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In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for playing so well.

So now, both girls were on their hands and knees on Sophie’s bed. Each girl had one guy fucking her ass, one guy underneath fucking her pussy, and two more guys in front having their dicks sucked. The remained 3 guys were having their cocks jerked off by the girls. All 13 of them were orgasming intensely, the girls’ pussies contracting and the boys’ dicks expelling large quantities of semen. All of them were in sexual nirvana.
At around 2am, the humans collapsed into a big, sweaty, cummy pile, and fell asleep. Alexis however did not, her body much more resilient than that. She got out of bed, and looked down at her Mistress and her conquests. Well, “conquests” wasn’t quite the right word, given she’d gotten them thanks to Alexis’ power. She smiled as she looked down at Sophie, happy that she was happy. Not that she’d like to admit it, given how she liked to think she was above such things.

Still covered in cum, Alexis walked downstairs to the kitchen, and pulled a 24-pack of Coca Cola out of the fridge, along with several big bars of chocolate. With a thought, she and her snacks turned into clouds of light-blue smoke, which flew up the stairs and into her lamp, which was sitting on Sophie’s dresser. Once inside, she walked across her bedroom, past Leonardo’s painting of her, and to her 17th century bookshelf. She picked up her copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, which she intended to re-read. As a genie she found the theory of magic presented in the book to be rather humorous, and she enjoyed laughing at all the inaccuracies J.K. Rowling included.

Alexis walked through to her bathroom, and climbed into her hot tub, something she’d only had for a few decades. She took a gulp of coke, broke off a big piece of chocolate, and opened the book. As she read, she thought of the year she’d spent with Sophie. She’d very much enjoyed it, with Sophie treating her like her best friend rather than a genie servant. Well, her best friend who lived with her. She went to school with her, they told each-other all their secrets, and had hot lesbian sex with each-other. All the standard stuff.

Alexis was well through the book and her snacks when she felt the familiar pull. She grabbed hold of her can of coke (She was on to her 14th now) and she saw herself being consumed by clouds of smoke. When they cleared she was sat on the naked Sophie’s lap on the living room sofa.
“Morning Mistress,” she said, before looking around and seeing it was light out.
“Is it morning already?” She asked.
“Well done to the almighty genie who’s finally grasped the concept of time.”
“Well I was very engrossed in laughing at J.K. Rowling.”

Alexis took another big gulp of her coke.
“That’s bad for you, you know,” Sophie said. “At least drink Diet.”
“My body, my rules. Not that I need it. I’m a genie, I keep myself fit with magic. It flows in my AB Negative blood.”
“You’ve got AB Negative blood?”
“All genies do. It’s our type.”
“But some humans have it too?”
“Not many. Those who do are descended from a genie. Clearly one of their ancestors had a genie and had a baby with them. That’s where humans with AB Negative blood comes from, and why there are so few of them.”

Alexis finished her can, and it disappeared into nothingness.
“So did you want something other than casual chit-chat?” Alexis asked. “Where are the guys, anyway?”
“Still asleep. Probably worn out.”
“We did give them quite the experience. Their little cocks couldn’t handle it.”
“Little is right. I thought football players were supposed to be manly?”
“There’s more to a man than his cock. There’s also his balls and his muscles.”
“Vain much?”
“I am a genie of modest desires. Anyway, you were about to have me make their dicks bigger.”
“I’m a human of modest desires. Those being that I wanna feel those guys all the way up in me. I want every bit of me to be filled.”
“Your wish is my command,” Alexis said, snapping her fingers. “You know most of those guys have girlfriends, right?”
“So they’ll enjoy their new cocks too. See, I make wishes that benefit other people too.”
“You’re so generous, Mistress.”
“I like to think so.”

“So will that be all?”
“You did make their balls bigger too, right?”
“Then that will be all. You wanna join in?”
“No thanks, I think I’m gonna go chill in my lamp some more.”
“More cock for me then.”


In the present day, Lumiosa and Alexis said goodbye to the boys, and teleported back across the Atlantic to Sophie’s house. Sophie’s parents were there, along with their genies, Alfresco and Koschei. Also stood with them were five humans and five genies they didn’t recognise.
“What’s going on?” Alexis asked.
“These people said they needed to see you urgently,” replied Melissa Swift, Sophie’s mother. Alexis and Lumiosa turned to look at them.
“Do we know you?” Lumiosa asked.
“Are you Alexis?” Mary asked.
“I am,” said Alexis. “Who are you?”
“My name is Mary Andrews, and this is Adam Jones,” Mary said. “And this is Daniel Robinson, Harry Robinson and Charlotte Tamboli.”
“A pleasure to meet you all,” Lumiosa said.
“So what’s this about?” Alexis asked.
“We needed to locate Matthew Evans and Sophie Swift, and you two would seem to be the link to them,” Adam said.
“So what if we are? And how’d you know we’d be able to find them?”
“We learned it from Alex Brookman.”

Lumiosa and Alexis looked shocked.
“Alex Brookman!? Are you in league with him!?” Alexis asked accusingly.
“No, no, we’re here to warn you about him,” said Charlie.
“Master Matt and Miss Sophie defeated Alex Brookman and his evil society,” Lumiosa said. “They are gone.”
“Alex Brookman only ended up in prison,” Mary said. “But he’s since been able to assist the UN with creating a group dedicated to gathering all genie lamps.”
“Well that sounds familiar.”
“Yes, we have heard of the Brookman family’s society. But this time their motives and methods are different. They have been finding Masters, tricking them, murdering them, and taking their lamps.”
“That is awful…” Lumiosa said.

“They claim it’s for good,” said Adam. “To protect humanity from magic. One of them seems to believe that, but we think Alex Brookman wants something more.”
“If Alex Brookman is involved, then it’s bound to be more than about protecting the world,” Alexis said. “His society wanted to meet the creator of the genies so they could steal his power for themselves.”
“Well that’s quite likely what he intends to do now,” Mary said.
“It’s why we came here, we want to defeat Alex, to avenge Antonella!” Harry said.
“Antonella?” Alexis asked.
“Acquarone,” Mary said. “I believe you knew her.”
“Yes, you mean she’s dead?”
“Yes, she gave her life to get us this information.”

There was silence as Alexis took in this information. She clenched her fists, and was noticeably angry.
“I’m going to find that man and hurt him very much,” she said calmy.
“That’s why we came to you, apparently your Masters can help us,” Daniel said.
“Alexis, should we tell them?” Lumiosa asked her still-fuming friend. “Alexis?”
“What? Oh, sorry, I was still thinking about what I’m going to do to that bastard,” Alexis said. “Yes, I think we should. You see, Matt and Sophie are Gods.”
“Yes,” Lumiosa nodded. “Master Matt and Miss Sophie are the ones who created the lamps. They travelled back in time and created the universe and we genies, in doing so making themselves exempt from the rules. They were then able to use our magic, and that which we gave them, in order to defeat Alex Brookman and his society.”
“So let’s get them to help us!” Charlie said enthusiastically. “Where are they?”
“We don’t know,” Alexis replied. “Matt and Sophie went off travelling through time and space with their infinite powers. They come and visit us every now and then, but we’ve not seen them in months.”
“Can’t you call them?”
“We can try, but I don’t think it will work.”

Alexis and Lumiosa concentrated, but then sighed.
“Nothing,” Lumiosa said. “Even my mental link to Master Matt does not work when he is away with Miss Sophie.”
“So we can’t call them?”
“No, we’ll have to wait for them to come and visit us,” Alexis concluded. “It’s funny, Matt and Sophie left us in charge of watching over the lamps that were recovered from the society, and yet we have no way of doing so, nor do we have any way of calling them. They were really stupid.”
“Alexis, those are our Masters you are talking about,” Lumiosa scolded her.
“Why thank you everyone, that is just the information we needed.”

Appearing in the room were Alex and Frank, with their genies.
“Super-strong hearing is a very useful thing for listening in on conversation through walls,” said Alex.
“YOU BASTARD!” Alexis shouted, shooting flames from her palms at Alex. Miguin quickly erected a shield in front of his Master. After realising it was no use, Alexis gave up.
“It’s nice to see you too, Alexis, Lumiosa,” Alex grinned.
“You evil man!” Lumiosa shouted.
“What happened, I thought you two were immune from the rules?” Daniel asked.
“Matt and Sophie are, we aren’t,” Alexis replied. “It only works when they make a wish.”
“What if we had all our genies attack them?” Harry asked.
“That would not work, Master,” Sarosa said. “Every genie on Earth could not harm one Master if they have wished to be protected.”
“See how they are quick to try and kill us,” Alex said to Frank. “Scum, all of them.”
“Oh you’re one to talk,” Sarosa said. “You locked my Master up and tried to kill him! Not to mention I have a funny feeling your father and his society had me locked up too!”

“That was necessary, you people are all a threat to the human race,” Frank said.
“And if you need more proof of that, look no further than the two who made themselves gods,” Alex said. “So that’s how you were able to overcome me. And to think, for all those years my family and I were looking for Matt and Sophie. I should thank them for all those wonderful times with Miss Showers.”
“Her name’s Apriya,” said Sophie’s mum. “She never liked being called Miss Showers.”
“Perhaps I shall visit Matt’s house and pay her a visit,” Alex said. “To remind her of her time with me, and his family of the time I held them prisoner.”
“Matt and Sophie were too lenient on you last time,” Alexis said. “They should have killed you, or worse. Hell, even what they did to the rest of your society wasn’t enough for you.”
“Oh? And what did they do to them?”
“Trapped them in alternate dimensions where they’d live worse lives without their genies. But when they return I’m going to recommend to my Mistress that she create Hell and send you there.”

“Still as insolent as ever, I see,” Alex said. “But no matter. Because I’ve decided what we should do. It’s so obvious. And not even those trifling adolescents can stop me.”
“Sir, what do you mean?” Frank asked.
“Simple. We go back in time and prevent Matt and Sophie from being born. No Matt and Sophie, no magic.”
“And no universe,” Alexis said. “Nothing would ever exist at all. No genies, no you, no nothing.”
“Miguin and Barakaat can protect us,” Alex said.
“You’re mad,” Sarosa said.
“That’s one way of looking at it,” Alex grinned. “Miguin, Barakaat, you are to take us away from here.”
“Yes Master,” Miguin said.
“Do it Barakaat,” Frank said, and the four of them vanished.


The 6th of November 2015, and Sarosa was in her new Master’s kitchen cooking him breakfast. After all the sex they’d had the previous night, he was still fast asleep, and she suspected he’d need a big breakfast to perk him up for school today. Well, she assumed he was going to school today. From what she’d been able to glean from her exploration of her Master’s house they seemed to be on the outskirts of London.

It also seemed to be 2015, meaning she’d been in her lamp for 71 years. Her Master, George Albotte, had moved to the south of France with her and their three daughters (Her Master having been quite adamant that only she was worthy of bearing his children.) in 1852, only a few years after getting her. When he’d died in 1904, her lamp had been found by a middle-aged French housewife. Within a few years though, her Mistress, one Annette Bouchart, had been approached by a man named Richard Brookman, and she had joined his society of Masters. She assumed therefore that after her Mistress had died in 1944 she had been locked up in their lamp vault. She wondered why she’d been released.

Sarosa plated up her Master’s food, a full English breakfast, and walked back upstairs to his room. Opening the door with her mind, she set the plate down on his bedside table, and knelt by his bed.
“Maaaaster…” she said, shaking him as gently as she could. “Maaaster.”
“Hmmm…what…” Harry groaned as he woke up. He opened his eyes, and saw Sarosa staring at him, smiling. “AHHHH!”
“Master, are you alright?” She asked.
“Sorry, it’s just…you scared me. What was your name, Sahroser?”
“Sarosa, Master. I made you breakfast.” Harry looked over at the plate. “I wasn’t sure what sorts of foods you like, but I hope this pleases you.”
“So you’re really serious about this whole genie thing?”
“Yes Master.”
“And about serving me?”
“I am bound to you until the moment of your death. Until then, it will be my pleasure and my honour to serve you.”
“Alright, well you can start by feeding me that food.”
“Yes Master.”

Harry sat up in bed, and Sarosa picked up the plate and began feeding the food to Harry.
“Mmmm…” he said.
“Does that taste good, Master?”
“So good. Where’d you learn to cook so good?”
“I am in possession of near infinite magical power. Cooking is mere child’s play to me.”
“So you can really give me anything I want?”
“Absolutely anything. Within the rules.”
“Rules?” Harry asked, his mouth full of food.
“You may not make the existence of genies public, you may not interfere with another Master or their wishes, you may not prevent the work of the genies, and you may not extend your lifespan beyond its natural limit.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad I suppose.”

Harry finished eating, and then got out of bed, unconcerned by being naked in front of his genie.
“Follow me,” he said.
“Yes Master.” Sarosa stood up, and followed behind Harry. He looked out to make sure the coast was clear, and then ran into the bathroom, his genie following close behind. He shut the door and locked it, before standing in front of the bathroom mirror and examining himself. He was hardly the prime example of humankind. He was flabby and weak, and he wished he wasn’t.
“Sarosa, what do you think of my body?”
“Your body, Master?”
“Yeah, you’re a girl. Like, do I look good?”
“Master, you are perfection given form.”
“Aww, you’re just saying that.”
“Master, it is true that most girls would not find you all that attractive, but their opinions don’t matter.”
“They do to me. I want girls to find me attractive.”
“Is that a wish, Master?”
“I suppose it is, yes.”

Sarosa snapped his fingers, and Harry turned back to the mirror. To his disappointment he didn’t seem to have changed at all.
“I’m exactly the same!”
“Yes Master, only now, all human females will find you absolutely gorgeous.”
“Sarosa, that’s not what I meant. I meant I want a really sexy body. So give me one now.” Harry seemed angry.
“Yes Master, I’m sorry Master.”

Sarosa stood up and turned Harry back towards the mirror. She then wrapped her arms around him from behind.
“What are you doing?”
“Granting your wish, Master.” Sarosa began running her hands along Harry’s skin, and he felt his entire body tingle with magic. She stroked his face, his facial hair retreating and his acne vanishing. She moved her hands down his back, sending shivers down his spine. She reached his bottom, and squeezed it, causing it to firm up and form into the perfect shape. She then moved back round to his stomach, and he felt strange as his fat transformed into muscle, leaving him with a well-defined 6-pack.

She then reached his groin. His pubic hair retracted into him, and his balls expanded outwards. She then grabbed hold of his cock, which was now fully hard. She tugged on it, causing it to grow much larger.
“Does this please you, Master?” Sarosa asked as Harry admired himself in the mirror.
“Oh my God…”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Sarosa smiled. She then took hold his dick, and began stroking it from behind.
“Sarosa, no…” Harry said. “I mean…I wanna save my spunk for later at school.”
“Master, with my powers that isn’t a problem. With my powers you can cum 100 times a day and have each one be as big as if you’d not cum in years.”
“Of course. Do you wish for that, Master?”
“Oh God yes.”

Harry felt his cock and balls tingle, and Sarosa resumed stroking him.
“Ohhhh….Oh that’s nice…”
“That’s the idea, Master.” Sarosa rubbed the head of Harry’s new, highly-sensitive penis, and he groaned.
“Oh shit…Oh God, I’m gonna cum…”
“Just let it happen, Master.”

Harry groaned loudly as he came a huge load onto the floor.
“Oh God, that was…oh wow…”
“I aim to please, Master.”
“Well I am very pleased. Can you go back into your lamp? I wanna get ready for school.”
“Of course, Master.”

Sarosa returned to her lamp in Harry’s room in clouds of dark blue smoke. Once inside she sat down and relaxed. She hated putting on that “zealous genie” act but she knew it was what her Masters expected of her. She wished he hadn’t gotten angry though when she’d taken one of his wishes literally. It was just a joke! Honestly…He seemed reasonably sweet though. Not a bad guy.

About an hour later, Sarosa felt the familiar tug, and she emerged from her lamp, kneeling before Harry as she materialised. From what she could see, she was in an empty classroom at Harry’s school.
“Greetings Master, what do you desire?”
“Well you can put some clothes on for a start.” Sarosa snapped her fingers, and she was instantly dressed like a normal teenage girl. “Good, now come on.”
The two of them walked through the corridors and to a crowded classroom.
“Just make yourself a part of the class,” Harry said. “You know, tweak a few minds.”
“Of course, Master.”

Harry and Sarosa sat down, and she took in her surroundings.
“You see that girl over there?” Harry pointed at a ginger-haired girl talking to her friends. “That’s Paige.”
“You fancy her.”
“Oh God yes. I want her to suck my dick like a starving orphan. I want to watch her tits bounce up and down as she rides me. I want her to scream my name as I pound her from behind.”
“Your wish is my command, Master.”

Paige immediately stood up, and walked towards Harry.
“Oh my God, she’s coming over here!”
“And don’t worry Master, no-one will find anything odd.”
“Hi Harry,” Paige said.
“Um, hi Paige.” Without warning, Paige then pulled Harry into a passionate kiss, which he happily accepted. She broke the kiss, and immediately crawled under the desk. Harry looked around in panic, but no-one seemed to be taking any notice of them. He felt Paige undo his trousers, and then pull them down along with his boxers. Then, without warning, she took his entire cock in her mouth. She sucked on it eagerly, like she needed it to survive.

Harry moaned, and continued looking around, feeling rather embarrassed at getting a blowjob in the middle of class. His embarrassment was overshadowed however by how breathtakingly awesome it felt.
“Is that fun, Master?”
“God yes…”
“Would you like me to join in?” Sarosa asked, stroking Harry’s arm.
“What? No. This is between me and Paige. You’re just my genie. Remember your place.”
“Yes Master…”


Author's message: I'm sorry about there being so little plot in this chapter compared to the past sections but next time there will be a lot of plot and I didn't want to get into it now. It also means this chapter has under-run. I was struggling to fill it to be honest.

All the people who wanted more of the early Sophie and Alexis can be happy now I suppose. And we also have the early Harry and Sarosa some more.

This chapter had me expand on something I'd hinted at subtly earlier but have finally explained fully, that being the business with Asrah having a rare blood type.

And I have little more to say other than we're approaching the end now. Two more chapters to go!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-12 10:10:27
awesome. it's up at

i'm looking forward to the end of the story, but a bit sad it's ending so soon. it's another good one.


2016-08-11 10:46:06
Will be done tonight.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-11 08:38:11
how far along is #11?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-06 06:01:32
I read almost all your stories.....but y always dragging matt nd sophie to kill the evil guy. make a comitee with Alexis nd lumiosa as head to check the misuse of genies under the hands of wrong masters and them leading gienie and masters to better future


2016-08-05 16:58:50
I've not dragged Matt and Sophie back. Such a thing has happened ONCE. I'd appreciate you not criticising something that's not actually happened yet. And which won't.

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