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Continuation from Part Seven
"That's right, baby doll. The one and only. You should be honored. You're one of very few who knows my identity."

Leah definitely wanted to share words with CO2Deviant, but they were not pleasantries. She tried her best to shout insults and derogatory remarks at him but it just came out as unintelligible sounds thanks to the ring gag.

"So if you've been wondering why all this is happening to you, now you know who to thank. It's because of me you're here. I told Alpha, my uncle, about you, and what you did to me. Normally he wouldn't go for something like this. Luckily for me, after taking one look at you, it wasn't too hard to convince him. Keep that in mind the next time you ask yourself, 'Why me? Why me?'"

Miles mocked her pretending to cry as he said the last words. He laughed at his own joke. Now Leah knew why she was there. It wasn't random. She was a target ever since Alpha's nephew cried to him like a little bitch about what she did to him. Leah didn't think she could get any angrier. All this because of some asshole and his bruised ego! Didn't he know this was too far? Apparently not. Knowing the reason why she was kidnapped and tortured gave Leah mixed emotions.

"I know, I know. It's a lot to take in. If you think that was too much, wait til you see what comes next. But first..."

Miles stopped his assault his on Leah's ass to walk over to the set of tools Kenny had laid out for him. He picked up two small identical items and brought it back to his helpless victim. Once again he stood in front of Leah's hung head, knelt down and yanked her head up roughly by the hair.

"You see these?" This time Leah didn't wince in pain. Just a grunt. She was still enraged from the news she had heard moments earlier. Making no attempt to look at the two items Miles was showing her, Leah shot a look of hatred towards him. He noticed this and was very pleased to see the look of defiance.

"These are nipple clamps. And you see this part right here? They're 'metal teeth.' It's bad enough these will hold on to anything for dear life, but it will be extra painful with these buried into 'em. I'll give you one guess where these go. As much as I want to start off on a high note, I think hurting you slowly will be more rewarding. For me, anyway."

He let go of Leah's head to let it fall down again hanging freely. Miles positioned himself underneath Leah's body to get better access to her tits. Thanks to the restrained position she was in, her breasts were available to anyone and can do whatever they wanted to them. Setting the nipple clamps down, Miles wanted to feel her up first. He prefer them to be a little bigger but they were still big enough to have fun with. Besides, knowing they belong to the non-consenting Leah made it more pleasurable for him.

"You have great tits too. I like them bigger but these are perfect with your body." His new assault on her breasts was just as humiliating when he was massaging her ass. Only this time it was mixed with a feeling of disdain. It was a horrific feeling knowing a person you absolutely abhor is touching you in a sexual manner. Every time she struggled with her binds she believes she is closer to breaking out of them. Her hatred was so intense, that she really believed it would help her break out of her restraints and pummel this asshole to a pulp. Instead, the only thing she succeeded was making herself more fatigue.
His fondling turned to pinching her nipples hard. He pulled on them to see how far they would go. A strange sound came out of Leah's opened mouth which was her way of screaming.

"I bet they taste great too."

Miles planted his mouth on Leah's left tit, sucking with enough force hoping to squeeze some milk out of her. He did the same with the other. Engulfing as much of her tit as he could, Miles flicked her nipples rapidly with his tongue. Leah shut her eyes tightly, to avoid seeing what was being played in front of her. The humiliation was getting worse by the second, especially when she could do nothing to stop it. Which even then she couldn't endure. It was difficult to imagine herself anywhere else at that moment.

Miles continued on lapping and sucking Leah's tits as if a new born puppy would with its mother. He used one of his free hands to maul the tit he wasn't busy suckling on. He made sure his saliva covered her boobs, making it shine. The last thing he did was biting down hard on each nipple until he heard some kind of sign from Leah that she did not enjoy it whatsoever. He bit down on her left nipple so hard that he accidentally drew blood.

"Oops! Sorry about that. Your tits bring out the worst in me."

Miles lapped up some of the blood, which wasn't much, before setting the nipple clamp on it. The metal teeth tripled the pain. The vice-like grip was squeezing them so hard Leah thought they were about to be snipped off. Her neck might have been sore at this point but the agony from her nipples caused her to shake her head side to side.

"Take it easy, Shotguneagle. At least wait until the other clamp is on too."

Miles yanked on her other nipple to make the clamp close a little of the aureole. The pain reached six-fold. Her body may have been securely strapped, but Miles could see she was shaking uncontrollably. In the three years of active sex, never had Leah let Todd this type of congress. Still very young and just starting their sexual experience, they haven't felt the need yet to spice things up. They were completely satisfied with their vanilla life-style. Now, Leah was getting a crash course on the most extreme bdsm.

"I know those probably hurt like hell, but I think you can take a little bit more."

Miles brought over small weights to attach to the strings to her nipple clamps. As soon as the weights were pulling her nipples down hard, Leah feared her breasts were about to rip right off! It was a terrifying and excruciating ordeal. The tears kept coming like waves. Her sanity was about to be lost if this keeps up.
Miles sensed this. He knew the girl was close to her breaking point. That fire she had a moment ago was still in her though. Because of that fire, he knew she wouldn't break so easily. Stronger girls than Leah have had the unfortunate pleasure of being in the hands of Alpha and his two companions. But if Leah can get through the next part, Miles would categorize her as one of the strong ones.

"There. That wasn't too bad, right?"

Leah's wails turned to whimpers. With her mouth forced open for so long, Leah drooled a good amount of saliva onto the concrete floor.

"But you're far from done. You haven't even come close to feeling how I felt when you humiliated me. This next part should help with that."

Again, Miles retrieved another item. He didn't bother to show it to Leah this time. What looked like an ordinary, very thick, 7-inch dildo Miles was holding was yet another torture device. The material of the object was gel-like, taking away some of the discomfort from its massive size. He brought it down right behind Leah and her stretched-out split legs.

"Normally, I would use some lube to make this next part easy, but I don't want it to be easy. Not for you. Besides, I think—Wait? What the... ?"
Miles did not notice Leah's pussy was dripping with her own secretion during her painful spanking. It surprised him that she was getting wet out of this tribulation. Even Leah hadn't notice it. She had other things on her mind. It was when Miles inserted his index finger inside her, did Leah realize how wet she got. It tore her up inside as the humiliation just kept piling up. She was extremely ashamed of herself.

"You fucking slut! You're getting off from this?! I knew it. You're just like the rest of them. We'll see how much you like what I'm gonna do to you next".
Miles roughly and forcefully jammed the thick phallus inside her pussy. He was hoping she would be dry, only adding more to the pain, but because of her bodily fluids, it went in with some ease. Even with her heavy secretions, however, it still hurt Leah. Her boyfriend’s, Todd's own length was average in size and not as thick as the phallus that was forcing away inside her pussy.

Miles had to jam the last two inches with stronger effort, while carefully trying not to press the button at the base of the dildo. Not just yet.

"I'm guessing your boyfriend, ‘Mr. Hotdog’ (Todd’s screen name) doesn't have much of a ‘hot dog’ if you couldn't take this in. My uncle and his friends will take care of that. They'll do a lot worse than what I'm doing. So be grateful."

"Grateful" wouldn't be the word Leah would use. Right now the word that comes to mind is "pain." Not just physically but mentally as well. If she ever escaped this hell, she knew she would need therapy no matter how hard she refused. Her family and Todd would insist after they hear what she has been through. She also she would never share details of her imprisonment, but they'll know enough of what happened. Everyone will know that she has been through hell.

"As much as you're enjoying this, bitch, the fun stops here." Leah hated that Miles thought she was enjoying it because of her body's response to the situation. She has heard of stories of rape victims having orgasms from their rapists, bringing in shame, guilt, and humiliation. They think that maybe they did enjoy it and that just maybe it really wasn't rape. But Leah knew better. This was going to be rape. She was about to be a victim. Her body may respond to the attacks, but her mind and soul will never give in.

Still standing behind Leah, Miles was waiting for her to get used to the object he just shoved inside her. He loved the way she was squirming, either trying to adjust to the new feeling inside or trying to expel it. It was no use. It was lodged in there tightly. If there was any chance of it coming out, Miles was about to eliminate it.

The button at the base had to be pressed a little hard to activate its use. As soon as Miles pushed the button, a loud, uncanny scream escaped out of Leah's mouth.

It even frightened Miles a little bit. He has used the device before in the past from different women, but Leah's reaction had to be the worst. Pressing that button activated miniscule, sharp pins jutting out of the gel-like phallus up inside Leah. The length of these tiny pins was long enough to cause insurmountable pain, but neither long nor sharp enough to cause any permanent or fatal damage to whoever's "wearing" it. To Leah, it felt like someone was slowly stabbing her from the inside with no sign of stopping.

Her screams went silent. She had lost her voice. Her next reaction was shaking her head wildly. She needed to do something, anything to take her mind off the pain. With 90% of her body immobile, shaking her head was the only thing she could do to react with what she was feeling.

Miles took a step back to marvel at the beauty in front of him. He walked around her, making sure to take in every detail. Her entire naked body was now covered in a thin layer of sweat. Her subtle shaking caused the weights hanging from her nipple clamps to dance a little. They're death-like grip made sure they were not going to come off anytime soon. She curled her toes hard, another way to react to the pain. The muscles on her back and legs were much more visible now. She's going to need some rest after this. But not yet.

Miles stopped in front of her hung head, which Leah made limp. He bent down, picked her head up by her hair again, and looked at her. She may have looked like a mess, but the pain and fear on her face was a thing of beauty to him. He studied her face carefully, making sure it was genuine pain. This cunt caused him a lot of trouble, and his revenge was going according to plan...

Moving his hand from her hair to under her chin, he used his other hand to caress her face.

"Sssh, sssh, sssh, it's okay, it's okay. We're almost done. Your punishment is almost over. There's just one more thing I have to do."
Still holding her head by the chin, Miles carefully reached for the rope that had Leah's hair tied to. He reached for the other free end that went through the loop from the ceiling. Holding onto it, he pulled the rope just enough so he was able to hold up Leah's head. When he felt her head was being supported, he carefully released his hold from her chin. Now Leah's head was being held up thanks to Miles and the rope he was holding onto. With even more care, he slowly pulled the rope, forcing Leah's head to come up until she was facing the wall in front of her.

Miles momentarily tied the rope off using the loop hanging from the ceiling to keep her head up. He grabbed hold of the hook at the other end of the hook and then suddenly stopped.

"Damn. I totally forgot to lube you up before I put this inside your ass. You won't like it without it, trust me."

It was getting harder for Leah to listen to whatever Miles was saying. Her mind was slowly slipping out of consciousness. The scalp from her head felt like it was going to be ripped out at any moment. If she didn't have any neck problems yet, the new position her head was in, will take care of that. Miles returned with not only a special type of lube but with latex gloves as well.

"I have to be careful when dealing with this stuff," Miles said as he put on each glove. "My uncle and his friends won't tell me what it is, but I sure as hell know what it does."

Making sure his hands were completely covered by the gloves, he opened the top to the bottle. He coated two of his fingers with the lube, covering it down to the base of his fingers. Thanks to her forced, split legs, Miles had perfect access to Leah's asshole. He took his time inserting his two fingers with the mystery lube on it. Even with the lube, he had to apply enough force to get inside her ass. Another sexual act Leah has never done before. That is until Kenny's session when he forced her to have an orgasm with a dildo up her ass.

Miles wasn't halfway in until, yet again, Leah's body reacted. Her voice was still out, so she resumed her limited shaking. The lube gave a painful stinging sensation that Alpha would describe as a mix between being stabbed by a thousand knives and being burned alive. The beauty of this lube was the sensation would remain constant, never dying down, which in turn means the victim would never be able to get used to it.

Miles left his two fingers inside her asshole once he got it all in. He wanted to wiggle around in there, but it was evident that Leah had never had anal sex or at the very least never used her asshole for any sexual activity. It was so tight that Miles wondered if he was going to be able to get his fingers out!
After this thought, Leah's body went limp. It was as if someone turned her "off" switch. But Miles knew what happened. She finally passed out.

He looked at his watch in disappointment.

"Not even thirty minutes. What a weak bitch"

Holding onto her ass for support, Miles yanked his fingers out of her. He carefully took off his gloves and disposed them in a special trash bin, Alpha and his two companions would dispose any of its contents in.

He walked in front of Leah to see her face. Even in an unconscious state, she still had that look of pain. Drool kept coming out of her mouth, adding on to the puddle from the ground. He didn't want her to miss any of the things he was doing to her. It took two smelling salts to wake her up. Leah was coming to too slowly for Miles, which he felt warranted a slap on the face.


"Wake up! You're not getting off that easy. I don't want you to miss this."

Leah didn't realize she passed out. She wished this asshole had kept her unconscious. Not a moment sooner, all the pain from the acts he had done to her came flooding back. With everything done to her, she felt like her body was about to be ripped apart. With her body tightly bound, she felt her nipples being pinched with the sharp clamps, her pussy felt like it was being shredded and now her ass was being stung relentlessly. She thought her hair being pulled to support her head was the cherry on top. But it was not over yet.

Miles grabbed a hold of the oversize hook and began inserting the ball part of the hook inside her ass. His two fingers was hard enough to gain access. The anal hook was almost impossible. But thanks to the special lube he had applied, her ass gave way some. Miles even had to resort leaning his whole upper body to force the ball inside.

It was just pain topping off more pain for Leah. Her voice came back letting out mixtures of screams and groans. If there was ever a time she could escape her body, now would be it. If he had any more plans for her, she thought she was going to die. Leah held her breath as Miles got the ball halfway in.

"Almost ... there..." Miles struggled. But after giving one final push, her ass completely engulfed the ball. With the anal hook finally inside her, Leah gave a heavy exhale, followed by more crying.

"There we go! I knew a cunt like you could do it." Miles congratulated her by slapping her already sore ass. "Let me adjust this real quick ... and ... now you're done!"

Miles released the knot that he tied on the loop from above to hold Leah's head. Now her head was being held up thanks to the rope that was being anchored by the anal hook. It was a double whammy for Leah. Her already sore neck and shoulders were being held up by the hook in her ass which still caused the undying stinging sensation from the lube Miles applied. Since her head was up now, Miles grabbed her glasses from the table to put them on her. Her look was complete.

To the average person, she a terrifying mess. To people like Miles, Alpha, Kenny, and Buddy, however, she looked erotic. A treat for the eyes. They were part of the disturbed group of individuals who took extreme joy in watching beautiful women suffer. And Leah was one of many unfortunate candidates to fulfill the lusts of these depraved men.

Miles couldn't take it any more. Standing in front of Leah, so that she had a perfect view of him, he started undressing quickly in front of her. Leah closed her eyes to avoid looking at him. She had other things to worry about. She didn't want to see her soon-to-be rapist undress in front of her. But Miles didn't like that. Right before he was about to take off his pants, he slapped Leah on the face. Hard. The pain from it ricochet from her face to her hair then to her ass.

"Open your eyes, bitch! You'll look at me as I fuck your face first! If you closed them again, I'll make sure to keep them open for you. And I would love it."
As hard as it was for Leah, she looked on as her attacker resumed taking off his clothes. This was no easy task. With her glasses on, she had perfect vision of Miles and whatever was in front of her. Besides the humiliation of it, Leah still had to deal with the pain she was enduring simultaneously. She prayed that by now the pain would be numb, but it still remained! She felt every inch of her body that was in agony. Her mind was on nowhere else at this moment. And now this psychopath in front of her is going to force her to suck his dick. Leah thought if the physical pain wouldn't go numb, her mind will.

As he took off the last article of clothing, Miles stood inches away from Leah's gaping mouth. To her horror, Leah had a perfect view of his hard cock. It was big, long and thick. Nothing like Todd's. Leah didn't think he would be that big judging by his body.

There were now two naked individuals in the room. One was unwilling and subdued, while the other was very willing and very free to do whatever he wanted to do to S.S.Shotguneagle.

Miles grabbed a hold of her head with both hands. He was getting ready to put his raging hard cock inside S.S.Shotguneagle's mouth. Many, many times he would fantasize about this moment. He was sure a lot of horny guys who watched her videos have too. Miles was going to make every second of this moment count.

"Look at me, whore."

She didn’t comply at first. In fact, she didn’t even hear him. Her world of pain drowned out any noise surrounding her. Including Miles’ voice. This made him angry and repeated his command, only this time he yelled at her. He was loud and menacing enough for Leah to hear him. Leah looked up at him through her big glasses with pain and defeat in her eyes.

"This is what you get for humiliating me. You deserve this. You brought this on yourself. Remember that."

This actually made Leah a little angry, but it soon washed away thanks to the overwhelming pain she was feeling from her body.

"This is also for all the guys you would tease on your videos. For dressing like a whore, thinking you’re better than us. Well, you're not. You’re just a cum-slut whore who needs attention from everybody no matter how they get it. This is your punishment."

With much anticipation and excitement, Miles slowly inserted his cock inside Leah's open mouth. He watched carefully as he sank deeper and deeper. He didn't even mind that she closed her eyes tightly to undergo the forced blowjob she had to give. She hated giving head. She tried it once with Todd, but even he thought it was awkward. It never bothered him that she never did it for him again afterwards. Their sex life might have been vanilla but it was more than enough for them.

Miles watched with fascination and satisfaction as he made his cock disappear inside Leah's mouth. Leah tried to use her tongue to block if not try to expel the invasive member. But that only added pleasure for Miles. It was as if she was willingly licking his shaft. It didn't necessarily taste disgusting to Leah. It was just the fact she had some guy's dick, not her boyfriend's, in her mouth. In her current state, giving head was the very last thing she wanted to do.
He sunk his cock all the way in her mouth until he could go no further. That wasn't technically true. Leah's gag reflex prevented him from going any further. The ring gag may have opened her mouth fairly wide, but his cock filled her up completely. The warmth of her mouth sent waves of pleasure, starting from his member and spreading throughout his body. He closed his eyes and lifted his head up in ecstasy. What increased the pleasure was knowing who it was and how very much unwilling she was in this, while being in a world of pain.

He returned his gaze back to Leah. Her eyes were still shut firmly. She looked extremely pitiful yet attractive with most of his cock buried in her mouth. She was gagging uncontrollably, coughing at times, trying to adjust to the object in her mouth. He wanted to jam the remaining last inches of his cock in her mouth but he didn't want to risk damaging her throat.

Instead he retracted some of his cock, only to sink it back in slowly. He didn't take his time because he wanted to be careful with her, but because Miles wanted to drag it out as long as possible. He knew that if he started off fast, he would cum sooner than he wanted to.

Miles rocked his cock back and forth in a steady rhythm. He held her head still with both hands as he fucked her face. He stopped just once to take his cock out to rub his head all over her lips. He wanted Leah to completely taste it. He loved how her saliva completely coated his cock. Her drooling increased since he began fucking her face.

He softly petted her hair with one hand. Leah almost felt comforted from it as a way to soothe her as she was dealing with the pain her body was suffering. With her eyes still closed, she imagined it was Todd's hand who was comforting her.

"Look at me."

She opened her eyes to look up at Miles, thinking she was about to see Todd's face. She quickly shut her eyes again, weeping some more. Her desperation to be anywhere else than there was so bad, she actually believed Todd was there to rescue her.

"No, no, no, no. Keep them open. Or else I'll find a way to make them stay open."

Fearing the worst, Leah reopened her eyes to look up at her tormentor, with much difficulty.

"You look so fucking hot with my dick in your mouth. Wow. I still can't believe it. S.S.Shotguneagle is sucking my dick! Who says fantasies don't come true?"

Miles resumed his thrusts, slowly fucking her face.

"Don't take your eyes off me. You'll be sorry if you do."

Leah wanted so badly for her mind to drift far away from this place. She didn't want to look at her captor while he was making her blow him. But the torture devices on her made it hard for her to do so. She was getting used to the clamps on her nipples, but it were the weights that renewed the pain. The burning sensation from her ass was still fresh which made her move her hips to adjust to the pain. But adjusting her hips caused more pain from her pussy as the phallus with the tiny needles moved around finding new places inside her to poke her with. Miles may have slowly stroked his cock with her mouth, but even the slightest movement from her head caused anguish from her neck and shoulders. When Leah would try to move her head to alter her position, she only succeeded in pulling the scalp from her hair and pulling the anal hook that was lodged deep in her ass. There was no escaping her predicament.

"Oh yeahhh ... your mouth feels fucking incredible. Suck my fucking cock. I love how you’re in so much pain right now. I can't even imagine what you're feeling. I'm the luckiest son-of-a-bitch. Mmmmm ... Fuck..."

When he felt Leah was getting used to it, Miles picked up his pace a little. He was hoping he could get her to swallow it all before he came. Still being careful with her, he grabbed a hold from under her head with one hand and held the back of her head with the other. He adjusted his stance a little for better access, and proceeded to insert the rest of his shaft inside Leah's mouth.

Leah couldn't help but wince from the gagging until she had to shut her eyes to withstand the deepthroat.

"C'mon I know you can do it. Just a little bit more. You're so close..."

His voice was the equivalent of daggers shooting into her ears. She hated him more than she feared him. It was downright impossible to show any kind of rage due to the immense pain she was going through. It felt natural to only hurt and cry.
The gagging sound only turned on Miles more. Everything about her and what she was going through send waves of arousal throughout his body. He could no longer hold it any more. Leah's lips were only half an inch away from reaching the base of his cock, when Miles finally erupted.


It was the best orgasm he ever felt. One of many to come. The pleasure he was feeling through Leah's torture was so intense, vast amount of his white substance shot out of him and down Leah's throat. His pumps were a little quicker as he used Leah's mouth to squeeze out every drop of his cum. Leah instinctively swallowed without realizing what just happened. By the time she swallowed most of his cum it was already too late. Her stomach was turning upon realizing what she had just ingested. The thought made her so sick, she was surprised she didn't throw up. Instead she made retching sounds, which sounded more like lust-filled moans thanks to Miles' cock in her mouth.

He left his dick in her mouth as it slowly deflated, pumping slower to adjust to his sensitivity level. All the while forgetting the pain Leah was still in and the new level of humiliation she was feeling. For over a minute, he was on cloud 9.

Returning back to Earth, Miles took his spent manhood out of her mouth. Some of the cum that Leah didn't swallow, seeped out of mouth onto to pool of saliva on the ground. He walked around the room a little bit trying to get rid of the stiff feeling from his legs.

"Fuck me, if that wasn't the best blowjob ever! Phew!"

Miles retrieved his boxers from his pile of clothes to put on. He didn't feel comfortable doing the next part completely naked. Just wearing his boxers was good enough. As Miles was getting ready for the next part of the session, Leah continued to suffer without missing a beat. He didn't give her the same privilege of recovering as he gave himself. Without his cock in her mouth, Leah's mind took notice again the pain her body was going through. Her crying returned as a result from a mixture of pain and humiliation.

"That should hold me over for a little bit. But we're STILL not done yet. I feel loads better, but you still need to be punished just a little bit more."
Miles retrieved a cane from his items set. It was long and very sturdy, made from a rubber material that is meant to leave an agonizing feeling to whatever it touches without leaving any permanent marks behind.

"I still need to fuck you. It'll make feel better. That we really don't need to be intimidated by bitches like you. But right now, thanks to your incredible blowjob, I'm spent. The next part will help me get hard again. You see this?"

Leah could only still look forward which Miles took position to show her the cane. It was becoming more difficult to see because of the amount of tears she was producing. But with Miles being really close to her, she could tell what he was holding.

"I'm going to hit you with this all over your body. Check this out."

What Leah heard next frightened her. It was a sharp, threatening sound of the cane as Miles waved it rapidly in the air. He swung it around some more before striking the ground hard with it. The sound of the cane hitting the concrete echoed throughout the room.

"I know it's a bit cruel to hurt you some more while you are already feeling like shit right about now. But you deserve this. The punishment must fit the injustice you committed. Hold this for me real quick."

Although feelings to her hands were virtually gone at this point, Leah could feel something was being pressed on the palm of her left hand. Immediately she grabbed a hold of it. It was the cane Miles was just using.

"Thanks, babe. If you drop it, I'm going to hit you twice as long. So think about that while I take your gag off."
Miles unhooked the strap from the gag behind Leah's head before carefully pulling the ring out of her mouth. Due to having her mouth stay in the position for a long time, she couldn't close her mouth right away. Moving her jaw slightly than it was before caused aches from both sides. She had to move her mouth very slowly to get used to it again.

"Now that I've used your mouth how I wanted to, I wanna hear you better."

Leah groaned as she the aches intensified.

"So how many times should I hit you?" Miles genuinely asked Leah.

Feeling that she could move her jaws without any pain Leah spoke for the first time tonight.


It was very faint, but Miles heard what she said. Without any warning Miles whipped her ass with enough force to let Leah know the power the cane held. Even with all the torture devices on her, all of her focus was on that one hit. The hit was so hard and so painful, her soul felt the blow from it. Her scream reached every corner of the room they were in. Alpha and Kenny were both watching the show from the surveillance room and they could hear the scream all the way from there. It was a shocking, yet a pleasant surprise the set of lungs their young captive had.

Miles waited for her to stop screaming before he spoke again.

"That's not an answer. If you say anything else, I'm going to hit you again. And it won't count as part of the whipping."

Leah's sobbing grew as she realized she was trapped. There was no way out of this. Not on her own accord anyway. If she wanted to get out of this situation, it was going to have to be in the hands of her torturers. It's a thought that keeps eluding her. They quicker she played their disturbing games, the faster this will all be over with.

"Now, give me a number or I'll hit you some more before I pick a number for you."

Leah didn't stop her crying. As hard it was for her, she weakly said the first number that came to mind.


"'20'?! Are you serious?" Miles sighed. "Well, I guess I did ask you to give me a number. So 20 it is. I just have to adjust a few things first."

Miles walked off yet again to get another item from his toys. It was another bottle of lube. Not the same as before. It held a different purpose. He unscrewed the top and dipped his hand in. He didn't need any gloves for this one since it wouldn't hurt him. Not like the other lube, which is still probably stinging away in Leah's ass. He was right. Leah couldn't ignore the sensation from her ass. The burning feeling never died down and it was driving her crazy.
Miles applied the lube all over her body. Mostly her backside which he took the liberty to explain why.

"I'm not gonna rub this on your front since I won't be able to hit you there as much. But your back, arms, and legs are fair game."
Terrified, Leah thought it was the same the lube that was causing the burning sensation in her asshole. It prompted her to started wailing as she felt the cold material being rubbed on the body parts Miles mentioned as he continued his sexual assault. It didn't relieve her when she realized it wasn't doing the same thing it was doing to her ass. Nothing this guy did gave her a sense of relief.

"Another special concoction thanks to my uncle. It quickly dries as soon as it's applied on the skin. It's meant to ensure not to leave any permanent marks to your body when struck by something fierce. Case and point the cane. And second, this is my favorite thing about this lube, it heightens your sensitivity to touch. If you thought that hit to your ass was bad, you're in for a very rude awakening."

Miles applied the lotion on Leah's legs. He was going to wait until he put some on her pussy lips since that medieval device was still in her.
"In fact, I know, without a doubt, you are going to pass out after the first hit. But not to worry, I got that covered."
Miles came into Leah's view as he quickly shoved up something up her nostrils. Leah was taken aback by this and tried to expel whatever it was he put up there. But that only caused more pain on her scalp and ass as she shook her head. The new mystery object pinched her septum tightly for support. After taking several inhales, Leah felt energetic. Her heart was pumping faster and every feeling on her body doubled. It was as if someone had literally turned the pain volume to eleven. Leah screamed as her pain increased.

"What I put up your nose is a smelling agent that's meant to keep you alert and aware for a period amount of time. It won't last forever. Just long enough to make sure you experience every hit from my cane and then some."

Leah noticed her vision even improved because of this drug she was inhaling. It dilated her pupils and even sharpened her other senses. She could clearly hear what Miles was saying.

"Before I start again on your punishment, I need you to do one thing for me. Well, actually I need you to say something for me."

Leah was too afraid to talk. Her body was about to break and now her senses were going wild. She didn't know if she had the strength to persevere.

"Every time I hit you, I need you to say: 'Thank you, CO2Deviant.' Do you think you can do that for me?"

Leah still didn't say a word. She might have heard what he said, but her mind was racing a mile a second. Without another warning, Miles struck her right calf with the cane.

Leah thought the hit was probably close to what it would feel like to getting a limb hacked off. Leah's scream was ear-piercing. Even Miles had to cover one of his ears to block the deafening sound. He checked to make sure her leg was alright. The lube did its job. Not a mark on her.


With all her will and power, she fought through the pain, humiliation, and crying, she managed to answer him.


"Good. We can get started then."

Miles curiously rubbed the spot he hit her on. She reacted by whimpering from his touch. It was still tender. He may have only lightly touched her, but it felt like he was pouring salt to an open wound. After seeing her reaction he was quite impressed.

"That's actually pretty cool. There is still one more thing I need to do before I begin. I know, I know, I keep saying I have one more thing to add, but this is it. This is the very last one. It's my cherry on top."

Miles reached for the base of the torture dildo that was sticking out of Leah's pussy. He turned the knob 45 degrees clockwise before the dildo turned into a vibrator. Leah had been focusing so hard not to move her hips so much to avoid the tiny needles poking hard on her vaginal walls. Even then it wasn't enough to alleviate the pain. With the device now vibrating, that option was futile. The tiny needles dug deeper into her wall, yet still not breaking through. But it viciously poked her repeatedly and hard enough to the point where it was about to tear into her most sensitive area. By this point, Leah came to the realization that pain had no limit.

Her screaming returned trying to think of anything to take her mind off the pain but it was no use. Her cries became silent as she endured her torturing. With the pain in her pussy doubling, she also had her mind on her burning ass, aching shoulders and neck, and the whipping to come. Leah forgot about the clamps on her nipples as the pain finally went numb. But as if Miles was reading her mind, he took a minute to take off the clamps along with the weights, which brought memorable pain as blood rushed back to her nipples. Miles applied more of that sensitive lotion to her nipples, only to put back the death-grip clamps with heavier weights this time around. Now Leah was ready.

"There! That's it! You're ready for your punishment to end."

Leah thought if she truly deserved to be punished, it was already met awhile back. This was just living out some psychopath's sick fantasy. It didn't matter though. There was no stopping any of them. They could do whatever they wanted to her. Their message was finally received loud and clear.

"I hope your ready for this, Shotguneagle ... One."

Miles first hit went on Leah's right foot. Leah's screams were all the same. For every pain inflicted from the cane, she let out a gut-wrenching scream. Her mind and body would not let her pass out thanks to the substance she was inhaling. She remained conscious throughout the 20 lashes. Miles would take short pauses between hits, to move to a better position to hit her on another part of her body.


Her screams did the trick to bring life back to his spent member. He could feel it stirring after every hit. He tortured and raped a lot of beautiful women down here thanks to Alpha and his friends, but what made this experience much better was the fact that this time it was personal. He never did anything like it before. It was a new feeling he was quickly learning to appreciate.

"Feel like telling me something, Shotguneagle?" Miles waited to ask until her crying died down. Leah didn't say anything as her mind was still preoccupied with the pain from her foot. "If you don't feel like telling me anything, I'll just have to hit you again with-"


The threat of the cane reminded Leah what Miles wanted from her.

"You're welcome, slut."

Miles resumed his whipping. He gave her enough time between hits to thank him for hitting her. He made sure to cover her body as much as possible with only 20 lashes. He applied four lashes on each her legs, arms, and back. He never had to repeat a hit since Leah was able to thank Miles every time. It excited him greatly to hear the great S.S.S.hotguneagle thank him for hitting her. Unconsciousness was not able to come and rescue her thanks to the smelling stimulation up her nose. Instead she had to go through what felt like her body being hacked off by a machete. It was both a terrifying and agonizing feeling.

By the time the 20th hit came, Leah lost her voice completely. She was going to need plenty of rest to recover before continuing with future sick games. Since Leah wasn't able to pass out, she was becoming a little delirious. The room was slightly spinning for her. She was becoming sick in more ways than one.
Miles could see he was pitching a tent as he looked down to his drawers. Perfect, he thought. The last act of her punishment can begin.

He went to a different part of the room to fetch a few things. He placed a camcorder on a tripod slightly to the left side facing her in front. He made sure the camera was at a good angle before turning it on. After setting that up, he went behind her to set up some more cameras from different angles. Finally, he rolled a small flat-screen tv on a cart right in front of Leah. It was close enough so that she could see what would be on the screen but not blocking the camera that was in front of her. Leah could see the erection he sported as he was doing whatever the hell he was doing. She knew that it was going to happen. She was going to be another statistic. She was about to be raped. And in the most unusual way no less.

Miles disappeared behind her, where he once again undressed to become completely naked just like his prized possession in front of him was.
"We're almost done, Leah. You almost made up everything you've done to me. After this I will forgive you. Hell, maybe afterwards we can be friends?" Miles laughed.

Leah didn't understand what she did that was so horrible that warranted this "punishment" from a loser with insecurity issues? He was just another asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else but never says or do anything in person. His videos were a testament to that. He never shows his face or reveals himself in public. Probably because he's afraid of being rejected or judged. He was just like any other degenerate when given too much power without any consequences, they feel high and mighty as they do whatever they want to anyone.

Miles turned on the television in front of Leah. To her horror, Leah could see live footage of herself bounded in that horrible position, but from a different view. From where the view was, it looked like the camera was from the corner ceiling behind her. She could also see Miles standing right behind her in her vulnerable state. Ten seconds went by when the screen changed to the same footage only from a another angle. This was right behind Miles. She had a clear view of his unimpressive ass. It was blocking her tortured pussy and asshole, but you could see her widely spread legs. The next scene was a view that came directly from above them. She could see the rope holing on to her hair and asshole. Her ass was in perfect view from this position as well as her legs. She could see Miles walking up to her ass with his hard cock sticking out proudly. He fondled her ass once again. To her disgust, his hands rubbing her whipped ass was soothing. It may also had to do with the fact that the lotion he put on her increased her sensitivity as well. She hated the idea of it, but her body couldn't help but feel good.

"I want your first rape to be memorable. I set up these cameras so you can also see yourself taking part in a sex you don't consent to. I want to make sure that when you have nightmares about this day, you won't have to imagine what it looked like. This will help you remember perfectly of this day."

Leah opened her eyes when he said that last part. The last view she could see was from the camera that was in front of her. On it, she could clearly see her face. The view also showed Miles behind her as he was getting ready to enter her.

“And I know how much you love being in front of camera. So this should feel very natural for you.”

The whole thing was unreal. What rape victim wanted to see herself getting raped? They wanted to be anywhere else but there. Their only way to escape was in their mind as they closed their eyes and imagined somewhere far away. Away from the hell they were in.

It was all too much for Leah. She closed her eyes and wept as she dreaded the thought of having to witness the terrible crime she was being forced to watch that showed her different angles of her first rape. Miles was prepared for this.

"If you close your eyes at all during your first rape, you'll regret it. I won't staple your eyelids open, but I can think of ways to make them stay open. I don't want you to miss any of this. I hope you're ready. Cuz I am. And I've been waiting for a long time to live out my fantasy. You better do your best to satisfy me."
How the hell can I do that, Leah thought? He's insane. Before Miles could begin, he had to take off the torturous vibrator still planted inside her pussy. Miles rotated the knob counter-clockwise to turn off the vibration from the torture dildo, followed by detracting the tiny pins on it as well. Leah was relieved, yet she felt empty inside when he took it out. For a moment, she thought she was releasing out her bladder contents but realized it was copious amount of her juices spilling out.

"Damn, girl. You are one hot bitch. Perfect time as any."

He tossed the dildo away getting ready for the last phase of their session. Miles debated whether to use that sensitive lotion on his cock to make the experience feel better, but he didn't want to risk Leah feeling good from it too. Although that would be humiliating for her too, he wanted her first time to hate it. To loathe it. To feel pain from it. It's a must for her punishment.

He wanted to savor every moment. The head of his cock was inches away from her tender opening. He placed both of his hands on each side of her hips. This was it. This was the moment he was waiting for. After all this time. He, besides his uncle and friends, would be the only one to ever know he was the first to rape S.S.Shotguneagle. It was more than okay for him.

Aiming his cock just right, he slowly entered his way inside the beautiful, strong, bound, tortured Leah. It was a good thing he already came earlier in her mouth. It's what probably helped him not cum right away as he felt the warmth of her insides coating his dick.

Leah saw everything. The ten-second intervals from the screen showed perfectly Miles going inside her. It was disturbing on so many levels. The horrifying moment was when she could see his face and hers as he entered her. She saw nothing but bliss on his face while Leah could see she was horrified and in pain. It looked very unnatural.

Miles continued pushing his way in until his balls came into contact with her clit. Indeed, the torture device she had in her pussy made it very warm and comfortable for him. He thought all of his blood went straight to his hard-on. If his cock had gotten any harder, it would turn into steel. He left it buried there, still savoring the moment.

Leah could see all of his member was inside her. Another man, besides her boyfriend, was inside her. She cried in misery and in defeat.
After enough time had passed, he slowly fucked Leah. Everything was perfection for him. He was killing two birds with one stone. While Miles was raping another beautiful young woman, he was getting revenge on a popular gamer/blogger who had humiliated him multiple times. Miles made sure he did everything he needed to, to make Leah feel like shit in every way possible and making himself feel like on top again. The power he had over this girl was unbelievable. There was a time he thought she was beautiful, smart, and intimidating. Now she was just another pathetic slut forced to do any despicable act for the amusement of serial rapists.

Miles picked up his speed. Thinking about it all was driving him crazy. He was actually here! Raping S.S.S.hotguneagle! Although he did more than enough to torment the poor girl both physically and mentally, he wanted to prolong it.

"Oh my god, baby, you feel fucking amazing. This is the best sex I've ever had ... I'm not your boyfriend, 'Todd.' I'm your rapist, 'CO2Deviant, ' with a grudge for the rest of your life. Remember that, bitch."

It was like pouring acid in her ears. Hearing him say her boyfriend's name caused Leah to cry harder. This only turned Miles on even more.

His pumps became faster. He was close. This was something he was going to remember for the rest of his life. He hoped this would be the most memorable moment for Leah during her time as a sex slave, but Miles was aware of Alpha's and his friends' plans for her. It was pure genius. If it works, it was going to put Leah in a whole new level of humiliation. Knowing the kind of person she is, Miles assumed she would rather be tortured and raped by him than what's in store for her.

Thinking about her future dilemma did the trick sending Miles over the edge. He may have already came earlier, but he was able to produce the same vast amount of cum. It was another intense orgasm for him. His knees were buckling from the sensation. He let out a loud cry of satisfaction as he used Leah's pussy to milk his still hard cock.

Leah saw it all. She saw the look Miles gave as he was reaching climax. He saw the look he got right before he released his man seed into her. She saw the satisfaction he was feeling as he slowed his rhythm, still disregarding the pain she was still under. What was worse was how she looked miserable as her rapist used her for his own sexual gratification.

As Miles was slowing down with every second, he looked down on his victim with satisfaction. He hated everything about her. Even as he fucked her, he was jealous of her. They might've been popular in the gaming world (her more than him), but had better qualities than he had. She had everything people sought after in another human being. He hated the fact that she lived a better life than him. This helped him out a lot though. He felt better about himself. If he could overpower a cunt like S.S.Shotguneagle, nothing was impossible.

Leah never stopped crying. In the beginning, when she was first kidnapped, her whole world was turned upside down. After experiencing her first extremely twisted rape, her whole world was now obliterated. What could she possibly go through next that would be worse than what she just went through with Miles, also known as CO2Deviant?

It took a few more strokes to finally ease the sensation from his spent cock. After feeling satisfied, he exited her hole. He walked over to grab a cloth to wipe himself clean. Miles would've preferred to use his slave's mouth to clean him up but he didn't trust her quite yet. For good reason, obviously. After what she just been through, he thought Leah wouldn't hesitate to bite his dick off given the chance.

"That was fun. Was it great for you as it was for me?"

Leah only sobbed.

"Well, that's okay. We're even now. No more punishment."

Miles proceeded to put his clothes back on. Leah noticed this and was relieved. She thought the ordeal was over and she could finally relax after this unforgettable moment. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the case for her.

"Now that we got your punishment over with, we can get the real fun started. From here on out, it'll be nothing but pleasure. I'll give you an hour to recover before we begin again. I really hope you're not tired, cuz we're in for a long night."

After Miles was fully dressed, he was on his way out when Leah’s frantic cries caught his attention. He was going to ignore her at first, but then a thought came up.

“Oh, yeah, I forgot! Sorry about that!”

For a moment, Leah thought her pleas were convincing enough to let her down. But Miles had other plans. Miles retrieved the sinister vibrator he threw on the ground, before raping Leah, and inserted back inside Leah’s pussy. He released the small needles as well as turning on the vibrator. Leah howled in pain as she cursed herself for thinking her rapist would help her in any way.

“There. That should keep you company. I’ll be back soon!”

He exited Leah's cellar to rejoin his uncle and Kenny. Miles felt proud as he walked away. Listening to Leah scream and cry louder gave him a sense of pride he only really felt whenever he visited this place. Today was extra special as his pride came from someone he disdain the most, and had the pleasure of torturing and raping. Today, was definitely a good day for CO2Deviant.


2022-04-17 18:24:22
Well done indeed! I can only wonder what is in store for next, but that is most of the fun, neh?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-02 13:42:38
Such a good story! keep it coming. your writing is amazing

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