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Part 2 of A Haunting, hope you guys enjoy and positive and negative feedback is as always welcome.
A Haunting: Part 2 A house of many souls

The family made it through the first night of their new home, let's see what the second day brings sha'll we? This will be just like part one and will tell all three people involveds point of views.

Staring down at the burnt toast and strange looking scrambled eggs on his plate as Aron hold's the side of his head. Even after taking his sleeping pills last night he still didn't sleep so well. Had he imagined everything last night? Did he really see the pale skinned beauty in the back yard or was it all a dream? He also had an amazing sex dream and was seriously confused when he woke up and could acually smell a womans scent on his cock....

Trying to keep her eyes open as she look's down at the breakfast that she totally butchered, she wasn't sure what the hell happened last night....she was hoping it was all a dream but from the feeling in her lower area when she woke up she knew it wasn't. The three of them are eating in silence before the silence is broken by her husband. He drops his fork and knife down " this is fucking awful! I can't even believe you're trying to feed this to us" he stares angrily at his wife.

Looking at her angry husband with concern in her eyes....he had never said anything like that before about her cooking....even if it was bad. Patrick takes his napkin and spits the food in his mouth into it before throwing it down on his plate and standing up. "Hunny where are you going?" She asks him as he just keeps walking and he just responds back with " the basement"

She walks over to her son as he is grabbing his bookbag for his first day at his new school. He looks exhausted as did she, still in her swetapants and tank top pajamas. She reaches out and gives him a hug....a very awkward hug..." okay mom?" she breaks the hug off and looks at her concerned sons face. She forces a smile "yes...just didn't sleep well...have a good day at school and drive safe" he smiles before grabbing the keys to his small dodge dakota truck.

Patrick sit's at his desk....he feels groggy...he slept like shit the night before. He couldn't stop thinking about the gorgeous blonde in the polka dot dress. It had to have been a dream, but it felt so real. He puts his elbows on the desktop and buries his face in his hands rubbing to his closed eyes as he tries to wake up.

"Patrick...." his face jolts up as he hears his name being whispered "who...who's there...?" He says with fear in his voice as he stands up. He hears female giggling " come find me Patrick....i'm waiting for you" He covers his ears and heads for the stairs. He felt like he was going fucking crazy!

He nearly knocks Samantha over as he opens the door to upstairs. "sor...sorry hunny" he holds her shoulders" her tired eyes look up at him. She gives a half smile " it's alright...are you okay?" she says to him. He looks around a bit and wipes sweat from his forehead, how the hell was he sweating he thinks to himself? " Yeah i'm fine....i'm gonna go out to the garage and work on the challenger for a bit and get some fresh air...Before Samantha can respond he walks off.

Reaching down to turn on the water to take a shower, hoping it would help her wake up a little as she turns the shower head on and water shoots out hitting the bottom of the tub. She slides her tank top off and throws it to the floor as she looks at her B cups breasts in the mirror she turns a bit and notices....a black and purple bruise on her side? She looks confused as she moves her hand down to touch it" ahhh fuck!" her eyes wince from the pain. How the hell did she do that she thinks to herself?

After looking it over a bit more she turns and slides her sweatpants and cum stained panties from the sexual escapade with her son the night before....she shakes her head at the fucked up thought of what she did and throws the panties in the trash.

The water feels good as it hits her body, rubbing soap all over her body. She is just about done when she hears movement in her and Patricks bedroom that was connected to the bathroom. She shuts the water off " Patrick is that you hunny?" She waits a minute but get's no response. She pushe's the shower cutrain open and steps out of the tub onto the black rug in front of it. Water trickling down her wet body as she grabs a towel and starts to dry off.

She heads into the bedroom and look's around, no sign of anyone and she think's she must have just imagined it as she walks over to her dresser to get a bra and panties. Right before she opens the dresser she begins to feel groggy....just like the night before. Her eyes keep opening and closing as she turn's around and lean's up against the tall dresser. That's when she see's her...

It didn't feel real....was it? Was she asleep and having a bad dream? A million questions ran through her head as she looked at the beautiful woman standing before her. She wore a black dress with white polka dots and black high heels, mid length blonde hair...her hairstyle screamed the 50's or maybe 60's she thought to herself. The girl looked to be in her mid to late 20's and she was stunning, even Samantha had to admit.

The girl grab's her throat roughly and Samantha begins to fear for her life. The girl smile's and then Samantha can feel her breath being taken away...she felt like she was having her life force taken from her. The girl moves her over to the bed and put's her down on all fours. The girl lets go of her and then sit's down in an armchair in the corner of the room crossing her legs and stares at Samantha.

"Oh god..." Samntha thinks to herself as she can feel her pussy is dripping as wet as can be. Still on all fours she looks over at the girl sitting down before reaching back and shoving 2 fingers inside of her soak and wet pussy. "ughhhh...." It make a wet squishy sound as she frantically moves her fingers in and out. The girl just stares at her as she slide's her fingers in and out of her wet pussy fast.

This goes on for atleast ten more minutes before Samantha feel's a jolt in her body as she begin's to cum. " Ughhhhh oooohhh fuck...." Her legs feel like jelly as she goes flat on her belly breathing heavy.

This is just great he think's to himself as the bell rings for first period. He hasn't even found his locker yet he tries his best to speed walk through the groups of people and isn't paying attention when he bumps into a mountain of a guy and fall's ons his ass. His skateboard goes rolling across the floor as he fall's and the laughter begins immediately.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" a scary voice yell's out before Aron find's himself being picked right up off of the ground and dragged to a door a few feet away. He gets shoved through the door and quickly turns around to see three big guys wearing football jackets. The one in the middle who basically looked like your typical fat ugly goofy football player who always go the girl had a big wet spot on the front of his jacket.

"You made me spill my damn drink all over my jacket!" the biggest one yells as another one chimes in " man beat his ass Jimmy, nobody disrespects the football team like that". Aron look's at the guy approaching him and know's that he has no chance against this guy. He put's his hands up "look man it was an accident i'm's my first day and I was lost and wasn't paying attention".

The guy stops and smiles at Aron. Then he looks back and laughs at his friends who also join in, Aron cock's and eyebrow when the guy walks to him and put's his hand on his shoulder. He look's up at the kid who he guessed was named Jimmy, "hey man it's cool" Jimmy says as Aron feels a breath of relief for a brief second....he feels a hard shot to his gut and then fall's to his knees.

The other two guy's must have joined in because he starts to feel multiple shot's and kicks as he goes down to the floor. Finally able to stand up Aron backs up against the wall and can taste the blood in his mouth. Jimmy takes a step forward and Aron is ready to go this time as he makes a fist and punches Jimmy straight in the nose. He wasn't going down like a punk he thinks to himself.

" You LITTLE FUCK!" Jimmy screams as he grabs his nose and blood is oozing out of his nostril. Shit...Aron thinks to himself as Jimmy look's back up and cocks his arm back. It must have been one hell of a punch because Aron blacked out for a moment and woke up on the floor to the guys laughing and talking shit as they left the bathroom. He stand's up feeling dizzy as he looks at himself in the mirror and can see that his eye is starting to swell up from the punch. "Fuck my life..." He says quietly.

He walks back out into the now empty hallway and look's around for his skateboard. Great...he thinks to himself as he doesn't see it anywhere. Someone must have stolen it. He pushes his fingers through his mid length jet black hair and looks around a bit. His gaze turns towards a trophy case and for some reason he walk's over to it and looks in.

There are pictures of past championship teams from the school. He is about to stop looking and go try to find his locker when a certain picture catches his attention. It was a picture dated back to 2005 of the school's senior cheerleader squad, one girl in particular caught his eye standing at the end of the line of the back row with the taller of the girls. Long pale legs....long black hair with short bangs up front and green eyes. He looks over to a side part of the picture where names were listed looked for the girls position listed....he feels short of breath when he see's the girls name.


Bohemian Rhapsody plays in the garage as Patrick is under the hood of his 1972 challenger that he had towed over to the garage. He bought it really cheap from a friend and had been restoring it. The garage door is opened and the fresh air is making the older man feel much better. This is why he wanted to move out here he thinks to himself as he smiles "excuse me...?" he hears a girls voice from behind him and turns his head around while under the hood.

A very petite girl is standing in the garage way, mid length brown hair, brown eyes and wearing a yellow sundress. Looked to be 18 to 21 years old but no older he thinks to himself as he takes his out from under the hood of the car. "can I help you?" He asks the stranger as she takes a step closer.

She smiles and begins to speak "my car broke down and I don't have my phone on me can I use yours maybe?" How could he say no to a little cutie like her? He smile's " yeah sure one second" as he walk's over to his toolbox, he had his phone sitting on top playing music. He walks over to get it and turns the music off, when he turns around the girl is suddenly standing right behind him. "oh uhh hi...scared me a little" he trys to joke with her but the look in her eyes was all business.

That groogy feeling begins to come over Patrick once again as the girl pulls his head down and whispers into his ear " she's chosen you Patrick...stay with us..forever and ever...she can be your everything" before looking back into his eyes and planting a kiss on him. He grabs her shoulders with his big hands firmly not even thinking rationally as that same feeling he felt last night sweeps over him.

Her hands reach up and touch his face, damn they were extremely cold he thinks but does'nt for long as he feels his pants being unzipped and slid down his legs. He doesn't even want to wait he forcefully turns her around and practically throws her to the trunk of the challenger bending her over. He yanks her dress up high and see's her cute little butt he kneels down and starts sliding her panties down roughly. He begins actually kissing on her little butt cheeks and squeezing them as pure lust runs over him, he feels like an animal...that wants to do nothing but fuck everything in sight.

He stands up straight and his rock hard cock is definitley ready to go as he angle's it at her pussy and starts to push the head in. "OOOoohhhhhhhhh" as he has trouble getting the head into the small girls tight hole. She looks back with an even more animalistic look in her eyes than even he had. "Take me Patrick! Right here and now!" her voice somehow turns him on even more as he begin's to push through the tightness.

Slowly he goes through her tightness more and more. She was the tightest he ever had, he had never been with a female so small either and the feelings running through his body are overwhelming, he is having trouble from blowing his load right now. Finally he is completley inside of her as he stops and just takes a deep breath from the struggle of just getting inside of her.

"Fuck tight...whats your name anyways?" She giggles and looks back at him " it's Angela" she has complete lust in her eyes and it edges him on even more as he begins to slide in and out slowly at first but keep's picking up speed. making the car rock a bit as he does. Her moaning increases and gets louder as he starts to really slam into the petite girl named Angela. " Ssshhhhh my wife will hear you..." she just giggles at his comment.

He stops and pulls out, turning her around and laying her on her back on the trunk of the car. Pulling her closer to where her ass is at the edge of it and her legs on his shoulders as he slides back in and goes back to work on her nice tiny pussy. He pounds into her as hard as he can, sweat running down his forehead. Whether it was from the heat outside or just from fucking this amazing pussy was a good question. "Ughhhh ughhhh! oooh fuck!" He says loudly as he keeps pounding into her, the groggy and out of it feeling coming over him very strong now.

He slams into her for a bit longer feeling a bit out of it before he feel's it coming and doesn't even bother to pull out. "FUCKKKKK!" He fills her tiny pussy up with a huge load of cum, he keeps going in and out having trouble keeping his eyes open. He slow's down and pull's out as he backs up a bit. The girl gets off the hood and walks up to him grabbing his face and whispering to him "this is Natalies house....and your family was not invited..." he must have fallen asleep after because everything goes black after that.

Slowly her eyes open and she is laying on her bed...naked? Was what just happened a dream...she didn't understand. She looks over at the armchair where the girl had been sitting and puts her hand to her forehead. Finally she stands up and gets dressed, throws on an old blue animal shelter volunteer shirt, blue skinny jeans and some black flats. She put's her long hair up in a ponytail and leaves the bedroom.

Something....something doesn't seem right in the air she thinks to herself as she stands at the top of the big stair's leading downstairs. She take's a deep breath, " it's all in your head Samantha....all of it...stop being a pussy" she says to herself. Doesn't help much as she forces herself to walk down the stairs.

She reaches downstairs and all is peaceful, she can hear birds outside chirping and the wind softly blowing as all of the windows were open. She smile's to herself and starts walksing towards the kitchen but stops when she hears something fall to the floor in the living room and shatter. She jumps at the sound and then hears children giggling?

She goes into the living room scared shitless, it was pretty big room with wooden floors, a big red and white rug in the middle, two big red couches a 50 inch tv on the wall and two big sheleves fillwed with books and movies. She walks over to the big white fireplace and looks at the floor where a picture had fallen over. It was a picture of the whole family, herself, Patrick, Aron and her daughter Gina that had passed away...she frowns looking at her daughter and a tear rolls down her cheek. She puts the picture back up on the fireplace and goes to get a broom.

She is in the main hallway when she realizes the temperature in the room has severely dropped yet her forehead was drenched in sweat....she stops and starts to feel like she is having a panic attack, she can suddenly hear giggling and, women and childred....she felt like she was in a room with hundreds of people...they threaten her...the men say they are going to rape her as the children giggle and sing nursery rhymes sh drops to her knees and begins to cry.

"STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screams while in tears and then it get's very quiet....she can feel her heart beating....a clock on the wall sounds like it's slowing down and she can't hear the birds chirping or the wind blowing anymore as she looks around scared before hearing one young childs voice dragging out her words as she speaks...

" Natttallllies gonnnnnna gettttt youuuuu!"

All of the books and movies and pictures on shelves in the downstairs area go flying off and land in one big crash as the laughter from hundreds of people begin's again and Samntha still on her knees cover's her ears with her hands, closes her eyes and screams at the top of her lungs. Wanting a way out of this hell.

Screaming....someone is screaming as Patrick slowly starts to flicker his eye's open. He sits up, he was on the floor in the garage and the screaming's coming from the house! He stand's up and starts running for the house, up the front porch steps and slams into the door and see's his wife on her knees covering her ears and screaming. "Samantha!" He grabs her shoulders and she shakes frantically, looking completley terrified.

"What the hell happened in here!?" he looks at her and she isn't speaking, just looking off into space. Finally after about ten minutes of trying to get a word out of her she speaks" we...we need to leave...this's evil Patrick!" she grabs his shoulders. For some reason he get's angry when she mentions leaving and he jerks away from her and stands up.

" Absolutely're just...just stressed out that's all..." He turns his back and begins to walk back to the door, not wanting to hear another word out of her. " Now clean this mess up!" as he slams the front door back closed.

Not sure how he managed to slide past his parent's with his black eye. He hadn't seen his dad and his mom seemed...troubled to say the least. He know's in his gut that something is wrong with this house....he lay's on his bed thinking about the girl...the girl named Kayla and he decides to go out by the swing where he had originally seen her.

The wind blows softly through his air as he walks to the big tree where the swing hung. It was a beautiful day for the month of October for sure he thinks as he finally reaches the swing and he looks it over. Just a piece of wood and some rope, he wonders to himself and lifts the rope up a little so he can look at the bottom of the piece of wood. He turns it over and can see a lot of different names...all girl names....The first one is Vivian....he scans the rest of the names one name looks like it was carved extra hard, the name Natalie, the last one is Angela and then the second from last....Kayla....

Kayla....he say's under his breath. The sky has gotten a little dark he notices, and it feels like it's going to rain soon out of nowhere which was weird. He look's up again and with all of his courage " Kayla...I...I know your yourself!" He waits a minute and nothing happens.

He takes a deep breath and slowly starts to begin back towards the house before hearing a voice " it's not safe for us to be seen together..." he turns and there sitting in the swing in a denim skirt and blue tank top. She looks a little shakey. Their eyes lock onto one another as he tries to speak up but the girl's beauty makes him too shy to speak.

" I...I wanted to talk to you please...?" He finally gets out. She keeps looking around as if someone is listening. " I...I can't talk here..." she looks down after saying it. He frowns when she says that because he has so many questions and quite frankly he also just wanted to get to know the girl.

He feels like just walking away when she speaks up again "fri...friday will you meet me at the mall...?" He jumps back with a smile on his face. " Yeah on hallowen? of course, what time!?" she stares up at him and then with a scared look in her eyes she stares at the house. "I...I can't talk anymore...just be there" she jumps off of the swing and takes off running again. "WAIT!" He goes after her but just like the night before she vanishes into thin air.....What has her so scared he wonders to himself...?

Snoring is all she hears as she lays in bed. There's no way in hell she'll be able to sleep...ever again for that matter. She did not want to be in this house anymore after what happened to her earlier in the day. She pleaded with Patrick all night long that they needed to leave but he would hear none of it....just kept telling her to stop being crazy and would retreat to the basement...

She is trying to figure out what to do when she starts to feel funny....groggy...and out of it...No not this again!

Aron is asleep when he hears his door creak open and he looks up to see who it is. Too dark to tell though, he is just about to get out of bed when he feels groggy....he fights through it and stumbles as he stands...he feels if he is fighting to take control of his own body...he leaves the room. Not sure where he is going, the wooden floors creak as he walks towards the large staircase downstairs. He can see that the fireplace is buring brightly.

The stairs creak as he slowly steps down them, he has lost all control of himself as he goes through the open arhcway leading to the living room. He can see someone is sitting on the couch, it's a woman...wearing black heels and a tight black was...his mom!?

She stands up and approaches him, he notices her eyes are black aa night but doesn't question it and he embraces her as if they were lovers? They kiss passionately, swirling tongues around one another as he grabs her hips tightly...he wanted her bad. Her hand makes it's way to his crotch and rubs at the bulge. He returns the favor and slides his hand up her dress rubbing at her wet pussy, she isn;t wearing any underwear.

They continue to rub and kiss each other before finally both sliding down to their knees together and she goes to the couch, knees still on the floor as her hands are on the couch cushion. He slides his shorts off and his hard cock springs up as he positions himself behind his mom and lifts her skirt up a bit before sliding right inside of her. His arms wrapepd around her midsection and his mouth to her shoulder as he pumps into her.

Her hand reaches back and she pushes her fingers through his hair as he pumps into her. Holding her tight as he pumps and softly bites her shoulder then pulling her head back as they embrace and share a kiss once again as the pumping gets more rough.He breaks the kiss and slides her straps down, letting her breasts out as he reaches down and flicks her hard nips with his fingers.

One handful of breast and the other on his mothers nice round ass he begins to go even faster. Skin smacking skin echoing through the living room now, his mothers moans getting louder and louder. He has never felt pussy this good before in his life. He continues to pump into her over and over, making her cum multiple times. They don't realize that they arent alone....

Standing at the top of the stairs....he can hear them....hear his wife moan her own sons name as they make love....he want's to murder them...bury them deep in the woods on the one would ever find out...the thoughts stop when he finally hears the voice he has wanted to hear since the night before whispering into his ear..

The perfect woman....standing at his side in black and white polka dot dress " N...Natalie" he says as she looks ready tgo speak...."they don't care for you Patrick....only I do...we can be together in this home..." He looks at her after she speaks..."I I..I don't know" he says and then she smiles at him, " Gina..."

He hears his daughters name and looks back up to see his daughter....his sweet Gina...her long black hair. Natalie is standing behind her, a hand on her shoulder as she is much taller than Gina is. " we can be a family Patrick..." Natalie says as she holds Ginas shoulders

"Listen to her daddy...don't you wanna see me again....?"

To Be continued?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-16 13:28:30
Sweet Beckyj1992 i so much love the setting of your story please do keep it up, i love the part of Aron with the cute green eyed always on the run swing girl. I feel like she is their saviour.


2016-07-11 21:40:37
That's what I was going for ^_^

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-11 06:02:31
Not going to lie that last part was a little creepy


2016-04-01 19:05:32
Ty for reading ^_^ I'll try to start part 3 soon. Have been really busy lately though.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-24 07:11:41
Am waiting for part 3 I really enjoyed the read

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