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Mike's continued story of love with a new woman and then also finding out about family secrets
My life had been a complete bore these last two years, since my wife died. Here I am, a 50 year old man, who works way too much, lives alone, and has not had a need to date. It’s not that I miss companionship, but the thought of finding someone to date, seems to be monumental at my age.

After spending 27 years with my one true love, and raising our 26 year old daughter, it just doesn’t seem right to place that all behind me and find someone new to write a new chapter with. My daughter says I really should start looking for someone to share life with, now that she has moved out, and living her life.

My name is Mike, and as I said, 50 years old, 5’ 10, 175 pounds, brown hair, with a touch of gray on the sides. I bike daily, just to stay in shape, except the winter time, where I use the treadmill in the basement. I own my own accounting business and have been pretty successful, employing 3 others in the office.

A few months ago, my daughter Kylie’s best friend Katrina, got married. Katrina is a beautiful young woman, just as my daughter is. She is 5’6, maybe 120 pounds, and just a gorgeous young person, inside and out. I really did not care for her pick in a husband. He just seemed lazy to me, and no shock here, her dad felt the same, but gave his blessing anyways.

Kylie was her maid of honor, which also, was no surprise there. Both girls are brown hair, shoulder length, and my daughter is also 5’6 and weighs about the same, except, she is a C cup breast, where Katrina is maybe B cup. They both looked gorgeous that day, and I was so proud of them both.

At this wedding, I was introduced to Katrina’s dad’s cousin Janna (Yaw na is how you would say it). Janna is blond, 5’2, 125 pounds, gorgeous blue eyes, and easy 36D breasts. We are now dating each other exclusively, and falling in love with each other.

After the wild Sunday we spent with her friend Svelty, and then my daughter Kylie, life has not been the same. Granted, when my wife was still alive, we did swing, and I am very open minded, but playing with your daughter there, made things a bit weird for me, but I over came it, and truthfully, enjoyed it a great deal.

Janna and I started seeing each other almost every night. If she wasn’t here, at my house, I would go there to hers, and got into a nice little routine that always ended with love making. Usually ever 2nd or third evening, we would shave each other, because we both liked the clean shaven look and feel. It always ended with some of the hottest sex too. She is definitely a spitfire in bed.

Although I have not had trouble with getting it up, I talked with a doctor friend of mine, whom I play golf with quite a bit, and told him about my life now. He laughed and said, oh man Mike, she may kill you by the time you are 60. When we finished up with our round, he said to come to his car. Once there, he pulled out a prescription pad and wrote me a script for Cialis. He said, you may need this sometime soon.

One night, we were watching TV and Janna said, let’s watch this movie I got. So she popped it in, and it was a porno. I looked at her and said, wow hun, I didn’t think you would enjoy these. She laughed and said, oh Mikael, so much to learn about me, and yes, I get turned on in a very big way by them.

Not that there is a plot line to this, but it was a rather tasteful one to start. It involved three couples, who decided to explore all aspects of sex. The girls ate each other, and the men even sucked each other off. As they showed that, Janna would moan some, and the whole time, her hand was lightly stroking my cock. I asked, does that turn you on seeing that. She looked into my eyes and said, yes baby, it does.

Since we have been lovers for a while, and have now said those three precious words to one another, I figured it was time to asked what she likes and dislikes sexually. So I asked, “what else turns you on?” She moaned and said, almost anything sexually, except kissy stuff, and potty, and, I don’t believe in that Dom Sub stuff.

I asked for her to be more specific. So she turned on the couch, sat indian style, and faced me. When she did that, I sat the same way and kissed her on the lips, then said, ok, tell me, because I want to make any fantasy you have come true.

She giggled and said, well you know I enjoy a woman, and love when you watch me doing that. I also get turned on when you are with another woman, either eating her or fucking her. It is because I know what she is feeling then, and it is oh so good. There is a few things I want to do though.

Like?, I asked. I want to be fucked as I watch you fucking his woman. I also want to eat a woman with you, where we both enjoy her juices together, and I also want to suck a deek (meaning dick, but with her accent, it comes out deek), with you helping me. I raised my eyebrow at that one. I am not homophobic, but never thought about sucking another guy. Could I? I really don’t know, but for her, I would try it.

But, she said, one fantasy I have, is to watch you and Kylie do it. I love that girl, and want to see her make love to her father, then make love to you afterwards. I looked at her, and she was quite serious. I said, oh god babe, I don’t know if I could ever do that. She said Mikael, you love her right? I said, of course I do. She said, how could making love to her, not be the most special thing you two can do? I was a bit shocked at this. I mean, yes, Kylie did suck me for a few minutes that day by the pool, but to actually fuck her, I don’t know.

Janna said, trust me Mikael, she wants to make love to you, and has for years, she told me this a few times. She thinks you are the sexiest man on earth, and well, so do I. She looked at me, and could see the puzzlement on my face.

She said, what I am about to tell you, no one else knows. I said, ok, your secret is safe with me. She said she knew that, but is afraid that I would not want her anymore. I said hardly lady. She said that when she was 17, before she met her husband, she lived at home with her dad and mom, and older brother. She said that her mom was confined to a wheelchair because of arthritis and could not take care of her dad’s needs. So she took her place, after her mom asked her too.

Janna said it was easy for her because she loved her father dearly, and she knew he loved her too, so why not take care of his needs, and hers too. They were lovers for over two years, until she met her husband, and once she did, her father said that I was to share that with him now.

She sat silent for a minute, then asked, “do you think badly of me now?” I said of course not, I just never looked at it that way. She smiled and said, oh Mikael, I do love you. I told her I loved her too. She then asked what fantasies I have. This whole time, the movie is still playing, with lots of grunting and groaning, and all three couple now fucking. Janna looked at the TV and said, mmmmmmm, now that is hot to see.

I told her that I would love to watch her with another man, being fucked hard and her enjoying every moment of it. I said I would also like to do anal with her, and also do DP. Janna asked what DP was, and I said, where you have a cock in your pussy and one in your ass. She pondered that for a moment and said, that might be fun, but you will need to work on my ass for a bit, so I can get used to that again, it had been years since I have enjoyed anal.

I also said I would love to make love to her in some public place, like a park, or a place like that. She giggled and said, oooohhhh, I like that thought. While she spoke, her hand was running up and down my cock now. Then she said, how about this, Kylie eating me, and you behind her, slipping your cock in and out of her, so I can watch your face and all the pleasure it would bring us three. I have to admit, I was turned on by that. She said, oh Mike, your cock got harder when I said that. So you would like that yes? I moaned out, yesssssssss baby.

I then pushed her back so she was lying on the couch. I spread her legs as far as I could, and slipped my cock inside her. Once inside her, she yelled out, oh god yes, fuck me baby, fuck me good. As we fucked, she would say, oh baby, think of Kylie hot tight pussy wrapped around your big cock, as you fuck her, like you are doing me. I was so turned on then, and started pumping hard in her, to where you could her my balls slapping against her ass.

It did not take long for Janna to cum, and she let out a loud groan and then said, oh fuck, I am cumming baby, give me your cum now. I was right behind her, and started cumming, but, I pulled out and started pumping strings of cum all over her pussy, stomach and tits. When the cum hit her tits, Janna started rubbing it in, and was still convulsing from her orgasm.

I then started to lick my cum up from her pussy and belly, then crawled up on her and kissed her deeply, as my cock slipped back inside its safe haven. After kissing and calming down, she said, oh wow, now this was fun sex, but, let’s get in bed now and make love.

So we turned off the TV and lights, and padded to the bedroom, where she had me lay down, and she took my cock in her mouth, just to keep me somewhat hard. Then she mounted me, and we slowly made love. There was no dirty talk, just moans of pleasure, and for the next ten minutes or so, we made love and finally came together.

The rest of the week went normal, with plenty of love making, even if it was just holding each other, and not doing the sex. At work, all I could think of was Janna, and how she made me happy, and I when we were apart, it hurt.

That Sunday, I made my way out to the cemetery. I had left Janna’s early, so I could make this trek, which is something I used to do on almost a weekly basis, but of late, cut back going because I thought I was cheating on Joanna. As I stood at her gravesite, I told her I met someone special and was going to move on with my life, but I would never forget her, or the wonderful years we spent together. Joanna told me before she died, she wanted me to find someone to spend life with, and not mourn her for too long.

Later that day, Janna came over, and I explained where I went and why. She completely understood, since she had down that some time ago as well. She said one has to make peace with a loved one, to move on. I was a little down that evening, and Janna said she was going to give me space, and I said no, she should stay, but she said, you need to be alone with your thoughts tonight, but I will see you tomorrow.

I went to her house that Monday, after work, and told her how much I missed her being with me. She said she missed me as well, and then led me to bed and made love to me. We then went to the kitchen to eat, where she informed me that she was asked to help on the arranging of the summer festival her church organizes every year. She said she had to be at meeting the next two nights, and could I survive without her. I said I would try, but it would be hard. She giggled and said, oh, I like it hard. I said, yesi see that, and enjoy that you do.

The next few nights we talked by phone, but that was it. Thursday night, she came over, and had her overnight bag with her, so I knew then she was staying. At dinner, I gave her a gift box, that had a red bow on it. She asked what this is for? I said open it. She did, and then looked puzzled. I said, I think it has been long enough of us spending nights at one house or the other and now I feel it is time, you moved in with me, if you’ll have me. In the box was a key and garage door opener for her.

Tears formed, and started running down her cheeks. I was afraid I moved to fast for her, and thought she may leave. We had only been together four months now, but I knew in my heart, she was the one. She finally looked up at me, and said, are you absolutely sure? I said yes. I made peace with myself, and I know there is not another woman I would want to spend it with, than you.

She got up, came over to me, sat in my lap and said, yes, I will move in with you and love you forever my love. I said to her, great, and one day, I will put a ring on your finger and make this legal too. She stood then, lifter her summer dress over her head, exposing her naked body to me, and said, please, take me to bed and make love to me. How could I resist this opportunity. I stood, stripped from my shirt and shorts, and we raced to the bed.

We made love for the next two hours, nothing outrageous, just simple, passionate filled love making, with both of us orgasming twice. After our second orgasm, and while she was still riding my cock, she asked, what shall we do with my house? I said, damn, I really didn’t think about it. How about we rent it to someone, someone we know that needs a bigger space. She laughed and said, great idea.

She then called her boss and told her she had to take care of things tomorrow and could she have the day off. Her boss must have said yes, because she smiled and said, I will see you next week then. Janna said she was off now and would start bringing clothes and such tomorrow.

The last couple of nights, while she was at her meetings, I had cleared out Joanna’s closet and big dresser. I packed the stuff up and p lace them in the basement, so Kylie could go through them and take whatever she wanted, then I would donate the rest.

After we uncoupled, I showed her the big walk in closet that she would have, and then the bathroom area that was hers. She even would have a sitting area for make up and such. She was excited, to say the least. As we stood in the bathroom, she hopped up on the counter and said, mmmmmmm lover, we could make love right here too. She spread her legs and I walked in between them. My cock was now half hard, but I grabbed it and ran it up and down her wet slit. I said, mmmmm, perfect height. She cooed, oh yes, it is, but not now lover.

We went back to the bed and I said, why don’t we bring your bedroom suite over and put mine at your place, then you have something of yours, in this house. She has a California King size four poster bed. And she has two dressers, where I have only one. She loved the idea, so we said we’d do that this weekend.

Then I reached for my phone, and we called Kylie. When Kylie picked up, I told her she was on speaker with me and Janna. She said, oh, ok dad. I said Kitten, I asked Janna to move in with me and she accepted. I think I could have heard the squeal without the phone. Kylie said, oh dad, that is great and I am so happy for you both. Then she wanted to talk with Janna privately. So I took it off of speaker and let them talk.

I left the room and came back like twenty minutes later, and Janna was still on the phone. I looked at her puzzled, like really? She said she was talking to Svelty now, and relayed her congrats to me for picking such a good woman. She finished up with Svelty and I said come on, let’s finish dinner, I reheated it.

Later, when we went to bed, she wanted to spoon with me, and for me to fall asleep inside her. I readily agreed, since I wasn’t sure if I could cum again that night. The next morning, I awoke from the alarm, and started to kiss her nipples, to excite her enough to make love that morning. She stirred and said, oh lover, let’s save it for tonight, which is going to be quite erotic. So I got out of bed and showered, dressed, and then kissed her sleeping head and left for work.

All day my mind was on what we were going to do tonight, that would be erotic. We texted back and forth throughout the day, just seeing how each other was. It was almost 5pm when I decided it was time to leave, and before I went, I decided to pop a Cialis, just in case. I wanted to make sure I could handle anything she wanted to do tonight. Boy was I in for a surprise tonight.

When I pulled in the garage, Janna’s car was in there, so that was good, she must have gotten her stuff that she wanted or needed. I had arranged to have this local moving guys come tomorrow morning to take my bedroom furniture and take it to Janna’s and bring hers back.

I came into the kitchen and saw an empty wine bottle on the sink. I thought, well. Someone is enjoying herself. I got a beer and opened it and took a swig. Then I heard Janna moan out. I thought to myself, hmmmm starting without me. So I stripped out of my clothes and threw them onto the couch and started walking to the bedroom.

The door was partially closed, so I peaked in and saw Janna, on all fours, with her head between someone’s legs. I opened the door a little more and saw it was Kylie. Fuck, I thought. Should I go in or just stay out here until they finish. I decided to watch for a bit and opened the door a little more. Not only was Janna eating Kylie, Kylie was wearing a flesh colored strap-on, and Janna would also lick or suck it too.

I was instantly hard, even though I knew this was wrong to spy on them like this, let alone have lustful thoughts of Kylie. The Kylie caught my eye and looked right at me. She smiled and motioned for me to come in. I stepped in and came to the bed. Janna stopped and looked at me. She smiled and said, oh lover, I told you tonight would be erotic. I sat on the bed next to them, then watched as Janna licked my Kylie shaved pussy. God, she did look so sexy like this.

Kylie hand started rubbing my arm, so I looked at her and smiled and said, I love you Kitten. Then, and I don’t know what processed me, but I leaned over and grabbed the fake cock, and licked it. Kylie moaned out, oh fuck dad, suck it please, and I did. I started going up and down on it and Kylie said to Janna, Janna, look at this, this is so awesome. Janna then left her pussy and started licking the side of it, and then we both took turns on sucking. Her lips met mine at the top and we kissed. I could taste Kylie juices all over her mouth. Janna said she is so fucking turned on right now.

I repositioned myself, and spread Kylies legs farther apart, and went down on my daughter, along with Janna. We took turns licking her wet slit, and sucking her clit. Kylie was thrashing all over the place. We knew she was close to cumming because she kept yelling out, yes, right there suck my cunt. Then she arched her back and let loose a big stream of cum. It soaked more of Janna’s face than mine, but I was lapping up any I could get.

Then Janna unhooked the strap and the fake cock fell to the side. Now I could see Kylie’s young pussy in all it’s glory. Janna kneeled next to me and said, make love to her. I was too far gone to object now, and I positioned myself between her legs. Janna grabbed my cock and guided it to her waiting gash.

Once I was inside her, her legs wrapped around my back, and her arms around my neck. She whispered in my ear, oh daddy, I have waited so long for this, I love you so much. I was speechless now and all I could think about was making love to this beautiful creature beneath me. As we fucked, Janna was playing with my balls and ass, then would lick us as we fucked.

Janna inserted her finger in Kylie’s ass, and Kylie moaned out, oh fuck yesssssssssssss. A minute later, Kylie had another squirting orgasm. I wasn’t even close to cumming yet, but I rested as she started coming down from her joy. She released her hold of me and said she needed a rest. So I got off of her and rolled to my back.

When I did, Janna straddled me and sunk down on my cock. She leaned down and said, lover, you two looked so perfect together, and this has made me want you more than ever. Fuck me Mikael, make me yours. She started grinding on me and then pumping up and down on me like a piston. She too, didn’t last long and started cumming, and cum hard. I am pretty sure the neighbors could hear her, even though my neighbors are far away from me.

Janna rolled off to the other side of me, and both girls curled into my arms. I asked when did you two start today. Kylie giggled and said about an hour before you got home. We wanted to make sure we got some girl time in. I said you two are so bad, and Janna laughed and said, no, just two very horny women that adore you and want to please you.

I suggested we go to eat, instead of cooking in. The girls both said that they weren’t done yet. I said, we can resume after dinner. They agreed to that, plus I needed a breather, even though I didn’t cum yet. Kylie said that we are family now, and families that play together stay together. She then said, Janna, welcome to my family and I love you. Janna said she loves us both so much. I asked where Tomas was. Kylie said he has to work tonight, so I will probably be spending the night here. I am thinking, oh Christ, I will be dead by morning.

At dinner, Kylie said she has some news too. I said, ok Kitten, what’s your news. She said dad, Tomas and I are going to move in together too. Before I said anything, she goes on, dad, I love him and I know he loves me and is truly the one. I said, well Kitten, you know what you want in life and all I want is your happiness.

Janna said, welcome to the family my little love bird. Then Janna asked where they were going to live, which place. Kylie said they were looking for an apartment, because both theirs, are too small. Janna said, oh my, I have perfect solution. Move into my house. We talked already about renting it, but you kids can have it, rent free. You pay utilities and such, but no rent. Janna looked at me and said, is that ok with you? I said, dear, it is your place to with what you want. For once, Kylie was speechless.

When we got home, I suggested a swim, since it was quite warm out. So we all got naked again and went for a swim. Janna and Kylie locked in a passionate kiss, which was quite sexy to look at. I swam up to them and placed my arms around them both and told them I loved them so much. Kylie then asked if we could all get together tomorrow for a cookout. I said, sure, why not. Janna goes, that sounds great. Let me go make one call.

She got out of the pool and grabbed her phone. Kylie swam into my arms, wrapped her legs around me and kissed me, not a father daughter kiss, but one with passion, and tongue searching. She broke the kiss and said that what we did earlier was magic to her. She has wanted me for so long. Then she shocked me and said that mom knew this too. I said, really? She said yes. Dad, don’t be shocked, but mom and I were lovers too, with Katrina at times, and mom so wanted the three of us to be lovers together, but didn’t know how to approach it.

I said, well, she never said a word to me, but, after today, I wish she would have. I asked her if she was good with Janna and me. She said oh Christ dad, I have been hoping for that all these months. I said, well, I am truly in love with her and want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I need to know you are ok with it. She giggled and said, more than ok.

Then she grabbed my cock and said, you think you are up for some more fun? I said, Kitten, I need some more fun. She said good, because we all made love before, now were going to fuck like wild animals, and this time, you better cum a few times. I laughed and told her about the Cialis. She laughed too and said, damn, maybe I need to give Tomas some of that, so I can fuck him all night. I shook my head, and she said what? I said you are your mothers daughter, that’s for sure.

We were walking away from the pool when Janna came back out. She saw that I was hard and said, mmmmmmmm, looks like someone needs some attention. I chuckled and said, maybe, think you are up for it? Janna said oh dear, I need a good hard pounding right about now.

The rest of the night was spent in bed. The girls went one on one at first, until I stuck my cock in Janna, while they were in a 69 position. A couple of times, Kylie pulled my cock out and sucked it, then put it back in Janna. I am not sure how Janna could concentrate on her pussy, but she did, and made Kylie cum hard again. But not squirt.

Then both girls took turns riding me. Kylie first, with Janna sitting on my face as I fucked Kylie. This lasted for about ten minutes until I had to finally cum. I told Kylie I was going to cum and she shouted, fill me Mike, cum deep inside me. Janna started cumming first, then I did, deep in Kylie hot box. Then Kylie came for who knows how many times today.

Both ladies fell off of me and into each others arms. Then Janna, went down and started licking my cum from Kylie. Kylie was still shuddering from her last cum, but as Janna ate her, she came again. Janna then went up to Kylie’s face and shared the cum in a kiss. As I watched, I was stroking my cock, trying like hell to keep it hard. After their cum kiss, Janna came over and straddled me. She asked, oh sweetie, is that for me? I said, it is always for you love.

She wasted no time in impaling herself on my shaft. She fucked me hard for a good ten minutes, but then I rolled her over, placed her legs on my shoulders, and drove in hard. She groaned out, fuck yes, fuck me good Mikael. I pounded her for a few minutes, and she started cumming. As her body convulsed, I could feel my balls swelling up and ready to release another load.

I yelled out, fuck baby, her I cum. I shot rope after creamy rope inside her hot cunt. After the last of my cum left my body, I collapsed on top of her. We were both drenched in sweat, but neither of us cared. We were spent. Kylie had gone and gotten us water, and we all sat on the bed, dead tired.

Kylie said she was going to go to bed. Janna asked where she was going, and Kylie said to my room. Janna said no, tonight, sleep with us please. Kylie kissed her and then me and then curled up beside Janna. Janna in turn curled up to me and I turned off the light and went right to sleep.

The next morning, Janna was up first, it was after 7am. I laid there and watched her walk towards the bathroom, god I love watching that ass. She came back out a few minutes later, still naked and saw me awake now. She kneeled next to me and said, “I am going to my house to pack up whatever can, and have it ready for when those guys come with this bed”. I said, “sounds like a good plan to me, and I will ride over when they get this furniture”.

Through it all, Kylie never stirred; even when Janna threw the sheet, covering me, back and then grabbed my half erect cock and gave it a nice kiss, then sucked it in to her mouth. I moaned a bit, but then she lifted from me and said she better get going. I said to her, “you tease”. She laughed and said she would finish me later, dressed and left.

I laid there for a bit, and felt Kylie move towards me. She opened her eyes and said “good morning Daddy”. I said, “good morning Kitten”. Her hand went right for my cock, as she threw the sheet off of her, exposing her nakedness to me. I know it was wrong to look at her this way, but she was an extremely sexy woman, and had many of her mother’s attributes.

She started stroking me, and asked where Janna was. I told her what she was going to do, and said we had to do the same too, before the guys arrived around 9:30. Kylie said no problem, and was eager to help me. As she talked, she got me cock hard as a rock.

She looked in my eyes and asked, “do you have any regrets about last night, because I don’t”. I said at first, it was weird feeling, but then thought of your mom and how she wanted us three to play, and wished she would have said something back then.

Kylie said she was glad I had no regrets and hopes this opens the door for more fun in the future. I said, “well Kitten, a lot depends on the situation and who is involved”. “Right now, I want to leave it between us three because it just felt so right last night, and my mind thought of Janna as your mom last night, especially when she was on her knees, between your legs eating you, and I was doing her doggie style”.

Kylie said, “that’s sounds good to me, but, tonight I was hoping for the six of us to play”. I said, ”not tonight Kitten. Tonight I want to make the first official night of Janna living with me, very special”. Kylie said that’s cool too. She said, “oh Dad, I could not be happier for you, and I know mom is smiling down on us too”.

Then she moved down some and started licking my cock’s head, and said, “mmmmmmmmmmm dad, I love sucking a man in the morning”. I chuckled and said, “damn baby, Tomas is going to be one lucky man, and your mom was like that too”. She looked up at me and said, “oh I know, mom told me how she enjoyed sucking you awake, then riding you in the morning”.

By now, I forgot she was my daughter and told her to lay on her back. I crawled between her legs, bent down, and started kissing her pussy, which was already super wet. She let out a gasp, and cooed, “mmmmmmm daddy, eat me good”.

I licked all over her pussy, but intentionally ignored her swollen clit. I licked her thighs, then down to her puckered ass, and then back up the slit. Any time she would get close to cumming, I would stop and pay attention to her creamy thighs. This drove her wild, pleading with me to bring her off.

I then started finger fucking her tight twat, and licking her ass. Once again, she got close to her orgasm, and I stopped. She yelled out, “What the Fuck” “Please make me cum”. She sounded just like her mom. After a good ten minutes of this ministration, I decided it was time to make my little girl squirt, which was my ultimate goal.

I started fucking her g-spot harder, which was bringing her ass off the bed, and placed my lips around her hardened clit. As soon as I did that, she yelled out, “Fuck Yes, don’t stop now, I need to cum so bad”.

The harder I sucked her clit, the more she thrashed around on the bed, so I knew I was close. She yelled out, “Oh Fuck, I am going to cummmmmmm”. As soon as she said that, I stopped and hurriedly got in position to stick my aching cock in her. She looked at me, with a look that would kill, until she felt my cock slam into her.

I started pumping into her as hard as I could, and she said, “Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, I am cumming”. Her body stiffened, her legs grabbed onto my thighs and her arms around my neck, like she was hanging on for dear life. Her body quaked, shuddered, as she started cumming. I pulled out and kneeled and watched, as she started to squirt her cum all over me.

Her body jerked and moved, and then finally started calming down. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down to her. She kissed me like no daughter should ever kiss her dad, and I was just as receptive and giving.

Once we broke the kiss, Kylie said, “Ohhhh Myyyy Godddddddddd”, that was the best orgasm I have ever had”. I said, “I used to do that to your mom all the time, and she too, squirted”. Kylie chuckled and said, “oh I know, mom told me how you could make her squirt, but damn, I didn’t think I could ever do that”

I said, “Kitten, you very much alike when it comes to your love making skills, when compared to your mom, so Tomas is going to be one lucky man”. She kissed me and said, “oh daddy, I do love you so”. I then told her that I have never done that to Janna, and probably won’t. I have to keep something from your mom and me, but sharing it with you, makes it special.

I then said we needed to get going, so go take a shower and I I’ll get us something quick to eat. She wanted to shower together, but I told her we only have a little over an hour before those guys get here, and we need to tear this bedroom down.

We did eat, and I showered real quick. As I did, Kylie emptied what little clothing I had in the two dressers, and stripped the bed coverings off. Thanks god for the quilted mattress pad we always had on there, or there would have been a big stain from her cum.

The moving guys arrived on time, and within thirty minutes, then had the bedroom suit, and a few boxes that Kylie got from her old room, loaded on the truck. Kylie said she wanted some of that old stuff of hers, but couldn’t take it before, because her apartment was so small.

We had the movers follow us over to Janna’s house. When we got there, Janna came out and said she has everything ready to go. I asked if she wanted to take anything else, but she said this was good, what she had. I went in the house and saw, eight big garbage bags full of clothes and all of her hanging wardrobe on the couch.

We decided to put her hanging clothes in my SUV, and let the movers take the bags. The movers disassembled her bedroom suit and brought it outside, then took mine in and set it up. Kylie told them how she wanted it. It took a little over an hour to do all of this. Then after reloading the truck, we made our way back to my house, with Kylie riding with Janna.

By about 2pm, we had everything in order, in the bedroom. All of our clothes were put away, with Janna taking the big dresser and the bigger of the two, walk in closets. Kylie said she was going to go home and start packing stuff for a little bit. I told her be back by 6pm.

After she left, Janna took a shower. While she did that, I went to the other bathroom and did the same. She didn’t want me taking one with her. I pouted, but she said there was plenty of times we would shower together.

After I finished, I put on a pair of shorts, and went to the family room and started reading a book. Janna was taking her good old time coming from her shower. I thought to myself, “women. Who knows what they do in there”. Then I heard the door open from the bedroom and I looked up.

When Janna stepped into the family room, my mouth must have hit the floor, because walking towards me was an angel. Her blond hair was down, her face made up, with a light pink lip stick, but what really got me going was her sheer, all white, nightgown. It was a full length gown, and practically see-through. It had spaghetti straps and a little lace around the plunging neck line, but otherwise, as sheer as one can possibly get.

My cock started to twitch and rise, just from looking at her. She came up to me and held her hand out. I took hold of it and rose up. I said, “Sweetheart, you look absolutely beautiful”. She smiled and thanked me, and said, “come Mikael, come make love to me”.

She started to walk towards the bedroom, but I decided I should pick her up and carry her in, like a newlywed couple. I stopped her, and then picked her up in my arms and carried her in. I set her back down in front of the bed, where I took her in my arms and kissed her passionately.

We kissed for a few good minutes, our hands exploring each others backs. Then she unbuttoned my shorts and they dropped to the ground, releasing my hard cock for her. Her hand gently took it and stroked it. She said, “mmmmmmmmmm I believe something likes what it see’s.” I said, “my god woman, you are an angel and I love you”.

I slipped her straps down, off of her shoulders, and then gently pushed the gown over her breasts, until it lay at her feet in a pile. She step out of it and we got on the bed. We laid on our sides, facing each other, and started kissing. Our hands roamed over each others body’s. Her hand found my cock again and stroked it. My one hand found her wet slit, and she moved to give me better access to her love hole.

I was starting to kiss down her neck, so I could give her hard nipples some needed attention, when she said “Stop”, no foreplay, I really need you inside me. She laid on her back and spread her legs wide. It took everything I had, not to lean in and start eating her. She took my cock and lined up with her pussy, and I slowly slipped inside.

I took my time going all the way in. Once I was in, her knees came up some and we just laid there. Both of us smiling at one another. She said, “yes, this is how I want it. I want to feel like a bride on her wedding night, with the man she loves more than anything else in this world.” I told her, that she looked like a bride, and I am so in love with her, and it can only grow every day from this moment forward.

We then started kissing, as we slowly made love. Neither of us in any hurry for it to end. Normal instinct for love making is to start slow, but build to a faster finish. But not us, no, we kept the same slow pace for over twenty minutes. Kissing most of the time, or saying I love you to each other .

Then I could feel her body start to stiffen, so I knew she was about to cum. She looked at me and said, “please lover, orgasm with me” I sped up just a bit and could feel my balls tightened up, knowing I was going to flood her womb with my seed.

We both started to orgasm about the same time. I was shooting rope after rope deep inside her. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and her arms pulling me in to her head to kiss again. As she started to orgasm, she said, “Oh Mikael, I love you so much”. I was grunting and moaning, but somehow managed to tell her I loved her too.

We laid there, in the afterglow of our love making, and Janna said, “promise me that at least once a week, we make love just like this” I kissed her nose and said, I promise, because this was the best love making I have ever done. She said we can have all the sex we want, but at least one time a week, we set aside for passionate love making. I said that I could handle that more than once a week. She smiled and said “good”.

We laid there for a bit, until Janna said we should get up and get ready for later. I agreed and said that I told Kylie that there will be no swapping with us tonight, because I wanted you all to myself. Janna smiled and said, well let’s just play that by ear, but for sure, when it is time for bed, only us will occupy this bed tonight. I laughed and said, you are such a naughty woman. She laughed too and said, “yes, I can be and you love it”.

We got dressed, although I have no idea why, since we’ll all be naked later, at least for swimming. As we made it out to the kitchen, I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms, and said, “welcome to your new home, and I hope you never find a reason to leave here, or me”. She gently kissed me and said, “Oh Baby, I am yours forever and ever”.

Next chapter is really “Keeping it in the Family”

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-12-19 04:10:08
Pt 1 & 2 are super. Even though Thomas, as well as Bill & Joan weren't part of the "cast" this time, it was still great. Really.looking forward to Pt 3, 3 years later! What happened?Surely the authors have good reason for an incomplete story or series, but it is disappointing to avid readers like me. U're not the only author to do this, either. Still want to read more of Ur fiction since I've memorized most of the True Stories of Ur life experiences. Read several more than twice because to me, even with the tech issues, I enjoy the stories & action. AWESOME, good work.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-13 23:25:36
If it is as good as the first 2 chapters,then it should be a great read!

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