accessible through the ground floor on the pool side) overlooking the plains below. The large bed was situated so you were looking right out of the window into the view.

Becky was asleep, naked. Her recent activities having worn her out. I put a sheet around her and picked her up.

"Get some sleep Emma. We'll see you in the morning."

Emma climbed into the bed and wrapped herself up in the sheets.

Sleepily she said, "OK, see you later, love you."

I carried Becky out through the door. Instead of walking through the house and up the stairs I made my way to the end of the pool where I could see my rooms balcony. I, with minimal effort, launched myself the 40 feet across and 20 feet up to the balcony. I landed with a softness that meant that Becky didn't even stir. I walked in through the doors which were still open allowing the cooling breeze to make the room more comfortable against the daytime heat.

I lay Becky in our bed and covered her with the sheets. I kissed her forehead and left her to sleep.

I had things to do.

The house was silent. I made my way down the staircase and through into the kitchen. The kitchen looked like a domestic kitchen found in a restaurant. There was a massive multi element cooking top. Large industrial ovens and work stations for food preparation, service and dishwashing. I easily located the massive stainless steel fridge and opened it. Sitting on one of the middle shelves I saw numerous containers holding my calorie drinks.

I grabbed hold of one of the cold vessels and opened the lid. The smell of chocolate filled my nostrils. I drank the sweet thick liquid down in one go. I took some other ones and put them in the zip pocket of my hiking shorts. The sealable containers they were in were solid and due to the screw lids unlikely to leak. I walked out of the kitchen, through the dining room and out to the back garden past the pool.

The night air was cool but the warmth of the day still resided in the ground. The late night song of crickets was being made in polyphonic sound. The full moon bathed the land in a soft glow.

I look out towards the city so many miles away. I looked at the steadily falling garden knowing that at the end of the property the drop became a steep cliff about 200 feet high, into a river bed of the shallow, slow moving Harris river.

I ran.

Large strides covering many metres ate the distance to the end of the property quickly. As the boundary fence approached I timed my last step to coincide with a gentle upwards leap.

Within seconds I was over 100 feet in the air. When I crossed the property’s boundary and went out over the cliff I was suddenly 300 feet up and rising. I saw the moonlight reflect in the Harris river. The river stretched out in a confused mass of large arteries and small veins forging new paths that one day, after the winter rains, may take the mantle of the main river itself.

As my descent began I looked at my likely landing area. The fertile plains on the other side of the river were largely taken up by forestry. I had noticed during my walks and 'leaps' that just beyond there was a large expanse of fields that were being used for livestock. That's what I was aiming for.

My landing was as smooth as usual. My legs taking the strain of the impact. I looked around me. I could see some sheep scattering off into the darkness - terrified by a force of nature that had appeared from nowhere. The farmer of this property would be scratching his head trying to work out why there was a 1 metre deep crater in his field.

I looked up at the silhouette of the hills that stood guard around the plains. The moonlight allowed me to see various clear areas dotted around the hillsides. I saw one, about 400 feet up and about 600 feet away. I was about to learn how to judge distances.

I trained my eye onto the rectangular gap on the hill. It was bordered on all sides by small juvenile pine trees. The 'landing pad' was about 100 metres by 30 metres meaning that I needed to judge this well.

As I crouched and readied myself for the explosion of power I felt a familiar sensation. It was the sensation that you would get when you jump from one rock to another over a stream, or jumping from one platform to another on a confidence course. My lizard brain instinctually knew how much power I needed to produce to propel me from where I was to where I needed to be.

I launched forward like a ball being punted down field. Extreme acceleration and effortless lift. My core kept me upright, head boldly leading, arms behind me for aerodynamic gains. Within seconds I was beginning my descent trajectory.

The landing strip seemed more than ample now. My instinctual brain had plotted my course to perfection. I landed 10 metres from the top border of trees. The grass was heavy and high and hid an uneven turf. But the force that I landed with created the expected crater which negated the undulations.

I looked back to where I had been a few seconds ago. The distance looked immense but I knew that it was well less than half of what I was capable of.

I turned to look for my new target, crouched, launched and then smiled.

The night was mine.


I had been out for just over an hour when I had an idea. I was at the end of the range of hills and closer to the city than the mansion. I thought about my apartment and my possessions. No reason I couldn't make a side trip to see what was going on?

I decided to really see what I could achieve with my next leap. I was about 700 feet above the plains below. The hillside stretched out around a mile to its base which was once again flanked by the banks of the Harris river. Nearer to the coast the Harris was a slow moving deep water river. It's banks were flanked by flood prevention barriers made of heaped dirt. Over the years the grass had grown and a cycle track had been placed on top of the 'stop bank' making it a place that families walked and fitness fanatics ran or cycled down.

Beyond the track there was a large area of fields and empty plots of land being readied to accept the continuing urban sprawl.

I crouched, I felt my body judging the amount of power I would need. I reckoned maybe 50-60% was its final decision.

My muscles contracted and then burst in an explosion of pure power.

And I flew.

For the first time I was in awe of what my body was doing. The ground below me moved slowly, which confused me until I realized it was because I was so high. I was travelling at a phenomenal speed. It was the kind of speed that would have pulverized a normal humans body. It was too much for my shirt. It literally ripped from my body.

I saw my landing area approaching quickly. I then saw it pass 500 feet beneath me. I looked in front of me and saw that my trajectory was going to take me into the cut up area of a building site.

I could see the city about 2 miles in front of me. I could make out Thorp Park which was about half way from the building site to the city.

The thought started as an atom and quickly grew into a plan.

My body readied itself for the impact (I'll call it a landing if you don't mind). But this time my legs weren't bracing themselves. This time my legs were relaxed - ready for the next job. As my feet touched the soil they gained traction. I felt huge swathes of dirt and dust erupt from beneath me. My leading leg lifted slightly and then pushed me slightly along the ground. My other leg came through on the familiar arc that you would associate with sprinting.

I was running.

Perhaps running isn't the best way to describe it. I was tearing along.

Now that my legs had leveled out my landing, I was sprinting towards the newly laid road. Each stride was propelling me 20 or 30 metres. I was covering 100+ metres in about 1.5 seconds. I was probably clocking in at around 160mph.

Just before the road I leapt again and was once again airborne.

The altitude of my jumps was becoming my normality now. I didn't have to concentrate on keeping myself upright or on target. Everything happened with exquisite simplicity.

12 seconds after my leap I was standing in Thorp Park.

I knew that my apartment was about 3 miles from where I was standing. Instead of thinking about roads I could get there by I was thinking of landmarks.

From Thorp Park I could leap the 400 feet to Callow sports field. From there I could head for the roof of the Union Plaza building. From there a short jump to the St Cyrus hospital building then a 600 foot leap to the Mitsutaiko industrial estate and then a final leap to the car park just over the road from my building.

2 minutes later I was walking across the road and up to the front door of my complex.

I typed in the security code and the door click to allow me to enter.

I walked up the stairs to my front door.

No keys.

I couldn't stand in the hallway topless so I used my 'spare key'. I pushed against the door where the handle and lock were situated. I heard a squeal of protest and then the satisfying sound of the mortice on the other side of the door giving way. The door swung inwards and I stepped over the threshold.

I couldn't help smiling as I walked in to the familiar space. Things were as they were when I stepped out the front door all those weeks ago.

I walked through to my bedroom and grabbed a towel.

Leaping along mountain ranges and over rivers was dirty work.


I showered for 20 minutes. It was a nice feeling to be in the comfortable setting of my home. I knew where to put the dial so the water temperature and pressure was just perfect. The towels all had the smell of the fabric conditioner that I liked. It was my shampoo, my conditioner.

I hopped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror.

I was huge.

My chest was wide with 2 massive slabs of muscle for pecs. My ab's were chunky and my shoulders and biceps a sight to behold. I turned around and tried to look at my back. I could only make up the lumps and bumps of muscle that sat on top of muscle.

My face looked the same, just a bit more angular. My neck looked like a solid steel beam.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I pushed through to the back of my wardrobe and located my discarded cycling top.

It was a super stretch lycra that I had got when I was heavier and had made the decision to lose weight. As I got smaller it was used less and less. I pulled it over my torso. It was a bit short but the fabric accommodated my shoulders and chest....just. I took it off and put it in a rucksack.

I spent the next 15 minutes finding old clothes that I could use. Sweatshirts mainly as they stretched over my massive frame. I would need to go shopping.

I put on some boxers and walked out to the kitchen. I located my favorite coffee beans and ground them up. I drew in the aroma of the coffee as it percolated. I poured it into my mug and sipped it. Pure heaven.

I walked over to the sofa and turned on the TV. It popped up with the usual news channel. I watched as images of horror, fear and barbarity flashed up. 100's dying here, 100's missing seemed to be a never ending conveyor belt of disaster.

A tiny thought entered my mind. It wasn't a clear thought - but it was a thought nevertheless. It banged around, never quite settling, never quite coming into focus. I wasn't even sure if it was a thought. Perhaps just a subconscious inkling?

The thought was pushed away though as something else had caught my eye. Stella, his sex door neighbour, had arrived home from where ever she had been. I looked at the TV and saw that it was 3am on a Saturday morning.

Stella was dressed in a tight fitting blue dress. It hugged her curves. She was a little unsteady - she'd obviously been drinking. She walked past her window into what I assumed was her kitchen. She came back holding a large glass of water.

She looked through her window and saw me sitting on the sofa bathed in the glow from the TV. She waved.

I waved back.

She picked up her bag that she had put on the table and got out her phone. I stood up and made a 'I don't have my phone' signal.

I saw her eyes bulge a little. She has obviously seen my new physic when I stood up. She made a sign along the lines of 'my God you've got big'.

I moved to the window and opened it. The sounds of the city bled into the apartment. Stella took her cue and, although struggling, managed to get the window open.

"Hey." Was my opening gambit.

"Micky when did you get so.....big?" Stella squealed.

Although he knew he looked impressive he was a little embarrassed, "Yeah, bit of a change huh."

"A little bit? Micky you're huge."

I smiled, "You been out then?"

She stood back and almost remembered that she was dressed up, "Oh yes, first date. Ended up ditching him and meeting up with some friends."

"Not the one then?" I laughed.

"No....not at all. I'm not one to judge but buckteeth and bad breath just don't do it for me."

"Well you look really good."

"Thanks." She did a little twirl. "So where have you been? I haven't seen you around for ages."

"I had a bit of an.....erm.....accident." I lied.

"Must have been serious - you were away for almost 2 months."

"Yeah. I got hit by a bus."

She laughed, "Well judging by what I am looking at I seriously doubt it."

"You like muscles?"

"I like those muscles." She purred.

"I like your dress....the guy tonight was unlucky not to impress you."

"His loss."

"What did he miss out on?" I pushed.

"Would you like to see?"

"I would."

Stella reached behind her and unzipped her dress. It was so tightly fitting that even with the zip undone it didn't fall away. She moved her shoulders forward allowing the sleeves to drop from them. The top of the dress fell away revealing her breasts. They hung pendulous. Large but not as firm as Becky's. But in saying that they weren't unattractive, far from it. They were heavy with juicy nipples.

She continue to shuffle out of the dress. Her stomach was fleshy but not fat. Her waist was thin with her hips creating a perfect hourglass figure.

As her dress continued to fall I reached for my cock which was already starting to pulse with blood.

Stella had now managed to let the dress fall to the floor. She stood there naked, her legs slightly apart. Her pussy covered only by a pair of lacy panties. She started playing with her nipples and breasts. Holding the weight of one of them in her hand and pushing the nipple up to her mouth. She took the nipple in her mouth and sucked it.

"Can I come over?" I asked.

"Please do."

I stepped back and she went to close the window.

"No no.....just step back a little." I said to her.


"Just step back," I said as I climbed up and out of my window.

"Micky what are you'll kill yourself!" She said with genuine concern in her voice.

"Stella, just step back." I leaned out a little and let my body make all the necessary computations on getting across the 20 foot gap. With the tiniest of efforts I pretty much made a stepping motion and a second after that was perfectly balanced on Stella's window sill.

She stepped back a bit more, " did you do that?"

I stepped down from her window and into her apartment, "Magic." I replied.

She backed up so far now that she fell into her sofa, "That's 20 feet across and you just stepped over it?"

"Lust has given me wings." I joked.

I pulled my boxers down to let my hard on free. Stella saw it and gasped.

"Everything on you is bigger.....your'"

I stood above her, my cock level with her face. I said nothing.

After a few moments Stella took hold of me. Her hands were bigger than Becky's but they looked tiny gripping my erection. With almost wonder and amazement she started to slide her hands along my meat. I stood there and allowed her to stare, inspect and appreciate it. Slowly she warmed into her role. Her hands moved with more cohesion.

She started to lick and kiss it. She lifted my cock up and licked along the underside of it. She took my balls in her mouth. Her tongue dancing around them. Finally feeling like she was ready she took me in her mouth. She opened wide and engulfed my head. Her sexy lips pulled tight around me creating a wonderful suction. As her mouth got used to the size she began to take more of me in. Only 3 or 4 inches as the girth was too much.

But she made a great effort. I looked down to see my cock coated in her saliva. One of her hands was rubbing her crotch as she slipped off the couch and went onto her knees. For 10 minutes she concentrated on just blowing me. I could hear her starting to rub herself to an orgasm.

"Do you think you can take me inside you?" I asked.

She stopped sucking, "I'm wet enough." She panted.

She stood up and took her panties off. I had been unfair to call her 'a bit on the chubby side'. She was fuller figured certainly but her skin was layered over tight muscles. She lay back on the couch, one leg up on the back of the sofa and the other hanging over the side, her foot planted on the floor.

I half knelt, half stood between her legs. I positioned myself above her. Her large breasts sagged a little as she lay flat on her back. I was beginning to appreciate her slim waist and full hips.

I ran the head of my cock down her slit. She was right about being wet. Her puffy lips were already open. I could see her wetness literally oozing out of her. The more I teased her hole the more her breaths turned into moans. Her clit was swollen and pushing outwards from its hood.

Using my 'sensitive touch' training I pushed myself into her. Her pussy hungrily accepted me as I saw myself disappear into her hole. She was much more accepting than Becky. She didn't need to stretch as much thanks to her wider hips.

I still felt the delicious feel of her pussy gripping me as I slowly moved ever further in to her. Eventually I knew I was in as far as I would be able to go. We lay there for a while kissing. I could feel her legs wrapped around me, the heat from her crotch and her finger nails softly scratching across my back.

I slowly lifted my buttocks so my cock started to slip out of her. When I felt that I was almost out I gently stroked myself back into her. I could feel her hips come up to meet me. I soon found a nice rhythm and was pumping her with long, deep, penetrating thrusts.

"That's it Micky.....keep going....just like that." she moaned.

I managed to keep the steady rhythm. Stella's breathing was guiding me. As her passion raised, so did the speed of my thrusts. After 5 minutes of continuous fucking, Stella was moaning with arousal. My genetically modified cock was now jackhammering itself into her slippery cunt. I moved a little so that her leg closest to the back of the sofa was now stretched out above me, like she was doing the splits on my chest. I was standing with one foot on the floor, pounding into her with remarkable speed.

Her screams of pleasure filled the room. She was soaked in sweat just from the effort of keeping up with me. She arched her back, almost falling of the sofa, as she punctuated the screams with a massive, body contorting orgasm.

But still I had more to give.

As her orgasm subsided I picked her up and flipped her over so we were in the doggy style position. I quickly inserted myself back into her and continued my barrage of thrusts.

She couldn't hold herself up with her arms anymore so collapsed onto her chest and face. This gave me the wonderful sight of her rounded arse sticking up in the air. Her tight little arsehole winked at me every time I entered into her. The skin and muscles around her pussy all trembled and stretched to accommodate my size.

I gripped her on each side of her hips as I continued to push myself into her. Her arse cheeks rippled as my groin and belly smashed into her.

The sights and sounds of the sex were starting to get to me. I knew I was going to blow soon.

"Do you want me to pull out?"

Stella could barely speak, "I' can me....if you want."

I took that as my cue to finish. A few more deep thrusts and I let myself burst inside her.

My cock visibly swelled as my first shot fired. The extra girth inside Stella caused her to moan and push back against me.

My jism poured out inside her. Thunderous eruptions of cum crashed up against her cervix. She bucked and trembled as the sensations inside her caused her to orgasm again. I enjoyed the ride as her pussy spasm’ d around my phallus, milking me.

Once I had finished I gently removed myself from her. She fell onto the sofa, exhausted, sweating, satisfied.

I stood there. I must have looked as fresh as a daisy.

Even though the feelings that had rushed through me were as intense as I usually experience during sex, my body was not affected in the same way. My breathing was slow and measured. My heart rate was steady. There was no tiredness in my muscles. Quite frankly I could go again.

I looked down and saw that there was no chance that I would be going again.

Stella was done.

She was curled up on her sofa with a blissfully exhausted look on her face. She was dripping with sweat. Her face, chest and thighs were red with exertion. Her pussy was a mess. Puffy and swollen and leaking cum.

"You OK Stella?" I enquired

She dragged herself into a sitting position. She looked beautifully disheveled. The sheen of the sweat made it look like she was glowing. Her large rounded breasts moved in a slow ponderous way. The vision of her like this caused me to harden again.

Stella noticed, "Are you kidding me?"

I laughed, "Don't worry. I think you're done for the night."

She sat back comfortable with her nudity, "I honestly don't think I could take anymore."

"Well I need to head off soon, I need to get back to my other house."

She looked surprised, "Other home?"

Whoops, silly boy, wasn’t supposed to let people know about that, "Um yeah, house sitting at the moment over"

"Do you want me to drive you there?" She offered.

"No, I'll walk."

"Walk! Micky it's miles away. It'll take you 2 or 3 hours to get there."

I put my boxers back on, "Well what I mean is that I will get the bus and taxi. And besides – it looks like you need to get some sleep."

I walked the few steps over to her and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and lay back. I could see that sleep was rapidly catching up with her. I walked over to the window, climbed up on to the window frame and stepped across the 20 foot gap.

I turned, when I was back in my apartment. Stella was asleep, still naked. I quickly stepped across the gap again and grabbed the rug hanging over the back of one of her chairs. I placed it over her and switched off the light.

Within 10 minutes I was hurtling through the city. I had a bag on my back full of the clothes that I had gathered. Before I had left I had taken another calorie shake. The crash hadn’t been on me yet but I thought I would ‘head it off at the pass’. Roof tops, balcony's and parks were my landing and launch sites. The ground blurred beneath me as I left the city and flew over the residential areas.

Soon I was leaping from field to field. In the distance I could see the cliffs and hills of my new abode. The Harris river signaled my final jump for the evening. As I leapt I saw the mansion's grounds and the house itself. I chose to land about 20 metres from the pool house in the large grassy area by a huge oak tree.

I walked up onto the decked area and in to the house through the dining room doors. The house was still quiet so I made my way up the staircase on into the master bedroom. Becky lay in bed. Her naked body covered by just one sheet. I stripped down and climbed into bed, her skin was warm and soft. I pressed myself up against her and felt her melt into my frame. I placed my arm around her and took hold of one of her breasts in my hand.

The last thing I remember was her placing her hand on top of mine and sighing.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-12 17:15:49
Dude pull your finger out. 5 months now.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-28 20:02:44
2 months without an update? It was a great ride, took an unexpected turn, and suddenly ended...maybe you just lost interest. You're a good storyteller with a furtile imagination.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-22 23:25:31
Please hurry with next one soon

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-15 15:51:26
You obviously didn't start from part 1.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-07 04:22:55
This has what to do with an office?

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