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Sanctuary and new friends.
It was midday on the 1st of May 1519. At the Château du Clos Lucé in Amboise, France, a girl watched as a priest left, having taken confession from the infirm man who lay inside. As she saw him leave, the girl walked back in, not having been permitted to be present as it went on.

“Are you alright, Master?” Asked Alexis as she walked back into her Master’s bedroom.
“Yes, I’m fine,” replied Leonardo. “My soul is cleansed. At least I hope so.”
“I still don’t understand why you insisted on getting that priest in anyway.”
“Alexis, nearly five decades with you would be enough to test anyone’s faith. But even you cannot determine or even know what lies beyond this life. Think of it as attempting to cover my bases.”
“Master, I do not know if there is any sort of afterlife, but I have lived a long time, and in all my millennia of life I have never seen anything to make me believe that there is any God but humans who use genies to give themselves that title. And anyway, even if there is such a thing as Heaven and Hell, I’d say you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“I certainly hope so.”

“Master, I know to an extent I’m obliged to think the world of you, but I can honestly say you are one of the kindest Masters I’ve had in a long time.”
“I am nothing special. And if basic kindness is so rare, then what is wrong with humanity?”
“Not everyone is bad. My last Master tended to just ignore me and focus on his wife. Well, his daughter that he then married.”
“How…nice for them.”
“And my Master before him was a young boy who spent a few weeks fucking his mother and sisters, before moving on to turn his entire village into his own personal harem.”
“Well offering someone their every desire does tend to result in them indulging in their every desire. You know I’ve indulged myself once or twice.”
“Or thrice.”
“And true, one might argue my entire career has been based on talents you have given me.”
“Goodness knows that Giocondo girl wouldn’t have ever sat still without my magic.”
“Yes...she was a wriggler, wasn’t she?”
“Her husband seemed to agree when we mentioned it to him.”

Leonardo chuckled, and then coughed a little. It caused Alexis great displeasure to see her Master in pain like this. Leonardo, like most Masters, had wished for perfect health, though unlike some, he’d merely wished for slower aging, rather than none at all. But all Masters must eventually succumb to old age. In the weeks leading up to a Master’s death, the magic keeping them alive begins to wear off, as they return to their natural age and physical condition.

“Do you want anything, Master?” Alexis asked him. “More cushions? Something to eat or drink?”
“No no, I’m quite alright. I’m just worried about what will happen to you after I am gone.”
“I will return to my lamp to await my next Master.”
“I know that part, but what about your lamp? Count Melzi is getting most of my property, but what about you? As far as he knows, you’re just my handmaiden. He’s going to wonder where you disappear to.”
“I’ve seen inside his mind, and “handjobmaiden” would be a much better term for what he thinks I am to you. Even now, he’s downstairs sipping at a glass of wine and reading a book, with the assumption you’re balls deep in my mouth at the moment.”
“From what you’ve told me, that would not seem to be out of character for your Masters.”
“Not really, no. But please, Master, do not worry about me. All I care about at the moment is that you’re comfortable.”

“You have always been too good to me.”
“I like to think I’m not one of those genies that just mindlessly loves their Master, but I do really like you Master, and I want you to be happy.”
“And you’ve given me 49 years full of happiness. Which is why, at the very least, I’d like to try and make sure your next Master is one who will treat you as you deserve.”
“Not Count Melzi?”
“I don’t know. Possibly not. I’ve never considered myself a vain man, but it wouldn’t be difficult for him to work out where my talents come from should he discover the truth about you.”
“He couldn’t make it public though.”
“No, but he would know, and I would not like that. Granted the priest knows. I told him all about you, and everything you’ve done for me. He didn’t believe me of course.”
“He’d probably assume I was the second coming. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

Leonardo chuckled at that, and as he did, there was a knock on the door.
“Leonardo, Miss Alexis, lunch is ready,” said the voice of Count Melzi from the other side of the door.
“Do you want me to help you down? Or would you like to eat up here?”
“No no, I should like to eat downstairs. I can’t spend my final days in bed.”


At JFK Airport, Antonella, Daniel, Charlie, Harry and Afericus walked outside to find their ride.
“There he is,” Antonella said, pointing to an inconspicuous, 7-seat car which was pulled up waiting for them. “Come on, get in.”
“Who’s this?” Charlie asked as they got into the car. In the driver’s seat was a man dressed in a suit.
“One of my servants,” Antonella said, taking the front seat. “Perkins and his brethren here are simple magical constructs. No free will, just complete loyalty to me. Isn’t that right, Perkins?”
“Yes ma’am,” Perkins said, pulling out.
“Where are we going?” Daniel asked.
“To my home,” Antonella replied. “I’ve made it into a sanctuary for genies and their Masters.”
“Sanctuary?” Harry asked.
“Somewhere to which they may come and socialise with their own kind. We’ve got 45 Masters and their genies living full-time in my home, and about 200 or so that come and visit from time to time.”
“Your home must be enormous!” Charlie exclaimed.
“Indeed it is, but magic means it can be as enormous as I desire. The interior is many times larger than the exterior, and rooms appear and disappear as needed.”

“Hang on, if this place is for genies and their Masters, then surely I can’t go in?” Asked Daniel.
“It is my home,” Antonella said. “I make the rules, and I can bend them. You are one of us.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
“I know you three don’t like the idea of living away from home, but it will only be until we are able to deal with these people.”
“You think we can? How?”
“I’m not sure yet, but we’re working on it. Now then you three, the rules. If you are to reside in my home, you must obey these rules. First of all, there is to be no conflict. We must be civil towards one-another. No attempt must be made to countermand anyone else’s wishes. If you wish to fight, do so elsewhere.”
“Does that happen?” Asked Daniel.
“Someone once tried to stage an epic fantasy war in the gardens.”
“Secondly, though you may make wishes, for the most part, genies are to be afforded the same freedoms in my home as their Masters. They are free to enjoy themselves however they wish. And most importantly, while in my home, genies are to be given permission to move freely in and out of their lamps. Thirdly, though clothing is optional throughout the entire house, all sexual activity is to be conducted in private.”


Frank woke up in a start, sweating.
“Are you alright, Master?” Frank looked, and saw Asrah, knelt before him. He realised then he’d fallen asleep in the bed they’d given her.
“Oh…yes Asrah. I just had a bad dream,” Frank said.
“Would you like to talk about it, Master?”
“No…I’m just worried they’re going to take you from me.” Frank got out of bed. “Sort my clothes out.”

Asrah waved her hand, and Frank’s clothes were washed and ironed magically.
“Sir,” said a guard, banging on the door. “The council is demanding a call with you.”
“Alright, I’ll be right out,” Frank said. “Probably going to demand I hand you over to them.”
“Shall I come with you, Master?”
“Yes, but stay out of sight. I have an idea.”

Frank and Asrah walked to the conference room, where he joined a video call with the other 14 council members.
“I assume you’ve got some bad news for me,” said Frank.
“Yes,” replied Nicholas. “We’ve spoken to the Secretary General, and he has ordered Asrah to be confiscated from you.”
“I see.”
“What’s more,” continued Carolina. “You are to be removed from this council and a new UK representative will be selected.”
“You can’t do that!”
“Your memory will be erased, and you will be returned to your old life.”
“This decision is final then?”

Frank thought for a moment, and then decided.“I see,” he said. “In that case, Asrah, I wish for you to put all 14 of them to sleep.”
“What!?” Nicholas exclaimed. Asrah hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.
“Your wish is my command, Master,” she said. A snap of her fingers later, and the 14 of them dropped into a deep sleep.
“Good,” Frank said. “I’m sorry guys, but you’ve forced my hand. Asrah, I wish that anything I say will be instantly obeyed by anyone who hears it. I wish that the council will look to me as their one leader, and not question me. And I wish that from now on, you will obey me and only me.”
“Your wish is my command, Master,” Asrah said. With a wave of her hand, it was done. “Master…what do you intend to do with these wishes?”
“Don’t worry, it’s not to conquer the world. I just need to make sure that I can keep control of these people. They’d be lost without me.”


Far from New York City itself, in the countryside, the car drove down a seemingly inconspicuous road. However, as they got further down it, the passengers noticed an enormous mansion begin to fade into existence.
“Invisible to the outside world,” Antonella said. “I like my privacy.”
“It’s huge!” Charlie exclaimed.
“As I said.”

The car reached the house, and the group got out, being greeted by some more of Antonella’s servants.
“Welcome home, ma’am,” they said.
“Thank you,” Antonella said. “These are our new residents. Please show them to their rooms.”
“At once, ma’am.”

As they stood in the entranceway, many genies and humans in various states of dress stood staring at them.
“What’s he doing here!?” Asked one boy, pointing at Daniel. “He’s not one of us.”
“He is here as my guest. Spread it around. No-one is to harm him,” Antonella said.
Daniel was led to a room by one of the servants, and led inside. In there he found an exact replica of his bedroom at home, down to the tiniest detail.
“Oh my God,” Daniel exclaimed.
“Miss Antonella was keen that you feel as comfortable and at home as possible,” said the servant that had brought him. “Everything you had at home can be found here. Also present is a mini-fridge which will automatically restock with whatever you’d like. The far wall is also retractable to reveal an en-suite bathroom.”
“Wow, this is amazing.”
“The advantages of magic. I’ll leave you now.”

The servant left, leaving Daniel to investigate. His room did indeed seem identical to his one at home, albeit with a different view outside the window, and with the addition of the magical fridge, as well as a button on the wall. Daniel pressed it, and the wall vanished to reveal a large bathroom, the highlights of which were the enormous hot tub, as well as the separate shower cubicle. Daniel took a shower, and then relaxed on his bed in his birthday suit, flicking through the television, coming quickly to the conclusion that he could get every TV channel on Earth, with English subtitles on all programming.

There was a knock at his door, and Daniel got up to answer it, poking his head out to avoid showing off his nude body. He was greeted by the sight of two young girls, about his age. They were insanely beautiful, and were dressed in tight-fitting jeans. One of them was wearing a pink top, while the other was wearing a purple one, and it was obvious that neither of them was wearing a bra. The girls looked identical.
“Bonjour,” they both said together in strong French accents.
“I’m Amélie,” said the girl in the pink top.
“And I’m Céline,” said the girl in the purple top. “Miss Antonella has asked us to show you around.”
“Oh…like my guides?”
“Oui,” replied Amélie. “She believed we would be the best choice, as we are your age, as well as beautiful girls.” It was true, and Daniel’s cock was beginning to notice.
“Well, um…sure,” he said. “Just gimme a second to get dressed.”
“There is no need,” Céline said. “You may walk around nude in this house. We normally do.”
“Thanks, but…I think I’d like to wear clothes.”
“Whatever you want. We’ll be here.”

Daniel shut the door, and ran to his drawers to get dressed. He pulled out a pair of boxers, and slipped them on over his rapidly-hardening cock, before putting on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, opting to remain barefoot. Daniel opened the door again, where he saw the girls making out.
“Um…” he said.
“Oh, you’re ready,” Amélie said, breaking the kiss. “Let’s go.”

The two girls took Daniel’s hands, and they wandered through the house.
“So…are you two twins?” Daniel asked.
“No, we are just clones,” Amélie replied, and the two girls giggled.
“Oh…ha ha…” Daniel chuckled awkwardly.
“We are indeed twins, and yes, we both have genies,” explained Céline.
“We found them about 4 years ago while on holiday in Spain.”
“Life has been veeeery fun since then.” The girls giggled again at this.
“Must be nice having a genie,” Daniel said.
“Oh it is,” Céline said. “We’ll introduce you to our boys later maybe.”

They arrived at a door, and opened it.
“This is one of the many communal living room,” Amélie said. Daniel poked his head inside, and saw some people watching a large TV. The girls then dragged Daniel along to another part of the house. They opened the door, and Daniel was greeted by the sight of an enormous indoor waterpark.
“One of the more popular additions to the house,” Céline grinned. “Come on, we have much more to see.”


Elsewhere in the house, the naked Afericus was wandering around awkwardly. He wasn’t used to this level of freedom, normally dividing his time between his lamp and standing by his Master’s side. He didn’t quite know what to do with himself.
“Are you alright? You look a little lost.” Afericus turned around to see a girl, whom he instantly recognised as one of his genie sisters, smiling at him. She had an obvious baby bump.
“I have never been afforded such freedom to roam at my leisure,” Afericus said. “I know now how to spend my newfound time.”
“Well you can come with me,” the girl smiled. “A bunch of us are all hanging out together.”
“That would be delightful, good maiden.”

The girl took Afericus’ hand, and led him to a room. She opened the door, and the two of them walked in to a room with a large hot tub in it. Inside the tub sat two other genies, an Asian-looking man and a Caucasian woman, cuddled up to one another. The girl got back into the tub, and gestured for Afericus to do the same, which he did.
“Everyone, this is…” the girl said. “Actually, what is your name?”
“I am Afericus,” he said. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“You talk weird,” said the woman. “I’m Nyssha. Not Nyssa. Nyssha. With an H.”
“Don’t mind her, she’s easy to annoy,” said the man in a strong French accent. “I’m Riome.”
“And I’m Farréam,” said the pregnant girl, smiling.
“You are with child,” Afericus said.
“I know, isn’t it wonderful?” said Farréam gleefully. “Out of all the hundreds of girls in his harem, Master Noam has chosen ME to bear his children! I’m honoured.”
“I understand the feeling,” Afericus said, smiling. “I have fathered many of my Mistresses’ children over the years. It does give one a wondrous feeling of delight knowing my Mistress thinks highly enough of me to desire her children to be made from my sperm.”

“My Mistress isn’t likely to want to get pregnant any time soon,” said Riome. “Her twin sister also has a genie, and their wishes mostly consist of pulling pranks on people, with occasional breaks for wild sex parties.”
“My Louisa’s exactly the same,” said Nyssha. “53 years of Mistresshood and still not a day goes by without a few dozen gallons of cum being dumped into and onto various parts of her body. Humans are all the same. Only interested in the feeling between their legs.”
“Not true, I once served an old man who only wanted he and his family to live comfortably,” said Riome. “I didn’t give him a single orgasm.”
“And who are we to complain about what our Masters wish for?” asked Farréam. “It is our job to grant our Masters’ desires, not judge them.”
“Oh great, you one of those genies that practically cream themselves when their Masters smile?” Nyssha asked.
“I enjoy making my Master happy,” Farréam replied. “There is nothing wrong with that.”
“I must agree with Miss Farréam,” said Afericus. “The joy on my current Mistress’ face when I enhanced her body, and allowed her to make love to her best friend was Heaven to me.”

“You’re with those 3 humans that just turned up today, aren’t you?” Nyssha asked.
“Yes, Mistress Charlotte and her friends, the brothers Daniel and Harry Robinson. Daniel is a normal human, and Harry has lost his genie to a strange group of people.”
“Oh yeah, Miss Antonella warned us about them,” said Riome. “She said they were trying to rid the world of magic.”
“That sounds horrible…” said Farréam. “The idea of spending eternity trapped in my lamp sounds horrible…”
“It’s really nothing to worry about,” Nyssha said. “You’d have to be a real moron to let someone kill you and take your genie. Was this Harry guy an idiot?”
“I did not know him well,” replied Afericus. “Though my experience of him was that he was of the sort of human that was at his happiest when naked and ejaculating. His greed led to his downfall.”

“Well I trust Miss Antonella to look after us,” said Riome. “She always does.”
“Who is Miss Antonella?” Afericus asked. “She would not tell us anything about herself.”
“None of us know,” Nyssha said. “All we can tell is she’s not a genie.”
“I first came here in 1943 with my last Master,” said Riome. “She’s been here since at least then, and a genie I asked then told me she’d been here for at least 40 years by that point.”
“But that is surely impossible!” exclaimed Afericus. “She should have long since succumbed to the ravages of age!”
“If she’s a Mistress,” said Riome. “But no-one’s ever seen her genie.”
“She must be a Mistress,” said Afericus. “She has shown magical power no ordinary human possesses.”
“All I know is she’s a very nice lady who allows us to meet up with our brothers and sisters,” said Farréam. “And for that I am grateful.”


Amélie and Céline returned Daniel to his room, his cock still insanely hard from spending so much time with these French Goddesses.
“Well uh, thanks for that tour girls,” Daniel said.
“It was our pleasure,” the girls said in unison, before they both kissed him passionately, which only added to his stiffness.
“Um, yeah…” Daniel said nervously. “You were a real help.”
“Maybe now we can help with something else?” Céline said.
“Your erection,” she giggled. “The one threatening to destroyed your trousers.”
“Well, I…you’re just so beautiful and all…”
“Oui, but that is not why,” Amélie said. “After getting our genies, we wished that any boy in our presence must be firm.”
“So, so firm,” Céline said. “At all times. No exceptions.”
“Of course, it doesn’t normally work in here, but since you have no genie…” Amélie gave him another kiss at this.
“Let’s take this inside,” said Céline.

The girls practically dragged Daniel into his room and forced him down onto his back on the bed. Céline undid his trousers and pulled them down, along with his pants, allowing his enormous boner to stand tall, while Amélie made out with the helpless boy. Céline then forced her sister off of him, and made out with Daniel herself. Amélie took the opportunity to pull her top off, revealing her perfect boobs. She looked over at Céline, who was wiggling her bottom in her direction, and pulled off her jeans, before giving her sister’s bare ass a playful slap.

Céline broke the kiss, and pulled Daniel’s t-shirt over his head, leaving him totally naked. The two girls then began kissing and licking Daniel’s chest, before moving to his nipples. They took one each, and began sucking and licking on them, which was a rather strange experience for the boy, but not one he particularly objected to.

The girls then moved off of Daniel’s body, and faced each-other. Amélie pulled Céline’s top off, and Céline pulled Amélie’s jeans off, leaving the two girls as naked as Daniel was. Were it not already stiff beyond human comprehension, it would have gotten instantly hard at the sight of the pure perfection in front of him. The girls got into the lotus position, and began a make-out session which was full to the brim with passion, but at the same time, complete and utter love for one-another. Daniel just watched in amazement as the girls made out and fondled each-other’s bodies, grinding their hairless pussies against one-another. They were moaning things to each-other in French. Daniel didn’t understand what they were saying, but just listening to these girls speak and moan was an erotic experience in itself.

Eventually Daniel saw the girls begin to tense up as their moans peaked. They squeezed each-other’s bottoms tightly, and leaned back, crying out in sexual climax. The girls wriggled and moaned for a while, before cuddling up in each-other’s arms and smiling.
“Je t’aime,” said Amélie.
“Je t’aime aussi,” said Céline, and the girls shared one last kiss, before turning to face Daniel. “And don’t worry, we’ve not forgotten about you.” That was a relief to Daniel, who at that moment was about as horny as an army of triceratopses. His cock had never known such arousal.

The girls crawled over to him, and lowered him down onto his back. The girls then moved down to his crotch, and began circling his genitals with their tongues. The two of them got millimetres from Daniel’s cock and balls, but every time they stopped just short of them, providing him with such exquisite pleasure, while at the same time causing his cock and balls to ache with desire, crying out for attention. Right now he wanted nothing more than to spurt out cum all over the girls forever and ever.

Daniel let out a gasp as he suddenly felt his balls be engulfed in the girls’ mouths. They’d taken one ball each, with Amélie providing pleasure to Daniel’s left testicle, and Céline supplying sensations to his right testicle. Daniel spread his legs wide and moaned deeply as the girls licked and sucked and kissed his scrotum, which felt absolutely wonderful. If you’d told him a week ago his balls would soon be inside the mouths of two gorgeous French twins, he’d have never believe you. But then, this entire week had been one unbelievable event after another. In that time he’d had the existence of genies well and truly proven to him, and had more sex than you can shake a dick at.

But why was he bothering to think about this? He had more important concerns right now. Namely, how much he wanted his ball-play to evolve into full-on fellatio.
“Please…” he moaned.
“Please what?” Asked Amélie playfully.
“Please suck my dick...”
“What do you think sis?” Asked Céline.
“I dunno…I think we should make him squirm a little first.”

The girls moved off his balls, and Daniel shuddered powerfully as they both gave a long lick up his cock, before reaching his tip. They pulled back his foreskin, and begin licking away in unison at the tip. Daniel gripped hold of the bedsheets, and moaned loudly as the girls sent such intense pleasure into him.
“Tu es délicieux,” moaned Céline, and Amélie giggled. Céline then kissed Daniel’s tip, and slid his entire length into her mouth, causing Daniel to let out a long, deep moan. The girls both giggled at this, sending a series of pleasurable vibrations down Daniel’s length. While her sister sucked him, Amélie crawled back up Daniel’s body and resumed making out with him with an intense hunger. Daniel, meanwhile, was in Heaven. He was finally starting to realise why Harry had spent so much of his time having sex. Because it was fucking awesome.

Daniel could barely take the situation, and so he let out a loud moan into Amélie’s mouth as his cock exploded into Céline’s. Semen poured out at an alarming rate, the girl swallowing it all, but she eventually moved her mouth off of it.
“What is happening?” She asked. “You are not stopping!”
“It’s…Charlie…” Daniel moaned. “She made a wish…Half a litre of cum every time…”
“Mon dieu,” said Amélie. “Well that sounds just wonderful.” Céline by now had quite a bit of Daniel’s cum on her face, but Amélie moved down and took his dick in her own mouth, wanting to taste Daniel’s cum for herself.
“Mmmm…” she moaned.
“I know, it is good, non?” Céline said to her sister, before looking at Daniel. “And it is definitely good for you.”

Amélie stopped sucking Daniel, and the two girls simply began playing with his cock, pointing it and their faces and boobs to make Daniel splatter their bodies with his cum. Eventually the flow stopped, and Daniel relaxed, though his cock remained fully erect in the girls’ presence.
“Did you enjoy that?” Amélie asked.
“Mmmm hmmm,” Daniel replied, still a little dizzy from the pleasure.
“But we were really hoping to be able to fuck you,” Céline said. “Do you think you’d be up for that?”
“Um…sure,” Daniel replied.

The girls grinned at that, and Amélie crawled up Daniel’s body, before lowering her pussy down onto his cock.
“Ohhhh…” she moaned.
“Uh God…” Daniel groaned. Amélie leaned forward and began making out with him, while Daniel started rubbing her cum-covered boobs.
“Hey, don’t hog him!” Céline shouted. Amélie moved off of Daniel’s mouth, and Céline climbed off, positioning her pussy against his mouth. “You may begin.” Daniel didn’t waste any time, and got to work licking away at Céline’s womanhood, trying not to think about the feeling of Amélie grinding her hips on his manhood at that very moment.

Céline spun around on Daniel’s face, and leaned forward to begin making out with her sister, the two girls holding hands and kissing lovingly. Daniel was momentarily confused by this, and stopped licking.
“Keep going mister,” moaned Céline into her sister’s mouth, and Daniel resumed eating her pussy out. He slid his tongue inside her, and slid it in and out, fucking her orally. As he did that, Amélie continued bobbing up and down on his length, taking every millimetre of him inside her, and Daniel moaned as her warm wetness caressed him sensually.
“Oh…onh Amélie…je jouis!” Céline moaned.
“Moi aussi! Mon dieu!” Amélie moaned, and the two girls moaned loudly and deeply. Daniel felt Amélie’s pussy begin to contract around his dick, while Céline’s did the same around his tongue. For a few seconds, Daniel enjoyed both girls grinding him and moaning, before they both climbed off of him.

As the girls panted in each-other’s arms, Daniel just looked at them, boner still raging.
“Um, what about me?” he asked.
“Aww, the little English boy is still horny,” said Amélie. “What do you think Céline? Should we get him off?”
“Well, he is pretty cute when he cums,” Céline replied. She then got on her hands and knees, and wiggled her hips in Daniel’s direction. “Come get me.” Daniel didn’t need any more encouragement, shuffling over to the girl.
“Let me help,” said Amélie. She grabbed hold of Daniel’s dick and guided it to Céline’s entrance. She then put one hand on his hips and one on his bottom, and eased him forwards until he was all the way inside. Daniel then put his hands on Céline’s bottom, which still had a large dollop of semen on it, and began thrusting in and out of her pussy.

Amélie meanwhile wasn’t in any mood to be left out.
“Suck my boobies,” she said, thrusting them in his direction. Not one to disobey, Daniel took Amélie’s left boob in his mouth and began sucking on it. The girl moaned as the boy’s tongue ran across the surface of her breast, licking up what semen remained on there, and suckled her nipple like a hungry newborn, all while ploughing Céline vigorously.
“Oui…oui…Baise-moi…” Céline moaned. “Plus fort! Plus vite!” Daniel didn’t understand what she was saying, but he took it as a sign he was doing a good job as he grinding his hips and pounded her. He moved on to Amélie’s other boob and resumed his hungry suckling. As he did, he heard Céline’s moaning increase, and her pussy began quivering as she came. At the same time, as if by magic, Amélie too gave in to orgasm, grinding Daniel’s thigh in pleasure.

Daniel wasn’t giving up this time. He was going to cum, and no power in the universe was going to stop him. Amélie moved away, and just watched as Daniel banged Céline with as much fury as his teenage hips could muster.
“Woo! Fuck her Dan!” Amélie cheered. “Give it to her hard!” That was all the encouragement Daniel needed. A few thrusts later, he felt the pressure build up in his cock. One final thrust, and a deep groan escaped his lips as he reached orgasm. As he did, Céline also hit orgasm, which at the same time triggered Amélie’s own climax, which Daniel decided must surely be magic.

Of course, even after the girls stopped cumming, Daniel kept on jizzing, Charlie’s wish still holding true. Amélie helped her sister off of Daniel’s dick, a large amount of cum getting onto Céline’s bottom. The girls turned around and watched Daniel hump the air as he continued ejaculating all over the bed. They pushed his chest lightly, knocking him onto his back. This didn’t stop him though, and Daniel simply gripped hold of the sheets and continued humping the air as his orgasm continued.

Amélie and Céline crawled over to Daniel’s body and made out with him in unison while playing with his genitals as they continued expelling semen. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Daniel stopped cumming, and the girls held him as he recovered.
“Please…please…” he panted. “No more…I can’t take it.” The girls just smiled and kissed him again. Céline moved onto her side, and with Amélie’s help, Daniel began spooning her, his dick rubbing against her perfect bottom, still fully erect due to the girls’ wishes. Amélie pulled the duvet over them, before moving to spoon Daniel as he spooned Céline. As one would expect, they drifted off quickly.


In her office, Antonella was sat with two humans, a man and a woman, as well as their two genies, a girl, Cressida, for the man, Adam Jones, and a boy, Christophe, for the woman, Mary Andrews.
“So what do you suggest we do, Antonella?” Asked Adam. “We need to deal with these people.”
“Yes, and we also need to recover that boy Harry’s genie,” said Mary.
“That’s our main priority for now,” Antonella said. “But I have a plan which should hopefully solve things.”
“How?” Asked Mary. “You got lucky rescuing Harry. They won’t be fooled twice.”
“I have a plan,” Antonella replied. “We’re going to kidnap Ban Ki-Moon.”
“Are you insane!?” Exclaimed Adam. “They’ll have surely put all sorts of magical protection on him!”
“Nope, I’ve checked,” said Antonella. “The fools. All we have to do is claim him and we make our demands.”
“And you think it’ll work?”
“We can only hope so.”


Author's message: Uni work. Uni work everywhere. That's one of the reasons this chapter took so long. The other reason is planning. I have a spreadsheet detailing every genie introduced in this universe, as well as their smoke colours and known Masters. Every one of the new characters introduced in this chapter has a Genie/Master even if the other half of the pair hasn't been shown. It actually takes longer than you'd think. There's also the planning plot-wise, to make sure I set up future events properly.

Don't worry about learning all these new characters' names by the way. Many are just one-offs to sort of show the size of Antonella's community. A few may come back though.

Some of you may be wondering what that section with Alexis and Leonardo at the start was about. (And if you've not read A Boy and his Genie you definitely will be.) Well I was going to do it as a one-shot but I decided to include it in here for several reasons. I'll just say it includes foreshadowing and leave it at all.

As I write this it is the 16th of May 2016. Which means tomorrow is the first anniversary for the say I first posted A Boy and his Genie. What a year it's been. I'm impressed by how much I've done in this time, and I'm impressed how popular (Mostly...) my stories have been. Thank you all.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-21 04:52:17
so yeah, now that chapter 8 is finally up, antonellas bodily modifications were never undone; her body only started changing when she rubbed the lamp because masters are subject to a normal human lifespan, and antonella was well past her due date

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-04 08:19:33
that should say, for those who've only read the story here*

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-04 08:18:40
to the anonymous reader who commented on the 23rd: first, you're almost revealing a spoiler for those who've only read the story second, the answer is that there's a different rule at play there, and i'd tell you which one if chapter 8 were up here.

to dragotime: have you started writing chapter 9 yet? i hate to be that guy, but it's an interesting story. maybe by the time you finish the story, the mods here will post chapter 8.

also, do you have any other story ideas kicking around? you don't have to tell us what they are just yet.


2016-06-29 12:37:23
Chapter 7 is up! *Goes to submit Chapter 8*

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-27 14:38:49
Why don't these fucking admins just aprove ur story.. fucking cunts

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