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Old friends return.
Author's message: At the start of this story I warned you that this would contain spoilers for A Boy and his Genie. This goes like quadruple for this chapter. You have been warned.


“So where are we?”
“How should I know, we just jumped through time. We didn’t aim for anywhere.”
“Well from the looks of things, we’re on a moon. Or a really barren planet.”

Matt and Sophie looked around at where they’d appeared, and it really was quite barren.
“I guess we are on a moon then,” Matt said. “There’s no air here, and the planet’s over there, next to that other moon.”
“They must be really advanced,” Sophie said. “Look at all those ships around it!”
“Want to go down and explore?”
“Why the rush? We’ve got all eternity.”

Sophie kissed Matt lovingly, and the two of them caressed each-other’s bodies. Matt pushed Sophie down gently, causing her to float slowly down to the ground. Matt laid down on top of her, and the two of them resumed their make-out session. Sophie grabbed hold of Matt’s ass, while he rubbed his erect cock against her stomach.
“If you’re going to fuck me, then can I ask you to get on with it please?”
“What happened to we’ve got all eternity?” Matt laughed, sliding his cock into Sophie’s pussy.
“You know me, never one to delay when it comes to sex,” Sophie replied, kissing Matt. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and the two of them enjoyed a spot of moon sex.

Centuries of practice, combined with the omnipotent power that the two of them possessed, meant that neither would cum until they wanted to. And of course, they always came together. They wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oh God Matt…Oh My God…”
“Oh Fuck Sophie…I Love You…”
“Ohhhhh…Hey…What’s that up there?”
“Oh God, I see stars too…I’m gonna cum…”
“No, there’s something up there!” Sophie said. She pushed Matt off of her, and sat up.
“You know it’s rude to blue balls a guy,” Matt said.
“So I’ll suck you off later,” Sophie said. “Come on, I want a closer look at that thing.”

Sophie flew upwards, with Matt following closely behind. As they approached the object, they realised what it was.
“It’s a girl!” Sophie exclaimed.


Sofia woke up slowly, feeling incredibly comfortable. She could feel she was naked, and she appeared to be laid in an extremely comfortable bed. She opened her eyes, and looked around the room. She seemed to be in a bedroom, although there were many things she did not recognise, such as the large, flat, black object on a table, or the white slab, with a smaller white slab next to it, which were lying on the floor.

Sofia continued looking around, and she noticed something else sitting on top of a set of drawers. It was a lamp, rather similar to the ones that Nyssha and Lexia had. Sofia got up out of bed, and walked over to it, picking it up.
“Fascinating…” she said. It was warm, although not too hot to touch. Sofia was a little worried however when a cloud of pink smoke began pouring out of it. The smoke formed into a beautiful girl. Well, her ass was beautiful, since she was facing away from Sofia.
“What a wonderful book,” Lumiosa smiled, looking down at the copy of “Fifty Shades of Grey” which she was holding. “I must thank Ophelia for lending it to me.”
“Um, excuse me,” Sofia said, startling Lumiosa. The genie turned around, and saw Sofia stood there, holding her lamp. She looked at her in confusion.
“No…No, you are definitely not my new Mistress…” Lumiosa said. She looked over at the empty bed, and realised. “Oh! You have woken up! I shall fetch Master Matt and Miss Sophie!”
“Wait, where am I!?”

Lumiosa ignored Sofia, and ran off out of the bedroom. A minute or so later, two people, a boy and a girl, walked into the room.
“Hello there,” said the girl, trying to be friendly.
“Where am I?” Sofia asked. “Where is Kramus?”
“Who’s that?” Asked the boy.
“I remember…making love to Kramus in outer space…and then he vanished. I grew oh so very cold…” Sofia said, before her expression changed. “My goodness…I am dead, aren’t I?”
“Well actually-” the girl began.
“I am dead!” Sofia cried out. “I am dead, and you have come to judge my sins!” Sofia got down on her knees, and bowed her head. “I’m so sorry for all that I have done! For all the times I have used Nyssha’s power to indulge in sins of the flesh! For all the times I-”
“I think you’re mistaken,” the girl said. “We’re not here to judge you, and you’re not dead.”
“Well, not anymore anyway.”
“I…I do not understand…”
“We’d better explain. Why don’t you sit down?”

Sofia sat down on the bed, with the two people on either side of her.
“I’m Sophie, and this is Matt,” Sophie said. “We found you floating dead in space, so we brought you here and revived you.”
“You are not Mathulevius and Sorreliftia then?”
“Who?” Matt asked.
“We’re just two good friends, who like to travel and explore,” Sophie said. “Which is how we found you. What’s your name?”
“Sofia,” she replied. “Second born of Sargo V and Lacinda III, Princess of Farfalla. It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Well Sofia, could you tell us what you were doing floating out in space?” Sophie asked.
“I…I was with Kramus, and we…” Sofia didn’t really want to tell these strangers about her sex life.

“It’s alright,” Sophie said. “You can tell us anything.”
“Yes…I can…” Sofia said, feeling herself being affected by Sophie’s magic. “Well, Emperor Kramus and I were having sex above Janosia, my world. Afterwards, he disappeared. The next thing I remember is waking up here.”
“That’s pretty cruel of him, leaving you out there,” Matt said.
“Yes…If only I had not been so foolish. I should never have stayed with him. I should never have dismissed Nyssha.”
“Who’s Nyssha?”
“My genie.”
“You have a genie? Now that sounds interesting. Why don’t you tell us the whole story?”


Marcio emerged from his lamp to see Kramus grinning.
“I take it your plan has worked then?” Marcio asked his Master.
“Of course,” Kramus replied, picking up Nyssha’s lamp. “Ice cold, much like her former Mistress now is.”
“Indeed…Master, may I ask why you killed Sofia?”
“I should have thought that was obvious,” Kramus said, reclining back on his chair. “I wish for a cocktail.”
“Well it just seems like it would have been more beneficial to kill her brother,” Marcio replied, granting the wish. “Sofia’s death has not actually achieved anything. King Harson’s forces are still empowered, something which could only possibly end with his death.”
“And had I had the opportunity to kill Harson, I would have done so. But he would not have been so easy to fool. And far less satisfying to fuck. But his sister’s death shall serve as an example of my power, and I shall be able to use that to intimidate him into a resolution.”


“That is indeed a grave situation,” Sophie said.
“Yes, and now an eternal war is being waged above my world,” Sofia said, almost crying. “And I feel it is my fault.”
“Why would it be your fault?” Matt asked.
“The Gods could be punishing my planet for my sins. The sins of the flesh I have committed with Nyssha’s power. That must be why the Gods sent her to me. To give me a test which I have failed.”
“Sofia, I can promise you that the ones who created Nyssha have absolutely no problem with you fucking whoever you want,” Sophie said, and Matt smirked.
“You cannot know that. The Gods are unpredictable.”
“We’ve been called Gods in our time, but in our experience, there’s no such thing,” Matt said.
“In your experience…Where is this place, anyway?”
“Oh…nowhere special. Nowhere you’d have heard of.”

“Please do not treat me as a child. I am not a child, and I am the second highest-ranking person in Farfalla. I demand to be treated as such.”
“Very well then,” Matt said. “This is the planet Earth, located in a galaxy far from your own.”
“Earth? That is where Kramus is from!”
“Will be from,” Sophie corrected her. “We’re more than 2000 of our years in your past.”
“That is quite absurd. Everyone knows that the Gods only created life twelve centuries ago.”
“Life on your planet, perhaps,” Matt said. “Assuming your history books are even accurate on that topic.”
“Are you seriously telling me that I am on another planet, in the far past?”
“That is absurd.”
“Sofia, a few weeks ago, you believed that magic was only a fantasy,” Sophie said. “So did Matt and I, but really, now isn’t the time to start doubting things.”
“If I am truly on another world, then prove it to me.”
“Very well.”


“Hellooooooooo Janosia!” Kramus shouted, once again appeared in the skies of Janosia. “This is a message for King Harson! Harson, I would very much like you to reconsider my extremely kind offer.”
“You must be joking!” Harson shouted back at him from the palace.
“Oh, there you are, you insolent native,” Kramus said, looking directly at him. “It would not be wise of you to continue to resist my power. Someone could get hurt. In fact, someone already has.”
“Tell me, “your majesty”, did that sister of yours get home safely?”
“How should I know? I’m not her babysitter.”
“It’s just that she’s now doing significantly less breathing than she once was.”
“What are you talking about!?”

Kramus just grinned, and held up Nyssha’s lamp.
“Could I be doing this if its Mistress were still alive?” Kramus asked, continuing to grin. “The same fate awaits you and anyone else who dares to oppose me. So how about you just surrender now? My previous offer still stands.”
“I will never join you.”
“Then you will live to regret it.”

Kramus vanished from the sky, and Harson turned to face Lexia.
“Could he really have killed Sofia?” He asked her.
“If she did not wish for any sort of magical protection, then she is as killable as anyone,” Lexia replied. “I’m sorry, Master.”
“Don’t be,” Harson said. “All Sofia was doing was dragging me down. Without her, I can be free to do whatever I want.”
“Master, you are taking the death of your only sister rather well.”
“I am, aren’t I? Good.”


Matt, Sophie and Sofia got dressed, Sophie lending the princess some of her clothes, and walked downstairs, where Lumiosa was sat watching TV, with another naked girl laid with her head on her lap.
“Is everything alright, Master?” Lumiosa asked.
“Yes Lumiosa, we’re just taking here Sofia out to see the city,” Matt replied.
“Why? Just take her back to her own time and be done with it,” Alexis said, sitting up and looking at them.
“Alexis, we’re going to show the Princess here how her ancestors lived,” Sophie said.
“I have ancestors on this world?” Sofia asked.
“Duh,” Alexis said.
“Alexis, don’t be rude,” Sophie said. “Yes Sofia, your grandfather Reylos came from this planet. His human DNA is why you were able to release Nyssha.”

Alexis hopped over the arm of the sofa, and sniffed Sofia, before licking her cheek.
“Definitely human,” she concluded. “Bits of other stuff mixed in there, but I’d know the taste of a human anywhere.”
“I…am glad I taste correct…” Sofia said, slightly freaked out at this girl having just licked her face.
“I do apologise for my friend, your highness,” Lumiosa said. “She regularly forgets proper etiquette around humans.”
“And I apologise for my friend,” Alexis said. “Who still doesn’t know how to act like a normal person.”
“You two, behave,” Matt said. “Tell my mom and dad we’ll be home late.”
“Of course, Master,” Lumiosa smiled.
“Well, assuming you have a mom and dad here to tell,” Alexis said. “They had Apriya and Dorothea take them on a mini-vacation. Said they might not be back for a few days, so it’s just me and Lumiosa holding down the fort for a bit.”
“Becky and Jamie are still liking their new home?” Matt asked.
“Yep, so they won’t be turning up,” Alexis said. “Have fun anyway. I’ll be here cuddling Lumiosa and watching TV.”

The three of them left the house, and Sofia looked around with interest.
“What a strange world this place appears to be,” she said.
“That’s pretty much how my genie first reacted,” Matt said. “And how Sophie and I reacted when we first visited another planet. You’ll get used to it, like how you got used to having a genie.”
“Truth be told, I am not sure I have ever gotten used to Nyssha’s power,” Sofia said. “I was merely distracted from my amazement by the constant sexual pleasure coursing through my body.”
“Oh trust me, we know the feeling,” Sophie said, looking over at Matt.

They walked into the city centre, Sofia continuing to look around with intrigue.
“What are those metallic contraptions moving along the streets?” She asked.
“Cars,” Sophie replied. “Transport. Like a horseless carriage.”
“Fascinating. Where exactly are we?”
“Well Sofia, this is where Earth girls bring their boyfriends to torture them-Ow!” Matt exclaimed as Sophie punched his arm.
“This is the place where all the stores are,” Sophie said. “Like a big marketplace.”
“I never truly got a chance to explore the Farfallan capital,” Sofia said. “At least not without armed guards and crowds of people staring at me. Although…it would seem that people here are rather more keen to show off their bodies than they are at home. That girl’s skirt seems rather…short. And her top shows off all the curves of her bosom.”
“Yeah, people dress like that here,” Sophie said. “Not that Matt minds, do you?”
“I don’t recall you complaining when I show some skin,” Matt said.
“No, it’s pretty damn sexy,” Sophie said, kissing him.

The three of them walked into a café, and Matt and Sofia sat down, while Sophie brought them some cakes and drinks from the counter.
“Thank you, I am most parched,” Sofia said, drinking the glass of lemonade quickly.
“Sofia, that might not be such a good-” Sophie started, but she realised it was too late, as Sofia reacted to having drunk the fizzy lemonade too quickly.
“Ah! Ahhhh!” She yelled, putting the glass right down. “What is this liquid!?”
“Lemonade,” Matt said, trying not to laugh. “You’re supposed to drink it slowly.”
“Here, have another go at it,” Sophie said. She snapped her fingers, and Sofia saw the glass re-fill with lemonade. Her eyes widened.
“How did you do that?” Sofia asked her.
“Doesn’t matter,” Sophie said.
“Your genies are at home, so how did that happen?”
“It’s complicated,” Matt said.
“Once again, I am not a child, and do not appreciate being treated as one. Did you wish for magic lemonade summoning powers?”

“Matt and I sort of special,” Sophie said.
“In what way?”
“Please, I wish to know.”
“Well…we may have sort of created the universe,” Sophie finally admitted.
“Nonsense, that was Mathulevius and Sorreliftia.”
“It’s true!” Matt said. “Sophie and I went back in time and created the universe and all the genies!”
“You may not be religious, but I am, and I would appreciate you not blaspheming.”
“Sofia, it’s all true. Matt and I created the entire universe. Granted we didn’t exactly put a lot of work into most places, but basically every atom in the universe owes its existence to us.”
“It is a well-documented fact that in the early days of Janosia, Mathulevius and Sorreliftia came down from the heavens and brought life to our world. I would appreciate you not suggesting otherwise.”

They drank mostly in silence, before taking Sofia to the park. They sat on a bench, watching children play while they ate ice cream.
“Like it?” Sophie asked her.
“Indeed, it is delicious,” Sofia replied, licking it up. While she ate, Sophie and Matt used their powers to have a telepathic conversation.
“She’s a religious nutjob,” Matt thought to Sophie.
“Don’t be like that Matt. Everyone needs something to believe in. And it only seems crazy to us because of what we are. I was thinking about that too. We’ve travelled all over the place. We’ve been worshipped as Gods. We’ve seeded planets with life. Maybe what Sofia’s saying isn’t so stupid after all.”
“You mean you think we might be Mathulevius and Sorreliftia?”
“It makes sense. Matthew Evans and Sophie Swift. That’s how we always introduce ourselves. Thousands of years of Chinese Whispers can do wonders for someone’s identity.”
“We’ll have to check it out later I guess.”


Princess Sofia’s death was announced to the people, and there was much mourning, though very little of that was done by Harson. Between fucking his usual contingent of girls, and trying to come up with a way to defeat Earth’s armies, he had very little time to mourn the girl whom he’d always considered a nuisance.
These days, Lexia was mostly left to her own devices, as Harson rarely needed any new wishes any more, his magically-arousing voice and Kingly position doing most of the work to get girls into his bed. Which meant that Lexia had time to go out and explore on her own. And meet up with any other genies which might be in orbit.

Lexia and Marcio cuddled up under their duvet, in the small house which they’d created for themselves on Janosia’s second moon. They’d just spent hours fucking each-other, and were now simply enjoying one-another’s presence.
“Heaven at last,” Marcio said, running his fingers across Lexia’s stomach. “Humans, Drahvins, Krensons...All are great, but none compare to the joy of fucking one’s own species. It’s been far too long since I’ve have the pleasure of enjoying another genie.”
“I’ve done some stuff with Nyssha, mostly when our Masters wished for it,” Lexia said. “Say…where is Nyssha, anyway?”
“In her lamp, of course. You know as well as I do what happens when our Masters die.”
“I know, I just meant…what’s happened to her lamp? What’s your Master done with it?”
“Probably locked it up somewhere. Just like old times, eh?”
“Yes, although I doubt your new Master wants to meet the Master.”
“No. Which is good, as Matt and Sophie would certainly not give him any sort of power.”

“Yes…Sofia is truly dead then?”
“Yep. He dumped her out the airlock and let nature take its course.”
“The bastard…”
“Yes, but what can you do? I’ve served his family for 12 generations now. I’ve gotten used to how cruel Emperors and Empresses can be. And of course, Jürgen was much the same.”
“So was Brian…I just wish we could do something. Harson too is falling further and further into the realms of cruelty. His people are basically slaves, whether they know it or not. I’m surprised he’s not declared himself to be a God yet.”
“Give him time, I’m sure he’ll get down that low eventually. Now come here, let’s fuck some more…”


Matt and Sophie walked Sofia back to Matt’s house, the three of them remaining largely silent the whole time. When they got back, Lumiosa and Alexis had barely moved, and were still cuddling on the sofa watching TV.
“Welcome home Master!” Lumiosa smiled. She stood up quickly, knocking her down onto the floor. “Oh…I’m sorry, Alexis…”
“Yeah…Hey…” Alexis said, standing up.
“Matthew, Sophie…” Sofia said. “I should like to return home now.”
“Well…that might be a little bit hard…” Matt said.
“How so?” Sofia asked. “Can you not just have your genies return me home?”
“Well yes, but you see…Sofia, you died, and so everyone on your world thinks you’re dead. If you were to return, it would cause mass panic.”
“Matthew, Sophie, I do not believe your claims of Godhood, and I know it is impossible for you to have brought me back to life with the power of your genies, which means that I did not die. What’s more, you could simply have them return me home at the moment I left, could you not? If I am understanding the concept of time travel correctly.”
“If you hadn’t died then you would still be linked to your genie, meaning that, if you’re right that we don’t have any special powers, we could not have brought you back here.”
“That is…I wish to be alone…”

Sofia turned and went up the stairs, towards Matt’s room.
“She’s right you know,” Alexis said. “You could just take her back before anyone noticed.”
“It’s not that,” Sophie said. “You know we don’t like getting involved with things.”
“You got involved the moment you created me, Lumiosa, and all our brothers and sisters. All you’re doing is saving one girl from death.”
“It’s not just that though,” Sophie continued. “Her planet is at war with alien invaders. We’d be interfering with that war.”
“So interfere. You’re basically omnipotent gods. Do what you want.”
“Do we have the right?”
“Master, Miss Sophie, you know I shall support anything you choose,” Lumiosa said. “And I believe that you will do what is right.”
“But what is right?”

Sofia laid down on Matt’s bed, her face in the pillow, crying. She was stuck here in this place, with the only people who could help her refusing to do so. Perhaps she really was dead. Perhaps these people really were Gods, and this was the afterlife. But why was she not happy? Eternal bliss didn’t seem as enjoyable as she’d expected. Unless she wasn’t in Heaven after all…

There was a knock on the door, and Sofia flipped over. The door opened slowly, and Sophie, Matt, Alexis and Lumiosa walked in.
“Sofia, can we talk please?” Sophie said, she and Matt sitting down on the bed with Sofia.
“I am still upset,” Sofia said, her face still bearing the evidence of her crying.
“We know,” Sophie said, wrapping her arms around Sofia and hugging her.
“Am…am I truly dead?” Sofia asked.
“No,” Matt replied. “We brought you back to life.”
“So this truly is your world, many years in the past, rather than the afterlife?”
“And you did indeed create the universe?”
“Then you are indeed my Gods.”
“Well, not quite…”

“Oh Lord Mathulevius! Oh Lady Sorreliftia! I ask you now for forgiveness for my sins, and to welcome me into your loving arms!”
“Sofia, Sofia…” Sophie said. “We created everything yes, but we’re really not what you’d call “Gods”.”
“Yeah…” Matt said. He joined in on the cuddle, the three of them embracing lovingly while the two genies watched on. “We’re just two ordinary, centuries-old teenagers who got genies and created the universe. Nothing special.”
“I do not understand…All my life I have been taught about you, and now you say it was all a lie?”
“No, just facts that have been misinterpreted over the years,” Matt replied. He started stroking Sofia’s skin to comfort her, Sophie doing the same.
“So there is no eternal bliss after death? No eternal punishment for sinners? No etern-Oh!”

Sofia gasped as Sophie stuck her hands up her skirt, stroking her bottom. At the same time, Matt slid his hands down the front of Sofia’s skirt, and began caressing her pussy.
“Oooo…” Sofia moaned, closing her eyes.
“We may not be what you expected, but we do still reward the virtuous,” Sophie said, while Matt slid his fingers inside Sofia’s pussy.
“Lumiosa, I wish for us to be totally naked,” Matt said.
“Your wish is my command, Master,” Lumiosa smiled. She snapped her fingers, leaving the Princess and the Gods totally naked on the bed, the genies already being so. He could have just used his own magic, but he knew Lumiosa liked to feel useful. “Master, may we join in? It looks rather fun.”
“Certainly,” Matt replied, and the two genies jumped onto the bed too. Sophie moved away from Matt and Sofia, and instead moved over to Lumiosa and Alexis, the three of them making out and caressing one-another.

Sofia meanwhile was still Matt’s little spoon, squirming in his arms as he fingered her. Sofia’s body still had all the increased sensitivity she and Harson had wished upon her, meaning that, combined with Matt’s god-like sexual prowess, she was practically in Heaven. Eventually she felt Matt move his hands away from her pussy, only to replace it with his cock. He slid inside her, holding onto her breasts, and stroking them as he began thrusting in and out of her.
Sophie and Lumiosa began 69ing each-other, while Alexis laid down in front of Sofia and Matt. She wrapped her arms around them, squeezing Matt’s ass while she made out with Sofia. Matt could feel his cock and balls rubbing against Alexis’ stomach while he thrusted in and out of Sofia’s pussy, and it was sheer bliss.

Lumiosa was the first to cum, giving in to Sophie’s ministrations. This in turned triggered Sophie’s ancient wish, setting off her own orgasm. At the same time, she pointed a finger at Alexis, sending her genie into her own orgasmic conclusion. Matt took the hint, and used his powers to trigger his and Sofia’s own climaxes. 4 pussies and a cock contracted in near-unison, Matt releasing his load into Sofia, while the 4 girls enjoyed their own explosions of pleasure.

When it was over, everyone traded partners. Sophie pulled Sofia off of Matt, and dragged her across the bed for a make-out/hump session. Alexis meanwhile wasted no time, forcing Matt onto his back, and lowering herself down onto his cock.
“Uh God…” Matt moaned. Alexis simply smiled, and leaned down, making-out with him as he squeezed her ass, the two of them thrusting their hips at a record pace. Lumiosa meanwhile was knelt on the bed, unsure what she should do.
“Awww, don’t feel left out Lumiosa,” Matt grinned, breaking the kiss with Alexis briefly. “In fact, why don’t you tell me how this feels?”
“How what feels, Mast…Uhhh…” Lumiosa moaned as she felt Matt’s penis within her vagina, fucking her hard. She laid back, and spread her legs.
“Like that?”
“Yes Master…”

Matt was very much enjoying it too. He’d made it so that Lumiosa would have the sensation of being fucked by him, but as well as that, he gave himself the sensations of fucking Lumiosa. So as well as Alexis’, Matt could feel Lumiosa’s pussy around his cock, and the feeling was amazing.
“Hey Matt, let us get in on that too,” Sophie said.
“Sure thing Soph’,” Matt said, and a few seconds later, Sophie and Sofia also had the feeling of Matt fucking them hard. Matt could feel 4 different vaginas surrounding his cock, and the feeling was absolutely incredible. In the days before becoming a Master, he’d probably have cum within milliseconds of such amazing sensations, but now, he had magical staying power, and he would last as long as he wanted to.

As it happened, that wasn’t particularly long. No matter how old you get, and how powerful you are, you can’t beat a good orgasm. Matt cried out in pleasure, magically shooting cum into all four vaginas at once, while feeling those vaginas contracting around him as the girls too came hard. Alexis collapsed down onto Matt, and the other 3 girls moved over to join in on the big cuddle. Sofia, being the only non-magical being present, passed out in the heap.
“I guess we really wore her out, huh?” Alexis said.
“It’s not surprising, since she’s not got her genie to sustain her,” Lumiosa said.
“Yes…what are you going to do about that?” Alexis said. “You can’t just leave her here for the rest of her life.”
“Yes, we know,” Matt said. “Which is why we’ve decided to take her home.”
“At the moment she left?”
“No, later on. We have other things to do, and that will be part of it.”
“Well, I hope you know what you’re doing.”


After Alexis and Lumiosa had returned to their lamps, Matt picked up Sofia, holding him in his arms.
“Shall we go then?” He said, and Sophie nodded. The two of them closed their eyes, and in an instant, they were stood in Sofia’s bedroom at night. Matt laid her down on the bed, pulling the duvet over her. Sophie waved her hand, and Sofia was instantly dressed in a pair of silk pyjamas.
“Now to check something out,” Sophie said.


Matt and Sophie walked across the desolate wasteland that was the young Janosia. Its particles had just been formed, coming together by their command. Now they wandered the planet’s surface, willing plants and animals into existence with their thoughts. Everywhere they went, cells came into being, the planet being brought to life by Matt and Sophie’s divine power.
Finally, the final step was needed. They joined hands, and ordered people to be created. Not human, but similar. Thousands of them were created, in many different shapes and sizes, forming crowds. These people knew nothing of themselves or the world. They knew only the authority of the two people stood in front of them.
“Our creations,” they said in unison. “We are Matthew Evans and Sophie Swift. We have created this world, Janosia, in order to give to you, our creations. We shall stay for a time, and guide you in your lives. We ask only that you follow our guidance, and respect the laws which we give you.”
There was much rejoicing, and the people humbly accepted these people as their Gods, as they named them, one-by-one. Meanwhile, the much-older versions of Matt and Sophie were watching, invisible.
“Wow, I think I remember this now!” Sophie said, thinking hard. “God, it was so long ago.”
“I suppose we really are the Gods of this planet,” Matt said. “So what do we do now?”


Author's message: I'm not even going to apologise any more. University keeps me busy, and between that and lack of motivation, I just don't have time to write as often as I used do. Although it's worth mentioning that I spent 2 hours last night watching Dave Gorman's Googlewack Adventure, which is a pretty ironic thing, which you'll understand if you've watched it (I recommend it by the way. It's on Youtube).

So as quite a few people have guessed, Mathulevius and Sorreliftia (FUN FACT: I've only ever written those names once. Every other time I copied and pasted it so I'd get the spelling correct) are indeed simply Matthew Evans and Sophie Swift after millennia of changes. This was inspired by the Doctor Who story "The Face of Evil", which feature the Sevateem (Survey Team) and Tesh (Technicians) tribes. It was also meant to tie into a line at the end of A Boy and his Genie where Matt and Sophie said that people had worshipped them as Gods. And yes, as someone pointed out, this does mean that Nyssha really was a gift from the Gods. I wasn't actually 100% sure I was going to have Matt and Sophie turn up, in which case, Mathulevius and Sorreliftia (Copied and Pasted once again) would have been simply a little Easter Egg for you all.

The sex scene at the end of this story was pretty hard to write. Not because it's hard to write sex (Though it can be), but because I wanted to realistically transition into it, without it going from 0 to sex with no reason. This sex scene was included for several reasons. The first was because it lengthened the chapter, and I wanted to make this one longer (It's VERY slightly under 5000 words, the longest for this story). The second was because other than the very start, there was no sex in this chapter. And the third was so I could say this:

ARE YOU HAPPY NOW, EVERYONE WHO EVER NAGGED ME TO MAKE MATT FUCK ALEXIS? Although I am sort of thinking you might have been the same person constantly posting.

As previously stated, this story will indeed be ending in the next chapter. I know it makes it my shortest (non one-shot) story yet, but really, there's nowhere else to take it, and as most of you know, I only did it because of technically problems, so I'm looking forward to what I'll be writing next, but I'll talk about that next time. Honestly I think there's more stuff I wanted to talk about here. Likely I'll remember it after I go to bed.


2016-04-22 16:31:19
That last comment was me, FYI.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-22 16:05:38
Wishes don't get automatically undone when a Master dies. However, the protection on them does disappear, so another Master can then undo their wishes.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-20 02:03:13
Sofia is alive and geniless. yet she still has magical enhancements. shouldn't those have vanished upon her death?


2016-03-09 11:10:12
Given how poorly received it was, there's unlikely to be a sequel to Divine Succession. As for moderation, it varies, but I'm getting impatient too. If you're desperate to read it I posted it over at You need an account to read stuff but moderation is faster and way more lax. Chapter 8 is already up there.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-08 15:52:04
How many days do the site moderators usually take... I am becoming impatient as to know how the story ends please

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