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Business losses are not always unlucky.
Hello Friends,

This story of mine is based on how I had suffered losses in business and my wife asked me to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. It’s about how I met a young lady and her daughter during my vacation and how I got attracted to them. It’s about how they reciprocated my attraction and ended up having the best night of their (our) life.

Here we go,

I am Paul, aged 45 years, 3 months and 12 days (I wanted to be precise) but with a nicely worked out body. My body doesn’t reflect my age and there are many young girls always dreaming of sharing a bed with me (or at least a sofa). That’s how I met Keera, my wife. We were scholars in the same batch in St. George Institute of Commerce and got to know each other only after 14 months of our introduction to the school. That was when she had a crush on me and I also had some kind of attraction to her. It was not till the end of our education (by then we had become close friends) that we had disclosed our feelings with each other. We dated for around a couple of months. She was the best at bed too (that was a bonus).It was a friend of ours who suggest us to become life partners and so we decided to marry. The marriage procession was a large one and my dad had thrown an extravagant party at the occasion of my marriage. Soon we were the parents of a lovely little girl, Emily.

My life was going off well (a bit better than ‘well’) and we were enjoying our life to the best. I had inherited my dad’s business and it was at its zenith. I had become a renowned businessman and our family was among the most respected in the society. Every person needs a control over his progress and if there is no control over his progress then time takes a turn and gets a hold of him. I too was not in control and had become so greedy (I admit that!) that I started investing more money in my business (more than required). My advisers had warned me against such a foolish action. They had predicted that the market will fall and so will our company but I didn’t pay heed to them. At first I gained a good profit and was happy at my decision but soon the tide of time took its toll at my life. My company’s stocks fell (as predicted!) but the worst was still to come. A complaint was filed against my company for producing low quality products. An investigation took place and my company was found guilty. The respect which it had in the market declined and soon we were in huge debts. It was the worst phase of my life when I had to shut down my company due to bankruptcy.

I had broken down and had lost the will to live but couldn’t finish off myself because of the fear of rendering my family defenseless. My wife was concerned about my health and it was she who advised me to take a break from the city life.
“But how can I go to have some fun after all this crap?”
“Who said that I am sending you to have fun? I am doing that so that you might have some peace which you have been deprived of, in this city. That would also improve your health and then you will be able to work harder and regain all the lost respect.”
I was quiet for some time and she spoke again, “Paul, you know what, I don’t care about whatever happened to the company because it was your dad’s. But I do care about you and I can’t see you weakening slowly with the passage of each second. That was just a company, it was you who took it to the zenith and I am more than sure that you can do that again with just a bit of peace and focus. This vacation would provide you peace in plenty and you will be right on the track when you return. Baby, please try to understand my… “
By that time I had realized how much my wife cared for me and so I couldn’t refuse her advice. I interjected, “Ok I will go for the vacation and freshen up myself.”

My wife had planned out my stay in a country-side hotel. It was an isolated mansion which a lady had bought some months earlier but had turned it into a hotel for her livelihood. The housing rent was quite low but still one could seldom be seen taking shelter. This was mainly because the hotel was surrounded by a dense forest which gave it a sort of haunted look. My wife had booked a room in that hotel not because it was cheap (or maybe because of that, who can understand women) but because it was very serene and it had all the features of a peaceful place.

The place was about six hours from my house and so I had to start early to avoid entering the forest (which surrounded the hotel) late at night because even if the hotel was not haunted, the surrounding forest could be quite dangerous at night. I was about a quarter mile away from the hotel and it was about to get dark, when suddenly it started to rain cats and dogs. It was so abrupt that I even didn’t have the time to close the windows of the car before getting wet. By the time I reached the hotel, it was dark and I was all wet. The entrance of the hotel was open and a welcome board, with scraping letters, was hanging on it.

I entered the hotel and found myself standing in a large hall in front of a young and sexy lady. Just a second… did I say sexy? Oh yes… God! She was damn sexy. I had imagined the owner to be an aged, overweighed and ugly woman but I was awfully wrong! She was as beautiful as possible and had all the features to make anyone get HORNY. She had long, blonde hairs which flowed down to her waist; her hazel eyes had a Heavenly feeling about them; her lips were among the best I had ever seen (and believe me, I am a good kisser). Her hourglass figure was like the hot models (just a bit better) and her tits and ass constituted a major part of her weight. She saw me staring at her in awe and feigned to clear her voice, “Ahem, Ahem”. I was suddenly brought back to my senses.

“Oh, I am sorry.” I hesitated to speak further but her beauty was enough to extract my feelings, “I expected to meet an old, fat and rude woman but I was completely disappointed.”
She blushed and asked, “Why did you think that you would be meeting an old, fat and rude woman, Sir?”
“Because I didn’t believe that a young and beautiful lady could manage such a large mansion-hotel alone, where there is no self defense for her. But seeing you I think I will have to drop that opinion into the bin.”
“You surely have to do that, Sir? But may I know your registration number or are you here as a guest?”
“Oh no, my wife had booked a room for me, for around two weeks.”
“Oh, so are you Mr. Paul Williamson?”
“Please follow me. I’ll show you your room.”

She started climbing up a staircase and I followed her (staring at her swaying ass). Soon we got to the first floor and took right towards a white door. The floor was covered with a red carpet and there were many flower pots kept near the wall. We reached the room and she took out a key from her pocket and unlocked the door. Within a few seconds we were in the room and she was telling me about the services which she provided including breakfast-lunch-dinner, tea and snacks, laundry service and many others, which I couldn’t hear because my focus was on her super hot body. I was having an erection since the time I saw her end by now it was so hard that I was wincing due to the pain caused by it being squeezed in my tight jeans. Somehow she understood my problem and quickly summarized the daily routine and went away. After she had gone I quickly closed the door and opened up my jeans. My dick felt a bit relaxed but sensing the available space, it gained a large size and was throbbing hard with each heartbeat (nearly in sync).

It was after she had gone that I looked at the room and was awestruck. It was a big one (equivalent to two of the largest rooms at my house) and was well decorated. There were flower pots near the windows, with different types of flowers. The curtains were quite rich-looking, colored in red and gold. There were paintings and wall hangings on the walls. There was an attacked washroom to the room. The bed was Queen sized and had a quite soft mattress. There were many more articles like, vases, a television set, some glass and porcelain decorative objects and even a sofa set! This extravagance proved that this hotel might have been the abode of a distinguished family.

I had freshened up, jerked off my load and was taking rest when there was a knock at the door. I quickly opened the door and there was a girl standing in front of me holding a trolley laden with some covered dishes. I receded (a couple of steps) and she entered the room. She was very cheerful and her voice was as sweet as the lady I had met downstairs.

“Uncle Paul, here is your dinner. Please have it fast or it will get cold. Do you want me to serve it to you?”
“No dear, I can do that by myself.” I also sounded cheerful.
“Ok Uncle, if you require anything just ring the bell and I’ll be right here.” Saying this she moved back towards the door.
She was about to close the door after leaving when I asked her, “Who are you young girl?”
She replied I her cheerful voice, “I am Lara. I work here with my mom and am the usual attendant to the guests.”
“Was that lady your mother?”
She smiled a little and said, “I know that you couldn’t have guessed it. Many people take her to be my elder sister.”
“It was not their fault.”
She blushed, “Yes Uncle, I know that. She is so pretty that people really can’t guess her age. She is 38 years old but she looks like a 22 year old woman.”
“Where is your dad? Can you please ask him to give me some company if he is not busy?”
“I am sorry Uncle, but we do not leave with my dad. My mom and dad had a row and it got so worse that they separated.”
“Oh I am sorry Lara, I didn’t know about that.”
“It’s alright uncle.” And she smiled at me. I could no longer contain myself from eating and so I took off the plates from the trolley and started filling it up with the various delicacies from the trolley. I didn’t like the idea of eating alone so I asked Lara, “Lara, would you mind if I ask you to have dinner with me?”
“Uncle, actually my mother was a bit busy downstairs and I have got to help her out.”
“Why don’t you call your mother for dinner too? You see I don’t like eating alone and always need company while having my breakfast, lunch or dinner.”

“Ok Uncle, I would try to convince mom. Just give me five minutes.” Then she went out of the room and I laid down three plates with dinner. Within five minutes Lara returned to the room closely followed by her mother, the lady I had met downstairs. We took our seats at the sofa and started dining. It was after some time that Lara pointed out that the silence was eating her up and we started to talk to each other. I got to know that the mother’s name was Alice and her husband had married some other girl after their divorce. She managed the hotel along with her daughter and the income was enough for their survival. Alice’s brother was her only living relative and he used to come up to the hotel with household supplies, every month. Except them there was no one to look after the hotel. I got to know that the mansion was up for sale at a very low price but no one wanted it because of the eerie environment. Alice had bought it and made it a hotel so that she could earn a livelihood.

Soon we had finished our dinner and they had got ready to go. I thanked them for their company and they cheerfully wished me good night. They had nearly left the room and I was at the door, ready to close it, when Lara came back to me and kissed me on my cheeks and went away hurriedly and I was shocked from head to toe, by this action. I went to bed and tried to sleep but could do so because my mind was filled with thoughts which had suddenly popped up in my mind. Suddenly I had started to feel a certain amount of attraction towards the mother-daughter duo (especially Alice). It was since my marriage that I had stopped thinking about any other woman but now I could not remove their thoughts from my mind. After a about a couple of hours I was finally able to clear my mind and take some sleep.

The next morning was very welcoming. For the first time since years I had heard the sound of a bird chirping early in the morning and I was truly a mesmerizing voice. It woke me up early in the morning but because of its sweetness I didn’t even feel a headache (which was quite common for me in the city). I freshened up and wore my track suit and my jogging gear and went to open the door. As soon as I had opened the door, Lara stood before me with a smile on her face and asked, “Uncle would you mind accompanying us for a morning walk?”
“I was also about to go for the morning walk and I may as well accompany you” and I smiled back at her.
“Thank you Uncle Paul.”
“It’s my pleasure, Lara.”

We got down the stairs and out of the mansion where I saw Alice, waiting for us. When she saw us approaching she came up to me, quite worried, and said, “I am so sorry Sir, my daughter woke you up so early and forced you to come out for a walk. Please forgive her childish behavior and take rest.”
“It’s fine Alice, I was myself preparing to go out for a walk when Lara came in, requesting me to accompany her to a morning walk. So it was not a forced act of mine to accompany you but a willing one.”
“Thank you Paul.” This time she didn’t call me ‘Sir’ and instead took my name. This was a bit interesting for me and I got closer to her (not physically but psychologically). We got out to the forest and starting hiking through it. I was a bit afraid of the forest and was worried about our safety. Lara had seen anxiety in me and told me, “Uncle, you don’t have to be worried. It is a harmless forest. There is nothing wild roaming in it and is as safe as your garden, if you have any” and winked at me.

I relaxed a bit but not completely. Seeing that I couldn’t calm myself completely, she said to her mom (loud enough for me to hear), “Mom, Uncle Paul is worried about our safety in the forest. Why don’t you just talk to him a bit so as to drive his mind away from the forest?”
Alice looked at me and came closer to me. Soon we were talking to each other, slowly gaining our confidence and increasing the friendliness with each other. We didn’t talk about anything specific, we were talking about our personal and professional lives, our hobbies, likes and dislikes and I even caught myself talking to her (with her responding) about our sexual lives!” Whatever we might have been talking about but I got much more relaxed and started to enjoy the walk. The morning walk was also something which I used to do about eight years ago (before being declared the managing director of my dad’s company) and the fresh and light smell of the greenery just brightened me up.

We were back to the hotel after the walk and I had taken a shower to clear myself from the sweat. I took my breakfast along with them (just like the previous night’s dinner)¬¬¬ but we had it in their room, which was quite similar to the room allotted to me. The day was going off well and I was feeling a lot relaxed since I had nothing to do or worry about. In the evening (about 5:20) Lara entered my room with a bottle of oil. “Uncle Paul do you want the massage now?”
I was surprised, “Was there a massage in your services too?”
“Of course there was, if you choose the premium package, which you have chosen. Oh I mean, which your wife has chosen.”
“Who’ll be massaging me?”
“As you see, there is no one around other than me and my mom and my mom is busy with some other work, which implies that I am going to massage you.” She was smiling very wickedly, although she tried not to. I didn’t like the whole idea of her massaging me but she coerced me into acceptation.

Soon I was lying on a massage table, wearing just my underwear and she was applying oil to my back. My body tensed up as she touched my bare skin with her bare hands. I don’t know why but I liked the feel of her palm on my back and legs and the side of my body due to which I got a hard on. I tried to suppress it but it resulted to my twitching out of pain. Soon my back was completely oiled and massaged and Lara told me to flip to my back. I didn’t want her to see what effect her touch was bringing forth on my body and so I said, “Thank you Lara, but that was all I needed. Now you may go and take some rest. I am absolutely relaxed after this massage.”
“No way, Uncle, I am not going to leave my work incomplete. I will massage your whole body and then go to take some rest.” I tried to persuade her she was much more persuasive than me and finally I was lying on my back with her standing at my side, looking naughtily at my erection.

“So, this is what you were trying to hide from me, right?” I was quite embarrassed and was cursing my dick, which had formed a tall tent out of my underwear. She kept looking at it and suddenly took hold of my underwear and removed it. This took place in such a small interval of time that I couldn’t even react. Soon she was measuring my dick with her hand (nearly 7.5” long and 2” wide) and moving it up and down along the shaft. ”Wow uncle, your dick feels so good in my hands! It’s amazing! It can easily fill me up completely!” I was shocked beyond measure to even react to this action of hers. She was jerking my dick and was already on the way to give me a blowjob when I spoke in utter amazement, “Lara, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Exactly what you are seeing, Uncle.” This time she emphasized on the last word.
“But this is not right! I can’t let you do this.”
“And how the fuck will you stop me? By the way your”

I had barely got up by a few degrees when she untied the lace of the gown which she was wearing leading to the exposure of her lovely, nude body. My mouth fell open at this view and all the blood started to move from my body to my dick and made it extra hard (just a bit of exaggeration). I got so horny that I pulled her to myself and started licking her well shaved, extra soft pussy, with all the lust hidden inside me. She started moaning heavily and had an orgasm within a few minutes. Then I got down from the table and laid her on it. She spread her legs wide apart to give me place to sit and drive my dick into her pussy. Reflexively I kneeled down in the given space and slowly started to insert my granite-hard dick into her swollen and dripping wet, pussy. She moaned in pleasure as I started to insert my dick bit by bit into her pussy, “Aaaahhh… aaahhhhh… Uncle push it in harder… fuck your little girl harderrrrrrrr…aaaahhhhh.” Her pussy was quite tight and it took her quite some time to accept the whole of my dick into her body.

After my complete dick was inside her pussy, she pushed me away. My dick had near come out of her body when she again pulled me towards her. Soon we were repeating this at quite a good pace and I felt her second orgasm, squeezing my dick from all the sides and finally her juices started leaking from her clit. I held her tits in my hands and began feeling them. They were so soft that I could have just kneaded them. I ran my hand across her waist and abdomen, which led to tremors in her body. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me towards her. I reciprocated her pull and readily began kissing her lips with full gusto. I started moving my lips down her neck and shoulder and across the fleshy part of her tits and landed them on her nipple. As I began sucking her sweet nipples she began moaning at the top of her voice (mainly because I had started thrusting my dick more inside her pussy).”ohhhh…mmmyyyyy… Uncle you are … aaaahhhh…you are such a great fffuuuuuccckkkk!!!” I could feel my necessity to cum and shortly I started to unload myself inside her. Four shots were enough to fill her up and soon my cum was overflowing out of her pussy.

I was lying on top of her right after unloading when suddenly there was a shriek of delight from Lara. I turned my head towards the door (where she was looking) and found that Alice was standing there. I got all panicky and was about to get out of her when I noticed that Alice was completely nude too and her hands were rubbing against her sexy pussy (which was similar to Lara’s and presently dripping with her juice). I felt a wave of lust flow through me and got out of Lara, walked right up to Alice, took the back of her neck in my hand, directed her slightly towards me and ended up kissing her vigorously (along with her replying me with her kisses). I took her to the table and pushed her down to her knees and thrust my dick into her mouth. Soon I, Lara and Alice were having great threesome sex (my first ever threesome). Alice was blowing me, Lara was licking her mother’s pussy and I was holding Lara upside-down so that I could lick her pussy.

I had never in my life jerked a second time in such a quick succession and neither had I been blown with such vigour (although my wife can give the best blowjobs one might ever have experienced, but this one was much better). It may be called sheer luck or awesome timing that all the three of us came at exactly the same moment. I had filled Alice’s mouth with my cum and she was exclaiming, “Oh wow Paul, you still had so much inside you and that too of such good quality!’

We were all relaxing after that threesome session when suddenly Lara handed me a tablet. “What is it?”
“Its Viagra, uncle, don’t you know about it? It will help you to get aroused and have a hard on so that you might fuck mom too.”
“Oh my God! What kind of a daughter are you? You want me to fuck your mother just after fucking you and for that you are giving me this pill!”
“I am just like that, Uncle.” And she started to laugh wickedly.

I myself wanted to fuck Alice and so took the pill and as expected, I was ready to fuck the whole night without being exhausted (at least I felt like that). Alice stood up and bent over the table so that I could fuck her from behind. I got my tool ready and rammed it into her pussy from behind. Her moans were so great that Lara started to masturbate herself to orgasm. I kept thrusting my dick into her body and she kept shouting with pleasure, “Faster Paul, do it faster, I want to sense your power, aaahhhhhh.”
I started to fuck her with great speed and the thumping of my groins to her ass could be heard clearly. Lara sat on the table in front of her mom and pushed Alice’s mouth to her wet pussy. Alice began to lick it with good speed and soon Lara had her third orgasm! (Oh god, how many orgasms can a woman have continuously!). I started to fuck Alice wildly which stung her a bit but she endured it due to the pleasure that she was getting out of it (that’s another point due to which I am jealous of women, they draw much more pleasure than us while having sex).

Soon I had some plan of fucking her ass. I asked, “Alice, what do you think about anal?”
“Well, if done well, it’s more pleasurable and if not done properly then it hurts much.”
She understood my thoughts by the look on my face and pushed my dick out of her pussy and asked me to give her an anal fuck. Immediately I took hold of my dick and directed it towards Alice’s asshole. Lara tried to make her mom ready for the anal by inserting her middle finger in her asshole and fingering it very fast. Soon it was soft enough to allow my dick inside. Lara took my dick and pushed it on the asshole and I grabbed Alice’s butt and forced my dick inside her asshole. She gulped for an instant and a tear rolled down her cheeks. Soon I was fucking her ass and massaging her super-soft ass- cheeks and Lara was fingering and licking Alice’s pussy.

It was about 10 minutes of continuous ass fucking that finally I came inside her ass. I took my semi-hard dick out of her ass and relaxed on the sofa with Alice and Lara still masturbating each other. It was due to the tablets that I could fuck both of them the whole night and the sex sessions were repeated on all the nights that I stayed there (12 days, to be precise).
When I returned home, I was much relaxed and peaceful (much more pleased) and wanted to re-establish my business. I had a conversation with my wife and a couple of my advisors and there I came up with an idea to re-develop the mansion and make it a grand hotel.

After three months of hard-work and planning, we were able to convert the mansion into a 5-star hotel and we even changed the surrounding forest from eerie to pleasant. All this was possible due to the help and support of Alice and Lara (who became the head of departments in the hotel). It has been five years since the break from city life and I have become a leading businessman (much wealthier than we had been) and have six hotels all over the city. But whenever I go to the countryside hotel, I, Alice, Lara and my wife Keera, have a foursome sex sessions at night (I had told Keera about all that happened in the hotel and to my surprise she insisted on including her in the fun!). Thus Business losses are not always unlucky


Thank You Guys... :) :D
... Please keep the votes up! and the comments too!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-15 06:03:27
U r god of writing....


2016-02-10 06:13:58


2016-02-07 07:36:06
Actually i really didn't want the readers to have an idea of Lara's age... but she was definitely above 18, coz i didn't mention anything underage in the story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-04 21:02:37
I enjoyed it and I realize characters have to be at least 18. My perverted side has me thinking of young, horny Lara as barely a teen with an unlimited appetite for cock and pussy. ;-)

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-03 14:03:28

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