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This story is a work of fiction that depicts sexual activity that some people may find offensive. If you are easily offended stop reading now and kindly keep your opinions to yourself. Everyone else enjoy and let me know what you think!
The door slammed against the wall and the two alphas entered. Nathan hadn’t heard the click of it being unlocked and it made him jump. Evidentially his captor was also taken by surprise as his body jolted.
“Right slut, second go.” Said the bigger one.
Nathan felt himself being manoeuvred into position and realised with a start that he could feel more of his body. Why and how? He needed to find out.

* * *

I was delirious. My fantasies were becoming reality. They used handfuls of my hair and sharp slaps to my body to force me into position. Back on my knees Chris now held my head and Tony was behind me. My ass was throbbing from the first fucking but it felt empty. Having Tony’s cock in there would be heaven and my mouth was already watering at the thought of Chris’s monster. All my thoughts turned to this moment. Every instant was savoured as one might a sip of brandy. Years of longing were distilling down into a reality I had dreamed of for so long and I wanted to preserve this experience forever. A record of where this new life began. In my heightened state every nerve in my body was tuned to the highest sensitivity and all the brain power I could spare to process and remember. I could barely hear the porn on the TV.

Then it started. Chris pulled my hair and I swallowed his cock. At the same time Tony impaled me from behind. They owned the rhythm this time. Both thrusting into me at the same time. I lost myself. I lost myself to the degradation and to the cock. I was here, where I’d dreamed of for so long.

* * *

Nathan steeled himself for the pain but it wasn’t as bad as last time. Worse was the inability to breathe. This one’s cock was so big it stretched his jaw but as he couldn’t control his body he had to rely on his captor. And his captor seemed to be losing it. Nathan could feel the weight of oppression lift. One notch on the belt of the prison. No longer did the torrent of information from his body pour through in tightly controlled streams. Now it seemed to come from everywhere, random feeds piercing the barrier from all directions before shutting off and appearing from a different direction.

He tested his prison again. A soft outward pressure. Tensing his mental state he visualised himself exhale and grow. His confinement expanded, the fog began to clear, and more feeling from his body poured through. He felt the soreness of his knees and the locker key bands cutting into his wrists. A slapping against his balls announced Tony’s balls with every thrust, a dull pain seeping in. He even felt his nipples tingle, their erect buds untouched and desperate for attention. Nathan always loved the girls biting his nipples.

Another expansion gave him more of his own brain back. He felt his consciousness flood into every neuron as water fills a vessel. Each firing of his synapses gave him more. More intelligence, more space, more information. More power. And with each enlargement the hatred that drove Nathan increased. An exponential growth that turned the pressure within the prison into a weapon, and Nathan knew when that weapon would be used. He just needed to get it to critical before that moment came.

* * *

I was dizzy. The excitement of fulfilling my desires was driving me wild and I embraced it with a passion borne of years of suppression. Chris and Tony pistoned into me from each end with such force it seemed they would meet in the middle. I struggled to breathe properly as Chris forced his huge cock into my throat. But the real pleasure came from Tony. While not as big as Chris he drove it into my ass with amazing technique. I submitted to him, giving up any pretext of control in order to give him full access. My ass belonged to him and I was smitten, a willing slave to his permitted rape. So intense was this moment that I seemed to lose the rest of the room to an encroaching darkness. I was glad. Such an experience as this must be enjoyed with full attention. I didn’t even notice my own cock dripping pre-cum as it swung around below me.

* * *

One more expansion thought Nathan. Just one more and he would be ready. With more brain mass to process information his anger had turned to rage and threatened to engulf him. But Nathan knew how to handle it. He reminded himself of his unrestrained violence in detention and held onto the control process. With his fury boiling around him he forced a calm centre, a steel core controlling his constricted passions. In the real world he controlled an area of his own brain the size of a walnut, but internally he was a giant. A seething monster breaking free from his shackles and ready to commit bloody murder. He would rip his captor apart cell by cell if he had to. He would take joy in reducing him to a single neuron and then burning it.

A final push gave Nathan the power he felt he needed. He now encouraged his rage. He thought of how his own mind had been subjugated, his own body stolen from him. The despicable acts he had endured. He turned the shame and guilt of enjoyment into a powerful reinforcement and gave his recipe time to come to full strength.
Nathan waited for his moment.

* * *

Chris came first. He filled my mouth with thick salty cum and I swallowed as fast as it came. This time I was pushed away, a strong hand slamming into my forehead. I fell forwards and turned my face just in time as my ear hit the padded floor. This pushed my ass up giving Tony even greater access and he used it well. He squatted on the balls of his feet and slammed into me so hard each thrust forced me to grunt. I heard him grunting also and knew he was close and for the first time I noticed how close I was. I knew Chris was sitting in front of me but he seemed to have disappeared into the darkness surrounding me.

Tony let out a roar and pumped me full of cum, thrusting down with such force it hurt my knees. His cock rammed in so deep it forced me to climax and I ejaculated hard onto the floor, each shot eliciting a cry. It was so intense my already shrunken world grew smaller until it was just me and the sweaty padding at my head.

* * *

It was not as he imagined. Nathan waited until all his captors attention was on his own climax, an intense sensation that caused him to lose concentration, but only for a moment. He tensed, paused, and unleashed all the fury he had built. Where he had imagined a sudden explosion there was instead a rapid expansion. The fog imprisoning him retreated as though sucked out and the information feeds that had been pouring in shut off. For a brief moment Nathan was numb again, alone in his private hell, but as quick as it came it was engulfed by the normal feeling of his body. His brain was his again and the information flowed around it once more. Every source split into a million different pathways. Nathan was inundated with all the sensations of his body one takes for granted or gets used to. He felt his heart thumping in his chest, the air flowing through his nostrils, the pain in his knee that had been there since detention. Everything.

Such was the sudden release and emotional impact of reclaiming his own body, Nathan paused. It was a mistake.

* * *

I took scant notice of the guys leaving. I hadn’t even realised they had removed their locked keys from my wrists. The room was still dark. I couldn’t see the door. The little bastard was pushing me out of my brain. I couldn’t believe the little fucker had got out! How in the hell? It didn’t matter, he was out and I needed to recapture him.

My body felt like I was moving through treacle as I crawled to the door. Every movement needed to be forced and tremors started up throughout me. Even lifting my hand to the lock was an effort, as though someone was pushing me down. I lost feeling in my feet. I couldn’t lock the door with one finger and had to crawl up it so I could use both hands.

My head started to throb, a low level rumble approaching from within. With two us in one brain it was starting to expand with the heat. A single brain was never meant to hold two people, and certainly not two fighting against each other. It was running at full capacity, probably over, all the time and was burning through the body’s energy as a frightening rate. I would become physically weak and unable to stand up. I flopped back down to the padded floor to concentrate on subjugating him

* * *

Nathan fractured into a billion thoughts and fled through his brain. Pathways burned with use. He shot passed electrical impulses; breathing, heart rate, nutrient take up and a myriad other normal body functions. He felt his captor chasing him, a seething needle of retribution trying to once more capture him. If he was caught he knew he would be wiped out this time. But Nathan had waited. He’d watched. He knew his own mind and he knew his capabilities. Nathan was a survivor and he was going to destroy this entity completely.

* * *

My cry was one of frustration and it echoed within the confines of the small room. Moments later someone was banging on the door but I ignored it. The pounding in my head was far louder but I was forced to ignore that as well. The little cunt was leading me a chase through his own mind. How this pathetic little human had learned any of these skills was beyond me but I couldn’t dwell on that. I would find out when I caught him and sliced him up.

He was wily, but not experienced. I saw him shatter and spread throughout the brain. I understood why he did it but he didn’t realise the brain and pathways were not linear. I was everywhere already and started to shut down sections and close off neural pathways. I watched him shoot though parts of the brain mass that were rarely used and trapped him, firing synapses at each end so often they burned away. With no way out that part of him was trapped and I smiled to myself.

The pounding on the door continued but I couldn’t open it if I had wanted to. All my concentration was on stopping Nathan and I’d left the rest of the body. I didn’t know why I could no longer feel it but that was something for later. Control the mind and you control everything. I found another sliver of him worming its way through my own consciousness. Stupid fuck. I surrounded it and started to squeeze.

I roared in pain as my mind exploded. A billion crystal shards piercing me from within. I lost sight of one eye and could smell piss. As the brightness retreated I caught a glimpse of him fleeing.
He was laughing.

* * *

It took everything he had to explode from within the trap but he knew he’d dealt a terrible blow. He’d sucked the being around his brain until he’d formed another trap for himself, but this time Nathan didn’t have to deal with established barriers. Tensing once again he allowed his rage to swell without restriction, a fireball alight with all the pain and anger in his life. He saw the entity shred into tiny pieces under the immense pressure of his expansion and he once again split into many, turning once to see the destruction he’d wrought.

He laughed, but it wasn’t over. Nathan knew this was just a lull in the battle. He had another plan, and it involved giving his brain to the entity.

* * *

The door burst open sending the little throw lock flying across the room. A big guy in white shorts and t-shirt stormed in. I couldn’t understand what he was shouting but at least I could hear a muffled noise. My hearing was returning and I noticed the darkness that surrounded me had gone. The throbbing in my head reduced to a dull pain.

“Fuck a druggie.” I could just make out the words this time.

“And’s he’d fucking pissed himself.” Said someone else from outside.

I tried to shake my head but dizziness overcame me and I ended up rolling my eyes and blinking. I felt wetness on my cheek and chin and realised I was drooling.

“Get him out and sterilise the room.” Said the first man.

My armpits were gripped and I was pulled into the corridor. Lacking the intensity of white light I could at least see in the dim red glow. I was left on the floor while the two men disappeared, returning a few moments later with sprays and cloths. During their absence I rolled on the floor and tried to stand but my legs had lost all strength and I ended up flopping back to the floor. Several guys were peering out of their rooms.
The fucking little cuntbag! How the hell had he escaped? In over 300 years no one had ever escaped. I searched the brain for him. Every neuron was touched, every synapse fired in order to see the tell-tale off colour flash of a presence. I assumed he was hiding and left small pieces of myself secreted within basic functions, the dreary monotone pulses that ply the pathways and keep the body ticking over. With hundreds of sentries in place I began a sweep from the tiny centre where his prison had been and outward towards the skull. Nothing. Not even a hint of chemical imbalance suggesting recent passage.

With my strength returning I knew I had to get back to the hotel room. There I could consume protein and set about changing the body, converting selected nerve cells and transmitter clusters into beacons that would alert me to any presence. I started to crawl toward the corridor exit. More men we watching me now but the two cleaning the room hadn’t finished. No one said anything. Reaching the exit I held onto the arch frame and pulled myself up. My legs wobbled and I felt my ankles trying to twist but I fought with all my power and commanded their obedience. I staggered through the Jacuzzi and bar area and fell into the wall next to the entry to the changing rooms and exit. My head swam and my body trembled. A drunken mix of poor control and dislodged mental cohesion. Wetness dribbled from my nose and over my chin but I ignored it. I threw myself into the changing room and made straight for the exit, my movements a zig zagging clown dance of flailing arms and legs.

I was forced to screw my eyes shut in the bright daylight and tripped over my own feet exiting the sauna. Sprawling on the rough concrete I barely noticed the crowd gathering. Old ladies turned appalled at the sight, men and girls taking tentative steps closer to enjoy the fit naked drunk boy. I ignored them. I needed to get to the hotel. Pushing myself back up I flashed my asshole at a small crowd and heard a scream then rapid footsteps.

“OI! What the fuck man!”

I thought I was about to be attacked but instead someone from the sauna had run out with a robe which he was trying to push my arms into. I fought him off and staggered off, scraping my shoulder against the brick wall of the shop next door. He tried again and managed to hang it from my shoulders and tie the belt around my waist. Using the wall as a support I made my way along the road. Heads turned to see me and swivelled to stare. Several people tried to help but I batted them away. No one tried hard. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror in a window display. My eyes were bright red and watery, a drying blood stream led from my nose to my chest, while more blood covered my lower ears and neck.
What the fuck had he done to me?

* * *

Travelling faster than the signals sent to control muscles, Nathan powered along nerve pathways. He needed to distribute himself into the extremities of the body. His plan required a coordinated attack from the very place he didn’t think the entity would consider, the body itself. Some parts of him were already at the ears, nose, throat, and fingertips. Now the rest barrelled to the end of the spinal cord and once more split.
Searing past those initial nerve endings he realised he had caused harm. He could see the pain receptors firing and sending their signal back to the brain; pain and assistance required. Physical damage had be wrought. From this he learned to trail himself out more, to make himself longer and thinner. Now passing his own testicles he had no impact on them. A neural ghost passing through matter.
As soon as he reached his final positions he would send the signal. He was going to take back his body.

* * *

I got as far as the corner of the hotel road before collapsing again. I’d lost all motor control. I knew it was the boy. I knew he didn’t vaporise himself in the attack. It must be him. He had to be blocking the signal to my muscles. I could still feel the cold of the paving stones and smell the sooty air. I just couldn’t move, nothing was responding to my commands. The clever little cunt. I tried sending a burn packet down the main channel to my left hand but it just disappeared. It should have boiled whatever was blocking me. How could he know how to deal with that? A popping in my ear, a dull ache, and a warm sensation across my cheek told me; he’d redirected it. It had probably burst the ear drum.

“NATHAAAAAAN!” The roar started deep in my throat as a gurgle and ended up as a screech that hurt my throat. My burst ear vibrated like a plastic bag. I could feel myself crying. I was losing the battle. I was losing the body I had put so much effort into acquiring.

* * *

Although he had control of the body Nathan knew it was temporary and he needed to get back into his brain. He would never have been imprisoned if the entity could simply control his body. So he spent a while shoring up his defences at the top of the spine where it meets the brain stem. In real time it took nanoseconds but it felt like ages. He hid detonation signals inside nerve fibres but hoped he would never have to use them. He didn’t know what damage it would do in this delicate area. He might paralyse himself. Satisfied with his work he took stock. He now needed to recapture his own brain. He suspected there were traps because that’s what he would do, but they wouldn’t persist if the entity was forced out. But how to accomplish this?

A stalemate ensued. The entity couldn’t get through to the body without the fear of losing the body, while Nathan couldn’t yet find a method to eradicate the intruder. Minutes passed before Nathan heard another crowd gathering to see the bloody boy wearing a robe slumped against a wall. Someone called an ambulance. Just then Jamie rounded the corner and fought through the group of people, on his way to his evening shift. He saw Nathan and his eyed went wide. He hurried over and kneeled down.

“Nate!” He said, scanning Nathan with worry. “What the hell happened? Were you mugged?”

Nathan tried to answer with a plea for help but while the lips moved no air passed over the larynx. Jamie still understood.

“Oh god Nate, lets get you to a hospital!” Jamie started to help Nathan up before re-thinking his plan. “Let’s get you dressed first ok?”

He couldn’t nod. Despite being in possession of the body as a territory, he wasn’t advanced enough to control it without the filters and fill in information the brain accomplished every second. He had no choice but to allow Jamie to carry him to the hotel.

* * *

Every setback provides an opportunity. I know now what must be done. I will still have this body and I will be rid of this fucking boy from my head. I started to push down on the spinal defences.

* * *

Trembling with the effort Nathan felt Jamie start to sag and his head was bashed into the lift door as they exited. Nathan registered the bump but focussed all his attention on preventing the entity from breaking though.

“I’m so sorry!” He wailed. Nathan thought he might start crying. “Oh God I’m so sorry Nate.”

He wobbled along the corridor, taking his time so as not to injure Nate any further. Once they reached Nathan’s room Jamie took care placing Nathans feet on the floor and kept him upright with one arm behind his back. With his free hand his located his master key card and the lock clicked. He pushed the heavy door and dragged Nathan in behind him by gripping him under his arms. As the door slammed Jamie managed to half throw, half drop Nathan to the bed, and sat on the edge panting.

The pressure from the attack was immense and it took all Nathan’s effort to hold back the entity. It was applying enormous force and he didn’t know how long he could hold it. He feared its collapse. He had nothing in reserve.

* * *

Are you ready you stupid little shit? You fucking cunt! I was going to give you a long healthy life, totally disease free. Strength and mobility right until the end. But no, you had to fight. Well fuck you!

* * *

Nathan saw Jamie sitting on the bed next to him, facing the door. He turned to Nathan and smiled. That same instant all pressure from above disappeared. The attack on his waning resistance stopped. He paused and waited for the onslaught to resume but nothing. It was a trap. It had to be.

He was distracted by a delicate touch to his temple. He reacquired the sight feed and saw Jamie leaning over him and stroking his head. Concern furrowed his brow. Jamie looked into his eyes and paused. Concern was wiped from his pretty face and replaced first by confusion and then fear. Then he collapsed onto Nathans chest.

Nathan felt his own heart speed up. A nasty thought occurred to him. He speared his way through his own defences and flooded into his own brain. It was empty and as he poured back in the sudden emptiness seemed to suck at him. He expanded far quicker than he intended, like smoke from a burst balloon, and he passed out.

* * *

Wisps of reality seeped into dreams that became ever more bizarre. He was a leaf bobbing along a slow flowing river. The river entered a gorge and the water sped up. He was swamped and started to drown only find himself swimming with his shoal, twisting left and right trying to avoid a bigger fish. He got eaten. Inside the fish was a cave and he was one of many boys bound to the cave walls, spread eagled and naked. Tentacles and snakes writhed over their bodies and he felt one enter his ass. He vomited, but the feeling was changing from disgusting to fantastic. The colour of the feeling from black to rose to golden. A beautiful golden dawn witnessed from within the caressing and safe arms of himself many times over. The world became lighter and lighter until he realised he had his eyes closed and opened them, blinking several times as the air hit his eyeballs.

He found himself on a single bed in a tiny room. A metre to his left the door was closed, and overhead the roof sloped down from the door to the wall at his right, a grimy skylight overhead. He tried to move but found his wrists bound to the corner posts behind him. His ankles were bound to the foot of the bed and he could feel straps of some kind around his lower thighs, just above the knee. Moving his head about put pressure on his neck and he felt the collar constrict him a little as he swallowed.

“Help!” He intended it to be strong and loud but it came out as a croaky whisper. He was about to try again but stopped when he heard creaking floorboards and steps growing louder. The door opened flooding the room with light and Nathan had to blink several times. Someone came in and closed the door. It was Jamie. He stood there naked except for a grey cloth tied high around his left thigh and white ankle socks. His flaccid cock was already growing harder.

“You’re awake baby.” Jamie’s soft voice matched his serene smile. He padded toward the bed, just two steps bringing him to Nathans shoulder. He knelt down and put one hand on Nathan’s chest and the other stroked his hair.

“W…where am I?”

“With me,” said Jamie. “You’re with me now. I’m looking after you.”

“Let me out.” It came out as a plea rather than the demand Nathan intended.

“In good time Nate. I had to stop you hurting yourself.” Jamie leant down and kissed Nathans left nipple.

“I’m okay now, let me out.” This was stronger. Finding himself bound was causing adrenalin to be pumped throughout his body and he was waking up fast.

“I can’t yet. Only when you understand Nate.”

“Understand what?”

“Nate. You need me. You want me.” More kisses across his chest. “You belong to me.”

“What the fuck?” Nathan tried to search his head from the entity but he seemed normal. He could feel everything, he had control. He’d lost the inner visualisation of his own mind and was once again Nathan. So what was happening now?

Jamie stood and moved level with Nathans knees. He had ropes in his hands and he tied one to the binding attached to each knee. He spoke in a soft voice as he did so.

“I was wrong to try and take you over. You are special. Really and truly Nate.”

Having completed that, Jamie now moved down to the foot of the bed and untied Nathans right ankle. Nathan kicked out but Jamie was ready. He ducked and hurried to the head of the bed where he gripped another rope and pulled hard. Nathan’s right leg was pulled back, his knee pointing up to his shoulder. This rope was wrapped around something behind him and tied off on his ankle binding. Jamie repeated the steps with Nathans left leg, continuing his explanation as he did so.

“I know now that we should be together, as a team. I got carried away with my own fantasies instead of facing reality. All I ever wanted was for a beautiful boy to love me. And you will, as I love you Nate.”

“I don’t fucking love you!” Nathan was now bound again, his knees by his shoulders. His ass exposed. Available without resistance.

“Not yet Nate, but you will.” Jamie climbed on the bed and grabbed a small tube of something from behind Nathans head. He squeezed it onto Nathan’s ass. It was cold and slippery.

“Please no…” Nathan whispered, a smaller voice this time. Jamie continued as though he hadn’t said anything.

“It’s happening already, inside you. I should have thought of this before. I’m a bit of an old fool really.”

He tried to clench but it was no good, Jamie forced his cock inside Nathan’s asshole, the pain of the head breaking through causing pain and eliciting a cry from Nathan. From there on it was easier and Jamie pushed himself fully inside. The sensation came almost at once. That part of Nathan that had felt disgusted at taking cock also suffered guilty pleasure, and that pleasure was greater this time. His mouth dropped open and the cry turned to a whimper. Jamie pulled out and pushed back in, a deliberate and slow movement allowing Nathan to feel every millimetre of his cock.

“No…. oh more…. NO!” What the fuck was happening Nathan thought. Jamie smiled.

“I left a small package of improvements bound up in your head baby.” He said, lowering himself until his lips were inches from Nathan’s. “When you removed your block they started work.” He lifted back up and started pumping faster, holding Nathans hips for greater thrust.

“Within days you will be smitten with me. Addicted.” He started to pant as he spoke. “And then we will be… the world’s greatest lovers.”

“No….yes…no…oh god…” Nathan knew he didn’t want sex with a man. This wasn’t his thing. He felt disgusted and yet as it continued he felt good. Then great. He searched his mind again, trying to find what the entity had left but there was nothing. Every thought process was his own.

“Tell me you love me baby.” Said Jamie, breathless.

“I love you Jamie.” Nathans eye went wide at his response. There is no way he intended to say that. The entity must be inside him still. Jamie’s smile became one of vengeful success. A tiny but perceptible change, but it chilled Nathan.

“I can read you now.” He said, slowing down his thrusting while he spoke. “But I’m not inside you. Instead I tuned your chemical responses to me. The only time you will ever feel any pleasure is with me.”

“No…” A pitiful wail of a frightened boy. Nathan cut it off as soon as it started.

“You’ll beg me daily to get inside you. You’ll feel amazing whenever you taste my cum, piss, saliva and yes, even sweat.” The smile changed again. Complete satisfaction. “So come on baby, tell me who you belong to.”

Nathan was dizzy. His whole body buzzed with intense pleasure every time Jamie thrust into him. His own painful erection was bouncing around and slapping on his belly oozing pre-cum. His mouth watered thinking of Jamie sliding his cock into his mouth, the feeling of its warm hardness against his tongue and the flavour of his creamy cum. He desperately wanted to fight against it.

“I belong to you.” He said. A small boy’s voice begging for more of the drug. Jamie grinned and started fucking harder and faster. He’d won.

Nathan watched from behind the fog of growing addiction, and waited.
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