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Part 2.
Skyrim fanfiction pt.2 Jahel by B. Sparks
It had been almost four months since the death of Deino at the dwemer ruins. Since then the Companions had resumed their normal lives going on quests and continuing their training.
Even so, Farkus had been waiting for any sign of the vampire woman’s daughter that she had said would be coming. He hadn’t seen her and he had asked question about her whereabouts with a few people that would recognize a new traveler. But there had been nothing so far and that included getting word from the Riften area.
He was sure they were lying though since she had been staying in the area when Deino had last known her location. To say he was disappointed was an understatement he was starting to feel depressed over the fact he hadn’t seen her yet.
“I’d give it time brother. Just because she wanted you to watch out for the girl, doesn’t mean the daughter will want that.” Vilkas said with a sigh as he looked at his brother.
“I’d like to meet her none the less Vilkas. I made a promise to watch out for her the least I could do is make sure she is alright.” Farkus argued feeling frustrated.
That was the last time they spoke about it they knew each others feelings on the matter, so no more need be said.
Farkus remained depressed over the matter non the less.

Days passed and missions with the Companions became more frequent as the land was thrown into a civil war. The civil war was caused when Ulfric Stormcloak murdered the High King, claiming he should be the new king. To draw more men to his cause he rallied the men and women of Skyrim saying he was doing this over the outlawing of Talos worship.
The Imperials were quick to send forces from Cyrodil to back up the soldiers already present still supporting High Queen Elisif. She was still loyal to the empire and as were a few of the other holds in Skyrim.
Then there was what most folks in Skyrim considered the real foe, the High Elves. They were the ones to force the end of Talos worship by having the empire sign the White-Gold Concordant.
As usual the Companions stayed out of the conflict. It was all over politics and they loathed the politicians’ games that were being played. They kept their lives simple as always by looking out for their own and doing what quests came their way.
That was how Farkus came to be traveling from The Reach back to his home cityon one of the back roads. He was walking alone when he heard the distant sound of combat, if it wasn’t for his beast blood he wouldn’t have caught it at all.
He could hear the grunting, cursing, and yelling that most people participated in when in combat. He could also hear the clashing of blades, the dull thud of a shield being hit, and the slight ethereal sound of magic. Someone was getting quite a battle.
Farkus didn’t know what the deal was or if he should even be concerned with someone else fight right now, but he was curious. He decided he could spare a few minutes to at least go and observe the fight. Farkus was sure that it would be something for the current civil war or a small gang of local thugs in an argument over leadership.
He was given a surprise when he finally crossed over the hill and could see what was happening.
He could see that three warriors were fighting against about ten orcs that from one of the nearby clans. He couldn’t really see the three warriors clearly because of their armor but he could see that they were protecting a small caravan of merchants.
The attacking Orcs were fierce and clearly in a berserker state that they were known. Orcs were the distant cousins of elves said to be related to Dark elves the closest out of all.
They had green tinted skin, pointy ears, sharp teeth, and were muscular like warriors, even the women were muscled. They were great warriors and smiths.
The three warriors fighting against the orcs were holding their own in the fight wounding the attackers without much trouble. They were all in elf armor that was made from moonstone.
One warrior wielded an elven great ax that was being easily to deflect blows or deal damage of its own.
The second warrior was switching between using magic and a short sword that was made of iron.
The last of the merchant guards was dual wielding a pair of axes that looked like it was made by the elves also.
They were outnumbered and clearly doing nothing wrong to deserve the attack. Farkus decided he could stand to lend his aid to the travelers. Moving quickly down the hill he drew his skyforge steel long sword. He had put away the ebony long sword that Deino had given him almost immediately after her death.
He didn’t feel right about carrying it with her dead it brought back the memories of her when she was alive.
He came into the battle slamming his blade down on the unguarded shoulder of one of the orc warriors. Then he lost himself in the battle moving alongside the other warriors easily. He was surprised by some of the prowess that the three showed. He was impressed by them when they worked so well together.
Most merchant guards were mercenaries for hire and they didn’t usually possess a lot of skill. These three had the necessary skill.
After killing four of the attacking Orcs the rest of them decided the fight wasn’t worth the risk retreating into the mountain trails. That left Farkus alone with the merchants and the guards that had been protecting them. He was walking towards them to introduce himself when they removed their helmets meeting him half way.
Two of them were male and one of them was female.
The first man was a young imperial judging by the round shape of his features. He had short brown hair combed down, with pale skin, and blue eyes. He wasn’t really muscled or tall, he was the great ax user.
The second male was the ax dual wielder and a wood elf. The wood elf had the long blond hair, green eyes, and the same orange tinted skin all his people had. He was tall and very slim.
The last was the female that had been using magic and a short sword. She was a dark elf with red eyes, copper colored hair, and a light gray tint to her skin that was almost blue. She had thin features that were slightly familiar and under her armor he couldn’t really see her frame. She was maybe a little younger then he was. There was a look in her eyes that was cautious but still challenging.
“Thank you for your help back there. I don’t know what we would have done without you,” The wood elf said politely.
“You would have been fine. You three were doing a fine job of holding your own before I got here. I was impressed. Are you three mercenaries?” Farkus asked glancing between the three.
The two men laughed and the woman shifted away from them shifting slightly.
“No not at all. Well, I and Aron are not I don’t know about the lady though. We are hired by the East Empire Trading Company as guards.” The elf said smiling.
Farkus nodded his head thoughtfully asking “What about you miss?”
“Just passing through and decided to travel along with the merchants.” She said shrugging.
“Are you for hire as a mercenary?” Farkus asked.
“Not really my line of work,” She said vaguely eyes going over him cautiously.
Farkus watched her closely. He saw the way she was moving her fingers and the way she sized him up in a glance. He felt sick to his stomach at the thought but he had to ask.
“You from Riften?” Farkus asked looking her in the eyes.
“Yea. What of it?” she asked defensively eyes narrowing.
Farkus sighed as he realized she probably had been or still was a thief with the Thieves’ guild. She was out here probably because she was in hiding.
He felt obligated to make his offer as a guild recruiter, even to the young woman that might be a thief.
“Well I’m Farkus of the Companions Guild in Whiterun, if you want a home and some work you should come by Jarrvaskr. Might I ask your name?” he asked noticing the men had already headed back to the wagon.
“Jahel Shadow-Walker.” She said with a nod as she started backing away. “I might just come by there and see what you’re talking about then Farkus.”
The name she gave shocked him, because he realized who he was talking to as she was getting ready to leave. He was shocked to realize that she wasn’t much like her mother like he had hoped and pictured she would be. He was both disappointed and relieved.
He was disappointed that she wasn’t like her mother except that she looked more elf than anything else. Even though she wasn’t a pure blood, in more ways than one actually.
He was relieved because he had finally succeeded in meeting her and could stop wondering if the meeting was ever going to happen.
He was snapping out of his revelations when he realized she was starting to head off. He called out to her but she kept going. He saw her split from the group she was with and take off across the stone paths.
Farkus tried to catch up to her. Despite his being fleet of foot ,due to his beast blood, she lost him in the mountain trails. She was a fast young woman, she must have been a great thief at one point if that was truly what she had done in Riften. He was out of breath by the time he decided she wasn’t going to let him catch her in the mountains.
“I don’t think this is what you had in mind when you wanted me to take care of her. Is it Deino?” he asked out loud with an exasperated sigh.
He could swear he heard laughing on the wind. He didn’t know if it was Deino, Jahel, or his imagination at work.
Farkus returned back to Whiterun without further incident or reason to slow his return. It took him only a day more of traveling the wilds to get home.
He sat with the other Companions and had a quiet meal while thinking over his last mission. It wasn’t hard, he had to go to the city of Markarth to deal with a small matter of a man withholding gold he owed a store. It was straight forward and he didn’t have to stay long to get the matter settled.
He was more so thinking about meeting Jahel Shadow-Walker. She was mysterious and seemed a lot more hostile then her mother had been. She also seemed to have been in the city of Riften in the last few months which led him to believe that she may have been a thief. That was something he felt concern over because if she wanted to join their ranks she needed to not have a bounty anywhere in Skyrim.
The only reason he still believed she was a thief now was the name she had been given Shadow-Walker. The first names were chosen by the parents at birth but the second names were ones earned or given for certain things done. Much like the clans Gray-Mane and Battle-Born in Whiterun.
He didn’t know what to make of any of her past without getting to know her more. Right now all he could think of was how disappointed he was that she wasn’t more like her mother. She was maybe a mercenary and maybe a thief on top of all that. Just thinking about that made him sure Deino would be disappointed too.
Vilkas noticed his black mood and was curious about what could have caused it.
“Farkus what is it I have not seen you like this for months now?” he asked him quietly keeping his back turned to the others at the table.
“It’s nothing just thinking over something,” Farkus assured him not sounding convincing.
“Are you sure? I was going to walk down to the Bannered Mare later if you wish to accompany me we could talk there,” Vilkas offered.
“And ruin a possible night with Sadia?” Farkus joked “I think not brother.”
“You’re sure you don’t wish to talk?”
“Of course I’m sure.”
The two remained silent after that until Vilkas excused himself leaving out the back doors of the guild hall.
He wasn’t really going for a night with Sadia at the Bannered Mare, he was going for a drink of the ale they just had brought in. He was accustomed to drinking alone or with the company of the bar maid there, tonight wasn’t about that though.
As Vilkas walked around the front of Jarrvaskr he could see the stone streets lit by torches. He walked in the comfort of silence and only realized someone was walking behind him when she cleared her throat. He turned to look at her in surprise as she joined him.
“I saw you leave the guild hall, you a Companion?” the dark elf asked standing away from him.
“Yes I would be a Companion looking to join up?” he asked with a slight sigh.
“Maybe. I met one of them a few days back a man named Farkus.” She said shrugging.
Vilkas waited but she said no more. She kept following along with him till they reached the doors of the Bannered Mare. She stopped at the bottom of the wooden steps and made no move to join him or walk away.
“Do you want to join me?” he asked with a sigh.
It wasn’t that he’d mind the company, he just didn’t want to be bothered with an awe struck whelp right now. He was tired and had just returned this morning from a trip to Solitude on business with E.E.T.C (East Empire Trading Company).
“Thank you for the offer but no I have other business to attend to tonight,” She started to walk away then paused. “Sadia won’t be there when you go in if you’re looking for her.”
Vilkas stopped confused “Why not?”
“Some friends took her home I’m afraid.” She replied with an enigmatic smile.
Vilkas watched her walk away then as she offered no more explanation. She didn’t look back just disappeared behind one of the stores heading for the houses in back. She was either visiting Ysolda or the old woman that could supposedly see the future. He didn’t know which but he hoped they had better conversations with her then he did.
Walking into the tavern Vilkas was greeted by the nord woman that owned the place and he asked about Sadia.
“You didn’t hear about it? It turns out Sadia was a criminal from Hammerfell and a few of alikir warriors came to take her back. A young Dark elf woman helped them get her out without bloodshed actually.” she replied.
“I think I may have met the young woman do you know her name?” Vilkas asked, leaning against the bar.
“Jahel Shadow-Walker.”
Vilkas started in surprise he knew Jahel was the daughter of Deino and he was very familiar with the name Shadow-Walker, though he had never met the person until now.
Shadow-Walker had been known throughout the land of Skyrim as a warrior who had been settling disputes among the people. The only thing was they never knew who helped them they merely received a note with a signature. It was also said that the Shadow-walker was a master thief in the city of Riften but that was of yet to be proven.
He wondered why she had not introduced herself then he realized it must be for her protection. She had to be careful about who she mentioned her name to due to someone might have a grudge against her. She could be a thief or a hero, right now Vilkas was leaning more towards hero.
Right after leaving the man named Vilkas at the Bannered Mare, Jahel walked up to the large stone stairs that lead them up to Dragon’s Reach for a meeting with the Jarl. She had planned to meet with him earlier that day but he had been in conference with the court wizard.
She was going about the house he had put up for sale. She had been in the city working when he put it up for sale.
Jahel walked along the stone and smiled as she went past the guards and the people of the Cloud District. She had become acquainted with the locals over the last few hours while doing errands for them that would seal her as a local. She was eager to make a home here, especially since she intended to become a member of the local guild.
She walked up the stairs and was met half way by the house-carl Lydia. Whom would be living with her if she managed to become the Thane to the city. She liked the idea of being the city’s Thane because it came with nice benefits.
As Thane she would be able to get off of minor disturbances that she might cause, she’d be able to buy property within the city, she’d get a house-carl to protect the house, and Lydia would be traveling with her out of the city if she felt the need to bring along a body guard. She’d also be in good standing with the rest of the locals.
As she walked up the stone stairs she was joined by Lydia who was talking to her with the air that they were old friends. She got on well with the nord woman ,who was a local warrior, and had been born in the city. She didn’t treat her like most nords treated the elf community, everyone was equally respected by the woman.
Lydia had long dark brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and pale lips. She was bulky with muscle and very tall like most nord women. Lydia wore steel armor without the helmet to cover her face and she also carried steel arms that she used in combat. She had a steel short sword and a steel plated shield.
They entered the large oaken doors that were the entrance to Dragon’s Reach and were welcomed to the Jarl’s home/throne.
The Jarl was sat on his throne with his bodyguard standing off to the side of the room. His children were sat around one of the two tables in the large room. He also had his court wizard standing off to the side of the guards that were standing within shouting distance of the Jarl.
Upon seeing her entrance the Jarl sent away the court wizard and with a beckoning hand he called Jahel over to him. She walked over and smiled at him nodding her head as she stopped at the bottom of the stairs leading up to his throne.
“Well, I have heard back from the locals in the area about you working for quite a few of them. So you do want to settle down in our hold then?” Jarl Bulgruf asked with a resigned sigh.
“Yes, that has been the plan and as agreed I have done the five tasks for the locals that were needed to become Thane,” Jahel said with a smile.
“Well then as my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Whiterun and welcome you to our city. As Thane you now have the right to purchase a house within the city. You also receive a house-carl to see to your needs. Lydia is the only house-carl without a master at the moment and will have to suffice.”
“Thank you my lord.” Jahel said bowing to him slightly.
“I will inform my guards of your new status. Don’t need them thinking you’re part of the common rabble now do we?” he said with a chuckle as he smiled at her.
They both shared a chuckle at the inside joke.
“Now please, I have business to attend to so please direct all questions you have to my steward if you have questions.”
“Thank you my lord. I’ll hold you up no longer.” Jahel said bowing again.
Bulgruf stood then made his way towards the stairs leading up further into the reach followed by his bodyguard.
Once they were out of sight Jahel walked over to where the steward was standing and going over the papers he was carrying. He was the true back bone of the city, without a competent steward the Jarl could not function. He’d have no way to know the residents, the number of guards, how many small settlements were in his charge, or the available land he might have for sale.
Jahel cleared her throat to get the man’s attention drawn away from his work for a moment.
“Well, you would be the new Thane then. What can I do for you?” he asked politely getting straight too business.
“I’m here about the purchase of property within the protection of the hold.” Jahel said in a firm business like tone.
“We only have one house available, the one by the gate beside the blacksmith’s shop. If you want something else we have farmland for sale in the Riverwood.” He replied looking over his books.
“I’ll take the house within the walls and give you extra for the furnishings.” Jahel said holding up the bag of gold she carried.
“Of course I’ll have the house cleaned up by tomorrow and ready for you to move in.”
“Thank you. What was that about farm land also?” Jahel asked with a slight tilt of her head.
“Farmers are selling their land for less then what it is worth. On account of bear trouble in the area. The Jarl won’t pay to have it taken care of, the folks are moving from their land out west I’m told.”
Jahel nodded her head slowly “Anyone buying?”
“No, not until the bears are taken care of. That’s why it’s on sale for a lot less than what it’s worth right now.”
Jahel nodded then dismissed herself from the room motioning Lydia to follow her.
“Where did you get all that money?” Lydia asked “I know Breezen Home was cheap but not that cheap.”
“I have a way with money you might say,” Jahel said winking and handing a small pouch to Lydia. “Put yourself up somewhere for the night and get settled in tomorrow. I have business to handle.”
“You don’t want me to go with you?”
“Another time maybe. Don’t worry I’m not leaving town tonight.”
Lydia and Jahel went separate ways for the remainder of the evening. Lydia went to the local inn for the night and Jahel decided it was time to pay a visit to Jarrvaskr.

Jahel walked through the door and not many people turned to look her way. Most were focused on fight already happening. It was between a large nord woman and a young scrawny dark elf man. The two were slamming their fists into one another off to the side of the room, while a large group stood by calling out taunts to the two.
Jahel didn’t join the crowd but she did take the time to observe the rest of the room carefully.
From the entrance to the left was another small room where the warrior’s attendants would sleep, down three steps to the center of the room were tables sitting around a fire pit, behind that two more doors, and to the far right a stairwell leading down to the living quarters she assumed. Along the outer edge of the hall were weapon racks and benches. On the walls were mounted heads and wall hangings woven by the old women.
On the far right wall she could see a few fragments of a weapon hanging on wooden pegs.
She peered around the room at the inhabitants of Jarrvaskr, counting at least eight warriors in the room. The rest just seemed to be old attendants, maybe an old warrior, or an honorary member of the guild.
Jahel started walking slowly around the room towards the pieces of the weapon hanging on the wall, her curiosity peeked. She had seen a few broken weapons before in her time, she had broken a few, and she had never seen them given places of respect like this one.
When she got closer she could tell that there were a few pieces missing from the pegs. That the weapon was once a great ax. She could see what were once runic markings engraved on the blade but she didn’t know what they were supposed to mean. The weapon was old and clearly held special meaning to the Companions.
“I see that you have gotten a look at what is left of Wuuthrad. The once great weapon of Ysgrammor himself,” An older warrior with white hair said joining her.
“It is quite impressive. Where are the rest of its pieces?” Jahel asked looking back to the weapon.
“That is a question that the Companions have been asking ever since the great blade was broken child.” He said smiling.
Jahel and the old man stood in silence for a few more moments staring at the ancient blade. One generation’s warrior passing on an age old respect to the next generation. They were both comfortable in their silence together.
The silence was broken by the sudden yell of the nord woman crowing her victory over the dark elf man. She taunted the elf and then strutted away from the group with her chin held haughtily in the air.
Jahel just shook her head slowly with a scoffing sound and the older man chuckled softly before turning to look back at the rest of the room. He gestured for her to follow him back into the room to sit at their dinner table with him.
When she turned around she immediately saw Farkus standing among the rest of the warriors. It wasn’t really a smile but more of a crooked tilt of the lips at first. She was surprised he returned the smile regardless with a friendly nod of greeting to her as he started her way. She vaguely wondered if she should be worried about him, she shook that off quickly.
He didn’t look like much trouble and she was already aware that she could out run him if she had too. Farkus was one of those warriors that relied on using his strength she could see that much about him from the way he carried himself. She could also see right off that he was blind in his right eye and that might prove a disadvantage.
When he was close enough to her he spoke “I wondered if you'd show up.”
“You invited me. I figured it was only polite to do so.” Jahel said shrugging her shoulders.
“Look, I know you don’t know me but can we talk in private a moment? There is something I need to talk to you about my invitation.” Farkus said softly.
“I think the old man wishes for me to join him. Maybe later.” She said stepping back and to the side quickly.
Farkus started to reach out to her but seeing his hand she shied away from the touch. She moved quickly passed him towards the old man. Jahel shook off the eerie feeling and took the seat offered to her, keeping her eyes trained on the rest of the room. She didn’t want her back to anyone in the room that she didn’t know for sure that she could trust.
A plate of food was placed in front of her and she was surprised by the knowing look from the old woman.
“You probably don’t remember the last time you ate.” She scolded moving on down the table picking up the remnants of their earlier meal.
The woman was right in a way. She didn’t remember the last meal she ate because that had been the day before. She had been busy all that day and it was only something to keep her going at the time, nothing too special.
This meal though was something special. A mammoth steak, baked potatoes, a large eider cheese wedge, and a flagon of ale on the side. She lifted the ale to her lips and drank a small sip tasting it first. It wasn’t the watered down stuff she was used too it was still really strong. The food was more than she was used to eating in one sitting and she wondered how much the Companions ate a day.
“So you wish to join the Companions is that right?” the old man asked in a kind fatherly voice.
“I would. I have already met two of the members Farkus and Vilkas,” She said with a nod to the other side of the table to Farkus.
“He has mentioned that he spoke to you. May I ask your name?” he asked gently.
“Jahel Shadow-Walker. What do they call you old warrior?” she asked respectfully.
“I am Kodlak White-Mane. I am the Harbinger of the Companions,” He replied nodding his head. “I have heard of you by both your names actually.”
This surprised Jahel she had been simply called by the title Shadow-Walker when she had done most of her deeds throughout Skyrim. She didn’t know of anyone who would recognize her by the name she was given at birth by her parents. She felt a jolt as she realized who must have told them.
“You know my mother then,” She said putting down the fork she’d been eating with.
“She was a good woman when I knew her. I imagine you have your own memories of her as do we all here.” Kodlak said.
“Is that why I was invited here?” Jahel asked closing her eyes.
“You would have to ask Farkus why he invited you here. All I can say is that your mother would be proud that you are here.”
After he had said that Kodlak stood up and started walking towards the living quarters wishing everyone a goodnight as he went.
Farkus came to her and took the seat that Kodlak had vacated. Farkus sat in silence with her as she continued eating her dinner without looking over at him.
“Did you ask me here because you knew my mother?” she asked showing no emotion.
“I didn’t know who you were when I asked you here. When I learned your name I knew who you were.” Farkus said quietly.
“Do you want me here because you know who I am now or because I have merit as a warrior?” she asked turning to look him fully in the face.
Farkus was surprised by her asking him that and he actually had to think about the answer.
He had originally asked her here because he had recognized that she had skills that could be honed to become greater. He had been impressed by her when he had seen her fight. When he thought she might be a thief he worried about his invitation. When he had learned her name he had wanted her to accept his invitation to the guild.
He had wanted that to happen because he felt he owed her mother. The truth was he wanted to see how much of her mother had been passed on to her.
“When I first asked you here it was because you were a good warrior with skill. I was hoping you’d come here after I learned you name to though,” Farkus said with a slight smile.
Jahel thought about his answer, then she looked at him again but with a slight cocky smile this time.
“Where can I bed down for the night and when can I start on a quest?” she asked.
Farkus was surprised but he didn’t argue with her. He led her down the stone steps into the living quarters where the companion’s slept when they were home.
Going in the door brought them into the living quarters. To the left was a table with rows of shelves lining the wall, directly ahead was the whelps sleeping quarters it had four beds on the left and four on the right, each side had a cabinet. To the right were the Circle’s living quarters and the hall leading to them.
The halls had tables with food stacked onto them in bowls and on plates. Off of the halls were two corridors leading to the left and then to the right too. There was also a large room out to the front that she could see beyond the two halls. The left hall had Aela’s room and Skorge’s room branching off of it; the right hall had the twins’ rooms branching off of it.
He pointed ahead to the whelps’ room and glanced at her.
“The females sleep on the left side of the room. Come and see me after you’ve rested for work.” He said nodding.
“Are you the only one I can get work from?” Jahel asked tilting her head slightly.
“No. Vilkas my brother, Aela, or Skorge can give out jobs too,” Farkus said with a smile. “I think you’re going to like it here.”
Farkus and Jahel said goodnight before she walked into the room. She went inside, closing the doors behind her as she went.
Jahel walked into the room looking to the left at the men already laid out in their beds snoring loudly. To the right the females were also asleep, only one of them was snoring though. Jahel chose the bed furthest from her. She also tucked a knife she had picked up upstairs off the weapon rack under her pillow.
When Farkus woke up in the morning he thought was alone in his room lying on his back like always. Except he knew he wasn’t alone because he could hear someone over by the bar he had in his room going through his collection of ale and mead. Farkus cleared his throat and turned over to look at the figure behind his bar to see the dark elf woman.
She was leaned against the bar with a bottle of mead in hand and she smiled at the awakening man.
This was the first time he noticed that she was dressed differently between the night before and now. Before she had been in her elf armor carrying her helmet under her arm. Now she was dressed in what she had slept in.
She had slept in the linen garb that you would see most of Skyrim’s miners in when they worked. On them it would be tight and show off muscle, on her it had a different effect.
She had tied it around the waist and it showed her slim waist. Farkus knew he could put both his hands around her waist just barely not able touch finger tips. Her shoulders were in with room to spare letting him see soft smooth skin. She also had handful sized breasts. The pants were loose on her legs but he could tell they had curve to them, on top of being long.
Farkus shifted uncomfortably as she set him with a hard look, no doubt for his staring at her so hard. He also shifted to pull the blanket he lay under over his body covering up a little more, like most nords he slept naked.
“You said that you could give me work?” Jahel said hands on her hips.
“Well I can when I’m dressed and see what we have on hand that needs done.” Farkus said voice all serious.
Jahel tossed him a rolled up note with a smirk saying “How about this one?”
Farkus sighed picking the note up off of the side of his bed. Opening it he started reading the message sent by some poor farmer out in the Rift’s territory. The farmer was in need of someone to assist him in finding a missing family heirloom that had been stolen by a passing band of thieves.
She had been going through his missions and jobs ,apparently, till she had found what might end up being the hardest one in the lot. He looked at her and was surprised to see her looking over at him with a serious look on her face, as if she were deep in thought. Farkus couldn’t help but wonder if she was up to the task that she was setting out to complete alone.
“You sure you want this one?” Farkus asked.
“Yea. I’m sure that I want that one I know the area pretty well. I’ll be back in no time I’m sure.” Jahel said with a smile that was self-assured.
“Cocky little thing aren’t you?” he asked with a chuckle.
“On occasion.” She replied with a shrug.
Farkus looked back over the paper wondering what she was thinking, taking this one or requesting this one. To be honest he could deny her the mission since he was supposed to give her the missions of his choosing. Most of the time he didn’t give them missions of such high caliber without giving them smaller missions to test their mettle.
While Farkus thought about what he would say regarding the mission he didn’t realize that Jahel was looking closely at him.
She had to admit he was bad to look at because honestly she hadn’t really looked hard at him the first time. He had a somewhat handsome face that was like the other nords in Skyrim He did have the interesting choice of face paint over his eyes.
He had the long hair, the same rugged looking body, chiseled muscle on his warrior body, and she could almost see all of him.
That was when she realized she might be looking a little too hard, she stood up quickly clearing her throat.
“Well do I get to go on that mission?” Jahel asked averting her eyes.
Farkus sighed “Yea. But if you get hurt don’t come back crying to me.”
Jahel snorted walking around the bar towards the door, pausing on her way out with a smile.
“You might want to get a new lock for your door, it wasn’t that hard to get open.” Jahel said with a smile as she swept out the door.
Farkus sighed as he watched her walk out. he was sure that she was going to drive him crazy if she didn’t get herself killed on a mission too hard for her. He didn’t know which one would happen first but he knew that she must have some skill because had survived Skyrim this long on her own. He only had time to wonder what could happen to her before he decided he should probably do something about this just to be sure.

Jahel left immediately from Whiterun with supplies that had been prepacked for her by Lydia, whom she had spoken to before waking Farkus. She was eager to get started anyway and didn’t need to stop to grab a few things. She knew that she'd have to move fast to get where she was going.
Jahel walked out the gates and got out of sight of the guards before she started her jog across the fields. She had a route already planned that was going to take her by the main road leading east.
The one thing she would have to do though is go past the tower to the east of Whiterun. She had seen it in the distance when she had arrived. She had asked about it but no one had been out there recently so no one knew about the tower anymore. She was eager to get to the tower and find out what was going on there now.
She wasn’t aware that she was being followed by Farkus who was staying as far back as possible, all the while keeping his sights on her. He didn’t want her to think that he was trying to keep an eye on her even though he knew that was clearly what he was doing.
Jahel didn’t take long to get through the peaceful lands surrounding the hold and onto the cobble stone road leading out of the area. She was eager to get to the tower and it surprisingly didn’t take long for her to reach it.
The tower stood high and close to the edge of the path leading out of Whiterun territory. The tower was on the bank of a cliff leading down to the flowing water below and the waterfalls the river lead too. At the top of the tower was a narrow stone bridge leading across to a smaller tower on the opposite bank. Both towers were covered in ivy growing in the stones crevices.
Jahel reached the tower and could see a woman at the camp fire stirring in a cooking pot. As Jahel got closer she saw a woman coming her way hand on the hilt of her sword. Jahel slowed down her eyes looking around the area for anyone else on the ground.
“Hold on traveler this here is a toll road you got the gold to pass?” the woman challenged.
“A toll road, seems like extortion to me.” Jahel said eyes locked on the other.
“So what if it is? There are no guards out here to protect you. Either you pay or you don’t leave this tower.” The woman snarled.
“And you’re going to stop me from just walking right past you without paying?”
“Not just me traveler.” The woman said with a haughty sneer.
Jahel looked up into the tower to see a few men on the bridge looking their way. Some had bows in hand and she could hear them laughing. She looked back at the woman then and she drew her weapon fully aware that the men on the bridge were watching her closely. She lifted the blade up holding it in front of her in one hand while she called magic to her other hand.
“You think your little bit of magic will scare us?”
“No I don’t but that doesn’t matter.” Jahel said.
The woman charged first swinging her sword at Jahel, who side stepped twisting around to kick the woman to the ground. The woman was back on her feet in an instant and turned back to face the dark elf as Jahel circled her. They faced off then with the woman attacking full on with her sword while Jahel parried with her own sword. The two were fighting almost as equals but it was clear that the battle would turn in Jahel’s favor.
The woman’s guard dropped when she saw an opening in Jahel’s defense and went for it with the tip of her blade. Jahel caught the blade knocking it back before slamming the hand cupping magic into the woman.
Sparks flew from where her hand connected to the body of the woman and Jahel watched as the lightning spell passed through the woman’s body killing her.
Jahel heard the yells of the men on the bridge as they realized that one of their own had been killed. They were in a mad scramble to fire their arrows at her and try to stop her from ascending the tower.
Jahel sprinted into the tower door where she came to a very small entrance place with stairs leading up to the top of the tower and the bridge. She climbed the stairs till she reached the tower bridge deciding she would check the top of the tower on her return trip through it.
Three men stood on the bridge two of them archers and one swordsman with a hide shield in his other hand. Beyond them, on the far bank, she could see another archer on the rocks outside the actual second tower. At the door to the other tower stood a man in full iron armor that she knew must be the chief of this band.
Jahel had the sword and shield wielder come at her first with an over arm swing set to come down on her shoulder. Jahel ducked the blow, moving as close to the edge as she dared without falling off the narrow bridge. She turned around with a slice of her sword bringing it across the man’s back, only slicing through his hide armor.
She heard him yell in frustration as he whirled around. She was now between two of the thugs in the tower; the archer and the swordsman had her trapped between them. She stood up aware of the fact that the archer was notching an arrow getting ready to fire at her back.
Jahel kept her eyes focused on the warrior her lightning spell popping and fizzing in her palm as she kept it trained towards him. She didn’t want to keep her back to the archer but she had an advantage.
It was all thanks to her mother being a vampire.
She had a few of the extra senses that had been coming in handy for her battles. She could hear the archer readying his shot and she could hear the other warriors nearby locating them using sound alone. Jahel could also sense a deeper pull to magic that she’d had from childhood. Vampires were close to magic so it only made sense that she had a connection.
She also had the speed.
She heard the man release the arrow from his bow and she ducked just before it could hit her. Jahel felt more then saw the arrow go by her face, flying into the opposing man’s chest in a burst of blood. She was crouched down watching the man fall from the bridge by the time the others realized what had happened to him.
Jahel stood quickly then, turning back to face the other archers and she charged them swinging her blade fiercely into the first archer. She saw the other pulling out his dagger as she yanked her sword free of the other tossing his body aside. The archer came at her with the dagger trying to feint one way while going for a gut stab the other way.
Jahel grabbed his wrist restraining it enough to keep his attack from piercing her armor; while she slammed the hilt of her sword into his face. She saw blood gush from his nose as she felt the satisfying crunch beneath her fist. She saw him stumble back gripping his nose one handed while still trying to fight with the other hand.
Jahel fired her magic at him in a steady bolt of lightning into his chest. She watched him jerk and twitch as the lightning passed through his body just like with the woman. She only stopped when she saw that his skin was starting to singe a little after she had burnt away the hide armor.
He collapsed onto the bridge but she couldn’t tell if he was dead or not. She figured it didn’t matter right now because he was down for the count. Now all she had was the opposite tower archer and the chief to deal with left in the opposing party.
Jahel didn’t see the archer anymore though so she figured that he was around the back of the tower or inside waiting for her.
She did however see the thugs’ best warrior and leader of their extortion ring.
Jahel stopped and stared at the man holding her sword up at the ready, even though she had stopped a few feet from him.
He was wearing the heaving iron armor, carrying an orcish ax, and an iron bonded shield that she knew her sword wouldn’t be able to dent.
She couldn’t tell what country the man’s origins were because his helmet covered his face completely. He was also over six feet tall and was muscled well beyond what she was used to seeing in Skyrim. He didn’t look like the kind to grant mercy to anyone.
The man came at her then swinging his ax towards her and she caught it with her sword holding it back. He pulled back and then brought his blade almost immediately back down towards her. He was going to use brute force to try and overwhelm her, she clearly didn’t have the strength to overcome him.
Jahel was stuck relying on her speed and wits to defeat him she'd also have her size working for her. She was smaller then him and might be able to keep him from hitting her.
Jahel moved back quickly getting farther out of his reach then he thought she would. When she was free to run she turned around and did so. She shoved her body into the door opening it so she could go running up to the top of the tower. Jahel could hear him following behind her only a bit slower than she was going.
She reached the top and found a quaver of arrows with a bow leaned in the corner. She snagged those throwing them over her shoulder before looking over the edge, hoping she had been right. Jahel leaped off catching hold of the ivy that was growing there; some of it tore out of the stone dropping her a few more feet but most of it held her.
She looked down to see that she didn’t have far to climb down until she could let go without hurting herself in the fall. She started climbing down and only paused to look back once she heard the chief’s outraged yell. She saw him peering over the ledge at her before his face disappeared from above. She knew that he was going to try beating her to the ground.
She didn’t want to let go but she quickly decided that she had no choice. She released the vines and closed her eyes tightly. She landed on the ground and rolled much like she had been taught when you fall off of horses it was supposed to be how to avoid injury.
She landed but didn’t hurt herself, though she was sure she’d feel it later on that night.
Jahel didn’t stop to think about it she just got to her feet moving further from the tower, pulling the bow off her back. She notched an iron arrow and waited for the door to swing open before she fired her shot.
The chief came out and saw her a moment too late as she released the arrow from the bow. The arrow whizzed towards him and hit the man’s helmet knocking him backwards a few steps, she knew her arrow hadn’t hit the mark though.
The war chief yanked his helmet off revealing that she had cut a deep furrow into his cheek which was bleeding profusely. He was angry now and was ready to use that to his advantage. She could also see clearly now that he was an orc man.
She cursed under her breath as the Orc came her way and she realized that he was in going to be fighting much harder now. Orcs were almost unstoppable in a state like this and Jahel knew that she’d have to fight hard to beat him.
The Orc attacked with little regard to conserving energy or making sure he hit his mark, he just struck out blindly. Most of them she could side step out of the way of, others she'd have to catch with her sword to protect herself. She was able to hold the attacks off because he was pulling back instantly to swing again. He was uncoordinated against her now.
It was during this onslaught that she saw her opening. Had her senses been dull as they usually were she would have missed the opening. He pulled his arm back so far back to swing she saw the weak point in his armor. Just under his arm.
Jahel had to push herself up against him as she was driving the blade into him. She felt her sword tear into him and the warm blood gushed over her hand as she hit her mark. When she pulled the blade free she received a last spurt of blood on her armor as he fell back, not quite dead but bleeding out quickly.
Jahel breathed deeply through her mouth so she wouldn’t have to smell the stench in the airt. She didn’t want to smell shit, piss, and blood all over the place. But she was more worried about the blood on the air then anything.
She didn’t know that Farkus was watching from nearby, after combat her senses had dulled back to normal after her heart slowed. He had been watching the whole time ready to step into battle should she really need him. Jahel didn’t need him for the mission he was sure of that now, especially if she could handle an Orc so well.
Farkus smiled to himself, impressed by the woman before he headed back to Jarrvaskr.
It was three days later that Jahel walked back into Jarrvaskr with a smile on her face and a saber cat’s pelt hanging on her shoulders. She didn’t really have a cocky smile on her face but she did seem a bit more cheerful, this time her entrance didn’t go unnoticed.
The whelps all stared at her eying her as she moved around the tables towards where Farkus was sitting beside the rest of the circle.
“You seem to have acquired a new look since I last saw you.” Farkus said chuckling.
“What this old thing?” Jahel asked mock innocent as she removed the pelt from her shoulders. “The bandits had a pet and it put up more fight than they did.”
“I bet. So everything was successful then?” Farkus asked turning his attention to her.
“The heirloom is back with the family that it belonged to and the bandits are dead so I’d say yes.” Jahel said placing a sack of gold on the table. “They sent this as payment.”
Farkus pushed the bag over to where Kodlak was sitting at the table and the man went through the bag slowly.
“That was the hardest mission that Farkus had to offer at the moment. That was good work.” Kodlak said with a nod.
Jahel smiled, her face coloring slightly at his praise and she could have kicked herself for it.
Kodlak pulled her cut of the gold out of the bag and handed it over to her as she extended her hand to accept it. She didn’t waste time putting the gold in with her own gold pouch that she carried and she nodded to each of them.
“Well what is there to do now?” Jahel asked.
“The other whelps have taken what I had left as far as jobs so how about you rest a few hours and then come back here.” Farkus said with a smile. “I’ll have something for you when you get back.”
Jahel nodded to him before turning back to start walking out of the doors where the other whelps were getting ready to leave for their own quests. As she started to walk by the woman who had been fighting with the dark elf man bumped her and got in her way. Jahel didn’t take the bait she simply pushed past the nord woman without a backwards glance.

Farkus had gone up to the sky forge while Jahel had been gone so that he could talk to Earlhund Gray-Mane about making a sword for the woman. He wanted to get her something a little bit better than just that magic that she wielded in her left hand, so he had spoken to the smith.
He had agreed to make the first article of weaponry for the new Companion for free but anything else would cost them actual gold. Farkus had just asked for a good shield to be made from the ingots he had brought up to the sky forge from his personal collection.
That was one thing he loved about the job he may only get part of the gold paid to the guild but anything he found on mission was his for the taking. It was the same for each full member of the guild.
So he had brought moonstone ingots and a few iron ingots asking their smith to see what he could make for them. The man had been more than willing to help out, seeing as all he had to put forward was the time to make the shield. He had said it would be as close to elvish make as he could get it but he made no promises.
Farkus went up to the sky forge to see the progress that had been made since the smith hadn’t had any other work on hand at the moment. He was sure that the shield would be done by now since it was commissioned upon Farkus’s return to town.
“Earlhund, you here?” Farkus called as he walked up the stone steps.
“Ah Farkus, I was wondering when you’d be around for this. I imagine you wish to present it to the lady yourself then?” the kind voiced smith said smiling.
“I would like to present it as soon as she returns. She’ll need a shield in this line of work more so than magic.” Farkus said accepting the covered bundle handed to him.
“Yes, it is a dangerous life, that of the warrior, but you tell me it’s in her blood. I’m sure she’ll do fine.”
“I’ve spoken with Kodlak. He says he sees great things in her future, so long as she doesn’t get herself killed before then.”
“Well that’s what you’re here for, to keep that from happening.” Earlhund said chuckling.
“If I can anyway.” Farkus said nodding. “I have to get back and attend to a few things. Thank you for this. I’ll be sure she knows who the craftsman is.”
“You’re quite welcome, Farkus.”
Farkus walked back down to the courtyard behind Jarrvaskr where the Companions’ training yard was kept. The training yard had tables where observers could watch without interfering with those that were training in the yard. There were wooden stands for those with sharp or blunt objects to practice with off to one side of the yard; to the other side were hay filled archery targets. In the center of the yard was a clear area for two people to spar together.
Farkus saw his brother sitting at one of the tables polishing his own shield and sword so he decided to walk over to him.
Vilkas used a shield and had been trained in the use of one since they were young boys growing up in Jarrvaskr. He would be able to ascertain the quality of the one made in the sky forge and he’d be able to help Jahel train in whatever way Farkus couldn’t.
He told his brother what he needed done and they both sat down to look over the work. While looking it over his brother complemented his foresight in using two metals to strengthen the shield overall and he told him the design would be well suited to a female’s fighting style. He assured Farkus that he had indeed made the right choice in entrusting the design to their capable smith.

While they were overlooking the shield and discussing strategy of how to best train the dark elf woman in its use, she was back outside the gates accompanied by Lydia.
The two women were going to discuss something with the stable master about the breeding line of his horses, but had been side tracked along the way. The Khaljiite merchants had made their rounds back to town and were eager to do business with the residents who came out to trade.
Jahel was eager to see what goods that might be carrying with them since they traveled all of skyrim to acquire their inventory. She looked over their weapons, potions, and alchemy supplies, commenting on a few things here or there. What really caught her eye were the armors, apparel, and the jewelry they carried with them.
The armor was nothing special other than its make, most of the apparel was the same, but the jewelry was a different story. All of the jewelry was enchanted in some form that was only evident when explained or worn. She had the merchant –whose name was Ri’saad – explain every piece to her, even the ones he warned would be expensive.
She wasn’t worried about the price she wasn’t hurting for gold because of her family line.
Jahel admired the rings that he pointed out and the necklaces that he had on display. She found herself easily wishing she could buy them all but knowing that would only draw attention to them from the rest of the customers.
She made a choice. She bought an archery enhancing necklace for Lydia, who used a bow more than she did. Then she paid for a ring that would increase the strength in her sword hand. She also bought a ring that gave restoration magic a slight boost, not by much but it would help a little.
Instead of waiting to wear them, she immediately put on her purchases and insisted that Lydia do the same with her necklace.
They then made their way over to the stables to speak with the man there responsible for breeding the horses. But they were disappointed to find only his sons were there and could not help them too much on the matter. When asked the location of their father, they said he was heading to The Reach to select a new fine breeding stud.
“Well thank you anyway. Let your father know I’d like to talk with him when he has the time. I am the new owner of Breezen Home should he ask.” Jahel said in parting to the young men.
As they walked away, Lydia leaned close saying “I think they are smitten with you my Thane. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are the ones to show up at your door instead of the senior member.”
“That’s why you shall be answering the door from now on then.” Jahel said with a wink.
The two women laughed as they kept walking, making their way into the gates.
“Well I imagine I’m due back at Jarrvaskr. It's almost sunset after all. I should be back sometime after dark I imagine. If not, no need to worry.” Jahel said waving farewell as she went.
“Of course my Thane. Don’t let the Companions run you too ragged!” Lydia called after her.
She received merely a wave as she went.
Jahel walked to the hall of Jarrvaskr taking the shortest route through the market as she went. She avoided the cloud district. She had no patience as far as pompous asses were concerned.
She was going up the stairs to the Gildergreen when she met Vilkas half way.
“Jahel, I was wondering where you had gone. Farkus will be in the yard when you arrive. I wouldn’t keep him waiting much longer if I were you,” Vilkas said with his friendly smile.
She couldn’t help but smile back at him. He was the kind of man that was a brother to everyone. He would be critical of you, but only in the sense that he’d point out how to make yourself better.
“Thanks. I had business in town that I had to try finishing.” Jahel said with a roll of her eyes.
“You get it finished?” he asked.
“No. I’ve got to wait for the man to be back in town to finish that up. By then I’m sure something else will come up,” Jahel said with a sigh.
“It always does. Well I hope you get it settled soon. See you back at Jarrvaskr,” Vilkas said turning back to his route.
Jahel quickened her steps, rushing back to the training yard where she had been instructed to go. She saw Farkus already lighting torches so that they could see what they were doing. When she came around he paused only long enough to speak to her.
“There is a wrapped parcel on the table. Open it. We’ll be needing it tonight,” he said, then returned to lighting the torches.
Jahel walked over to the table where his parcel was laying. She saw that all she’d have to do was pull back the wrapping. Jahel pulled back the wrapping and stopped in surprise as she saw the shield laid on the table. She was surprised that Farkus would have something like this, him being born and raised in Skyrim.
The shield was of elvish make with the symbol of the elves’ engraved in the face of the shield itself. It was made of two metals, iron and moonstone, which worked well together. The iron was the base of the shield, and the moonstone was added afterwords to give it the extra strength and the elvish look. She turned the shield over and could see that the handles were a little too small for his hand.
“Do you like it?” Farkus asked from behind her, causing her to jump.
“It’s beautiful. Have you actually used this?” Jahel asked stepping to the side so he could look at the shield.
“No. It was made by our smith Earlhund. I told him I wanted you to start training with a shield in place of using magic in your left hand.” Farkus said “So I’m going to be training you in how to use it. Vilkas will be helping where needed.”
“I don’t know what to say. Thank you Farkus.” Jahel said surprised.
Farkus chuckled “You don’t have to thank me. Just work hard and become an expert with its use so you don’t get killed.”
“I can do that.” Jahel said with a smile.
Farkus gestured towards the practice yard to get the two of them started. He stood to one side while she stood on the other.
For the next few days, Farkus, Vilkas, and Jahel trained together until she was good with the shield that she was to use on each of her missions. In that time, Farkus had been hoping that the enigmatic woman would feel more comfortable and trusting around them. But to his disappointment, she still treated him with a cool respect that she gave to people she didn’t know well enough to treat differently.
Farkus admitted that he had a warmer reaction from complete strangers than from the whelp that he had requested to mentor. He had mentored many whelps that had either stayed with the guild, like Rhea, or had left different reasons. He was closer to her when he had been mentoring her, but now she was being mentored by Aela the Huntress.
He spoke to the Harbinger about his dilemma and the man said to simply give it time because he had a mission he was setting up for the two. Farkus asked for more details, but the older man would go no further to elaborate on what that mission could be.
The only thing he had to say was it would take place in almost a week. Until then he asked Farkus to keep her busy with missions or training.
So Farkus did just that. If he had a new contract come through that met her skill set, he would assign it to her. Anything else he sent towards the other four whelps within Jarrvaskr. He asked Vilkas to keep her busy with training when he couldn’t set up a mission for her to go on around Skyrim.
It was in those few days that Kodlak had the mission set up for them and sent Farkus to collect the young dark elf woman from her home. He wanted him to bring her to him so he could talk about the details of the mission with them.
Farkus walked to the house that sat beside the female smith’s workshop. He knocked on the door with a smile as he thought about seeing her. The door was opened instead by a nordic woman he had seen a few times in the Jarl’s home of Dragon’s Reach.
“Can I help you, Companion?” she asked with a slight frown.
“I’m looking for Jahel, is she not at home?” Farkus asked in a neutral tone.
“She is down by the stables looking over the horses he has there today.” She replied with a dismissing tone. “Do you want me to inform her that you came by?”
“No, I’ll be going down to the stables to see her.”
The woman watched him walk away, heading towards the main gates of the city as he went. Farkus could almost feel the house-carl’s eyes on his back as he went and he knew she was giving him that suspicious stare as he went.
Farkus headed straight for the stables to collect Jahel.
When he got there, he could see that she was speaking privately with the owner of the stables about his horses. He could see them talking about a young mare that had been brought in a few days ago. He had been there when it was delivered by the man from Solitude. He was okay with that but he did see something he wasn’t really okay with taking place.
He could see the stable owner’s sons ogling Jahel from the fence closest to him and he could hear the crude remarks they were making about her.
“You realize she’d just as soon kill you than bed either of you don’t you?” Farkus said in his most condescending voice.
Then men looked over at him, shifting in embarrassment as they were scolded by the Companion. They both muttered hasty apologies to him and they turned away moving to get back to their chores they had neglected.
Farkus walked to the edge of the stable master’s property and leaned against the fence, waiting for her to see him.
He watched her for a few minutes and couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. She did look good today. He could see why the older boys had been ogling her from afar.
Jahel’s hair was let down to where it flowed down her back with the sun hitting it perfectly. She was also wearing what the rest of the town’s women were wearing which was usually a blue dress that was almost form fitting. It showed off her body in a very attractive way.
When she saw him she excused herself from the talk she was having with him and started walking towards Farkus. She smiled at him in greeting as she stopped on the opposite side of the fence from him and she had to admit he was looking good in his steel armor today.
“Hey Farkus what brings you down here?” Jahel asked with a smile.
“I was looking for you actually.” Farkus said leaning more on the fence. “Kodlak has a quest he wants me to take you on.”
“Why the both of us?” Jahel asked cautiously.
“Why don’t you come speak with Kodlak yourself I think he’d like to discuss it in person.” Farkus said gesturing to the gate just down the fence.
“Fair enough I suppose we’ll have to stop back by Breezen Home first though.”
“That’s fine your house-carl is a friendly lady.”
“Lydia?” Jahel said with a friendly laugh. “She’s just a little protective at times you’ll have to forgive her.”
“Believe me I understand she has a job to do and that’s look after you.”
“Could you make me sound any more like a child Farkus?”
She had a joking tone but he could see in her eyes that she felt a little insulted by the comment.
“My apologies. I meant no offense, ” Farkus said with a nod of his head.
“It's not a problem.” Jahel said with a smile.
The two walked in a somewhat comforting silence until they reached her home. She pushed open the door and invited him inside Jahel was right behind him so he didn’t have to worry about the other woman trying to attack him.
Jahel called to Lydia letting her know they were in the house and that she was going to change upstairs in her private room. Jahel walked away from Farkus striding up the wooden stairs that were off to the side of the main room by her book shelves.
He could hear what he knew would be Lydia in the small back room working with a mortar & pestle. She was no doubt trying to improve her alchemy skills or she was trying to make a single kind of potion from a recipe.
Farkus, while awaiting Jahel's return, walked over to her book shelf to examine her reading list. He could see tales of adventures from all over Skyrim, skill books that would improve her knowledge in certain areas, and then there were the stories written by the more daring authors of the day. On the other shelves were the histories of Skyrim and Morrowind. He could see a few books set off to the side that got his attention and he examined their titles. Both books of The Lusty Argonian Maid were there on the shelf along with Thief of Virtue.
The last titles made him raise a brow in surprise. Jahel obviously had a wild side that she kept hidden. The only other explanation was that the books were Lydia’s. To Farkus that was a scary thought.
“I see your admiring my collection. And promise me you won’t talk about those last few with me, or anyone else for that matter.” Jahel said with a nod at him.
“I won’t mention it to anyone. You should see Aela’s collection.” Farkus said chuckling.
“Skorge that disappointing then?” Jahel said with a sly smirk.
“I guess so but I’m not going to ask and find out.”
The two exited the house with Jahel calling out a farewell to Lydia as she went out the door. The woman called out a farewell in the form of a grunt of acknowledgment.
With no further interruption, the two walked onwards to Jarrvaskr to meet with Kodlak in his private quarters. The Harbinger had nice living quarters and was responsible for the maintenance of the guild, so all of the guild’s wealth and notes on their missions were kept within that room.
Kodlak sat at the table and had the two Companions to sit just across from him.
“I have a quest I want the two of you to go on. This will be your Trail young Shadow-Walker, for which I have chosen Farkus to be your shield brother.” Kodlak said in his fatherly voice.
“My Trail, what does that mean?” Jahel asked concerned.
“It means you have been found worthy of becoming a member of the Circle. But to do so you will have to undergo a test of your willingness to serve the guild, wholeheartedly and with no thought of personal gain.”
“Alright and what is the task?” Jahel asked.
“Are you sure that you wish to undergo this quest?”
“My father said that if I’m ever given the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself, then I should take it. He said I’d be a part of something important one day.”
“This is important to our guild. Sources have told me that another piece of Wuuthrad lies within the tombs of Dustman’s Cairn to the west. I want you and Farkus to go into the Cairn to retrieve that piece and bring it back here.” Kodlak explained.
“That sounds easy enough.” Jahel said with a smile.
“It won’t be. The Cairn is full of draugr, but that isn’t the problem. A clan called the Silver-Hand is also after that piece. If they get to it before we do then they will kill you to keep it. They are ruthless murderers. Do not spare them your blade.” Kodlak replied his voice hard.
Jahel nodded to him as they both stood.
“I imagine you know your duties as shield siblings then?” Kodlak asked.
“I’m more than familiar with the art of shield siblings.” Jahel said with a smile. “It was invented by the elves, after all, back during the war.”
Jahel walked out with Farkus when she realized one part of Kodlak's explanation was unclear to her.
“What are draugr?” Jahel asked.
“They’re the reanimated corpses of ancient Nordic warriors that were given the ancient form of burial. You don’t have something like that where you come from?” Farkus asked incredulous.
“We have something like that but without a physical form.”
The two walked in silence out of the city and well past the western guard tower that stood as the last sign of the hold. They didn’t feel the need to speak, but as things went on they were realizing that they could not spend every moment together in silence. The fact that they didn’t know one another very well weighed heavily on Farkus’ mind as they went.
They reached the Cairn by nightfall, with no trouble from anything more than fragile living skeletons that were killed in one swing of the blade. They didn’t want to go into the Cairn without the benefit of being well rested. The two planned to camp in the alcove before the Cairn.
The opening into the old tomb stood atop a hill on which stone pillars stood around a perfectly circular hole with stairs leading down into the tomb. It was about eight feet deep and had stone stairs circling around half of the circumference until they reached the floor. The floor itself was an old hand carved stone. A single unopened coffin laid under the stairs with a burial urn beside it. The door leading into the Cairn was two slabs of Nordic stone that stood as silent sentinels against grave robbers.
The two warriors set up a small campfire outside the door with their bedrolls on either side of it, well away from one another. They sat in silence eating a meager meal they had carried with them from Whiterun. Farkus finally grew tired of the silence and decided to break it.
“Can I ask you something?” Farkus asked looking at her over the fire.
“You just did. Yes you may go ahead and ask your real question.” Jahel said without looking up at him.
“Why don’t you trust me?”
Jahel glanced up quickly, caught off guard by his question.
“What makes you think I don’t trust you?” she asked putting her food aside.
“You always keep a cool distance between us, you never turn your back on me for that matter any of the Companions, and there are plenty of other reasons I can name to believe you don’t trust us.” Farkus said getting more frustrated as he went.
Jahel listened to him in silence while she kept her face a neutral mask while he spoke of her mistrust. She heard him stop to take a breath and she lifted her hand up to halt his speech. She took a deep breath as she looked into his brown eyes before she spoke.
“I have a reason for keeping most people at a distance, for not trusting anyone. The fact isn’t that I don’t trust you, I don’t trust a lot of people. The Companions are some of the only people I’ve ever let this close in a long time.” Jahel said “Not since I left Riften.”
“Why this mistrust of people?” Farkus asked sounding sympathetic.
“Maybe another time Farkus. It's late and we’ll need to be at our best tomorrow when we enter the Cairn.” Jahel said turning her back to him as she lay down. “Besides, I do trust you. if I didn’t there would be a dagger in my hand sleeping this close to you.”
Farkus was surprised by this announcement and a little relieved by it.
“Your one of us and that makes you family. I wouldn’t hurt you, Jahel.” Farkus said as he laid down on his own bedroll.
Farkus kept his head turned towards her and he could see that she was asleep judging from her steady breathing. Farkus drifted to sleep while watching her sleep, a little more at ease knowing she trusted him.

Farkus was forced awake in the morning by a swift kick to his side that didn’t hurt as much as it surprised him. He looked up to see that Jahel had already cleaned up everything they had made a mess of the night before so they could get started. She also dropped an apple onto his chest as she walked by biting into one of her own.
“Pick your things up and store them in that urn. I figure we’ll grab those on our way out and just come out the way we go in.” Jahel said pointing.
Farkus complied with her order and stood ready to go inside the Cairn, ready to face whatever waited inside the tomb.
The Cairn wasn’t what they had expected when they went in, or at least it wasn’t for Jahel. The Cairn was supposed to be a tomb, but the elaborate design led her to believe it was something more. It was a large, open room with all sorts of disturbing items littering the tables that she recognized as early embalming tools.
It was also very cold within the tomb, even for early fall in Skyrim it was unusually cold inside.
The place was covered in dust and cob webs everywhere leaving the impression that the dead had remained undisturbed since they had been laid to rest here. She couldn’t see any footprints in the dust so she decided that if the Silver –Hand had in fact beat them there they used another entrance.
“Do the draugr walk around all the time or are they going to jump at us when we least expect it?” Jahel whispered gesturing to two coffins in the first room.
“They’ll jump at us.” Farkus said.
Jahel was sure she must have turned pale because she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of a dead guy jumping at her without warning. But she shook herself acknowledging that she was here for the guild and she had to prove that she could put its needs first. So she did what she had to do and walked into the room before Farkus could make the first move.
She walked into the room looking at the desiccated body of the nord in the coffin and she could already tell this one wasn’t going to be getting up to attack her. Jahel had a slight problem when suddenly she realized that there was a body with less decay laid on the ground with the back of its coffin open into another hallway.
“Farkus?” Jahel asked unsure.
“It was a draugr but something got to it ahead of us. Stay alert.” Farkus said in a hushed tone.
Jahel nodded to him and they walked into the new hallway and Jahel pulled her helmet’s face guard down to cover her face. She held her sword a lot tighter then before they had entered the tomb, she also shifted the shield on her arm to be at the ready.
They walked down the halls into the many rooms that housed tombs and they were cleared already of the undead nords that would have been at the ready to fight with them. They didn’t see any of the people that could be responsible for killing the undead draugr that littered the floor.
“Where could the Silver-Hand have gone? Do you think they already have the piece?” Jahel asked with a worried look.
“I don’t know I’m worried that that might be the case already.” Farkus said softly looking right at her. “We have to get further in a lot faster than we’ve been going just stay close.”
“Alright then let’s go.” Jahel said.
The two started jogging through the hall finding a few dead ends then retracing their steps to go back for the right path that would lead them where they needed to go. They went further into the tomb going lower and lower but then finally evening out the descent. The two ended up in a room with the gate barring their progress from going any further.
They stood at the top of a short flight of stairs looking at the room before entering. It was a room with two alcoves leading off of it, one was barred by an old iron gate and the other was open with a lever inside the entrance. She could see that the rest of the room was open with a little debris, a few shrubs had grown up, and there was a crack in the roof letting in sunlight.
“I don’t see anyone down there but I do see the trigger to get through to the nest area.” Jahel said “Watch my back I’m going for it?”
“You sure you want me to stand at your back?” Farkus asked sounding surprised and amused.
“I told you I trust you.” She said with a smile over her shoulder directed at him.
She walked down the stairs and put her shield on her back looking over to the other door feeling like she shouldn’t open it but knowing she had too. She saw Farkus come down the stairs but stay along the edge kind of hidden in the shadows.
Jahel walked into the alcove with the lever and waited till he had circled the room to pull the lever. When she pulled the lever the gate that was blocking the path opened up and she started back towards the main room. As she started out of the room a gate that would lock her into the room with the lever started to drop.
Farkus who had been circling the room saw the gate starting to close down on top of Jahel he moved quickly. He grabbed her arm and jerked her hard to get her out of the way he managed to get her out of the way just in time. He pulled her into the room he was in and he kept her from meeting an untimely death at the end of a spike.
In the meantime he had accidentally used his full strength and she ended up on the ground a few feet from him. He felt his heart sink as she sat up and looked over at him still laid on the ground, giving him a shaky smile.
“Jahel I am so sorry. Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” Farkus asked moving to her side his hand held out to her.
“That wasn’t the worst fall I’ve had in my time. Good arm by the by.” Jahel said with a shaky smile as she took his arm. “I feel dizzy but that should pass in a second.”
During their exchange a number of warriors in leather and hide armor came into the room blocking the way through the opening. They surrounded the two their weapons at the ready as they moved in.
The Sliver-Hand knew the Companions secret of being werewolves and they had sworn to hunt down every last one of them. They also were in a mad race trying to get all the pieces of Wuuthrad so they could enter the tomb of Ysgrammor in the north.
They clearly outnumbered the two, there were only the two Companions and there were eight of the Silver-Hand present in the room.
“Well I think we found your friends.” Jahel whispered her back against Farkus’ back.
“Yea we’ll probably be encountering them throughout the tomb then.” He said gripping his sword tightly.
“I’ll take the four to the left you take the four to the right anyone else that gets through is free for the taking.” She said her eyes locked on the four in front of her.
“Good then I was hoping for a fight today.” He said.
With a loud war cry Farkus charged forward causing the four to split to avoid the swing of his blade coming at them. He was quick to turn his attention to the one of them with a long sword like his own to keep him focused on him. The other three tried circling him and attacking to get him to drop his guard but he was a seasoned warrior and could hold his own against their numbers.
Jahel had moved the second she felt his back leave hers and she went to the side getting one of the short sword wielders to come at her first. She kept her foes in front of her as she circled trying to keep all within her sight while focusing battle onto the one.
She had thought fighting the chief had been bad when she went to the tower but these men were much worse. They were a skilled force that knew how to fight together to overwhelm their enemy.
Jahel and the swordsman fighting her kept their blades in a frantic dance that was soon becoming one sided as she began to overpower him. She could feel her heart racing and every time that happened she felt closer to her vampire half then her elf half. She always used those skills to fight in combat as a safe release of that side of her.
She quickly began slamming her sword into his using speed and strength to push him back until she had her opening against him. When she had it she sliced her blade across his abdomen drawing blood from the wound instantly. His allies dragged him back and the second took his place going right for an attack, she didn’t have as much experience as he had with a blade it cost her dearly.
The fighting went on as the two tried to overcome their foes each killing three of those they were fighting. When the Silver-Hand’s numbers were so low in the fight against them more of the hunters poured into the room till they numbered ten against their two.
The warriors had taken their measure and they were planning to bring down the two Companions. They sent four of the warriors to fight with Farkus and the other six to focus on Jahel. They knew that if he was worried about her then he wouldn’t be able to focus on his own battle because he would want to protect her. It was only natural he’d want to protect the female of their group.
They focused their attack and Jahel was completely on the defensive against them, only injuring them when she had the chance. They on the other hand had injured her twice now. She had a cut across her bicep that wasn’t deep and a bruise from a shield bash to her face that bruised her chin. She wasn’t that bad off when it came to her injuries she was able to go through the battle with little trouble.
But she wasn’t able to keep them focused in front of her the whole time and one man got behind her with his sword. He slashed his sword across the back of her leg cutting a deep furrow into her leg causing her to let out a piercing scream of pain.
Farkus turned to look to her when he heard the sound and what he saw made him see red as anger boiled inside him. She was bent down on the ground unable to stand on her leg which was bleeding onto the floor slowly. He could see her fighting with her sword while struggling to hold them back with her shield.
Farkus kept his cool until he allowed the change to overcome him his body turning into the werewolf he was inside. He started to change his body becoming the large hulking beast of a werewolf who was set on the destruction of the Silver-Hand warriors.
He launched himself at the humans that were trying to get through his defense to kill him but they were weaker than he was now. He tore through them slicing through their armor like it was nothing as he started moving around the room. He finally managed to circle around to where Jahel was fighting against her own foes her strength starting to fail her.
He could see the shock on her face as he attacked the Silver-Hand in his werewolf form. She hadn’t been in on the secret and he was wondering how she would take it when the battle was over.
Right now she moved back to put her back to a wall to keep the Silver-Hand from coming at her from behind. Jahel stood and watched as Farkus tore them apart sparing none of the acclaimed warriors that had come out to attack them. She was amazed at ferocity with which he killed the warriors around them.
When it was all over Farkus stopped the attacks he had been unleashing and he turned to look to Jahel.
His large brown eyes met her red ones and held as he saw many emotions cross her face.

Read Skyrim fanfiction pt.3 Silver-Bloods
AN: I know the Dustman’s Cairn quest goes a little differently in the game but I didn’t want it to play out that way in the story. If you want something that is strictly the game based quest story line I’m sure there are some somewhere. I will be making a few changes to the story line from the game as I go but the important stuff will stay the same.
Thanks for reading.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-01 07:48:12
Hit enter twice. Looks weird in the doc but sexy on the site. And no you don't need sex. There's the non-erotic tag.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-07 18:50:37
Yes I did make a Jahel in the game.Thank you guys for loving the story and being so supportive of means a lot to me that so many have liked and read the story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-05 23:33:11
Its pretty bad when people lie to try to get you to write what they want you to write.....
Loved the story so far!

as always. ....

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-02 11:58:35
I really do like this story, but when does the erotic part come in?
You're running really close to having your storys deleted because of the lack of eroticism.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-01 22:14:45
did you make a Jahel in game? you should and then give us an image.

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