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The battle continues
Alan could hear Hopix calling him, damn, she was so far away! Fighting with every fiber of his being, Alan started to claw his way to the surface. Finally he opened his eyes seeing a look of love and worry on Hopix's face.

"Alan my love you need to drink this, you are far too weak, please my love." Hopix held a cup with a foul smelling brew in it. ‘I've smelled that before,’ Alan thought, ‘when was it? Ah yes back when he'd been on the Fairixie's sister world.’ Alan tried to drink it as fast as he could; again not realizing that one couldn't swallow the concoction as fast as he was trying. Coughing and sputtering Alan was gasping for breath as the foul odor of it surrounded him.

Barely in a whisper Alan told Hopix, "My god woman it's still as bad as it was before!" Hopix smiled, Alan complaining meant that the brew was already coursing through his body helping to strengthen it.

"Alan, please don't go off alone like that again. I was assigned to help you for a reason, you might have quite a lot of knowledge, but you don't know it all." Hopix admonished him her slender hand on her hip as she gently wiped the excess from his mouth.

Again starting in a whisper but growing stronger Alan told her, "Hopix my love I realize this but you have to realize that if I was to lose you I might go insane, or worse kill everything in my way 'til I calmed. I do not want to put you in harm's way like that."

"Alan Glanto! If you weren't as weak as you were right now, I might have to, as you humans say on your planet, kick your ass!" Alan could swear there was steam coming from Hopix's ears.

Holding his arms and hands up in protection, Alan didn't doubt she could kick his ass! There was no way that he could ever hurt her. "My love I was only thinking of protecting you, I..." Alan started.

Hopix stood up with now both her hands on her hips a look of anger that actually had Alan shaking. "I was YOUR guardian BEFORE you became as powerful as you have. I am a lot older than you, I have been dealing with dark mages far longer than you think. Shut me out of doing MY JOB again and YOU will found out just how weak I am NOT!" Alan was staring at Hopix a new respect for her in his eyes.

"I promise you I will not exclude you ever again my dear." Alan told her a slight smile on his face. "You can stop right now old man I am sure Glimmer will have quite an earful for you when we return."

Merlin had tried not to, truly he had, but he'd finally started to laugh. It was hard to tell who was the more fierce Hopix or Alan, though at the moment it appeared to be Hopix.

Hopix turned and coldly stared at Merlin who started into an even harder laughing fit. "I will deal with the both of you later!" Hopix growled as she marched out of the room.

"To answer your question, yes, Glimmer was that fierce, always in her love, her compassion and yes, also her temper. I am surprised this is the first time you have seen it, at least you know what to expect. I was caught off guard the first time after I was married to Glimmer." Merlin told Alan who was watching as Hopix's form retreated into the other room.

"I have to ask you Merlin you have survived a long time with little or no power. I used the porta sphere to get nine of the last seventeen. I also got one that was trying to draw me to another reality; that leaves seven. I am afraid that these last seven won't band together nor attack when another is fighting me. With all the tricks you have I need help getting them. I want this over, so I can take you and Hopix back home to the Fairixie world." Alan told Merlin feeling he was almost at the end of his rope with these idiots on this world.

"I do have a few tricks but I think there are a few things that I need for you to learn. But the way you are right now, almost the entire planet can feel you coming. I think that is where we need to start then I can possibly help you with a few things that might help." Merlin smiled it had been a long time since he'd had anything like a student it felt good, damn good!

Alan gave an exasperated yell as he'd failed again to do exactly what Merlin had shown him. "Damn it Merlin I have been full tilt the whole time I have been doing this. How in the hell do you expect me to tune it down?"

"Son, I am into the high levels now and I can do this, so I know it's possible. Here's something that might help. Take a deep breath and as you let it out feel the power decrease in you, that's it another breath let your body relax let all the tension flow out of you. As you do this you'll feel you power levels start to drop, there you go better, better. See? It wasn't that hard now was it? " Merlin told Alan with a huge smile.

Alan's eyes snapped open his levels were so low it was unreal, staying as calm as he could Alan could feel his levels even out but they stayed low. "This is amazing I never thought I could make them this low."

"Well to you they’re low, to me they are in the mid range, but you are getting there. Compared to where you really are this is a major accomplishment. Now then let's work on a few more before we rest ok?" Alan nodded he was extremely glad he'd asked Merlin to help.

It was two days later that across the planet two of the remaining seven dark mages received a summons to the home of a third. The third was an ally of the first two and had mentioned a plan to destroy the white mage that couldn't fail. When the third mention a meal of a Fairixie; namely the one with the white mage they jumped at the chance.

Outside what could only be described as a murky swamp with a tumbling down shack in the middle the two dark mages appeared."Trigafor! We are here! Where is this meal that you promised us?" The tallest of the two called reaching out he could feel the third but something strange was going on. Neither felt any other mage or power anywhere near, suddenly Alan appeared with Merlin and Hopix.

"So I see you came as I asked," Alan told them as they both discovered that they couldn't leave let alone move. Alan waved his hand and the third appeared a look of extreme anger on its face.

"You are an ass white mage! Release me! I will eat all of your soul before..." Alan sighed and clapped his hands as the third screamed and was a mashed puddle of flesh, blood, and bone. Alan was turning toward the first two when one actually broke free of the spell that was holding him.

"Not so fucking powerful are you bitch?" The one that got lose snarled shooting a freeze spell of his own that hit Alan in his left arm. Cursing when the Tall putrid smelling human shape dark mage started to laugh, Alan quickly shot another paralyzing spell toward it. Laughing again the dark mage side stepped the spell. Smiling Alan increased his shield then shot more spells toward the dark mage. "Damn! Here I thought you were this all powerful white mage!"

Alan started to smile even bigger making the dark mage angry, shaking his head Alan watched as his first three spells returned. Outraged the dark mage stopped a moment then whipped around just as the first spell froze him solid. Alan breathed a sigh of relief as the next shattered the frozen form.

The last struggled also breaking free though this time Alan was ready and fried the dark mage as he was making a move toward Alan. Alan shook his arm as he felt the feeling start to return to it.

"Nice move getting hit to fake the idiot out!" The now familiar voice of the dark council champion could be heard behind Alan. "I am so ready to fight you! Hurry up and kill the last four, then I can have an actual battle with a worthy opponent. Here something to keep you warm." With that the champion left and sent a fireball at least twelve feet high toward Alan.

Alan felt this was different so he sent Merlin and Hopix a little ways off. Erecting a magical water barrier Alan knew it wasn't enough but it would weaken it enough for him to squash it. As he thought the barrier cut it by half then it was moving his way again. Slapping his hands together Alan felt the fireball hesitate still trying to reach him. Alan put more and more into it 'til he was as high as he could go then he felt the fireball falter and flame out.

Damn Alan thought that was exhausting, there was a sudden rush of air, and then the light council was there before him. "You have done a most wonderful job Alan, of the 100 dark mages and well over 300 apprentices that were here. There are only four dark mages left. Know this Alan though we can now come and go from here freely we still cannot interfere. We are sorry but as per the rules that were set down by both you and the dark council this is all we can do. You should also know that this is all the dark council can also do." Alan nodded to the leader of the light council then they were gone.

Both Hopix and Merlin appeared a moment later, Merlin had wanted nothing to do with the council especially now that he had as much power as he did. "I want to thank you both for coming with me; I think I should go after another if you two are up for it?" Alan told them both.

"Hell yeah, I'm game," Merlin told Alan.

Hopix was looking Alan all over making sure he was alright. "You sure you shook the entire spell off that the dark mage hit you with?" She was asking looking even harder at his arm, hand, and shoulder.

Alan leaned down to where she was bent looking at his legs and running her hands up and down then. ‘Damn!’ Alan thought, ‘her touch is about to drive me nuts!’ Grabbing both her hands sent a shock through both of them as Alan pulled her up to his level. "I have already checked myself, I am not seeing any of the energy left on or in me from the dark mage ok?"

Breathing a sigh of relief Hopix looked straight into Alan's eyes a look of nothing but love there. "I have to make sure my husband," here she reached over and gently rubbed his crotch. "I have to make sure that you will be able to help me have children! My mom wants to be a grandmother as she has always wanted to be. I have to keep you healthy my love." Hopix demurely said.

Alan was on pins and needles Hopix's touch on his crotch had damned near made him pass out! What in the hell was going on? Alan looked over at Merlin who was nodding his head and had a huge grin on his face. Alan was sure now more than he had before, there must be something extremely special about a marriage

between a human and a Fairixie. If her extra loving touch just now was any indication, he was in for a hell of a ride that was for sure.

Alan could hardly move after she let go with a little giggle, then he made his self move, they had to end this and soon! Hopix was going to drive him crazy at this rate as he was sure he was her. Taking a deep breath Alan nodded to both of them then they all flashed out. A few miles away they appeared near a waterfall, the place was beautiful or was it? Alan concentrated the place changed to a smog filled, polluted water, twisted and dying tree area.

"So you have come to face one of the strongest. I relish it there are so few to destroy now that bring true pleasure, come!" A rolling voice came from the dark water. Then a creature that seemed to be made of the filth of the place rose up from the muck.

Alan made a half hearted fireball that was extinguished in a second. Suddenly the creature rose higher then fell upon Alan effectively covering him. Under the grime and muck Alan could see that this one was trying the same that the smoke creature. Alan sent first a freezing spell but saw it was ineffective, hmmm he thought. Suddenly an idea hit him as Alan began to alternate his spells cold, water, heat, and electricity.

At first nothing happened, then there was a roaring scream then the entire creature started to tremble. Finally a huge hole broke open in front of Alan that was rapidly moving away from the hole that he'd made. Screaming the creature reached out, and touched the polluted water and was whole again. Screaming again it started to wrap around Alan's shield. Alan just nodded and concentrated as he and the creature arose from the ground.

Within moments they were high above the planet, "I was wondering if the vile pool was keeping you alive now we will see!" Alan smiled as the creature turned and was at a loss as to where they were. Alan again hit it with the four spells in succession. This time the muck started to dry and harden, with a last scream Alan pushed out and the creature exploded off him.

Appearing next to Merlin and Hopix Alan told them, "I suggest we move, what's left of it is coming this way at a high speed." Both of them nodded then they were standing a ways off, within moments it appeared to be raining mud. "Well that leaves three. What say we..." Suddenly there was a massive wave of water moving toward them. Alan sighed they never learned did they?

Alan set up a freezing barrier but he felt it wouldn't last, the worse thing was these last four had used up quite a bit of his power. Alan looked at Merlin shaking his head, letting the man know he was a little used up. Merlin nodded back, opened his own senses, and gave Alan as much of his power as he could. Alan was surprised that Merlin had as much power as he did.

Alan recharged, watched as Merlin smiled then promptly passed out. A slight wicked smile crossed his face as Alan suddenly increased the shield and started to walk toward the dark mage controlling this.

"It is of no matter Alan Glanto! I have felt your power falter, I know of your stored reserves they should be almost exhausted by now." Alan heard a voice thundering at him.

Alan smiled he had a little surprise for this ass! Still advancing Alan suddenly increased the freezing effect hearing the dark mage scream as he tried to overcome Alan's attack. "Now you die!" Alan yelled at the mage.

"No! Your power was exhausted you had nothing Noooooooooooooo!!!!" with a final scream the dark mage was silent. Alan reached out not feeling that much from it, looking around the shield Alan saw the water mage was frozen solid. Alan took a rock shattering the column of ice.

Grabbing Hopix and the unconscious Merlin, Alan thought of the sanctuary. Three sets of eyes had watched this last battle of Alan. They too had thought that Alan was finished then he suddenly had an abundance of power. The three strongest mages on the planet were more curious than much else. The champion was half tempted to kill the last two dark mages so he and Alan could finally have the battle he was waiting a thousand years for. Shaking his head even he had to follow the rules of the dark council. Oh well the champion thought as he flashed out.

The last two dark mages knew that Alan was coming for them next, their dark partner wasn't that far below either of them. They were going to have to set a trap it was the only way either of them were going to survive. They both agreed and left to set everything up to hopefully kill Alan Glanto long before he did them.

Fools! The champion thought as he watched the last two flash out then the champion smiled. They were playing right into Alan's hands the way the champion had seen him do things those two should be dead in a couple of days. Well, he thought with a sickening look of delight on his face we can hope can't we?

Alan, Hopix, and an unconscious Merlin appeared at the front of the sanctuary. Several Lobrits appeared helping to carry Merlin inside. It's a good thing Alan thought, as all the energy Merlin had given him was suddenly gone. Alan collapsed against the open doorway unable to go another step. Hopix had gone ahead and turned to tell Alan something when she saw he wasn't with her.

Running back to the entrance she found Alan trying to move further inside the entrance way. "Alan my love what's wrong?" A worried Hopix asked.

"The energy wasn't mine I was only borrowing it, once what I had to do was finished, it went back to its owner. I am not a dark mage I do not take and keep energy that isn't mine." Alan gasped out as he tried to move another two steps. He really didn't want the door open putting the Lobrits in danger.

Hopix started to yell as several more Lobrits came up the corridor and helped Alan to move further inside. Sighing Alan was glad as he watched the door close. These people weren't the greatest but the still deserved a chance like everyone did. They barely got Alan in his cot when his eyes started to close.

"Thank you Merlin, that was dangerous. I am far higher than you; my body could have taken more than it did." Alan told a now awake though slightly weak Merlin.

"I know my boy it's ok, as I told you before I have more tricks than you know. Now sleep we have a busy few days coming up." Here Merlin looked at a worried Hopix, "both of us." Alan nodded then surrendered to the darkness that had been creeping up on him.

Merlin motioned for Hopix to join him a moment. "Yes," she asked when she caught up to him at the back of the sanctuary.

"My dear I have a warning," here Merlin reached into a pocket and withdrew a cube not unlike the two that Hopix and Alan had.

The cube flashed a moment, and then a circle of light appeared in front of Hopix. "Hello my dear," Came the voice of Queen Glimmer. "I have watched all that I could. Hopix you have to tell him, you know the danger if you don't. You may be afraid that he will leave you now, but if you wait it will be a disaster. Are you that anxious to die? After all that your mother went through saving the both of you, you are going to let this one secret kill the both of you?"

"I... I can't, not yet, it would be too big of a distraction to him. I am afraid that it would get him killed." Hopix stated as tears began to fall from her eyes.

The queen's face softened as she looked at Merlin the first good look she'd had of him in a very long time. "I had thought the same thing though in Merlin's case it turned out to be a bigger push. He tried to free all of the enslaved people. Then our world fell betrayed. Hopix tell him or you and many others will die. Your brother is still waiting to get married 'til he knows you are safe."

"I know my queen I will try but not 'til this is over, if it would help Alan I would tell him. I won't here 'til I feel this." A tearful Hopix replied.

"Alright my dear but there is far more than just you and Alan to consider. My love I have waited for you for so long you would be proud of you daughter Glimix she was so brave when Alan was rescuing our world I was so terrified. I had thought of using Glimix to hide in to protect the spirit of our people, and then I thought of Hopix." Glimmer was telling Merlin.

Merlin had tears in his eyes he hadn't seen Glimmer in so long. The bond was there just as strong but they were so far apart it hurt in a way that Merlin had never felt. "It was the best choice that you could make my love I am glad that Alan saved you and the people, so glad. I owe this man far more than I can ever repay, though I'll try."

Hopix also had tears in her eyes everything might end in the next few days. It was all up to Alan as it had always been. She just hoped that Alan took the news better than she thought he might. Taking a sigh she shrugged, Alan had reacted far differently than she thought he would quite a few times.

Merlin shook his head at something Glimmer said. ‘Yes,’ he thought ‘Glimmer was a hell of a lot better judge of a person than almost anyone he knew was. Yes,’ he thought again, ‘it just might work!’

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-12 05:36:56
Hopix is next in line for the throne, making Alan a Prince?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-06 04:29:39
You're killing me :( lol I'm reading this and lost empire those are the only two of you stories I haven't finished other the leb. Keep up the good work. -The imaginary shadow

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-08-05 08:43:28
another wonderful installment. though that secrets starting to kill ME. keep 'em coming.

As always,
Semper fi, Clover

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