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Leave a like or a a dislike, and comment giving me idea or constructive critisism. I need it! Thanks! | After fucking the amazing Lauren, Matt encounters a situation he actually feels nervous about...
Chapter 4: Heather

I heard Mr. Ford blow his whistle, indicating the end of another practice. Over the last few days, I'd been spending more time with Lauren. After that amazing night, I'd thought of her every time I masturbated. I even sometimes forgot that I had had sex with Becca. After Mr. Ford dismissed us, I walked up to Lauren. She smiled when I came up to her. "Hey, Matt!" She said, reaching out to touch my arm.

"Hi, Lauren! What's up?" I said, looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Nothing really, I was just about to head home for the day," she said, tilting her head. "Do you want to come over and help me study?" She looked into my eyes for a second, before winking.

Realizing what she meant, I could feel the blood flowing to my cock. Feeling regret, I replied, "I really wish I could, Lauren, but I really do have an essay to finish." I could see sadness in Lauren's eyes, but she nodded.

"No, that's cool. I understand. I should probably actually study anyways. But, uh... maybe you can come by and help me study tomorrow?" She smiled again, and I couldn't resist.

"Yeah, of course, I'll stop by for a bit." I said, giving her a smirk.

Laughing, we said our goodbyes and separated. Walking to the door into the school, I thought about that night again. Feeling her tight ass squeezing my cock...

"Hey, Matt?" I heard a voice say behind me. Turning, I saw it was Becca. Big surprise there.

"Yeah?" I said, crossing my arms.

"I think I can get you a really hot one here... a certain... redhead?" She said, raising her eyebrows.

I took a step back. "Heather?!" That seemed impossible! Heather had a boyfriend! If she did manage to get me Heather, I'd be amazed. Heather was super hot. She had curly, red hair that reached her shoulders. Her skin was very pale, as many redheads are. She was a skinny girl, with small tits and a tight, round ass. Her best feature by far, though, was her feet. She was almost always barefoot, so I got to see her feet often. Her feet reminded me a lot of my favorite porn stars feet, Aiden Ashley. If you don't know her, I'd recommend looking her up. It's worth it, she's very hot! Her face was also very pretty, and I could just imagine my cock being in that mouth...

Then there was her boyfriend, Nathan. He was a prick. I don't know why Heather dated him. He was very tall and muscular, and seemed more fitting for the football team than the band. If I fucked his girlfriend, he'd probably kill me and my entire family. So I don't know how I felt about that. Not to mention they're both juniors, so that lowers my chances of being with her.

"Becca, how the hell are you going to get Heather? There's no way you could!" I said, trying to comprehend what Becca was saying.

"Oh, don't worry, I got this." She said, winking at me.

I sighed and sat down. I passed the time until Becca decided to do something. I looked at my phone, talked to people, and mostly thought about Lauren. I think it's going somewhere between us. I felt kind of bad, thinking of fucking Lauren, while thinking of fucking Becca and Heather too. Not to mention Sydney, and Victoria, even Alyssa... yeah. I looked up from my phone.

Just in time, too. I looked up to see Becca walking up to Heather. Shit, here we go again.

Becca said something to Heather, who laughed and replied back. Their conversation continued on until the obvious moment of the conversation being switched to my penis. She seemed to scoff and look over at me for a second, then looked back at Becca and probably asked for confirmation. "This Matt?" Becca did that little hand gesture of hers, representing the length of my penis, and Heather raised an eyebrow. Her weight shifted to the other foot and she smirked. Shit, she probably thinks I'm small. Nathan has to be big. Why else would she date him?

Becca and Heather talked for a bit, and the conversation ended with a little wave and a look over to me. Becca walked back over, and sat down near me. I turned to her when Heather wasn't looking anymore. "Soooo?"

Becca looked up and laughed. "Well, she seemed interested. You'll just have to see if she says anything to you?" She offered, before getting back up. "Anyways, I gotta get going. See ya, Matt."

I said goodbye and watched her leave. Before I knew it, the only people left in the room were Nathan, Heather, her friend Kaitlin, and I. I watched as the group got up to leave. Hmm... I'm so used to fucking a girl every practice now, that I'm surprised Heather doesn't want to bang.

A stayed sat in my chair until the group passed. I was surprised when Heather stopped and turned to me. "Hey, do you like, want to fuck me or something?"

I was totally taken aback. "Uh- I- Well- I mean..." I stuttered, making a fool of myself.

She laughed. "Well, do you?"

I looked at her and said, "Uh, yeah, I do."

She smirked again, and looked to her left. "Hey, Nathan?"

Holy. Fuck. What the fuck, Heather?!

Nathan turned his big meat head around. "Yeah, Heath?"

She cocked her head to the side, in my direction. "This kid wants to fuck me."

Nathan slowly turned his head. "Excuse me?"

I stood up and held my hands up. "Well... To be totally fair, she asked if I wanted to."

"You calling my girlfriend a cheater?" He strode up to me in a few steps and pushed me hard into the wall. My back slammed into the wall and the wind was knocked out of me. "Look here, you fucking shit. You know why I work out?" He flexed his muscles at me. "It's so I can defend my girl from fucking pervs like you." He practically spat the word.

I was totally prepared to stand there and take this like a bitch, but... I wanted to fucking stand up for myself. And there were two hot girls there, which was a bonus. "Oh, really?" I crossed my arms. "That's why you have big muscles? I always just figured it was to make up for the lack in size of another muscle." I smirked, quickly glancing at Heather, who seemed to hide a smile.

"Hey, prick, if you knew what was best for you, you'd watch your fucking mouth," Nathan said, jabbing his index finger into my chest, before walking to the door. Kaitlin and Heather followed, but not before Heather winked at me. Wow, what a bitch. I thought, as they left the room.

Gathering my stuff, I swore under my breath and walked for the door. I decided to cut through the gym to get to the front door, as to not pass by the assholes. Honestly, to be fair, Kaitlin wasn't that much of a bitch. But she may as well have been one, since she hangs out with the actual bitches.

Sadly, it seemed they had had the same idea as me, since they were also walking through the gym. "Fuck..." I whispered as I watched them move through the gym. I considered walking back, but I had come this far, and they were almost through the gym, so I just decided to wait for them to get to the end. I saw the three of them stop, and Heather turned to Nathan. "Aw, shit, I left my bag in the band room. I guess I'll see you guys later." She said, waving goodbye.

"Woah, woah, woah... Do you want me to come with you, in case that prick tries anything?" I could hear Nathan say. At this point, I wasn't looking anymore, I was just listening behind the corner.

"No, don't worry, he's not dumb enough to try anything like that," she laughed, and I could hear footsteps getting closer to me. Fuck, what now? I thought, looking around for an escape. I tried several of the surrounding classrooms, but they were all locked, of course. Fuck... I guess I should just go back to the band room.

Silently sprinting through the halls, I made it back to the band room and sat in a chair. Realizing this probably wasn't the smartest plan, I sighed and pulled out my phone. Time to hear even more shit. I heard the door open, but didn't bother looking up. I heard Heather walk in and stop.

"Oh, there you are." She said, which made me look up. "We should talk."

I scoffed. "Oh, yeah, let's talk about how pervy am." I said waving my hands in the air.

She laughed. "No, not about that." She sat down and crossed her legs. "I want to talk about sex."

I flinched. Whaaat? Then it hit me. Shes totally fucking with me. "Oh, yeah, sure, why, so you can sic your boyfriend on me?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that," she said, with an apologetic look on her face.

"Sorry?! He pushed me into a fucking wall!"

"I know, I wasn't planning on him doing that..." She said, with downcast eyes. "Trust me, I only did that so he wouldn't believe anyone if someone found out."

I looked at her, confused. "After what happens, exactly?"

"Oh, yeah, after we fuck." She nodded her head.

Wait, what? I tilted my head. "So, what are you saying? You actually want to have sex with me?"

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying." She said, laughing. "I decided I would from the start. You know that little comeback of yours? Well, it isn't necessarily wrong." She giggled.

That actually made me laugh. Figures Nathan has a small cock. "Wow, that's unbelievable. Actually," I say, looking away, "a little too unbelievable. How the hell am I supposed to trust you?"

Heather gave me a sly smile and walked up to me. I looked at her, surprised, as she sat down on my lap, her face directly in front of mine. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she grinded on my cock through my thin shorts. I could see in her eyes that she was enjoying what she felt back. God, I feel even worse for Heather... Imagine this apparently small cock being the only thing pleasuring her. She leaned forward and kissed me, sticking her tongue in my mouth. I was surprised at first but I followed along. After a moment, she pulled back, and stopped rubbing her crotch on mine. "Believe me now?"

I stared back at her for a second. "I... I guess I do, then."

She smirked again, and, still sitting on me, pulled her shirt off. To my surprise, she wasn't even wearing a bra. Her perky little tits were right there in front of me. Without hesitation I stuck the left nipple in my mouth. I gently sucked on it as I massaged her other breast. I could hear Heather's soft breathing in my ear, as her light grinding continued. Before I even realized it, she was up and slipping her pants off. As I followed suit, I couldn't help but gasp at Heathers pussy. Her pussy lips looked so puffy. They were... beautiful. Heather had a similar reaction.

Heather gasped. "Holy shit..." She slowly leaned down to touch it. She wrapped her hand around the shaft, and then the other. She looked like a kid getting a gift on Christmas Day... Bad analogy.

She leaned down, and swirled her tongue around the head. I exhaled heavily. Her tongue felt so good brushing against my cock. She looked up at me, as if for approval.

"Keep doing that, Heather..." I said, leaning my head back. I felt her mouth wrap around my cock, as she slowly moved further down it. She got about 3 inches before gagging, and pulling back hard.

"What's wrong, Heather?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Oh, well... I haven't sucked a cock this long before..." She said, looking slowly up to me.

I had to laugh at that, and she laughed with me. "Well, that's okay. Well, I have a better idea anyways. Lay on your back." I said, motioning for her to lay down.

She looked confused, but complied. She laid down on her back and looked up at me. I kneeled down onto the ground and spread her legs. Her beautiful puffy pussy was right there between her legs, waiting for me. I started to lean down, but Heather started to close her legs. "Wait, what are you doing?"

I looked at her, confused again. "Hasn't Nathan every eaten you out before?" I replied.

She paused for a second, and responded, "No... I guess not."

I shook my head, "Well, then you're in for a surprise!" I moved my head down to her shaven pussy and spread her legs further. Her pussy spread open and I stuck out my tongue. I placed my tongue near the bottom and ran it up her vagina. When my tongue ran over her clit, she convulsed and moaned at the top of her lungs. I laughed, and looked up at her, still between her legs. "Sensitive clit, I see?" I said, with a sly smile.

"Fucking do that again!" She said, breathing heavily.

I complied, bringing my tongue up and down her pussy, and flicking my tongue over her clit every time I reached it. Within a few minutes, she was squirming and was scrunching and flexing her toes. For the big finale, I placed my lips over her clit and lightly sucked. Heather moaned so loud, anyone still in the building would have heard. Her entire body convulsed as she made it through her orgasm. It must have lasted over 10 seconds! She finally stopped, and, breathing heavily, looked me in the eyes. "That... was... fucking amazing." She said, before leaning back again. "How can I ever repay you for that?"

I slowly looked at her feet and looked back at her. She tilted her head, confused. "What...?"

I sighed, ready to drop the news. "Heather, I have a foot fetish. Like, I really like feet." I responded, with a chuckle.

She nodded slowly. "Well... what do I have to do...?" She said, looking at her toes and wiggling them.

I basically drooled on myself when she did this. "Just do that..." I grabbed her foot and brought it up to my face. Her mouth dropped open as I shoved my nose into her toes. I inhaled deeply, the smell flooding through my nose.

Heather lowered her eyebrows. "You like how they smell...? I always get home and feel disgusting."

I look at her over her toes. "I love how they smell!" She laughs, and I go back to her feet. I stuck my tongue out and licked up the length of her soles to her toes. As I do so, Heather scrunches up her foot and starts to pull back. "What are you doing?"

"People with foot fetishes like to do this. We like how feet taste." I reply, which gives her a questioning look.

She slowly starts to nod her head. "Oh, okay... I guess keep going."

I didn't hesitate, and stuffed Heather's toes in my mouth. I lightly sucked on her toes, savoring the wonderful taste. I held up her other foot and ran my tongue up them. I noticed Heather was lightly rubbing her clit as I did this, which just made me harder. I licked up and down both of her soles one last time, then positioned myself in between her soles. To Heather's surprise, I slid my cock between her feet, slowly thrusting. I increased speed, feeling her smooth foot skin rub over the head of my cock. Heather started breathing heavily. "I don't know why, but I really like this!" She said, rubbing her clit in a circular motion. I thrusted harder and harder, until I felt my balls tighten.

"Heather, I'm going to-" I was cut off, when my ejaculation came faster then expected (pun intended). Heather dropped her jaw when the thick strings of semen shot out of my cock. When my orgasm passed, I looked into Heather's eyes, her mouth still wide open. "Heather, what is it?"

She was speechless for a few seconds, and looked down at her feet, which were covered in cum. "I... I didn't know... there could be that much cum..." She said, wiggling her toes.

I nodded my head again. Fucking Nathan, can't even cum correctly. "Well, trust me Heather, I didn't even cum that much."

His eyes grew wider. "There can be more?!"

I laughed. "There definitely can be!" I paused, tilting my head. "Wait, Heather, haven't you ever watched porn?"

She lightly blushed, and turned her head. "No, my parents checked our devices daily at home... I guess I never really got around to it when I got here."

Well, that explains a lot. Why she didn't know there could be so much cum, and why she didn't even know what a foot fetish was. "Oh, I understand..." I slowly looked down at her vagina, and then back up to her eyes. "Hey, Heather...?"

She smirked. "If you're going to ask, I'm not a virgin." She said, waiting for a confirmation.

She must have been telepathic, because that's what I was thinking. "Oh, I see," I said. I motioned for her to move over to the common area. Oh, yeah, our band room has a common area. A lot of people come in here to pass the time or just hang out before or after practice, so we had a couch, some tables, and a couple of bookshelves into an unused corner of the band room, so we had a comfortable place to sit.

Heather followed me over to the couch. I had her lay down on the couch with her legs over the side. That may sound uncomfortable to you, but this couch has no arms on it for some reason. I don't know, ask the manufacturer.

I got down onto my knees, which was a perfect height to position myself in front of Heather's perfect pussy. I grabbed her legs underneath the knees and lifted. She giggled as I moved her legs up over my head and onto my shoulders. I grabbed my cock and positioned it next to her opening. Heather breathed out sharply as I started to push into her pussy. Slowly, I made my way deeper into her vagina, careful not to hurt her.

"I've never had a cock this big in me before..." She whimpered, biting her lower lip. Watching her bite her lip while staring into my eyes made me appreciate her beauty. It hadn't hit me before, but she was extremely attractive. Way out of Nathan's league, I'd say. As she stared back at me, I realized she looked familiar. She had a vaguely similar appearance to the porn star Alice Green, who is also a redhead. At that point, I realized I was all the way inside of Heather. Looking back to her, I saw her eyes were squinted shut, and she was breathing in and out quickly. I tried to pull out but she shook her head. "No... No, stay in..." She stayed like this for a few more seconds and then started to nod. "Okay... Keep going."

I took that as my cue, and slowly started to pull out. Her lips gripped my cock as I started to push back in. Picking up speed, slowly, I watched Heather as she instinctively started rubbing her nipples. I smirked, and continued to thrust into Heather. I had an amazing view of her as I pushed in and out of her pussy, her small tits lightly bouncing at each thrust. She was moaning quite loudly again. If anyone was still in the building, they definitely had heard her! I thrust again into Heather, gaining speed at an alarming rate. I would definitely cum soon. This combination of Heather, looking beautiful as ever, in this amazing position, moaning super loudly...

I felt my balls tighten again, and prepared for the imminent explosion of baby batter. Heather squealed as her second orgasm hit. My second orgasm followed, and I shot another loud into her tight pussy. We were breathing heavily now, her legs fallen off of my shoulders. That's when we heard the door open. Oh, FUCK. I held still, somewhat hoping they wouldn't see me if I didn't move. Maybe someone DID hear Heather...?[i] I was just going to sit there for the rest of time until I heard a familiar voice.

"What the FUCK is going on here?" I heard the female voice say. Heather looked up and her jaw fell open.

" she shouted, as my head dropped, accepting the fact that Nathan would have my balls chopped off and fed to the dogs.
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