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A beautiful girl and her boyfriend get kidnapped and sexually dominated, learning something surprising about themselves.
I hope you enjoy the story. I went with a psychological edge as the story builds that I think many will find interesting.


A tall, slender brunette just past her 19th birthday sat naked and staring at the barrel of a gun.

“Please, Sir. Don’t hurt us.”

“Be quiet and listen!” said the man, his face distorted behind the mask. Kylee was frightened beyond belief, her eyes shining, imploring their captor. But she grasped at his next words like a drowning woman glimpsing an island.

“Whether you two live or die depends on you.”

The night had all started out with the ideal date, she and Marcus going out for dinner and a movie and then ice skating in the park. Somehow though, all of it had led to this nightmare. She remembered Marcus taking her back to her apartment. She remembered a strange smell as they entered the living room. Marcus made a comment about it and then… well, that was where things began to blur.

Back in the present, Kylee was all too aware of their captor sitting fully clothed in the chair opposite her as she sat on her boyfriend’s lap facing the unknown man.

“MMMMFFFR! STP! LL…USS..GO!” Marcus growled, too angry to play things smart. He had yet to recover from the shock of waking up naked with his helpless girlfriend, tied to a chair in some unknown place. He was bound to a wicker chair, even more helpless than his girlfriend, whose wrists were tied behind her back. The young man’s pectorals stood out as he strained against his bonds, but his feet were tied wide apart and his wrists were bound by ropes knotted with an expert’s eye. It was hopeless.

The couple’s captor was maybe 6’5, his voice almost as rough as a chainsaw, his blue-green eyes mesmerizing yet cold. He had introduced himself only as ‘Kray.’

“Do you know why you’re here?”

Kylee wanted to say ‘Because you’re a sick maniac?’, then quickly thought better of it.

“No. Oh god, please just let us go! We won’t tell anyone, I swear. Look, we don’t want any trouble. Please!”

The man who called himself Kray wore a black vest which matched his dark camo pants and shiny black boots. He gestured with the Glock pistol, and Kylee thought she heard a tint of amusement in his voice.

“Next time when I ask a question, I expect a simple answer. No more whining, unless you want to be punished - understand?”

Kylee nodded slowly, her heart racing. The mysterious captor got up out of his chair and stalked over to her. He gently pinched her nipple, causing the barest tremor of discomfort, startling her as she shifted uneasily and groaned.

“I want a verbal answer, girl. Yes or no? And call me ‘Master’ while you’re at it please. I think you’ll find my explanation for kidnapping you quite…unsettling, and not in the way you might expect.”

“Yes,” Kylee whimpered. “No whining. I understand, M-master. May I please ask a question now?”

The gruff-toned man shook his head, gently cupping her chin as he stared into her innocent eyes.

“No. For now you just listen. A person’s motives are complex. To you I’m probably just a ‘sick freak,’ a simple bad guy.” He softly stroked the side of Kylee’s face, then slipped his hand down to her sex, stroking her clit ever-so-deftly, inflicting just enough pressure to awaken her appalling libido.

“Aaahhhh…” She squirmed. The brunette’s cheeks reddened. To have a man touch her like this while she sat on her boyfriend’s lap was so humiliating! Yet her body responded in ways that were not unwelcome, not to the primal instincts now starting to fire everywhere throughout her young body. She bit her lip and tried to ignore her body’s responses to the coaxing sensations as the man continued.

“The truth is not exactly so cut-and-dried,” Master Kray said. “I have my own set of principles, Kylee, and I will follow them, you can be certain of that.” He slid his hand up thankfully away from her slit - although part of her felt a distinct sigh of disappointment - cupping one of her supple breasts instead.

“Since I’ve kidnapped you and your boyfriend, I think I owe you an explanation.” Kylee found curiosity vying with her fear despite herself. What in the world was this psycho talking about? She wracked her brain for any connection this man might have to her, or to her family.

“Twenty years ago your father convicted me of raping and killing a woman, a crime I was innocent of… It took them the better part of a decade to exonerate me. The lab techs made a mistake that resulted in a false DNA match. Not that your father cared, mind you. After years struggling through red tape and filing appeals, my lawyer finally got me exonerated. Eight years of my life - time I’ll never get back, and I have your father to thank for it.”

Kylee shivered as she realized what she was dealing with. The thought made her go cold. Could it be that her father had created a monster through his own mistakes? She remembered him feeling awful about several cases over the years. Everyone was human. Mistakes were that inevitable part of the human condition no amount of technology could eradicate. She spoke softly, looking into her captor’s eyes.

“I’m sorry that happened to you…I truly am. But - “

“Silence!” He put a hand over her mouth, startling her. His gun pressed into her cheek, and she closed her eyes. Only when he had seemed to calm down and take the gun away did she dare to open them again.

“The woman I was accused of murdering was someone I loved. We had been together for 3 years. I had recently asked her to marry me and she’d said yes.” Something seemed to have ignited the stranger’s eyes, because they were no longer cold. They were smoldering.

“Imagine what that’s like, little slut. Think for a moment.” He let the silence lace the air with a forbidding intensity, and he just stared. She flinched, looking away as his hand reassumed its place between her legs, gently stroking at her cunt, sliding tortuously along her labia to create delicious sensations that made her shiver, aroused and ashamed.

“Please…” she sighed, but her nipples were hardening and her breaths were quickening.

“Please?” the man said darkly. “Such a simple word. I asked for mercy, for compassion, when I took the stand in that courtroom. I asked for simple understanding, and do you know what your father gave me in return? Damnation.” Now the man withdrew his hand and pressed the barrel of the gun between her legs. Kylee’s body went cold even as the vestige of arousal somehow persisted, her pussy still warm, instinctually yearning for that hand to return despite her fear.

“Maybe I should pull the trigger right here, right now. It could be my revenge fulfilled.” He let the words hang, watching her intently. She stared at the dark, lethal weapon pressed between her thighs. Then she did the one thing he had never expected. She opened her legs wider, looking sadly into his eyes.

“Do it, then. Have your revenge. I remember my father talking about your case. I remember the guilt eating away at him, but I know that doesn’t fix what can’t be put back together. My dad ruined your life. I get that. If this is what you need to do to move on, go ahead. Do it.” Kylee mastered her fear, saying words which told a sentiment rooted in some truth, although she obviously wanted to live. In the moment of her fear, trying to save both her life and Marcus’s, the innocent girl decided to at least meet this troubled, deeply disturbed man part way. She couldn’t think of anything else that might help the situation, and she had to at least try.

She looked at him expectantly, saw the flare of total shock in his eyes - one of the few things his mask couldn’t hide.

“You are a strange girl,” Kray said finally. He slowly pulled the gun away, replacing it with his free hand, gently rubbing at her clit to create intoxicating sensations which seemed to numb her remaining fear. “Of all the things I expected to come from those pretty lips, of the ten million variations of pleas I had imagined, that was certainly not what I expected to hear,” he said, watching her expressive face as she closed her eyes and shuddered, her cunt responding to the enticing caresses.

“What…what are you going to do with us?” She groaned a little as he worked her pussy more insistently, gently pumping his fingers inside her heat. Kray glanced upward, his gaze straying just above Kylee’s shoulder. The girl was almost certain that their captor was looking at her boyfriend’s furious face. She could feel Marcus’s body rigid underneath her, whether more from anguish or fear, she couldn’t say. She almost wanted to hiss at Marcus, ‘You’re not helping! Don’t move and don’t provoke him!’

Oddly enough, to Kylee their captor had started to feel a little like a wounded panther. Deadly and with motivations totally different than any sane human being’s, true enough, but not without some grounding in its own type of reality. She felt a tinge of empathy, even for this disturbed man, and it made her see things in a light that few people would.

“Ah, back to the predictable,” the man said, his voice sounding disappointed. “What am I going to do with you? My sexy little captive asks a good question. To be honest, the thought of torturing and murdering the daughter of the man who ruined my life - THAT was a distinct possibility.”

Kray leaned over, kissing her on the lips as she opened her mouth, letting him in. She moaned as his free hand pumped harder into her cunt, his fingers slick with her gathering juices as she made herself relax and just take the sensations he gave her. She had already started to tamp down on feelings of guilt. This was Kray’s show, not hers, but it was more than that. She would take the pleasure he gave her, just accept it, surrender to it. Naïve as it might have sounded to some, to Kylee’s thinking human intimacy was almost always a good thing…even now. In her animal behavior class she had been studying a unique species of ape which used sex to overcome conflict - where even enemies had sex with one another to convert aggressive tendencies into something more redemptive.

Kylee knew that his words should have left her reeling, but they didn’t. She detected something in his tone, and it gave her a bizarre sense of hope. [Place of Editing]

“I can’t stop you. I’m yours. We’re both at your mercy,” the beautiful brunette said. “But I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. I think what you just said can to be taken at face value. Killing us is only one ‘distinct possibility.’ Clearly not the only compelling one, apparently, not to you.” She gave him a curious look, a challenging look, and it had the desired effect. Kray drew back, cocking his head.

His masked face seemed to distort again, as if he was frowning with furrowed brow.

“You think you’re smart, little bitch. You think you can manipulate me, do you?”

“No, unless simply stating the truth can be called ‘manipulation’.”

This boldness in contradicting him seemed to anger Kray, but she could tell she’d struck a nerve. He growled at her. “Let’s explore that line of thought further, but while we’re talking I want you to mount your boyfriend’s cock. You can fuck as we talk.”

Kylee bit her lip, shocked at his casual suggestion. Yet she couldn’t deny that her pussy felt horny thanks to his tormenting ministrations. The thought of a long, hard cock inside her definitely didn’t dampen her spirits, and the idea of distracting a distraught Marcus from trying to do something stupid seemed like an added bonus. She wiggled her bound wrists, stroking her hands up and down the length of Marcus’s semi-flaccid shaft. It quickly bloomed, standing upright with the speed of a rocket. The spear of flesh was aroused and all too ready for her as the sexy brunette gently squeezed the base of her boyfriend’s penis.

“UHHH!!!!” Marcus groaned, his hips clenching up. Kylee looked down at the drop of pre-cum already pearled at the tip of Marcus’s shaft. It sat there like a glistening jewel as Kylee slowly lowered her lithe figure down on top of him, her ass facing him as she impaled her moist cunt on nine pleasing inches of cock.

“Aahhhh…” she sighed, trying to keep her gaze fixed on the man who held them captive. “There. I have done as you asked, Master,” she said. Her innate empathy and innocence somehow seemed to shield Kylee from thinking the worst, from imagining what else this man might do to them. Instead she reveled in the feel of Marcus’s length as she moved her hips and knees, arching her body as her breasts pushed forward, moaning a little each time she bottomed out on her boyfriend’s eager manhood.

Kray could not see Kylee’s hands clenched on Marcus’s lap, gently pushing off to give added momentum each time she sat down on the young man’s cock. Her nipples were now pebbled buds, pink jewels of perfection that told of her arousal. Master Kray’s gaze strayed to them, then fogged over as if he’d become lost in thought. They snapped back to the here and now just as suddenly, fully aware, and he stood up, pressing the end of the gun at an angle into Kylee’s neck. Rage had possessed him now it seemed, but it reminded the clear-eyed, level-headed Kylee more of a fire’s dying breath as it was about to be snuffed out.

He stared at her as she continued to bound up and down her boyfriend’s penis, moaning with more feeling now. Kray glanced at their combined pubic muffs as she bottomed out on Marcus once again. As she came up off of his shaft it glistened with her juices.

“You little slut. You think that by giving me a good fuck-show with your boyfriend, that I’ll let you live, is that it?”

She forced her heavy-lidded eyes to meet his as pleasure continued to mount.

“You tell me, Master. You were the one who asked for this.” Had he expected her to beg not to do this? To show shame and guilt and regret?

That simply wasn’t how Kylee was wired. Perhaps she was no more ‘normal’ than the man who had captured them - abnormal in her own way, a very different way. Kylee couldn’t bring herself to feel anything other than appreciation and gratitude to have this chance to make love to Marcus, who she cared about deeply, even if a disturbed man happened to be watching them do the act. As for the inconvenience of them both being tied up, that only seemed to add just an odd wrinkle to things.

That reasoning certainly wasn’t normal by any stretch, but in the here and now it seemed to offer a strange advantage for Kylee, seeing everything through that lens. Meeting her captor’s antagonism with none of her own.

“You make no sense!” the captor hissed. Kray withdrew the gun from Kylee’s neck and took a step back. He just stood there, watching Kylee hump Marcus’s shaft as her cunt cream continued to flow, filling the basement with her scent.

“If there is one thing I’ve learned, young and inexperienced as I am, it’s that one person’s sense is not the same as another’s,” she said simply. “Master.”

Kray suddenly took off his mask, tossing it aside as his eyes flashed with some indiscernible emotion. Kylee studied the grizzled face. A tight scar ran down the lower half of his left cheek, and his nose looked wide and pronounced on a face that still retained a handsome quality from youth. She gasped as he put down the gun and came forward, cupping her breasts. His fingers made lazy circles around her nipples now, and he leaned down until his forehead was pressed to hers, their gazes intimately locked.

“Okay, slut. You want to know the truth?”

“Yes, Master,” she said, her body singing with pleasure as she slid down Marcus’s shaft, feeling every inch of him graze her tight wetness as she began to lose herself in the throes of heat. “Please… Tell me.”

The muscular, middle-aged man leaned over, whispering in Kylee’s ear.

“I was going to rape you in front of your boyfriend and then kill you both. But the truth is that that fantasy in my mind isn’t something I can put into reality. The truth is that now, as I think more deeply about it, it’s not even close to what I really need. I’m realizing that all along what I really wanted was to fling the accusation of your father’s crime at you, to use your reaction as the fuel to do what I thought I had to do - to have my vengeance. Without that, I just feel…”

He was at a loss for words, his face clouded over. Kylee’s slender nakedness humped faster now, squeezing the shaft between her legs as Marcus’s pre-cum combined with the slickness of her cunt, the sounds of wetness and copulation filling the room.

“Go ahead, slut, come on your boyfriend’s cock. Let me see it.” The sad eyes of her captor briefly flared to life as he watched her slam her hips down. Marcus’s cock vanished inside her damp heat, her cunt clenching as the orgasm stormed her body like an invading army. The gorgeous brunette cooed as her body shuddered, her pussy convulsively hugging Marcus’s manhood as her neck snapped back, her squeal echoing in the room. Her breasts swayed and bounced as her orgasm continued for long, precious moments, until at last her shivering, naked figure stilled once again on Marcus’s lap. The afterglow of pleasure shone on the girl’s face.

When she opened her eyes again she saw that her captor had dropped his pants, his rigid cock now free. She licked her lips and looked down at it, her libido firing on all cylinders, her nipples hardened to painful, ecstatic points.

“I won’t force you to,” Kray said softly. “What if I told you I would release the two of you no matter what? What if I told you that what I really wanted all along was to have this control over you? Maybe…maybe in some way that was all the vengeance I needed,” he finished with a dark, rueful chuckle. “That sounds completely crazy, doesn’t it?”

Kylee shook her head, pumping her hips a little as Marcus groaned through his gag, as she teased his cunt cream-flooded cock.

“No, not completely,” she offered. “Crazy to most people, probably. Not to me though.” Kylee couldn’t help it. She could feel the man’s pain, even if the way he’d directed his anger wasn’t justified, even if he really was sick in the head. She couldn’t bring herself to hate for the same reasons she couldn’t bring herself to truly feel shame. Instead the slender girl just looked down at the man’s saluting shaft, letting her instincts retain control.

Kray’s cock was thick, shorter than Marcus’s. Like all male cocks when erect, Kylee saw it as beautiful. Silly as it sounded, to her a man’s aroused shaft was like a masterful sculpture formed of flesh. ‘Just one more sign that I’m not normal,’ she thought to herself. ‘Maybe in my own way I’m just as screwed up as this disturbed man.’

She shoved the insecure thought aside though, plunging her cunt down roughly onto Marcus’s cock once more. She wiggled her buttocks and clenched up again around Marcus’s phallus, milking his testicles towards the finish line. All of a sudden her boyfriend was frantically bucking upward in his bonds, writhing on the chair as his manhood spurted its precious warm cum deeply towards the girl’s womb.

Kylee groaned as she felt his sticky-wet heat make her insides both gooey and satisfied, and she let out a contented sigh. ‘Yes, baby…give me all your seed,’ she thought. Maybe the orgasm would take the edge off Marcus’ fear and calm him down some. That was her hope.

Now she looked up at Master Kray, who looked more forlorn than ever despite his physical control over her. Kylee staggered forward, cum dripping from her pussy as she knelt before him and slowly smothered the head of his cock with her mouth. As she stroked the length of his manhood with her mouth, her tongue cradled the underside of his cock, tenderly pressing against him. Her pumping mouth kept working even as Kray instinctually gathered her hair away from her face, helping her as she sucked his cock lovingly. After what seemed an eternity, the gorgeous girl came up off of his cock. She licked her chops, tasting the man’s pre-cum.

Kray hesitated before he spoke. “If I let you go, you and I both know what will happen.”

Kylee nodded. “I report this to the police. Just because I understand what you’ve done doesn’t make it right.”

His face twisted, questioning. “Yet you’re willing to do this?” His tone was edged with disbelief as the brunette looked down at his fully awakened girth. The innocent girl nodded.

“Yes, I am.” Kylee wondered if somehow this last act towards Kray would offer a sliver of restitution for the mistake her father had made, albeit on Kray’s twisted terms. But it was enough for her. She wouldn’t regret it or refuse to face it. Marcus would have to understand, and if he didn’t - because of his own jealousy and protectiveness - well, then hopefully they could work through all of it. Now Marcus knew the truth, that Kylee wasn’t exactly normal. In the long run, Kylee briefly thought, that was probably a good thing.

The alluring girl leaned forward again, taking the cock of her captor in her mouth. She followed up her long, firm sucks by twirling her tongue around the tip of Kray’s penis, making him groan as he cradled her head. Her breasts bobbed up and down as her mouth tenderly encased Kray’s shaft once more, plunging downward until her nose burrowed in his pubic muff, until she felt every inch of his cock inside her mouth. Feeling his excitement, his cock straining between her lips, Kylee sucked harder, her mouth forming a tight seal as she gurgled and made loud slurping sounds that echoed through the room. She couldn’t think about what Marcus was seeing, about the disbelief that must clearly be etched on his face.

She thought only of the troubled man to whom she gave this one gift of pleasure, her tongue caressing his cock until he cried out, his legs nearly buckling.

“Yes, Kylee. Take my seed. Ahhhh!!!” The lithe brunette moaned as cum poured down her throat. She swallowed what she could, but more came spurting out onto her forehead, lips, and chin as Master Kray stepped back, gripping his hardness in one hand as he continued to paint her supple cones with his warm jism. It took what seemed forever before he had totally spent himself. Before him now knelt a beautiful young brunette whose upper body and face glistened with the evidence of his lust.

He took one last glance at her forgiving eyes, sensing some kind of strange satisfaction there, and for a moment it almost seemed as if Master Kray might say a word or two of gratitude. Instead he hastily pulled up and secured his pants, grabbed the gun from the chair behind him and took a huge step back. He seemed to be having some internal debate before he spoke.

“You’ll understand if I tie you two up more securely before I leave. Whether I go to prison or not, I’ll give myself a decent head start and a chance for freedom before you report me.” Kray’s grizzled face broke out in a rare grin. “At least this time if I go to prison it will be to take responsibility for something I’ve actually done, and I’ll be damned if I don’t lead them on a merry chase first.”

He took Kylee over to another chair and bound her back-to-back with Marcus. He weighted the feet of the two chairs so that neither of the naked captives could tip them over. Then he stood back, admired his handiwork for a fleeting moment. He leaned over to caress Kylee’s bottom lip with the pad of his thumb, his other hand slipping down to caress her thoroughly fucked pussy one last time.

“I guess I’ll consider my revenge complete now. Goodbye, Kylee Malone. Whatever happens, you’ll be hard to forget.”

Kylee offered the trace of a smile, masking the pity in her eyes. “Whatever happens, I hope you find what you’re looking for. I hope you find what gives you peace.”



The next evening…

Kylee and Marcus decided to go back to Marcus’s house the following night. Although their ordeal was technically over, dealing with the baggage of it was another issue. Someone had anonymously tipped off the police on the couple’s captivity after twelve agonizing hours. After helping the authorities in whatever way they could, the boyfriend and girlfriend drove home in silence. The city had a haunted feel to it, shrouded in moonlight, when they finally pulled into Marcus’s driveway. He rented out the house with two roommates, and both were gone on vacation.

Marcus walked through the foyer and flung his keys down on the kitchen countertop without a word. Kylee tromped upstairs to the shower, stripping hurriedly and turning on the hot, sluicing water, jumping in eagerly to feel its cleansing touch. Her mind was a jumble of accusations, recriminations, but she tore them to shreds and took a deep, mind-purging breath.

‘I did what I had to do…No wait…no, that’s not it,’ she realized. Kylee suddenly knew without a doubt that she’d done no more or no less than what she had actually WANTED to do, that was the almost frightening part of all this. She closed her hazel-brown eyes and pictured herself riding Marcus’s lap while he was tied to the chair, her hands bound behind her back while Master Kray watched them fuck.

She sincerely hoped that the police caught Kray before his disturbed mind turned to something more dangerous, seeking revenge against someone else. Yet she didn’t regret the pleasure she’d shared with Marcus or, scarily enough, even with Kray.

Kylee knew that it wasn’t appropriate for her to feel this way. She should feel traumatized, crippled by guilt. Or was that just what society taught that all victims should feel, no matter what? ‘Is something wrong with me?’ she mused. As the water cascaded down her silken skin, cleansing her torso and thighs, she confronted the ultimate contradiction.

She couldn’t begrudge those who did have those normal feelings. Some victims of sexual domination might very well feel traumatized, and Kylee didn’t look down on that or see that as weak. But she was a different kind of animal. To her that feeling of being dominated by Kray hadn’t brought pain. She had never felt more alive. The intimacy, that forbidden dynamic of submissive captive and dominant captor, that had made her blood pound frantically through her veins, and not mainly out of fear. Excitement, delirium.

Marcus stepped into the shower now, scattering Kylee’s thoughts like spilled sugar. The naked girl turned, her eyes flaring as Marcus yanked her from the shower, dragged her to the bedroom and threw her onto the soft comforter.

“Marcus, what are you do— “

“What the hell was that?” Marcus exploded. “You think I enjoyed watching you suck a strange man’s cock? Seeing the enjoyment you got from that?” he said.

Kylee abruptly sat up, the movement making her breasts jiggle in a distracting way as she gaped at him. She wasn’t exactly surprised by the outburst, only at the timing of it. The jealousy shone like a glowing aura on her boyfriend’s face. He had been quiet and preoccupied during the drive home. Not so anymore. Here he was, transformed, as fierce and elemental as a force of nature. He bore down on her. He pushed onto the bed, his naked body covering hers as his hands pinned her wrists to either side. His hard cock grazed her belly as he glared at her ferociously for good measure, and his breath tickled her cheek, hot against her face.

“Tell me, what were you thinking as you sucked that psycho’s dick? Hmm? Tell me!”

Kylee was at a loss for words, so she reached for the only thing that seemed to provide any hope for salvation. Simple sincerity.

“I…I didn’t do it because I loved him, Marcus. You know that. I did it because it was pleasure, because I think there’s a healing touch to pleasure even in the most difficult situations! I don’t view what I did for him as ugly or wrong, Marcus…I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. I don’t know what else to say.”

Marcus’s stare pinned her as surely as his strong hands. He brought his face close to hers, their lips only an inch or two apart. That was when his demeanor suddenly shifted gears. He readjusted his hips, driving his cock into her freshly washed sex. Her cunt thrummed with a million sensations as his cock sank into her core, filling her up so deeply. His warm, muscular body covered her slender nakedness like the perfect blanket, and he began pumping inside her even as his lips found hers, capturing them for a passionate kiss.

She sighed softly with his tongue in her mouth, her breasts feeling sparks of energy as their bodies re-joined again and again and again. Her nipples hardened into little pink buds that grazed her boyfriend’s chest as he threw his hips forward, fucking her with a quicker rhythm. His grunts were a staccato music with her lilting moans threatening to surge in counterpoint.

“Listen to me very carefully Kylee. Your pussy belongs to me. Your beautiful eyes, your sexy mouth, your mouth-watering tits, your perfect smile - ALL of those belong to me. If I have to fuck you raw all night long to teach you that lesson, believe me, I will. You can count on that,” he growled. He kissed her again, coming up for air only reluctantly. “When I saw you sucking that psycho’s cock it made me so angry! The truth is that I was just as angry at myself, though, at what else the sight of you slurping on his dick made me feel…”

Marcus’s words trailed off, drowned out by the cadence of their bodies, his testicles slapping against her thighs as he savagely thrust himself once more into her tightness. She moaned happily, clasping her hands to his shoulders and drawing him in deeper still.

“Yes, baby. Fuck me…just like that. Tell me how you felt…how you really, really felt…watching me suck Kray’s cock,” she urged. Kylee looked up lovingly into her boyfriend’s eyes, feeling hopeful. ‘Maybe he’s as weird as I am,’ she thought. She almost wanted to grin. A girl could hope.

“Okay…fine, damn you woman. I’ll admit it.” He sighed, looking away, and that felt strange to Kylee because meanwhile she was feeling the entire length of his shaft nestled in her warmth. She raked her hands down his pectorals, teasing his nipples with two firm pinches.

“Well…I’m waiting,” she said, a grin tugging at her mouth. “You’ll admit what?”

Marcus let out an explosive breath of air before saying those impossible words.

“It was HOT, okay? It was such a turn on, seeing you pleasure him like that…seeing your hold on him and how you could turn him into putty in your hands.”

“You mean in my mouth?” she teased, giving her boyfriend a mischievous wink.

Marcus rolled his eyes. “Whatever, you know what I mean,” he said, cupping her face for another kiss. His hips rolled forward, and his shaft plunged into her cunt for another delicious thrust as she widened her legs, welcoming him in. Her coos gathered in force, her body melting in his arms as he rode her desperately, as if each pulverizing fuck might help erase the tormenting, bittersweet memories of her laving and slurping her way up and down Kray’s manhood.

Kylee groaned and squirmed, wiggling her sexy ass as Marcus drove into her to the very hilt, sheathing his cock inside her moist heat as she kissed him back just as ferociously, knotting her hands behind his skull as she groaned, her snatch gushing.

“Aaaahhhh…fuck!” she wailed, her body’s spasms firing in wild bursts, her slender frame wracked by tortuous pleasure as the orgasm left her breathless. Marcus grunted appreciatively, gathering her even closer to him as he just lay totally still on top of her, his penis lancing her relaxed, silken pussy.

“Mmmm…that’s right, cute slut. You’re mine, and I’m going to love on every inch of you until you never forget it. You belong with me, Kylee. Mine,” he murmured.

‘Right back at you,’ she thought. Kylee’s lips formed the ghost of a grin as she closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of the man she loved, a man who was willing to acknowledge that sex and guilt didn’t have to live in the same universe.


Author’s note:

I hope you enjoyed the story. I’ve met people who have a similar mentality to Kylee, so part of the reason I wrote this story was to try to articulate that viewpoint in a more concrete way. Hopefully I did it some justice. Anyway, to all my kind readers, thanks again for reading. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better.


Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-01 04:46:42
my name is Kylee, I dated someone named Marcus, I'm a brunette, and to top it off everything she thought and said was like something I'd say

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-21 07:49:23
An erotic masterpiece

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-05 08:25:25
Throughout history men would kill men from other tribes and take the women. I imagine women who quickly submitted and pleased their captors fared better than women who did not.

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