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Jenna breaks into the mysterious lab known only as D-19
Jenna was sitting in her car and her body was tense, but one leg was rapidly thumping the stubby raised heel of her shoe at the carpeted floor. The sun was sinking past the hillside and she watched it with growing trepidation. Tonight she was on course to do something she had never done before, she was scared and thrilled at the same time. She was going to break into a building and plunder anything of value she could find.
Sure, there were obvious risks, but she thrived off taking risks. The idea of winding up in prison hardly scared her, her main source of income already carried that sentence. One breaking and entering charge was hardly a deterrent for a woman like her. If her hunch was correct it would all be worth it in the end.
The traffic was slowly dying down around the industrial sector as the commercial buildings clustering in the area had all closed up shop for the night. The natural light of the day faded gradually into dusk while and the street lamps flared on in preparation for the coming darkness.
She brought a cigarette to her full lips, illuminating her face with a warm orange glow when she lit it. With a deep pull caving in her cheeks, the red cherry flared brightly and she felt the tension in her nerves melt away. She blew out a thick cloud of smoke, it was almost go time.
The car was parked in a gas station lot and she felt like a bird of prey, perched and waiting for the right moment to swoop in and strike. Leaning over to the passenger side she pressed a button on the middle of a glove box. With a sharp click, the lid fell open and the tiny keycard fell against the downward opening lid.
She snatched up the tiny device and brought it close to her green eyes to inspect it. It had been quite the unexpected boon that had been left behind by one of her more regular clients. The building the card was keyed to was not far off in the distance, a cubed monolith six stories high with a large white serial number displayed its corner, D-19.
The building still had the obvious marks of another sign that had been hastily ripped off. The place practically looked like a fortress with the way all the windows have been sealed with heavy looking metal shutters. She wouldn't need to smash out any windows though, she had the magic key to get inside its walls.

A grin curled at one corner of her mouth recalling its previous owner, He was a squat, fat and so unbelievably kinky in his tastes. She liked kinky men, the more exotic the better because those little fetishes they needed to indulge cost them. His list of depraved desires was easily the longest she had encountered.
He had tried to incessantly impress her with his line of work going on about how important his research was. She would have barely given it a second thought, that had all changed however when the Racoon City incident happened.
The call came when was mounted on her naked body while she was laid face down on her sturdy kitchen table playing the dead girl after pretending to be strangled to death. For such a portly guy he had sprung off her so quickly she broke character with a yelp from him moving with such surprising agility.
He was in such a desperate rush gathering his clothing that the card must have slipped from a pocket and onto her floor. He had slammed the door of her apartment before she could grab his attention and she had been left with a small memento of him.
It was only until after the events of Raccoon city had fully played out before she began to put the pieces together.
There were conspiracy theories already flying around on the internet about it being a deliberately engineered viral outbreak. His sudden departure during a biological attack, with kind of work, it was just too much of a coincidence.
What if his company had been responsible for the virus? More importantly what kind of reward would there be for exposing them for the annihilation of an entire city?

She had smelled a golden opportunity for her to seize upon and did a search for the name of the company on the card since it was the only lead she had to go with. The internet gave her all the information she needed. Sure enough, it was a company specializing in biomedical research and damn did she get the chills when those dots connected so neatly for her.
They must have been sent scrambling to do some damage control after such an outbreak because the next time she looked, the company was struck from the web, poof. They might have deleted the address of the place digitally but she cleverly hunted down the information from those archaic phone books to find the location of the lab.
She stole a glance at the clock on her phone, it was time to move. With one long final draw from her cigarette, she killed it and felt a small rush of calming euphoria to help stave off the clustered knot of anxiety in her guts before flicking it out the small gap in her window.

She opened her door and climbed out from her car and stretched the soreness out of her body from sitting in one place for so long. With a quick flick of her head, she moved her long ponytail over her shoulder and started making her way towards the building.
The stride she used was light and bouncy as she approached the building, trying to keep her demeanor casual. Yet, on the inside, her blood burned with an intoxicating mix of fear and excitement.
It was not justice or fame she was looking for by breaking into D-19, it was all about the money she stood to gain from it. She had mulled over a few options on how to extract what she wanted and there were lots of good ways to go about bending them over. She settled on fast cash, get in confirm they are hiding shit then dangle what she finds online and see who bites.
She had to scramble with the resources she had on hand for her infiltration before they buried everything. She was forced to use what pieces of her working costumes she had felt would best compliment the look of a normal secretary. What she had managed to pull off was the sluttiest secretary on her way to an orgy.
Her blouse and jacket were way too small for her bust and her tight skirt only reached the midpoint of her thighs. The only thing that actually fit the look was the thick black stockings that managed to reach under her skirt. While she was walking there was a serious concern someone would attempt to pick her up from the way she looked.

“Whoa.” She had gasped in surprise at the sight of a massive metal barricade, it was completely closing off the front of the building. It was no normal security shutter, but rather a huge metal slab. It made the front of the building appear more like a fortified bunker than a civilian biomedical lab.
Such a strange feature filled her with so many thoughts of what they could possibly be needing such security for. She was even feeling some growing doubts then, but at the same time, she was considering what possible need could they have for such an obstacle.
She felt there was a serious possibility they were hiding something big inside, but she didn't bother to consider they were keeping something from getting out.
Then while she scanned along the huge barrier she realized there was no way to get past it. She started to walk the perimeter while keeping her eyes open for exterior cameras. If they had any she sure as hell couldn't find them.
The fire escapes on the side were exit only doors which had been very deflating. It would have been weird to walk up to the place with a crowbar in hand, but she was under the impression one was needed.
She had almost given up by the time she made her way around towards the back of the building. Her face soured when she saw that the loading doors for trucks all had the same armor plating as the front, fucking hell what a downer that was. Then she saw it, further in the distance, ray of hope on the other side.
A light was on providing illumination for a raised platform and a small cluster of benches and tables, the employee smokers lounge. She made her way to the elevated pedestal in the corner of the building. It was covered with a cloth tent providing shelter from the elements.
She hurriedly bound up the concrete stairs ignoring the heavy swaying of her breasts. The door was labeled with bright red letters that read 'Authorized Personnel Only!' as she walked up to it. It took a little searching but she finally managed to find the faintest slot for a card reader.
“OH baby, please work for me.” She prayed before delicately sliding the key into the slot. It felt as if her heart skipped a beat when she heard this mechanical buzzing sound emanating from the heavy door. “Open says me, motherfucker!” She exclaimed with a pleased chuckle.
The loud sound of heavy metal bolts shifting in sequence made her take a cautious step back. Once the door stilled with its mechanical clunking, a metal handle emerged from a hidden slot in the door. She couldn’t help but admire how technically fancy could be because shit like this must have cost quite a bit.
She felt a pang of worry, this had all seemed like just a little bit too much for a lab. She shook away her worries and gripped the metal bar and gave a sharp tug only to have it refuse to budge. Her brows furrowed with confusion and she started to pull even harder.
“Come on, don’t be a tease now, let mommy in.” She snarled through her teeth. With all her weight being thrown into her yanking, it finally yielded to her demands.
Such a heavy door was one hell of a way to discourage employees from smoking she thought to herself before it let out a pressurized hiss when she broke the seal. She watched as the width of it seemed to keep on going exposing thick metal nubs of its many locks lining its interior.

It was not just any door, it was a god damned vault!

Once the door had been pried open just enough, she slipped inside into be engulfed by nothing but pitch dark. The interior was much cooler and she felt a deep shudder run up her spine when her body attempted to adjust to the new surroundings.
The fact that the building still had its air conditioning running meant someone was still paying the bills to keep this place running, but they really should dial it down because she was fucking freezing.
A metallic bang from behind her made her yelp in alarm when the heavy door automatically closed behind her and the sound of the metal bars slamming back into place easily defeated her desire for stealth. She cursed under her breath because if there was anyone here, they surely would have heard it.
It was completely dark in the building with that she couldn’t even see her hands in front of her face. She reached into the breast pocket of her coat and pulled out her phone. With a faintly audible clicking sound, the device bathed only a small fraction of the interior with a tiny cone of blue hued light. Two rows of glass panes flanked her as she stood in a narrow corridor.
They were both offices with modest desks probably from a flat pack store very modern and cost effective, but so boring to look at. They were completely bare except for the furniture and it made her heart ache a little to see they had already been stripping down the place.
She stepped into the large open area of this first floor while the soles of her shoes clapped against the smooth stone floor only to echo right back into her ears. The center of the building was hollow with what she could see with the inadequate light of her phone. Four large pillars of polished stone supported the roof in the middle and acted as a support for the high intersecting walkways that ran between them.
She discovered the front desk and cautiously approached it feeling very exposed such an open space. It was a half oval with very high walls and a bright cherry wood. She peered behind the desk to see that was totally bare, no papers, no devices, and the security monitors had been shut off and were gathering dust.
Another blow was struck her motivation to keep searching, no cameras meant no security which meant there was nothing to guard. She twisted back around to face those glass offices she had walked past and swept her phone to see that they continued to the back. She pressed on since there was no real rush she might as well see if she could at least rip off a nice chair or something for her efforts.
She made her way up the spiraling marble staircase to the second floor and she saw a maze of bewildering glass cubicles. The place was dead silent while she wound her way past more barren cubes. Then her light swept over a deeply tinted section of glass and a mischievous grin spread over her lips as she wondered what an office like that needed to be so secretive for.
She rushed up to the set of double doors and pushed open one of the large glass plates closest to her and stepped into the room. Only to have that brief flash of hope punched right out of her stomach. There was just a single piece of furniture that remained in this abandoned position. It was another fucking desk, just much bigger than the others.
“God fucking damn it!” She loudly cursed, of course, they would have gotten all the juicy stuff out first. Then to her horror, she heard the sound heavy clomping boots and she wanted to punch herself in the mouth for being so loud. She panicked and fumbled with her phone trying to make it shut off only to have it slip from her fingers.
She gasped when it tumbled to the floor almost in slow motion and she reached for it in desperation. When struck the stone surface the frame came apart and the only light in the building was snuffed out leaving her in total darkness.
She was frozen with fear, her heart was hammering in her chest. All she could think to do was hide and she rushed deeper into the room with arms outstretched for the last thing she saw. Her hips found its hard edge first and she grunted when her knee smashed into it. She quickly traced around it with her fingers sliding over its glossy surface until she found the large leg area to hide inside.
She crawled on hands and knees on the plush carpet before curling her body tightly under the desk like a cowering child. She wanted nothing more than to hear those terrifyingly loud footsteps passing her by. She felt so fucking stupid, risking arrest for absolutely nothing to show for it except another strike on her criminal record.

Her arms were tightly wrapped around her knees to hug them up against her chest and she chewed on her bottom lip with anxiety. Her ears were throbbing because her heart was pumping so hard.
Those terrifying footfalls were getting so painfully loud, he must be right at the entrance to the office. Her breathing seemed far too loud because the desk was amplifying right back at her. All she could think to do was bury her head between her knees trying to make herself as small as possible.
Then she had realized that she no longer heard anything at all. Her brows scrunched together while she pondered if she had somehow missed the patrol walking away? Then she heard a new sound and it was equally horrifying, the faint sound of keys lightly tinking together. Such a simple and innocuous noise had filled her with the most nauseating dread.
She had to suppress a whimper when she realized the person was in the room. The footsteps had been silenced by the thick carpet. With each time those metal keys clashed together, they rang of her impending fate.
What kind of shitty luck did she have today, of course, the guard would just happen to be a half fucking bloodhound. She placed both her hands on the back of her neck unable to stop herself from trembling when she heard those tinkling keys getting unbearably loud.
They only stopped when she heard them right at the opening of the desk. There was a long silence, but she could feel a presence just looming over her. With her eyes pinched tightly shut, she didn't dare to look and wished in complete desperation for whoever it was would just drop dead on the spot.

There came no salvation from above when a cold and clammy hand suddenly grabbed her by the wrist. She wailed loudly in fright feeling his big meaty hand tightly gripping into something so delicate. Then his grip was only got harder until she gasped from pain before he had yanked her out from under the desk.
He was hauling on her arm too damned hard and she was dragged across the floor like a ragdoll. It felt like he was bent on trying to rip her arm out of its socket and she whimpered while trying to pry his hand off her aching arm.
It was like she was fighting with a good damned bear and she gasped when he used her limb to lift her off the ground. Her eyes bulged in surprise when she was only able to touch the floor with the tips of her toes, just how fucking strong was this guy?
“I’M SORRY I’M SO SORRY PLEASE LET ME GO!” She frantically begged with him while clutching at his thick forearm.
Her feet dangled in the air and the pain in her shoulder was unbearable. She was staring wide eyed at the massive silhouette of the man towering over her, his imposing size alone made her feel weak in knees.
The guy was just so freakishly strong, but she had always been a glutton for being treated roughly. Still, it was the wrong time and place to be getting aroused, but her body didn't seem to care and she felt a heat rising up between her legs.
When he finally released her arm, she landed on her feet and wobbled on unsteady legs before cradling her throbbing limb. Before she could think to react he had grabbed her around the shoulders
He was compressing her so hard it had forced a squeak from the air being squeezed from her lungs. Part of her already knew she was in deep shit from how the guy was handling her, and not in the jail kind of way.
Sure enough, the man twisted her around to face the wall so suddenly it had made her head spin. When he clutched the neck of her jacket she felt very lucky it was left unbuttoned from how savagely he yanked on it.
It was such a violent pull the stitching around the collar popped before there came a loud ripping sound when her jacket was pulled off her back. Usually, men didn't scare her much, even brutes like him, but something was different and I was making her uneasy.
Then he placed those thick powerful hands on her waist and gave her sides a hard squeeze. Alarm bells gonged in her head when felt him stroking those wide palms down to caress the generous curve of her ass. It didn't matter if she was getting turning her on, she quickly sprung away from him before he could get a good hold of the goods.
“Whoa, easy there bud -OOF!” She was trying to keep it light and playful, but he still slammed his palms into her shoulders from her denial.
His hard push propelled her forward and she stumbled with lurching steps from such a powerful shove. Her hands instinctively reached out in front of her and for good reason because her palms gonged against the unforgiving glass saving her face from the impact.
It had become painfully clear to her he wouldn't be taking no for an answer tonight. There was no mistaking his intent, he was going to use her body for his pleasure.
There was nothing she could do in her situation, they were alone and he far too large a man to resist. With a resigned sigh and shake of her head, she bent over a little deeper to offer her ass up to him in submission.
She couldn't help but feel a dirty thrill race up her spine when she felt him moving in behind her. With a glance back over her shoulder, she easily made out his looming silhouette and brazenly wriggled her ass at him.
“So I guess this is the part where you frisk me? Maybe give me a cavity search?” Her tone was desirous because she was used to playing the role of a depraved slut.
It must have been the invitation he was waiting for because he surged in on her and filled his hands with her ass. She sucked in a sharp breath when those greedy fingers curled in and crushed into the plush meat of her rump.
He had such strong hands and that aching pressure he applied only told her resisting him would have been very stupid. Then he yanked her back and forced her back end up against his pelvis.
The way he was controlling her had her cheeks flush pink in humiliation over how effortlessly it was to be aroused by a stranger in such a situation. Then he crammed his erection against her her sex through her skirt and she gasped in shock from the pressure he put on her groin.
He felt large, maybe even a little too thick, even for her, but he was grinding his stiff pole relentlessly into her sex. She bit her bottom lip trying to suppress the rush of lust she felt towards his heavy cock.
She yelped in surprise when he suddenly shoved at her so suddenly she was pressed into the glass. He had begun to dry fuck so hard she was pinned to the wall from him putting so much weight into his thrusts.
She was huffing from the force of him grinding his dick at her muff, her eyes wide in awe from his reckless desire. He was grunting at her like a primal animal while banging into her nethers like a depraved cave man.
“E-easy tiger, maybe some foreplay first?” her voice was timid while she reached back to push at the very well defined abs rippling under her fingers.
His skin was cool to the touch and clammy, but because of cold, the place felt she dismissed the odd sensation. What she wanted was just a little mercy from him, especially when he started to use that fat sausage on her pussy.
To her relief, he seemed to take the hint and relented from trying to fuck her through her skirt.His hard palms were raking up her sides and they pushed the thin material of her blouse along for the ride.
His roaming hands had exposed her lightly toned midriff and pierced navel to the cold air and she sighed softly feeling the firm pressure on her sides. While he felt up her tight midsection, his hard fingers ground into her and left the skin tingling in their wake.
She tilted her head back with a groan while she tried to get more in the mood despite the anxiety she felt over her predicament. His digits bumped over her slightly defined set of abs on their way towards the generous swell of her chest.
There was a sudden burst of harsh pressure when he roughly squeezed her breasts through her shirt and bra. He forced a whine of discomfort was from her mouth from crushing her firm globes.
She winced when he burrowed his fingers into her firm melons and he let out a low rumbling groan. He was roughly pulling them apart before mashing them together like they were nothing more than toys for him.
There was only a slight ache from the way he played with them, but then her chest was growing hot with pleasure from his attention. Eventually, the ache had completely melted away until she was experiencing the raw surges of pleasure from him kneading them.
She couldn't help herself and let slip a lusty moan from the greedy groping of her rack by her rapist. The pleasure was short lived when he only grew more aggressive and soon it felt like he was trying to pull them off with his hands.
She reached to try and pull those big paws off her fleshy mountains but she couldn't stop him and he kept relentlessly tenderizing her tits with his hard fingers. Her chest was hotly throbbing from his cruelty and she felt helpless in his clutches.
She was so focused on her chest when he shoved his face into her neck she went stiff with surprise. Stars had burst in her vision when he violently knocked her head to get his ice cold mouth around the side of her throat.
With his face so close she got a good whiff of him and her nose wrinkled from the potent reek of pure alcohol. He smelled like a hospital, sterile and overpowering to her sense of smell, it was not a natural smell at all.
Then her thoughts were abruptly scattered into a chaotic mess when she felt him take a big bite of her neck. Her head went limp to one side when his teeth sank into such a delicate spot and she let out a low groan while a chorus of fireworks burst in her skull.
He had her pussy tingling fiercely when while he bit her so hard there and she had no doubt he would be leaving her with a nice bruise where his teeth had dug in.
She was panting frantically when her lust was sent raging out of control from it while he stroked his rubbery tongue over the flesh trapped in his bite. There was a scorching heat building in her loins over it until he had the walls of her pussy melting with her arousal. Then he had her squealing when his mouth struck her neck over and over.
They were far from tender love bites, he was like a predatory animal gnawing and chomping on his prey. Each time he dug his teeth into her bolts of electric pleasure blasted Into the back of her skull. Her neck was being slathered in his thick foul smelling saliva, but she was so enamored by the abuse on her neck to care.
She felt him clutch her top and bra in his fists and before she could think to protest he had violently yanked them apart. He burst the front of her shirt open and buttons shot free to clatter off the glass. She gave a whimper in remorse to hearing her expensive articles of clothing being shredded open.
Her twin mountains of flesh were exposed to the cool air and hung heavily from her chest in sculpted perfection. The large caps of her dark brown areolas were tightly bunched up making her chubby nipples stick out even higher. She had the thick buds pierced with thick barbells of metal just to make them even more sensitive for such an occasion.
When he slapped his hands onto her tits it made her gasp from the shocking sensation of his cold clammy skin clapping over her silken breasts. He was grinding his fingers into them making her creamy flesh spill through the gaps of his fingers.
She wriggled in his grasp because it felt like he was trying to burst her silicone filled balloons. Her firm orbs were being tenderized by his cruel hands and she was sure when he was done with them they would be bruised.
Then he crushed her nipples flat between his fingers her head snapped back with a wild cry of surprise. He was grinding those tender buds under the calloused pads of his fingers, twisting them until the dark rings surrounding them were forced to follow.
She could only pant frantically when he yanked on them so hard while her neck was trapped in his jaws. Then he was trying to milk her like a slutty cow and she squealed out each time he pulled her round mounds into taut cones.
There were such unrelenting bolts of white hot pleasure flaring between her legs she could have sworn she was going to cum if he didn't stop. The stockings inner thighs were getting soaked with her liquid lust and she was grinding them together over the feeling between her legs.
Her hips were writhing against his member while he tormented her chest with his hands and her skirt was hiking up higher and higher. When the plump lips of her pussy were peeking from between her thighs
There was only the tiny black g-string she wore and such skimpy underwear barely covered the bare lips and she was unwittingly pushing onto his cock. She felt the ice cold tip of his organ suddenly crush into her thick folds for just a moment, then stars exploded into her vision.
The room was filled with a terribly loud and sloppy squelch and she bellowed out in agony when it felt like he was going split her in two. Then he drove hard into her again and she could make no noise to express the pain of being lifted off her feet by the huge spear he was stabbing up her entrance.
Her arms gave out and she was slammed face first into the glass and stars burst in her vision. Her tits were crushed and spread out over the cold surface after she been impaled on his cock and she was pinned in place on the glass, unable to do anything with her mouth gaping in stunned shock. Her head was twisted awkwardly to the side with one cheek pressed against the wall. She was huffing breathlessly, almost hyperventilating and fogging the surface around her mouth.
The lips of her pussy had been spread so thinly around his thick trunk of flesh, she could feel them straining with pins and needles. She couldn't stop her walls from painfully flexing against the fat stopper of his cock head.
She wasn't given the chance to recover when he clutched her by the hips to savagely fuck her. At first, it has felt like he was stuck where he was in her slot, but then from his brutality, she could feel him start to move around inside her.
The head of his cock was crowned with an awful hard ring and he was using it to bore her out. Then as he squeezed it deeper she felt them, hard gnarled lumps, like tumors, were slipping past the sore lips of her pussy to scrape against her silken walls.
Raw screams were pushed from her throat feeling his just how gross of a prick he was violating her with. It was far too hard like he was working a misshapen rod of steel into her soft meat.
She felt nauseous from such hard punches into her slot and her pussy had loudly belched in protest. Her fingers were clenching to grab at the glass under them and her legs were swinging like limp pendulums with her toes only barely touching at the fibers of the carpet.
Her tits were being used to noisily scrub the pane with sharp squeaking sounds of her flesh sticking to the glossy surface. He was grunting like a primal animal at her ear with every thrust while his foul breath washed over her face.
The pace was slow and she could have sworn it was for the purpose of letting her more keenly feel him grinding deeper up her aching cunt. She was struggling to find her breath between her frantic wails from getting internally pummeled. It was like he was one of those sex machines while he fucked her, but she had no way to shut him off.
It was then she had come to understand she was being fucked by something truly terrible. There was nothing behind his crude violation, it was too mechanical and his grunts were lifeless sounds. If she needed any more proof, the cold cock banging at her walls was more than enough.

She was being raped by a zombie and his dead flesh was churning away in her warm pussy.

Her eyes went wide and she sucked in a ragged gasp from the bolt of pure terror she felt from her realization. Then wriggled like a worm on a hook against the vice like hold he had on her hips and her cries grew more frantic and desperate.
It was one of those awful things, the same from raccoon city and his infected cock was wedged inside her. No matter how much she battled against him he was just too powerful and he just kept plowing into her tight cunt mindlessly and unable to care about her torment.
His cock head was hammering its way too deeply through her passage and she felt stuffed to the brim with cold dick. To her horror, he wasn't stopping and she felt a harsh pressure in her core when he pushed his spire into her limits.
She yelled for the undead rapist to stop, but he just grunted and smashed his warped dick so hard into her it made her midsection cramp up.Then she was reduced to pleading in desperation for some kind of mercy from him, but all he gave to her was more inches of his cock.
The corpse was breaking her pussy to take his size and she sobbed when it became clear to her, she was going to die on a zombie’s cock. She could no longer scream, instead, she had been reduced to pathetic whimpers while hot tears streamed down her cheeks.
Then his pelvis crashed into her plush ass cheeks when her abused pussy was remodeled enough for him to reach the hilt. The room echoed loudly with the sharp crack of flesh meeting in a hard collision.
She groaned brokenly from those hard impacts, her pussy had gone numb from his abuse and she was almost thankful for it. When she felt his massive nuts rebounding off her thighs, at first she had thought little of them. How quickly it had changed when she could have sworn they were moving against the back of her leg.
Then her focus was pulled from his bloated ballsack when she felt the faint sparks of pleasure between her legs. It was utterly humiliating her body could find any joy from his cruelty. Yet it was happening against her wishes and those small tingles were only growing in intensity.
Then she heard the sounds of her hole squishing and squelching just as loudly when his pelvis stung her ass with those hard connections.Her mouth parted in awe over how her body was betraying and she was only getting wetter for his massive organ.
Then all she could feel was such an intense pleasure surging through her body with every hard drive he took into her. She felt so defeated when the zombie began to force haughty moans from her lips, but she just couldn't stop them from spilling out.

Her fuck hole was beginning to drown his member with its juices until it loudly gushed and slurped for his undead cock. She cried out loudly to drown out the sloppy sounds of her pussy drooling so heavily over the undead prick it was swallowing.
There was no denying it, she could feel the warmth of their thick mess of fluids running down the insides of her thighs. Her stockings were darkening with the slurry of their combined lusts and his hips were wetly slapping into her sore backside.
It was getting hard to care where the source of such bliss was coming from, it just felt so good to be used like nothing more than a piece of fuck meat. When she had surrendered to the pleasure he was giving her, she became aware of the tension building deep in her core.
The corpse pumping away at her was going to make her cum and she desperately craved to feel the release so badly. Her pussy was clutching him even tighter until it felt like her passage was stuck on his cock and she felt a harsh suction when he pulled back from her.
Such a sensation was so intense it made her mouth gape and had her eyelids fluttering over it.
She was a bitch in heat the way she was panting and was completely focused on the promise of an orgasm she craved for more than ever.
When she was so close to her peak, she noticed a strange heat moving up her neck and it was making the nerve endings along her spine flare wildly. It was such a strange sensation and the heat was pushing up into her head until she felt those little fireworks popping in her skull.
Then her mind was wracked with a brutal detonation of overwhelming pleasure that felt like it had come from the center of her brain. It was far too intense and her eyes rolled back until they were almost entirely white.
She had peaked so powerfully it made her groan in such a depraved tone she couldn't recognize it as her own voice. Her body had fared no better and was wracked with wild twitching spasms all down her back and over her arms and legs.
The zombie kept pumping his piston at her pussy while it hungrily gulped at his churning flesh and pulling her swollen lips along for the ride. The orgasm continued to spiral out of control like a rolling cascade of wild eruptions bursting from her core.
She had lost all control of her motor functions and could only imagine what she was experiencing was almost could pass for a seizure. Her eyes rolled around frantically under her shuddering eyelids and she gurgled in distress trying desperately to form words but was failing completely.
When she felt the intense heat rising up in her head she knew something terrible was happening to her. Then she started to pant frantically when the burning in her skull got so bad it felt like her brain was melting.
It was a terrifying experience and she frantically whimpered while wanting to clutch her skull from the sensation. Yet all she could do was twitch the tips of her fingers while her arms swing uselessly at her sides.
The sensation wouldn't stop and every time his cock rammed into her, a small part of her personality would vanish. Bit by bit, she could feel herself being erased until she could no longer think to care and all she felt was those wonderful tidal waves of pleasure.

Time had lost all meaning for Jenna while the zombie soldier she had unwittingly offered herself up to kept on mercilessly fucking her brains out. Her eyes were stuck half way rolled back her sockets and her limp pierced tongue hung from her mouth to lick the smooth glass surface.
One orgasm had bled into another until her pussy lips were swollen red and raw around the gray flesh pumping between them. If there was any pain for her to experience her face remained expressionless, just like the reanimated corpse fucking her.
She just gurgled and huffed breathlessly while drooling profusely from her sex induced stratification.There was so much of her saliva cascading out her mouth it was running down the glass to soak her tits and he was using her globes to wash the wall with her spit.
The undead test subject continued to batter away into her twitching hole while grunting heavily. With each powerful connection of his hard hips into bright crimson cheeks of her ass, they would deeply ripple.
Then after one particularly hard buck into her raw cunt, he went still and his cock started to throb in her core. The underside of his cock was obscenely bulged by a series massive lumps, so large her pussy resisted them for a moment until the first of many had squeezed inside.
She only moaned like a depraved slut when she felt the hard knot push inside her until she could keenly feel his heavily mutated sperm wriggling its way up inside her. Her pussy was contracting around it, pulling it in deeper until another was following behind it.
The virus had made them into massive tadpoles and one after another pushed past her battered cervix and into her fertile womb. She gasped from the sensation of each of those powerful swimmers slipping inside her uterus.
Still, more were coming and they wormed their way into her babymaker in a constant stream. She reached between her legs to push her lips apart with her fingers and to better feel those hard knots pushing into her opening.
Her pussy was still greedily sucking at his pulsing cock for more of those fat lumps and his hard flesh continued to throb in obligation. There was a loud internal gurgle coming from the bimbo’s insides when her uterus had become tightly packed with thrashing critters.
She was hyperventilating from the experience of feeling so many hard heads burrowing into the walls of her womb while they tried to knock her up. Her stomach was welling up with them, but she still wanted more inside her and reached to clutch his nuts to coax them out.
When his cock stilled they remained entangled, but he was no longer supporting her with his hands. She was slowly slipping down the smooth wall with a long groaning squeak, his cock still stuck in her hole.
She had slid down until the soft floor embraced her face and chest, but ass was still high in the air. Her lower body was hanging off his dick because her pussy refused to let it go.
Finally, there was a loud pop when his cockhead had uncorked from her opening and She collapsed onto the ground with a yelp of surprise. She was laying in a heap with a new weight low in her stomach. She immediately clutched the small lump he had made in her midsection under her navel and groaned in dismay.

What had happened to her felt so amazing while she held the swell of the inhuman gift he had left inside her. She shuddered from the feeling of countless little bumps pushing into her palms through her skin. She sat there stroking her stomach while she felt nothing but pleasure from the living things swimming inside.

The world felt was spinning around her like she was drunk from the sensation of those intense flutters in her midriff. Then she felt the feeling only getting more intense when her stomach began to swell against her hand.
She felt feverish and sweat was rolling down her face and soaking into her clothing while she writhed on the ground from the sensation. Then one by one those little critters stopped moving until she felt just heavy lump low in her midsection.
Her stomach was growing faster and she was panting from the sensation of such a rapid pregnancy. Her baby began to move and she groaned from the feeling of those strong limbs pushing at the walls of her womb.
Then those small pushes grew in power until the creature was harshly thrashing in her womb. She clutched her stomach and whined with dismay from the harsh shocks of pleasure when her child shoved around so violently.
She rolled onto her back and let out a weak groan of defeat and laid sprawled out to bask in the euphoria of being knocked up by a zombie.
Whatever it was inside her was punching against her compressing hands and her body groaned and gurgled in protest from his increasing size.
With a tilt of her head, she watched herself with half lidded eyes as her body swelled up ever larger until her midsection had completely lost its toned athletic form. The flesh of her stomach had turned a flushed pink from it being stretched out until it had a round shape.
She was fighting to remain conscious while being subjugated to the most intense discomfort when her pregnancy went beyond normal human limits. Her huge baby was tired of being stuck in her chamber and was pawing at her walls searching for a way out of her.
Then an orgasm detonated in her skull and a guttural moan trembled out her throat when her back arched high up when her entire body was wracked with uncontrollable spasms. Her stomach was compressing around the thing thrashing inside, trying to force it out of her body.
The creature pushed right back and warped the flesh of her stomach with its reaching limbs while she hyperventilated from the sensation. What little remained of her mind went haywire when she felt it prying her cervix open before thrusting its massive head into her birth canal.

Jenna was lost somewhere between reality and mental oblivion when her child forced its way through her passage. She convulsed with erratic twitching all over her body when the muscles holding her pussy together ripped to make way for the huge creature worming its way out of her body.
Then bone white spurs erupted from between the swollen red lips of her pussy and they were being shoved grotesquely wide apart by them. Her pelvis cracked to make way for the head forcing its way through her canal. At that point, she was so mentally gone there was no reaction to sound of her mutant baby breaking her body to squeeze out her opening.
There was a loud gush of fluids that surged into a thick pool between her legs darkening the concrete floor when it pulled free from its host. He spilled into a heap of bright crimson muscle before rising up on unsteady limbs until he was on all fours before letting forth a piercing shriek of his freedom.
Her pussy was a ragged cavern and her entrance sagged unevenly from the torn muscles no longer holding it together. Her child was crawling up between legs, his crimson hands sinking into the reddened deflated sac of her stomach
He had an eyeless face so his mouth took up much of its features and was filled with tightly packed and sharp looking teeth. Just above his maw sat his bulging exposed gray matter and the intelligent beast was crawling for her tits, hungry for sustenance to grow larger.
He could smell the promise of nourishment and moved atop her to feast on her chest. They had swollen into balloons of milk for him, their flesh was straining and her veins bulged under the skin.
He grabbed one of her taut melons and pulled at it bringing the fat leaking nipple to his mouth. He bit down around the dark ring capping her peak and crushed her soft meat between his teeth.
e drank from her with greedy slurps and pushed on the sides of her globe with his hands to force as much fluid from her ducts as he could get. The silent hallway was filled with the sounds of a monster nursing on her tit with loud gulps of her cream.
He wasted no time in draining her udders dry of their nourishment and his metabolism was putting her fatty milk to work making him larger and stronger in moments.
He left both her tits with two wide circles of bloody teeth marks close to her dark areolas before his head roamed between her legs. He didn't need to see to know the woman was completely used up to make him. If wanted to breed, it was going to have to be another female.

The mutant had moved on in search of new prey, leaving the zombie alone with Jenna laying there unconscious. All he understood was she had given birth and her hole was ready for more.
He stomped up to her and bent down to pick up the busty blonde up by the hair and threw her limp body over the desk. Then he mounted her from behind and was pushing at another tight hole. She resisted him for a moment but then he felt her heat surrounding his undead flesh.
Being a dead man meant his aim wasn't the best and he was ramming his dick up the fuck dolls asshole. A hole was a hole for him and he filled up her slimy bowels with his stiff prick while she limply bounced away from his dick.
With no swimmers left in his mutated sac to give her there was no reason for him to stop pounding into her ass. All through the night the zombie mercilessly fucked her guts while she slipped in and out of consciousness.


2017-05-24 02:17:35
I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, I love it.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-14 03:55:35
I wanna dick in my tight round ass.
Positive rating


2016-07-22 07:59:24
It would have helped if I didn't post the rough draft...

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-26 03:58:57
Except for every sentence missing at least six words that would have made this readable and understandable, its an okay story. Do a grammar check next time. Then you should be good.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-24 21:14:35
Wow gold man just gold! Do a follow up soon!

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