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Lamps! Lamps everywhere!
The following day, Charlie wanted to go shopping, and Daniel wasn’t exactly in a rush to go home, so he went with her. They got a bus into the city centre, and proceeded to go around practically every shop they came across. Daniel found it quite boring, but it was better than going home and listening to Harry and Sarosa.
“This is so much fun, don’t you agree, Dan?” Charlie said as they walked through the city.
“Loads of fun,” Daniel said.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that. Why don’t we go and get you something?”
“I’ve got plenty of clothes already.”
“So do I, but you can always get more. Now come on, let’s go and check out the market.”

Late that afternoon they took the bus back, and parted ways, Charlie carrying her plethora of bags with her, after being unable to convince Daniel to come and carry them for her. As she walked down her street, she saw the neighbour’s dog digging a hole in the grass. She didn’t pay it much attention, until she noticed something shiny in the hole. The dog grabbed hold of it with its mouth, and pulled it out. Charlie looked down at it, and saw that it appeared to be some sort of oil lamp. Although it was covered in dirt, she could tell that it was golden in appearance, with dark red rubies decorating it. It looked rather like how Daniel had described the lamp in Harry’s bedroom.

Charlie picked the lamp up, and put it in a spare carrier bag she had. She carried it home, and headed up to her bedroom. Once she’d put her new clothes away, she took the lamp into the bathroom to wash it off in the sink. She placed it in there, and turned the taps on, to try and let the water wash all the dirt and soil off. As she watched the water run, she realised it looked an awful lot like a typical genie lamp. But what was something like that doing buried in someone’s garden? It didn’t look like a toy, so maybe it was a replica?

Charlie decided there wouldn’t be any harm in rubbing it, so she turned the tap off, and grabbed a towel, to start drying the lamp. She was disappointed however, when nothing seemed to happen. It then occurred to her that maybe it was because SHE wasn’t rubbing the lamp; the towel was. She carried it into her bedroom, and, moving the towel away, she moved her hands across the lamp nervously.

At first Charlie thought it hadn’t worked, but then she felt the lamp begin to warm up in her hands. A cloud of crimson smoke poured out of it, and began to take shape in front of her. Charlie watched the smoke form into a naked, well-tanned and well-shaped man, who immediately got down on one knee, bowing his head before her.
“My Mistress, what a most immense joy it is to see you!” The genie said. “I am Afericus, and it will be my infinite pleasure to grant your every wish!”


Back home, Daniel was laid in his bedroom. There was nothing particularly interesting on TV, so he was browsing the internet on his laptop, trying to drown out the sounds of pleasure from next door by playing loud music through his headphones, but it wasn’t helping much. He found a Twitter account that tweeted old black and white photos, and he spent a while browsing through them. One in particular caught his eye. It was labelled simply as “Old Widower with his 3 daughters, c.1904”. The man in it was indeed old, but his daughters in the image seemed remarkably young. They were extremely beautiful though, with the large size of their breasts obvious even through their conservative early 20th century clothing.

It was the girl in the middle who really caught Daniel’s eye; she looked exactly like Sarosa! Her hairstyle was different, but her face was a perfect match. She was even smiling in the same way as she did!
“What’cha doin’, sweetie?” Daniel jumped as he felt Sarosa wrap her arms around him from behind.
“I…Sarosa?” Daniel asked. He then looked down at her, and realised something. “You’re…You’re naked.”
“Of course,” she smiled. “I couldn’t be bothered getting dressed after your brother was done fucking me. It doesn’t embarrass you, does it?” Of course, Sarosa knew that Daniel’s cock was becoming hard at an alarming rate.
“But if you’re here…who’s making all that noise?”
“Half a dozen girls from your brother’s year. They just suddenly got the urge to come over here and have wild sex with him.”

“Oh…right…Sarosa, I was just looking through some old-timey pictures, and there’s a girl who looks just like you!”
Sarosa looked over at the screen, and smiled when she saw it.
“Oooo, I’ve not seen that picture in years!” She said.
“You’ve seen it before?”
“We all look so happy here…Well, I guess we would, considering all the sex we’d had that morning…”
“What are you talking about? This photo’s over a hundred years old!”
“George was such a nice guy. His dick tasted amazing!”
“Riiiight…I’m gonna go take a shower.”


“Do you fully understand, Mistress?” Afericus asked Charlie. He had just explained the rules of the genies to her.
“I…I think so,” Charlie nodded.
“Then I eagerly await your first wish with baited breath, Mistress.”

Charlie sat in silence for a while, trying to decide what she wanted to wish for. She could have absolutely anything she desired. But what did she desire? She looked around her room, and saw one of her bras lying around. She then decided to be completely unoriginal in her first wish.
“Afericus, I wish for really big boobs,” she said.
“Your wish is my command,” Afericus smiled.
“Wait!” Charlie shouted. She stood up, and pulled her top off, followed by her bra. She then positioned herself in front of her mirror. “Okay, go for it.”

Afericus snapped his fingers, and Charlie felt her boobs begin to tingle pleasurably. She hated how small her boobs were, so she was overjoyed as she watched them grow in the mirror. Within seconds she was sporting a pair of DDs, and she held them with glee. However, she was a little shocked to find that they kept on growing. Charlie watched as they grew bigger and bigger, before she finally shouted “Stop!” Afericus snapped his fingers again, and Charlie’s boobs stopped growing.
“Oh my God…” she said, as she examined her new boobs. They were huge; at least G or H cups, or maybe even bigger. “What the fuck did you do to me!?”
“I endowed you with “really big boobs”, as you requested, Mistress,” Afericus replied. “Does this please you?”
“I didn’t mean THIS big! Make them smaller!”
“How much smaller?”
“Hang on…” Charlie got her phone out, and found a photo of a nude girl. “This big.”
“It shall be done, my Mistress.”

Another finger snap later, and Charlie had a much more manageable set of DD boobs.
“Ooo yeah, these are much better,” Charlie said. She stood in front of the mirror, fondling and playing with her new breasts.
“Would you like to make any more wishes now, Mistress?” Afericus asked her.
“Oh you bet. Millions. You’re going to make me the sexiest girl on Earth. I wish…”


As Daniel stood in the shower, he thought about the picture. That girl in it had REALLY looked like Sarosa. Impossibly like her. Maybe it was her great great grandmother or something? She’d acted like it really was her in the photo though. It must have been a joke. That would make her at least 125 years old!

Daniel heard someone try to open the bathroom door, but fortunately he’d locked it.
“Sarosa!” He heard Harry shout as he walked off. A few seconds later, he returned, and Daniel saw the lock turn to the open position, as if by magic. The door opened, and Daniel saw Harry, Sarosa, and several other girls in there; Lucy Willis, Yasmin Wright, Eleri Jones, and 3 others he didn’t recognise. All of them were naked, but his eyes were drawn to his brother. Harry’s chest was one of perfection; a perfect six pack, with not a millimetre of misplaced fat. And his groin was perfection times a million. His cock and balls were completely hairless, but more importantly, they were huge! His balls were the size of tennis balls, and his cock was at least a foot long, if not longer, with a girth to match! It was mesmerising seeing it there, sticking up with a full erection. Daniel also noticed that all the girls’ bodies were covered in semen. They were drenched from head to toe.
“I’m showering here!” Daniel shouted, trying to cover his groin.
“Oh relax Dan, no-one wants to look at your tiny dick,” Harry said, as he and the girls walked in. “Sarosa, get him out of here.”
“You got it,” Sarosa said, snapping her fingers. “Sorry Dan.” Suddenly, Daniel felt an irresistible desire to get out of the shower, and go back to his bedroom. He walked out, not bothering with his towel, or even to cover himself, and went straight to his bedroom.

Dan put on a set of pyjamas, intending to relax with some gaming. However, as he sat down, he felt an incredibly urge to get up again. He didn’t know why, but at the very moment, he knew that he absolutely HAD to go back over to Charlie’s house, right now. Dan went downstairs, and started putting on his shoes as fast as physically possible.
“Hurry up Dan!” His mother urged him, already dressed to go out. “You need to get over to Charlie’s this instant!”
Dan agreed, and got in the car as fast as he could. His mother drove frantically, simply knowing that somehow, every light would be green, and they would not crash. When they got there, Daniel ran into the house, and straight up to Charlie’s room. He opened the door, and walked in.
“Charlie?” He asked. “Are you in here? Charlie.” There was no sign of her. “Charlie!?”
“Hello there, Daniel.”

Daniel shuddered intensely at this. Those words were like the most wonderful music he had ever heard in his entire life. It was so incredibly arousing that his cock went hard within seconds, tenting his pyjamas. Daniel heard a giggling, which only served to further arouse him.
“Charlie? Is that you?” Daniel asked to thin air.
“Why yes it is, Dan.” Daniel turned, and saw Charlie, laid seductively on the bed. She was, to his amazement, completely naked. Daniel had never seen his best friend naked before, but at the same time, he was certain this can’t have been her body. Her face was cleared of acne, her pussy was completely hairless, and her curves were much…curvier. Her breasts were at least 2 or 3 times as big as he’d expected them to be!
“Charlie?” Daniel asked. “What…what’s going on? Why did I come over? Why are you naked?”
“Oh this?” Charlie asked. She sat up on the bed, and squeezed her giant boobs. “Well, I guess it would be easier to show you. Although I’ve already shown you quite a lot, haven’t I?”

Charlie stood up, and opened one of her bedside drawers, bending over to give Daniel a good view of her bottom, which he noticed also seemed to have changed. Charlie turned around and stood back up, holding what appeared to be an oil lamp. Daniel noticed it looked a lot like Sarosa’s, only with rubies instead of sapphires.

“Charlie, is that-” Daniel started, but before he could finish, he saw Charlie rub the lamp. Clouds of crimson-coloured smoke poured out, and Daniel watched it form into a naked man.
“How may I serve you, my Mistress?” Afericus asked him.
“Oh my God!” Daniel exclaimed.
“Dan, this is Afericus,” Charlie said. “He’s my genie.”
“Genie? That’s nonsense, there’s no such thing,” Daniel said.
“Afericus, I wish for Dan to be naked,” Charlie said.
“It would be my pleasure, Mistress,” Afericus said. He raised his hands towards Daniel, before moving them swiftly; one up, and one down. Daniel gasped as his pyjama top flew up over his arms, while his pyjama bottoms dropped to the ground, leaving him completely exposed. Charlie wolf whistled him.

“Believe me now?” She asked.
“How did he do that!?” Daniel asked, trying to cover himself.
“The same way he changed my body. The same way he compelled you to come over here. The same way he made it so my voice is so arousing. With magic.”
“Why don’t you come and sit down?”

Charlie patted a section of the bed next to her, and Daniel nervously sat down, still trying to cover himself.
“Dan, don’t bother covering yourself,” Charlie said, guiding her hands away from his groin. “You’re beautiful.”
“Charlie, you’re my best friend in the whole world. It’s weird being naked with you.”
“Dan, I know it’s weird at first, but having a genie changes you. You feel less protective. Suddenly the whole world is your oyster. You realise there’s no need to feel ashamed in being naked.”
“Well I don’t have a genie, so I feel embarrassed.”
“What if I do something to make you feel better?”
“Like what?”
“How about a blowjob?”

Dan just stared at her.
“Charlie, I’ve known you for many years, and in that time, you’ve been adamant about refusing to touch my dick.”
“I didn’t mean a blowjob from me. I mean I could use Afericus to get you one.”
“Stop joking.”
“I’m serious. All I have to do is say a few words and suddenly you’re moaning and groaning in pleasure while your nob gets gobbled.”
“You really mean it?”
“Of course. So do you want a blowjob or not?”
“If you’re really serious, then yes, I’d love a blowjob.”

Charlie grinned, and then turned to face Afericus. “Afericus, I wish for you to give Dan a big, wet, sloppy blowjob.”
“Your wish is my command, Mistress,” Afericus said, bowing his head.
“Wait…what!?” Daniel exclaimed.

Afericus started shuffling towards Daniel, who looked nervous.
“Uh…no thanks man,” Daniel said. He stood up, and went to the door, but he heard it lock in front of him.
“What the fuck Charlie!?” Daniel exclaimed. “This isn’t what I meant!”
“Mistress, this boy seems rather distressed,” Afericus said. “Are you certain you wish me to fellate him?”
“I made a wish, now grant it,” Charlie replied.
“As you wish, Mistress,” Afericus bowed.

“Charlie, seriously, this is-WOAH!” Daniel exclaimed, feeling an invisible force pull him onto the bed, and then flip him over onto his back. Daniel tried to get up, but this invisible force was preventing him from moving out of position.
“Okay Charlie, whatever I’ve done to upset you, I’m sorry, but please, call him off!” Daniel begged.
“Honestly Dan, you asked for a blowjob and I’ve gotten you one,” Charlie said. “I don’t know why you’re complaining.”
“I meant from a girl!”
“A blowjob’s a blowjob. Stop moaning. Well, except for all that moaning you’re about to be doing.”
“My mistress desires me to fellate you, and so I shall,” Afericus said. “You should be honoured to be a part of fulfilling my Mistress’ will.”

Afericus then did it. He took Daniel’s cock in his mouth. Daniel moaned sharply, followed by a long, drawn out moan. Afericus then started bobbing his head up and down Daniel’s length, causing him to moan even more.
“Like that Dan?” Charlie asked him.
“N…No…” Dan lied. He was perfectly straight, so he didn’t want to enjoy it. But on the other hand, it felt absolutely incredible. Daniel had known blowjobs felt good, but he’d never imagined that they could feel THIS good. Charlie ran her hands along Daniel’s chest, and he moaned loudly. He’d given up trying to get free now, instead resigning himself to “suffering” through this ordeal. Truth be told though, Daniel wasn’t sure he wanted to get free.

Eventually Daniel grabbed hold of the bedsheets and, with an almighty groan, he unleashed his load into Afericus’ mouth, while Charlie just stroked his skin. When Daniel was finally done, he relaxed, and Afericus moved away, releasing the magical restraints.
“So? How was it?” Charlie asked.
“That was…wow…” Daniel panted.
“Are you satisfied with my granting of your wish, Mistress?” Afericus asked.
“Oh definitely,” Charlie replied. “Are you satisfied, Dan?”
“Please…don’t ever do that again…” Daniel said.
“Honestly, you’re so ungrateful.”
“Well you know, when my best friend tells me she has a genie, I don’t expect her to order said genie to rape me!”
“Oh relax,” Charlie said. She helped Daniel to sit up straight. “Here, does this make up for it?”

Charlie moved in to Daniel, and locked lips with him. Neither of them had ever kissed anyone before, and they had to admit, it was pretty fantastic.
“Wow…” Daniel said as the kiss ended.
“Afericus, could you go back into your lamp, please? I want to be alone with Dan,” Charlie said.
“Of course, Mistress.”

Afericus disappeared into his lamp, while Charlie just held Daniel in her arms.
“Would it help if I said I was sorry?” She asked him.
“Charlie, yes, I liked the blowjob,” Daniel said. “And I don’t even mind that much the fact it was from a guy. What I’m made about is the fact you not only tricked me, but basically used your genie to rape me.”
“Alright, maybe I did get a little carried away there. But I was just excited! You and I possess the key to happiness! With Afericus’ power, we can do anything we want!”
“YOU can do anything you want,” Daniel corrected her.
“Well yes, but ever since we met, you’ve basically been my only friend. Of course I’d share my phenomenal cosmic power with you.”
“It is a little weird being naked with you.”
“You’ve seen me in a bikini before.”
“Never naked though. And wearing swimming trunks is quite different to me having my dick on display to you.”

Charlie kissed Daniel softly again.
“What if I do this?” Charlie asked, before grabbing hold if Daniel’s penis.
“Uhh…” Daniel moaned as his best friend stroked his dick, it rapidly becoming hard again.
“Does that feel good Dan?” Charlie asked him. Daniel just nodded. “Dan…I’ve wanted to have sex with you since before I knew what sex was. Do you want to have sex with me?”
“Yes…” Daniel moaned.

Charlie released her grip on Daniel’s now fully-erect cock, and laid him down on the bed. She crawled on top of him, and the two of them kissed passionately. They slid their tongues inside each-other’s mouths, and they danced passionately, expressing a decade of sexual tension. Charlie looked down at Daniel’s boner, and grinned.
“Ready to become a man?” She asked him.
“Oh God,” Daniel said, realising what was about to happen. Charlie moved into position, and then, ever so slowly, she lowered her vagina onto his penis.
Daniel and Charlie both groaned as their genitals met. Daniel felt his penis slide into Charlie’s vagina, every one of her fold like the next level of Heaven for him. By the time they were completely united, Daniel and Charlie were staring each-other in the eyes, feeling nothing but love and pleasure.

“Touch my bum,” Charlie said, and, nervously, Daniel reached his hands around, and laid them on Charlie’s bottom. “Mmmm…squeeze it.” Daniel did so, and Charlie moaned. Then, full of hormones, as well as a significant amount of cock, Charlie began moving her hips up and down. The two of them moaned loudly, as Charlie bobbed her waist up and down on Daniel’s length. Suddenly Daniel realised why Harry and Sarosa had so much sex. Because why would anyone want to stop doing something that felt this good? Daniel was also suddenly rather glad of the blowjob he’d gotten earlier, as it meant he’d not exploded yet.

After a minute or two of fucking, Daniel worked up some strength and courage. He grabbed Charlie by the waist and, without ever removing himself from her, flipped the two of them over, so that he was on top.
“I’m in charge now,” he said, thrusting in and out of her.
“Suits me…” Charlie moaned, spreading her legs wide and laying back. Daniel reached down, and rubbed Charlie’s breasts, feeling for the first time what boobs really felt like. He gave them a squeeze, and Charlie moaned.

Of course, despite the blowjob, neither of them were particularly experienced in the sexual department, and as such, neither of them particularly had much staying power.
“Oh God Charlie, I’m gonna cum…” Daniel moaned.
“Do it Dan…”
“But what if you get pregnant...?”
“I won’t…now do it!” Daniel didn’t need any more encouragement than that, and he thrust deep, leaned his head back, and unleashed his load deep into Charlie. At the same time, he felt her pussy beginning to contract, and as if by magic, the two lovers enjoyed their orgasms together.

When it was over, Daniel collapsed onto Charlie, and the two of them made out for a while.
“Fuck, that was great,” Daniel said.
“And it’s not over yet,” Charlie said, licking his lips.
“What do you mean?” Charlie reached over to her bedside table and picked up Afericus’ lamp.
“We have phenomenal cosmic power,” she explained. “So let’s use it.”


At an undisclosed location, a man was being led at gunpoint through a building by some very unpleasant men. He’d been stopped on a country road, and forced into a van, where he’d been brought to this place. He didn’t know who these people were, or why they wanted him, but he’d watched enough television to know that it was best to do what the gun-wielding psychos said. The prisoner was lead to a door, where the apparent leader of his kidnappers turned to face him.
“Here we are,” he said in a voice that was all too cheerful for this situation.
“Are you going to tell me why I’m here now?” The prisoner asked.
“No, and if all goes to plan, I shan’t ever have to. But I will say that you’re not special. We took you simply because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. So believe me when I say that we will not hesitate to kill you if we have to.”

“So what, you just enjoy kidnapping people?”
“On the contrary, you’re going to help us.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because as I’ve said, we could kill you very easily. And if that’s not enough, think of the poor sod we’ll have to capture to replace you. Spare him the pain by taken on his burden. Or if that’s not enough, there’s the fact that I’m sure you’ve got some sort of ID on you, or in your car. Which means that it wouldn’t be too difficult for us to locate your family and friends. Do you see where I’m going with this?”
“…What do you want me to do?”

“Good boy. Now then, in a moment I’m going to open this door, and hand you a piece of paper. Once inside, you will pick up the object on the table. You will rub it, and read the words on the paper, exactly as they are written. Inside the room there will be automatic machine guns locked on to you. We will be watching and listening to everything you do. If we even suspect you of trying to say something different, or otherwise go against our orders, we will shoot you dead. Is this understood?”
“Good. Get on with it then.”

The man gave the prisoner the paper, and opened the door. The prisoner walked into the room, and heard the door shut behind him. He looked around, and saw that the room was bare, aside from the cameras and guns pointed at him. Aside from that, all there was were a table in the middle of the room, with an object on top of it. The object looked like an old oil lamp, although the prisoner noticed that it was utterly spotless, without a scratch on its surface.
“Rub the lamp,” the prisoner heard his captor say over the intercom. “Now.”

The prisoner picked up the lamp, and took a moment to admire it, before he reluctantly began to rub it. What had been very cold at first began to grow warm, and the prisoner watched as a cloud of Light-Pink smoke poured out of it. He stepped back instinctively, and saw the clouds of smoke begin to clump together, and take a humanoid shape. The smoke dissipated, after forming into a beautiful, naked girl. The prisoner just stared at her, admiring her features. She was absolutely gorgeous, and was smiling at him. She looked middle-eastern, the prisoner noticed.
“Greetings Master,” she said. “I am Asrah, your humble genie servant. How may I serve you?”
“Read the words, or else!” The man shouted over the intercom. The prisoner immediately looked down at the paper, and began reading.
“I wish for you to obey the UN Council for Supernatural Affairs as though each and every one of them were your Master. Their word is law. From this point on, I wish for you to not obey anything I say. My wishes from here on out are not valid.”
“Obey him, genie!” The captor shouted. “You must obey your Master!”
“I…Your wish is my command, Master.”

The doors opened again, and the captor walked in, along with two armed guards.
“Good,” he grinned. “Now then genie, I am one of the UN Council for Supernatural Affairs, and therefore, you must obey me. I wish for you to create a small pocket dimension, with all the air and gravity needed to support human life. I wish for you to teleport this man there, but first, I wish for you to remove all this man’s ability to think. Remove all bodily functions and requirements. He should be brain dead; kept alive only by your magic, and unable to understand or even think about his situation. A living statue, I suppose.”
“That does seem awfully cruel…” Asrah said.
“First of all, genie, I am your Master now, and you shall address me as such,” the man said. “Secondly, as your Master, you are obliged to obey me. Now obey me.”
“Y…Yes Master. Your wish is my command.”

“Wait, hang on…you’re a genie!?” The prisoner exclaimed.
“Well, look who’s finally caught on,” said the man. “Now do it, genie.”
“I’m sorry…” Asrah said to the prisoner. She stood her finger out, and zapped him with a bolt of magic. He disappeared, leaving absolutely no trace.
“It is done?” The man asked.
“Yes Master.”
“Good. Now then, from now on, you are not to return to your lamp under any circumstances. Is that clear?”
“Yes Master.”
“Excellent. Can’t have you escaping us, now can we? Now come along, we have work to do.”


Author's message: Hi, I'm DragoTime! You may remember me from such genie stories as "A Boy and his Genie" and "The Royal Genies"! And I'm back, and not a moment too soon.

I'd like to talk a moment about the timeline of this story. Mid-August 2015 I finished Divine Succession, and went on holiday to Disney World. While there I started writing My Brother's Genie, but I made slow progress on it. By the end of November I'd only written 3 chapters. So why has it taken so long? And where is Chapter 3? Well, I was keeping the story on the memory stick I had which I used to contain my "adult" content. Said memory stick got full, so I got a new, bigger one. I transferred everything over to the new stick, and deleted it from the old stick. That was a mistake. The new stick was faulty, and a large amount of its contents were corrupted, including My Brother's Genie. The story was lost.

So I wrote The Royal Genies, not wanting to go right back to re-writing My Brother's Genie. About a month or two ago however, I noticed a file on my hard drive called "Genie 2". I looked at this file, and lo and behold, it was My Brother's Genie. Or rather, everything up to Daniel being kicked out of the shower in chapter 2. So it wasn't completely lost. It is this file I used as a basis for this version. So aside from a few re-writes to give characters their own personalities, everything up until that point is what I wrote last year, while everything since is what I've written in the last few days.

The story, for those who aren't familiar with my work, is a sort of pseudo-sequel to my story "A Boy and his Genie", and will be much more so than The Royal Genies was. It's also an expansion of the one-shot story I wrote last year called "Abducted on a School Trip", which also featured Harry and Sarosa. This will likely be a longer story on par with ABAHG, so no worries there. I have plot planned out (Though not all of it), so I'm hoping to be able to produce something on par with ABAHG's quality. I hope so.

Now let's talk about censorship. There has been some to make it acceptable for this site. I hate it too, but them's the breaks. It's either that or not post it here at all.

This story is set around May 2016, which is obviously in the future as I write this, but it could very well be the past by the time I finish it. It was always going to be set then, incidentally, and it would have been more like 7 or 8 months in the future when I initially started this story.

Something I should mention is it's worth checking the comments, since I tend to post in there when I submit the next chapter for moderation, so you know after that point it's out of my control and on its way.

Anyway, I think that's it, so all that's left to say is to remind you to rate this story highly and comment if you liked it! Positive votes and comments really do encourage authors to keep going, and let them know you enjoyed what you read. I do read every comment.


2020-07-10 01:19:54
As you are clearly a Whovian, why didn't you give the UN group a name with the initials "UNIT?" Worried about copyright infringement or didn't want Brigadier Leftbridge Stewart's usually good team sullied by the comparison?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-11 07:33:59
Sally, having swallowed cheese,
Directs down holes the scented breeze,
Enticing thus with baited breath
Nice mice to an untimely death.

Or did you mean the Genie had bated breath (barely breathing)?

Never mind, you're an excellent writer and spelling is more and more flexible these days. The last thing I'd want to do would be to discourage you. Thanks for sharing your fine work!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-21 07:44:30
DragoTime, Your are the best author ever!


2016-04-12 17:20:08
Chapter 3 is up now! Everyone go read it! *Goes to submit chapter 4*

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-12 10:54:39
Hey Drago, Could you try reposting episode 3

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