We finally arrived to our destination. A hot summer place, somewhere around the Mediterranean Sea. After we arrived at our camp site, and everything was settled, we were quite tired and went to sleep. The next day, after having chilled around the swimming pool, and drank quite a while, we were wondering what to do in the evening. Our third friend smiled, and when we asked her what was so funny, she told us since she had been out of the pharmaceutical University, she discovered a formula, which she condensed into some pills. She had some with her, and was wondering if we could bear what she had in mind. We were interested, and asked for more information.
"Well, this pill is something I secretly wished for, and finally found a formula that was working... The pill, once a girl takes it, disconnects our mind from our body. In other words, we can't move anymore. Therefore, it's best laying down before taking it. Once the effect is there, even if we desire it, we can't move at all. We can't speak. We can only moan. No movement is possible, but there is a twist to the pill. There is a side effect, which keeps the arousal very high, making us constantly wet for the duration of the effect. Roughly, one pill last for two hours, but it can be taken again when the effects begin to vanish. Other than that, there is no addiction to it."
She went silent a moment, gauging us...
"I wondered... If you both go hunting tonight, looking for guys you both find to your tastes... Why don't you invite them tomorrow during the hot hour at our camp? I've imagined a small game for that..."
This started to sound interesting and we asked for more.
"Imagine this... You both get dressed in a similar way, with five items. Once dressed, you both would be inside your rooms in the tent, so you can't see what happens to the other. You take the pill and become a puppet... Me, during that time, I explain the game to the guys, and I make them drink a bit... Oh don't look at me like that girls... You will also have drinks if you wish. I would then make them pick a paper... At random. The odd numbers would be assigned to one room. The even numbers would be assigned to the other. They wouldn't know who is inside, and you wouldn't know who will come to visit you. But since you would have invited people that fits both your tastes, it shouldn't be a problem. We would start with the first numbers and up. Number one would enter a room, and number two the second room. The others would need to wait and drink for a room to become vacant again before entering it."
"They would need to get inside the room totally naked. You, on the other side, would be clothed. The rule would be simple. When someone enters your room, he has the right to remove or rip one, and only one piece of clothing of his choice. Then, he can do anything he wants to you but he can't strip you totally. He could lift a cloth if it is his choice, but nothing more. Like no moving your shorts down your knees and back up. When the guy is finished with you, he leaves your room, gets dressed and gets out of the tent again where I will be making the other drink. I will come and check you both after each round, to verify everything is fine and that you want to continue. If you so desire, I would then dispatch the next number inside your room. This goes on until you both are fully naked and hopefully, will have lots of orgasms. What do you think of this idea?"
Well, to be totally honest, this was a well thought game already. We thought about it for a few seconds, and after I looked inside Julie's eyes, I understood straight away what was going inside her mind. She was wanting to try it... What I liked the most out of this is that I could hear and feel, but never be able to see what's going on with Julie. And she was feeling the same towards me. We often speak about sex, but we never had sex next to one another, and even less inside the same tent. It would be a first to be able to hear her, while not seeing at all... Just guessing. We talked about our feelings for quite a while and in the end, we were already soaking wet just thinking about it. And so we decided to go hunt this night.
Finding guys was not a difficult task. During vacation, it is well known that sex happens way more often and that meeting with new people is always attractive. With the heat of the climate, mixed with our light clothing and our drinking, it wasn't long before people started to come to flirt with us. We picked the guys we both liked, and told them that if they were ready for a sexy game, they could meet us at our camp site the next day. And so the game was launched.
On the next day, we were already very excited to the idea of what was about to go on a few hours. We went to the shower in the very early morning, and made sure we were fit for what our friend had imagined. We shaved everywhere, arms, legs and pussy.
After the shower, we started to talk about what we would be wearing. After much discussion, we decided to use white clothing only but for the shorts: a white bikini top and bottom, a white t-shirt, a denim short in blue, and white mini socks. This brought the count to five pieces of clothing.
While we were waiting for the time where our guests would be arriving, we started to talk about everything and nothing at all. Everything but what we would be doing very soon. We didn't even realize we were already starting with the alcoholic drinks.
It was becoming hot, and I was served my favorite drink, rum and coke. After three of them, I was starting to feel the effects of the drink, and suddenly, two pills appeared in our friend's hand. One was for Julie and one for me. We both took the pill, and watched each other, wondering if it wasn't a bad idea.
"If you say that you'll do it, to the end, I'll take my pill," said Julie.
"If you don't know, are not sure, or want to stop now, just say it, I won't be mad."
As an answer, looking into her eyes, I placed my pill inside my mouth, and emptied my rum. She looked at me glad that I was wanting to do it, and she took hers.
"Alright,alright! We are set!" said our third friend.
"Come girls, I'm going to settle you both in your rooms. It is better to do it now rather than wait for the pill to become effective."
We both stood up, and our friend made sure we were placed in each room, that we were comfy.
"Are you both ok?"
"It's hot here," I answered.
She laughed.
"Yes it is hot... But don't worry, soon you'll both be naked, it will be better... And please, drink the glass I'll be bringing to you after each guy... We don't want anyone of you to become dehydrated right?"
We nodded, after which she smiled and zipped my room so I would not be able to see outside of my room. Then she did the same with Julie's room, right next to me. I could hear every little sweet movement she was doing, because of the friction of the mat against the texture of the tent.
"Are you fine Julie?"I asked.
"Yes I'm fine... Expecting some effect now... And... excited already..."
Outside, the guys were arriving as we could hear our friend talking, explaining things... I didn't quite understood what she was saying, since I was more concentrated upon my sensations... And suddenly I felt it... It came quite fast... Fast enough for me to just discover by myself as I was about to move that even if my mind wanted to move, my body wasn't following at all... I wanted to ask something to Julie but the only words that came out of my mouth were just a grumble, which was answered by another grumble... We were ready, unable to move, locked in our tent, with 10 guys waiting outside, and without a possibility to run away.
Our friend came back inside my room, unzipping the room...
"Are you ready Miss?" she asked me, with her very happy tone.
I could only reply with a moan...
She smiled mischievously, and asked the same question to Julie, who she answered with a moan too. I couldn't hear any movement any more from Julie's room... She was just like me... To the mercy of the guys... Guarded by our guardian angel, our third friend.
"Hmmmm I love you two girls like this... helpless... You both are beautiful... Let's start the fun... Everyone drunk enough..."
She disappeared from the tent, going outside... We heard some shouts and some grumbling (probably she had just made the guys pick their numbers). And so the party started.
The first one to enter my room was one I had selected. By seeing me, he seemed to be very happy seeing me inside the room. But very soon, he was a little bit disappointed since I was still fully dressed. He, on his side, he was naked... And his cock was growing just by looking at me...
I bet he was thinking what he could do to me, or what he could remove as clothing to be able to reach his orgasm. He bent over me, looking me in the eyes. He sat on his knees, me being in the middle, and suddenly, a light of spark came to his mind...
"I don't know if you like this, but I do love doing this to girls..."
As soon as he finished his sentence, he put both of his hands over my shirt and ripped it off me. When he discovered I was still wearing a bikini top, he was a bit disappointed. But it didn't last for long. He started to masturbate, watching my face, watching what skin he had revealed. Some parts of my t-shirt were still hanging on me... After a while, masturbating right before my face, he lifted it, making my mouth open automatically...
He masturbated faster, and while I was wondering if he was about to force me to take his cock inside my mouth, he exploded, covering both my face and filling my mouth. He exploded so violently that his first blast went to my hair, and the others became less and less powerful at each blast. After he reached his orgasm, he looked at me satisfied.
"Now you look like a slut... The others will now know..."
And he left... Next to me, I wasn't hearing anything. Only suddenly, I realized both guys were dressing back up and were talking to each other very low. Damn, I hadn't paid attention to the noises and I couldn't determine what cloth had been removed from Julie or to guess what the guy did to her.
Our third friend came in with a rum and coke... When seeing me, she smiled even wider...
"Hmmmm you're beautiful, you, sexy slut... Here, drink..."
She lifted my head carefully, making sure I was drinking softly and without danger. Damn, that was a strong mix... and as if she could read in my mind...
"Oh yes, it is stronger than what you usually drink... But it makes you hotter... And don't worry, this cum won't go anywhere... ... ... slut..."
She smiled, showing she was caring for us... I heard her do the same to Julie a few minutes later, and all I could get from the state of Julie was the voice of our third friend.
"Oooooh... already? That guy knows what to remove for you to be so indecent..."
I had no idea what had been removed... And I didn't have any more time to think about it since the second guy was entering my room. He was already naked, and very hard...
I watched the guy, and supposed it was a selection of Julie. But he was good looking... He looked me over from head to toes. He didn't said much...
"Oooh... cum on your face... you dirty bitch! Let's do some more!"
I'm sure he had noticed the few t-shirt parts on my body, since he grabbed my bikini top and simply in one pull, destroyed it, ripping it in two... My breasts were bare now. What could he do with me? The answer came quite fast when the guy seated himself over my breasts, placing his cock right between them. His arms were nicely placed to cup my breasts.
He started a ramming movement between my breasts. My attention was brought to Julie's room, where ramming movements could be heard... That and... moaning from her... It was soft but she was indeed moaning... The guy was talking to her.
"Oh fuck you're so wet!"
What? Was he fucking her already? Had she lost her bottoms? Or was it a description of her mouth? I supposed he had started to fuck her. Then I came back to the guy busy with my breasts...
"Oh yeah, you like hearing that? It's so fucking exciting! Jeez she has such a sexy moan. She is going to make me blow..."
I was sure he was talking about Julie. He accelerated the ramming between my breasts, and I tried to figure out what was going on inside Julie's room. The guy was moaning stronger and stronger and I knew when he reached his orgasm. He wasn't very discreet, and shortly after the moans from Julie stopped. Did he had come inside her? I wasn't sure, but I think he did.
I was thinking about that thought when suddenly I felt hot cum falling on my neck... He was cumming. After which he thanked me and left...
Our friend was already asking Julie if she wanted to continue.
"One moan for yes, two for no..."
One moan...
"Hmmmm... you are a true slut Julie..." she said friendly to her.
She then came to me and asked me the same. I moaned once, and shortly after, I was having another glass of rum... Even stronger than the one before...
"Try drinking properly you slut! You're spilling on your neck!"
When the third guy arrived, I was completely flying... The alcohol helped me and the rest was done by that secret pill of hers. I still couldn't move at all. The guy, like the two other that had already visited me, was naked... I was pretty sure what he was about to remove from me...
As a confirmation, he unzipped and undid the button of my shorts. For once, it wasn't a ripping, and the guy removed it.
"Hmmmm... what will I do to you now? It's a shame you are still wearing this."
As he was saying that, he caressed slowly my bikini bottom.
"But... Your friend told me that I could do... this..."
As he stopped talking, his finger slid inside my bikini bottom, lifting it. He moved a little bit and I knew by then what he was about to do to me... His cock came against my pussy, and he thrusted it inside me...
"Ooooooh... You're so wet!"
And he started ramming inside me... Oh my god... It was so good. Finally having someone who was bringing pleasure inside my body... The bottom of my bikini seemed to rub against his manhood, and he was loving it. He was moaning, closing his eyes... I was feeling filled with his cock, not that big, but big enough for me to feel filled.
And he knew how to use it. I was moaning with him as good as I was about, not able to let anything else out of my mouth. Next to me, it was hard to know what was happening. There were some movements, some moaning, but the pleasure he was building inside me didn't let me concentrate enough.
I felt his cock growing inside me and it wasn't long before I felt his sperm being expelled inside my womb. He was thrusting violently, and I was moaning as loud as I could... I was so close to having an orgasm... I don't know if he knew that I was very close to orgasm, but he kept his cock inside of me, changed its position, lifted my ass a bit and his finger started to rub my clit...
Oh fuck... THAT was good... I didn't take long before feeling the orgasm taking me... I felt my pussy start to contract itself without even being commanded and I moaned so loud when my orgasm took my body... His cock was still inside me, driving me crazy, but was becoming smaller. He politely waited for the contraction to go away before removing his cock out of my pussy. He then carefully put back the bikini bottom. He whispered so softly to me.
"The next one won't know I've filled you... Surprise!"
I was feeling so good! The orgasm I had, had been a blast. I suddenly recognized moans from the room next to me. Both of them were moaning... I wasn't sure what was happening there. I just suddenly recognized the sound of a man having an orgasm. Then it became quiet again, and our friend came to visit us, with her usual question and even stronger rum.
I was almost naked, with only two things left on me, my bikini bottom and my mini-socks. That means that I've yet to have the visit of two more guys... What would be done to me next time?
I was about to discover since the fourth man stepped inside the room. He looked at me, smiling...
"Well, well, well," he started as he was laying next to me...
"I can tell by the cum inside your bikini bottom that you were fucked already... Well... I'd love that too... But... I like it when it's clean... You know where? Yeah... Right there..."
As he was saying that, I felt his finger starting to push slowly on my bikini bottom. I didn't know from the start what he was doing. He was inserting his finger inside me, deeper and deeper, and I could feel the tension on my hips.
On those hips, I had two knots holding my bikini bottom. My pussy was still vibrating slowly from my previous orgasm, and suddenly I realized what he was doing. He was pushing my bikini bottom slowly inside me. I couldn't forbid me to moan softly as I realized what was going on...
The tension was becoming greater and greater and I was wondering what he would do when it would be totally tensed. That as well was fast to be answered. He softly and very slowly undid one knot, then the other. Suddenly, I realized I was without protection anymore.
That thin piece of clothing had served me as an armor, protecting me and now I was feeling it leaving me, leaving me helpless and naked. He moved, still gently and slowly. He placed himself on his knees, sitting on his feet. He lifted me gently, putting my ass up in the air, and the back of my legs against his.
"I just want to see this..."
He was keeping his finger penetrating me and getting out of it... I was feeling more and more of cloth moving away from me, getting inside me. As he said, he was cleaning me...
Next to me, Julie was rammed hard. Very hard... The whole tent was moving and I heard her moaning... But a trembling moan... She was having an orgasm... Quickly I came back to my own room, and only heard the guy with me talking to me.
"There you are... It's all inside you..."
Oh my god! I couldn't believe it. I never had that idea before but now that I was living it, jeez, it was feeling so good! All I could feel was a little rope from my bikini bottom hanging out of my pussy... All the rest was inside me. As slowly as he moved before, he simply bent on his knees, bringing his cock against my pussy...
For the second time, I felt when he pushed... But his cock was not as deep as the previous one... It was blocked by my bikini and I had the sensation he was only able to fit the tip of his cock... He started his ramming inside me and my pussy was now very quick to react, getting me higher with each thrust.
I only heard that same trembling moan from Julie next to me, joined by the shouts of the guy who was, most probably inside her, ramming her very hard and strong. Two orgasms in a row for her! Oh my god! Did I moan stronger at that thought? Or is it Julie that triggered it?
I couldn't tell, but I was so close again to my orgasm, and he was just having his orgasm inside me. I could tell by the epileptic movements he did, and then he watched me, smiling, happy to have cum inside me...
Once again very softly, he moved out of me, placing me back as I was when he penetrated me. Very slowly he pulled on the string that was hanging out of my pussy... Oh gosh... The slow movement of the texture of my bikini inside me... It touched my g spot. I couldn't resist... This time I heard myself almost scream as the orgasm took me...
I was feeling his cum flowing out, sticking to the bikini bottom... And it was lasting... It ended up at the same time I felt the last bit of clothing coming out of me... Gosh... This was insane... But so damn good!
After the usual drink, which resumed itself in a simple rum without coke and the usual talk making sure I wanted to continue, the last guy made his entry... But instead of rushing towards my only piece of armor left, my mini-socks, he watched me, masturbating himself slowly. He had a big cock. I think it was the biggest of all the guys.
He smiled at me, and simply lifted me, turning me on my stomach... He then kneeled behind me, and I felt his cock rubbing against my pussy... He pushed once, soaking it wet, and then removed it... And very slowly, he started to push on my other hole... The one that had not yet received anything... The one that hurts me a bit... But he slid softly inside...
Using both of his hands he lifted my feet and then I felt him removing my mini socks, holding my ankles... Once he was deep inside my little hole, even though I was feeling the pain, he dropped my feet, and one hand went on my stomach holding me, while his other hand went straight to my clit...
Oh jeez... He knew what he was doing! Once again, pleasure came in my body and with them my moans... I wasn't caring anymore for what was going on in Julie's room and I let the sensations flow through my body... I don't know how long it lasted, but I remember when his cock grew in size and I knew he was about to come in that hole... And when he exploded, his finger on my clit became so crazy that I exploded at the same time... It was once more a very strong orgasm.
I had done it... 5 guys... And 3 orgasms... A wonderful way to spend holidays...
After he left, our third friend came in, with two guys... One I had inside me, and another one I hadn't seen... Most probably one Julie had. They lifted me softly, and brought me inside Julie's room where I discovered her naked, and as me, covered in cum...
She opened her eyes...
* Oh gosh! You look like shit * she said, laughing...
* Yeah right, you're not better huh... *
It wasn't long before we felt like floating away, falling asleep...
The last thing I remember were ramming noises coming from the room next to Julie's... Our third friend... The bitch... She was having fun as well... But this is another story...
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