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Three young friends play with a pentagram awaking the darkest entity!
Devil Inside
by Droid447

Scarlet and Dolores arrived at Leah’s house and hurried to the basement. They were on edge about the upcoming event.

“Okay girls, I spent three hours doing this pentagram. What do you think?” Leah said, watching her friends stepping down the stairs.

“It is perfect. This is going to be awesome!” Scarlet exclaimed.

“The book says that we all have to be naked, so let’s show more skin,” Leah said happily.

“Are we seriously doing this?” Dolores asked, a little scared about what they were planning to do.

It was nothing more than a game to them. Since Leah found an old book hidden inside an armoire, they had been talking nonstop about doing a spiritism session. They wanted to contact Leah’s dead grandmother.

“Should I dance while I am stripping?” Scarlet asked as a joke, while moving her hips sensually.

“You are not at work, bitch… haha,” Dolores responded, pushing aside her fear.

“Stop joking around and hurry. I want to start right now,” Leah said. She was already naked.

The three friends sat completely nude inside the pentagram, and started chanting according to the instructions in the old book. Leah was waiting for the right moment to scream and scared the shit out of her friends. This was going to be the best joke ever.

"Jai Ma! Kali Durga Ma, Kali Ma!
Jai Ma! Kali Durga Ma. Jai Ma-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!
Kali Ma! Jai Ma-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Durga Ma!"

But then the room got colder and the overhead light started flickering. The girls stopped chanting and looked at each other with astonishment. Not in a million years they thought this would work.

“What’s happening?!” Dolores asked.

“Leah! Are you doing this? You are scaring me!” Scarlet said.

“What the fuck?!” Leah said with a soft voice.

A bright light sparkled at the center of the pentagram, then a black hole opened up. The girls were frightened and confused, not really understanding what was happening.

Suddenly, a large, monstrous figure emerged from below. It had the legs and the head of a goat, but the torso and arms of a human. Its skin was bright red. The creature quickly grabbed Leah’s leg, preventing her to move out of the circle, while the other two girls jumped precipitately away.

“Ahhh!! Get off me!!” Leah screamed.

“Oh God! What is that?!” Dolores asked screaming.

“What is going on? Leah, how are you doing this?!” Scarlet insisted, still thinking that it was one of Leah's practical jokes.

A loud guttural voice resounded in the room… “Hello Leah, your grandmother sends her regards. She always was one of my most loyal followers.”

“My gr…?!” Leah mumbled, unable to speak from utter terror.

Dolores was covering her eyes talking to herself, “This is not happening… This is not happening…”

The terrifying creature moved one hand closer to Leah’s head. Then a sinister light emanated from his fingers, surrounding the girl's skull and penetrating into her brain.

“No..” Leah said in a whisper, staring at the light with wide open eyes.

Scarlet and Dolores were petrified with fear, watching Leah’s body going feeble, surrendering to the monster’s power.

A moment later, the light disappeared and Leah fell backwards onto the dirty floor. Everything became silent except for the heavy breathing of the girls. Then the creature spoke again…

“Suck my cock.”

Leah slowly sat up, with her arms limp by her sides and her eyes focusing into nothing. Without saying a word, she leaned forward and started licking the huge phallus presented to her. Her empty stare was a clear indication that her mind was under the devil’s control.

Her two friends whispered nearby, still trying to understand what was happening.

“What is going on? What is that thing?” Dolores asked in a low voice.

“I think we summoned a demon! I can't believe this is possible!” Scarlet responded.

The devil ignored the other girls while he toyed with Leah, fully aware that she would obey his command without question, no matter how impossible it seemed.

“Swallow all of it,” the devil commanded.

Leah struggled the push the fat cock into her throat, but after a moment, she managed to swallow the entire phallus until her lips touched his crotch.

Scarlet and Dolores watched with amazement at their friend’s actions. When Leah ran out of air, she pulled back to breathe, and immediately shoved his cock back into her throat.

“What is she doing?” Dolores asked.

“I think she is hypnotized. She is doing whatever he tells her to do!” Scarlet responded.

The girls gasped when they heard the devil's next command, “Lay back and spread your legs. I will fuck you now.”

Leah moved into position as ordered.

“We have to help her. We should run and get help!” Scarlet said anxiously.

“But the monster is blocking the way. He is going to get us too,” Dolores said, her voice trembling.

The penetration was swift and deep. The cold phallus slid into Leah’s cavity with a squishy sound that echoed around the dark basement. The young woman moaned while her eyes rolled back from the strange, tantalizing feeling.

Leah was now possessed in mind and body. The devil could extend his cock as long as he wanted, and it penetrated deeply into the welcoming woman, who's heightened senses were programmed to feel nothing but pleasure.

After several minutes of rough fucking against the hard, yet ethereal floor, the demon lifted Leah’s limp body and began pulling her down onto his throbbing cock. The woman's head and arms swayed up and down, back and forth, following the rhythm of his thrusts.

Dolores and Scarlet watched with disbelief the surreal scene displayed right in front of their eyes.

Are those moans of pain or pleasure? Dolores wondered, not saying it out loud.

“Holy crap! He is handling her like a rag doll. He is fucking her so hard!” Scarlet exclaimed.

Leah’s pussy twitched and contracted around the pulsating cock that penetrated her body impossibly deep. The devil owned her completely.

Several minutes later, the creature from the underworld changed positions again, purposely placing Leah on her feet while facing her friends, so they could see how much she was enjoying it.

“Oh god!” Scarlet said, “Her belly bulges every time the monster pushes his cock inside of her! How long is it?!”

Those are definitely moans of pleasure! How can this be? Dolores thought.

The monster’s powerful cock squirmed inside Leah’s trembling body and it was in fact pushing her abdomen outwardly from within every time the demon charged forward.

The devil’s cock became Leah’s entire world. She wanted his cock deeper and she wanted it to stay inside of her forever. She believed she was in blissful heaven. Ironically, she was taken there by a creature from hell!

Scarlet and Dolores watched silently. It was still difficult to believe that this was really happening. The ecstatic expression in Leah’s face and her loud, rapturous moans made it appear as a crazy sex movie. For a moment, Scarlet felt her nipples hardening and then she felt embarrassed by it.

Maybe all this is a dream. Maybe I’ll wake up any second now… Dolores thought, trying to make all of this go away somehow.

Scarlet couldn't take her eyes of her moaning friend, She is really loving it!

The surreal scene didn’t last much longer. The devil reached his peak and with a loud, terrifying growl, he discharged his hellish sperm into the possessed female, filling every crevice of her twitching body.

Leah climaxed as well. The hot fluid ejecting from the cold phallus ignited a strong orgasm that sent a powerful wave of pleasure across her shivering body. It opened up her already malleable mind, allowing every hellish dark force to travel into the human’s realm. For a brief second, Leah’s eyes turned as black as two obsidian stones.

Leah’s shuddering body slipped lifelessly to the ground while the demon was still ejaculating. Copious gobs of sperm sprayed from his erect cock at Scarlet and Dolores, who were sitting against the far wall. They instinctively lifted their arms trying to protect themselves.

The white, sticky substance splashed all over their bodies and the wall behind them. Scarlet was able to protect most of her face, but Dolores got some sperm on her lips and inside of her mouth!

“It’s all over me! It’s hot!” Scarlet yelled.

“It’s in my mouth!… cough….cough”

His deed completed, the devil began to descend into the ground, laughing diabolically, while his solid figure started to vanish.

Moments later, everything was quiet as if nothing had happened. Every trace of the demon’s sperm vanished as well and the floor within the pentagram became hard and flat again. Leah was lying in the middle of the circle, unconscious.

Scarlet and Dolores carefully approach their friend, trying to wake her.

“Leah! Wake up!” Scarlet said, shaking her body.

“Please Leah! Are you okay?...” Dolores said crying, then she saw Leah's arm move, “I think she is waking up!”

Leah quickly regained consciousness and looked around in confusion. She had no idea what had happened after the monstrous creature grabbed her leg. Her friends hesitated about telling the truth but they knew they had to.

“I don’t remember anything after that monster emerged from the ground and grabbed me…”

“Well…the creature… abused you,” Scarlet said hesitantly.

“He did what?!!” Leah exclaimed in panic.

“But he is gone now. Everything went back to normal. Even his sperm is gone,” Dolores said, trying to reassure her friend.

“His sperm?!” Leah asked, struggling to believe what she was hearing.

They had a long, agitated discussion, until they all agreed not to tell anyone about the incident, and never do it again. It was better to pretend that nothing ever happened.

“You need to destroy that book. It is dangerous,” Scarlet said to Leah.

“I will, but right now I need to take a bath and rest for a while. I feel so tired.”

No wonder why… Dolores thought, looking up and down at her friend's naked body.


A few days later, Leah was lying restless on her bed. She had been dreaming every night about the awful demon and tonight was no exception. Scarlet and Dolores said that he had fucked her, even though she didn't remember that. But somehow, she could recall the feeling.

She wanted to get up and run, but something prevented to do it. She turned on her bed and there it was. An ethereal figure floating right on top of her. Leah saw his reddish body… and his huge cock. It moved like a serpent, threatening to penetrate her.

That enormous phallus was going to enter her body impossibly deep, and it would make her shiver from unwanted pleasure.

Leah unconsciously moved her hand between her legs.

Her inner vaginal walls would snuggle the cold member while it throbbed with increasing intensity.

The demon was going to violently fuck her twitching pussy, rocking her frail body back and forth until she couldn’t take it anymore.

Her hand caressed her clitoris, slowly at first, then faster.

She couldn’t let it happen. She couldn’t let a monster pleasure her unwilling body to the point of reaching an orgasm. It was impossible!

At that instant, Leah reached a powerful climax. She jolted under blissful contractions while her pussy gushed over her already soaked bed sheets.

After that, there was no more chasing and no more fear; only the lingering feeling of sexual satisfaction. She was content and at peace. Leah went back to sleep.


The following nights were no different. In her mind, the dream-world mixed with the real-world in such a way that she couldn't distinguish one from the other. But the nightmares were not scaring her anymore; as long as she stopped fighting the devil. He would make love to her… no, he would ravish her. Shoving his long cock in her pussy until she reached a mind-blowing orgasm. Afterward, she would be allowed to sleep and have a restful night.

Exactly six days after their spiritual session, Leah was admiring her slim figure in front of the full size mirror. Luscious breasts, flat belly, she felt so sexy… and so horny. All those unusual dreams that always ended with an unavoidable climax had heightened her sexuality. Her hand slowly drifted between her legs when suddenly…

… She saw it!! Leah saw the reflection of the red monster standing behind her! The devil in the room with her! She gasped in terror.

She turned around in panic but saw nothing. She was alone. Was her mind playing tricks on her? All those nightmares were getting to her. She looked back at the mirror again…

It was still there! This was real! Leah was paralyzed with fear. The devil stepped closer. Leah couldn’t even scream. Then she remembered. If she let him catch her, he would make love to her and then leave her alone. She would be at peace.

Leah felt tickles across her inner thighs, like a subtle caress from something that wasn’t really there. It compelled her to spread her legs. She could see the ghostly reflection of the monster’s huge phallus worming between her thighs and twitching like a snake over her trembling belly. The tickles spread to her pussy, igniting a well-known arousal that assaulted her every night for the last six days.

Leah could see the devil guiding her hand to her pussy. His fingers felt cold, yet alluring. She moaned, tilting her head back. Now the soft caress was everywhere on her sensitive skin. She realized that her fear was gone, replaced by arousal. He was not going to hurt her. He only wanted to possess her, like always. Leah started masturbating.

A moment later, the aroused woman was panting and moaning loudly while she watched the ghostly figure pump her pussy from behind. She could swear that the fat, pulsating cock was really inside of her, stretching her warm vaginal cavity as wide and deep as possible. Leah’s fingers rubbed her clitoris furiously, matching the strength and speed of the devil’s strokes.

It didn’t take her long to reach a wonderful climax. Her legs trembled and her knees bent while she kept rubbing her pussy during the entire orgasm, as if her hand was a separate entity. Leah thought of the devil’s cock, exploding inside of her. Filling her with the demon’s cum. It became the longest orgasm of her life.

Her legs caved beneath her and she crumbled to the carpeted floor. She was exhausted but satisfied. This was true bliss. It was the first time that the devil visited her during the day, while she was awake. This was proof that the monster was not only in her dreams, but he was real… Almost. Leah’s heart jolted with fear and her pussy twitch from excitement. This was the first time, but certainly not the last.


Every day that followed, the ghostly entity showed up at Leah’s room. Leah didn’t need the mirror anymore to know about his presence. She couldn’t see him but she could feel him. The room got colder and her skin got warmer. She was always there, waiting for him; waiting for that insistent tickling that could take her to unknown planes of bliss. Leah could just stand there, immobile, focusing on the right spot between her legs, where He was 'touching' her, and she would reach climax. The subtle hint of his presence was enough to get her off.

One week later, Scarlet noticed that Leah stopped going to their meetings, and preferred to stay at home. She decided to pay her friend a visit and check if everything was all right. Maybe that incident with the pentagram had affected her more than they thought and she needed help.

“Hi Mrs. Miller. Is Leah home?” Scarlet asked Leah's mother.

“Hi honey. I think she is. You can go up to her room.”

Scarlet walked up the stairs to Leah’s bedroom and knocked on the door. There was no answer but she heard some strange noises coming from inside and realized that maybe Leah was in trouble. She slowly opened the door and walked in.

“Leah? Are you okay?”

Scarlet gasped when she saw Leah completely naked, lying on her bed and fiercely rubbing her pussy. Leah was mumbling a few words that she repeated over and over. She seemed unaware of Scarlet’s presence or she simple didn’t care.

“He…. is …. here… me…. He… is…. Here….”

“Holy crap!” Scarlet exclaimed.

Leah’s body began to twitch spasmodically as she exploded in another tremendous orgasm. Scarlet didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to embarrass her friend, who obviously hadn’t notice her presence. She decided to back out quietly and give Leah some privacy. Maybe she could came back later.

What were those words she was saying? … He is in me … This is so weird.


There was a constant itching in Leah’s pussy that the immaterial presence of the devil could not pacify anymore. Leah realized that she wanted more. She wanted the real thing. And there was only one to get it.

She went back to the pentagram. The young woman's soft chants echoed in the dusty room…

"Jai Ma! Kali Durga Ma, Kali Ma!
Jai Ma! Kali Durga Ma. Jai Ma-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!
Kali Ma! Jai Ma-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Durga Ma!"

Soon after, the ground gave way to a black hole that allowed the devil to emerge from the deep. Leah stopped chanting when she heard his voice...

“It was about time you came back. I was getting impatient.”

“I need you inside me...” Leah whispered.

Leah stood up, turned around and leaned forward, offering her luscious ass to the monster. Her body was burning with hellish desire. Her breathing was fast and heavy as she waited with eagerness for his cock.

“Please, I need your cock inside me,” she pleaded again.

“And you shall have it, my darling.”

The devil shoved his entire phallus into Leah's soaked cavity. He knew that he owned her, just like he owned Leah's grandmother many years ago and he relished that fact.

Leah could feel his pulsating cock not only within her tight pussy but in every cell of her body. It was an infernal power taking control of her mind and soul, taking her to the deepest and darkest place she could ever imagine. She loved it and gave herself with total abandon.

“Let my cock take to to hell!”

“Yess!! Fuck me!!”

The devil fucked the possessed young woman with all his might, manipulating her frail body with master expertise. His forceful strokes increase the pace to an inhuman speed until the devil exploded in ecstasy... and so did Leah! Her entire world became a blissful explosion of red. Her eyes rolled up, her eyelids fluttered rapidly and her legs shoot straight out, trembling under a quick succession of orgasmic spasms that drove her in and out of consciousness a few times.

Right in the midst of this mind-blowing pleasure, Leah closed her eyes for an instant and opened them to show two black pools of emptiness, clear indication that the demon had taken possession of her soul and now his essence was spreading throughout her entire body.

“Now you are absolutely mine!”

“I am absolutely yours,” Leah repeated. Her pussy twitched.


After the devil's second appearance and frantic ravishing, Leah's visits to the pentagram became more frequent and they extended for hours every time.

Leah's mother, Corinna, became suspicious about her daughter’s behavior. Even though she wanted to respect her privacy, she suspected that something strange was happening.

I am going to ask her what is going on. Something is not right.

The devil was aware of the mother's suspicion and this presented a threat to his plans. Something needed to be done.


The soft voice of her daughter broke the silence in the kitchen, startling Corinna. Leah walked in completely naked and said...

“He wants you too.”

“Leah! What are you doing walking around naked?! What is going with you?!”

Leah walked over to her mother and grabbed her arm with inhuman strength.

“He must possess you,” Leah said with a cold, flat voice.

“What? What's got into you? Let go of my arm right now, young lady!”

Leah's hellish instincts rushed throughout her body, transforming her in and out. Her eyes turned black while she stared at her confused and scared mother.

“Oh my God! Honey, your eyes! What’s wrong with your eyes?!”

Leah ripped her mother's robe away and pushed her to the ground. Reaching for her panties, Leah looked at her mother with a malevolent smile, knowing perfectly well what was coming for her.

“Leah! What are you doing?! Get off me!”

The possessed woman extended her tongue obscenely, reaching for her mother's mouth. Corinna watched her daughter’s face in terror while she helplessly tried to defend herself.

“Noo!! Stop this!!”

Corinna was scared and confused. Her own daughter was assaulting her. She felt Leah's tongue touching her lips... it was cold.

Leah threw her head back, grunting and moaning loudly, scaring her mother even more. The young woman's body started to tremble and shudder just before a large red proboscis extended from her pussy.

The cold, pulsating appendage curved down and swiftly penetrated Corinna's pussy. It squirmed within the tight cavity, finding traction to reach deeper inside. The pseudo-phallus had to act quickly, since it could not exist for long out in the open, in the realm of humans.

Corinna grunted with astonishment and disbelief. She couldn't understand what was happening. The initial cold sensation in her pussy slowly turned into an unbearable heat that radiated across her struggling body. The older woman felt a numbness clouding her thoughts while the messenger from hell melted within her loins.

By the time the appendage was almost completely inside of her, Corinna was not resisting anymore. Her arms rested loosely by her sides as her eyes rolled back into her head. In contrast, her clitoris and her nipples became alive, swelling and pulsating at the rhythm of her racing heart.

Leah moved down her mother's limp body, licking her luscious breasts, then further down to her pussy. She shoved her long tongue deeply, trying to match the hellish messenger lodged inside her mother's womb. Corinna moaned from the blissful sensation, ignoring the fact that it was her own daughter between her legs. It felt so good.

Leah played with her mother for a while, until the time was right. The older woman's heavy breathing and continuous moaning were a clear signal that she was ready to meet her new Master; to begin her new life.

“Stand up and follow me,” Leah commanded.

Without saying a word, Corinna stood up and followed her daughter. Her mind was completely blank and her pussy was on fire.

The devil was already waiting for them. Corinna stood impassibly in front of the monstrous creature, even as the numbing effect of the messenger was already wearing off. She mumbled a soft protest that was muted by the devil's voice...

“Hello Corinna. You managed to elude me all these years, ignoring your mother's instructions to use the book. But now you stand here before me, thanks to your own daughter... ha ha ha. This is so poetic; the whole family will be reunited again.”

The devil positioned his hands to either side of Corinna's head and discharged the mysterious red light that penetrated into her brain. The woman's world turned red for an instant then everything became crystal clear. All that mattered was him, to obey him, to pleasure him.

“Let's fix this rebellious brain of yours...”

The instant he was done, Corinna reached a strong orgasm that made her shiver from head to toe. She lost her balance but her daughter was there to support her. Leah was jealous. Until now, the devil's attentions were devoted solely to her. But is was his wish to possess Corinna too, and his command most be obeyed without question.

“Turn around and beg for my cock!” the devil said.

Corinna did as instructed. She bent over, presenting her round, voluptuous ass to the monster, then said…

“Please Master... penetrate me with your gorgeous cock. Ravish me until the end of time.”

“I am going to show what you have been missing all these years, my darling.”

The devil shoved his huge phallus into the older woman's pussy, stretching the tight cavity until reaching bottom, and then pushed even deeper into her womb. Corinna groaned and shrieked in ecstasy, disregarding whatever discomfort she felt from the enormous cock and harshness of the penetration.

Leah was so excited, that she just couldn't stand there. She leaned forward and extended her tongue reaching for her mother's throat. The squishy sounds of her Master's cock while it hammered her mother's pussy was so alluring... she wanted to be fucked as well.

Corinna felt her daughter’s tongue swirling around her mouth, reaching impossibly deep. Just like the huge phallus of the devil squirming within her pussy. She kissed Leah back. The enthralled woman didn't recognized Leah as her daughter anymore. She was another source of sin that shouldn't go to waste.

They fucked for hours. After countless orgasms from both girls, they were still going as if not a minute had passed. The devil was smashing his cock into Corinna's pussy with all his might, rocking her shuddering body back and forth on the shaky table that barely withstood the frantic ravishing.

“Fuck her, Master. Fill her with your essence. Make her complete,” Leah pleaded.

“You are such a good fuck Corinna, just like your mother before you. And your daughter is such a delight too. I was right to choose your family as my minions.”

Corinna actually feeling sorry that she didn't do this before. All those wasted years. Her mother had encouraged her to use the book for a good reason. She remembered hearing her mother screams from the basement many years ago, when she was little, but now she understood what those screams were about. There was no pain involved. Only pleasure! Pure, mind blowing pleasure.

Leah, rubbing her pussy with one hand, placed the other on her mother's belly, “I can feel your cock through her belly, Master. She is so full!”

“She is full indeed. There are a few things that you don't know about your mother. She likes women as much as she likes men. Now she is going to teach you how to suck pussy. Sit on her face.”

Leah's pussy twitched hard while she leaped on the table and lowered her hips over her mother's face. Corinna lifted her head and engulfed her daughter's whole pussy between her lips. Leah felt her mother's tongue circling her pussy lips and lashing at her clitoris with astonishing expertise.


Now there was no reason to hide from her daughter the fact that she had been a lesbian for quite some time. From all the women that had spend the night on Corinna's bed, her daughter's pussy tested the best.

Now there was no holding back from either of the two ladies of the house. Leah was becoming her mother's lover and they both had become sex slaves to the devil. Once again, loud screams echoed from the basement, but this time there wasn't a scared little girl hiding in her bedroom, waiting for them to stop. Everything was falling into place.

At the break of dawn, the Devil decided it was time. He shoved his cock hard and deep a few more times and then he discharged a vast load of sperm into Corinna's shivering body. Corinna reached yet another forceful climax. The hot semen that flooded her womb, quickly invaded every cell of her body, multiplying the orgasmic bliss. Corinna's world turned red, then everything became black.

Leah looked down at her mother's twitching body while the orgasmic spasms slowly faded off. When Corinna finally opened her eyes, Leah's pussy twitched with unrestrained excitement. Those eyes were now as black as her soul. Corinna had been completely possessed.


After the incident in Leah's room, Scarlet was really worried about her friend's behavior and wondered why she had cloistered herself at her home. Scarlet shared her apprehension with Dolores and they agreed to visit Leah and confront the problem directly.

“Let’s go now. We can't waste more time,” Dolores said.

“Okay, let’s go,” Scarlet responded.

Scarlet and Dolores found the front door unlocked and walked into the living room. Leah’s mother was sitting on the couch, wearing only her bra and panties. She had an empty stare as she responded to the girls’ question with an unemotional tone of voice.

“Hi, Mrs. Miller. Is Leah home?”

“Yes… she is in the basement. Please talk to her.”

The two friends looked at each other with confusion and walked towards the basement. They were not able to hear Corinna's soft whisper… “He is in me…”

Dolores and Scarlet found the basement completely dark. They could hear soft moans coming from below.

“I think I hear something but it’s too dark. I can't see anything. Leah? Are you down there?” Scarlet said.

“Last time we came here, I saw a light switch at the bottom of the stairs,” Dolores said.

“Okay, let's go down. But be careful,” Scarlet said hesitantly.

They walked down stairs looking for the light switch. When they found it, Scarlet's heart almost popped out of her chest!

“Oh my God!! It's back!!”

“Hi Scarlet. We were waiting for you,” Leah said.

Leah was naked, standing with a sexy pose and the monstrous creature was behind her, floating in the middle of the pentagram.

Scarlet turned around ready to run, but Dolores moved to block the way. She stared back at her friend with eyes as black as the night.

“Dolores!! Your eyes! What is going on?!”

“I belong to him now,” Dolores responded, “After I tasted his sperm, I couldn't stop thinking about him. It consumed me day and night. I had to come back.”

“And when she did, I brought her to him,” Leah added, “He possessed her the same way he possessed me. He gave us true pleasure.”

The scared girl, shaking like a leaf, looked back at the devil as she heard his guttural voice.

“But I have different plans for you. You are very important for my plan.”

“We know that your rebel look is just for show, Scarlet. We know you are still a virgin,” Leah said.


A while later, Corinna was holding Scarlet with a firm grip, a few centimeters beyond the perimeter of the pentagram.

“Please Mrs. Miller. Don't let them hurt me!” Scarlet pleaded.

Dolores and Leah masturbated in front of their Master, waiting to be commanded. The devil growled and grunted, summoning the darkest powers of the underworld, while his phallus grew and extended to an impossible length, getting ready for his greatest act.

“Leah, your grandmother was taken away from me before she could accomplish what we are about to do,” the devil said.

“Yes, Master. Please do to me whatever you please.”

“Let your body be a conduit for my essence into the world of humans. Turn around and kneel before me.”

Leah heard the devil's words and searched for the last remnants of purity within her soul. Her human body would serve as the perfect insulation for the devil's cock. Her eyes regained their normal color as she moved into position. “Use me, Master.” she pleaded.

The long phallus waved like a serpent around Leah's horny body, until it stopped near her anal entrance. Leah felt him pressing at her anus and trembled with excitement.

“Fuck my ass deeply! I beg you!”

The devil shoved his cold member into Leah's tight cavity, slowly and steady. Centimeter by centimeter, the flexible phallus slid within her entrails, stretching her slim body to the limit.

Leah felt her body shifting and churning to accommodate the fat cock as it moved deeper inside of her. The intrinsic pain was easily overridden by the immense pleasure of serving her Master.

The hellish penetration would not stop, even when Leah's anus clutched down on the gliding phallus with orgasmic spasms. It wasn't long before Leah felt the devil's cock rising up her esophagus towards her open mouth.

Dolores saw the reddish cock emerging from her friend's mouth and her heart jolted with surprise and exhilaration. She leaned forward and licked the tip, tasting her Master once again.

Scarlet was watching the spectacle with astonishment, This is impossible! How can Leah survive this?

The devil's loud voice resounded across the room as he gave Dolores a command. She was next. “Turned around as Leah did. I will use your body too.”

“Yes Master! Please fuck me!”

As Dolores felt the tip of the Devil's cock pushing against her anus, she almost reached climax. She raised her ass with eagerness, trying to accelerate the penetration. “Ahhh... yess!!”

Seconds later, Dolores whole body shuddered under a wild orgasm as the creature's phallus stretched her tight cavity beyond humanly possible. The young woman went cross eyed from a blissful pleasure that had no match in an earthly realm.

The devil's cock emerged from Dolores' mouth after passing through her entire body, the same way it did to Leah's. The two young friends were impaled all the way through by the extending phallus!

Meanwhile, Corinna pushed Scarlet forward, getting her closer to the waving phallus that was still growing.

The moment it reached beyond the pentagram, the devil's cock started to burn out of existence. But it absorbed Leah's and Dolores' human energy from every cell that was in contact with its surface, managing to survive long enough to fulfill its purpose.

Scarlet was scared out of her mind. She fought and resisted with all her might but Corinna was inhumanly strong. The devil's cock was already twitching between her trembling legs, ready for penetration.

“Noo!! Get away from me!!”

And then it happened! For the first time ever, the devil shoved his hellish cock into the warm pussy of a virgin girl outside the limits of the pentagram. He was so close now... there was only one thing left to do.

Scarlet screamed from the forceful penetration. The devil's cock pierced through her hymen, all the way to the bottom of her stretched cavity. She was in shock while a million sensations cluttered her mind. The fat cock felt hot and enormous, yet her pussy wrapped around it with unwanted pleasure. Scarlet had imagined her first sexual experience in many different ways, but none of them was remotely similar to this.

The devil began to move his hips back and forth, fucking all three women at the same time. Two of them moaned loudly from a blissful feeling that went beyond description, and the other whimpered from a feeling unknown to her until today. A sensation that was proving to be undeniably delightful, and this caused her even greater anguish and desperation.

The devil pumped hard and fast, grunting louder every time as his sperm boiled within his loins. This unearthly fucking seemed like an eternity to Scarlet, but just like seconds to her friends. At last, the defining moment arrived. The devil growled harder than ever as he released his cum like an explosion from hell, expanding his phallus as the fluid moved forward!

Leah also climaxed like never before, feeling her master's phallus enlarging within her cavities, carrying his hellish semen across her body, absorbing from her soul her last remnants of humanity.

As the sperm reached Dolores anus, she climaxed as well. Her body jolted and trembled with orgasmic spasms while the hot liquid flowed into her entrails, taking her human substance away. She barely hung to consciousness as the fluid passed between her lips towards Scarlet's pussy.

Having absorbed all of Leah's and Dolores' earthly essence, the sperm was now resistant enough to flood Scarlet's womb and survive the impregnation process. Scarlet felt the hot semen spraying into her fertile cavity and her body twitched from the strange and unexpected sensation.

To ensure a successful impregnation, the Devil pumped more sperm than necessary, inundating Scarlet's body to the limit and letting the remnants of his seed spread across the ground between the girl's trembling legs. Scarlet could feel her belly bloating for a second with every gush, before the fluid escaped through the tight space between her stretched vaginal lips and the fat cock lodged within.

At last, Scarlet couldn't take it anymore, and despite every desperate effort to suppress it, she reached a powerful climax that made her scream in bliss. Her eyes rolled back from a level of pleasure that she could barely understand. Her legs stretched outwardly and shook in rapid successions as the orgasmic spasms came down on her like a freight train, one after the other. She was having her first orgasm provided by a real cock. She was no longer a virgin, even though her virginity had been taken by a creature from hell.

Moments later, it was all over. Leah, Dolores and Scarlet laid exhausted on the ground, barely conscious. The devil slowly retrieved his long cock from their bodies with a squishy sound.

“She has been impregnated. I can feel it,” Corinna said.

“Ha ha ha.. Of course she is. I made sure of it,” the devil responded.

Within Scarlet's womb, an impossible event was taking place. A sperm cell from the underworld was fusing with a human ovule, creating a demonic creature capable of surviving in the human world.

Meanwhile, the devil slid back into the ground laughing victorious, “I will see you again very soon, my pets.... ha ha ha ha.”


Six weeks later, Scarlet was already displaying a heavily pregnant belly. She was permanently living in Leah's house, since her mother and father mysteriously vanished. Corinna was taking care of Scarlet with devotion, thus protecting the precious embryo growing in the teen's belly.

“It is time for your meal,” Corinna said.

The older woman was constant mating with the devil, and this was causing her to produce milk. A special kind of milk that kept Scarlet docile and willing to do whatever she was told, no matter how strange it sounded. Now it was feeding time again... Corinna sat on the couch, next to Scarlet, and offered one of her luscious breasts.

“Come on honey, feed from me.”

Scarlet suckled the bloated nipple between her lips and swallowed the fluid with zealousness. Both women moaned simultaneously. Scarlet couldn't deny a perverse excitement that sparkled in her loins and made her pussy stir.

Leah divided her time between the basement and the dining room, pleasuring her Master every way she could, and helping her mother to take care of Scarlet and the unborn demon. At this moment, she was rubbing her pussy while she watched her mother feeding her friend so lovingly. She felt compelled to join the couple.

Leah spread Scarlet's legs while her inhumanly long tongue snaked in the air, savoring the wet pussy she was about to taste.

The young woman shoved her tongue deep into her friend's cavity while Scarlet moaned louder, never releasing the engorged nub that provided her nourishment. Within her belly, the embryo stirred and shuddered, getting ready to leave the cozy environment.

A short while later, Scarlet was shuddering from the blissful throes of a strong orgasm. Leah's agile tongue had taken her over the edge like many times before. Except on this occasion, the intense spasms that rocked her entire body started to localized on her abdomen. The blissful convulsions were not fading away, they were getting stronger!

Leah swiftly pulled back as she saw Scarlet's water break. Her dear friend was in labor and it was time for the young emissary from hell to be born into the human world.

Scarlet grunted from the effort of delivering the devil's baby. Her tight pussy slowly dilated, allowing the demonic creature to slide out. She was afraid that it may be a horrible monster, but it was her baby and she would love it no matter what.

“I can see bumps forming all over Scarlet's abdomen. Our baby is full of energy,” Leah said excitedly.

“Push honey.. push. You can do it,” Corinna said.

Moments later, the reddish baby finally came out of Scarlet's strained body. Corinna was ready to receive it with protective hands.

“Hello my baby. You are safe with us. You have nothing to be afraid of,” Corinna said with a soft voice.

Scarlet fell back exhausted onto the couch while Leah and her mother admired the devil's child. It looked like a combination of a human and the monstrous creature that conceived it. A red baby with arms and legs like a human, but little horns of his head.

“He is beautiful!” Leah said.

“We must feed him constantly. Bring more girls and take them to the master. He will get them ready for the task,” Corinna said to her daughter.

“I will,” Leah responded, already making plans to lure more of her friends from school into the basement.


Six months later, the devil's child had already become an adult and his powers were getting stronger every day.

“Do you like it mother? Do you like my cock?” the young demon asked Scarlet while fucking her from behind.

“Yess.... baby. Fuck me hard! Shove your big cock inside of me!”

Scarlet had become addicted to her son's cock. She could cum several times every time they fucked and she still wanted more.

“He he he... you are climaxing again! Your pussy is squeezing my cock!”

The demon heard Corinna's voice behind him… “Hi honey. I brought you fresh meat.”

Scarlet, still shuddering from her latest orgasm, dislodged her son's cock from her pussy, went down to her knees and engulfed it whole.

The demon discharged a huge load of cum into Scarlet's mouth, just for the fun of watching her struggle to swallow it all. Scarlet moaned loudly and pushed the bloating phallus all the way to the back of her throat. She tried not to waste any drop but she failed miserably!

“Look Corinna! Look how much cum my mother can swallow!”

Corinna walked closer, dragging along a beautiful woman. The new victim saw the demon and at first she thought that it was a man in disguise... but she quickly realized this was not a joke. This monster was real! She screamed in terror!

“Don't be afraid. He will not hurt you,” Corinna whispered to her ear.

“Bring her closer!” the demon commanded.

Corinna pushed the terrified woman close to the demon. His eyes began to scintillate with a sinister yellowish glow. He had learned this trick a few weeks ago and he was becoming an expert of mind control. He stared at the new victim with fierce intensity.

The young woman felt her heart jolting out of her chest. Just an hour ago she was having coffee with a new attractive friend and now she was standing naked in front of a monster. This had to be a nightmare and she was expecting to wake up at any moment...

But looking at those entrancing eyes for a few seconds, were enough to bring her under his spell. Her facial expression began to relax as her will to defend herself slowly vanished. A subtle wave of excitement ignited out of nowhere and concentrated at her crotch.

The demon shoved a finger in her pussy and the woman moaned softly. She remained stiff, staring at the hypnotizing eyes.

Corinna recognized the increasing power of the devil's child and she suggested that it was time to take the next step of their mission.

“It is time Master. Now you are strong enough to the spread the plague, like you father instructed.”

“Yes! I am strong. I will spread the decay and soon the world will be ours!”

“The name of this woman is Dawn. She shall be you first subject,” Corinna said.

“Her name is appropriate, since she will become the dawn of this world's perdition...ha ha ha. Let's move on to the bedroom, my dear,” the demon commanded.

Dawn laid on the bed with her legs spread wide and her eyes staring forward, unaware of anything that was taking place around her. At the feet of the bed, the demon summoned the powers of hell that would help him accomplish his dire task.

The devil's ethereal figure loomed above the enthralled woman, eager to witness the beginning of the end. “Open your soul to me and your pussy to my son. You will live in bliss forever!” the devil whispered in the woman's ear. Dawn's pussy gushed with unbridled abandon.

She didn't even blink as the whole bed shifted under the weight of the demon's bulk. He positioned himself on top of her, aiming his cold, red phallus at her lubricated pussy.

“Get ready to receive my phallus inside of you. You will be my carrier of perdition,” the demon said.

The creature moved his hips forward and shoved his fat cock into Dawn’s tight pussy. A squishy sound was followed by a loud moan of pleasure escaping the woman's mouth. The long phallus penetrated all the way to the bottom of her vaginal cavity.

The monster began to fuck her harshly. Dawn just lay there with her arms limp by her sides, her eyes staring to the ceiling, and her body swaying back and forth, following the rhythm of the forceful penetrations. Only her mouth responded to the vicious assault, letting out soft moans of true pleasure.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Dawn knew that this was dangerous. She shouldn't be doing this. But her body was sending the opposite signal. His cock felt wonderful. There was no point fighting against it.

After half an hour of rough fucking in the missionary position, the demon lifted Dawn's hips from the bed, and started pumping her stretched pussy even harder and faster. He was excited to complete the mission that his father trusted upon him.

“You love this, don't you? Your pussy is twitching around my cock!” the demon asked, not really expecting an answer.

Leah's pussy was dripping wet. She knelt beside the wild couple, watching with exhilaration as Dawn's ample breasts swayed back and forth, in synchrony with her moans and her master's powerful strokes.

“Cum inside of her, Master. Fill her with your essence. Make her a vessel from hell,” Leah exclaimed while rubbing her pussy with eagerness.

The demon made a strong last motion, keeping his engorged phallus buried to the hilt, and discharged a huge amount of cum into Dawn's womb. The sperm was black and thick, saturated with a hellish virus that immediately invaded the woman's shaking body.

Dawn reached climax too. She arched her back while her eyes rolled completely up her head. Her entire body twitched like a maniac possessed by the devil. A strange coldness initiated in her womb and spread everywhere, prolonging her orgasmic spasms for the longest time.

The demon jumped off the bed and watched Dawn with a grin of satisfaction. His job was done and now it was just a matter of sitting back and watch the show. His helpless slave was infected with the virus and it would keep her forever horny. She will mate with everyone and everything, dispersing the virus into the general population.

There was another presence in the room. The devil's shadow was still there, watching everything and laughing malevolently.

Leah continued masturbating, trying unsuccessfully to put out the fire in her pussy. “Please, fuck me too, Master. I beg you,”

“I will. But first you need to get a test subject and bring him here. Go now!”


After a couple of hours, Leah walked into her room bringing one guy at gunpoint. She had lured him to her house with the promise of a lusty night and then she pulled a gun on him, forcing him to strip and leading him upstairs. He thought he was dead for sure.

The demon was hiding and Dawn rested on the bed, shivering from time to time from spontaneous mini orgasms.

“Get closer to the bed!” Leah commanded.

“Alright! Alright! Just don't point that big ass gun at me!” the guy said nervously.

Dawn saw the man's cock and her pussy stirred. She was horny all the time and she couldn't stand one more second without a phallus. This man would provide a much needed release. She had to fuck him!

The man was scared and confused. Even more so when he saw that gorgeous woman kneeling on the bed, offering her perfect body to him.

“Please fuck me!” Dawn begged.

“You see this beautiful woman? All you have to do is fuck her all night and then you are free to go.”

“What?! I just have to fuck her and then I can go?” the man asked with amazement.

“Okay, I'll do it. Just don't shoot me,” the man said, then he thought, These bitches are crazy! At least I'm gonna get a good fuck out of this.

“I'll leave you two lovebirds alone so you can do your thing,” Leah said, walking out of the room.

“I must have this cock inside of me. I must!” Dawn exclaimed, then she engulfed the man's phallus and sucked it with expertise, helping him overcome the stressing situation. She got him fully erect in seconds.

“Why does a beautiful woman like you need to force men to fuck? You could fuck anyone you want,” the man asked.

Dawn kept sucking with mindlessness, ignoring his question.

Moments later, Dawn was humping on top him like the perfect sex machine. Her hips swayed back and forth, then up and down with with undulating motions as her pussy tightened around his cock every couple of seconds.

The guy soon forgot how he was brought into the room and started to fuck her with enthusiasm.
“Wow! You really know how to move!”

There was something about this woman that made his head spin. Her pussy was so tight and her entire body smelled so fine and alluring. He smashed her ass with all his might, shoving his cock to the hilt every time and making her scream in bliss.

I am so damn lucky. I am gonna fuck her brains out until she is begging me to stop.

After a couple of hours, they were still going at it like wild animals. Even when he slowed down a little, Dawn picked up the pace, forcing him to keep moving. Dawn had already climaxed a few times but far from bringing her some release, it made her even hornier than before. She just couldn't get enough.

Suddenly, the room got so cold that a small cloud of mist formed from the couple's agitated breaths. But they didn't even notice it as they were too engrossed on their mutual ravishing.

The excited man was amazed at his own stamina. He usually couldn't handle a sex session this long, but there was something about this woman that urged him to keep on fucking her. He came inside of her pussy with long, abundant spurts, but his cock remained hard and he just kept moving.

After several hours, the man was completely spent. He laid motionless on the carpeted floor while Dawn sat on his lap, milking whatever was left of him. The virus from the underworld that now infected his body was keeping his cock erect and at the same time, it was eating his soul away.

The next morning, Leah and the demon entered the room to see what had become of the man. Dawn had fucked him for so many hours, that the infection had accelerated to the maximum.

“Come with me darling. Let’s see the future of mankind,” the demon said to Leah.

“Yes, Master,” Leah responded, following him like a puppy.

The test had been a total success. On the carpeted floor laid a figure that used to be a man. Now it was a skeletal gray body that was half dead, half alive. It was the first zombie!

“This thing right here represents the doom of your world,” the demon said, pointing at the body.

“He is ugly!” Leah said, not caring about the fate of humanity.

Dawn was on the bed, looking down at the zombie, wishing she could fuck him some more.

The decaying man slowly opened his eyes, already feeling the irresistible need to fuck. To spread the virus. He would ravish every woman that crosses his path. The incubation period would be long enough for the women to spread the virus to more men, which would eventually turn into zombies as well. The fate of the world was sealed. At least for now.…

“Put him on the street and let the pandemonium begin!” the demon exclaimed.

The End.

Note from the author: There is a graphic (CGI) version of this story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-30 03:06:42
Female reader here: Sick story, thanks! I came so many times my fingers were cramping up. I'm so disgusted, yet incredibly titlated. Well done. I especially liked the lactating, but a demon cock into the womb is so hot, it all is! More please? Demon babies are a bit of a turn off for me (I'm currently pregnant)

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-11 09:31:56
Holy goddess's hahaha more like imaginary friends, no God is real you stupid fuck, if something offends you with the story don't read it or man up and grow a pair

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-14 13:13:05
fucking asshole..the names u used in chanting are holy goddesses in Hinduism.. they r holy n extremely powerful. do some fucking research before writing bullshit. .

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-04 00:57:09
I second that

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-02 19:26:34
This was a great story and I wish you would add another saga. I'd like to see old women beyond their breeding years impregnated by demons. A woman in her 70's who has her womb brought to life with demon seed while her deflated breasts become full of milk would be totally hot.

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