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What has Elizabeth done now?
<Alright I'll be there soon,> Ray told Miahally as he looked at Nali and Elizabeth. <Damn it I have to go, Nali help her to practice you both need to go back for a little bit then come back and practice more the Chorton just told me we may have a problem I'll be back as soon as I can.> With that Ray vanished streaking toward the Chorton home world, what has gone wrong now he thought as he neared the planet at incredible speed. Appearing near Miahally's home Ray was expecting the worst when he appeared.

Looking around Ray called, <Miahally? Are you well what's wrong and where are you?>

<I am in my young neighbor's domicile, I over heard her telling a friend something. I am afraid this might be a problem for you and especially me if it goes further than we want it. Can you find out what she has said I didn't really catch all that much of it.> Miahally told Ray slightly shaking.

<Alright,> looking over the young female Ray couldn't detect all that much brain activity. <Uh Miahally? Just what exactly have you done to her? I feel hardly anything from her.>

<It is a technique that our scientists tried to use on you. Since you are of a completely different type of life form it didn't work that well on you, though on ours it is quite effective.> Miahally replied with a small smile. (Ray guessed it was a smile he wasn't all that sure with the Chortons.

Sighing Ray nodded as he reached out and started to delve into the young female's mind. At first it wasn't that bad as he started to go deeper Ray found it harder and harder to not gag at the clearly sexual thought and wants of the female. Damn! It seemed the deeper he went the more violent the thoughts got, what the hell were all these beings violent sex fiends? Finally he reached the area where her memories of the conversation were stored, looking arond he had to start piecing together the entire thing. It appeared that so much of it had been geared toward sex that part was stored in one section while the rest went to a completely different section. Still feeling almost sick to his stomach Ray found what he needed to and started to withdraw as quickly as he could. Re-emerging Ray gasp and stared hard at Miahally, <Damn it!> He started when he could breath easier.

<Are you alright Treg Trag you appear to not be well.> Miahally asked true concern on his face.

<I will be the things that I saw that she wants to do with and to you, I.... I am not used to such strong sexual thoughts,> Ray said not really thinking of a better way to put it.

<Ah! I see did you find what she told her friend? Do we have need to worry?> Miahally asked slightly afraid of exactly what Ray had found.

<Yes I found out we need to go to the others place now before she also tells others, I saw that she is extremely close.> Ray told Miahally, still trying to clear his head of the images that he'd seen in her mind.

<Let's go, we will keep to the shadows as much as possible to avoid using your cloaking mask,> Miahally told Ray as they started for the others place. They'd only gone a short distance when Ray pointed to a home. Knocking on the door another young female opened the door and almost purred when she saw Miahally.

<Come in and inside me you hot breeder you!> She thought, almost making Ray vomit again. Rolling his many eyes Miahally stunned her as soon as the door was closed.

<Treg Trag, it is done you need to remove the thoughts and conversation if you can.> Miahally thought after Ray entered. Ray took a deep breath and delved in again shocked that well over 90% of the females thoughts were about breeding and being bred over and over. Damn it! Ray wasn't sure he was going to make it he like sex as much as the next guy but these beings took it to a whole nother level! Finally the conversation was gone every trace of it but he had to plant something in it's place to not arouse suspicion about missing time. Then he had to remove all thoughts of wanting to ever wanting to breed with Miahally. Again it took all he had to not get violently sisk with the images he saw.

<There I got everything, I think I need to rest soon the images I saw were extremely violent, they both wanted you to breed them for at least 2 days straight. They also wanted you to restrain them, beat them, and inject them with your seed 'til they were bursting, as hard as you could the harder the better.> Ray thought trying his best not to become sick.

<Ah!> Miahally replied, <they were of the new sect that was into the hard punishing sex. Glad I found out now, it will make breeding my bitch of a neighbor far more easier in the long run. We still have to clear my neighbor's thoughts before you can rest Treg Trag.>

Ray nodded as he and Miahally started off for Miahally's home, they were almost there when they were met by a sizeable contingent of soldiers. Reaching out Ray found that half were already touched by him quickly moving through them Ray finished in short time. In Miahally's neighbor's home Ray reached out and delved again into her mind. Again Ray had to fight getting sick from the pure Chorton sex images, this is sickening he thought as he erased the conversation with her friend and planted thoughts of being punished if she told her friends or relatives of Miahally and their breeding plans.

Withdrawing Ray left with Miahally barely making it inside the door before Ray sat, then told Miahally <I am exhausted Miahally, I need you to call my mates Nali and Elizabeth, I fear that I won't awaken in time to return this feels worse than last time. This is the wavelen...> with that Ray fell back the darkness taking him in it's welcoming embrace.

Miahally felt the wavelength as Ray's thoughts faded, this was bad really bad. The Treg Trag was the only one who could do all that was needed to be done. He was well over half done that was true but if he didn't finish the new young queen would never be able to operate on her own even with the old queen's troop leader.

Miahally concentrated, this was a weak wavelength he was surprised that the Treg Trag would lower his self to using something so pitiful. Then Miahally remembered that the Treg Trag had said mates and not mate as Miahally thought the Treg Trag only had one from all he'd seen. Hmmm Miahally thought as he concentrated harder he had to find the Treg Trag's mates as he feared that the Treg Trag might not make it without them.

Elizabeth and Nali had just returned a few minutes earlier when they both started to hear a voice or they thought it was a voice. It was extremely weak and sounded extremely distant which was why at first they had both ignored it. A few moments later the voice started to gain in strength and volume. <I am trying to reach the mates of the Treg Trag that is on my planet. Can either of you perceive these thoughts?>

Nali was the first to clearly hear the voice, <is this the Chorton that Ray has been helping?> She asked.

<I am not sure what this Ray is though if you are talking of the Treg Trag then yes I am,> Miahally told her.

<I am Nali, I am one of his mates as you say though I am unsure of how I know that,> she told Miahally. <is there a problem? Why is he not contacting us?> Nali asked concern starting to creep into her thoughts.

<He told me to contact both of his mates, is the other there?> Miahally asked as he looked at Ray, Ray's life signs were staring to weaken.

<Yes I am here,> Elizabeth said finally able to hear Miahally.

<The Treg Trag asked me to contact both of you, he has used far more energy than he thought he would. He was fearful that this time he would not awaken in time as he said it is worse this time than last. I am unsure what he wishes you to do but please do it soon, his life energy has already started to decline.> Miahally informed them, <I must go I will do all I can to keep him alive 'til you can do what you can for him.>

In the silence that followed Elizabeth began to tremble, without Ray she was sure that both she and Nali would be no more within a few days. <Nali, we have to go to him, I am scared shitless but if we don't, I feel that neither one of us will make it.>

<I feel the same way can you feel Ray at all while we are here?> Nali asked.

Reaching out Elizabeth concentrated on nothing but Ray, at first she felt nothing but soon she could barely feel his energy. What she felt wasn't that good either. <Yes I feel him but what I can feel is horribly weak, we have to go, Nali you are more used to this you will have to help me I am sure that both of us together should be able to get there faster.>

<Yes I think so also, we need to go to my world first that way we will be closer and you can find Ray faster,> Nali told her.

<Alright, let's go!> With that they both concentrated and were on Nali's world in a matter of seconds. Looking around Elizabeth was surprised that they had transversed space that fast. <Uh, Nali? Did we just do that faster?>

<Yes Elizabeth, each time you use the power the stronger it gets, you can transverse much, much better now. Can you feel Ray better?> Nali asked Elizabeth.

Reaching out Elizabeth began to look for Ray the way that he'd shown her. Within a few moments she happily found him, though again she felt that he was a lot weaker than she felt he should be. <I have him Nali, he feels so weak but at least he is somewhat closer.> Opening her eyes she stared in disbelief at Nali not only was she more less looking like a BLEM but Elizabeth could actually see human features on Nali. <You look so much more like a human Nali are you ok?> Elizabeth asked.

Nali smiled a bit then looked toward Elizabth, <yes I am, I have been in contact with you and Ray for so long that I an finally starting to convert to what I want to be, it won't take much longer now, then I'll have a real surprise for the both of you!> Elizabeth could only nod.

<I am so unsure of how to do this or if I can. I am scared to death Nali.> Elizabeth said.

<I will not leave you I can not we both will be there,I will help to guide you ok?> Nali told her, Elizabeth nodded and started to reach out to Ray again. This time when she felt him she looked back at Nali who also reached out to Ray then they both pulled their selves to him. A moment later they both were hurtling toward the Chorton planet at incredible speed. It seemed they had only been at it for an hour when they started to slow then descend upon the world. As both of them appeared inside Miahally's domicile the being was startled, crap! The Treg Trag's people appeared and disappeared like smoke!

Bowing low Miahally looked at both of the beings that had appeared. He could almost swear that one of them were the energy balls that were on the planet where all this had started. The strange thing was the being looked more like the Treg Trag's people than the energy balls strange indeed.

Elizabeth almost screamed and drew back when she saw the large spider like creature that was here in the building with Ray. My god! What in the hell was Ray dealing with here? Restarining her self Elizabthe bowed to the being as did Nali, <we wish to thank you for watching over our mate,> Nali told Miahally, <without him we fear that neither of us would survive long, though it appears that he also has need of us.>

<It would appear so, I am Miahally the Treg Trag honored me by allowing me to aid him in his quest to end the cycle of hatred and greed on our planet. You as his mates also honor me with the respect you have paid me within my home. I will do all that I can to aid all of you but first we have to revive him.> Miahally advised both Nali and Elizabeth.

Both of the females nodded as they both moved to Ray's side as they did they both felt Ray's life signs jump and become stronger. With a groan Ray opened his eyes.

<Nali? Elizabeth? You're both here? I thought I was a goner for sure. We have to act fast I can feel the strain beginning we only have a few hours at the most. Miahally, will they be safe if they both stay here?> Ray asked Miahally still not moving from the prone position on the floor waiting for his energy to increase more.

<They should be though if they have any of the abilities that you have they may have to use them.> Miahally advised.

<No they don't though, if I remember right they can tell the difference in life energies now, they are still learning but they will be able to do more soon,> Ray told Miahally.

Looking at both of then Miahally told them, <if you feel strong warrior energy or bad energy try to hide if it comes to the door. Possibly in the atmosphere but not long as they might find you if you are there too long.> Miahally told them though he was a little fearful that they might get caught.

<You have nothing to fear,> both Nali and Elizabeth told him, <we are both well aquainted with hiding our selves away from others.> They both looked at Ray who nodded yes and smiled.

<It took a special being to find both of us,> Nali continued on. <A being my people searched for, several lifetimes,> Nali could see that Ray was now a little embarrassed but it was after all only the truth.

<Alright, if you have that much confidence in them, then who am I to go against a Treg Trag?> Miahally stated as he headed out the front door with Ray. <Remember try not to bring attention to your selves, if I understand it right you have no defensive capabilities yet. Just try to be careful and not be seen.>

Both of the female both nodded yes and assured Miahally they would.

Ray and Miahally headed to the palace building again, Ray hoped that he could finally finish adjusting the youngest daughter of the Queen. He so wanted to end the and start the new reign of a kind and more sensible ruler. The closer they got it seemed the more guards they were starting to see, obviously the Queen was starting to take a turn for the worst. Ray reached out and felt the last of the brain connections of the queen starting to weaken, as much as he hated to, he had to help her survive 'til the youngest daughter was ready.

Reaching in Ray strengthened the last few strands, grabbing a few that had just broken lose, Ray worked to re-attach them. Though he knew how they were attached since he'd ripped them lose, Ray was still a little unsure that he could actually re-attach them. Working steadily he managed to do all 3 feeling the Queen sigh as more functions started that had stopped. Over all Ray could see that this had actually saved the Queen's life. Feeling a little sick Ray stopped Miahally and told him what he'd done.

<Ah! this is good News Treg Trag! With the Queen coming back from almost passing they should loosen the security a bit on the daughter. I am hoping they do, though they may also see this as the Queen's last gasp to survive and just tighten more. Can you feel the daughter from here?> Miahally asked.

Reaching out in a different direction Ray soon found the daughter, Ray tried to delve in but was blocked after the first layer. <Yes, I can feel her but she is blocked after the first level I am afraid I am going to have to be a lot closer.> Ray replied.

<I was afraid of that though the fact that you can reach her is a most promising sign. Perhaps when we are near the building you can try again?> Miahally told him.

<We can try but I am afraid in order to do what we want I may have to actually be in the same room with her. You yourself know that at the moment even with all the guards I have effected, there are still far too many to risk it.> Ray advised Miahally.

Back at Miahally's domicile Nali and Elizabeth were trying to rest and calm down. Nali was instructing Elizabeth on how to delve into a mind. Though she found it distasteful Elizabeth was quickly catching on.

<Nali I feel a female Chorton approaching the building,> Elizabeth suddenly thought.

<I feel her too, though I can't sense that she knows we are here.> Nali advised her. They both watched as the female tried to open the door to no avail. Then they saw her find a key and open the door, Elizabeth was scared but Nali kept her as calm as she could, with the power that Elizabeth was developing Nali knew that it wouldn't take Elizabeth too awful much to kill. The Chorton female looked around then left, Elizabeth was watching her the whole time still afraid that they had been discovered.

The female went to the domicile next to the one they were in and opened a communicator, Elizabeth could see she was going to call the guards and struck out to silence the female. At first the female stopped, then fell to the floor panting for breath, luckily Nali had directed Elizabeth's attack away from vital areas but the Chorton was in a world of hurt. <I'm sorry Nali,> Elizabeth was crying, <I didn't want her to report us and get Ray caught or us for that matter.>

<It's alright Elizabeth, though I hope that Ray can fix this,> Nali said as she watched the female Chorton struggle to breathe, please hurry Ray, Nali thought to her self, before it's too late.


2017-12-14 10:16:23
Pars, I must agree with the Anon Reader 2016-05-17 about the short chapters; but as for losing the way, you have this planned very well and are executing the plan perfectly, albeit in too brief a bite! If you ever do a rewrite/edit, join some of these short chapters together, huh?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-17 04:21:21
Sorry to write this PARS, BUT, chapters way too short, not really making any sense, you seem to have completely LOST THE PLOT...

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