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A rapist is punished in a unique way for his actions
Tanner to Tessa

Deandra Robinson watched the man cross the busy street. She had seen him
before when he came to take out her sister, Kelsey. He was a tall and
athletic looking man after having played basketball in college. He had
even made the All-American team because of his quick decision-making
ability, which lead him to a very successful career as a Corporate
Executive. He was smart, funny and just about everything a girl could
want in a man. So when he had asked Kelsey out, all she did was gush
over him.

Kelsey had told her sister how excited she was to be going out with
Tanner Mackenzie, the vice president of a very prestigious communications
company in downtown Manhattan. Kelsey worked for the same company as a
secretary on the fourth floor. She was a slim, but curvy girl who had barely
graduated from a local college. She stood about 5' 8" and had
long flowing brown hair, blue eyes and a sparkling smile that would
catch any man’s eye. Deandra was almost jealous of her very buxom sister
if it wasn't for the fact that her sister was about as bright as the new
moon, at times. She was very good at typing and taking notes and filing, but she
would have better been suited as a model. In fact, Deandra had often told
Kelsey to put a portfolio together and try to break into the world of
fashion. So when she called Deandra and told her all about Tanner,
Deandra the older of the two just simply smiled and listened as Kelsey
rattled on and on about how handsome he was, and that he was picking her
up in a limousine and that they were going to a ballet and dinner and how
she needed a new dress because she just didn't have anything to wear.

So loving her sister as much as she did, she arranged for a dress to be
delivered to her. Deandra was an average looking girl herself. But what
she lacked in looks she made up for in talent and design. She had
started her own fashion designing business and was very successful at it. She did
not mind helping her sister out and had almost arranged for a very nice
cocktail gown sent to her sister's apartment. After her phone call, she
pulled at her computer and began googling mister Mackenzie. It seemed he
was an eligible bachelor. A little too eligible, because she found
picture after picture of him on the internet with almost a new girl on
his arm every time she clicked on the picture. This set off her warning
bells and so she decided to deliver the dress herself to warn her sister
and let her know that it was possible the man she was going out with
changed women like he changed underwear.

She arrived at Kelsey's apartment, about three hours before the date,
with the dress and a bottle of wine. She knew her sister would maybe
have a single glass before her date but Deandra would drink the rest
while waiting patiently for Kelsey to come home. She had made an oath
to her mother to watch out for her sister in the big city and that is
exactly what she would do. They chatted and gossiped about life in
general while Kelsey got ready for her date. Deandra explained
everything she had seen and found on Tanner Mackenzie, but all she got from
her sister was a bunch of giggles and being called an old fuddie duddie.
So she sighed and simply asked Kelsey to call her if she needed her and
let her know that she would be waiting for her at the apartment when the
date was done.

When he arrived at the apartment, He was dressed in a very nice pin
stripped suit. Deandra had let him in and gave him a good talk about how he wanted him to treat her sister.
He seemed very nice but something about his smile told her this man was
trouble with a capital T. Deandra warned him in advance that she was
very protective of her sister and she just didn’t know how she might
react if he hurt her in any way. He simply nodded to her and said she
was in the hands of a Man who knew how to treat a girl like Kelsey.
Something in his tone set off another warning bell. But before she could
say anything else her sister came out of the bedroom. She was beautiful
in the long black dress with the V cut neck that barely allowed her
breasts to peek out at the edges. She looked so good in the dress that
Deandra automatically regretted her choice but it was simply too late to
make a change. Tanner let out a wolf whistle and then reached out and
kissed her small delicate hand as he guided her out of the door of the

Deandra slept horribly, waiting for her sister to come home and when she
woke up in the morning at the sound of the apartment door opening she
jumped out of the bed startled. What met her eyes caused her to burst
into tears. Kelsey stood in the doorway trembling and her lower lip
barred the signs of abuse. Her dress was slightly torn as she slid down
to the floor, her sister rushing to her and pulling her up into a hug.
“He raped me,” she cried, “and told me if I valued my job I shouldn’t
tell a soul, not even you.” The girls sat together for hours and sobbed.
Deandra lifted her face with her palms softly and said, “Don’t worry, I
will make him pay, I promise when I’m done with him, no one will ever
know there was ever a Tanner Mackenzie.”

So now she sat watching him cross the street with his smug strutting
grace. Deandra had sworn she would never do what she was about to do,
but she would not let him rape another girl ever and even though she knew
there were consequences to her actions it didn’t matter, she would get
revenge for what he had done to her sister. She pulled her fingers up
and began making symbols in the air as she looked at Tanner, with venom in
her eyes.

Deandra’s family had come from Italy almost two centuries before the
present date. Her Great-Great Grandmother had come from a family of
witches. She too had pitch black hair. Her Grandmother was the same, as
was her mother. The family had only passed down their skills from raven-haired daughter to the next. Their magic was only supposed to be used
for good as using it for personal gain meant that the effects would come
back upon the caster three-fold. Deandra knew the consequences, but her
spite and anger controlled her. She chanted in some forgotten language as
she kept focused on Tanner and sweat began pouring from her forehead until
she made the last sign and lightning cracked across the sky and landed
near them both one arch reaching out and touching Scott upon his forehead
and another, striking Deandra upon the chest. She saw him fall to the
ground and it was the last thing she saw before she blacked out in her
idling car.

“Hey buddy, are you ok?,” were the first words Tanner heard when his eyes
opened. His head felt as if a Mack truck had driven over it. He could
feel the blood surging through his veins and a tingling throughout his
entire body. He sat up and gathered his senses as a ringing echoed
through his ears. “Yeah, think so,” he said and got himself up off the
ground with some help from the stranger. “Well you better go to the
doctor and get looked at,” said the stranger. He glanced at his watch
and realized he was going to be late for his board meeting. “No, I think
I’m ok I’ll go a bit later, but thanks for your concern,” and headed
toward the building in front of him.

Tanner jumped into the first elevator that opened and watched the door
close, as he felt a shiver run through him. He stood there listening to
the music, a new pop song being sung by a female artist about boys.
Normally not his kind of music but he found himself humming along to the
tune. As he stepped off the elevator he brushed his long blond hair out
of his eyes and stepped toward the boardroom. It didn’t even register to
him that when he got on the elevator he had a formal business cut hairstyle with dark brown hair, his changes had begun.

In the car, Deandra sat up at the sound of the traffic outside her
window. She was unsure what had just happened, but knew her spell was in
place. She chewed on her lower lip remembering what her mother had told
her about three-fold, but had a plan for that as she put the car in drive
and pulled out in traffic and headed toward the Hamptons where she knew
her mother was living. She looked up into the rearview mirror and shook
her shoulder length blonde hair and let it come to rest upon her
shoulders. She turned on the radio and instead of the station she
normally listened to of classical music, I touch myself came pouring
through the speakers as she started singing along. She had forgotten
that just before the spell, she had pitch black hair.

Tanner walked toward the board room his confidence coming back as he
walked. He didn’t notice that his hips had begun to sway a bit as
the tune of the elevator seemed to bounce around his brain and he began
humming the song. His hips seemed to be shifting as he moved and his
business trousers began moving and changing with each step. Soon, they
had shifted about and become a short skirt which allowed his buttocks to
peek out just below the hem. His buttocks had filled out and become toned
and well-rounded, the perfect heart-shaped behind. His boxers shifted as
well and moved becoming a thing g-string thong which ran up between his
full ass cheeks. The second part of his change had become complete even
though those around him seemed oblivious to how ridiculous he looked with
his hairy legs, black socks, and business shoes.

Deandra took the next on ramp as she headed on the main interstate.
She didn’t even notice as her long business skirt shifted and slid up her
legs and changed into a black leather mini skirt. She also didn’t notice
as her hips expanded more from their current small width to hips that a
porn star would die for, with a full bottom that was barely covered by the
leather skirt. If she hadn’t been affected by the spell she would have
also realized that instead of the granny panties she normally wore, she
was now naked under the skirt and her legs spread slightly giving the
world full view of her hairless pussy. But none would see just yet
because she was still concealed within her car.

Tanner walked into the board room, sashaying to his chair with a sway of
his hips. The others in the board room smiled and said hello as he opened
his computer to start checking his emails. The other members of the board
still had not arrived and he was relieved that he was not too late. He
began skimming through his email which was full of reports and charts. He
glanced over as the door opened and a tall handsome man entered the room.
Tanner’s eyes looked him over and he found himself gazing at the man’s
crotch and then he quickly averted his eyes back to his emails and
clicked on the first one that contained coupons for Macy’s department
store, they were having a shoe sale and Tanner couldn’t wait till the
meeting was going to be over so he could go see if those high heels he
had wanted were going to be on sale, too! His long legs pushed down toward
the floor and became hairless and smooth his thighs filling out and
brushing against one another as he gently rocked his hips back and forth
upon the seat. His calves becoming smooth and sleek as his socks snaked
their way up to his thighs and changed into thigh high stockings with
lace at the top, his shoes shifting and becoming red opened toe stilettos
as his feet shrunk with the changing shoes and his tendons moved and
changed. He would find it very difficult to walk now without at least six
inch heels on.

Deandra set the car on cruise control and sang along to Taylor Swift’s
Shake It Off as she swayed back and forth to the song dancing in her
seat. Her thighs began filling out and her stocking shifted and changed
becoming fish nets hooking to the new garter that formed on her new thick
hips. Her small black flat shoes began morphing and moving up her legs
changing into a pair of above the knee black leather boots, the heels
extending to six inches. Her mind going over thoughts of getting to her
mother’s house began to fog slightly and shift as she took the next off-ramp and turned her car toward her office instead, she had some orders
for dresses she needed to worry about, forgetting any reason for needing
to reach her mother. She checked her cell looking at her orders in her
email and clicking on one she realized she was supposed to meet with a
client later that day.

Tanner listened to the board meeting, but began having trouble
concentrating on what was being said. They were using big, boring words
like tele..telecumm..mmmm cumm now that was a word he liked as he turned
his attention back to the men in the boardroom. He licked his lips as he
felt a stirring in his crotch which was growing warm. He couldn’t feel
anything other than the warmth as his once proud phallus began shrinking
and sliding up toward his pelvis, his balls shifting and sliding up
inside the cavities whence they had dropped when he was a young man.
His sack began pulling up tight to his body and smoothed out a small slit
forming as his cock adjusted and shrank turning into a nice small
clitoris. She began to get moist thinking about the cocks surrounding
her in the boardroom as she stared out the window.

Deandra pulled into the parking lot that once had the sign Deandra’s
Fashions high above it but now read Deandra’s Escorts. She parked in her
spot and walked inside feeling the breeze drift over her bare pussy which
had expanded slightly with full pouting lips and a moist heat that
radiated through her as she swayed up the stairs to her office her butt
protruding out behind her. Her office had a new client waiting for her
as she walked in the door. The strong-looking man eyeing her as she moved
around her desk and set upon the edge spreading her legs enough to grab
his eyes attention and draw his view to her wet exposed pussy lips. It
was a subtle change in her attitude toward men as her eyes drifted to his
crotch and licked her lips.

Tanner’s attention was drawn back to the room from the window as one of
the men spoke to her. “Tessa, are you paying attention?” the man asked
her. She giggled and said, “Yes Sir,” as she turned in her seat. Her
waist narrowing as she looked up into his wonderfully attractive eyes.
She felt a slight pinch from her belly button ring as she sat back a bit.
Her business coat had dissolved and her white-collar business shirt began
changing and moving about her. The tank top muscle undershirt adjusted
and become a black 38DD bra with lace fringe as her chest began to pillow
and expand filling each cup perfectly then pushing just a bit more out.
Her breasts firm and supple as her aureole expanded and became a darker
brown until they were about 3 inches in diameter and her nipples
thickened and pushed out into each cup and increased in sensitivity. She
giggled as her breasts swayed and her nipples hardened. Her business
shirt began changing into mid length top allowing her belly to be open
for all to see the collar shifting and turning as it became a tie that
tied just behind her neck. Words in rhinestone appeared on the front that
read Tessa.

Deandra sat at the edge of her desk as she looked at the man in front of
her. A fog descended on her and she began thinking about just how big his
cock must be in his pants, as the two bells in her pierced navel rang out
as her business top shifted and became a leather halter top. Her breast
began expanding becoming 44 DD tits that fought to stay enclosed in the
halter that allowed her nipples to be exposed, pushing through for all to
see. A small gold chain was attached to her nipple rings and a new chain
slid up to her throat where a collar had appeared around her small neck.
The words slut appears upon the collar in stainless steel bold lettering.
As she gazed down at the handsome man she could only think of as

Tessa’s shoulders became small as her entire body continued shrinking. As
Tanner, she stood a solid 6 foot 5 inches, but as Tessa, she had shrunk to a small
size of just 4 foot 11 inches. Her Adams apple disappeared as her throat
became small and slim. Her hair finished lengthening to just above her
ass. Tessa smiled at the all the strong board room members as a fog went
through her brain yet again and her eyes refocusing as her face softened
and her eyes became big and doe-eyed. Her once strong nose becoming a
small cute button on her face as her cheeks moved up giving her high
cheekbones with a smooth definition. Her eyelashes lengthened and mascara
appeared upon them her eyelids with a soft silver make up that sparkled
in the light. Her lips becoming soft and sensuous filling and becoming
large with the perfect little “O” in the middle that screamed Dick
Sucking Lips. She licked her lips and slowly she rose from the chair as
she turned to her once business computer that had changed to a pink
shelled laptop.

Deandra’s eyes grew heavy with exaggerated makeup that was dark. Her
lips blossoming out and becoming full and thick covered in a deep red
lipstick. Her blush was a bit heavy but she now liked wearing her makeup
style that matched her namesake on her collar, slut. Her tomboyish face also changed shape, to the face with a dirty, promiscuous look to it that would make any pornstar envious. The Man rises from
his chair and moves around to the other side of the desk and sits in the
chair. The sign that was high above the building now read McDavish Porn
Industries. Deandra could feel the tongue stud in her mouth as she
reached out and licked her lips slow and sensuously. Mr. McDavish looked
at the girl before him as he looked over her slutty form. “we should have
a live feed momentarily from the girl we sent over to Thomas
Communications girl,” he said with confidence. “They paid a good amount
of money for their entertainment.” Deandra just moaned as her pussy
juices dripped from her swollen lips and slid to the floor crawling to
her Master. She felt her pigtailed hair brush the side of the desk as
she moved slowly toward the object of her desire, the large bulge in the
pants of her Master.

Tessa moved with grace as she turned her monitor toward the men in the
boardroom and giggled. “Can any of you smart guys help me with my
computer,” she said with a pout upon her red glossed lips. “I am like
sooo confused by these thingies and my boss like wants to see the show.” The
president of the company stood up and moved to the computer and clicked
the live feed button as the computer connected to the other end. A small
picture of McDavish appeared in the corner and Tessa jumped up and down
clapping her hands giggling. “Oh! Goodie!” she cried out as her breasts
bounced about her. “She is like ready to start, boss, teehee,” she said as
she started climbing upon the table seductively and rested upon her small
hands with her hips pushed up in the air. The men in the room quickly
undressed and climbed upon the table as she licked her lips knowing that
her aching holes would soon be filled by all the wonderful cocks
surrounding her. Soon her skirt was pushed up over her hips and a cock
was thrusting in and out of her pussy as she moaned around the cock that
was now deep in her mouth and throat. She looked at the computer monitor
with her big doe eyes which were filled with lust and desire. Out of the
corner of the screen, she could see her Boss now stroking his cock while
watching from the other end of the live feed.

The slut eyed her Master’s cock as he pulled it out and began stroking
it. She crawled forward and down upon her knees started licking his balls
slowly until her tongue reached the top of his shaft and she couldn’t
hold back anymore and began deep throating the cock allowing it to slide
down her empty throat. She slid his cock in and out of her mouth as she
caught sight of the large screen on her Master’s computer. She climbed up
watching the blond bimbo on the other end getting fucked hard by the men
in the room. She then turned and impaled her hot cunt upon his shaft. She
cried out in ecstasy as he continued pushing his cock into her and she
bounced up and down upon it, and then it happened. Her eyes make contact
with the big doe eyes bimbo on the other end; suddenly Deandra’s
memories come flooding back to her. She remembers everything about who
she is and was and she struggles to regain control of herself, but with
each thrust of her new found Masters cock a fog begins drifting back down
upon her until who she was faded away forever as she cumms violently
around his cock spasming until there is nothing left of her, nothing but
a cock slut slave.

Tessa watched the screen as she sees another girl crawl up to her boss
and sees the girl start sucking her bosses cock which turns her on all
the more. A second cock enters her pussy as she giggles around the cock
in her mouth. She watches as the girl on the screen climbs up onto the
bosses cock and begins humping hard against it, and looks toward the
screen and their eyes make contact. Flash, Tanner remembers everything
that happened to him and knows he is a guy. He struggles against the men
who are holding him down and fucking him as he feels another cock enter
his ass and begins pumping deep into him. He tries to cry out but can’t
because of the cock in his mouth. As the cock in his ass and his new
pussy continue pounding him, he starts crying knowing he is being raped
against his will. Then it builds within him, the waves of pleasure start
taking over, and he moans and begins thrusting back against the invading
cocks, a pink fog begins filling his mind and numbers, math, history, his
life as a basketball player begin disappearing. His climax builds as his
vice presidency disappears and soon the name Tanner fades from his brain,
he cums hard and who he was is gone forever. Tessa giggles and opens her eyes
and licks her lips. “That was like very yummy!”

The once intelligent, popular, and successful Tanner is no more. A man who once had all the talent in the world, and could get with any woman he wanted was now Tessa, a dimwitted bimbo who was only serviceable at servant like roles, except sex. The only thing she was good at, and cared about was getting fucked by guys. In his last life, he was putting his cock into any woman he desired. But now, as Tessa, he was taking any cock that wanted her pussy. The former vice president of a large corporation was now a ditzy blonde stripper, who works as a hooker on the side. The highest aspiration Tessa could now hope, or even wanted, is to become a pornstar, which she and Deandra both eventually ended up doing. Her only talent was sucking dick and spreading her legs, but she didn’t seem to mind.

Deandra was once an intelligent person in her own right, also strong-willed and tough. But, all those traits were gone, as her own spell had not only affected Tanner but herself, too. Deandra’s strong will was gone, as she literally could not resist any man who wanted her. Deandra was throwing herself at as many men as possible, earning her a reputation as the town whore, even more so than Tessa. But unlike Tessa, she didn’t seem to enjoy it nearly as much. Whereas Tessa wants the sex and craves it, Deandra pursues it in an almost robotic-like way, as if it is all she knows how to do. Every man is considered her master.
Both Deandra and Tessa are stuck in slut roles, permanently. As the years pass they age up until they hit 50, then they revert back to their 20’s, resulting in a never-ending cycle of life as sluts. And in a strange turn of events, Kelsey is also affected, as the former communication corporation is now a porn studio. Kelsey ends up doing porn scenes with the women that used to be her sister and her rapist. But due to the spell, none of them know it, as their old identities were completely erased. All Kelsey sees now is two dumb, plastic looking bimbos.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-27 22:47:36
Why would he be turned into a woman for doing something every guy would like to do?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-02 05:39:15
How appropriate that he becomes a dumb slut. Serves the rapist right. Now he's going to have every guy filling his pussy and constantly craving it. His new self is so much of a slut that he won't likely ever get raped, he/she will always be wanting dick.

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