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Remember - fantasy, arousal, sexy times.....pants off.
The ride back was pretty intense. We had chosen the Skipper's trail to go down. It was probably a little too advanced for me.

Paul had the time of his life launching himself down vertical drops. Whereas I was a little more circumspect. Perhaps a metaphor that summed us up perfectly.

When we got back to the car park it had filled considerably. A huge selection of RV's, 4x4's and ATV's littered the large open area. Riders from 8 to 80 were either packing up to leave or unpacking ready to take on the trails into the late afternoon.

I looked at the faces of the guys and girls. Did they know? Could they see what had happened by the look on my face?

We loaded up the bikes and climbed into the cab. The drive back for Paul was relaxed....for me it was an avalanche of emotions. We listened to music, which helped me. Paul talked about some of the trickier parts of the runs and finished off the last of the food my Mom had given us. To Paul it was just another ride home after a morning of biking.

When we got back to the house it was late afternoon. The sun was still shining brightly and the temperature was still enough for us to work up a sweat unloading the bikes.

"Fancy a swim?" I asked.

"Oh god yeah." Paul sighed.

We walked through the garage, up the stairs and around to the pool.

The pool area was bathed in sunshine, the house and my apartment shielding us from any breeze that might of been around.

I walked towards my apartments front door.

"Where you going?" Paul asked.

"Just going to get my swimmers on?" I said

"Why?" came the reply

When I turned I saw that Paul had already stripped off his shirt and was in the process of taking down his shorts and boxers.

He turned away from me and dove, stark naked, into the pool.

He resurfaced with a splutter and a sigh, "Oh man that feels good".

I turned back to the apartment and then looked back towards the house which looked empty. I had no idea where my Mom was....perhaps having a sleep, maybe out with the ladies.

"Come on dude."

I threw my head back and groaned, "Fine."

I quickly removed my clothes and leaped into the pool. Instantly I felt the cool water wash away any sembalance of dirt from me. The feeling of being completely naked in the embrace of the pool was exhilarating. Even more so due to the fact that Paul was present.

Soon though the nakedness didn't seem to matter. We did the normal things that guys usually do in the pool. Wrestled, swam lengths a game of volleyball. I must admit that I was keeping an eye on the house to make sure that Mom didn't walk in on us - but that to passed and soon I was completely oblivious to everything around us.

"Hi guys, mind if I get some late sun?"

There was a rush to get to the nearside of the pool so we could cover our nudity from my Mom.

She wandered towards one of the sun loungers. She was wearing the peach bikini again. The late afternoon shone off her tanned, hairless legs. She had on a white transparent sun robe.

As she approached the sun lounger she took the robe off revealing her toned, 'altered' body.

I tried my best not to look and instead made sure that my nudity was securely up against the pool wall.

Mom reclined into the comfort of the cushioned lounger, "You guys have fun up in the hills."

"We had a brilliant time. Stunning views."

"Oh I love it up there, it's so beautiful."

"Seems like beautiful views aren't just restricted to the hills." Paul commented cheekily.

"You silver tongued devil." my Mom shot back as I saw the slightest blush form on her cheeks. "You'll make an old lady blush."

"OLD!....hardly Mrs Jackson."

I lowered my head and closed my eyes. I was trapped in the pool due to my lack of swimming trunks so had to endure Paul going full MILF hunter.

"Well that's very nice Paul but I think I left my young carefree days behind me a few decades ago."

"Age is just a number Mrs Jackson. You can still rock a bikini and that's all I can see."

My Mum blushed a little more.

As I noticed this I felt Paul's hand on my cock. I almost let out a yelp of surprise as I felt his large hands grasp me.

I looked across at him in time to see him grin and wink at me.

I hardened almost immediately. His hand glided up and down my shaft

Paul continued, "So I'm a bit worried about you burning under this sun Mrs Jackson. Do you want me to put some sunscreen on you?"

My Mom lifted her sunglasses and looked over at us. Paul continued to slowly pump my cock.

"Would you. I like to sun worship but I'm not a big fan of peeling skin.

My Mom rolled over onto her front. Before I knew what was happening Paul let go of me and hauled himself out of the pool.

It just so happened that my Mom had turned her face away from us as she lay down. If she hadn't she would have been treated to Paul's naked body, glistening with droplets of water which clung to his muscular body and his large erection which stood proudly in the afternoon sun.

"Sorry if I drip on you Mrs Jackson, I'll try and be as quick as possible."

"That's OK Paul, I'll probably take a dip later anyway." she replied still looking away.

Paul walked over to the lounger and sat down near her legs.

"I'll just get it warmed up a bit." he said as he picked up the bottle of sun screen.

He squirted some into his hand, put the bottle down and began to rub it between his hands. When he felt the lotion was a decent temperature he stood over my Mom and stepped over the width of the lounger so he was essentially straddling her.

He knelt with a knee either side of her upper thigh. His large hard on hovering just above her pert arse.

"I'll start with the shoulders Mrs Jackson."

With his large hands he began to slather the lotion onto her shoulders. It started with him just spreading it around but quickly evolved into him massaging her shoulder and lower neck.

"Oooo....Paul.....that feels amazing."

"You've got so many knots Mrs need to chill more often."

Now I know it probably isn't easy for my Mom to be married to a cold distant guy like my Dad.....but I can't imagine how she could chill anymore than she already does?

The scene I was watching was like nothing I'd seen before. My naked friend, with a rock hard erection was massaging sun lotion into my Mom's back.

What was even more puzzling was the fact that as he was doing this I was wanking myself as I enjoyed the view.

Paul was now rubbing lotion into her shoulder blades. I watched as his cock came perilously close to her arse cheeks.

"I'm sorry Mrs Jackson.....but do you mind if I undo your bikini top so I don't miss anywhere?"

My Mom hesitated a little. I saw her body tense a little but then I think she rationalized that it was her Son's best friend so really what was going to happen!

"Sure, it just clips off."

Paul reached down and quickly unclipped the bikini top. The straps fell down her side and hung down from the lounger. The resulting looseness of the material meant that from where I was I got a view of her side boob. And ashamed as I am to say - it looked pretty amazing.

Paul squirted a little more lotion into his hands and started to rub it in to my Mother's back.

He moved the lotion around with his hands making sure that it was rubbed in everywhere. I could see that his hands were getting lower and lower until his fingers were every so gently rubbing up against the swell of her breasts.

Seeing this happen in front of me pushed me over the limit.

I erupted under the water, closing my eyes as the sensations coursed through me.

When I opened my eyes again I saw Paul, still rubbing lotion on my Mom, looking over at me with a smile on his face.

He winked at me, "Hey Chris, I forgot to tell you that your work called....apparently it was pretty urgent."

I could feel the puzzlement etch across my face, "Work....called me.....but they know I'm on holiday?"

He shot me a glance, "Yeah...weird huh. I think I left your phone in the bathroom."

He made a jerking motion with his head towards the apartment.

"Just make sure you close the window so it doesn't get too cold in there." he winked at me again.

My memory suddenly kicked in. The 'post orgasm' fuzzy feeling decided to clear away. It was a vantage point....whatever Paul was going to do with my Mom he wanted me to watch. I didn't want to but I knew I was going to.

I lifted myself out of the pool. My cock was still half erect so I made my walk to the apartment in double time.

"You OK honey?" my Mom asked

"Yeah Mom, just gonna call work and have a shower. See you at dinner."

"OK sweetie."

I walked in through the open apartment door and quickly bounced up the stairs. Before I even got to the bathroom I noticed that my heart was beating out of my chest. I couldn't believe that I was going to watch.....what was I going to watch?

I know my Mom likes to think of herself as reasonably progressive and liberal - but I got the feeling that whatever Paul was going to try was not going to end well for him.

As far as I knew Mom hadn't strayed from Dad, which was amazing as she was hit on at almost every party we hosted or went to.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. The window was open and overlooked the pool. Paul and my Mom were about 30 feet from me. I perched myself up against the wall and let the show begin.


Paul was rubbing the lotion on the small of Mom's back. They were chatting back and forth. Mom was still lying on her front. Her head was facing forwards. I was basically side on to them. I could clearly make out Paul's hard on as it hung parallel to my Mom's arse.

He reached down and picked up the bottle of lotion and squirted some more into his hands. He started to rub the lotion onto the back of her thighs. He was doing a great job of making it seem perfectly innocent even though he was touching her with a barely contained passion.

He finished her other thigh and then they chatted for a few seconds. She nodded her head and he moved himself up her body again and started to massage her shoulders.

After a few minutes of this he changed his position so he was now up on his knees leaning over my Mom.

His hands were now no longer just on her shoulder blades. The roamed all over her back and neck. He paid special attention to her sides. His fingers never seeming to lose contact with her generous artificial side boob.

I was amazed that she had still not noticed his nudity.

He reached up to her shoulders again, but this time he lifted her slightly and appeared to be massaging her upper chest.

I saw my Mom arc her back by raising herself up on her elbows. This meant that her breasts were exposed. Her bikini top lay on the lounger. Just above it my Mom's perfectly sculptured tits stood upright as Paul continued to massage her chest.

Paul obviously confident that his actions were being reciprocated moved his hands down her chest and placed his hands on her breasts. My Mom reacted by dropping her head down and arching her back a little to allow Paul easier access.

As Paul took hold of my Mom's tits her also lowered his cock so it was now resting on my Mom's arse. Her reaction to this was the slight shift her hips so her arse stuck up a little more. To be honest she didn't look comfortable but judging by her movements she did appear to be enjoying it.

Paul slowly started to thrust his cock against the material of my Mom's bikini bottoms. He leaned forward and started to kiss her neck. She lifted her head to the side and allowed Paul free access to the length of her neck.

They continued this for a few minutes. Their bodies rubbing against each other. Paul's cock sliding along the slight indent of my Mom's arse crack, his hands massaging her tits, pinching and squeezing her erect nipples.

I continued to stare through the bathroom window. Not even realizing that I was rubbing my cock, spurred on by the unbelievable scene unfolding in front of me.

Back at poolside the action was become more intense. Paul's cock was now pressed up against my Mom's pussy. Paul kissed his way down her back until his lips were kissing the the material covering her arse cheeks.

Gently he placed his hands on the backs of her thighs. She lowered herself down off her elbows so she was lying flat on the lounger. Paul slowly moved his fingers up her thighs. When he got to her arse he placed a hand on each thigh and pushed her legs apart. Not much. Just enough so that he (and by could see the material of her bikini bottoms that covered her arsehole and pussy.

He took has hand and placed it up against the material. I saw my Mom roll her shoulders - no doubt moving against the pleasure that must have coursed through her body at Paul's touch.

For the next few minutes Paul slowly rubbed between my Mom's legs. As he rubbed I could visibly see her breathing increasing - her shoulders heaving with obvious arousal.

Paul moved back up to my Mom's neck, kissing as he went.

As he reached her neck I could see his cock pushing up against her crotch. He slowly started to thrust against the material.

My Mom wasted no time with the foreplay. She reached behind her and slipped her fingers under the bikini bottoms material and pulled it away from her crotch. She lifted her hips off the lounger and allowed Paul to enter her from behind.

Paul must have slipped in easily - and for the first time I heard my Mom moan in a sexual manner. A few seconds later Paul started to slowly slip in and out of my Mom's pussy.

From my vantage point I could quite clearly see his cock sliding in and out of her. I could hear her moans of pleasure.

And I loved it. I loved seeing my Mom being fucked. I stared intensely wanting to see as much as possible. I realized that I was missing an opportunity.

I reluctantly left the window and quickly dashed over to the bathroom sink. I picked up my phone and clicked open the camera. I zoomed the camera in and pushed record.

I ran back to the window and pointed the camera in the direction of the action. Thanks to working in the media industry I was lucky enough to have a camera that was HD quality.

The picture being recorded was wonderfully clear. It allowed me to see even more of the action.

Paul was still pumping my Mom from behind. His pace had picked up but they were now in the doggy position.

Paul had removed her bikini bottoms so she was now completely naked. Her head was almost touching the lounger, her arse sticking up as Paul thrust deeply into her.

My hand was furiously pumping my cock.....I'm not the longest stayer in the game - but I was no where near finishing.

My Mom turned and said something to Paul. He stopped and stood up. My Mom stood up and I saw her completely naked, full frontal for the first time on my life.

She looked taught and fit. Her breasts were as wonderful as I expected them to be after all the money spent on them. Her belly was toned and tanned and her hips were a sight to behold. Her short legs were shapely and glistening with sweat.

Her pussy was neatly tended to. She had a small patch of pubic hair but it looked well maintained.

She put the headrest of the lounger down so it was just a flat surface. Paul lay down on it on his back. When he was comfortable my Mom straddled him.

She sat down on his legs, lifted his cock and took him in her mouth. I actually heard him gasp as her lips closed around him.

For the next few minutes I was treated to the sight of my Mom blowing my best mate. It was fair to say that it looked like she had done this before. Her mouth and hand worked together perfectly. She serviced every part of him. Her tongue and lips teased his head and shaft. She sucked at his balls as her hand pumped him. And the most incredible part - a full on deep throat that showed his full set of inches disappearing down her throat....numerous times.

When she finished she straddled him again and guided his cock to her hole. She lowered herself down onto his member and slipped down it so her pubis boned touched his belly. They stayed this way for a few seconds until she started to slowly gyrate her hips.

I was aghast at how sexy she looked. Even though she was almost 50 her passion was that of a teenager. She ground down against him. Her gasps and groans echoing around the pool area.

Paul was reaching up and roughly squeezing and pinching at her breasts and nipples.

He placed his thumb between her legs and rubbed her clit.

My Mom's head fell backwards at what I can only assume was the crescendo of an orgasm.

Paul moved her so she was now on her back. He spread her legs and buried his face into her pussy.

My Mom was now out of control - she no longer wanted foreplay - she just wanted Paul's hard cock inside her.

She grabbed his head and pulled it towards her. She kissed him passionately and spread her legs wide.

Paul positioned his cock on her hole and thrust deep inside her. My Mom's screams were muffled in to Paul's neck. but I could hear them clearly.

Paul's powerful body slammed into my Mom. Her legs were so spread that I could see his meaty cock jackhammering into her. It glistened from all of her juice.

Paul said something to her which made her throw her arms around him holding him close to her.

His hammering got faster and then changed into a series of big jerking thrusts. I could imagine his hot cum splashing up against my Mom's insides.

The thought of all of this caused me to cum like a racehorse. My jizz shot out, all over the bathroom wall. Huge wads of sticky protein erupted from me. It was so intense that I couldn't hold the phone still anymore. I threw it on my towel which was sitting on the floor.

I looked out of the window once I had finished and saw Paul and my Mom cleaning themselves up. My Mom was laughing as she put her bikini top on. Paul ran and got his shorts on. As he did so he looked up at the window and acknowledged my presence.

I waved back, hopped down from my perch and jumped into the shower.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-29 05:21:42
im a boy 18

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-24 20:22:32
Oh wow didn't know your stories could get any better. Kind of agree with the previous comment, would kill if my friends did my mom. But it was a hot ass story

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-16 15:01:26
this Chris guy is a very understanding guy ...if my friend went to town on my mom I'd waste them instantly

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