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Chapters 8-13

We sat naked on the decking, drinking coffee and eating bagels. The lake looked amazing and made me want to either be on it or in it. I watched the chemistry between Anna and Robert, all the years of marriage behind them and they were still in love. It wasn't that they loved one another, they were 'in' love with one another. Still with the puppy dog eyes.

''Hell-cat, you look amazing.'' my uncle told me, I was leaning back into the sun lounger, my legs crossed and wearing nothing but a pair of shades. I smiled politely at him, not really feeling the need to say anything in return. I had barely been here for twenty four hours and already felt as though I belonged here.
What was there really to go home to? A broken friendship and a dead relationship. On the other hand my parents came to mind, I wondered for a moment how they were getting on in Costa Rica, the family matter that I knew nothing about.

For a few moments I watched Anna, her eyes had been locked on my breasts for almost as long as my eyes were on hers.

''Did it hurt?'' she finally asked, ''Getting your nipples pierced?''

''A little, I decided there and then to get both done and out of the way. The girl I was with had her clit done.'' I told her.

''Oh, I couldn't imagine having that done.'' she replied placing her own hand between her legs, as if imagining the feeling.

''I wanted to put hoops in,'' I recalled, ''but I was told that I should stick with bars for now, I guess I forgot all about the hoops.''

''Oh my god, I completely forgot to tell you,'' Aunt Anna suddenly said, ''Your cousin Matt, he got married last year!''

I choked on my own saliva, ''What?'' I asked abruptly.

''Yeah, I can't believe I forgot. When he comes here you will meet his wife, she's amazing.'' she told me as she leaned forward in her chair. I couldn't see her eyes behind her shades, but I somehow knew they were locked onto mine.

''Jess, her name is.'' Robert chimed in, ''Pregnant too, about six months almost I think.'' he said. ''I'm sorry that I also forgot to tell you.'' he said.

''It's okay,'' I replied looking out at the lake, my mind replayed the broken memories I had with Matt and a chill ran up my spine. My nipples hardened as the goose-pimples returned to my skin.

Anna got up and went inside, ''Just remembered I better call him to see if he's still on for Wednesday.'' she told us, I couldn't resist checking her out as she passed me. Her figure was flawless, and she looked even better naked.

''You're going to have to let it go sooner or later.'' Robert told me, the chill returned to me, I knew what he was talking about. We had never talked about it that much, he knew what had happened between Matt and I, but it seemed to be an unspoken truth.

''What happened tore us apart for a while,'' he continued, ''Hell, I tore into him for a long time after you left. It's taken a long time but things are good again, and I've missed you so much.'' he told me. I looked into his eyes and saw the sadness, it urged me to get up and go to him.

I sat down on his lap and cuddled into him, ''I've missed you too.'' I told him. He kissed me on the head as we both joined hands, ''I don't want to ever leave here.''

He chuckled a little, ''The lake, or my lap?'' he asked. I raised my head and look at him with a half smile, ''Both,'' I replied before kissing him.

His hand went up and down my back as we kissed again, I felt his cock stiffen underneath me as his hand rested on my ass, pulling my cheeks apart. I could already feel a stickiness forming between my legs as the tips of our tongues touched. I knew Anna would be back at any moment but I didn't care, I climbed off of his lap and stood over him, he took one of my breasts in his hand and began kissing my nipple.
I admired his hard penis for a few moments before straddling him, I didn't need spit or lube, I was almost dripping with my own as I sat down on him. He slipped into me like a knife into butter, instantly I felt a wave of incredible relief wash over me, as though him being inside of me completed me.

He grunted in a mutual manner as I began rotating my hips, he pulled my hair causing my head to tip backwards before taking a nipple in between his teeth. I felt his tooth clip the bar running through my nipple, it sent a minor shock wave throughout my breast and almost made me loose it completely. I let out a moan of pleasure as I brought myself lower, taking him as deep as he could get.

It was then that his urges took over, rising to his feet and carrying me across the deck. I felt the wall against my back as he began slamming himself into me. I bit down on his earlobe while he supported me by squeezing both of my ass cheeks, he grunted a little more as he slipped in and out of me, my ankles crossed together as he had me up against the wall.

I could feel the orgasm building within me, his pace quickened too as my whisper-like-moans became pants and gasps.
I looked towards the doorway and through my shades I saw Aunt Anna standing against the door frame, her foot resting on one of the chairs while her fingers played her clitoris like Hendrix would a guitar.

It was all in that moment too much for me, and without a warning I reached my ear piercing climax. My Uncle gave me one last thrust against the wall as he emptied his load inside of me.

''Oh my fucking god, I just came right inside of you.'' he panted. We were both panting like animals, I looked around to see Anna collapse into the chair she had been using to support herself, she too was almost as out of breath as we were.

''I can't leave you guys alone for five minutes.'' she said smiling.


A little later I continued my unpacking in my room, it had actually been the first time I had even thought to check my phone. There were no calls from Mom or Dad but a text to say they had gotten there safe and sound and they would call me as soon as they could.
There was also a barrage of test message from both Dana and Dion, but I didn't bother to read them. I tossed my phone down onto the bed and continued unpacking.
The afternoon air had brought in a little chill and though I was pretty happy to be roaming around naked, I had to slip into some yoga pants and my 'Marilyn Manson' hoodie. This is the new shit, I thought to myself as I left my room.

I made my way down the stairs and into the lounge, it was then that through the window I saw the truck backing towards the pier. My uncle was out there directing it and Anna was nowhere insight. I recognised the boat that was attached to the truck from the picture of it on the mantle, it was Matt's boat.

I quickly turned and walked towards the kitchen, that was when my heart stopped beating for a few seconds, ''Hello cupcake,'' said the voice, I turned my head and that was when I came face to face with my cousin.

He took a step toward me and I took a step backward, he raised his right hand as if to try and calm me, ''Look,'' he began, ''I didn't know that you were going to be here for the week, and I'm sorry for surprising you like this,''

''That's a word that you should have used a lot sooner, 'sorry'.'' I replied quietly.

''I know,'' he said, ''But please, we've needed to talk for a very long time. And part of why we didn't has been my fault,''

''Part of?'' I asked, fear was beginning to subside, it was slowly being replaced with anger and he knew it, he could see it.

''We were kids, Jenna, we were just kids. I didn't know what I was doing any more than you did. I'm sorry.''

I didn't know what to say, I had imagined this conversation over and over, dreamed up how to say every witty quip and hard truth, I even imagined my words making him shrivel up in guilt and crying.
But now that I was here, all of it was gone. I couldn't find a thing to say.

''What happened, destroyed the family. My Dad wouldn't talk to me for four months, he didn't utter a word to me. I had driven you away from him and to him, that was unbearable. Unbearable for him, for Mom, for me, and of course you.''

He was rooted to the spot, and had made no attempt to come towards me, his hand had slowly closed and slipped down to his side.

''Do you even remember what actually happened?'' he asked.

The question had caught me off guard, I didn't see it coming. Mostly because the truth of the matter was that I didn't. Not fully.

''I remember,'' I began, ''I remember we were play fighting, and then, and then you,'' I wanted to say the words, I wanted more than anything to say the words, but I just couldn't find them.

''We were play fighting.'' he agreed, ''And then we started kissing,'' he told me.

''No,'' I fired back, I closed my eyes trying to block the sight of him out, I didn't want to hear his lies, I didn't want him to confuse me.

''And then,'' he said slowly, ''Without knowing, I gave you your first orgasm.''

My eyes opened to see him standing before me as he was before, but with tears in his eyes. The same kind of remorseful tears that were creeping into my eyes now.
I couldn't remember, but now it was coming back. I had spent so long enraged at him, I had forgotten why. And now I knew, and I didn't know what to do.

''You didn't know, what was happening to you.'' he said, ''So you told Dad that I had done something to you, and his reaction, led you to thinking that I had done something much worse.''

His words ripped me apart, I was over come with emotion and could do and say nothing. I melted down to the cold laminate floor and began crying. The tears were streaming down his face too, but he wasn't a blubbery mess.

All these years of mental anguish and anger, and I never really stopped to realise that I didn't know why.

''I know that there's too much healing needed to be done in such a short space of time. So I'm going to spend the next couple of nights at a hotel with Holly, I just came by today to drop off my boat. I'll call on Wednesday to see how you are, and if need be, I'll stay away longer,''

''Wait,'' I said wiping my eyes, ''First, you're rambling and I didn't catch most of that, and second,'' I hesitated. He was right, it was too much to get over and move forward from. After all these years I had realised that I was as much to blame as he was.

I could remember the crush I had on him, it always led to play fighting with him. And play fighting would lead to kisses, because kisses were taboo at that age between anyone. I would remember thinking of them as disgusting. It's why we played kiss-chase at school. Loser got kissed. 'Eeeww'.

''I suppose I should congratulate you,'' I mumbled. A fain smile appeared briefly on his face before vanishing. It was like he was drowning in the middle of the ocean and saw a boat on the distance. It was still going to take a lot of work to be saved.

''Thank you.'' he replied.


We were both now sitting on the kitchen floor, it felt like an hour had passed since I first walked into this room. I was certain that Uncle Robert and Aunt Anna had seen us in here, and although I would have wanted anything for them to walk in here, I half appreciated that neither of them did.
We talked and talked and talked, mostly about how much what had happened had affected our lives. I felt bad for not knowing the facts, but time had erased them from me. And he understood that. It was as he said, it would take a little longer for things between us to be 'fine' again, but the fact that we were both here talking was a huge step forward.

''So, tell me about Jess.'' I said.

''She's great, I met her in Australia whilst I was studying marine biology. She had moved there on a six month visa, and we hit it off.'' he told me.

''That's great,'' I replied.

''What about you? I saw on Facebook that you were with a guy.'' he said, it surprised me a little that he would even go on my Facebook.
''Yeah,'' he said, ''I've checked in on you from time to time, not as much as Dad did though.'' he confessed.

''Well,'' I began, ''My boyfriend couldn't give me what I wanted, and I couldn't give him what I wanted. Pretty simple really. Except for the fact he was banging my best friend.'' I told him.

''Christ, sorry to hear that.'' he replied.

''It's okay, I'm over it now, I found out the night before coming here. And since being here my life has changed, I love it here.''

He smiled a little, possibly for the first time since before seeing me. I was amazed at how much he had changed, it was as if I was Alice returning to Wonderland, no-one was how I remembered them.

''Have you been out on the lake yet?'' he asked.

''No, I got here last night.'' I said it without even realising, but yes, I got here last night and I already felt that I never wanted to leave here. I couldn't believe what had happened in the space of almost twenty four hours.

''Well the lake is the reason I'm back here, we've had a history of getting sharks swim into it. Bull sharks. But I spoke to a guy across the lake last week and he told me that there was something new here, something bigger than the average Bull.'' he told me.

''Jaws?'' I asked smiling, he chuckled and shook his head, ''No, I don't think so. But I'm looking forward to finding out. Jess is flying up tomorrow morning, I'm guna meet her at the airport. It'll be great for you two to meet.''

''Yeah, I think I'm looking forward to it.'' I told him. And the truth was, that I kind of was. I knew that things between me and Matt could be amicable, and even if it turned out that I couldn't deal with it, he seemed as though he would understand. And I certainly knew that Uncle Robert would support me.

We both climbed to our feet in the kitchen and stood awkwardly for a moment, I was mostly waiting for the feeling to return to my ass, but I knew that he didn't know what to do right next. So I took control, I stepped toward him and we embraced.

It was during our embrace that I saw Uncle Robert outside the window, he smiling like an idiot. But such an affectionate grin, I couldn't help but give him one back.


The sun was setting in the distance as the four of us sat on the deck, Robert had fixed as all a couple of pitchers of my new favourite cocktail, Mojito. It had some how managed to replace the Bahama Mama, which I will always love asking for. 'One bahama mama please, easy on the bahama heavy on the mama.'
Thank you, Bob Kelso.

After a couple of drinks Anna and I were in the kitchen while the 'boys' were outside talking, I glanced out of the window and then back to Anna while she ran some water into the pitchers to give them a rinse.

''Matt told me that Uncle Robert ignored his existence for a while, I can't imagine how hard it was for you to be in the middle of a hell created by me.'' I told her.

''Don't be silly, father and son will always have times when they're at odds. It's what makes relationships like mother and son so special. Me and Matt got closer than most would during that time.'' she told me.

''Really?'' I asked, ''well that's good then, I guess.'' I replied. She came forward and smiled at me, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck and bringing me close to her.

''Sometimes the best things come from the worst, I guess it's how you ended up here right now.'' she told me, I slipped my hands behind her lower back and smiled at her.

''Yes.'' I answered, she was wearing a wafer thin floor length dress, bare footed as we all were. My hands quickly slipped a little lower down her back, until they were happily resting on her buttocks. ''It's a little shame that we can't walk around naked any more though.'' I told her.

She smiled out of the side of her mouth, ''Well who knows after a few more cocktails.'' she said kissing me, I had almost forgotten how soft her lips were. It was as though they were made from velvet, she kissed me a couple of times before my grip on her rear end began to tighten. That was when our mouths parted a little, allowing our tongues into one another's mouths.

I moved forward edging her backwards, she backed up against the counter as I smiled, I kissed her on the neck and slowly dropped down to my knees, my hands ran up her legs taking her dress along the way. Her knees and thighs soon came into view before I found what I was looking for.
I kissed her thigh lightly as her fingers began playing with my hair, her legs parted and I guided her left leg up and over my shoulder, giving me the perfect view of her clitoris. I glanced up to her and met her gaze, such deep and dark eyes looking down at me as I moved my lips closer to her. Her eyes closed the moment I made contact.

''Oh, god,'' she whispered as my lips pecked at her pubis, my kisses made there way a little lower and after a one-two combo at the top of her clit, my tongue rolled out and began lashing her labia. Her hands moved to the counter to hold herself up, she looked down at me with her mouth slightly open while my tongue went to work, firmly licking her labia, clitoris, vagina and even her urethra.

Her stomach and abdomen seemed to compact as she contorted, doing what she could to not alert the men just outside of the window.
''Oh fuck...king hell,'' she gasped as I tried to stick my tongue as far up her vagina as I could. I used the technique her husband used on me last night, nuzzling against her clitoris with my nose and upper lip, the 'philtrum area', bringing her closer to climax.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and began gyrating her hips backward and forward, she was fucking my face the way her husband had, but instead of choking on a cock I was being suffocated buy her.
Her teeth were clamped together as her head tipped back, she let out a long low level gasp as her brow turned almost into a frown. She climaxed right there on my face, I licked my lips as her eyes opened to see my green eyes looking up at hers.

There were no words between us for a few minutes, I got to my feet as her dress dropped back down to the floor.
''I can't believe that I've only been here since last night,'' I told her. ''I know,'' she replied, ''You belong here, for sure.'' she told me smiling.

Uncle Robert then walked into the kitchen with his jaw hanging down to his chest, ''I can't fucking believe you two. I was this close, seriously this close to walking in here and pulling down your damn pants.'' he said as he discreetly grabbed a handful of my ass.
''Matt had no idea, kept talking and talking about the lake and some damn fish that was out swimming around.'' he continued. ''I can't believe I managed to hold myself back.''

''Sorry uncle,'' I said kissing him on the cheek, ''I had to pay her back for last night.'' I told him smiling.
I looked out the window and saw Matt finish his drink, he then hopped over the rail and began making his way down to the dock.
''Where's he going?'' I asked.

''Shit.'' Robert said looking around, ''He's going to look for that damn fish.''


I followed him down towards the pier where his boat was docked, I think Uncle Robert knew that there was no use in trying to stop him, and I didn't know what I was hoping to achieve by following him out here.

''Matt, what are you doing?'' I called.

He hopped onto the back of his back and began untying the ropes attached to the cleats. He looked up and saw me standing there, ''Go back to the house Jenna, I'll be back soon.'' he said.

''But what are you doing?'' I asked again.

''If I'm right about what I think has swam into this lake, then it's a night feeder. I'll have a better chance of spotting it and identifying it.'' he called as he tossed the ropes onto the pier.

''But it's dark!'' I argued, ''Look in the morning!''

''I have to see it, I burned all my daylight talking to you, I wanted to make things right with you. And now I have, I need to find it.'' he called. He climbed up a ladder that took him to the roof of the boat where the engine controls were. Within a few seconds the boat roared to life, and slowly began moving away from the pier.

A gut reaction made me move towards the departing boat, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned around to see my Uncle stood behind me. ''Let him go,'' he told me, ''He'll be back.''

The boat drifted away and now there was no way of making it, ''You're shivering,'' I was told. My uncle's hands held my arms as he tried to keep me warm. ''Come on Hell-cat, let's go inside.'' he said, and I turned around as he guided me back up to the house.

''Does he do that a lot?'' I asked as we entered the lounge, my uncle shrugged his shoulders as Anna nodded her head, ''He isn't here as often nowadays, but when he is, he practically lives on the lake.'' she told me.

''You're worried? You shouldn't be, he'll be fine. He's gone out onto that lake and not come back for days. He can be reached on his phone or boat radio, depends on signal.'' Rob said sitting down on the couch.

''But he says that something new is out there, what if--'' I didn't get the chance to finish what I was saying because I was cut off by the smile on Roberts face.

''He's been dreaming about something like this since he was a kid, from the moment he watched Jaws he's been looking for the giant great white. I dunno if he fancies himself as Quint or Hooper.'' he told me.

I relaxed a little and slumped down into an armchair, Anna cuddled into her husband on the couch opposite me as I remembered the time Matt made me watch Jaws, the only thing I could remember about it was a guy getting eaten at the end of it. It was one of the few good memories I had left of Matt.

I felt a heavy weight on my eye lids as they slowly began dropping, I realised that I hadn't gotten as much sleep as I normally would since being out here. I glanced at the clock on the wall and decided I could steal a little nap, not that I had any choice as my eyes dropped shut.


It was a strange sound that roused me, a familiar sound, that was constant. Like having a boiled sweet in my mouth, bouncing off of my tongue and against the roof of my mouth. My eyes slowly began to open as the shapes and objects in the room were nothing but a blur. After a few seconds I began to focus on the movement, like a mist clearing I saw Anna's head bobbing up and down off of my Uncles lap.

His long hard cock was glistening with her saliva, as he held her by her head, guiding it up and down. His head was tipped backward a little and eyes only half open, strings of saliva dripped from her mouth as he held her head firmly in place while pushing his cock as far into her mouth as he could get it.

She gagged a little before he let her bring her head back up, she got to her feet and hitched up her dress. Turning her back to him she stuck out her ass, slowly lowering herself onto him. Directly facing me she gasped as his cock pierced her vagina.

A moment later and his hands gripped her waist, pulling her onto him. He legs parted as she brought her knees up and steadied herself by firmly planting her feet into the couch cushion. I had the perfect view of my uncles cock get swallowed by my aunts vagina.

I felt a familiar warmth between my legs, and it grew as my uncle pulled my aunts dress up over her head exposing her breasts. His hands slipped around and cupped them both as she bounced herself up and down, doing her best to keep her cries of lust quiet. It seemed almost unfair, as that was twice in the same day she had to keep herself quiet.

A big part of me wanted to hear her scream, I wanted to get up and join them both. But I was too compelled to watch. I slowly slipped my fingers between the waistband of my yoga pants and found my epicentre, slipping a middle finger between my thighs and slowly rubbing my clitoris in circles as I went into a hot flush.

Anna was reverse-cow-girling her way towards an orgasm, and if the last twenty four hours had taught me anything about my uncle, it was that he was itching to take full control. I didn't have long to wait until I was proven right.

My uncle climbed to his feet, Anna's knees dropped and her calves raised and disappeared behind Robert, he held her in the air, belly to back and began the pelvic thrusts. A sequel escaped Anna, her nipples were on end as the thrusts forced her firm breasts to jolt.

''Oh my fucking god,'' she tried whispering, but I was sure that it could have been heard in any room of the house.
I had never seen anyone fuck someone like this, they were almost in a wheelbarrow as my uncles ripped physique was put to use in holding my aunt in position.

It felt as if a fuse had been lit inside of me, I knew that I was going to rub myself into a brain numbing orgasm as I watched them both, my hand movements quickened slightly but not enough to give myself away.

My uncle stopped thrusting for a moment and Anna's legs dropped, she was standing now as my uncle forced her to bend over, he lined himself up from behind and pushed into her. She was stood at a ninety degree angle, facing me while getting shafted from behind. I was edging closer and closer towards climax, I saw her eyes open and they found mine.

She caught me. She watched me now, having an idea of what I was doing underneath my baggy hoodie her eyes rolled backwards. The hushed whimpers became moans, and the moans became cries as Robert slammed into her.
It was almost the exact second it popped, her orgasm. It arrived as his did, I saw the semen leak out of her packed vagina. Her face was the same as it had been earlier, after she used my face as a sex toy.
I felt the fuse reach it's end inside of me, I hunched over slightly as my orgasm consumed me. A long sigh of relief escaped my lips, bringing my uncles attention to me. His eyes locked on to mine as my legs quivered.

''You naughty little Hell-cat.'' he said smiling.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-01 22:22:17
Any part 3?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-26 13:32:50
More please

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-08 12:22:25
I look forward to more

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-04 12:08:33
I loved it iam hoping you could do another one I would love to see a part 3

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-24 18:28:15
Part 2 is another cock swelling sequel, good story line,I managed to pace my strokes and was able to hold out till the end! What a load

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