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She practices lucid dreaming to end sex dreams about her son

Michelle struggled to walk in the snow, stumbling from dead, frozen tree to dead, frozen tree. The full moon, huge, pale-blue amongst a starry night sky lit her way. Light reflected off the snow with an equally pale-blue hue.

The air was so cold and still, almost like a vacuum; she could hear no sound.

She paused at a black, frozen tree, her hand resting on the side. The tree was hard like cold concrete to the touch - as if it were petrified, frozen in time.

Michelle exhaled. Her breath hung in mid-air, floating like a small cloud. She looked around her, seeing a snowflake here and there, also unmoving, floating amongst the black trees.

"Keep going," she thought. "I have to find him, to end this."

Michelle trudged along in the soundless, wintery forest. "I have to think," she said in her head. She was having difficulty remembering why she was there and what she needed to do; everything was so blurry in her mind.

She walked for miles, the forest never seeming to end, the moon never moving, always lighting her way. She reached a clearing, not sure how many hours passed. Finally, something different.

There was a single, tall object in the distance. It was black like the trees, but had no limbs or branches. Michelle stared at the structure, the giant, full moon behind.

"Is that? No, it's nothing," Michelle thought.

She stood there, looking at the structure. Michelle guessed it was 10 feet tall and a couple feet across. The top part was slightly more bulbous than the rest of it.

She had trouble keeping her eyes open. Just as she leaned against a cold tree next to her, the object in the distance exhaled.

"What?" she mouthed.

It exhaled again, its breath floating away.

Michelle pushed herself away from the tree, hoping to move on from the clearing. She watched the object unfurl long, spindly arms. She watched its hands unfold into sharp, bone-like talons. Then its head moved.

It was staring directly at Michelle. She saw no eyes or mouth from her vantage point, only its exhales increasing in frequency.

The only sound she heard in her time in the forest came next; it was a loud, shrieking, scream. Michelle sprinted away as fast as the snow would allow.

Struggling to run, Michelle tripped and fell. She pulled herself up and kept running through the snow. Her feet felt so heavy to lift, but she kept going.

Every time she looked over her shoulder, she saw it. The object or creature was darting from tree-to-tree, catching up with her. "No," she thought.

The black, thin, tall being caught up to her, extending its boney hand, grabbing her by her neck. It lifted her high off the ground.

Michelle had trouble breathing, squirming in its grasp. She saw its skin, bark-like and hard. It opened its mouth, revealing long, straight, black teeth. It screamed in her face, bringing her closer to it.

Its tongue whipped out of its mouth, sliding up Michelle's body, cutting her worn clothes off her. She dangled and wiggled, expecting the end to approach. In the distance, behind the creature, she saw a bright light approach.

Its tongue lapped at her pussy, over her flat stomach, in between her breasts and to her face. "Please, I have to find him," Michelle thought she spoke aloud, but didn't hear any sound.

The light approaching from behind became bigger and bigger.

Michelle could see the teeth, now inches from her face. Its mouth opened further to tear her head off her body. Everything went white next.

Blinding, white light filled her vision, blocking out her view the monster. It released her, she fell to the snow, the light faded. When she opened her eyes, she saw the creature slit in half, falling over, presumably dead.

Behind its corpse stood a massive man, just as tall as the monster he slayed, wearing glowing, angelic armor. He gave off heat, melting the snow, warming the air - as if he were the sun in human form.

"You, I found you," Michelle spoke, hearing her words clearly now.

The giant man, leaned down, picking up her nude body and carried her away. She felt like a small child in his arms.

Michelle had no idea where they were going or how they were getting there; she couldn't look away from his armor-covered face.

They landed somewhere warm and alive. She didn't recall how long they traveled and assumed this being flew them there.

He laid her body on a giant bed - his bed. Michelle watched him turn around, removing his sword and armor. When he turned around, naked like Michelle, she drank in his massive muscles, gigantic cock, and his face. Her eyes lit up, she found who she was looking for.

"I have to - " she whispered, unable to finish her words, the giant man crawled on top of her, kissing her neck. His cock rested on her tummy. He reared back and slid it effortlessly inside her, causing her an instant orgasm.

"Wait! I have to tell you - " Michelle managed to say. "Ahhh!" she cried out from pleasure, the man rolling his hips against her, his immense manhood causing no pain or stretching, only ecstasy.

"Mmmm," she moaned, forgetting everything.

She arched her back, he sucked her entire right breast into his mouth, and she climaxed again.

Releasing her tit, he smiled at her face, caressing it with his huge hand. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Son," Michelle smiled back. "Don't stop."

"I never will," he replied, continuing to roll his hips, driving his cock deeper into her over and over. The room lit up, brighter and brighter as he went on, totally enveloping them in light.

Michelle woke up. Gasping for air in her bed; sunlight streaming through her bedroom window.

"Shit," she grumbled, running her hands through her long, black hair.

She checked her panties, they were soaked. She grabbed her phone, checking the time - 8:23 am. Michelle turned the phone over, took a deep breath. She checked the time again - still 8:23.

In her bathroom, she looked in the mirror, staring for several seconds. She closed her eyes, reopened them and saw her reflection looking back at her - nothing out of the ordinary. She looked at her phone - 8:24 am.

"Whew. Guess I'll keep trying," Michelle thought, using the bathroom.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she wrote in her dream journal as much as she could remember from the dream she had just had. Michelle wondered if the dream journal was helping. She finished the entry, shrugged, and hid the journal away in her bedside table.

Michelle checked her reflection once more after putting on her yoga shorts and tank top. She headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her and her son, Mikey.


“The gunman wielded a shotgun and acted alone. There was no indication this was related to a terrorist – ” the TV droned on in the background. Michelle momentarily pausing her cutting of fruits to watch the report. They showed the man’s face, overweight, balding.

She shivered, and turned the TV off to resume making her and Mikey a smoothie.

A few seconds later she felt his warmth behind her, his arms sliding around her body, pulling her against him. The 18-year-old, Mikey kissed the top of her head.

“Good morning,” Michelle said, turning around in his arms, placing her hands on his chest. She kissed his cheek, a strange feeling came over her. She turned around and continued chopping fruits.

“Ready for the long day?” Mikey asked, slapping her ass as he walked to the living room.

She rolled her eyes, grabbing her phone, checking the time, and then looked into the small mirror she placed against the window.

“Mikey, I wished you’d stop slapping my butt like that,” she said, looking at the time again, seeing the numbers clearly.

“Sorry. It looks great. Guess I feel it needs to be slapped every once in a while,” Mikey confessed.

“Uh huh,” Michelle rolled her eyes again.

She did nothing to discourage it otherwise. She kept wearing her tiny, spandex, workout clothes – blaming the hot Miami weather. Mikey occasionally slapping her butt wasn’t the only thing she could request that he stop doing.

The longer hugs, kisses, hand holding, all of it felt like they were a couple. Michelle never said anything, wondering if the sexual dreams about her son, she had almost nightly, desensitized her to affection like that.

She wondered if her own behavior had changed because of the dreams. She grabbed a smoothie for him and herself and made her way to his lap.

“Then you’re going to sit on my lap like this?” Mikey grinned, sipping his drink.

“Yeah? So?” Michelle grinned back.

“You want me to stop slapping that booty of yours, yet you sit the thing right on me.”

“I know, crazy right?” Michelle knew he had a point, but didn’t care.

An image of his naked body from her dream flashed in her mind. He looked so incredible; not too different than in real life, minus the 10-foot-tall part.

“Alright, let’s get out of here. We got a long day,” Michelle shook the image from head and got off his lap.

Mikey slapped her ass once more. Michelle turned to look at him, her hands on her hips. “Oops, sorry. It slipped,” he said.

“You’re so bad,” she chuckled.

Mikey drove and Michelle held his hand. She wondered again if the dreams were affecting her real-life behavior.

She’s been trying for several weeks to end the sex dreams about her son. Having decided against talking to a therapist about them, Michelle decided to try another method – lucid dreaming.

Michelle wanted to become aware she was dreaming, then change the dream to how she saw fit. She was hoping to “break up” with Mikey in the dream before they had sex. Michelle thought if she ended the sex dream before it started, then perhaps she would no longer have them, or at least be able to stop the sex from occurring within them.

So far she wasn’t successful. She struggled to remember what to say or do. In the dreams, everything, including her memory and desire to talk to Mikey, were blurry.

She kept a dream journal, documenting every sex dream about Mikey she had. It helped her remember the dreams and hopefully be able to control them.

All throughout the day, Michelle practiced reality checks. She’ll try to read something; the time on her phone in most cases. A sign of dreaming is text or numbers being difficult to read or in a strange language. She also checked her reflection. If her image was unrecognizable or distorted, Michelle would hopefully become aware she was dreaming. These reality checks were done most often when she’s around the subject of her sex dreams – her son.

She achieved lucidity a few times. Unable to do a reality check, like the previous dream she had, Michelle was able to become aware inside her dream. Unfortunately, having the important conversation, ending the sex dream with Mikey has proven very difficult.

Michelle and son arrived at the gym, their yoga class waiting for them. They spent their days there together. Mikey was her assistant. After yoga, Michelle ran a spinning class. Then after lunch, her and Mikey tended to individual or small groups of clients who sought her services as a personal trainer. They usually ended their work day at seven or eight in the evening.

Michelle loved having Mikey around, helping her with clients. She even competed in a few figure competitions. Mikey was right by her side, helping and training with her.

She assumed their increased closeness might spur the inappropriate dreams about him.

After a light dinner, Michelle was nodding off on the couch. Lately she snuggled up to Mikey, his arm around her, as they channel surfed after eating. They’ve also been saying good night with sweet kisses on the lips. This was a fairly recent development too. Tonight was no different. Michelle kissed his lips and got off the couch, only to have her ass slapped again.

“You aren’t going to stop are you?” she feigned anger at him.

“It’s almost like a reflex. I see that thing all day.”

“Are you staring at it too?”

“Can’t help it. Sorry,” Mikey joked, holding his hands up.

For a split second, Michelle thought about mooning him, but shook her head and stuck out her tongue instead.

Sitting on the side of her bed, in a t-shirt and panties, Michelle took several deep breaths. “I will be aware that I’m dreaming,” she whispered a few times. “I can do this. I can end them. I will be aware that I’m dreaming and talk to Mikey.”

Michelle glanced at the time on her phone one last time, repeating the phrase over and over again.


Michelle was riding Mikey’s cock as hard and as fast as she could. Her dark hair and chin were dripping sweat onto him. They were in an apartment, in a tall building, on a couch going at it. Moonlight shone in, illuminating her slick back.

“Fuck me, fuck me!” she ordered her son, his crazed thrusts meeting her grinding body against his.

He grit his teeth, holding her waist. “You like it?”

“I love it! Fuck that pussy,” Michelle said. Mikey slapped her ass several times.

“It’s mine,” He sat up, her breasts banging against his face. He held her tightly as she rode him. “My pussy.”

“Yes!” she cried out. “Don’t stop fucking me!”

Michelle and Mikey were startled by the apartment door to their right bursting open. Someone was standing there, silhouetted by light from a hallway.

“No!” the person yelled, her voice sounding like Michelle. She stepped forward, into the moonlight. It was Michelle.

“Get off him!” Michelle growled at herself. This second Michelle’s hand gripped the first’s throat, pulling her off Mikey’s cock.

Semen and pussy juices poured out of Michelle, creating a puddle on the floor. The second Michelle spun around, and threw the first toward a window.

Michelle watched in horror as her son stood to chase after her, but was clotheslined by this invading other Michelle.

She crashed through the window, glass shattering all around her. The apartment window got smaller and smaller as she fell from the high-rise.

“Mikey!” she reached out, falling further away from him.

Everything became darker as she fell. Michelle never hit the ground, instead only falling into darkness.

Soon she was surrounding by pitch black. She heard herself talking, asking questions. “Did I create her? Was that me trying to end things with Mikey?”

Michelle heard a whisper in the darkness; a simple “yes.”

She woke up to her darkened room. Reaching for her phone, she knocked it off her bedside table. Michelle crawled to the floor feeling for it. A few seconds later, after finding it, she checked the time – 3:34 am.

She got back in bed, thinking about the dream, about the sex, how good it felt to fuck him as hard as possible. “No,” she forced herself from continuing with her perverse thoughts.

Checking the time again – 3:36 – the numbers looking normal, Michelle rolled over and attempted to go back to sleep. She fought with herself, struggling to resist thinking of being filled with Mikey’s cum. She sat up, turned her light on and wrote in her dream journal.

“Total failure with that one. It went straight to sex. I need to keep trying. Try something else in the dream to end it,” she thought, lying on her back. “We fucked so hard though. All that cum pouring out of me. No! Stop it.”

Michelle calmed herself down, thinking of the next day’s plans and meetings – thinking nothing about her son or sex with him.


“Is he your boyfriend?” an older lady client asked Michelle later that day.

“Um – ”

“I sure am,” Mikey put his arm around his mother, overhearing the conversation.

Michelle had no time to react, instead blushing.

“See, Hank? I told you they were boyfriend and girlfriend,” the old lady called out to her husband, her session with Michelle ending.

“Why did you tell her that?” Michelle swatted at Mikey’s arm.

He shrugged, “I don’t know. Just messing around.”

They gathered their bags, Mikey’s hand resting on the small of his mother’s back, holding doors open for her. She grabbed his hand upon leaving the gym, not once thinking it looked like something a couple would do.

After dinner, Michelle was on his lap, spoon feeding him and herself yogurt. Mikey was watching more new reports about the crazed shooter.

“Ugh, turn it. I don’t want to see his face. Wished they wouldn’t show it,” Michelle said, holding a spoon to her son’s mouth. He ate the yogurt, Michelle eating a spoonful next.

Mikey turned the TV off, leaning his head back on the couch. Michelle finished the yogurt and put her arm around him.

“Do you have a girlfriend? I mean, never mind. You don’t. You hang out with me all day,” Michelle said.

“Yeah, you.”

“Ha. I’m not your girlfriend.”

“Fine. If and when you’re ready to date, I’ll be around,” Mikey joked, patting her lower back.

“I’ll keep that in mind, silly,” Michelle gave him a goodnight peck on the lips and got off his lap. Mikey slapped her butt as she walked away. Michelle smiled, tousling his hair when she walked by the couch.


Michelle was in a gym. It looked different, smaller, than the one she frequented. It was only one room, with large, glass windows looking out onto a street downtown.

She was the only woman amidst several, hulking, bodybuilder-like men. Michelle noticed them all moving in slow motion, lifting 100 pound dumbbells up and down. She watched one sit the dumbbell down and wipe his forehead with a towel. He looked at Michelle, tugging on an erection in his shorts.

Michelle stepped forward, looking up to him. Another man, towering above her, slowly moved into position. Then another, finally a fourth, all surrounded her. She smiled watching them remove their clothes. Their sweaty bodies glistening, their large cocks dangling for Michelle to bring to life.

She turned in circles, her hands traveling over their bodies, smiling at what she was going to do to them. However, something caught her eye.

She saw something on the wall mirror the gym had. In between two big men, there was an image, a distortion. Michelle pushed past the men, the distortion getting larger as Michelle approached the mirror.

She was looking at her reflection. It was barely even humanoid shaped, more like an amorphous, dark shape, with no texture.

“I’m dreaming,” she whispered. Then she heard a scream. It sounded like a young boy.

“Mikey?” Michelle turned, looking toward the front door.

“Mommy!” the boy screamed for her.

Michelle picked up a 100-pound dumbbell and threw it like a baseball, through an opening where the men stood, through the front window, shattering it.

Michelle ran through the large hole in the window, hearing her son calling for help. He was all that mattered.

Cars were empty, littering the streets, save for two people. One was a young boy, her son, the other was a shotgun wielding, overweight, bald man. Michelle recognized him. He was the shooter in the news.

He had his shotgun aimed at Mikey. The man was yelling, screaming, but no noise came out of his mouth. The only sound Michelle heard were birds chirping and Mikey occasionally calling out to her.

Michelle sped to the man, standing in front of his shotgun. He roared at her, spit landing on her face, no sound coming from his mouth.

Michelle grabbed the barrel of the shotgun and crushed it like the cardboard tube leftover from an empty roll of paper towels. The man’s eyes lit up with shock, he began cursing, still silent. Michelle grabbed his throat, lifted him off the ground, and crushed it in a similar way to the shotgun barrel. She flung him across the street into the side of a building.

Michelle scooped up her son, “Come, we need to talk.”

She jumped in the air, landing on top of a building. Michelle sat Mikey down, knowing this was her moment to end things with him. Now was the time for her to put a stop to their incestuous dreams. Michelle gathered her thoughts of how to deliver the news, eyes to the roof of the building. She wasn’t paying attention to Mikey growing before her eyes. He grew taller, bigger, his clothing stretched and tore, falling off his body. He cast a shadow at her feet.

“Mikey, listen we need to – ”

“Yes?” he said in a deep voice, now as his 18-year-old normal self.

“We, uh, we need to,” Michelle had trouble concentrating, his naked body distracting her.

“Need to what? Everything ok?”

“No, no, we need to – ”

“Make love, right? Now that I’m old enough, I’m a man, let me thank you like a man would,” Mikey grabbed her, pulling her against him.

“No!” his mother tried to resist, tried to end this before it became another sex dream.

“Hey, it’s ok,” Mikey stopped. “This is what grownups who love each other do.”

“But, we’re – ”

“In love. Right?”

Michelle touched his face, ran her thumb across his soft smile; she couldn’t say no. “Yes. I love you with all my heart.”

Michelle grabbed him, pulling his mouth to hers.

She pulled off her top, slipped out of her shorts, and jumped into her son’s arms. “I love you,” she said over and over, kissing him.

Mikey guided her to her back on the roof. “This is where I belong,” he said before guiding his cock into her.

He settled in, Michelle pulling him in for more kissing, locking her feet around him. “This is your home, in me.”

“Forever,” Mikey said, propping himself up on his hands. Michelle’s hands found his stomach, resting there as he pumped his hips back and forth, his cock in and out.

Her eyes fluttered, she licked her lips, moaning constantly. The birds were still chirping. “Get me pregnant,” she breathed.

“As you wish,” Mikey kept pumping.

Birds were flying overhead. Her moans and their chirps grew louder and louder.

“I’m cumming,” Mikey grunted. “Give me a baby!”

“Yes! Yes!” Michelle cried out, the birds flying lower now, almost on top of them.

“No!” Michelle woke up, gasping for air.

She looked at her phone, 9:14 am. Morning birds were chirping right outside her window. She was running late for the day’s first client. Michelle jumped out of bed and quickly got ready.


That night they lost power due to a thunderstorm. Michelle, in her underwear and t-shirt, sat next to her son on the couch. He was shirtless, in his boxers. Candles were lit nearby.

“Hot as crap,” Mikey wiped beads of sweat from his forehead.

“Yep,” his mom did the same.

“Hey thanks for letting me help you. Thanks for letting me be your assistant. And NO it’s not so I can look at your butt all day,” Mikey said.

Michelle laughed, “You’re silly. But you’re welcome. I’m glad you’re there to help.”

Mikey smiled, placing his hand on her bare, sweaty thigh. Michelle rested her hand on top of his. “We’ve been sweaty all day.”

“I know. Hopefully the power comes back on soon.”

Michelle kissed his bare shoulder, resting her head there.

“Mom, I love you,” Mikey said.

“Aww, I love you too.”

“I’m here for you – always.”

“Mikey?” Michelle sat up.

“Just saying. I’m here. To take care of you, to keep you company, to work with you. If it means we’re kinda like a couple, that doesn’t bother me.”

Michelle caressed his face, “You’re so wonderful to me.”

She leaned over kissing his lips slowly and softly. They lingered there, Michelle holding his face. Her spine tingled when Mikey trailed his fingers over her thigh.

She came to her senses, ending her sweet kiss. “I, uh, need to get some sleep. I have a feeling this heat will make it rough.”

Michelle took her leave, Mikey nodding good night to her. He didn’t playfully slap her ass. Michelle noticed, but said nothing.


Michelle was on a farm, on a very, very hot day, sucking the cock of Hank. She swallowed his cum, wiping her mouth and stood. “I love sucking dick.”

“I know you do. Now get down to the barn,” Hank instructed.

Michelle stood, adjusting her black cowboy hat. “What’s down there?” she asked, noticing her voice, her accent sounded different – southern.

“There’s something you gotta do,” Hank said, looking over her sweaty body, admiring her legs and ass exposed by tiny cutoff blue jean shorts. He patted her exposed tummy via a torn and ragged, white tank top. “Git!”

Michelle headed to the barn, the sun burning hot above her.

When she entered she saw Mikey cleaning stables and a horse nearby. Michelle’s first thought was to go to her knees and suck Mikey’s cock.

“No, I can’t. I can’t,” she said. Michelle looked to the horse nearby. He was eating hay, swatting flies with his tail. Michelle licked her lips, staring at the horse’s big, full balls hanging between his back legs. Moving closer, she saw he was erect.

“But I can, and will suck your dick,” Michelle said, Mikey not noticing her.

Michelle moved toward the dark brown horse, “Mmm,” she moaned, running her hand over his back.

“I’m going to take care of you, don’t kick now,” she said, moving behind the horse, going to her knees.

She leaned forward and lovingly kissed the horse’s, big, massive balls. She licked all over them, moaning, wanting to empty them. Michelle crawled underneath the stallion, kissing the base of his long, erect cock.

She licked her way to the tip, grabbing it with both hands and jacking it. Michelle opened her mouth and did her best to fit as much of the huge cock inside it as possible.

“Mikey,” she said, getting his attention. When he looked to her, he stood, expressionless watching her suck that big horse dick.

“Mmm, I’m not sucking yours. This is what I want,” Michelle said, then ramming it into the back of her mouth, down her throat as best she could.

The horse stomped his front hooves, Michelle watched his big balls contract, she felt his cock pulse and pump semen down her throat. She started choking, pulling the cock out of her mouth. The horse’s cock sprayed his cum all over her face, chest, and thighs.

She smiled, stood and looked at son. Mikey was standing there, saddened by what he saw.

“I’m going to have sex with him now,” Michelle pointing to the horse. “Not you, Son.”

Mikey nodded and left. His mother went back to her knees, sucking the horse cock clean, bringing it back to life. Michelle was rubbing her clit at the same time, approaching her own orgasm.

She woke up, hot, sweaty, her hand in her underwear. “Oh yes!” she called out, arching her back, her throat feeling full from sucking on a horse’s cock. Michelle rubbed her throat, her mouth; there was nothing there. She sighed, wiping sweat off her chest, feeling no semen.

She sat on the edge of the bed and wrote in her dream journal. She tried going back to sleep after checking the time – 5:32am.

Michelle was wide awake. She let out a long moan, rubbing her clit, wondering what it’d be like to suck a horse’s dick in real life. “So big,” she rolled over, after kicking the sheets off. The power was still out.

She pictured Mikey’s sad look upon his face in the dream, thoughts of bestiality fading. “I’ll try again Mikey. I’ll talk to you in my next dream.”


Michelle was stuck in traffic. The air conditioner in her car wasn’t working. There was no breeze coming through the rolled down windows. Not having any idea how long she’d been waiting, she rested her forehead on the steering wheel. Cars were honking around her; no one was able to move.

Someone startled her by knocking on the side of her car. It was the older woman client she sees frequently. “Hi, sweetie, your boyfriend is waiting in that direction.”

“My boyfriend?” Michelle asked. She saw the woman’s husband, Hank, appear behind her.

“That’s right. He’s that way,” Hank pointed.

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” Michelle shook her head.

“That nice young man with you at the gym?” the woman asked.

Michelle wiped sweat from her forehead. She glanced at the time on the car’s middle console display where the radio controls were. It was a series of dots and dashes.

“You better hurry up, get out of this heat,” Hank suggested. Michelle looked again at the time. It was now blurry out of focus.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Michelle felt heavy in her seat.

Looking at her reflection in the rearview mirror, she saw her skin appear like liquid droplets. She touched her cheek. When she removed her fingers from it, skin followed in a gooey-like effect. She looked again and her eyeballs melted out of her sockets.

“No!” she looked away. The elderly couple was gone. Glancing to her hands, seeing them wavy, like water, Michelle became aware she was dreaming.

“Mikey!” she smiled. “It’s time to end this.”

Michelle floated through the roof of her car, passing through the solid object. She hovered above the interstate of traffic, seeing an endless stream of cars all the way to the horizon. “That way,” she heard an unseen Hank say.

She nodded, confident in her abilities to put a stop to her incestuous dreams, and flew away, above the cars, toward the horizon.

Michelle glided above the cars for what seemed like hours. She was a few feet above them. As the sky became darker, with orange and purples hues, the cars seemed to congeal together. She reached below her and touched a roof – it moved like water, tiny waves rippling away from her finger.

Michelle looked forward and saw the cars gradually blend into a river. The slow moving water sparkled in the dusk sun light. In the distance, she saw a huge hill, with a small house on top. Michelle flew toward it.

Mikey was inside, in a kitchen that looked very much like her own. He appeared to be fixing supper.
“Mikey,” Michelle rushed to him.

“Oh, hey, Mom. You’re just in time for dinner,” Mikey casually said.

“What? No. There’s no time to eat,” Michelle said.

“Of course there is. For me at least,” Mikey said, bending and picking up his mother. He carried her to an empty table in the dining room.

“Put me down. We need to talk; we need to end this. No more sex dreams about you. It’s wrong,” Michelle said.

Mikey placed her on the table. “Sex dreams? We’re not having sex. I’m eating dinner.” He flipped her over to her tummy, holding her down.

“What, what are you doing?” Michelle looked over her shoulder, squirming, trying to break free. Mikey climbed on the table and sat on her legs. He reached for her shorts.

“Stop! No! It’s wrong,” Michelle pleaded.

“It’s ok. I know you want to get eaten. I know you want this too,” Mikey said, pulling her shorts down, exposing her bare ass. “This is my dinner,” he said slapping and holding her ass.

He pulled her up, causing her back to arch slightly, and knees to bend. “Mikey, no! No! Please don’t! We can’t – ”

Mikey opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue, and dove right in. “Ahh, yes!” his mother cried out, almost instantly orgasming when Mikey’s tongue entered her ass. “Don’t, don’t stop!” she begged.

Licking all around inside her, his tongue occasionally darting in and out, Mikey ate her asshole out. The pleasure it was sending Michelle was far better than any pleasure she recalled receiving from having her pussy eaten.

“Good?” Mikey paused.

“Don’t stop, Son!”

Mikey grinned and licked from her oozing pussy back up to her puckered anus.

“Yes! Yes!” she screamed with pleasure, Mikey tongue-fucking her ass. “I want this!”

Michelle felt an orgasm building and building, ready to explode. “Yes! Yes!” she reached behind her, holding Mikey’s head at her ass.

“I’m cumming!” she cried out. “Mikey!”

“Mikey!” Michelle woke up, gasping for air, her body drenched with sweat. It was hot, the power still hadn’t returned.

“Ahhh, shit,” she moaned, lying back in bed, catching her breath. She slid her hand down her tummy, into her panties – soaking wet. “Damn,” she settled down, her body feeling numb.

She checked her phone, it still had battery life left. It was just after 7am. The numbers looked normal. She jotted the dream down in her dream journal. As she wrote the words of what Mikey did to her, she couldn’t help but pause, close her eyes and moan. It felt so good.

In the bathroom a few minutes later, she stared at her reflection. No distortions or deformities.

The power came back on. “About time,” she sighed, then undressed to shower.

“That was insane,” she thought, moving her hand away from her pussy, telling herself to not masturbate to thoughts of the dream. She finished her shower, got on her workout clothes, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Fixing a smoothie for the day, she heard Mikey approach. She flinched when he playfully slapped her ass. Michelle turned around and hugged him, “Good morning.”

“What, no fussing at me for slapping your booty?” Mikey asked

Michelle thought to herself, “I dreamed this morning your mouth was all over it. So what if your hand is in real life.”

“Nah,” she answered. “Slap away!” Michelle turned, continuing to cut up fruit.

Mikey laughed and opted not to. Michelle glanced at him as he flipped through the TV, waiting for his smoothie.

She sat on his lap, they downed their drinks in silence. Michelle kissed his head, signaling it was time to start their work day, and got off his lap.

Mikey slapped her ass when she got up. She reached down to kiss him again, “You’re such a naughty boy.”

“Sorry, you know I’m just messing around.”

“I know. I don’t think I mind anymore,” Michelle left, playfully slapping her own ass, thoughts of her dream still fresh on her mind.

They returned that evening to a cool home, the air conditioner still on. “Exhausted,” Michelle said. “I’m going to shower and meet you downstairs.”

“Me too,” Mikey headed to his shower.

They nearly fell asleep on one another after dinner. The TV in the background, Michelle in her underwear and tank top, cuddled with her son on the couch.

“Mom,” Mikey spoke up. “Getting sleepy. I think I’ll head to bed.”

“Me too,” Michelle said. She stood, extended her hand to him. “Let’s go.”


“To bed. I’m not done cuddling with you. So you’re coming with me,” Michelle led him out of the living room, up the stairs, then to her bedroom.

“Get on there!” she playfully pushed him to the bed.

She climbed on and into his open arms. “There we go. This is what I need,” she said.

Mikey laughed, his hand trailing down her back to her butt, playfully patting it a few times.

Michelle rose up on her elbows, playing with his hair. “Goodnight,” she leaned in and slowly kissed his lips.

“Goodnight,” he replied, letting his hand rest at the rise of her ass.

Michelle felt so warm and at peace. The notion that he should not be in her bed, never occurred to her. She was asleep in minutes.


Michelle found herself on a swing. It was tied to a large branch, high above her head, of a tree on a hill. She could see lovely green landscapes consisting of soft, rolling hills, bright, green fields, and winding rivers. The sky had scattered white fluffy clouds floating amongst a brilliant blue.
She was naked and felt so full. Michelle looked to her tummy, seeing a bump appear above her belly button. She smiled and touched it. “Yes,” she licked her lips. It was Mikey’s cock.

Her son was behind her, his hands resting on her back. He was still, letting his cock rest comfortably in her intestines, entering her digestive track from her anus.

“So full,” Michelle moaned in the dream. Mikey’s exaggerated cock was so much longer here than in reality. He pushed it inside her, deep into her body, all the way in – causing her tummy to bulge out.

Mikey gently pushed her and his cock slid out of her body. When Michelle returned to the starting point, his cock effortlessly slid right back into her ass, pushing past her rectum, into her colon. “There it is,” Michelle giggled seeing her stomach bulge out once more.

Mikey pushed her again and again on the swing. In the dream, gravity seemed different. He’d push the swing, it’d slowly go up, then slowly swing back, his cock sliding right back into her body. Michelle moaned every time.

Mikey kept going, kept pushing her, each time Michelle got higher and higher. Then finally, she swung right over the branch, stopping vertically in mid-air. “No!” Michelle was stuck, the swing unmoving; she was upside down.

“Wait!” she called out to her son. She looked up from her reference point, seeing the ground above her. She saw Mikey’s nude body walk away, down the hill, through the bright, green grass.

“Come back!” she called to him. “I need you in me!”

Michelle looked around, still sitting on the swing, upside down. “No. I don’t need him in me. I have to tell him.”

She looked to her wrist. There was no watch. She had no mirror to look in. “I do though. I need him, I want him so badly,” she thought.

Michelle grabbed the seat of the swing and pushed off it, hanging from it, high above the ground. “Mickey. I need you!” she argued with herself. She let go and floated down.

When she landed on the grass, knowing she was dreaming, she searched for him. He was nowhere in sight. “Mikey!” she called out to him, her calls echoing off of something she couldn’t see.

“Mikey! Please come back!” Michelle hopelessly ran around the green fields, looking for her son.

“I want you in real life!” she stopped, alone in the vast countryside.

“Do I?” She thought. “No!” she closed her eyes, images of Mikey in real life flooded her vision. She saw them kissing, undressing, having sex.

“Yes!” she opened her eyes, the wind blowing the grass, the sun high above her in the field. “I need him!”

“I’ll, I’ll seduce,” she nodded, talking to herself. “I’ll seduce – ”

Michelle woke up, gasping, shocked by her words still ringing in her head. She grabbed her phone. It was 7:10 am. She turned over and read the time again. She threw the covers off, hopped out bed, and looked at her reflection in her bathroom mirror. She looked normal, not distorted in any way. She looked at her phone, 7:11am.

Then she saw her son, sleeping peacefully in her bed. Michelle glanced at her normal reflection, then back to her son. She watched him for a while; thoughts of seeking professional help entered her mind, not for having those strange dreams, but now having a desire to cross the line, sexually, with her son.

She took a deep breath. “No appointments today. I think I need to get away for a bit. Clear my head, before I do something horrible” she thought.


Michelle managed to avoid Mikey for the entire day. She walked along the beach, went shopping, buying nothing, doing whatever she could to stay out of the house.

They had a quick meal together, Michelle excusing herself to her room, to watch movies alone. She was satisfied, albeit saddened, to avoid her son all day. Sleep eventually found her.

“Mom!” she heard Mikey call out from somewhere in the distance. Michelle was in a forest at night. The trees looked different; tropical with huge leaves, turquoise in color and slightly glowing.

The moon was behind Michelle. It was so huge it took up most of the twinkling, starry sky. “Wow,” she whispered.

“Mom!” Mikey called out again.

“I’m here!” Michelle called back, moving through the thick, alien-like foliage.

Michelle found her son, naked, standing by a small pond. The shimmering water, sparkling, teeming with bioluminescent creatures beneath the surface.

She didn’t bother looking for reality checks. She didn’t look for her reflection in the water or something, like the time, to attempt to read. She rushed right to her son and stood before him, caressing his face.

“Mikey,” she peered into his eyes. He put his hands her waist. Michelle looked down, seeing she was naked too.

“We can’t,” she said.

“Mom, you’ve been dreaming about me for like this for months now. Every single dream you have is about you and I making love. Somewhere in your subconscious you must crave and desire that in real life.”

“No, it’s wrong.”

“I know. But you still want it. You still want us to be more than mother and son.”

Michelle placed her hand on his chest, nodding slowly.

“You could’ve made more of an effort to talk to a shrink, to get some help. But you tried to do it on your own,” Mikey continued. “Too embarrassed to have to admit to someone you want to be lovers with your own son. I’m telling you though, it’s ok, you don’t have to be afraid.”

“What do I do? I mean, I can’t – ”

“Yes you can. You can admit to me in real life about the dreams you’ve been having. Or don’t. Just be with me, cross the line, make it happen.”

“What if you are freaked out about it? What if you get angry?”

“Mom, you know how I’ve been acting around you. Flirting, slapping at your butt. I told you I’m there for you. Did you pick up on the double meaning?”

“But, but – ”

“You know what you want. You know what you need to do. Wake up and make it happen,” Mikey said, kissing his mother’s forehead. He slowly backed away.

“Wait!” she called out to him, watching him slowly fade from view.

“Wake up. Make it happen,” he whispered before disappearing.

Michelle was alone in the strange forest. She looked around her, to the starry sky, finally at the sparkling pond. “Wake up,” she told herself. “Wake up!”

The ground shook beneath her feet. She clinched her fist as the earth below her grew, propelling her upward. The small pond flowed away, rushing down a small mound that was being born beneath her. The mound grew into a hill. Michelle was above the tree line, the earth pushing her higher and higher. The hill grew into a mountain. Michelle could see for miles. The gigantic moon, taking up most of the night sky. She saw a vast landscape of turquoise foliage before her. The horizon was purple and faded upward to black. The mountain kept growing and growing, finally stopping when Michelle could see the curvature of the Earth.

She floated above the summit, rising higher and higher into the atmosphere. She saw an ocean nearly black in color; she saw a shape of a continent not resembling anything she could recall. Michelle rose upward until she was in orbit, floating further and further away from the planet.

She could see the Earth in its entirety now. The moon, half the planet’s size, was right next to it. “Mother and son,” Michelle thought.

“Son,” she rememberd Mikey. She turned around in space, facing a bright object very far away. “Sun.”

She slowly breathed in and out. “Time to wake up,” Michelle said, and flew directly toward the star.

Going faster than light, she traveled millions of miles in a minute. The Sun became brighter and brighter, taking up her entire field of vision.

“Wake up!” she yelled, focusing, flying right toward it. “Wake up!”

Michelle flew into the Sun.


She rose up in bed, holding her chest, “Mikey!”

She packed her things, didn’t say goodbye to anyone and sped home, she would text them later. Mikey on her mind the entire several hour drive.

Michelle fell out of bed. She didn’t look at her phone. She knew it was Sunday – no clients. She hopped in the shower, not bothering to check her reflection.
After her shower, she wrapped the towel around her body and stared in the mirror – not to check her reflection as a reality check, but to ask herself if she really did want to be lovers with her son. “I do,” she admitted


“How do I look?” Michelle asked Mikey, turning around in the tight orange dress he requested she wear for their night out.

“Great,” he grinned, eyeing her up and down.

“We’re going to have a wonderful evening,” Michelle approached him, pulling her dress up, revealing her bare ass. She guided Mikey’s hands to it.

“No underwear, Mom?”

“I told you, we’re going to have a wonderful night. In fact, I think we should stay in. Look outside,” Michelle directed him. Mikey peered on the back deck, seeing a candlelit table there waiting.

They were sitting, holding hands, while feeding themselves with their free one. “How long has it been since we’ve been like this?” Mikey asked.

“Don’t say it like that. That doesn’t sound very romantic,” Michelle frowned.

“Ok, how about, how long have we been lovers? How long have we been more than mother and son?”

“Better,” Michelle. “But we have a title. Remember it?”

“Ah. How long have we been husband and wife?” Mikey remembered.

Michelle stood, looking exactly like she always did – long dark hair, fit, toned body, perfect ass. She pulled up her dress once more, offering it to Mikey. He slapped it and smiled up at her.

“The big four oh. 40 years,” Michelle answered.

“Wow,” Mikey couldn’t help but grin.

“I don’t look bad for an old woman in her 70s,” Michelle turned around, pulling Mikey to his feet. She led him inside.

As they traveled through the house, something caught Mikey’s attention to his left. It was a mirror. He stopped following his mother. Looking at his reflection, he saw gray hair, wrinkles – a face of a 58-year-old man.

“Come on,” his forever young mother pulled him along.

What followed was a marathon session of Michelle grinding against and riding his cock. Mikey sat in bed watching this woman work. She’d moan, she’d hold her breasts, she’d run her fingers through her hair – her sole purpose to use her body to pleasure her son.

The sun rose and set. Night came and went. Michelle kept going, kept making love to him, always. Mikey ejaculated and woke up.

“Shit,” he sat up in bed, looking to his wet pajamas. “Whoa. That was crazy,” he laid back down. “Better than the last one,” he caught his breath.

He smiled to the ceiling, recounting the nearly nightly sex dreams he had about his mother. He chuckled, wondering what his mother would actually look like in her 70s.

“Oh, Mom. Sorry about that,” he whispered, jokingly apologizing to her for having these dreams about her.

Michelle barged into his room, startling him, causing him to quickly cover his cum drenched pajama pants.

“Hi!” she cheerily said.

“Hey,” Mikey rose to his elbows.

“Get up, get dressed. We are spending the day together.”

“Um, don’t we – ”

“Yes, we do normally. But we have no clients today. I figured we could go to breakfast, then the beach, then have a nice relaxing evening here at home.”

“Uh, yeah, ok.”

Michelle startled him again by jumping on his bed. She sat on top of him, his cock still tingling from his wet dream about her. “Maybe, if you’re a good boy, you can get in the bed with me again. That old lady thinks we’re boyfriend and girlfriend right?” Michelle jabbed his side.

“Heh, yeah, sure Mom,” Mikey winced, feeling her weight on top of his crotch.

“Alright, well get up!” she hopped off him and left his room.

Mikey shrugged and climbed out of bed, “Whatever.”


After a nice breakfast, mom and son were in each other’s arms, with Mikey treading water, holding his mother up. Waves bounced them up and down in the water. They both couldn’t help but think the motion looked sexual. Michelle was straddling him after all.

“I’m surprised you haven’t been swatting at my butt,” Michelle joked. “It’s practically fully exposed.”

“Right. You aren’t wearing much of a bikini.”

“You like it? My butt?”

“Mom,” Mikey looked away.

“I don’t think you have any reason to be embarrassed,” Michelle said.

“In that case, yeah. You look insanely good. Everywhere,” Mikey confessed.

“So do you.”


“I mean it. We’ve grown closer recently. We spend so much time together, working, and so on. It’s wonderful.”

“I agree,” Mikey looked down, his own collection of erotic dreams about his mother, making him feel guilty.

“You don’t have to feel bad about that,” Michelle said, guessing at what was on his mind. “I love it. I love you.”

“I have to admit,” Mikey paused. “I don’t want to leave home any time soon. I want to be there with you for a long time.”

Michelle smiled, not saying anything and ignoring the fact that Mikey placed his hands on her ass to hold her up.

“Maybe it’s weird – ”
“No,” Michelle interrupted him. “I mean, yes, but I don’t think it is. Some would say a mother and son shouldn’t spend so much time together. You heard the older client of ours. She thought you and I were a couple. But there’s no one else I want to be with.”

“Be with,” Mikey quietly recited her last two words.

“Yes,” his mother smiled, kissing his cheek and hugging him.

Her mind was racing there in his arms. All those dreams she’s had of him, all the sex in those dreams. Michelle saw all the signs now. Their embraces, their quiet evenings alone, the affection mixed with her admittance to herself that she wanted to be everything to him. She wanted her son to fulfill every role a man could fulfill.

“Let’s get out of this heat,” Michelle said. They held hands, making their way back to their stuff.


Several hours later, after dinner, Michelle was sharing a glass of wine with Mikey. She was in her pajamas, consisting of a white tank top and underwear, sitting with his arm around her. “Feel ok?”

“Ugh, yeah. Doesn’t taste great,” he wiped his mouth.

“I’m not much of a drinker, but this one is an acquired taste, I supposed,” Michelle finished the glass, placing it on the table.

“Now then, let’s talk.”

“Ok, about what?” Mikey asked.

Michelle thought for a moment, resting her hand on her son’s, sitting against him on the couch. “You know, it’s funny. I’ve been having dreams about you.”

Mikey’s eyes lit up. “You, you have?”

“Mmhmm,” Michelle smiled. “I figured they were a result of us being so close or you being there for me through bad times. I don’t know. But they are daily.”

“Um, what kind of dreams?”

“Well, sweetie, they’ve been sexual in nature.”

Mikey nodded, hoping his cheeks weren’t as red as he thought they might be. “I see.”

“I know it’s weird, but that’s what my subconscious cooks up.”

“No, no, I mean, it’s not weird. We all dream strange things every once in a while.”

Michelle kissed his cheek, “I have them every single night.”

“Really?” Mikey gulped.

“Yeah. Thought about getting professional help or have a lucid dream where I could change or stop it from happening. Failed every time,” she kissed his cheek again.

Michelle circled his lips with her thumb, “So then I began to wonder, if it was something I wanted in real life, deep down on a subconscious level.”

“You, you did?” Mikey turned to face his smiling mother. “What, uh, what did you um – ”
Michelle kissed his lips softly. “I do want it.”

Mikey was shaking nervously. “Uh, ok.”

“Do you?”

“Do I want it too?”

Michelle didn’t reply, she stood up and turned around. She slowly slid her underwear over her ass, bending slightly in front of her son. “Do you want it too, Mikey?”

“Oh wow, oh wow, this is, this isn’t real,” he whispered.

Michelle picked up her phone, “Read the time.”

“9:28 pm,” Mikey said.

Michelle looked at the time next. “Yep, looks normal to me. Come.”

Mikey took her extended hand, staring at her ass all the way up the stairs. He breathed in, smelling her perfume as they climbed. She led him into her bathroom, flipping on the light. “Look in the mirror. What do you see?”

Mikey looked at his normal reflection, then watched his mother kiss at his neck, cheek, and jaw line. “I, uh, I see you and me.”

“Look normal?” Michelle asked, still peppering his face and neck with kisses.


She grabbed his face, pulling it to hers, kissing his mouth hard. His lips were so soft even if they were a little dry. Michelle fixed that by lightly darting her tongue against them.

“Mmmm, now what do you see,” she broke the kiss, turning his face to the mirror, kissing his cheek.

“Still looks like us, looks fine.”

“I think it looks great,” Michelle said, referring to the reflection of her and her son.

Michelle stepped away and flung her tank top off. Mikey’s mouth dropped.

“You never answered my question,” Michelle said standing nude before him. “Do you want it too, Mikey?”

“Uh huh. Yes,” he nodded looking over her body.

“Then let’s make it real. Let’s make it happen,” Michelle said, grabbing his face once more, kissing him harder than before. Her tongue forced his mouth open. Mikey hobbled backward, nearly falling over.

His mother practically tore his clothes off. She shed them off his body, flinging them over her shoulder, kicking them aside. She grabbed him and kissed again, feeling his erection against her tummy.

“Yes,” she breathed. His lips felt so good. She ran her hands over his shoulders and chest and slowly went to her knees before him, kissing her way down his body.

There it was, the cock she’s dreamed so much about, inches in front of her face. “Mom?” Mikey asked, seeing her hypnotized by it.

Michelle looked to the mirror, making sure she wasn’t dreaming. She saw her reflection with his cock right next to her face. She smiled then turned to face it.

His cock was veiny, thick, and throbbing for her. It felt soft, yet powerful in her grasp. Both fists closed around it, she slowly jacked it. It was time for her to taste it next.

She couldn’t help but moan feeling the blood-engorged head fill up her mouth. The musky smell, the taste was incredible. He was perfect in her eyes, so much better than in a dream. She licked all over the tip, the shaft, feeling her tongue crawl over veins.

Michelle stood, pulling her son in for another kiss. She moved backward taking him with her. They bumped into a wall, still kissing, and then corrected their path to the bed.

She went to her back, pulling Mikey on top, kissing, and moaning into each other’s mouth. She raked her fingers across his back, gliding down to squeeze his butt. It too, was soft, yet hard and muscular at the same time – similar to hers.

They broke the kiss, Mikey on top, heaving, exhaling his warm breath on her face. “Mom,” he managed to say. “I’ve been dreaming of this; of you for a while now too.”

“You have?”

“Just this morning I dreamed we were married. We’d been together for years. You were in your 70s, but looked like you do now. Still hot.”

“Oh Mikey,” Michelle kissed him.

“That was right before you came into my room,” he smiled.

“Let’s make our dreams a reality,” Michelle said, reaching down his body, grabbing his shaft. She held it against her entrance and nodded to her son.

“Ready?” he asked.

“I love you,” his mother answered.

“I love you too,” Mikey said, paused, and then slid his cock as deep as he could into her pussy.

Michelle closed her eyes, arched her back, gasping for air, feeling his shaft slide into her, pushing against her inner walls, all the way to its base.

“M-Mikey,” she opened her eyes, staring into his. “Soo good.”

“Uhnn,” her son grunted, pushing as far as he could. He held still, savoring the feeling of her vagina clamping and holding his cock inside her. “Yes, mmm, yes.”

They kissed more and more, not moving, connected to one another, making it last as long as they could. Both knew that once they started it would be over soon, especially from Michelle having an orgasm from kissing him alone.

Mikey was successful in not cumming while his mother did. Her moans of pleasure and pussy contracting around his cock made it difficult.

“Mmmm, Mikey,” Michelle said, catching her breath. “Did I ever use adult language in your dreams?”

“Cuss words? I don’t remember,” Mikey answered.

“Heh, you should’ve written your dreams down. I did. You can read them later,” Michelle said.

“With that said,” Michelle kissed his lips once more. “Fuck me. Fuck me, baby!”

Her words were music to his ears. He nodded and did as his mother told him.

Michelle couldn’t help but giggle at the real feeling of her son kissing her neck while sliding his cock in and out of her.

Her legs closed around him, locking him in place. He kissed her neck, ear, and finally her mouth as he pushed into her. Propping himself up on his hands, Mikey stared into her eyes. Michelle ran her hands over his muscular chest and stomach, staring right back.

“You feel so good, so real,” Mikey said.

“It is real,” she pulled him down, kissing him once more. She held his head in place, their hot breath mixing with each other.

“I love you,” Michelle whispered.

“I love you too. I think,” Mikey pumped his hips harder and faster. “I think I’m ready, I’m almost – ”

“Cum, cum in me. Please.”

“Is this a one-time thing?”

“No. I want this, every day. Son, lover, husband – I want you to fill every role. And uh, every hole,” his mother winked, giving him a sly grin.

“I’m ready!” Mikey exclaimed.

“Yes!” Michelle felt another orgasm building inside her, burning, ready to explode.

She felt the heat their two bodies rubbing together caused. She felt the heat inside her pussy spreading outward. She felt the heat from their breath, as they exhaled on one another.

She felt the muscles in his ass flex as he pumped into her. She felt his and her body tighten and shake as they exploded together; a mutual orgasm.

She heard Mikey moan as he ejaculated into her, emptying his balls. She heard him trying to speak, to say her name. She heard herself cry out with passion and pleasure.

It was all real. It wasn’t a dream.

He rolled off her, she rolled with him, lying in his arms, catching their breath.

They didn’t bother talking about what they just did. Instead, they kissed one another until they fell asleep.


Michelle woke up the next day, still naked, having slept better than she had in a long time. Her first instinct, out of habit, was to check the legibility of the time on her phone. If it looked normal, she accepted that as a sign she wasn’t dreaming.

Reaching for her phone, she stopped herself, not bothering to turn it over. She smiled, looking over her shoulder at her sleeping son. She got out of bed and started up a shower, not bothering to look at her reflection.

A few minutes later, her son joined her. “Morning,” Mikey said.

“Morning,” They lathered up each other with body wash. Michelle smiled and turned around.

Mikey bent at the knees and guided his cock into her from behind. After another mutual orgasm in the steamy shower, Michelle kissed him a nice thank you. “I’ll get breakfast ready,” she said.

Leaving her son alone, not bothering to dress after drying off, Michelle headed to the kitchen. Preparing a smoothie, she tried to think if she had any dreams. She shrugged, giggled, not recalling any dreams she had the previous night or that morning.

Mikey joined a few moments later. They sipped their smoothies on the couch, naked, finished them up, and starting kissing. Mikey took her back to bed where they stayed the rest of the day.

The next morning, she woke up a little later than she hoped. She and Mikey would have to rush to meet the first clients of the day at the gym. They had shower sex, ate a quick breakfast, and rushed off.

They whole day was normal. Mother and son worked together like they always do. When they arrived home is when things were different between them. They stripped naked and went to bed.

Michelle let Mikey read her dream journal the following weekend. “Wow, this is pretty crazy,” he said, turning a page while his mother lay against him in bed. “Makes me wished I kept a dream journal.”

“You should have. Dreams can be hard to remember after waking up. Especially as the day goes on.”

“Get on all fours,” Mikey said, closing the journal, tossing it on the bedside table.


“I want to eat your ass out like I did in that dream you had,” Mikey said.
“Mmm, good idea. You really need to stick your tongue in deep. You did in the dream after all,” Michelle said, getting into position.

He moaned at her taste, swirled his tongue all around inside her, stopping to cover her ass with hickeys.
Michelle was in heaven. She closed her eyes, and enjoyed the sensations of his tongue work. She smiled, knowing the following night she’d ask him to stick his cock in there.

A couple days later they passed out early after a movie. It was a rare cheat day on their strict diet. Ice cream was the choice. Most of it ended up on Michelle’s ass, but the two of them ate quite a bit from the containers too.

Michelle and Mikey were snoring lightly, next to each other.

She woke up in the middle of the night by the first dream she recalled having in several days. Michelle sat up in bed, Mikey still asleep, trying to remember its details. There was a construction crew consisting of chimpanzees involved. They were arguing among themselves. The foreman was a gorilla and had to break up their fighting.

“Weird,” Michelle whispered. She fell back into her son’s arms, the man of her dreams, before going back to sleep.

The end.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-05 22:45:45
It was good. I was hoping they'd have sex while thinking it was a dream and then be surprised that it wasn't

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-02 15:37:12
I fuck my daughter... she loves my cock

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