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A shy outcast with a trouble background decides to open up to other.
Seems like only yesterday when my parents split up. My Dad wasn’t what you would call a good role model. When he wasn’t working he was either at the bars or using me as a punching bag for his shitty life. Mom worked hard and a lot to support us. Dad paid the bills, but mom had to pay for the food. She was also saving up to leave Dad. After all she can only stand to see her son a bloody mess so many times. My saving grace came the day after I returned to school after my Dad lost $5,000 on the Super Bowl when I was 6. Dad beat me bad, like it was my fault his team lost. I don’t remember much of what happened, seems he beat me unconscious. I woke up to the site of my mom lying on the living room floor, her face was beaten, and her pants were missing. She laid there crying. When I tried to move my Dad came into the room and kicked me hard in the gut. I watched helplessly as 5 guys came into our house. Each on dropped their pants and each took a turn getting between my mom’s legs. Mom would scream “no” or “stop please”. When I was older I would learn these men were raping my mom so dad could pay off his bet he lost. The next morning I went to school and my teacher Ms. Gates saw what a mess I was. After a few calls and the school nurse looking me over, Child protective service came to talk to me as well as the police. I thought for sure mom was going to be arrested too until I heard an officer say how it looked when they got to my house and saw that my mom was beaten and how she was ganged raped. Those 5 guys were arrested, charged with rape and sent away to prison for 20 years. Dad was arrested for assaulting a minor, drunken disorderly conduct, soliciting prostitution, (even though his lawyer tried to get that dropped) and spousal abuse, 30 years in jail total. Mom filed for divorce the day she got out of the hospital.

For 2 years mom and I lived on our own. We both needed to heal from what Dad did to us. Mom worked one job at a local dinner being a waitress. It wasn’t good hourly pay, but the tips were great. I started running a lot and playing video games. Running helped clear my mind and keep me in shape. One night during dinner mom told me about a regular customer named Todd Adams who stood up for her when 2 drunks came in. One of them grabbed my mom’s ass and the other asked her if she is as good as they heard. Seems they know my Dad. Todd could see mom was scared so he stayed till she left. He watched her walk to her car and saw the drunks waiting. He walked up and told them to leave her alone. Needless to say they didn’t and tried to fight Todd, big mistake. Todd is an ex-Navy SEAL. 30 seconds later both guys were on the ground in pain.

Mom accepted a date from Todd a few months later. Seems he understood her past and was patient with her. When I finally met him, he was nice and brought his daughter Kelsey over. Kelsey is my age and very sweet, loves to run and into games like me. All of us hit it off great. Soon we were living with Todd and Kelsey and I started Jr. High that’s when the physical changed happened. Puberty hit. First me, then Kelsey, I grow up talk and thin, while Kelsey got tall and developed her breast. The night of our winter Dance in 7th grade Kelsey was getting hit on by some jocks. She slapped the one that grabbed her breast, while I came running to my step-sister’s aid. I tackled one, but quickly got my ass kicked. Kelsey was in tears, and soon the teacher stopped it. When Mom and Todd heard what I did Todd thanked me for standing up for Kelsey. He decided we need to learn to defend ourselves. The next morning we started defensive training and hand to hand combat.

Between that and my running I developed a nice toned body. At the age of 18 I am 6ft tall, 180lbs of tone body mass. I have the wash board abs, blue eyes, brown hair, and dress in gamer clothes. In a sense I was a nerd, but not your typical nerd since I was trained to fight. Kelsey grew up to be a beautiful hot young woman. She has a body to die for. 5ft 5 inches, 120 lbs., long blonde hair, hazel eyes, a nice toned ass with 32DD boobs, yes we got along great as step siblings. She is my most trusted friend. Whereas she is popular, I am not so much; I’m a mystery because of my past. Most guys like to drink and use girls. Given my past you can’t blame me for not liking that. Even Kelsey doesn’t go to parties too often after hearing some of y horror stories about my Dad. She hasn’t told her friends about my past because she feels it is up to me who should know.

Start of my senior year of High School was a real changing event for me again. First day of school and I have a new classmate for homeroom/physics. Her name is Anna and she is Asian. Our teacher Mr. Jerome thought it would be good to assign her to me for lab since nobody wants to be my partner. Anna walks over and sits next to me. Now I maybe a mystery/outcast but my Mom made sure I knew how to be a gentleman, and with the first day of classes being a no learning day, I decided to talk to her, after all we are going to be lab partners for the year.

“Hi, I’m Shane.” I tell her.

“Hi.” she tells me back.

“Where are you from?”


“Cool is it nice there?”

“Yeah I miss it there. I didn’t want to come here but I had too.”

“Why’s that?”

“My father is a Doctor who brought us here when I was 9. Since then I have been in private school, but when my mom found out about her terminal brain cancer I begged to be closer to home to be with her. Public schools are open to anyone so I came here. I Left all my friends behind so I could be with my family.”

“I’m Sorry to hear about your mom. I wish something could be done.”

“Thank you, me too.”


“Guess I needed to vent a little. Sorry about that.”

“It’s ok. I will always listen.”

“Thanks, why do you say that?”

“I maybe a mystery to most and an outcast but my life hasn’t been easy.”

“Oh. What’s your story?”

“Short version is my Dad was a drunk who beat me and my mom, let 5 guys rape her to pay off his debt and now is in jail. I have a wonderful step-father and step-sister who don’t judge me based on what happened to me in the past.”

“Oh Wow I’m so sorry.”

We chat for the rest of class, seems she likes to run and into video games especially Call of Duty. When the bell rings Anna gets up, smiles and walks out of the room. I couldn’t help but check her out. She’s about 5’3, 110lbs, thin athletic build, most likely a 32B and a very nice shaped small ass. The rest of my day went by slowly. Each class was an introduction and then free period. I did find myself thinking about Anna a few times. Last class of the day was with Kelsey and her boyfriend Dathan. I don’t like him at all. I see how he is with Kelsey and how he is with the other hockey jocks. Dathan is the starting center and something about him rubs me wrong. Kelsey is happy with him so I let it be. After all it’s her life and her choices. After school Kelsey had soccer practice so I went to the track to run. Since Kelsey has a car we carpool together. Once we got home, we get ready for dinner, and the surprises keep coming. Todd’s latest assignment is out of the state so he and Mom are going on a weekend get-a-way. They are leaving Friday morning. Todd’s works as a security consultant and handles a lot of the big name jobs. From homes to celebrities, Todd helps set up and even helps be a body guard if need be. Kelsey and I were going to be home alone, and knowing Kelsey that meant a few friends over.

Later that night Kelsey came into my room to play a few rounds of Zombies with me. After the 10th game Kelsey puts down her controller.

“Shane can I talk to you about this weekend?” she asks;

“Sure what’s up?”

“With Dad and Mary gone I would like to have a few people over.”

“I know you would and that’s fine by me.”

“But one of them will be Dathan. I want him to stay the night.”

I sat there for a few moments thinking. Normally Kelsey would have her female friends over, they would watch chick flicks, walk around in short clothing and I would jack off thinking about a couple of them. This time was its different. Not only would there be girls but Dathan and who knows how many other guys.

“Sure Kelsey that’s fine under 2 conditions.”

“Ok what are they?”

“Number 1 no alcohol. I know guys like booze at parties but not here.”

“Deal I don’t want it here either.”

“Number 2 if any guys gets out of line I kick the shit out of him.”

“Ok I agree. Thanks Shane.”

After that night the rest of my week was normal. Training with Todd (mostly sparring), physics with Anna who is rapidly becoming a good friend, running after school, homework and video games. Before I knew it Friday was here and Kelsey, Dathan and I are in the last class of the day. I can hear Kelsey talking to Dathan telling him once again no alcohol and reluctantly he agrees. After school Kelsey is getting ready for her big soccer game. As always I go to support her and wish her luck before she heads into the locker room. I round the corner and literally bump into someone.

“Excuse me, Oh Shane what are you doing here?” Anna asks.

“I came to wish my step-sister Kelsey good luck.”

“Kelsey Adams is your step-sister? Wow small world. She’s a great player.”

“Yeah, I take it you’re on the team?”

“I am. I’m one of the defenders.”

“Well good luck Anna. Now I have two ladies to cheer for.”

“Thanks Shane.”

Anna smile and touches my arm before running to the locker room. Seeing Anna and her touching me sent chills up and down my spine, but in a good way. I go take a seat and get ready to watch the game. The stands fill up and soon the game starts. I’ve never seen a game this intense before. Nobody could score. Sandstoners’ goalie kept blocking everything Kelsey, Marie Harris, and Rose Porter could kick at her, while Anna and Misty Fillion, the other defender, never let them get by. Finally Marie sets Kelsey up with a nice play to score the first and only goal for the Raiders with 30 seconds left to win the game. I couldn’t help but wait for Kelsey by the locker room. I was so proud and happy for her. Anna comes out before Kelsey, her long black hair still wet from the shower.

“Good Job Anna.” I tell her.

“Thanks Shane.”

“You’re really good.”

“Thanks. I’ve been playing since I was 5.”

“It shows it.”

Kelsey comes out of the locker room all smiles. “Hey Shane, you ready?”

“I am. Good job Kel that was one hell of a goalie.”

“Thanks. Anna you know Shane my step-brother?”

“Yeah we are partners in physics.”

“Cool. Shane’s a great guy just shy at times.”

“He isn’t shy to me. Here Shane let’s get together for a C.O.D match sometime.” Anna rips off a piece of paper and writes her gamer ID and cell number down, before she leaves. I watch her walk away holding the paper she gave me. Then Kelsey and I head to her car.

“You like her don’t you?” Kelsey asks

“She’s cute and we like some of the same stuff. Jury still out though.” I tell her.

“Shane you’re smiling and blushing a bit. You should ask her out sometime.”

“A girl like that has a boyfriend.”

“You never know.”

“Well I don’t want to ruin what is pretty much my only friend besides you that I have.”

“I know your past Shane, and I can’t blame you for not trusting people. But listen to me, being the mystery outcast type is one thing, but soon High School is done and we will be going off into the real world, dealing with people at our jobs. How we interact with others can make or break our career choices. The thing about life is that it needs to be lived. By being how others see you, you’re showing your Dad you’re scared and he has won against you. My dad always says a bully will never win against a person that stands up to them.”

I nod my head as we reach the car and start heading home. I am still thinking about what Kelsey said as she stops to get some snacks for tonight. When she gets back in I can she she’s upset.

“I’m Sorry if I said something to upset you Shane.”

“No Kel you have nothing to be sorry about you have always been there trying to help me. You’re right. My Dad did do a number on me mentally. I need to start letting some new people in. I can’t let my Dad win. In a way Anna broke through and I do trust her. You did give me a lot to think about. Truth is I haven’t thought about my future at all.”

“Time to start, this year will fly by and leave you behind.”

We start talking about the future and what we going to do. Some of it was just us joking like Kelsey saying she’s going to be a porn star or that I will be a florist. (Trust me that will not happen. I can kill a fake flower). We get home and I bring the bags in for her, before heading to my room. I turn my PS3 on and add Anna to my friend list then grab my cell and add her number to my contacts. I send her a quick message telling her it’s me and give her my number. She asks if I’m free for a game and I tell her I’m online. We quickly get into a match and play for an hour. She’s good and can hold her own. We end so I can get some food. We agree to play again and to let the other know via text. I look at the time and see it’s almost 7; Kelsey’s friends are coming at 8 so I quickly grab a shower. After all with more girls than normal in the house this maybe the only time I get hot water with my shower. I head downstairs to get some food. All I have on is a pair of shorts. I’m at the fridge getting something when out of the blue.

“Who is that?” a female voice asks.

“On come on Denise it’s Shane.” Kelsey answers.

I turn around and see Kelsey is with a couple of her best friends and one of them is Denise Curran. She’s 5’7, 130lbs, long red hair, athletic with a 34C chest. She’s someone that can’t stand me and thinks Kelsey only talks to me because our parents are married. Next to Denise is Caitlyn Gravelin, tan skin 5’0, 100lbs, athletic build and has an A cup. Then there is Makta Shaw a girl who has the same body as Kelsey only her parents are from India, so she is dark skin, and long black hair. Kelsey and have been friends since we were in Jr. High. She’s always at one of Kelsey’s get-to-gathers. Over the summer Kelsey had a sleep over and Makta was here. All the girls went out back swimming and Makta come past my room in a two piece bikini. Let’s just say jacking off was a requirement when she walked by.

“Shane I didn’t recognize you without your geeky clothes on. I would never have thought that was what was underneath.” Denise says.

“Denise I didn’t recognize you without a guy all over you.” I tell her.

“You just wish it was you.”

“Nah I’m not into sloppy seconds.”

“Ha Ha Fuck you Shane.”

I smile as Caitlyn, Kelsey, and Makta hide a laugh. I was saved from making a reply when the doorbell rang. The rest of “party” people are coming. Kelsey opens the door and I see Dathan, Scott Powers, Jamal Harris and a few others I don’t know. I head up to my room, put my clothes on and get on my computers to net surf. Over the years of being without friends to hang out with realize something about myself, I’m very smart and computer code/hacking comes natural to me. Once I hacked into Kelsey’s computer and learn about a few things she’s never told me. Never keep a diary on your computer that’s connected to a network. It just asked for trouble. I hear the doorbell again and music starting. I’m upstairs for an hour when I hear a crash. I take off running downstairs to find out what happened. By now I see about 20 people and a smashed bottle, or I should say bottles, like a case of long neck beer bottles.

“What the fuck?” I yell.

“Chill dude it was an accident.” Some guy in the crowd says.

“There is no Alcohol to be here.” I address the crowd.

“It’s a party and it’s called for. It what makes it fun.” The strange guy walks up and it’s Danny Richards, the asshole that grabbed Kelsey’s breast in 7th grade.

“You can leave now and take the beer with you”

“The hell I will Shane the Lame, you can leave you little pussy.”

“No, this is my house and a lot has changed since 7th grade.”

“Listen here, leave now or get the shit kicked out of your scrawny ass again.”

I smile, “Try it.”

With that Danny comes at me, one, two, three hard jabs to my face that would have had me down if they hit. Sparring with Todd over the years helped me telegraph moves. On the third punch I ducked to the side and quickly bring my foot down hard onto the side of his left knee. He goes down holding his knee. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Russ Wheeler coming at me. I block his punch and come back with a hard palm strike to his nose breaking it. I follow up with a round house kick putting him down. Makta, Denise, and Caitlyn come running over.

“HEY you were told to leave an hour ago, not get out.” Denise yells at the two guys.

“Fine, it’s a lame party anyways without beer.” Danny says as he limps away. I follow them to make sure there is no trouble. Both guys leave beat, broken, and carrying the remainder of their bee, and glaring hatred at me. Oh well I thought. They got what they deserve Denise looks at me.

“Thanks Shane. We kicked them out when we saw the beer. We know Kelsey’s rules.” Denise says.

“Don’t worry about it. Where’s Kelsey?” I ask.

“Haven’t seen her in about 20 minutes, she and Dathan took off to be alone” Cait tells me.

I mentally shrug. Should have known Kelsey was going to screw Dathan. After all the parents are gone so why not. I just figured it would have been after, but if she’s that horny oh well. I’ll fill her in about Danny later then I decided to stay outside by the door. This way no more booze can come in. The yard is fenced in with only door coming out onto the front lawn where I can see. No sneaking it in that way. The girls go back in except for Makta who stands outside with me.

“How come you’re not inside?” I ask her.

“Don’t feel like partying too much.”

“How come?”

“I broke up with Roger, my boyfriend, a few days ago.”

“Oh I see. Was it bad I take it?”

“You could say that. I found out he was screwing Holly Root behind my back.”

“Holly, Holly, Isn’t she the sophomore that screws for money?”

“As far as I know she doesn’t ask for money. She just likes to fuck, and has no standards as long as they want her.”

“So why fuck her when he as you? If you don’t mind answering”

“I don’t’ mind. When I confronted him, he told me I wasn’t good enough fuck. Yet he can’t get me off and blows his load in less than a minute. To me sex isn’t always about getting off. It’s about equal pleasure. He was always a drop your pants, turn around, bend over, shove it in a few times and cum. No turning me on or foreplay.”

“I’m sorry Makta. Guys can be douche bags.”

“So you’re saying you’re a douche bag sense you’re a guy?”

“Ha ha ha, No I don’t think women are a conquest. A base line connect has to be made first. I saw my Mom get used by my Dad and the pain everything he has done to her before the divorce. Using girls is not being a man. A man cares what the girl things, and feels.”

“Well put Shane. You know this is the longest we talked and the most you opened up to me or anyone for that matter.”

“Well Kelsey told me I need to open up and come out of my shell or the future will pass me by earlier tonight. She’s right.”

“Women normally are….. Oh Shit.”


“Roger is coming.”

I look down the walkway and see a 6ft, 230lbs, muscular black behemoth of a man walking towards us.

“Can we talk Makta?” Roger asks.

“Fine talk.” Makta says.


Makta walks over to the left, just out of ear shot but still within helping distance. They talk back and forth for about a minute before Makta turns to walk away. Roger grabs her by the arm. I hear Makta say he’s hurting her and that’s all it takes. I rush into action. Roger is so focus on Makta he don’t see me until I have him in a choke hold/sleeper. He lets her go and struggles to break the hold. Thing about this is that more he struggles the faster he is going out. Just before he passes out I let him go as he falls to the ground.

“Get out of my yard and leave Makta alone. You blew your chance with this wonderful woman.”

“Bitch you will come crawling back soon. Once you go black you never go back.” Roger yells.

“Roger it takes more than a big dick to please a real woman not a cock crazy whore. Go back to Holly I will find a real man to please my, and I won’t care if he is 2 inches long as long as he knows how to properly make love.” Makta replies.

Roger turns and leaves. We watch him leave when he is out of sight Makta turns to face me, raises up and kisses me on the lips. I couldn’t help but kiss her back. After what seems like an eternity the kiss ends.

“Thank you for protecting me. Only a real man would.” She says.

She grabs my hand and leads me back inside, past the party guest and up to my room. As we get to the stop of the stairs, I see a strange guy take his hand off of Kelsey’s door.

“Excuse me, but nobody is to be up here except those that live here.” Makta says.

“Sorry just looking for another bathroom, the one downstairs is being used and I really got to go.” The strange guy says.

“Second door on the left and be quick.” I tell him.

“Thanks Bro you’re a life savior.”

I watch him quickly move to the bathroom. He seems familiar but I can’t place him. Makta waste no time pulling me into my room, shutting the door and locking it then she kisses me again only more passionately. Her mouth opens and I waste no time sliding my tongue into her mouth. Once inside she starts sucking on it. I can feel my dick hardening by the second. I slowly bring my hands up to her breast and rub them hard. Makta breaks our kiss.

“Shane, have you ever done this before?” She asks.

“No. I figured it would show.” I tell her as I look at the floor.

Lifting my head up so I can see her, Makta smiles and says, “Shane the nice thing about you being a virgin is I can show you the right way to please a woman.”

I watch as Makta slides my shorts down, then my boxes, pushes me onto the bed and smiles as she pulls the two off. “First thing we need to do is make sure you don’t cum to early during sex.” With that comment Makta kneels down and pushes the throbbing head of my 6 inch hard cock past her sweet beautiful lips. I can feel her tongue sliding around the bottom of my head. I quickly remove my shirt just as Makta slides more into her mouth than back up to the head. Slowly her hand slides back down. For about a minute she continues to do this till finally my entire cock in in her mouth. Using her tongue she applies more pressure and slowly starts bobbing her head up and down. This is my first blow job and I already can tell I love having Makta blow me. I lay with my back on the bed enjoying this new sensation my cock is feeling. Makta for her part never uses her hands, just her mouth and tongue. After a few minutes I feel my balls tingle. “Makta I’m going to cum.” I tell her as I feel my balls tingle. This causes her to go faster than she has this entire time. Just as my head erupts a stream of hot molten cum Makta removes all but the tip of my cock from her mouth. I can feel her swallowing as fast as I am pumping cum into her mouth. After 6 hard spurts Makta finally takes my cock into her hand and gives it a dozen jerks forcing the rest of my cum out into her mouth.

“I hope you enjoyed that Shane. I know I did.” Makta says.

“That was the most wonderful sensation every.” I tell her.

“That’s just the start. Are you ready to learn?”

“Yes.” I tell her as she stands up and removes her shirt exposing a black lace bra. Her tits look as if they are fighting to break free. Makta reaches behind her and undoes the clasp. Her big double D’s finally expanding to their natural size. Her bra falls to the ground and I finally see her tits for all they are worth. Her areola’s are dark the size of a 50 cent piece, her nipples are dark and the size of a penny, and extremely hard. Next she slides her pants down revealing the matching panties. Finally she hooks her panties with her thumbs and pulls them down and takes them off. I smile as I see her sweet pussy for the first time. She is shaved except for a small inch strip of black hair and even that is trimmed short. Makta moves closer, takes her left hand, places it behind my head and guides it to her tit. I don’t have to be told anything as I latch onto her left nipple and suck on it like staving baby sucking on it mother’s nipple. My right hand cups her left tit while my left hand moves up to her right nit. I take her right nipple between my left pointer finger and thumb to slowly roll it back and forth. I work her left nipple with my tongue. After a minute I switch nipples and do the same to the other.

Makta gently pushes me off her nipples and walk around my bed to get on it. “Shane to pleasure a woman you need to pay attention to what she says and does. We will tell you if you do something we like.” She says as she lies on her back and spreads her legs. I move to get between them, but I don’t’ just dive right in and lick it. Instead I take one leg and kiss my way down it and not want to be left out I do that same to the other. When I kiss my way to her beautiful pussy I kiss my way around it. Makta’s hands go on the back of my head as I spiral my way to the center. When I kiss the middle, Makta moans softly. I take that as a good sign and slide my tongue into her wet pussy. I experiment a bit trying different things. Makta moans louder as I curl my tongue and pull I tout of her to flatten it out in order to slide it back in. After a minute I insert a finger into her pussy and move up to her clit. I take her clit into my mouth and work it like I did her nipples. Her moans turn into screams of pleasure as I rotate my arm so my finger can curl upwards. Makta uses her hands to pull my face tighter into her pussy as she starts to grind her pussy into my face. Suddenly without warning a river of hot sweet nectar roars out of her pussy. Even before it starts Makta’s thighs press tightly against the sides of my head. Makta’s in the middle of a powerful orgasm that wants to push my finger out. I move my tongue down to start licking up her sweet pussy juices. After a few seconds her thighs relax and I move away from her pussy.

“My you’re such a material pussy eater. Now let’s see if your just as good at fucking.” Makta says as she guides me onto my back, straddles my hips and slides down my steel rod of a cock. She is tight, but because she is so wet I slide in easily. Once she’s finally sitting on my pelvis we don’t move. I can see Makta’s eyes are closed and her mouth is open. She places her hands on my chest and slowly lifts herself up about an inch then slams down hard. “God you’re thicker than Roger.” Makta says as she starts to speed up a little. I place my hands on her hips and watch her face. With every other downward slam Makta does, I thrust upward. I can hear Makta start moaning softly. We speed up a little and suddenly she stops bouncing on my cock and starts rocking her hips back and forth fast. I thrust up every other second until Makta’s pussy grips my cock tightly. I watch her eyes roll into the back of her head as she falls forward. I can feel pussy juices running down my inner thigh as what has to be a powerful orgasm ripples through her pussy.

Makta is breathing hard as I start thrusting in and out of her pussy. It’s a good thing she had me cum earlier because as tight as her pussy is I doubt I would last this long. Makta starts to moan and her hips begin to move, working its way into a rhythm with mine. We get into good rhythm and Makta has another orgasm. Every couple of minutes her pussy clamps down and she cums hard. Only now she doesn’t stop like the first one. The hard she grinds into my pelvis the louder she moans. After 20 minutes I feel the pressure reaching its breaking point. “Makta I’m going to cum.” I tell her. She goes back to bouncing fast. “Makta I can’t hold it I’m going to cum.” I tell her again “Cum in me it’s safe.” She says and with that statement I fire off a hard shot of cum that must have gone up to her mouth. I grunt as more and more cum is injected into Makta’s hot pussy. She has another orgasm. She screams loudly as she falls onto my chest breathing hard.

We lay like that for a few minutes to catch our breaths. Makta sits up and looks at me. “You sure you were a virgin?” she ask me.

“Yeah you were the first girl I fucked.” I reply.

“Well you sure don’t fuck like one. I didn’t have to tell you anything.”

“Well I did what you said. I paid attention.”

“Well good because I haven’t ever had a fuck that good.”

“You are my beautiful Indian goddess. I will fuck you anytime.”

“Glad to hear it, but for now its late. We better get dress and break up the party.” She says as she slides my spent cock out of her well fucked pussy. We both clean up and get dress. We leave my room and go downstairs. Most of the people are gone except for a couple remaining. Makta lets them know it is time to go while I go find Kelsey. I check the whole first floor and I don’t find her. I can see Denise and Caitlyn cleaning up in the kitchen.

“Has Kel been around lately?” I ask them.

“She and Dathan must still be hiding enjoying each other.” Caitlyn says.

“Actually I texted Dathan after the fight and he said he left before the fight.” Denise says.

“Then where is she?” I ask.

“Let’s try her cell.” Caitlyn says as she pulls her phone out and calls Kelsey. “Nothing it went to voice mail.”

“Something isn’t right. It isn’t like her to miss out on her party.” Denise says. “She could be with Makta. I haven’t seen her for a while.”

“No I was with Shane.” Makta says waling into the room.

“We better find her.” I tell everyone.

We begin searching the house and yards. Basement training room is empty, nothing out back, garage is empty, and the whole first floor is empty. So upstairs we head. At the top of the stairs I remember the strange guy how wanted a bathroom. Now that I see Kelsey’s door open a little with the light on something stirs inside me. I remember the door was shut last time I came up here and I remember it was shut when Makta and I walked past it a few minutes ago. I go to her door and knock as I push it open, there is Kelsey lying on her back. Her legs spread open showing her shaved pussy in all its glory. Her shirt torn open and her big 32DDs out getting some air, hard cum on the bed spread I knew right then what happened.

“OH MY GOD.” I said as I find my voice after realizing Kelsey had just been raped.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-25 20:14:12
True story: My dad used to use me for a punching bag. He would say come here so I can hit you. One day he was spanking me for losing his tools. I never touched his tools because I knew he would beat me if I did. The dumbass laid them down somewhere and forgot where. He reached for my little sister 4 years old crying on the floor. I wasn't sure if he was going to hit her or not. I was about 5 foot 8 inches when I was 9. He was 6 foot even. We both weighed about 180 pounds. I hit him so hard I broke his fucking nose. He never touched me after that. Then all I got was verbal abuse. I asked why he was trying to make me laugh at him? Then he quit that too. He wasn't afraid of me. I figured he stopped hitting me because he was afraid he'd kill me. Then mom would kill him. He knew better than to piss her off. Mom only spanked me a couple of times. But she invented lying and playing mind games with my sister and me. Dad only pulled his crap on me when mom was a work.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-28 07:14:38
Please continue an amazing story lots of potential

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-28 06:29:23
gave it a negative, don't like rape stories, and yours is label consensual sex. didn't say nothing about rape

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-28 06:28:31
well when I read you use 'role model' and not 'roll model' I thought this was going to be a decent story by a decent writer.

A few paragraphs later, I found out I was wrong. Dude, proof read it or get someone to. when you're using ' I may be' it should be written like that, not "I maybe".....that was just one of many and it just killed the story. didn't give it a negative, but could have very easily. For the lack of writing skills AND how rushed it was.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-28 06:24:21
Spelling, diction, and wording need a major improvement, but it has potential to be a good story if you fix that stuff.

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