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Ray and Miahally were outside the huge building again, Ray had scanned and already changed all the guards that weren't affected yet. Finally they were able to move to the doors once inside Ray found that there were quite a few they he hadn't even touched let alone altered. Moving through the first two rooms Ray had finished at least 30 of the interior guards when he heard Nali.

<Ray we have a really big problem,> Nali told him. <You need to get back here as soon as you can I am afraid that Elizabeth panicked and hurt the female that lives next to the Chorton that is with you.> Ray shook his head looking at Miahally after Nali showed what had happened, a worried look on his face.

<Alright we'll be back as soon as we can, tell her to think at the female to feel no pain it might help,> Ray told a worried Nali.

Turning to Miahally Ray stated, <We have to return it appears that the female next to you tried to and did enter your domicile. One of my mates felt threatened and almost crushed her autonomic systems.>

<Treg Trag, before we go, you need to try and reach the daughter we are a lot closer.> Miahally told Ray, nodding Ray reached out feeling for the daughter. Finally finding her he started to gently delve in soon past the top layers he stopped when he saw her sitting in a corner.

<Why are you here? Who is controlling everything?> Ray asked the slightly shaking female.

<The older me, she is angry that you haven't come back to help her. If you show her she might let me back in, though as angry as she is I am not sure.> the younger vision of the daughter said.

<Show me and I will try ok?> Ray told the now smiling (Ray thought she was smiling he still wasn't sure) young female.

Walking further they walked in an odd door 'hearing' an extremely angry voice from the other side.

<Why are you so angry?> Ray asked the older female.

<YOU! You were supposed to come back and help me I am so confused my head hurts all the time!> the female spit at Ray.

<I have been trying to get back, but there are still far too many guards for me to get very close yet. Here,> Ray said as he raised his hands and felt all the pain that she was feeling within minutes it was almost gone. Breathing easier the daughter looked at Ray with gratitude.

<Thank you Treg Trag I wasn't sure I was going to last much longer. Why is she with you? A mere child shouldn't be here!> the female demanded.

<This mere child, as you put it, has all the ideas that you should to be the best ruler you can be. Though the temper tantrums we can do without.> Ray told the now surprised female. <I have to go but if you ease the guards I could return soon to help you ok?>

<Yes friend Treg Trag, I will do all I can, I am not the queen. Mother left orders that if she was to end up this way certain orders were to be carried out, namely finding who was killing her 'til she was dead. I am sorry but there is nothing I can do about those orders though with her getting better the guards are at a less tighter schedule of patrols.> Smiling Ray nodded to Miahally. Making their way out they were almost to the door when the thoughts of the Queen's military leader assailed him.

<Treg Trag? Is that you friend? I feel you very close is there anything I can do to help,> the leader asked.

<Damn! Miahally! It's that damn leader again he wants to know if he can help us.> Ray told him.

Miahally was still a moment then nodded, <Tell him that you are just leaving but you will see him soon and have something for him.>

Ray looked at Miahally as if he were insane then relayed the message. Miahally was after all the expert on most of those in the Queen's building. <It appears to have put him off though I could feel that he wasn't all that happy.> Ray told Miahally.

<Everything will be alright, he is used to getting orders that make him upset. He has learned over time that it is just something that happens.> Miahally explained. Once again they started for the door when Ray heard Nali. <Ray I am afraid that we have a very serious problem here.>

Sighing Ray had been afraid that something might go wrong back there with the females. <What happened?> Ray asked a moment later stopping beside the door.

<It appears that Elizabeth has far more power than we at first thought. The female Chorton came over and entered the house, Elizabeth heard her thinking of calling the guards, and then she opened a communicator to do so. Elizabeth panicked and struck out at the female. I am afraid that the female may die if you don't return soon.> Nali explained.

Ray reached out feeling the female, and then he saw all the damage that Elizabeth had caused. Shaking his head he was glad that she didn't have full control or power yet, the female would have died rather quick. Looking around Ray started to reconnect many of the brain connections that Elizabeth had ripped loose. Finally a few minutes later the female was breathing much easier and more than half her functions had been restored. Unfortunately he'd have to actually be there to finish the higher functions.

Outside Ray and Miahally started back toward where the women were, Ray explaining the whole way back. <If she did this and wasn't even trying, I am afraid of what she can do if she did. Treg Trag can you actually train her to use it like you do?>

<I taught her to travel in a very short time, I think I can teach her more, especially hiding.> Ray explained to Miahally who was staring at Ray in astonishment.

<I truly hope so Treg Trag or there might not be much left of this place if she releases her power. I realize that she is nowhere near as strong as you but will you be able to stop her if she does lose control?> Miahally suddenly asked.

<If you mean destroy her then the answer is no, I have a lot more power than you think Miahally, I'll handle it if it comes to that.> Ray told a now worried Miahally. <Besides I think we are almost where we want the new Queen to be, I feel there are only a few adjustments left. After that, the queen is dead, then this world can go on as the peaceful place it once was.>

Miahally's mouth (Ray thought it was his mouth as said before he really wasn't all that sure) hung open, <When did you learn the history of us? I haven't thought or said anything and you didn't touch the computers that long.>

<As I said I am far more powerful than you think, I don't want to just go in and start destroying, that would defeat the whole purpose don't you think?> Ray asked.

Miahally was more than impressed he figured most of this but the fact that it took no time at all to gather what he needed was a surprise.

Back at Miahally's domicile Elizabeth was about to fall apart, she felt so sick having nearly killed the female. She'd seen the healing that Ray had done, watching everything and committing it to memory. Looking in the mind of the female she saw all the strands that were there more than half were back in place. Gingerly she touched one strand looking where it might go, for several minutes she was confused seeing so many different places it could go.

Nali finished with Ray and watched as Elizabeth touched a brain connection. Sighing she hoped that Elizabeth didn't make things worse. It was still too early for her to step in to do anything. As she watched Elizabeth seemed to be thinking to herself, then she calmed and a new light came into her eyes. Reaching out she brought the connection to a point of the brain hesitating only a moment she soon had the connection secured. Smiling Nali started to relax good she was learning just from watching Ray, with any luck she could do most of the work and save Ray the energy.

Elizabeth had reconnected well over half of what was left when Ray and Miahally returned. Ray quietly watched Elizabeth reattach the connections, damn he thought, she has a much lighter touch than me. Ray moved in beside her and started to help, in less than ten minutes they were done. Sighing Ray knew he had to do something to scare the female into not encroaching on Miahally when he wasn't here. What would do though? With what he'd already installed in her how could she still be encroaching?

Elizabeth had backed away as soon as she and Ray finished with the female Chorton's brain. Then as she watched Ray again delved into the female's mind, though this time it was almost a whisper type of touch. Even as she watched Ray was moving through her mind at a frightening speed she was barely able to keep up. Then she saw him stop and concentrate on an area that she could see that he'd affected before. Though frightened herself Elizabeth continued to watch in an almost hypnotized state.

Ray knew there wasn't a lot of time before the female awoke, he had to move fast. Finally he found what he'd obviously missed before, lightly he touched those areas and planted the idea that Miahally was off limits from the stand point of the government 'til she was allowed to breed with him. Again a sick feeling came over him as he saw again the violent acts that the female wanted to do with Miahally, acts he considered normal.

Elizabeth and Nali saw the strained look on Ray's face as he delved deeper into the female's mind then they both made the mistake of looking also. Both withdrew in abject horror at the scenes that they saw there. Then both sighed in relief as they saw that the thoughts weren't Ray's but those of the female Chorton. Nali and Elizabeth looked at each other with disgusted looks was this really normal sex on this world?

Ray had finally put all in place as far as he knew though he had to look further, no sense in this happening again. Rapidly he went through well over half of her mind again when he saw something far deeper than he'd been. Damn it! This was dangerous he'd never been that deep before almost but not that far. As with almost any brain this section was the most delicate, one mistake there and they might as well as kiss the entity goodbye. Lightly Ray moved into the area trying to touch nothing, finally reaching what he'd seen he stared at it intensely. It appeared to be a child's extreme curiosity, Ray knew it was just who she was, nothing evil so she didn't deserve to lose it.

Elizabeth and Nali were staring in wonder at just how deep Ray had gone. Nali smiled when she saw that Ray had decided that the female deserved to retain the section that was giving them problems. <Ray>, she gently said as he was trying to decide what to do. <Thank you for not destroying her if you are having a problem deciding just have that section remain hidden 'til the new queen takes the throne.>

Ray's eyes flew wide, of course! <Thank you Nali, I was so afraid I was going to have to damage her. I am afraid though that I don't have a light enough touch yet. Elizabeth if I guide you do you think you can reach the area?

<I... if you can help guide me yes I think so but Ray I am afraid that I might do something wrong. I almost killed her once I don't think I want to do that again.> Elizabeth told him a look of terror on her face.

<I'll be right there beside you hon, as long as you let me guide you we should be alright.> Ray told her breathing easier when she began to relax. <Ok, I am right here I am going to partly merge with you then we can start ok?>

<Alright I think I am ready.> Elizabeth's mouth dropped open as Ray merged with her oh god! It was almost orgasmic what was going on? <Ray stop a moment! I am experiencing something wonderful!> Looking over at Nali, Elizabeth's mouth dropped open again. <That's why you were so sad when you left his body!>

<Yes, Ray cannot hear us please never tell him but we three are destined to be together. Soon I will be able to also.> Nali just shook her head at the questioning look from Elizabeth.

<Are you alright?> Ray asked a moment later.

<Yes I am sorry the feeling was a little over whelming, I think I will be ok now.> Elizabeth told him.

They both delved deep then deeper still when they had finally reached the area Ray gently instructed Elizabeth what to do. Within only a few minutes they were done and withdrawing, hmmm Ray thought perhaps something of this nature might be what was needed for the new queen. Miahally kept watch as Ray pointed to the female and levitated her back into her domicile. Breathing a sigh, Ray sat in the open room, he was starting to feel weary as it appeared Elizabeth and Nali were. It was at that moment that he felt the first slight pull.

Crap! It was time to go he had to set a few things before he left, with both Nali and Elizabeth here he'd stayed longer than he had before. They were definitely helping his energy as he was theirs but that was rapidly starting to decline. <We have to go back soon or we may not be able to.> Ray told all three of them. The women only shook their heads they too had started to feel it, though now Ray was far more sensitive to it.

Sighing Miahally nodded, <I was afraid of that you have lasted longer than before but I can feel you starting to weaken.>

<I have to leave a message, and then we can go for a time. It might be a few cycles here though I am afraid.> Ray told Miahally who was nodding his head.

<Yes but with the queen unable to set and give commands the daughter can act on a few things now.> Miahally told him.

Ray nodded then reached out to the daughter. <I am afraid that I have to leave for a few of your cycles. I will return as soon as I can. Is there anything I can do before I go?>

<I am still a little confused as to what to do, but most of it is gone after you were actually here last time. I only feel pain in one spot, can you take it away? I feel so angry when it grows powerful at times.> the young female told Ray.

Delving in Ray was deeper than he'd ever gotten, again as with the neighbor female he saw that it was the same delicate area. Sighing Ray was so tired if he could fix this area it might be the last he'd have to do. <I need you again Elizabeth I just hope we can do this without killing us.>

<Ray?> Elizabeth said then felt her energy drop a bit. <I will try Ray I feel my energy falling slightly.>

Ray nodded as they both merged and were in the mind of the young female. <Who is this?> the young female demanded.

<This is one of my mates, she can help with this as she can go in where the pain is without harming you better than I can.> Ray told the young female.

<So she is like you only weaker, this affords her entering softer with less energy. I see Treg Trag,> Turning to Elizabeth the young female smiled. (Ray thought it was a smile) <I also thank you mate of the mighty Treg Trag. There is no name for you, but if you permit may I call you Tren Treg? It is a more female form of the word though unknown for the moment.>

Elizabeth slightly nodded as she was concentrating on the task at hand. Within minutes Ray could see all that he had done was finally starting to take root with the basic emotion changed to accept and not reject anything different. Looking around after Elizabeth withdrew Ray flew through the young females mind finally satisfied that she was about ready.

Withdrawing back to Miahally's domicile Ray felt the tug of their bodies starting to strengthen, <We have to go I hope to see you soon Miahally and all is well.> Miahally nodded as he watched all three grab hands and vanish. Strange he thought the one called Nali was looking more and more like the Treg Trag's people while they had been here. Suddenly a smile crossed his face of course! It was an old tale but he remembered about that planet now! They were called the Trans-shiftlings; nodding with all that the Treg Trag had done for them he was sure they had a real great surprise in store for him!

They had rocketed back to earth far faster than Ray thought was possible one second they were in Miahally's domicile a minute later they were in his house. Ray watched as Nali and Elizabeth entered Elizabeth's body then he turned and tried to enter his own. He was half way in when he felt another presence in the room; though his life tether was growing stronger he needed a few more minutes.

Ray was suddenly grabbed from behind and flung away from his body, damn it forgot to check behind! Picking himself off the floor he saw two of the warriors that had tried to attack him back when this had all started. <So you thought you had destroyed all of us! We managed to escape before you sent the rest of my group to die. We will never let you re-unite with your physical form, then it will be easy to destroy you!> the leader laughed not seeing the form that arose behind him, a very powerful form.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-05 14:45:24
nice cliff hanger

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-04 18:16:50
Well, that texts is good but please continue with ''a guy and his''


2016-06-02 12:20:12

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