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She let her guard down and took a chance on this wounded warrior and found the warrior still was more than she'd been looking for
Riding With Martin Ch.2

By Jax_Teller

Recap from Chapter 1

Martin had been through a war and eventually survived after years of therapy and rehabilitation. He found himself starting life in a whole new way and a different world than He'd left. Growing up in a rural farm community, a third generation farmer he's feared his life would be as dull and predictable as every one around him. That's why the military seemed like the way out and in the end it was his way out. What he'd not counted on was that once out of the world as he knew it, he would not be able to return comfortably.

The war took his legs and his mobility which meant for him, he would never be able to live in his home town. The big city offered him accessibility both in housing and to the outside world. It was one of his first independent jaunts by himself after years of relying on helpers. Driving by himself, Karma had put him in a place out of his comfort zone and changing his life forever. That fateful night he met Abby in the kinkiest of situations. The pretenses of dating, left at the door they found each others' true selves.

The awkwardness of learning about each others limitations melted them into one. Abby and Martin grafted into each other and found themselves. Martin realizing his Dominant side, Abby committing to serving one who had everything to give her. They spent the night together after a late night of sexual adventure for both of them. Abby learning his abilities to spite his disabilities, Martin discovering all that he had to give.

Chapter 2

Martin and Abby woke next to each other in his modified hospital bed. The VA had supplied him with almost everything he needed, but some things were less than aesthetically appealing. Still Abby arose and went to the bathroom and Martin feeling the cold where she'd been, awoke. At first it was like a dream, the thoughts flooding back from the club and the sights he'd witnessed to the wonderful woman he'd met. He had opened up to her and not been disappointed like so many times before.

She let her guard down and took a chance on this wounded warrior and found the warrior still was more than she'd been looking for. Martin was a smile from ear to ear as the still naked Abby stepped out of the bathroom looking to him for direction. He told Abby to get the eggs out of the refrigerator and put them on the counter so He could make breakfast for them. She started to get her clothes on when Martin saw her. He said stay naked while you are here asserting his dominance. She said thank you sir acknowledging her acceptance of his authority over her.

Abby began a journey that day of submission to a worthy albeit novice Dominant. Martin took her home that morning with instructions to follow. She was to keep a daily journal of her thoughts and feelings regarding the journey she was undertaking with him. She was to call him once a day in the evening to review her day. When ever she was able to, she was to be unclothed especially at his place. Included in her duties to him were to ask permission to masturbate and to report it in her journal noting her thoughts and if she'd achieved orgasm. As the days went by He studied the role of Dominance, often looking around him for tools he could use.

Martin found the web site called Fetlife during his research and found groups that held meetings in his area. They were called a Munch and were held at a local restaurant that met once a month on Friday evening. He called the contact person and asked about Handi-cap accessibility and what was he could expect. A woman answered his inquiries assuring him the meeting was a public gathering of like minded folks. She said play parties discussed during the time of announcements, but there is no playing at a munch. She told him her name on FetLife was LadyLillith32 and and to check out her profile.

Martin spent the next month making friends on Fetlife learning a lot. It was clear to him that the group holding the munch also held regular play parties.The group had protocols and safety measures in place such as being vetted to attend a party. Martin wanting to get some experience playing before going to a party ordered a flogger, leather cuffs, some rope and a variety of other items on-line. Over the next couple weeks Martin and Abby got together for dinner and a couple times they went to the club where they met at. They were on a learning expedition both of the kinky world around them and within themselves, and their roles together.

The day his order was delivered he texted Abby to come over after she got off work the next day. She texted back yes sir, and he went about practicing with using the rope on the handles of his manual wheel chair. The rope work seemed to come naturally to him, instinctively picking it up without much effort. Having the tools, he practiced the clasps on the leather cuffs, getting used to them. He pulled out the flogger and twirled it a few times and got the feel for it. Martin took a condom blew it up and tied it to a chair back. He practiced his distance and impact to get some feeling for the floggers capability. Doing these things while seated in a wheel chair made it difficult, but he was determined to work it out.

The next day Abby showed up after work and Martin had diner on the table ready for her. As she walked into the room he reminded her about not wearing clothes in the apartment. She said thank you sir and removed her clothes. They sat and ate diner discussing their ideas on d/s freely. Martin was very attentive to her answers and his words, making sure there was a clear meeting of their minds. He discussed with her the possibility of making a contract between them. Abby was very excited at the prospect and after a lengthy discussion they agreed to a hand written contract.

After their mutual agreement to the contract, Martin asked her if she would like to play. Abby jumped at the opportunity, and they discussed and set a safe word. Martin told her to go into the living room. He went to the bed room and retrieved the gym bad he'd made up for all the kinky stuff. Martin went to the living room to find Abby sitting on the couch, her legs spread and lightly running her hand over her clit in a curricular motion, kneading her breast with the other. She was quite the sight and it was difficult not to just fuck her and then play, but he relented knowing this was her being a brat, so he could punish her.

Martin said what a bad little slut, playing with your self without permission. He wasn't about to let her get away with that, and told her in a stern voice to go lean over the arm of the couch. She pouted and lingered for a second and then did as she was told. He rolled up to the couch and pulled the rope from the bag. He did a basic figure eight wrap around her wrists finishing the knot so it left a long tail. He rolled to the other end of the couch and tied to rope over the arm of the couch around one leg, to the other and back to the main tail creating a secure point.

Martin rolled back to the other end of the couch dragging his hand down her butt and giving her a light swatt. He pulled another piece of rope from the bag and tieing first her ankles together and then ran the tail up to her knees securing them to the couch. This left her basically secured in a bent over position. He rolled along side her and stroked her back with his finger nails causing her to jump slightly. He pulled the flogger from the bag drawing it out slowly for her benefit, as she's never seen it before.

She seemed to tremble at the anticipation of the eventual blows to come. Martin was careful to twirl the flogger symmetrically from one side of his arm to the other and back. The lashes making a distinctive sound as they moved through the air. He moved closer to her butt checks until he was lightly brushing them with the flogger. He went on switching from one side to the other paying close attention to her skin and her response. When he was satisfied with the coverage and reddening of her skin he stopped.

Abby was gyrating her butt almost beckoning the lashes to touch her more. Martin was happy to leave her wanting more at this time so he moved to the bag pulling out some lotion. He rubbed some on her butt where he'd touched her with the flogger. He examined the skin to see what if any damage he'd done. He was getting aroused rubbing her butt, appreciating the perfect mounds of flesh. He let his hand wander for a second into the crack of her ass.

Abby's response grinding her butt into his touch, made him stop. Giving in to sexual gratification at this point was premature. Abby was turning into quite the temptress, or maybe he was just seeing this side of her for the first time. Either way he liked the slutty side of her. Martin pulled the paddle from the bag, twisting it in his hand feeling the weight. He laid the paddle on her back and slapped her butt a few times on each cheek. Her skin was all ready loosing the redness from the flogger and he deemed a paddling was good timing.

Martin raised the paddle with exaggeration and lightly snapped it on her butt cheek and then quickly on the other. He kept a light barrage of taps until her skin started getting red again. Abby was beginning to lean forward as much as her restraints would allow, which wasn't much. Martin took it into account and adjusted to increase the power of the paddle. The paddle blows started leaving darker red three inch round marks which made Martin nervous. He stopped and once again rubbed some lotion over the marks on her ass. He resisted the urge to go between her legs, and moved up her back.

He used his finger nails starting at her shoulders and scratched down her back to the top of her butt. The second time he dug a little harder almost drawing blood as he scraped her skin. After several turns Abby started mewing, rocking her hips into the arm of the couch effectively dry humping the couch arm. Her breathing was rapid and her gyrations were causing her nipples to rub the couch cushion back and forth. It was then he saw her nipples were very red from rubbing so hard into the couch.

Martin held her still, hugging her, then releasing the ropes from her wrists. He rolled back and untied her legs releasing her. Martin transferred to the couch and pulled her to him not that it took much as she melted into him. The subspace that she was experiencing was something he'd read about but was sure it would take awhile for him to bring her to that point. He stroked her hair and the side of her face lightly reassuring her that she was safe and he was there for her. It took a short while and she recovered, he made no attempt to rush her or to initiate sex.

When they kissed, it was slow and tender, tasting each other as if they had never had taken a breath before that moment. They held onto each other only breaking the kiss to reposition themselves. Abby slid her hand over his chest and he felt the welted scrapes on her back as he rubbed her. They were affirming their roles and the depth of how committed they were to the Dominant, submissive roles and to each other. Martin reached into his bag and Abby flinched slightly at what he may have in mind, apprehensive about what he was about to do next. He lifted his hand slowly, dragging the drama of the situation on, and revealed a leather collar.

The leather collar was thick and soft, with a gold plated latch in the back, and gold swivel ring on the front side. Abby gushed sweet happy tears as she turned her back to Martin raising her hair so he could put the collar on. As he latched the collar in the back he said with this collar I claim you as mine to honor and hold you on the pedestal of my life. Abby turned back to him and said really Sir~? A happy bounce to her question. Martin said Abby Sciuto will you be my slave, move in with me and make me the man of my wildest dreams? Oh yes Sir~ she answered.

A week passed quickly and the D/s couple grew more together with every moment they were together. Moving Her in with him saw surprisingly simple. She didn't have furniture as she was sharing a furnished apartment. Her room mate was ready to take over the rent for the added space. Finely it was the the forth Friday, the night of the Munch. After she got off work, they drove to the restaurant where the munch was being held. Abby wore her collar at his request, it seemed hidden under the neck line of her shirt. As they entered the greeter asked two? Martin said they were there for the private group, and the greeter led them to a room in the back for over flow and private parties. He rolled in and Abby moved a chair out for him and she sat at his side. The waitress came in and asked what they wanted to drink, they both said sweet tea.

The room filled and over diner, introductions were made going around the table. One woman had caught his eye, he couldn't remember from where, but he knew her. The face so familiar, but it just wasn't coming to him yet. She introduced herself as LadyLillith32, Lillith “flowers” Johnson. That was it, that is who she was, flowers was the gunner on the Hummer when it hit the IED. Abby knew the story of how Martin became disabled, but didn't make the connection. Lillith lost her right arm below the elbow, had her helmet and side of her face blown off, but here she was. Martin noted the light leather coat she had on and matching gloves were concealing her prosthetic arm. Her face showed no signs of having ever been blown off.

Internally he could not wait for the meeting to be over. Both he and Abby listened as the meeting went on much more like a large family get together catching up on the goings on. The play parties were announced with the warning issued that anyone who plans to attend must be vetted, and read the specific protocals of the individual parties listed on the Fetlife group. They stayed until the bulk of folks had left, and Martin told Abby to follow him. He rolled around the table to where Lillith was sitting and she turned to talk to him. He asked her if she knew him, and she said she remembered him vividly. Lillith and Martin both looked far away for a second remembering the last seconds of their shared tragedy.

He became aware that Abby didn't know who Lillith was and had been patiently waiting for an explanation. Abby had thought maybe she was a previous lover or one of the people who couldn't see past the wheel chair and had turned him down. Martin put his arms out to hug Lillith, they hugged and slapped each others back. He turned to Abby recognizing the confused look on her face and told her who Lillith was. They all three chatted as the rest of the group filed out until they were all that was left. The wait staff cleaned up and began resetting the tables as Martin and Lillith talked about Afghanistan and their lives since.

Lillith told them they were now vetted with the group and would be welcome at any of their parties. Martin thanked her and they hugged again letting go with tears. Lillith said they should go to the play party at Dani's treasure box, tomorrow night. The address would be emailed to him in the morning and that she'd be there too. Abby and Lillith hugged and as they separated Lillith asked may I reaching to Abby's collar. Martin answered yes. Lillith took hold of the gold ring in front and pulled Abby's mouth to hers and they kissed lightly. Lillith let her go commenting, how beautiful, which Abby obviously took to mean the collar, and Lillith clarified saying and the collar is pretty too.

As he drove away, Martin talked some more about Afghanistan, how he knew flowers and why she was called flowers. He went into more details than he'd ever shared, Abby just listened as he drove to the club where they met. This night was different though for they were ready to play. and took his bag of Kink with him when he got out of the van. Abby lit up seeing the bag, and she seemed as happy as he'd ever seen her. That night was their first time opening up in front of others. They'd been to the club a few times together but they were both just learning about the lifestyle then. The doorman recognized them right away and let them in.

Martin paid for a play space and rolled over to where it was. He set his bag on the table and laid out the items as if they had assigned places. Another scene next to them just finished up as Abby stripped down to her collar and a pair of rainbow stockings. Martin put the leather cuffs he bought on her and told her to snap them to the crosses' eyelet. He secured her legs in place, and more folks gravitated to their space to watch from behind the ropes. He turned to the table and picked up the flogger. He carefully began lightly laying the lashes of the flogger on her shoulders and dragging them down her back, and off her butt.

Martin teased her with the lashes of the flogger ever so gently, then increasing the pressure until he had a good rhythm going. He moved about her back and butt, bringing a nice red glow to her ass. He slowed to a stop, Abby having come close to her limit was relieved when he stopped all together. Martin checked her to make sure she was up for more, and the condition of her skin. He reached tot he table and picked up the paddle. He had to position himself off to a side maneuvering until he was properly situated.

He cracked the paddle across her ass cheeks, so loud the impact that it sounded like lightening. Abby jumped at the impact, but said nothing. Martin rolled back, and gave her several more smacks with the paddle lightly. He kept at her until she began wiggling and her breathing got labored. Once again he stopped and checked her, making sure her skin wasn't damaged. Martin used his finger nails to scratch down her back to her lower legs.

Abby shuddered as his nails scratched the edges of her butt and down her legs once more. He could tell she was near orgasm and wasn't going to take much more. Martin held on to her shoulder with hand leaned in to her as he scratched down her back again. He lightly commanded her to come. The words weren't out of his mouth when Abby gushed thrusting her pelvis forward and back. His nails touched her red ass and her legs shook and her orgasm splashed down her legs and on to the floor between her legs.

Martin undid the ties on her legs and held her steady as he reached up undoing the quick releases on the leather cuffs. He rolled back pulling her onto his lap and hugged her to him. There was a round of quiet claps as Martin waved his hand and snuggled her tight to him. Once Abby came down from subspace, he let her loose and she stood up. He started gathering things into the bag as she got dressed. As they exited the roped in play area, several people stopped to say great performance and to talk.

Kelly one of the people from the Munch came over and introduced herself and we talked for awhile. Kelly said she would be going to the party at Dani's treasure box and hoped to see us there. She said it was a private home on 20 acres, that Dani Owned. She used it for exclusive parties, and raised livestock on the land. It was only five miles out of town, but she maintained her home in the city. I asked her if the wheel chair would be a problem.Kelly said the place was a one story ranch house and it was newly rebuilt after a fire so it met all the codes.

Martin and Abby departed the club with a whole new world opening up to them. They went home and made love tenderly enjoying the comforts of home. The next morning Martin told Abby that he wanted to go do some kinky shopping. After breakfast Abby asked where they'd be going to first and Martin said the hardware store of course.

The End

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-28 12:51:09
The best part of this story was the last two words. The End.

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