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Part 7 of Rosie's sexual misadventures
The memories came flooding back as she slunk down in the seat. Rosie peeked over the steering wheel as the couple passed in front of her car, arm in arm, him pushing the shopping cart, a small child of around two years old in the seat. Rosie's heart hammered in her chest, she sat up, watching as the supermarket door slid open to admit her ex-husband and the woman who had replaced her.

She smiled as she thought of how Beatrice, her daughter, had loved to ride in the cart when she was that age, but only if daddy pushed. Her smile faded as she remembered the day Beatrice discovered the man she knew as Uncle John being her biological father. Beatrice grew more distant from her parents after Rosie's split with Steve; after university, Bea moved out of their home and in with friends, contact with her mother dwindled, it was mainly one-sided anyway; Bea never rang her mother, only Melissa, her half-sister.

Melissa had abandoned the search for her mother. Although she was old enough to enter the clubs her mother frequented, the information she gleaned from them amounted to dead-ends. The man Sheila had left Paul for, had left her for a younger woman and with two children. The kids had been taken from her as she spiraled into self-destruction through alcohol, and she hadn't been heard from for at least two years.

Rosie stared at the child bouncing happily in the shopping cart; she wondered if Georgie had cuckolded Steve as she had, but the face of the child was the spitting image of her father, leaving her with no doubt that Georgie had given Steve what they'd tried desperately for when they were first married. She wept silently as the doors closed behind the happy family, leaving Rosie to her guilt fueled pondering.

She was happy for Steve; he deserved to have a nice life after the pain she had caused him. She knew her actions had driven him into Georgie's arms, and, although she had an inkling, she didn't know how hard Georgie had worked to finally win her man. So here they were, five years on; the happy family on a jolly shopping trip, whilst the ex-wife hid, sobbing in her car.

Composing herself, Rosie wiped the tears from her cheeks with a tissue, took the keys from the ignition and got out of the car. She’d thought about going elsewhere for her weekly shop, avoiding an awkward confrontation; but enough water had passed under the bridge now, and though she’d held a grudge against Georgie for stealing her man, she realized that the fault was really her own. Rosie walked confidently into the store; the casual onlooker would have no clue to the turmoil twisting her inside.

Rosie’s shopping trip passed without incident for the first forty minutes; the shop was large enough that she hardly caught a glimpse of them. They must have been half way around the shop by the time Rosie had gained the courage to leave her car. She was still on edge though; jumping at the sound of a child’s laugh or tantrum, the voices of strangers turned into those she thought were familiar. She dissolved into a world of her own, daydreaming of the times she’d put her arm through Steve’s as he pushed the trolley with Beatrice in the plastic seat.

Not paying attention to her surroundings, she almost bumped into the backs of Steve and Georgie as they stood at the Deli counter. Her stomach knotted and her breath caught in her throat, she fought the urge to run; to abandon her trolley, sprint to the exit, get in her car and, “Can I help you, Miss?” The voice cut through her frantic scenario. Rosie shook the cobwebs from her mind and looked towards the voice; a kindly faced man wearing a blue and white striped apron and white hat looked imploringly at her from behind the meat counter.

“Er, er, yeah.” Rosie stammered; Steve glanced at Rosie and did a double-take, not believing his eyes at first; Georgie looked at the expression on Steve’s face and then turned around to see what had surprised him. Georgie’s emotions ran through surprise, anger, shock and bemusement in less than a second.

“Rosie?” Georgie questioned.

“Er, hi.” Rosie said, uncertain if Georgie was going to slap her or cry; the look on her face said both. Rosie tentatively raised her hand in an offering of truce; Georgie took it in hers, Rosie, thinking she was going for a handshake, was pulled in for a hug as Georgie embraced her. Over Georgie’s shoulder, Rosie mouthed
“Hi.” To Steve, who was still stood there with his mouth open. He relaxed a little when Rosie was released and both women parted. “I didn’t expect to see you guys here.”

“We’re visiting my mother.” Georgie answered. “Just down for the weekend. Thought we’d get some shopping in for her.” Rosie nodded and returned Georgie’s smile. The butcher, sensing that this could take a while, shook his head and served another customer.

“So.” Steve was over the initial shock, though his voice was shaky, “How have you been?”

“Pretty good. I’ve got a part time job, just to keep me occupied while John is working, or on one of his business trips.” Rosie rambled, “The girls are doing well; Beatrice has a degree in nursing, and Melissa is in social work. Bea moved out, Mel still comes home from time to time. Where are you staying? You can have Mel’s room if you want. She’s not due back this weekend.”

“We’ve got a hotel booked.” Georgie said, picking up the child, whose arms were outstretched, vying for attention. “Mum adores little Holly here, but it gets a bit much for her after a while.” Rosie agreed, remembering how lonely the house felt at first without the girls, then, as she grew accustomed to mainly looking after herself while John was at work, she filled her spare time with painting. She was using Bea’s old bedroom as a studio.

“Come stay with me. John’s away and the girls aren’t home.” Rosie persuaded. “It’ll be nice to catch up. I’ll get a bottle of wine.”

“Okay,” Georgie capitulated, “But it’ll be fruit juice for me.” She touched her stomach.

“No!” Rosie gasped, miming a bump. “Are you?” Georgie nodded. “Well Stevie boy, can’t say I’m surprised, but…” Rosie shook her head. In all the years they were together, neither Rosie nor Steve took precautions. Their fertility had been tested, and Steve’s sperm were found to be at fault, so they never bothered with contraception; preferring to leave things to fate. As fate would have it, their first dalliance with John had resulted in Beatrice, whom Steve had raised as his own, blissfully unaware that, years later, Rosie would want Bea’s paternity tested for her own peace of mind. Steve had been devastated, but Georgie had been there to pick up the pieces.

It may have been that Georgie was twelve years younger than him, or that her voracious appetite for sex had been awakened since her first time with him; but Steve found that he no longer needed the Viagra when he was with Georgie. She always found a way to get him hard when she wanted to. If the little blue pills did make an appearance, then they would both take them. Steve had told Georgie of Rosie’s plan to seduce Georgie’s then boyfriend using Viagra spiked food, so she could ride his huge cock. Georgie was angry at first, but she realized that she would never have met Steve otherwise, or enjoyed such passionate lovemaking. Bobby’s huge cock would leave her sore, sometimes for days and resulting in infections, which she’d never experienced with Steve; but then Steve knew how to warm her up and get her going.

Bobby’s foreplay technique was virtually non-existent when the two were compared. Bobby would tease her with his finger, then when she was wet enough he’d push in another, followed by a third, stretching her in preparation for his massive tool. He would often be more worked up than she was, their copulation only lasting a matter of minutes as he thrust himself painfully into her.

Steve, on the other hand, liked to take his time; as he kissed and nibbled her neck, paying special attention to her earlobes, she would find herself unconsciously grinding herself into him. He would tease her with his finger on her pussy lips, no penetration, just gliding his finger over her smoothly shaven mons; she resisted the urge to grab his hand and force him inside of her; if she tried, his hand would travel slowly up her body to her navel, before slowly drifting back down to her hungry pussy.

All the while he would kiss her neck, lips and breasts, suckling on each nipple until they pointed skywards, aching to be touched.
When he felt that she was ready he would then kiss his way down her body, positioning himself between her thighs and kissing her soft white flesh as her hands tangled in his hair, urging him closer to her eager pussy. With the tip of his tongue gently caressing her labia, she would hold her breath, anticipating the pleasure he would soon be delivering as he parted her, tasting her sweetness as his tongue slipped between her lips and she gasped for air. Her clitoris was soon begging for attention as his tongue delved into her to be replaced by his fingers; he flicked and sucked her protruding nubbin with his tongue whilst his fingers, deep within her, curled up and beckoned her towards orgasm.

Hands grasping the bedclothes, thighs clamped tight to Steve’s head and feet flat on the mattress, she raised her bottom from the bed as her orgasm shuddered through her; her breath came in ragged gasps as he continued to pleasure her with his tongue and she begged for him to fuck her. Only after she pleaded to be fucked, would he make love to her, slowly and deliberately, making sure she enjoyed every stroke. With half a tablet of Viagra, her clit was so engorged that she was in a constant state of orgasm from the time his tongue touched her pussy, to the moment he came inside of her, breathless and sweating, they would hold each other until their hearts stopped racing.

Georgie’s thoughts snapped back to the deli counter.

“Well?” Rosie asked.

“Sure.” Said Steve, although he was slightly apprehensive, Georgie seemed more at ease with the situation, but she hadn’t been paying much attention and the crotch of her panties was soaked. “We’ll be at yours around eightish.”

“See you then, then.” Rosie beamed. She kissed Georgie on the cheek, waved goodbye to Steve and disappeared down the aisle.

“Well that was…”

“Weird.” Steve completed.

“I was going to say nice” Georgie said, “But it was a little bit weird. I certainly didn’t expect her to be so amiable.”

“You do remember what happened the last time you took someone to Rosie’s house, don’t you?”

“I met you.” Georgie said, “And we lived happily ever after.” She placed Holly back in the seat, kissed Steve and continued their shop. They didn’t see Rosie on the way; she’d already left, paying for the few provisions she had bought and escaping as quickly as she could. She wasn’t sure what had come over her; she should have trusted her first instincts to run, but now she’d trapped herself.

“It won’t be that bad.” Rosie tried to convince herself. “It’s only me alone with my ex-husband and his pregnant wife.” She loaded the shopping into her car and drove home.

At 8pm Steve pulled up outside Rosie’s house, not quite knowing what to expect. Rosie answered the door in sweatpants and a t-shirt, she ushered them in and showed them upstairs to Melissa’s bedroom. Melissa had a double bed, an armchair pulled out into a single bed for Holly; she rarely moved when she slept, and she was sleeping straight through to morning now, so the low bed was ideal for a night or two. They placed the sleeping child in bed, turned on the baby monitor and descended the stairs.

The lights were low in the lounge and Rosie had already poured the wine along with a fruit juice for Georgie. Rosie was sat in the armchair with her feet curled under her bum, Steve and Georgie sat close to each other on the sofa, her hand on his thigh. They chatted long into the night; Rosie observed the closeness between Steve and Georgie as the night wore on and yearned to be that close to him again. Rosie missed the way he made love to her; she felt foolish for throwing it away after the excitement of her affair with John had dwindled. John had fucked her before he left on his trip, but she’d needed to finish herself off after he dozed off to sleep.

With all three of them were yawning, they decided to go to their own beds; Steve heard the lock engage on Rosie’s bedroom door, “Perhaps it’s to stop her from getting out and jumping you.” Georgie whispered.

“I don’t follow you.” Steve, who was slightly tipsy, whispered back.

“She’s been flirting with you all night.” Georgie, in bed with her back towards Steve, snuggled closer to him. His hand reached over and fondled her breasts; nipples responding as she felt him harden between her bum cheeks.

“Shh!” she hissed as his hand tweaked her nipple and she reached behind to stroke his cock. She parted her legs, letting him caress her as she turned on to her back and kissed him. Disappearing under the covers he blew gently, tickling her sensitive lips before licking the length of her slit. She took his pillow and pressed it to her face, stifling her moans as her climax hit and she writhed on the bed.

“Do me!” She whispered hoarsely, desperately. He crawled slowly up her, pausing as his penis touched her entrance; she grasped his buttocks and pulled him in. They made love slowly, the bed creaking quietly beneath them as he kissed her through her orgasms. She felt his release as warmth flowed through her, her pussy milking his rigid tool as he shuddered inside her.

Holding each other tightly, they could hear a feint buzzing through the wall, followed by Rosie’s muffled cry as she reached her own climax. “I thought we were being quiet.” Georgie whispered.

“Me too.” Steve chuckled, “She can’t have heard us though? Must have been waiting until she thought we were asleep.”

“Mmmm.” Georgie yawned, drifting off to sleep.

Rosie had heard Georgie’s soft moans through the thin wall; she tried to ignore them, but it was too much for her, her pussy cried out with an itch that needed scratching. As the headboard lightly bumped the wall between them, Rosie reached for her vibrator and pushed it slowly into her slick pussy. As the bunny ears stimulated her clit, she bit her bottom lip, breathing hard through her nose as her orgasm surged through her. Fully sated, she turned off the vibration, but kept the toy trapped inside her as she turned on her side and drifted off to sleep.

Steve and Georgie woke to the smell of fresh toast; they woke and dressed Holly and descended the stairs in their pajamas. They entered the kitchen where Rosie was humming to herself while she made the breakfast. “Morning guys.” She said sunnily. “How was your sleep?”

“Really good.” Georgie said, “Best sleep I’ve had in ages, and the first time I’ve not been woken up with… you know?” Rosie nodded; she remembered having to run to the toilet in the mornings during her second month carrying Beatrice, Steve always held her hair and rubbed her back. Steve was nodding too; he put a reassuring hand on Georgie’s thigh which she covered with hers.

“Please say you’ll stay again tonight.” Rosie pleaded. “Last night was such fun, and it’s incredibly lonely here with nobody to talk to.” She pouted cartoonishly, Steve couldn’t resist Rosie’s puppy-dog eyes, and Georgie had enjoyed catching up.

“We’d love to. What do you say Hollybobs?” Georgie replied as she picked up Holly. “Do you want to come back and stay with Auntie Rosie?” A tear formed in the corner of Rosie’s eye; it seemed like a lifetime ago when Melissa called her Auntie Rosie. The child laughed as she bounced on her mother’s knee.

Georgie, Steve and Holly left for Georgie’s mother’s house; Rosie left for work, although her mind wasn’t on the job today, she was daydreaming about Steve making love to her. Surfing the internet on her phone, she was looking for sleeping aids which were fit for use whilst pregnant.

Steve had suggested that they bring a takeaway as it wasn’t fair for Rosie to cook for the three of them; in truth, he remembered Rosie’s trick to make Bobby’s seduction easier for her and, after Georgie had mentioned Rosie’s flirting last night, he’d noticed a sparkle in her eye as they left that morning. They arrived at Rosie’s house with a Chinese banquet. Steve helped Rosie plate it up in the kitchen. “So,” Rosie said, “Nipper number two on the way eh?”

“Yeah.” Steve said as he reached for the plates. Rosie’s perfume filled his nostrils; she was wearing his favourite, and she made sure he could smell it on her.

“She’s a lucky girl.” Rosie sighed, “It’s a shame we never…”

“I suppose.” Steve replied wistfully. “But circumstances being what they were…”

“Sorry.” She sighed. They smiled at each other and Rosie hugged him tight. She felt his chest expand as he inhaled deeply; the perfume worked its subtle magic on Steve’s brain.

After dinner, Georgie took Holly up to bed; Rosie and Steve retired to the lounge, her on the armchair, him on the sofa. He could see Rosie’s nipples testing the thin fabric of her t-shirt; she saw him looking and touched one delicately, he unconsciously licked his lips then quickly turned his attention to the stairs as his wife descended them. Yawning, Rosie stretched her arms out, pushing out her bosom; friction further arousing her prominent nipples as they strained against tight cotton. Steve swallowed as his wife sat next to him and she snuggled closer; the message to Rosie was clear, “This is my man, keep your paws off him!”

Rosie kept her claws sheathed; for the time being at least. Georgie asked Rosie how her daughters were doing. Rosie told them the tale of Melissa’s fruitless search for her mother; she didn’t hold out much hope of finding her now. Mel had started off with high expectations of bringing her mother back to a family that loved her; but her focus now, was mainly on the obituaries. She had been told stories of the elusive Darryl and the women who would worship him while he and his friends systematically used and abused them. Once finished with them, they would be discarded; the lucky ones were dumped back on their husband’s doorstep after several months. The not-so-lucky ones were passed between Darryl’s friends or pimped out; many of them numbed the pain with drugs.

Bea hadn’t spoken to her mother for over a year; but Rosie had heard through Melissa that Bea was living in a house-share with friends, she was studying nursing and she had a boyfriend. That was about all she knew about the girl Steve had raised as his own daughter; blissfully unaware that her biological father was John, the man who Rosie and himself had had their first threesome with, and the man she’d ultimately left him for. Steve was relieved that there was little news about Bea; he felt the betrayal afresh every time he thought about her. With her refusal to talk to her mother, he knew that Bea felt it too.

Georgie yawned. “Nightcap?” Rosie asked, rising from the chair.

“Not for me, thanks.” Georgie replied.

“I’m having a warm milk.” Rosie said. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”

“You know?” Georgie smiled. “I think I will. I’ll join you in that.”

“Fantastic.” Rosie beamed. “Steve?”

“Go on then.” He said, making a move to get off the settee. “Do you want a hand?”

“No, I’ve got it.” Rosie said as she retreated into the kitchen. She took three glasses from the cupboard and milk from the fridge. She also reached for a bottle of brandy that she’d bought earlier. Finding no sleep aids safe enough for Georgie, Rosie decided that she’d try the method that had worked best for her when she was carrying Bea, and the one her mother had used with her, hot milk and a nip of brandy. Obviously she couldn’t use so much that it could be detected, but she had to use enough to be effective; testing it, she thought it would be okay, so she put it in the microwave to heat up.

To the other two glasses, she mixed in a crushed Viagra tablet. The warm milk might make Steve drowsy, but she remembered the old joke about the difference between light and hard; it was easier to sleep with the light on. Hoping that Georgie and Steve hadn’t swapped places on the couch, Rosie took the drinks into the lounge and placed them on the coffee table. She relaxed as Steve picked up his, and passed Georgie’s to her; it was all going nicely to plan. “This is delicious.” Georgie purred. “It reminds me of home.”

“Mmmm.” Rosie smiled; the Viagra hadn’t hit her yet, but the anticipation was arousing. She was trying to look innocent, her heart thumping and pussy moist; Steve was eyeing her suspiciously as she sipped her milk. She sighed as she drained her glass, then she stood up as Steve took Georgie’s glass and handed theirs to Rosie as she breezed into the kitchen.

“I’m bushed.” Georgie said. Steve helped her up and they made their way upstairs. “Night Rosie.”

“Good night.” Rosie called from the kitchen.

Her finger traced the outline of her sex through her cotton pants. The bedroom door closed. The lock clicked. Rosie rinsed the glasses and placed two of them on the draining board, the other she dried with a tea-towel; then she climbed the stairs, closed her bedroom door and undressed.

“Not tonight.” Georgie whispered as she felt Steve’s erection between them. “I’m too tired. Can we just cuddle?” Steve held his wife tightly, his erection persistent as it nestled between her buttocks. She teased him by wiggling her bum.

“That’s not helping.” He said as she giggled. Giggles turned to rhythmic breathing, and finally to soft snores as Georgie drifted off to sleep in Steve’s arms.

Glass pressed to the wall and ear pressed to the glass, Rosie heard the bed creak as Steve got out of bed and made his way to the bedroom door. Lock disengaged, the door opened and closed quietly; he entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Rosie crept quietly out of her room to the bathroom. Her hand went to a pot on the small table on the landing; a key to the bathroom door lock lay within, but in his haste, Steve had left the door unlocked.

She entered, unannounced and naked. Sat on the toilet lid, Steve, eyes closed, didn’t notice her until her lips enveloped his cock and her hand covered his. Shocked, his eyes flew open to see his ex-wife knelt on the floor with his penis in her adulterous mouth, sucking him towards his impending climax.

She knew he was near, but she didn’t want to waste it; Rosie stopped sucking him and stood up. She took his hands and led the bewildered Steve to her boudoir. Her eyes seemed to draw him as she walked backwards into her room and onto the bed, pushing herself up until her head rested on the pillow. He crawled after her, kissing her right leg slowly from toes, to ankle, to calf. She parted her legs as he continued up her soft thighs; her breathing quick and shallow as his tongue met her lips and he tasted her, sending a shiver through her body.

His tongue explored her slit as the breath through his nose excited her sensitive clit. She reached down, intending to stimulate herself, instead, she grabbed his hair as his fingers entered and his tongue probed her, sending her tumbling over the edge; back arched, head thrust backwards, body tensed as she screamed into the pillows.

She pulled him up, legs splayed; he entered her slick pussy easily. She urged him deeper; her hot breath on his ear as she held him tight, pulling him into her. “Give it to me.” She whispered hoarsely as he thrust into her; her nails dug into him as she buried her face into his shoulder and cried out as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through her.

Breathless, she rolled him onto his back and straddled him; his still ridged prick, penetrated her. He reached up to caress her breasts; a sheen of sweat covered her body, sticking her hair to hair back and making her body glisten in the soft moonlight shining through the open window. Her legs gripped his flanks as she felt her orgasm growing; she felt Steve on the verge of release too, his breathing laboured and his cock swelled, ready to deliver his load into her wanton, hungry pussy.

They came together; Rosie bit her lip as spurt after spurt of semen triggered another climax and her greedy cunt gobbled it up, milking him of his seed. She collapsed on top of Steve, covering his face with kisses as she felt his cock unplug her and his cum trickled between her swollen lips. “Thank you.” She sighed as she rolled onto her back and hugged her pillow.

“I’d better go back to my wife.” Steve whispered.

“Mmm.” Rosie replied dreamily; the warmth still spreading though her. “Don’t worry, I won’t say a word. It’ll be our little secret.” Steve left the room and closed the door; Rosie placed the pillow underneath her, then drifted off to sleep with a hand between her legs and a smile on her face.

He went back into the bathroom and cleaned himself off with a wet-wipe. Climbing back into bed, Georgie stirred as Steve nestled into her back. Sleepily, she reached back, touching his now floppy penis, “You’ve sorted yourself out then?”

“Yeah.” He whispered.

“I hope you didn’t wake Rosie.” She took his hand in hers and held it between her breasts. He kissed her head and settled in behind her. Moments later, they were asleep.

Georgie was roused from her dreams by soft singing from the bathroom; Sunlight streamed through the windows and Steve still held her close. He stirred as she stroked his arm and he snuggled in closer. “Did you clean up after yourself last night?”

“Hmm.” He opened a weary eye and looked at Georgie, her head turned towards him. “Err, yeah. Used a wet wipe. You’d never know I was there.”

“Like a masturbating ninja aren’t you my love?” She mocked. “Rosie’s in the shower I think.” She tapped his bare leg, “And you’d better put some pants on.”

“Shit!” He sat up, “I’ve left them in the bathroom!”

“Well I’m sure she’s seen worse. Just wait until she’s downstairs and grab them.

Meanwhile,” Georgie, out of bed, reached out to the toddler, “This little lady needs to be up and dressed for our ride home.” She picked Holly up and blew a raspberry on the giggling girl’s tummy.

Breakfast was a quiet affair; Rosie seemed to be in a world of her own, a far-away look on her face. As Steve loaded the car with their weekend bags and wriggling toddler, Rosie hugged Georgie tightly. “Look after him.” Rosie said. “I mean, I know you will, but keep hold of each other, he doesn’t deserve what I did to him.”

“I will.” Georgie said, kissing Rosie’s cheek.
Steve and Rosie hugged, then he stepped back and held her shoulders at arm’s length. “You okay?” he asked, “You seem a bit spaced out.”

“Yeah.” She replied absently, “Just. I don’t know. I’m fine though. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay.” They kissed again and he left her standing in the doorway. She waved as they drove away.

Two months later, John was woken by a retching sound from the bathroom; he looked in to find Rosie on her knees in front of the toilet bowl.

“You okay love?” He asked from the doorway.

“It’s not that chicken from last night is it?” She shook her head and sat back on her haunches.

“I don’t think so.” She replied, “You’d be bad too if it were.”

“Do you want a drink love?” he asked worriedly.

“Glass of water would be nice, please.”

He kissed the top of her head and then descended the stairs to fetch a glass. Rosie thought she knew what was wrong and was worried how she’d broach the subject when John reappeared in the doorway holding a glass. “We used protection before I went away, didn’t we?”

Relieved, Rosie replied, “Yeah, but it’s not one hundred percent effective. Things can go wrong.”

“Maybe we’d better. You know?” John did the “peeing on a stick” mime.

“You could be right.” Rosie laughed; she couldn’t remember when her last period had been. “You never know, one of your super-sperm could’ve snuck through my defences.” She hoped she was right, but knew deep down that, if she was pregnant, this wasn’t John’s child.

They purchased a pregnancy test later that afternoon and followed the instructions to the letter. Three minutes later, Rosie was crying in John’s arms, he couldn’t tell if they were tears of happiness, but that was how he chose to interpret them. John was overjoyed; he couldn’t wait to tell his daughters they had a sibling on the way.

Four months later, Holly was blessed with a baby brother. Three months after that, across the country, their half-brother was born. Rosie felt that she owed it to both Steve and John to keep quiet about their child, fearing that it would wreck both relationships and drive
Beatrice further away if the truth were known.

She wasn’t sure if her actions that night were an act to redress the balance; Steve had raised John’s child, now it was time for John to raise Steve’s.

She thought back; the warmth spreading as she felt Steve’s sperm coursing through her. The calm she felt afterwards while her unprotected egg was attacked and fertilized by once familiar sperm. She had wanted Steve within her again, in a way he had never been after the birth of Beatrice. She had visualized it all as she lay in bed after making love to her ex-husband; aware of what she had done in the grip of lust, and she felt at peace. Whether it was right or not, Rosie felt that the path she had chosen, though not the moral high ground, was, nevertheless, the right path for her and her family; just as long as the family didn’t know the truth.

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