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Recovery and Forgiveness
Right from his birth the boy who would come to be known as Tutankhamun was given everything he desired. Which was unsurprising, given that he was the son of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. This ease at which he received anything he desired increased substantially upon becoming Pharaoh in his own right. But in the third year of his reign his potential for wish fulfilment took another trip upwards when in the sand one day he found a golden object decorated with rubies.

3 years later the king was very much enjoying his power, both political and magical. In his private chambers in his palace there was a large bathtub carved into the floor, filled with water that was impossibly pure, aside from various scented oils and the like which had been magically added for the benefit of the king. In the tub were four figures; Tutankhamun himself, and three girls his age. He was relaxed against the sides while one of the girls rode him reverse cowgirl, and the other two caressed and washed his tired body. He’d had a long day of Pharaohing, and this was the best way to unwind.

Tutankhamun groaned, and unleashed a full load into the girl. She moved off of him, and one of the others moved to take her place.
“No no, that’s enough for now,” said Tutankhamun, gesturing her off of him.
“As you command, oh Holy One,” she said. The three girls moved to sit with their almighty Pharaoh, caressing his body.
“What do you desire?” Asked the girl into whom he’d cum.
“I’m good like this,” he smiled.
“Your will be done,” said the 3rd girl.

It was often taught in their religion that the Pharaohs were the representatives, or perhaps even the embodiments of the Gods on Earth. Of course, aside from a few fanatics, this was mostly dismissed by the general populace as figurative at best. But not these girls. These girls had seen Tutankhamun’s power. They had seen him shoot fire from his hands. They had seen him command the weather. They had seen him grow to 20 feet tall. One girl who had doubted his power had been turned into a hippo in front of the entire harem. When she was changed back she’d been grovelling at the Pharoah’s feet.

Once a year, all girls who had since come of age were presented to Tutankhamun, and the ones who took his fancy were taken to live as part of his harem. While some objected to this, for many it was seen as a goal. It was well-known that the families of the girls were richly rewarded, while the girls got to live in luxury in the palace, so, on the day of selection, families would dress their daughters up to try and appeal to the Pharaoh. No-one knew what went on inside the Pharaoh’s harem, aside from sex. None of the girls were allowed to visit their families without permission, and one girl who was given such permission was banished from the kingdom along with her family after spilling the beans about Tutankhamun’s power.

That was what Tutankhamun liked about his harem. Whereas most people would have used a genie’s power to brainwash hordes of girls to fuck them, not one shred of mind control had been used on these girls. They were just faithful to their God.
“Master,” said Afericus, walking into the room. “You are required in the-”
“While I’m sure it’s very important whatever it is,” said Tutankhamun, interrupting his genie. “I need to reward these girls for their services to their God.”
“But Lord,” said one of the girls. “We need no reward. Just serving you is reward enough.”
“Are you questioning me?”
“No Lord, I just mean-”
“For questioning me, you shall not be rewarded.”
“I’m sorry Lord.”

Tutankhamun then turned to the other two girls.
“You will feel pleasure,” he said. “Pure pleasure. Every part of your bodies will be consumed by pleasure 100,000 times stronger than anything you’ve ever experienced. A million trillion orgasms every second for the next hour.” Tutankhamun then looked over at Afericus, who waved his hand. The two girls screamed out in pleasure, and backed up against the sides of the tub, writhing in ecstasy.
“You, meanwhile,” he continued, talking to the third girl. “Are to stay and watch them. Do not touch yourself, or attempt in any way to relieve yourself. Just watch and wish you had not dared to question me.”
“Yes my Lord,” she said. “I’m sorry, my Lord.”

Tutankhamun got out of the water, his oversized genitals dangling from his groin.
“Dress me,” he ordered, and his body was magically covered in a set of magnificent robes. The two of them left the girls to their pleasure. “So what is so urgent you felt the need to disturb my fun?”
“I humbly apologise, Master,” said Afericus. “But your royal sister bids you to see to an uprising in the east, and then she wishes to speak to you in private.”
“Is that it? Honestly, that girl needs to get her priorities right. Fucking peasant girls beats that any day. Although she’s never been the brightest girl I know. The poor girl can’t even make a baby properly.”
“Do you wish for me to inform her of your refusal to grant her requests?”
“Refusal? Oh no. I’m just going to go and see her and give a firm talking to. And then I’ll bang her, of course.”
“Very good, Master. Shall I remain with you throughout the proceedings?”
“No no, you’re dismissed for now. I’ll summon you if I need you.”
“As you wish, Master.”


Daniel woke up with some very strong morning wood. He could feel his rock-hard cock and balls rubbing against a very smooth and pleasant bottom. Meanwhile he could feel a set of soft boobs pressing into his back, and their owner’s arms wrapped around him.
“Dan! Dan!” Daniel could hear a knocking, and when he woke up a little bit more, he realised it was coming from his bedroom door.
“Daniel…” said the half-asleep Amélie in Daniel’s ear. “Go open the door…” Daniel wiggled out from between the girls, who moved to spoon one-another instead, and went to the door, not too fussed about his nudity. He opened the door, and saw Harry and Charlie standing there. Charlie wolf-whistled him.
“Nice battering ram you got there, Dan,” she said.
“What?” He asked, before realising he was naked with a full hard-on. “Oh…”

“Anyway Dan, Antonella said we should watch the news,” said Harry, he and Charlie walking right into the bedroom. Harry then noticed Amélie and Céline. “My my Dan, I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“I think you will find it is we who had Daniel inside of us,” said Céline. “In many parts of us.”
“Yeah yeah, anyway girls, we wanna talk to Daniel alone,” said Charlie.
“Charlie, don’t be rude,” Daniel said.
“Oh, so you are the Charlie who made Daniel orgasm so enthusiastically,” said Amélie.
“If you mean make him jizz nearly a pint every time, then yes, that was me,” said Charlie.
“And did you not wonder if perhaps his little body could not handle it?”
“Oh I’m sure you showed great consideration when you were riding him to within an inch of his life.”

“Girls, girls,” said Daniel. “Please don’t argue.”
“Hey don’t complain Dan,” said Harry. “Most guys would love three girls fighting over them.”
“Allons-y, Amélie,” said Céline. “Let her be a little bitch if she wants to.” The twins stood up, and kissed Daniel. “Don’t be a stranger.”
After the twins had left, the three teens sat down on the bed.
“So what’s this all about?” Asked Daniel.
“Antonella said the three of us should watch the news,” said Harry. “She said something big is going to happen.” Charlie turned the TV on, and switched to the BBC News Channel.
“It’s being reported that the United States Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, is being held hostage,” said the reporter. “Information is scarce, but we understand a group of terrorists is holding the Secretary General on the top floor of the United Nations Headquarters. The building has been evacuated, and no-one has been allowed near it. As far as we know, however, no demands have been made.”

The reporter looked over, and saw a car approaching.
“There appears to be a car approaching the building, being let through by the police,” he continued. “It’s not clear who is inside however.”

In the back of the car, Frank was sat with Asrah while a brainwashed driver took them to the entrance of the building. Asrah was holding on to a bag.
“Is the building still protected?” Frank asked.
“Yes Master,” Asrah replied. “The entire building has magical protection on it.”
“So we’re going in on foot then.”
“Assuming they let us in.”
“Oh they will. We were summoned here, remember?”

Frank and Asrah got out of the car, and saw the media in the distance trying to film them. They walked inside the building, and headed towards the lifts. They got inside, and pressed to go to the top floor, standing there in silence the whole time. The doors opened, and they walked to the room where they’d been told to meet. The walked in, and saw six people; Antonella, Mary, Adam, Christophe, Cressida, and Ban Ki-Moon, who was sat in a chair being held by invisible restraints.
“Mr Johnson,” said Antonella. “We meet at last.”
“Took the words right out of my mouth,” said Frank. “So you’re the leader of these little band of terrorists.”
“We’re not terrorists.”
“Oh I don’t know. You people enslave humanity and bend reality to your will. If you’re not terrorists, then you’re as bad as, if not worse than them.”
“Are you here to negotiate or just criticise us?” Asked Adam.
“Well I don’t see why I should negotiate when he’s the one who was stupid enough to allow himself to be captured.”
“You could have given him magical protection.”
“We wanted to, but he refused. Said he didn’t want that filth near him. So honestly, I see no reason why I should give a shit about that man.”
“Because we can do whatever we want to him.” Antonella then raised her hand, and began closing it into a fist. As she did, the Secretary General cried out as he felt his balls being squeezed by an invisible vice.

“You know all that’s doing is proving my point that you people are a bunch of troublemakers,” said Frank.
“Don’t you care what happens to him?” Asked Antonella. “We could create Hell and send him there forever.”
“Please Johnson, I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but please don’t let them do this to me!” Shouted Ban Ki-Moon. Frank just ignored him and looked at Cressida and Christophe.
“You know, I don’t have anything against you two,” he said to them. “If you wanted to leave your Masters, you’d be welcome.”
“You’re an evil man!” Shouted Cressida.
“Nonsense girl, I merely want to save humanity,” said Frank.
“Everyone, if we could please get back to business,” said Antonella. “You know why we called you here.”
“You want that boy’s lamp back.”
“Yes. And your genie over there.”
“If I give you them I’m condemning millions of people to their tyranny.”
“If you don’t you’re condemning this man to our tyranny,” said Antonella.
“One man for all of humanity. I’d consider it a good trade.”

Antonella increased the pain.
“Don’t you care about him!?” Antonella shouted.
“Not really,” replied Frank. “But I’m interested in how you’re doing that. Did your genie give you some powers?”
“That’s not what we’re discussing.”
“It’s just that minus the Secretary General over there, I count 5 of you. 2 humans, two genies, and you. What are you, exactly?”
“Are you going to give us what we want or not?”

Frank thought for a moment, and then smiled.
“Very well then. Asrah, if you please.” Asrah picked up the bag, and opened it, revealing Sarosa’s lamp. “One lamp, complete with all-powerful slave girl.”
“Cressida, test it,” said Adam.
“Yes Master.” The genie went over to the bag, and picked up the lamp, before immediately dropping it from the pain. “It is…genuine…Master.”
“I don’t know what hurts me more,” said Frank. “That you don’t trust me, or that you’d let that girl burn her hands just to test that mistrust.”
“I was happy to serve my Master,” said Cressida. Christophe then put on some gloves, and picked up Sarosa’s lamp.
“Now then, what about Asrah?” asked Antonella.
“Don’t push it,” said Frank.
“It may interest you to know that we have several hundred million people under our power,” said Antonella. “You will relinquish Asrah to us or these people will experience Hell.”

“And now it comes out. Torturing one man is bad enough, but you’re willing to make millions of people suffer to meet your ends. And you wonder why I want to eliminate your kind.”
“It’s your choice, Mr Johnson. We don’t want to hurt anyone, but we will if we have to.”
“Fine then. Take Asrah. Do treat her well.”
“Better than you ever would.”

Releasing Ban Ki-Moon as they walked, and Asrah holding her lamp with a pair of gloves, the 5 of them left and went to Antonella’s car, getting inside.
“Don’t be afraid, Asrah,” said Antonella. “We’ll treat you better than he did.”
“I am not afraid, Miss Antonella,” said Asrah. “But Master Frank treated me well. Better than one would expect.

Back at the house, Charlie, Daniel and Harry saw Antonella’s car arriving. They went downstairs to meet her, where a large crowd had gathered.
“Antonella, what is happening?” Asked Amélie.
“Who is that girl?” Asked another person in the crowd, pointing to Asrah.
“That’s not important, and please everyone, go back to what you were doing,” said Antonella, before looking at Harry. “I’ve got something for you.” Holding it with a pair of gloves, Antonella pulled out Sarosa’s lamp.
“Is that…” Harry said, and Antonella nodded. Harry took it from her, feeling its warmth in his hands, and he rubbed it. Clouds of dark-blue smoke began pouring out, which formed into Sarosa.
“Master!” She exclaimed, running to hug him. “What’s going on? Where are we?”
“Don’t worry Sarosa, I’m just glad I’ve got you back,” said Harry. “There’s a room in my mind. I wish for you to take us there.”
“Um, yes Master.”

Harry and Sarosa disappeared, leaving the others on their own.
“Alright everyone, I mean it,” said Antonella. “Nothing to see here.” The disappointed crowd dispersed, with only Charlie and Daniel remaining.
“Antonella, what happened?” Asked Daniel. “How did you get Sarosa back?”
“Both of you, we’ll explain everything later, but right now we have a lot to do,” said Antonella. “Please, just go off and enjoy yourselves for now.”


In his bedroom, Harry was in the process of suckling on Sarosa’s boobs. She was cradling him in her arms, like a mother held her child as she breastfed him. And that was exactly what was happening here, with warm, sumptuous milk flowing from Sarosa’s nipples and into Harry’s mouth. Harry sucked on her enthusiastically, enjoying his genie’s magically-enhanced taste, while she caressed his back. Eventually Harry stopped sucking, and he just allowed himself to be held in Sarosa’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“What for, Master?”
“For everything. For how I’ve always treated you. And everyone.”
“Master, you don’t need to apologise for how you use my magic. I am yours to command as you wish.”
“Sarosa, I used to slap you when you questioned me. You’d drop hints that I should make some wishes to help others, and I’d just laugh at you. I was arrogant, selfish, and basically a dick to everyone. I can’t believe you could be so dismissive.”
“Sarosa, please, tell me what you think of me. Honestly. I wish you would tell me exactly what you think about me.”

“…Very well Master, your wish is my command. I think you’re a perfectly normal person and what you have done with my powers is mostly the sort of things that one would naturally expect a human to do with near-omnipotence. Obviously there are things I think you could have done better. I think you should have wished up some things for your brother. I think you shouldn’t have forced that girl band to film a sex tape and put it on Pornhub.”
“I made sure it wouldn’t wreck their careers!” Harry protested. “Hell, I think it might have helped them out a bit.”
“It also completely embarrassed them. None of them could fathom what had compelled them to buy a bunch of 4K cameras and make a professional sex tape and post it online, complete with actors' commentary and hilarious outtakes. And what about those guys you turned into two Asian bimbos with tiny IQs? And just generally you’ve been pretty arrogant about your Masterhood. You basically thought of yourself as a God. I just wish you’d been a little more considerate of others.”

“You’re right, and I am sorry for it all. Can you forgive me?”
“I’m basically obliged to. I find it difficult to harbour any negative feelings towards my Master. But if you want to make it up to me you can start by explaining what happened after you sent me away, and where we are now.”
“They tricked me into a room where they chained me up and tried to suffocate and freeze me to death.”
“Oh my God, you poor thing…” Sarosa said, holding him closer.
“Yeah. I was sure I was going to die but then Dan and Charlie managed to trick them into letting me go. So we came here to some place in America. That Antonella lady said it’s some sort of genie sanctuary. Where Masters and genies can freely socialise with one-another.”
“That sounds like a good idea. I’ve never had a lot of opportunities to spend much time with my own kind.”
“Yeah. So if you want to go and explore, I won’t stop you.”
“Why would I do that when my Master needs cuddles?” Sarosa kissed Harry lovingly on his lips.
“Sarosa, please don’t just stay here for me,” said Harry. “Go and enjoy yourself.”
“Master, the best way for me to enjoy myself is by making you happy,” said Sarosa, kissing him again. “So unless you order me not to, I’m going to spend the rest of the day cheering you up.”

Sarosa rolled Harry onto his back, and pinned him down, kissing him passionately but gently. She licked his lips, and rubbed his tummy, causing Harry to shudder. She always knew exactly what to do to him, and he could feel his body relaxing already.
“Do you like that, Master?” she asked him, and he just whimpered and nodded. “Do you wish for me to make you feel good?” Another nod. “Then your wish is my command.”

Often when he made that wish, Sarosa simply gave him a full-body orgasm and left him to writhe in ecstasy for a few hours while she went off to do something else, but this time, she was going to give him every bit of attention possible. She slid her tongue into Harry’s mouth, licking every bit of it with a sensuality only a genie was capable of. With one hand she continued rubbing Harry’s chest, and with the other she grabbed hold of his dick and began stroking it. With a thought, his foreskin was pulled back, and Sarosa rubbed her thumb along the tip of Harry’s penis, causing him to whimper.
“Uh God…Sarosa…” he moaned. Harry had long ago wished for increased sensitivity in all his erogenous zones, which meant that while he was now capable of pleasure beyond normal limits, even small amounts of stimulation like this felt almost painfully good. And Sarosa knew this. 7 months with Harry had taught her exactly where to touch him to garner which reactions. This, combined with millennia of experience, meant that Sarosa could keep Harry on edge for hours if she wanted to. Harry may have been the Master, but right now, Sarosa was in charge.

She didn’t want to drag things out though. She wanted to get him off, so she could move on to other things. While she continued rubbing his tip, she grabbed hold of his length with her other hand and began wanking it hard. Harry grabbed hold of the bedsheets, and groaned and grunted as Sarosa continued with what could be described as “one hell of a handjob”.
“That’s it Master. Feel it. Feel the pleasure. It’s all for you. All for you Master,” Sarosa said.
“Oh God Sarosa. I’m gonna…I’m gonna explode…”
“Do it Master. Cum for me.” Sarosa kissed Harry passionately, and he cried out in pleasure as his cock blasted out enormous quantities of cum onto Sarosa’s boobs and tummy. Even 7 months on, Harry was always shocked by how good it the orgasms felt that Sarosa gave him. When he finally calmed down, Sarosa let go of him, and Harry looked at her. Her entire front was covered in his semen.
“Oh my God…that was…Oh God…” Harry panted.
“Did you enjoy that, Master?”
“Oh my God…” Sarosa just smiled.
“I’ll take that as a yes. But you know, I don’t think I’ve quite granted your wish thoroughly enough. You wished for me to make you feel good, so I’m gonna make you feel REALLY good.”

Before Harry had a chance to object, he let out a cry as he felt Sarosa take his entire cock in her mouth. He could feel the tip of his penis rubbing against her tonsils, and they seemed to wriggle around and contract, as though they themselves were trying to pleasure him. Sarosa started humming various tunes, sending a series of erotic vibrations running down his length. As she did this, she tickled Harry’s balls, and he continued moaning.
“Oh God Sarosa, just suck it!” Harry ordered.
“Your wish is my command,” Sarosa said, her words being muffled by Harry’s cock. She then began bobbing her head up and down vigorously, making sure that every time she brought the tip out to her lips, before ramming it back in all the way. While she was doing this, her tongue ran along his length, licking every millimetre of his penis, as well as his balls.
“Oh God, I….AhhhhhHhhHHHhHhhhHHh…” Harry groaned, having his second orgasm in as many minutes, his load in no way diminished by this. When it was done, Sarosa kissed Harry passionately, before swallowing every drop of his spunk.
“As delicious as ever, Master.”
“Bend over, I wanna plough you.”
“Mmm, with pleasure, Master,” Sarosa grinned.

Sarosa turned around and got on all-fours, wiggling her magical bottom in her Master’s direction. Harry got up on his knees, grabbed hold of Sarosa’s bottom, and rammed himself inside her pussy.
“Oh yes!” Sarosa shouted rather overdramatically. “Give it to me Master! Use me for your pleasure!” Harry didn’t need any encouragement, fucking his girlfriend/genie like his life depended on it. Gone was the fear and sadness of the past few days, and back was the joy at his magical sex life. Harry had fucked many human vaginas over the past few months, but none could quite compare to the vagina belonging to this genie. He wondered if all genies had such perfect genitals, or if it was just Sarosa. Maybe he could find another genie here he could fuck. Maybe he could get Charlie to let him have sex with Afericus.
Harry had yet another orgasm, flooding Sarosa’s pussy with semen. When it was over, his body went limp, and he fell backwards out of her in exhaustion. Sarosa turned around and stroked his tummy as he drifted off.
“That’s it Master, rest…” she said, kissing him softly as he fell asleep.


In order to allow Asrah to feel more comfortable, it was decided to allow her to spend some time alone with her own kind. To this end, she was with Christophe and Cressida in Antonella’s private living room.
“There we go,” said Cressida. “We’re all alone now. No humans to tell us what to do.”
“That is a rather strange way to look at it,” said Asrah.
“What do you mean?” Asked Christophe.
“Well we are genies. Obeying humans is our purpose for existence.”
“Well yes, but it is always nice to get away from them from time to time,” said Cressida. “And I bet it’s nice to be away from that evil Master hunter.”
“Master Frank was kind to me,” said Asrah. “I did not agree with his goals, but he has shown me nothing but kindness.”
“Why don’t you tell us all about it?” Asked Christophe.
“I…I cannot. Master Frank would be mad with me.”
“Well he’s not here, is he?”

Asrah stayed silent.
“Well…how about you at least tell us how you came to be serving Frank?” Asked Cressida.
“Well…the first thing I knew was my lamp being rubbed and I emerged facing my Master in a strange room. I heard a voice giving him orders, and then he said “I wish for you to obey the UN Council for Supernatural Affairs as though each and every one of them were your Master. Their word is law. From this point on, I wish for you to not obey anything I say. My wishes from here on out are not valid.” I was confused, but I did it. And then Master Frank came in, and said I was to obey him. He said “I wish for you to create a small pocket dimension, with all the air and gravity needed to support human life. I wish for you to teleport this man there, but first, I wish for you to remove all this man's ability to think. Remove all bodily functions and requirements. He should be brain dead; kept alive only by your magic, and unable to understand or even think about his situation.”
“Oh my God,” said Cressida.
“I see now why he made those wishes. He wanted his whole group to be able to command me equally. And also for them to give themselves immortality.”

After she said this, Antonella, Mary and Adam walked in.
“I like the sound of that,” Antonella said.
“Miss Antonella?” Asked Asrah.
“It’s just that I think I’ve seen a solution here,” she said. “You say that Frank isn’t actually your Master, this other man is?”
“Yes Miss Antonella.”
“Well I was just thinking…you could stop Frank and his group.”
“What do you mean?”

“Well Frank isn’t your Master.”
“But I must obey him as my Master.”
“Yes, but it means he doesn’t have the same restrictions on him that a Master should. Like how he could give himself immortality.”
“Yes, but I’m sorry, I do not see your point.”
“Under normal circumstances a genie cannot use magic on their Master without permission. Except Frank is not your Master. So he is not immune to your magic.”
“I…suppose so.”
“So you could free yourself from his control. Just kill him.”
“Miss Antonella, it is not as easy as that. I am forbidden from using any magic without permission. Nor may I enter my lamp.”
“I see…well that does complicate things.”

“I’ve got an idea,” said Mary. “Asrah, you said you sent your Master to another dimension, correct?”
“Yes Miss Mary.”
“Well then that settles it. One of us goes over there, and euthanises him. That will release all control Frank has over her.”
“Will it work?” Asked Adam. “I mean, there’s no protection on the place, is there? And will it even be possible to kill him?”
“No protection, and while my Master no longer needs food or other such basics, he would not survive the physical destruction of his body.”
“Perfect,” said Antonella. “Well then, looks like I’ve got a job to do.”
“Are you sure about this, Antonella?” Asked Adam.
“It’s the only way.”

Antonella focused, and she was instantly in a small room. The room was completely empty and featureless, aside from a plain chair with a man sat on it. The man was completely unconscious, and didn’t react at all to Antonella.
“I’m sorry for this,” she said. Antonella then raised her hands, and shot beams of energy from them. The man was obliterated, leaving no trace. Her job done, Antonella returned to her house.
“I can feel it,” said Asrah. “My Master is dead.”
“I’m sorry, it had to be done,” said Antonella.
“I understand,” said Asrah. She then looked over at her lamp, which was sat on the table. “I can feel it. The pull of my lamp.”

The group watched as Asrah turned into clouds of light-pink smoke, which were then sucked back into her lamp. Mary picked up the lamp, and offered it to Antonella.
“No!” She shouted, stepping back quickly. “You know that thing could kill me.”
“Sorry, sorry.”
“Send for those 3 we brought in before.”

Daniel, Harry and Charlie were brought into the room, Harry having to be woken up beforehand.
“What’s this about?” Asked Charlie. Adam then picked up the lamp, and offered it to Daniel.
“Me?” He asked.
“We need this genie,” said Antonella. “And you’re the only unbonded human we trust.”
“Do it Dan,” said Charlie. “Having a genie’s great.”
“Well…” Daniel said. It would be nice, he thought. Plus it would mean Charlie and Harry couldn’t push him around anymore. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Good,” said Antonella. Daniel took the lamp, and, nervously, he rubbed it. The cold metal began to warm up in his hands, and Asrah emerged in clouds of light-pink smoke.

“Miss Antonella?” She asked. “What is going on?” She then saw Daniel, and bowed her head. “Master! How may I serve you?”
“You can enjoy your genie soon, Daniel,” said Antonella. “For now, we need you to make some wishes for us.”
“What kind?”
“We need you to eliminate Frank and his organisation.”
“Miss Antonella, I’m afraid that is unlikely to work,” Asrah interrupted.
“Although Sir Harry was rescued successfully, they have been able to kill several other Masters and take their lamps. It is likely he will have now taken one of them and replaced me.”
“But how would he have known to do that?” Asked Antonella.

“I…I’m sorry, Miss Antonella. I had no choice.”
“About what?”
“Master Frank would not have allowed me to go unless it benefitted him. He gave me to you so that I could spy on you. Until you killed my Master, I was relaying everything to him. He knew right away what you intended.”
“Oh my God.”
“I’m sorry, but he will have protected everything by now.”

Author's Message: As I write this this story has been in moderation for two and a half weeks. The moderation on this site is a fucking shambles.

In hindsight the Tutankhamun scene at the start was a little bit pointless, but I didn't realise that until after it was written. But hey, it means a 5300-word chapter with 2 sex scenes in it.

I'd write more now but frankly by this point I've forgotten most stuff about this chapter. Chapter 8 is in progress and will likely be finished in the next few days.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-28 05:40:38
Please stop with the gay stuff. It doesn't offend me or anything, but it's a serious mood killer. There's plenty of PROPERLY TAGGED content for those who want to read such things.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-12 19:43:18
Please don't apologize for Tutankhamun section. Variety is nice.


2016-07-20 15:09:49
Chapter 8 is up. Chapter 9 will be finished tonight HOPEFULLY.


2016-07-19 21:51:16
Chapter 9 WILL be finished tomorrow. He says worried about making promises like that. I'd finis hit now but I've lost all motivation because of his heat. (I have written loads tonight)


2016-07-19 20:13:29
I submitted it to the moderators on the 29th of June and it's been in the queue ever since. If you'd like to read it now, it's up on

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