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Now that 7 of the bad guys have been defeated, it appears that the last 3 are far more powerful than the others
Alan stood there for a few moments, though the lizard guy wasn't really a challenge to him, it still amazed Alan the arrogance lizard guy had. Hopix was holding her anger in check she could feel the guy was nowhere as strong as Alan, but still he was making threats. Looking at Alan she saw he was deciding what to do, go after the stronger of the 2 or the lizard guy.
"I'm not sure Hopix I'm smelling an ambush in all this, I've never trusted any of the beings I've met and I'm not about to. The minute I go after the stronger ones Lizard guy will be sure to show up and try to kill me while I am weaker."

Alan stood there for possibly 15 minutes them finally made a decision, turning toward one of the stronger bad mages Hopix's eyes were wide. Why go after that one? It wasn't the strongest, sighing she decided she'd trust Alan he hadn't been wrong yet except when he hadn't paid attention but Hopix felt that wasn't about to happen again. Pulling off the ground Alan started to levitate pushing forward he reached out and healed and repaired everything he could see. 20 minutes later they arrived at a uh... what the hell was it Alan thought, if he had to describe it he'd say it was a big pile of crap just thrown on the ground. Standing outside Alan reached out in all directions feeling everything. Then he took aim and blew a hole through the front of the “ugh” pile.

With a scream the owner came flying out, damn thought Alan a pile of crap and a dung beetle. "I will kill you for what you have done!" The huge beetle screamed at him, I won't allow you to live after what you did to Groc!"
Suddenly the beetle flew straight at him. Huh, this was new. Strengthening his shield the beetle hit it and knocked Alan on his ass! What the hell? Coming at him again, Alan caught it...or thought he had as it started to drag him. Letting it go, he suddenly felt the lizard guy, and blasted the hell out of an entire hill side.
The screams he heard had him smiling. Ducking Alan barely avoided getting hit again. Trying to stay calm Alan started to go through all the ideas that had sprung to his mind. Spray? No that was insane, what I really need is something to swat him with like a... Alan started to smile,

"You're dead, you can't touch me while I am flying, but I can batter you 'til your unconscious. I can..." the beetle boasted,
that is 'til Alan connected with a baseball bat effectively smashing the beetle in the head." Reaching out, Alan delved in, ripping everything he could from the beetle, screaming as he felt his power fade, Alan just left him there. Reaching out he did a massive freeing of the Fairixies.

Even with the new additions of Fairixies, the last bad guy still had over half of the population as its slaves, Alan could feel this last one was going to be a fight much like the first he'd defeated when he took the job. Alan freed another city removing everything that would kill them. Waiting he felt the approach of the large crowd. As before he told them of the city that was theirs now it had food and shelter, they were free. Of course as they were walking away Hopix had to explain to a few hundred this time before they could truely move on.

They'd only walked for a few minutes when Hopix turned to Alan, "when this is over there is much I need to tell you." Sighing she took a breath, Alan was staring at her a little odd. She had much to tell him, damn! What had the council 'forgotten' to tell him now?

"When this is over I will do all I can to sit and listen, I am just hoping it's not another surprise the council forgot to tell me." Alan growled.

"Oh dear!" Hopix said, "No it's nothing like that but I am afraid that it might mean the end of our partnership."

Alan had a panicked look for a second; he didn't think he could go without Hopix again. The last time had seemed like an eternity, and though he didn't want to admit it he was actually starting to feel something for her, Now that she was feeling healthier, she appeared to look even more beautiful to Alan. Sighing he knew though that it would never work there sizes alone were the one deciding factor against anything happening between them, I guess it was just better not to say anything and be near her than to speak up and seem a damn fool. Sighing that was the problem though he already felt a fool just having feelings for her.
Shaking his head, he'd eliminated another of the bad guys, walking to the hill where the lizard guy was he slowly approached expecting to see the lizard fried. Coming around he stopped short, crap the idiot got away again! Good god what was it going to kill this ass? This was the third time he'd gotten away. Sighing he informed Hopix who was upset herself, she didn't exactly feel safe with that maniac out there hunting them.

Reaching out Alan felt everywhere; apparently, the lizard guy had run. Alan couldn't feel him anywhere on the planet. Figures Alan thought, I had thought he was a coward when I first met him now I'm sure of it. ’Oh well,’ Alan thought, as he turned toward the place where he felt the last bad Mage. ‘Hmmm,’ Alan thought, ‘this one isn't going to be a pushover, feels like he's been here for quite a while.’

"This last one is going to be a fight Hopix," Alan told her.

"I thought all of them were a fight for you," Hopix replied.

"In a small way, they were, but this one has an amount of power I haven't felt before, hell I haven't really felt them compared to this. I know that if I am not ready when I go into this I am a dead man." Alan said looking back at Hopix who had stopped her mouth hanging open.

"Alan you can't talk like that," Hopix told him.

"I'm sorry Hopix but it's the truth I have to be ready, I don't think he'll try to retake the planet, or I feel that he'd already have tried. No I think he's waiting for me, hell I think a great many are waiting on me." Alan said.

"What do you mean Alan a great many are waiting on you?" Hopix asked.

"You've noticed that no one else has shown up to try and retake the planet?" Alan asked her, to which she only nodded. "I think that a great many are waiting to see if I survive this, especially the dark council." Looking behind him Alan looked at the empty space. "Are you really that desperate that you are actually here watching?" Alan asked.
Hopix was staring at first Alan then the empty space, what was he doing, and just whom was he talking to?

"We see, so you have gained far more knowledge than we at first thought," the red skinned leader of the dark council said.

"Yes Reficul, I know far more than any of you realize, Alucard, Htaed, Lycaon Noacyl, should I go on?" All the members of the council he called out each in turn gasp. "I know all of you though I find it strange that you all have human names, I also know what saying your name forward will do. Shall we try?"

"NO!" the leader roared. "You have made your point; there will be no interference from us in any regard."

"And," Alan stated.

"Nor any of our agents that haven't been here." the leader said.

"No, how about we make it, by none of your agent’s period, including lizard guy, when I destroy the last one, this planet is free from you, is that understood?" Alan told them.

"I think you go a little far," a dark human looking man with fangs said.

"No I don't Alucard, or should I say Drac...," Alan started.

"NO!" the leader and the dark man shouted. Growling at Alan then conferring with the other 11, finally the leader spoke up.

"Alright you have your conditions, but you know we will consume you when you lose so we're not that worried. Ydnar isn't a weak child as the others were; he is far older than you think." Leaning closer the leader continued, "We will still be watching you Alan Glanto."
With that they were gone. Alan smiled he'd almost pissed his pants, they were the foulest, most evil and vile creatures Alan had ever heard of, strange but they were all creatures of human creation.

"Alan, are you ok?" A terrified and still shaking Hopix asked. She'd been terrified when the dark council suddenly shown up, plus the fact that Alan knew they were there. Looking Alan up and down she saw no difference but she knew that he had grown in so many ways, if only..., no! She wasn't going to go there again and torture herself again with thoughts like that; it was enough just to be near him. Then she remembered the words of the elder of the elder on the Trembly world. She had to tell him, he needed her more than she thought.

Alan looked at Hopix god he realized it in that second he was falling for her, it couldn't happen. Alan decided he had to harden his heart to the feelings he was feeling, though he was starting to love her there was nothing he could do about it. Hopix was still shaking when she saw Alan turn toward her. Suddenly all her fears vanished, huh? She'd never experienced this before, Alan had a strange look in his eyes a look she couldn't recognize though it did seem familiar, and then she saw it shift to pain. Pain? Why was Alan feeling pain? Then almost as suddenly, she saw that he was pushing it down smothering everything, the pain, the emotion, the feelings it was all gone! NO! He couldn't go into the battle like this! She had to tell him everything right now!

"Alan you can't push your emotions down, it will get you killed it is how they can
take you! Please Alan you have to feel! You have to I...," Hopix was saying when the last evil mage appeared.

"I got tired of waiting! It is finally time for you to die!"
This time the being appeared as something more normal. Alan looked at the creature in front of him, though it was 12 feet high, it appeared more like a green eyed, grey colored fur covered wolf.

"It is a shame that you picked such a noble creature to disguise yourself as." Alan said a hint of sadness in his voice.

"A shame huh? Why do you say that as sadly as you did," the creature asked him.

"You disgrace the image and reputation of a noble and proud creature," Alan responded.

"Noble? Proud? You are an idiot and a lout. The wolves of earth are killing machines, ruthless murderers who kill without discretion; you really are a do-gooder aren't you? Good and here I thought I might feel bad a little killing you, but not NOW!" the wolf creature said releasing a huge blast of???? ‘What the hell was it’ Alan thought?

Too late Alan realized it was a cold blast that weakened his shield. Firing again the next blast ripped through Alan's shield ripping a path across his arm,

"Bah!" The wolf creature growled out, "Here I thought you might be a challenge, you're more like me, no emotion nothing, when I briefly fought you before you were almost too much but now? You're not even worth the effort." Blasting again another shot ripped past his chest raising a small trickle of blood, driving him back to the boulders that Hopix was hiding behind.

"Alan! You can't lose you can't!" Hopix whispered to him.
I am screwed, Alan thought I've lost so much, so many if only, no but before I die I have to tell her. Thinking of Hopix his shield flared, not only blocking the blast but sending it back at the wolf hitting him in the face blinding him for a few minutes. Crawling in pain Alan finally got to Hopix.

"I am sorry Hopix, I am going to die I wasn't strong enough. I have to tell you before I die, before I never have a chance." Hopix was staring at Alan what was he talking about? "I found out weeks ago that I am in love with you but I know it can never be. Please forgive me but I had to tell you before I died." Alan had tears in his eyes as he expected her to laugh in his face. Alan had closed his eyes he didn't want the last thing he saw was her scorn and ridicule. At least he thought she would, but when he only heard her crying he opened his eyes to see her staring at him tears falling from her eyes.

"Oh my god, you love me? I thought you only tolerated me. I thought you didn't really want me around." Hopix stated.

"No! When I thought you were gone for good, all I could think of was you, I missed you that bad." A shocked Alan said.

"Alan, I love you! I have for a while now, I left home when they wanted me to stay I HAD to be with you." An excited Hopix said. The wolf creature had finally cleared it's eyes that plus the fact of them sharing exchanges of love had him wanting to puke.

Alan saw the wolf creature start to move toward him, "are you 2 done or do I have to vomit on you to stop?" Alan stood up not noticing that the burns on his arm were almost healed.

"We'll continue this later." Alan smiled at Hopix feeling a surge of power throughout his body strange he thought. The wolf fired several bolts at Alan, almost all bounced off 1 actually hitting the wolf in the leg.

"You ass! How in the hell did you boost your power like that? You've never shown power like that before!." the wolf shouted at Alan.

"I don't know and right now I really don't care all that much, all I know is that you are toast!" Alan said as he started to fire at the wolf for the first time.

"Ha! So weak!" the wolf said 'til the blast skipped through the shield nearly brushing the same leg as before. For the next hour they blasted away at each other, Alan took several hits to his legs, his arms, a few brushed his face and head. Bleeding from several places Alan could only smile, the wolf was in far worse shape also bleeding in more than a few places, both were on the ground no longer able to stand, Alan's left arm was stiff he thought it might be broken in 2 places.

The wolf had broken legs like Alan though all four of its legs were broken; there was a gash down the left side. There were several burns to its fur, one eye had been destroyed, and its mouth was hanging open with blood coming out of it.

"Are you ready to concede defeat?" Alan asked him, "you're almost dead, your energy is gone as is nearly your life force."

"Never! You can't defeat me! I am far stronger than you!" Firing another blast Alan was barely able to block it, sending his own blast it struck the wolf's shield near its head. The wolf was screaming as the blast started to eat away at his shield, "NO! NO! I can't be defeated!" Unable to block further, the blast hit full force exploding the wolf's head; Alan tried to move back, but was unable to avoid being bathed in the brains and blood.

The dark council appeared a moment later, as did the white council. "Alan Glanto we concede the defeat of our agent all conditions that were agreed upon are fulfilled, you have won for now but you will be ours!" With that, they faded. The white council, all reached out freeing all the Fairixies, healing the planet, searching they also found Hopix's brother, though badly injured he was still alive, though they didn't know how much longer. Alan could see all the pain her brother was in.
Never one to pass on a chance to help Alan reached out to Hopix's brother Torax, sending the absolute last of his energy he brought Torax back from the brink of death. Finally able to breathe easier Torax opened his eyes seeing Hopix.

Coughing he told her, "He has to stop he is using his life force he will die, this I cannot let happen."

Afraid Hopix went to Alan, "Alan my love you have to stop, if you die I will also,"

Alan halted what he was doing. "You'll die? Why?" He asked.

"You are my life Alan Glanto, without you there can be no life, please my love rest. As you said we'll continue this later, now rest and heal." Hopix said.

Alan nodded letting the blessed darkness take him, god I'm tired he thought as he felt Hopix kiss him, ‘mmm that was nice’ he thought.

Hopix looked at her brother he was weak but somehow Alan had brought him back now they both needed rest, though for her brother she could heal him, at least most of the outer injuries. The more internal ones Alan would have to do, though his energy had done a partial healing as it was now her brother was alive but twisted as the children that Alan had healed had been. Standing over her brother she had to concentrate it was hard to heal her brother when all her thoughts were on Alan.

"My god," Torax said, "after all this time it has finally happened, you are in love with the greatest Mazey that has ever been. I never thought I'd live to see the day that you would find love."

"I know," Hopix, said she could feel her brother's eyes staring at her studying her, "I couldn't believe it myself when I realized it. Before you ask, yes I told him during the battle he thought he was dying and told me he loved me! I thought my heart was going to burst!"

"Ok, Ok! I get it, wait he told you he loved you? Did you tell him that you loved him?" Torax asked afraid of what she might say.

"Of course!" Hopix told her brother what did he take her for?

"How did he take the news? About the secret?" Torax said.

Here Hopix looked down, "I... I didn't get a chance to tell him, he said we'd discuss this later." She told her brother.

"Hopix! You have to tell him, you have to! It's the law the only thing saving you right now is that he is unconscious, the minute he wakes up you have to tell him!" Torax told her a little worried; he could see the effects already starting to set in. Her wings were growing more solid, her skin was paler than it was.

"You think I don't know that? You think I want to die? I have known the results of love upon our people when it's with an outsider race." Hopix told him though she knew he was right the only thing saving her right now was the fact that he was so weak and deeply unconscious.

"You have to contact mother Hopix, she's the only one that might be strong enough to heal him, and even then I'm not sure even she could do that much. Can you call her? I would but I haven't the strength." Torax said.

"I can try, it has been a very long time since I attempted this." Hopix told him. Concentrating Hopix searched for her mother, finally after a few minutes she found her. "Mother, Mother?"

"Hopix, it has been a long time since you called me...., what's wrong? Is Alan alright?" her mother asked.

"No mother he was hurt badly freeing the sister planet, I can no longer heal him plus he used part of his life force to bring Torax back." Hopix said.

"I will be there in a few skees, what..., what else is wrong something has changed, and you feel different," her mother asked.

"I am in love with Alan as he is me. Yes, I told him as he did me, but I wasn't able to tell him the secret. I am afraid I will die before I can tell him." Hopix sadly said.

"It's alright," a voice behind her, said, "momma is here."

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-07-29 10:41:14
this had me on the brink of fucking tears

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-12 03:18:47
crazy man, cant wait for the next !

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-09 03:26:06
Two treats in one night! Thanks, I agree with Johnny Rotten, you are one of the stronger active talents on this site. Thanks for all the fun. Another great read.


2016-01-08 22:27:54
Another unexpected plot twist ;)
When I first started reading your work I could tell that you Had talent, and as l have continued l have had the pleasure of seeing your work improve and grow Exponentially.
I would dare to say that you "are one of the best Writers on this site"!
Definitely one of my favorites.....
Keep up the great work!
as always
johnny rotten

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-08 18:37:17
more please :)

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