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A virgin gets dominated by her cousin!

My eighteenth birthday. That’s when everything changed. I had been expecting a quiet evening with my relatives. What I got instead was a night I would never forget. For many reasons. The first of which was the shocking revelation my father had just made.

“I-I’m adopted?” I stuttered. I was so shocked I could barely speak. I glanced around at my relatives. None of them spoke. They just stood there, waiting to see how I would react to the news.

I glanced at my cousin. He averted his eyes, but I could tell it had nothing to do with guilt or empathy. My cousin had never been a nice man. To be honest, he was kind of a dick. My gaze then travelled to my uncle. Unlike his son, he was a kind, caring man. He gave me a reassuring smile. I moved on to my brother. He refused to look at me, no doubt feeling guilty that he was a member of the family by blood while I was one merely by name. Finally, my eyes landed on my father. He was the one who had revealed my true origins. If anyone could answer the many questions that battled within my head, he could.

“What’s going on?” I asked nervously. I wanted them to tell me this was some sort of joke, but their expressions said otherwise. This was real. I was adopted.

“I’m sorry,” said my father in a sheepish voice. I had never heard him sound so unsure. He had always been the strong, silent type. “I wanted to tell you,” he continued, “but you mother, the woman that raised you, made me promise to keep it a secret.” He paused at the memory of his deceased wife. She has passed six years ago. “She didn’t want you to feel like you didn’t belong. You are a member of this family, no matter what.”

I desperately wanted to believe my father, yet there was something that didn’t add up.

“Why did you tell me?” I asked. He had made a deathbed promise. Why dishonor his wife’s memory by breaking his word?

My father took a sip from the champagne flute he held. Remembering I had one of my own, I quickly drained it. It was a distraction I no longer needed. My relatives did the same. None of us took the time to enjoy it.

“It’s complicated,” finally admitted my father. “There’s something about your mother, your birthmother, you should know…” He stopped talking. I assumed he was trying to find the right words to break the news to me. Or so I thought until I looked at him.

His lips were still moving. I strained to listen, yet I couldn’t hear a single word he spoke. In fact, I couldn’t hear anything else either. Not the music that had up until moments before filled the air. Not my relatives clearing their throats nervously as my father prepared to shatter my world. I had lost the ability to hear.

Then my head started spinning and my vision darkened. That was when I truly started to panic. I struggled to remain upright, but my balance was compromised. I’m not sure how it happened, but one second I was standing up, and the next I was sprawled across the floor. The last thing I saw before passing out was my father’s worried face hovering over me. Then everything turned black.

---Dominated by My Cousin---

I awoke to complete obscurity. No matter where I looked, I saw only darkness. I tried sitting up, but my head was spinning so much I had to keep low for fear of loosening my balance. So there I lay, staring up at nothing but darkness. My head soon began to throb. It made my situation even more depressing, yet also helped prove I was still alive. There was just too much for pain for this to be a mere dream. Just in case, I pinched myself. Nothing. This—whatever this was—was real.

I’m not sure how long I lay there. Time is impossible to calculate when you’re surrounded by complete darkness. I only know my headache eventually faded and my dizziness passed. In no time I was sitting up. It wasn’t until I tried getting up that something new was revealed.

A rattling noise was heard as something tugged on my ankle. I carefully reached down and felt around. My hands soon reached something cold. Metal. A band of it encircled my ankle. To it was attached was what felt like a heavy chain. My heart skipped a beat when I realized what that meant. I was being held captive. I grabbed the chain and tugged on it. After a few seconds of tugging, it was pulled tight. I pulled with all my strength, but it would not budge. My heart now racing, I dropped the chair and struggled to remove the metal bracelet that kept me bound to the chain.

It was useless.

I scanned the darkness, but still there was nothing. I struggled some more with the chain, but it was useless. I eventually decided to do the only thing I had yet to try.

“I anybody there?” I croaked. There was no answer. Only the slight echo of my frightened voice. I tried again, this time more forcefully. Still nothing.

My next move was to stand up and explore my surroundings. I was planning on wandering around with my arms outstretched in front of me. Hopefully I would reach a wall or stumble across something of use.

I didn’t. Not because there was nothing there, but because a light suddenly emerged from the darkness. It hung from the ceiling, burning like a thousand suns. I glanced up at it. Bad move. I was instantly blinded and lost all ability to see for a few seconds. I shielded my eyes until they had grown accustomed to the new lighting. I prayed I would now be able to see my surroundings. No such luck.

The light that hovered above me cast a limited glow. A circle of floor had been revealed. Everything within it was now visible, including me. Beyond it stood nothing but darkness. I took a moment to study what little I could now see.

The first thing I noticed was my clothes. Or rather lack thereof. My eyes widened in shock and fear as I glanced down at my naked figure. My gaze landed on my perky breasts. I had always been very proud of them, only now I would have given anything to keep them hidden. I tried using my long, blond hair, but it was slightly too short. I eventually gave up and moved on. My gaze soon reached my slit. The sight of my clean-shaven pussy made my adrenaline level spike. I eyed my lower lips for a moment before regretting my aversion for pubic hair. I now would have done anything for a little protection. I considered using my hands to cover myself up, but there seemed to be no one else here.

Once I had accepted my lack of clothes, I moved on to one of the other two items contained with the circle of light. The first was a bed. It stood roughly three feet off the ground and was made of some sort of faux leather. It looked like those beds you see at the doctor’s office. Only there was no paper sheeting in sight.

Next to the bed stood a medical instrument trolley. Silver in color, the metal trolley had only one shelf. On it stood an assortment of devices. I had to creep closed to identify them. I regretted it as soon as their true nature was revealed.

The trolley was overflowing with an assortment of sexual contraptions. There were plain old sex toys like dildos and butt plugs. But there were also hand cuffs, ball gags and whips; floggers and massive strapons; lubricants of all kinds and an assortment of nipple clamps. I couldn’t think of a single sex toy that was not represented here.

My presence there was becoming increasingly clear. I had no idea how I had gotten there or even where there was, yet I could tell my stay here would not be an enjoyable one. I tried not to think about the fact those toys would most likely be used on me. I also did my best to ignore the fact I was still a virgin. But no matter how hard I tried, those were the only kind of thoughts I had.

I was so busy freaking out I almost didn’t notice the movement in the corner of my eye. Almost. I turned just in time to see a shape emerge from the darkness. It was a man. My heart leaped in my chest. I took a step back, but tripped on my chains and fell to the ground. My ankle was slightly sore, but it didn’t seem to be broken.

I brought my attention back to the man. Now that he stood within the circle of light, I was able to get a good look at him. I was slightly surprised to discover we had quite a lot in common. We were both naked, tough he wore a hat. Actually, it was a stylish fedora. Because the light came from above, his face remained bathed in darkness. The same could not be said for the rest of his body.

The mystery man appeared to be quite young. His muscular physique seemed to belong to a man in his early twenties. It also indicated he took exceedingly good care of his body. Under different circumstances, I may have been attracted to him. But given the perilousness of my situation, the last thing on my mind was the man’s lack of clothes. Well, second last. It was a constant struggle to keep from staring at his exposed member.

I expected the man to step closer, but he just stood there, staring at me. At least I assumed that’s what he was doing, but it was impossible to tell. I knew there was no point in running, so I just sat there, waiting for something to happen. I’m not sure how long we stood there, staring at each other, but my butt had fallen asleep by the time he finally spoke.

“Stand up,” he said. His voice was deep. It sounded slightly familiar, but I assumed that was simply my subconscious’ way of humanizing him. If I felt like I knew him, perhaps I could convince him to release me.

“Why am I here?” I asked. I didn’t stand.

The man didn’t answer.

“Stand up,” he repeated in a calm voice. Once again, it sounded familiar.

“No,” I shot back. I’m not sure why I was being so defiant. Perhaps it was simply because I was tired of being kept in the dark. First my father revealing I was adopted and now this. No, I’d had enough. It was time for me to retake control of my destiny.

The man didn’t seem impressed by my rejection. He turned to the instruments trolley and scanned it for a moment before picking out an item. Only when he turned to me did I realize it was a whip. He held the handle and let the rest fall to the floor. With a flick of the wrist, he sent the ship flying. It happened so fast all I saw was a blur. I heard a crack and the next thing I knew my cheek was burning. Tears filled my eyes, but I pushed them back.

I stood up. The man rolled up the whip. He then beckoned me forward with his index. I hesitated for a moment before approaching the naked man. As I neared more of him was revealed. Eventually, ignoring his cock became impossible. The first thing I noticed was its engorged state. It was not fully erect, but it was quickly nearing that point. The sight of my naked body clearly had quite an effect on the man. The second thing I noted was the size of the member. It wasn’t exactly tiny, yet nor was it massive. It was… average. Under normal circumstances, I may have been disappointed by this, but given the current situation I was thrilled by the discovery. At least as thrilled as a young virgin can be when faced with the concept of rape. Actually, “rape” is not exactly the right word. “Forced intercourse” would probably be more accurate. Or perhaps “sexual blackmail”. But, no matter what you call it, I was about to have sex for the very first time and I was terrified.

I tore my gaze away from the man’s cock and focused on his face. I was only a few feet away now, but his features still remained bathed in darkness. The lighting had clearly been setup to conceal my captor’s identity. That was good news. If I had been allowed to see his face, my chances of survival would have dropped drastically. I could have made a move for the fedora, but that would have been reckless. The safest thing I could do was play along and hope an escape opportunity presented itself.

“Kneel,” said the man, putting an end to my pondering.

Fear shot through me. There could only be one reason why I would be asked to do such a thing. It was sexual in nature. I was terrified of what would happen next, but the whip in the man’s hand convinced me to play along. At least for now.

“Grab it,” he instructed as soon as I was in position. He was pointing to his now fully erect member. I had been expecting this, but it nonetheless filled me with fear.

“Please don’t do this,” I begged. The man didn’t budge. “I’m a virgin,” I quickly added, hoping it would convince him to release me. It didn’t.

“I know.” That was all he said. A heavy silence followed this statement. My theory about this man being an acquaintance of mine was looking more and more plausible. But why would someone I know do this to me.

“Who are you?” I asked.

The man didn’t answer immediately.

“That is irrelevant,” he eventually said. “You only need to know I am doing this for your own good…” there was a short pause during which I felt like he wanted to say something else. He didn’t.

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. This man didn’t seem as dangerous as I had first believed. In fact, he sounded almost remorseful. Perhaps I could use that to my advantage.

“Please let me do,” I pleaded. I slowly stood up, hoping the man’s conscience would save me. It didn’t.

I was slapped across the face. Hard. My cheek stung and I fell back down to my knees.

“I-I’m sorry,” apologized the man. “But I cannot allow you to leave. Not until…” He never finished his sentence. There was no need. We both knew what was about to happen, only now I no longer knew if the man truly believed in what he was doing. Unfortunately, it was clear he would not let that stop him.

“Grab it,” instructed the man. This time he didn’t bother pointing to his member.

This was it. The moment I had been waiting for my entire life was finally here. I was about to have my first sexual experience. It was nothing like I thought my first time would be like, but if I wanted to have a second one, it was in my best interest to play along. Hopefully that would keep my captor’s anger issues from surfacing.

I inhaled deeply and expulsed the air from my lungs, calming myself. I was still terrified, but my hands no longer shook as I reached for the member that stood before me. I was slightly surprised when my fingers first made contact with it. It was far hotter than I had anticipated. It was still slightly soft, but I knew that would change soon enough.

“Move your hand back and forth,” instructed the man once my fingers were wrapped around his shaft.

It may have been my first time, giving a man a handjob was quite simple. All I had to do was slide my fingers up and down the entire length of the shaft. After only a few strokes, the member was hard as rock. Whoever this man was, he clearly enjoyed the manner in which I handled his cock.

“Faster,” he instructed. I increased the speed. I was surprised by how easy it was. With each passing day that I remained a virgin, sex seemed like an increasingly impossible thing. Yet all I had to do was move my hand back and forth. Had it not been for the fact that I was being held against my will and forced to perform my first sexual acts upon a man that felt oddly familiar, this may have been enjoyable. In fact, the slightest amount of joy had crept into my body and now began to blend with the dread that filled me. My first instinct was to fight it, but I realized it would only make things easier for me. I chose to let is spread through me.

By the time my captor’s member came to life, I had accepted my fate. I wasn’t exactly having a great time, but I had acknowledged that the only way to get through this was to play along and pray I would be set free once it was all over. That was the only thing that kept me going.

The man’s cock shook and trembled. I was so focused on keeping my fear under control that I didn’t understand what was happening before it was too late. By the time it dawned on me that he was moments away from climax, there was nothing I could do about it.

The man grunted, and his knees went weak, but he remained upright. His cock trembled in my hand for a second longer before something shot out of it. It flew through the air. It seemed to remain suspended there for a second, but then time caught up to it and it flew on, hitting me square in the face. An inch lower and it would have entered my mouth. I immediately sealed my lips. My eyes quickly followed.

It wasn’t until two more blobs of liquid hit me that I finally understood what was happening. The man was coming… on me. My first thought was to pull away, but the man reached down and grabbed my wrist. He held it tight and kept my hand moving up and down the length of his shaft. I struggled to break free, but he only squeezed tighter. I stopped fighting.

I just sat there as the man shot his load all over me. Most of it hit me in the face, but some hit my shoulders and a few squirts even landed on my breasts. It was an odd, and surprisingly pleasurable, feeling. Nonetheless, I was totally freaked out. My first sexual encounter had ended with me being covered in a stranger’s semen. It was not exactly what I had in mind when I imagined my first time with a man.

I crumbled to the ground when the man finally released me. My wrist was sore, but I knew there was no permanent damage. At least not to my body. My ego was another story altogether. I had been struggling between what was right and what was safe for quite some time. I had chosen the safe route, but as I lay there, covered in a stranger’s cum, I began to fear I had made the wrong choice. The thought barely had time to creep into me that I was already making my move.

As soon as the cum had been wiped away, I sprung to my feet. Once glance at my captor told me he was still weak from his recent orgasm. Perfect. The chain that kept me captive vanished into the darkness. I followed it, hoping beyond hope that finding its source would lead me to freedom. It wasn’t exactly a good plan, but it was the only one I had.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness that surrounded me. When inside the circle, what lay beyond the light remained hidden in darkness, but now that I was outside the circle, I was able to see my surroundings for the very first time. They were gloomy, but visible enough for me to get a mental picture of my prison. It was a plain room with brick walls and a cement floor. There was only one door. It stood in one of the corners. The chain that kept me captive was connected to the wall. It was attached to some weird mechanism that ran along a metal railing that stood halfway up the wall. I had never seen such a contraption before, but its function was clear. The mechanism ran along the rail, allowing me to move freely around the room while still keeping me chained up. The rail vanished behind the door, no doubt continuing beyond it. Whatever this place was, it was definitely not a good place.

That was my final thought before a powerful pair of hands grabbed me from behind. I fought back, but the hands were powerful and dragged me back to the circle of light. I was blinded for a few seconds, which gave my captor enough time to make his move. By the time my eyes got accustomed to the new lighting, I was handcuffed to the metal frame that held up the bed. I was bent over the edge of it, with my hands cuffed in front of me and my ass hanging over the edge. The faux leather material that made up the bed felt cold against breasts and stomach. A shiver ran through me.

“Let me go,” I demanded. I fought to break free, but it was useless. The bed was bolted to the ground. I wasn’t going anywhere. I eventually calmed down and glanced back at the man. He stood behind me, stroking his cock. He was getting ready.

There was nothing I could do to stop what was coming. I could scream, but that wouldn’t help. I could try and break free, but the cuffs were strong and the bed frame sturdy. I could beg, that that was out of the question. I would not give him the satisfaction. All I could do was grit my teeth and bear through it.

I glanced away. I didn’t want to see it coming. I closed my eyes. I was in total darkness again. I felt safe there. For now. I kept my eyes shut and tried to clear my mind. These were my final moments of peace before the horrors to come and I was determined to enjoy them. I inhaled deeply, held my breath for a second, then exhaled. My heart rate gradually slowed. I took another deep breath. My members stopped trembling. By the third intake of air, I was completely relaxed. That’s when he struck.

My captor’s hands made contact with my skin, and a shiver of fear rippled through me. He grabbed my waist. I had promised myself to stay calm and play along, but that was no longer an option. Adrenaline surged through me, awakening my survival instinct. I would not sit idly by while this man took my virginity. I would fight, even if it was the last thing I ever did.

I fought relentlessly, using every skill at my disposal. I kicked and bucked; I squirmed and contorted; I screamed and shrieked. I even tried insulting the man, but nothing worked. The man was simply too strong. I fought as hard as I could, but he eventually managed to pin me to the table. I couldn’t move. This was it. I had failed.

The man leaned forward, pressing his stomach to my back. His breath tickled my neck as his lips neared my ear.

“Calm down,” he whispered. He didn’t say it in a menacing way, he was simply stating a fact. This would go a lot smoother if I just let it happen. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I tried to break free one last time. When that failed, I gave up and slumped down onto the table.

After the longest three seconds of my life, something made contact with my labia. It was the tip of his cock. One thrust and my innocence would be gone. I hoped he would take things slow. He didn’t.

He jerked forward with all his might. And just like that, I was no longer a virgin.

“Fuck!” I yelped. Every last inch of the man’s cock was now inside me. I had been pleasuring myself regularly for many years, yet I had never felt this full. My pussy was stretched to its very limit. It was so snug around my captor’s member that I feared it would leave me ruined for life. Pain knocked at the door of my soul, begging to get in. Tears filled in my eyes, but not a single one rolled down my cheek. Every muscle in my body was taught with fear. But I was all right.

Then he pulled out and all hell broke loose. He started fucking me. Each one of his thrusts sent a pained cry flying past my lips. Each time his balls smacked against my skin, a tear rolled down my cheek. Each time he grunted from the effort, another wave of pain washed over me.

My captor dominated like I had never been dominated before. He pounded me like a savage beast. What little hope I had once harbored that he was in fact a nice guy was gone. All I now felt for him was hatred. I hated the manner in which his cock drilled me. I despised the grunts that escaped him each time he forced himself into me. I couldn’t stand the feel of his hands on me, yet there was nothing I could do about it.

I lay there and took it. There was nothing I could do to stop him. Fighting was useless. My only option was to retreat into myself and hope my torment would soon end. I went to my happy place. The perfect little world I had built for myself was invaded every time my captor’s member penetrated me, but it was the best I could hope for. I eventually forgot about the pain the crippled me. The humiliation also faded. Only the anger remained. But there was something else there. It took a while before I managed to identify it. When I finally did, my reprieve came to an abrupt end.

I emerged from my happy place, only to discover quite a lot had changed. I was no longer crippled with pain. In fact, the pain was all but gone. My tears had also stopped. Even the whimpers had ceased. But the most shocking part of all was the one thing that was not there before.


I refused to believe it at first, but the harder my captor rode me, the more of it there was. Before long, it became impossible for me to deny. As much as I hated myself for it, I was enjoying myself. What had begun as a rape—or sexual blackmail, if you prefer—had somehow mutated into something far worse. It had become… consensual.

I tried to fight the sexual hunger that gnawed at my insides, but no matter how hard I tried, each one of my lover’s—that’s right, he had become my lover—thrusts lured more arousal to my body. And there was nothing I could do about it. But that didn’t keep me from trying.

I fought for as long as I could. But when moans started flowing past my lips, I was forced to accept defeat. I still felt guilty for enjoying what should have been the single worst moment of my life, yet I loved every second of it. I welcomed my lover’s cock with a lustful moan. A groan of despair followed each one of his withdrawals. I was hooked and only one thing could put an end to my infatuation.


The thought repulsed me, yet it was inevitable. I could already feel the orgasm growing within me. It was only a matter of time before it overpowered me. And once that happened, all hope of coming out of this with my pride intact would be gone. On the plus side, giving in to my sexual hunger would turn a horrific ordeal into an enjoyable—or at least bearable—experience. Since the choice was not mine to make, I decided to accept my fate and make the most of it. As freaked out as I was, I gave in to my sexual cravings.

I moaned. I begged for more. I squirmed in delight. In response, my lover savagely pounded me, his grunts filling the air each time he entered me. Every so often he would slap my ass, but the pain was only temporary. In fact, I rather enjoyed it. Had I not been so aroused, I probably would have been ashamed of such a realization.

After what felt like an eternity, it finally happened. I climaxed. It hit me with such force I almost lost consciousness. It took every last shred of willpower I had, but I continued moaning at the top of my lungs as the orgasm tore through me. My body began to tremble. My head was thrust back by the sheer ecstasy of the pounding. My eyes rolled back in my head. My back arched to such an extent that my breasts left the faux leather bed.

Then something unexpected happened. I started to squirt. I had climaxed hundreds of times in my life, yet not once had I squirted. Until now. I don’t know if it was the perversity of the situation. Or the fact that I was being ridden by a complete stranger—unless I somehow figured out why his voice sounded so familiar. All I knew for sure was that I had never been this happy.

I wailed at the top of my lungs as his hot nectar gushed out of me. It splashed onto my lover and ran down my thighs. Some of it even made it all the way to the floor. At least I think it did, but it was hard to tell because the orgasm had grown so intense I blacked out. The last thing I thought was, he’s coming. But I wasn’t meant to enjoy the feel of his hot semen filling me up, because the world around me faded moments after his first squirt was released. And just like that, I was swallowed by darkness for the umpteenth time that day.

When I came to, my head was spinning. Thankfully, a few deep breaths took care of that. I was still quite weak, but I was able to open my eyes and look around. This brought me to my next realization. I was no longer cuffed to the bed. Instead, I sat next to it, my back resting against its frame. My captor stood before me. He was still panting heavily, which told me I wasn’t out for long. His half-erect member helped prove this theory.

I took a moment to take stock of what I had just been through. Not only had I lost my virginity, but I had enjoyed it. Worse even, I had let a complete stranger take my innocence. Or so I thought until the man reached for the fedora he still wore. My heart skipped a beat. Was I finally going to see my captor’s true identity? Would I finally figure out why his voice wounded so familiar? What about the hundreds of other questions that threatened to explode my mind? Would they be answered as well?

I watched in a mixture of anticipation and dread as the man’s fingers neared the fedora. What if I didn’t like what I saw? What if I preferred the man’s identity remain a secret? Unfortunately, the choice was not mine to make.

My captor took hold of his hat and slowly removed it. He lowered it in such a way that his face was still hidden. It wasn’t until it dropped past his chin that I finally got my first look at the man who had just taken my virginity. My eyes widened in disbelief as I suddenly realized why his voice sounded so familiar. I knew him. Actually, it was more than that. I was related to him. At least that’s what I would have thought had I not recently learned I was adopted. Nonetheless, the man standing before me still felt like family to me. We may not have shared the same blood, but to me he would forever be my cousin.

To be continued...

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-11 20:23:40
very great ! This story needs a part 2 : more rape, more incest...


2016-08-07 02:13:36
Keep it going you are very talented

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-05 21:57:21
Yep, write soon. Wanna know why new boytoy is so bloody stingy with the info. And what's up with the Very Interesting Chain? Please don't let her become a least not a very hairy one and...well, long enough to eat 'silent-treatment-boy', or to scare him sufficiently to revive his ability to speak - get info and then eat him.
Shot for spooky story.


2016-02-03 15:20:23
Looking forward to part 2. Very hott

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