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This one has been a fantasy of mine for the long time. I wanted to try writing a dialect to see if I could be consistent with it. The answer is... not quite, but I think I smoothed things over in the editing. Sit back and enjoy. As always, I welcolme whatever you want to post. Although maybe try and comment something with a bit more meaning than "I Like Potatoes" (as someone recently did on another story of mine)
There’s a pretty useful interstellar law that got passed decades ago: if you catch a stowaway on your ship, you can do whatever you want to ‘em without ‘em having any way to stop yayou

They passed this law to discourage spacings. You see, how it would happen is the captain and crew would have their way with the stowaways and when they were a finished, they’d push ‘em out the airlock. Dead men tell no tales ‘en all that.

Now it got to the point where the bodies were getting mighty thick on some of them space lanes and posing something of a navigation hazard, so in the interest of public safety they passed the law.

Stellar Congress perhaps being not up to date on what the phrase “perverse incentives” means, didn’t realize that this here meant there wasn’t a whole lot a reason to try and keep stowaways off of ships, just a lot of reason to make sure they couldn’t do any damage there. We captains all ‘ave great security systems, but we make sure to leave lots of opportunities for them who would to stow away on our ships to get on to them while we be loading and unloading things.

The competition’s gotten downright fierce. Gotta love a free market!

It’s always good for morale to have a stowaway on a voyage. Makes it more exciting and breaks the monotony.

I’ve had a few stowaways in my day, mostly on long hauls where they made the nights less lonely. But the most fun I had with a stowaway was when I took my ladylove on a pleasure cruise, with what was supposed to be just the two of us.

Of course, we didn’t mind having a third, once we caught ‘er and taught ‘er a thing or two.

Here’s how it happened.

* * *

We’d just jumped to out of the gravity well and I was looking forward to leaving the ship on auto and getting some alone time with my lady. Georgie was insatiable and I was looking forward to spending two whole weeks with nothing to do except to fuck ‘er. She was looking forwards to it as well, judging by the fact she’d doffed all but ‘er shiny necklace.

We were just about to get it on right there in the cockpit when the security alarm bleeped at us. Those security alarms are a mighty clever innovation. They claim to be set up so as to avoid “prohibitions against weapons on some planets”, which in practice means they don’t arm ‘til you jump, at which point they’ll help you catch the most slippery of stowaways in a jurisdiction where you get to do whatever ‘tis you want with ‘em.

Georgie was right thrilled once I explained what it meant to her.

“So honestly we do whatever we want with ‘em?” She asked me, grinning broadly at the prospects of more entertainment on the trip than we’d originally bargained for.

“Yes we sure as hell can! Best part is we don’ have to do most of the work. The ship will do it for us! It should have them nice and trussed up by now and we can go done and see to them at our leisure.”

Georgie began to rub ‘erself between ‘er legs. I grabbed her hand.

“Stop that now! There’ll be plenty of time for that once we get our new toy. Don’ wanna be wearing ourselves out ‘fore that, do we?”

She reached out and rubbed a hand against the crotch of my jumpsuit. She smiled as she felt me harder than a rock.

“Are you sure?” she asked me, grinning at me all sly like. “You seem like you want to start right now.”

I moaned as she rubbed her hand against me some more. She sure knew how to make me feel good, Georgie did.

I grabbed ‘er wrists and twirled ‘er around, bending ‘er over the seat. She struggled a bit, but it was just for show. My Georgie liked to struggle for show. She liked to feel like she’s a forced into it. It makes her mighty wet, feeling forced.

My hands are big enough that I can fit both of her wrists into one of them. It was no problem to hold her with her hands behind the back, bent over all inviting. Her pussy was glistening with her eager juices and I couldn’t stop myself from pullin’ my fingers out ‘en giving ‘em a taste.

When I put ‘em back, she tried to grind against my fingers but I was on to her ‘en kept her from getting it. She struggled some more, but I could see how her knees went weak with the wanting of it. I was gettin’ mighty eager myself and unzipped me, so that I could spring free to my full extent.

Georgie heard the zipper and began moaning and begging for my cock inside of her. But I don’t ever give it to her just because she asks. I made her beg an’ beg as I rubbed myself against her pussy, getting covered with her juices.

Eventually she’d begged enough and I let her have it nice and slow. Easing into her tight pussy always makes me moan in pleasure and tonight was no exception. She stopped struggling as I took her and I let her hands dangle at her side. It let me wrap mine around and play with her tits.

In and out I thrusted and Georgie thrusted back into me as ‘ard as she could. She liked me nice ‘en deep in her, Georgie did.

I liked bein’ deep in her well enough and didn’t complain with the treatment she was given me. She gripped me nice ‘en tightly with her pussy and it was hard for me not just to fuck her as quickly as I could and blow my load. But I didn’t want to cut things short today.

With a sharp slap on ‘er ass, I stopped Georgie short. She hates being stopped, ‘cept that she loves that I make her do things she hates from time to time.

“Save the end for our captive!”

Georgie begged and whined, but I took her by the back of her neck ‘en walked her through the ship to where the captive had been stewing. Georgie fought every step of the way too, which meant I got to beat her up a bit, mostly just by slaps on her ass and breasts.

I occasionally stuck a finger in her to make sure she was still wet ‘en I always found ‘er just positively dripping ‘er juices on the deck. She was loving being forced around and loving the thought of haven’ her way with the prisoner.

The ship wasn’t that big, but the stowaway had been hidin’ well, hopin’ that we were one of those ships that didn’t have the new systems. I did well enough for myself though that I’d got one last year. It had been more fun in the old days to hunt ‘em through the ship, but more risky too. I still ‘ad a bite scar from one half-feral bitch. Breaking her ‘ad been enjoyable.

This one was a young one, not yet twenty. And she was a she, not that it particularly mattered to Georgie ‘en I, though I did find breaking the men to be more fun.

‘Er hair was chopped off short and spiky ‘en she was not happy to be seeing us.

I’ll spare your ears ‘er foul invective, but know that it was voluminous. She ranted at us for a good minute. Georgie was rubbing her pussy up against my leg the whole time ‘en I let her. I wanted our stowaway to see how little we cared for ‘er protests.

Eventually I got mighty tired of listening to her swear, so I walked up to ‘er ‘en slapped ‘er right ‘cross the face. It echoed mightily in the confines of the ship. She spit out some blood then tried to launch right back into that tirade.

I cut her off with a slap to ‘er opposite cheek. The red marks looked rather fetching.

She stayed silent this time and I smiled at her learning some manners.

“So yah see here, you know the law? I can do whatever I want with you, ‘en you can’t do nothing ‘bout it.”

“Fuck you, disgusting pig, I’ll never…”

Another slap shut her up for a few seconds. I decided I’d had enough of ‘er tongue flapping when it could be put to gainful employment, so I lay down the law.

“Georgie, get over here and spread y’er legs!”

Georgie hastened to obey, sitting down with ‘er legs spread wide, showing off her glistening pussy for all to see. I grabbed our stowaway. The ship reacted to me and let me move her. I stuck her head buried between Georgie’s legs. Georgie pulled the stowaway’s face right into ‘er pussy. The stowaway’s cries were muffled in Georgie’s voluminous folds.

I got out the knife I always carried on me and went to work on our stowaway’s clothes. Letter of the law was we could take any possessions they had to help pay for their passage ‘en no one had thought to say we couldn’t take their clothes. So it was all above the table and legal.

She was naked soon enough. I ignored ‘er pussy for now, there’d be time enough for me to play with it later. Right now, I wanted to break ‘er down so she was a fun toy. Not that the breaking wasn’t fun for it’s own sake, but it’s nice to have ‘em all obedient and grovelling.

“Here’s how it’s gonna go, bitch. You’re gonna get Georgie there off. I know yah may be objecting to that, but I don’t really care much ‘bout your feelings. Until I see ‘er coming from your tongue in ‘er pussy, I’m gonna be smacking you as hard as I can.”

Putting actions to words, I moved to stand behind her. I gave her a few fake one’s at first to rattle her, light taps and fake outs where she could feel the air from my hand stopping right before it hit ‘er.

But she didn’t take the message. I saw Georgie still trying to grind her pussy into our stowaway’s mouth. Well if she wasn’t being nice and cooperative, then I saw no need to keep playing the good cop.

She couldn’t move out of the way or even flinch when I hit her for real the first time.

She could scream some, but Georgie’s thighs did a good job of muffling her cry. Georgie looked up at me ‘en shook ‘er head. Our little captive wasn’t starting, so it was time to make her hurt for real.

I put my back into each of my slaps. Georgie timed her rubbing to line up with ‘em, burying our fucktoy’s face in her slit just as I hit her.

Ten slaps didn’t change her mind, ‘en twenty didn’t help either. Shaking my head in annoyance, I switched out my hand for my belt. It was good synthetic leather, strong ‘en tough. Georgie loved to be spanked with it whenever she was a bad girl.

This stowaway didn’t love it when I hit her. Georgie pulled back her pussy on my first strike so I could hear the scream in all its glory. The little cunt brayed like a dying beast.

Two strikes are all it took to break ‘er will, seemed like. Georgie began to moan and grind forward without any rhyme or reason. I knew she did that whenever a person touched her clit.

I remembered my promise though. Licking my Georgie’s pussy or not, it fell to me to punish this lass for ‘er defiance. I was proud of myself for my next hit; it was even harder than the previous one. The little cunt got the message and Georgie started moaning even faster. The stowaway was doing ‘er best to get Georgie off afore she got hurt any worse.

Only took twenty-two hits of my belt before Georgie came. I knew the signs when it was coming, ‘en I’d been merciless at the end. Georgie wouldn’t have thanked me if I let our toy slow down before she could come.

It took Georgie a few seconds to get ‘er voice back after all ‘er moaning. She grinned at me though, which I took to be a good sign. When Georgie grinned at me like that, she’d want to show me some gratitude.

“Georgie, would yah be so kind as to bring me one of them buzzy things of yours.”

“Would be right pleased to, sir,” she said in her pretty lilt, tipping an imaginary hat.

She got up and ambled off, leaving the girl who’d just got her off sobbing, suspended head down with a ruby red ass and cunt juice all over ‘er mouth.

I pulled ‘er upright and pushed ‘er face first against the wall. She didn’t stop her sobbing. I held her tight against the wall and whispered in ‘er ear.

“I’m gonna make yah feel good, but I ain’t gonna let you come. You wanna come, you’re gonna have to beg me to make yah come. You’re gonna have to convince me that you want nothing more than to have my dick up inside you uptight pussy.

Her sobbin’ didn’t stop, not that I’d expected or wanted it to.

I slowly reached down her back, stroking it so she always knew where my ‘ands were. It was nice not to have to ‘old her. The ship took care of that part for me.

Her ass was a mess of bruises and welts. I’d even broke the skin in a few places ‘en some blood was dripping down ‘er leg. I made sure to give ‘er ass a good squeeze before moving on to ‘er pussy. She screamed, of course. Sweet music to my ears, ‘er screams were.

She begged me to stop when I reached her pussy. It was already dripping, it was. Poor thing couldn’t help herself. She didn’t wanna be hurt, sure, but somewhere deep down she wanted to be used.

I was happy to oblige.

I’d been playing with her pussy for two or three minutes when Georgie got back with the vibrator. It was long and thick, just the way Georgie liked them. I could tell that this stowaway was pretty darn tight. It was gonna be a painful fit for ‘er, a prospect I looked forward to.

“Ship, I’m gonna put a foreign object in this trespasser. If yah see spiking neural activity levels, remove it until they get back down to normal, would you please?”

The ship acknowledged it in its bland, plain voice.

“That there means yah ain’t gonna be able to come,” I stage whispered helpfully to the sobbing stowaway. “I’m off to go fuck Georgie, I’ll be back eventually. Hopefully you’ll be ready to beg at that point, eh?”

With a closing slap that set her to yowling, I was dragging Georgie off around the bulkhead and out of sigh. I bent her over with her ‘ands braced against the wall.

“I wasn’t joshing about fucking you, yah, know. Better hope you’re wet enough for me.”

I couldn’t see Georgie’s face, but I could hear the grin on ‘er voice.

“I’m still wet as a fountain boss.”

“Good to hear!”

My dick was already hanging out and still hard from all the excitement of the day.

I pushed hard into Georgie from behind. Big as her toy was, I was still quite a bit bigger. She groaned as she took it, but she was ‘en old hand at this and knew she could manage it.

I loved the feel of her pussy gripping me tightly. Made me wanna come right ‘way, but I can be patient if I have to be and I wasn’t going to come right yet.

Instead I pulled out slowly ‘afore pushing back in at the same snail’s pace.

I can go slow when I have to, ‘en I didn’t wanna come yet, just wanted to keep Georgie nice and horny and make me even more excited for the stowaway breaking and begging. I figured if I was desperate to come, I’d be extra rough with ‘er.

I made myself last inside Georgie for twenty minutes afore I had to take a break. Even with my slow pace, Georgie’d come twice. Mind yah, after she begged and begged, I’d let her play with her clit, which had definitely helped her out. I didn’t let Georgie play with her clit always, but I figured it’d be a nice treat for ‘er today ‘en I was in high enough spirits to let ‘er do it.

Still, she knew there’d be a price to pay for touching herself, even if she’d have my permission. ‘En sure enough, I made her pay it on ‘er knees, with my cock down ‘er throat. I mastered the art of keeping her desperate for air but out of any real danger long ago, so she did lot of gasping for breath.

I still hadn’t let myself come. I figured I was as desperate as the stowaway, ‘en if I was this desperate, she’d be right ready to burst.

I pulled Georgie with me into the hallway. The stowaway saw us right away. ‘Er eyes had a glassy look they hadn’t ‘ad ‘afore now. The vibrator was buried deep in ‘er. She couldn’t really move, but I saw the twitches in ‘er legs that lots of women gets when they be right ‘bout to come.

“Yah gonna beg me now?” I asked ‘er.

She tried to resist it. I saw her try it. She didn’t wanna give in, but she was desperate ‘en she couldn’t bear to hold off any longer.

“Please make me come.” She sounded a bit robotic though. Not nearly convincing enough.

“You’re gonna have to do better than that.” I pushed Georgie up against the wall ‘en took ‘er from behind again. She started moaning ‘er head off. It was all I could do not to fuck her silly, but I restrained myself.


“I guess I’ll just fuck Georgie ‘ere ‘til I come. Then I’ll be soft for a while. But I’m sure in another hour I could get around to yah.”

“No! Please!” There was panic in ‘er eyes, just the way I liked it.

“I need your cock in my pussy. I need it more than anything! I’ll do anything you ask me. Anything for the whole voyage! Just let me come. Make me come! I want to be your tool, if you’ll let me come!”

Had to give ‘er points for style. She was desperate and trying everything she could think of.

“I guess I can come in yah. But you got Georgie ‘ere all riled up. You’re gonna have to give ‘er round two with your tongue if you want to come. ‘En you’re not coming until she does.”

The stowaway nodded frantically.

“Ah, I almost forgot. You’re name is Fucktoy. Introduce yourself as that, ‘en I can get to work.”

“I’m Fucktoy, that’s my name!”

Her eyes were crossing from ‘er need. The vibrator pulled outta ‘er with a sucking sound. Guess she was right on the verge.

I grabbed her from the wall ‘en laid her out on the floor. Georgie eagerly sat on her face. I saw Fucktoy’s tongue getting to work, so I figured it was time for me to do some fucking of my own.

I positioned myself to push in to her and then let my dick rub round her slit for a second. She groaned and moaned ‘en tried to push me in to her, but she couldn’t with the ship holding ’er down. I decided to put ‘er outta ‘er misery ‘en push in to her.

She gasped from my thickness. It was slow going, working my way in to her. There were some gasps of pain and moans that sounded like quite the opposite of pain, both from ‘er part, though the gasps were being drowned out by Georgie’s loud moans. I shut her up by locking ‘er mouth in a kiss.

Once I got all the way in, I rested for a second. Wouldn’t do to hurt the fucktoy too badly in the parts I wanted to use. Right away.

She was clenching down on my cock in a few seconds, so I guessed it was safe to begin rocking in to and outta her. It was hard not to blow my load right away. She was so tight and she was moaning ‘en I was kissing Georgie. But I did it nice ‘en slow, while Georgie’s moans also got louder ‘en louder.

Finally, Georgie grabbed on to my shoulders and from her grip I knew she was coming. I wasted no time. I ripped myself outta fucktoy and slammed back in. I thought about control, but it was all gone. I needed to come ‘en didn’t care ‘bout hurting ‘er anymore.

She screamed for a few thrusts, but then she started moaning. I remembered to have the ship release her. Georgie moved out of the way, ‘en fuck toy wrapped ‘er arms around me. I realized she was shouting.

“FUCK! I’m coming so hard! Please keep using me! Please keep making me feel like this!”

I wanted too, but she’d gotten loads more tight coming ‘en I couldn’t hold my load anymore. I’d been hard for the better part of ‘en hour and I’d been edging for a lot of that. My orgasm shook me. I saw fireworks behind my eyelids ‘en I shot rope after rope of come into ‘er.

I wrapped my arms ‘round ‘er as tight as she did ‘round me.

After a minute or so, things calmed down.

Then she started cryin’ but it was too late ‘en she knew it. She didn’t even try ‘en fight when I stuck my cock in ‘er mouth for ‘er to clean up.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-13 12:46:02
It was a good story. Being used and abused really is a turn on!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-04 12:13:13
I've learned that sites like these get boring and unenjoyable real fast w/o new stuff. Sometimes it works or not but its good to try to catch people's curiosity

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-02 20:20:11
it would have been better wthout the dialect written out

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-02 18:22:03
Kinda lame m8

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-01 23:26:25
The dialect experiment, I would have to agree with most of the other commenters, it is a failure. Makes the reading to difficult, plus it is only randomly used.

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