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Life with Aunt Jess
This is a story of incest. Being that, if you are not comfortable reading something like this, I suggest you stop right now. Do not preach or voice your fake morals. After all look at the site you are on. It is your decision to read these. Critique grammar, spelling or writing style all you want, but leave the subject matter alone.

Submitted for your consideration, my name is Charles Edward Tuttle. I am the oldest of three children. I have one brother, Patrick Alan, and a sister Katrina Anne. The two younger children were born ten and twelve years after myself, respectively. Our parents like the idea of having the initials of our names spell words. I was called Chet from the time I was born. I asked mom how they got Chet from Charles one time. She spelled it out for me, “Ch. for Charles E. for Edward and T. for Tuttle.” It suddenly made sense. My brother and sister were also called Pat and Kat, and was a double twist of their initials and short versions of their names.

Mom was also the oldest child in her family. She was, however one of only two children and her younger sister, Jessica, was a late in life child. Jess is two months older than myself. We have been close all our lives. Our families lived two hours apart, but visited each other at least once a month, and sometimes more for holidays. Jess and I have been pretty much inseparable at these gatherings since we were born.

Here is a little more about Jess. She has raven hair, which is to say, it is nearly black and shiny, straight as an arrow. Oh, and it is as soft as a chinchilla fur. For as long as I can remember, she has always smelled light and flowery, even as a young girl. When she reached her later teens, she really blossomed well. She had a very athletic body, due to her involvement with the swim team at her school. Now for the dirty stuff. She has an amazing pair of breasts. They are not small and not big either, being at least a large “C” if not a small “D”. She has a small waist and flat stomach that flows flawlessly into the sexiest hips and a firm round buttock. I would say she is the total package. One more thing. She has the biggest dark brown eyes that would let her get away with just about anything. They twinkle when she is feeling devilish, and just all out sparkle when she smiles.

I kind of think Jess and I were pushed together, in a small way when I turned four years old. We gathered at our house to celebrate my birthday. Jess was in a somewhat foul mood most of the day, and I didn't know why till it came time to for me to open my presents. It turned out that she was upset that she had nothing to give me. I never knew why it was so important to her to give me a gift. I guess she has been of a generous nature all her life. Grandpa “Pap” Bailey, her father, suggested she just give me a kiss. The entire family got their cameras ready and howled with glee when she, without hesitation, gave me a big kiss on the lips. From that day on, whenever there was a birthday or holiday where gifts were to be traded, we were pushed to give each other a kiss. The family always cheered and most captured the moment on camera. It became so natural to us, that we didn't think of any better gift to one another. Our relationship only grew stronger.

As we neared our teen years, we had such a hard time being separated between gatherings, that we called each other at least once a week and sometimes more often. Our play was always innocent, board games, video games, sports, mostly swimming. Both our families were into swimming. Pap and Grammi Bailey were both swimmers in high school. Mom and dad both competed on their high school teams. In fact, that is how they met; rival schools at swim meets. We had a swimming pool in our back yard as did Pap and Grammi. When the weather permitted, Jess and I spent most of our free time together in one pool or another.

During one of our visits to the grandparent's, when we were ten, Jess and I were outside hanging around with each other, as usual, when she suggested she should kiss me. I was confused as to why she wanted to kiss me. “Do we need a reason to kiss? Other than we like each other?” Jess answered in a gruff tone. “I just feel like kissing you.” I couldn't argue that. She stepped in front of me and planted the softest kiss I had ever gotten from her or anybody else. Something erupted in me and I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in tight, as I locked my lips on hers.

“Hey! What are you two doing?” Pap yelled from a few yards away.

“Uh,” Jess stammered. “We were just practicing… for our next birthday.”

“Uh, yeah,” I added.

As Pap approached he said, “I don't think you need to be practicing.”

“Dad...”Jess started, then fell silent.

“Get back to the house! Both of you,” Pap shouted as he turned to stomp back to the house.

We walked back slowly and without saying a word to each other. Though we thought we were in big trouble, I couldn't help but think about that first kiss. I was scared about what might be waiting for us back the house, but I was also excited. I hadn't felt anything like that before. Hell, I was only ten years old, for Christ's sake. Where did she learn to kiss like that? Has she been practicing with somebody else? I stopped thinking about that as we climbed the steps to the front door. My legs felt weak and heavy. I opened the door and stepped back so Jess could step in before me. She looked at me like I was a coward. She was basically right. I knew in my heart that we were toast.

Mom, Dad, Pap, and Grammi, were all sitting in the living room. We walked in and stood side by side. I could feel the heat of embarrassment on my face as I looked at each of their faces, trying to gauge just how much trouble we were really in. My hand found Jess' and I took hold of it. She gave mine a supportive squeeze. Mom cleared her throat a couple times, but said nothing.

Finally, dad spoke, “Well… well… well. What have we got here?” He looked a little upset, but not mad. “I have got to say, I am a little disappointed. But, I can't allow you to take all the blame for this.”

“Your dad is right,” Mom finally said with a dry voice. “We are just as much to blame… if not more.”

“We kind of pushed you… Introduced you to this kind of behavior,” Grammi added. “We thought it was so cute to have you kiss for each special occasion.”

“Uh...” Pap appeared to be apologetic. “I think I might have been a little abrupt, when I saw you two kissing. I mean, you two are related. But, we see how are together.”

“We love each other,” I said, looking into Jess' eyes. I immediately saw that familiar twinkle. She also squeezed my hand harder.

“You are a little young to think of that kind of love. Don't you think?” asked Dad.

“Yes, I know John,” answered Jess. “I love you and Janet, and Mom and Dad. But it's not the same thing I feel for Chet. Do you want us to stay away from each other for awhile? I want you to know, I would literally die without him.” She looked deep into my eyes and I could see the twinkle soften and fade. The sparkle turned to tears.

“No. We aren't going to split you up,” Grammi assured us. “All we ask, is that you be careful, and not mistake your kind of 'puppy love' for what two adults feel for one another.” There was a short silence. I wanted to say something, but felt what I had to say may just come off sounding childish. Finally, Grammi broke the silence, “What we are really asking, is that you not have sex, until you are older and know what you want.”

“And maybe by then we will have decided we are not right for each other, huh?” I asked with a smart tone that I immediately regretted using. Mom gave me a “Don't go there” look. “Sorry,” I said.

“That is not what we are hoping, though it might be better in the long run,” Dad interjected. “Waiting till you are older, and more mature, will give you a chance to live a little more before making that much of a commitment. If you are still 'together' in, say, five years, or more, then we will support your decision and help you to insure you don't have a little accident.”

“You mean a baby?” Jess asked.

“Precisely,” Pap said.

“I can tell you that… well, I don't know about Jess, but I am not even ready for sex yet.” I tried to sound mature at that point. Failing miserably, for sure.

“No, I am not either,” Jess added.

“Well… Good,” Pap said. “Now… If you feel you must kiss each other. Though, I think you are too young yet for making out. Don't feel you need to hide it from us.”

“Okay, Dad. And we will try not to put on a show. Will we Chet?” Jess sighed.

“Speak for yourself,” I joked. I got a few jeers with that comment.

“Now off with you two,” Grammi said. “And remember… Children behave.” She sang the last sentence to the tune of “I Think We're Alone Now” by Tommy James and the Shondels. We all knew that Grammi liked classic pop, so we all knew the reference and chuckled. With that I pulled on Jess' hand and we ran outside to enjoy what time we had left together before I had to leave with the folks to go home.

The next eight years went pretty much like the family wished for us. Our relationship was stronger than ever, still professing our love for each other. We knew we would probably spend the rest of our lives together. Though, occasionally, we joked about easily replacing the other. We continued to see each other at least once a month, when our families got together. More importantly, we spoke on the phone on a daily basis.

Some things changed over those eight years. Jess and I grew a lot. Jess had grown to about five feet nine inches tall. I had sprouted to five feet ten inches tall. I loved the idea that we could look each other in the eyes. Jess' gorgeous hair had grown down her back to just above the crack of her luscious ass. Oh, and her ass had filled in nicely as well. I put my hands on it every chance I got while making out or just the quick kisses. And as far as the kisses go, the family still insisted on us trading saliva during the holidays or special gatherings. They must have had an album full of just us kissing by now.

One day we were talking on the phone, and Jess tried to cut the conversation short. I pretended to be upset. “I need to get to my homework,” she said.

“I have been doing mine while talking to you,” I told her.

“No way. How can you listen to what I am saying and do your homework at the same time? What was I talking about and what are you studying?”

“You were talking about what your friends want to do over Christmas vacation. And I am studying science. Evolution, to be more specific.”

“And you have done this the whole time we have been talking on the phone?”

“Yes, for four or five years.”

“How do you do it? I know you get nearly straight A's.”

“I am a southpaw.”


“A southpaw. I am left handed in a right handed world. I have to use both sides of my brain and I have trained mine to use both sides independently of one another.”

“Really? How do you… do… YOU SHIT! YOU ARE LYING TO ME!”

“Yes I am lying to you. Being able to focus on two different things is a small talent I have developed since we have been together. I did it out of necessity. If my grades slip, Dad takes away my phone. If I can't call you, I go apeshit. I need to be able to talk to you.”

“So you kinda like me, huh?”

“Jess. I love you so much it hurts. You are my life entire.”

“I love you so much, Chet. Now, I am afraid I have to get off here. I don't have the split brain you do. I have to work hard on my grades. “

“I will talk to you tomorrow, I love you, Baby.”

“I love you. Talk to you tomorrow.” With that the line went dead. I thought to myself it is good that I can multi-task. I cannot get this angel out of my head. My life truly was hers, entire.

Not five minutes after we said goodbye, I received a text from Jess. It was a picture message, along with a note saying, “We need to take this to the next level.” The picture was a close-up of what I could only assume was her pussy. I had never seen it before but I had seen her in a bikini and she had a suntan tattoo just above the waistband of her bikini bottom. I recognized it, a pair of lips. She used a sticker when she tanned so the skin stayed a lighter tone than that around it. I was surprised that it was still visible this late in the year.

I sent her a return text asking, “Is that you in the picture?” I had no doubt it was, I just wanted confirmation. I stared a hole through the picture while I waited for her response. Her pussy was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She has a thick mat of well trimmed black fur, that glistened in the flash of the camera. My hard-on was immediately straining against the fabric of my pajama pants, the only thing I was wearing.

“Of course it is me, silly. Now I want to see your package.” she wrote. I clicked off a couple shots of my throbbing member, and sent the one I felt did me more justice. I seized the opportunity to slowly stroke myself while looking at her picture, and waiting for a response.

“OMG! You make me so horny, you naughty boy!” She finally wrote back.

“I am wanking to your picture, if you gotta know.”

“How much do you do that? Am I always the victim of your fantasies?”

“I don't see you as a victim in my fantasies. You are more of a vixen.”

“So… How often do you “WANK”?

“20 or 30 times a day.” I sent the text and chuckled to myself for a minute. Then quickly sent another saying, “Seriously… only once or twice a week.”

“That's not so bad then.” Pause… “I got to get to bed, my love. Big day tomorrow. Mom and I are finishing our xmas shopping.”

“Okay, baby. I love you.”

“I love you, g'nite.”

“G'nite”. I went to my bathroom to get ready for bed. The image of my beautiful sexy aunt's pussy burned into my brain. My erection would not subside, if I didn't get my mind off her. I started stroking my sensitive shaft. It was the only way I could think to get rid of the rigid meat standing out from my groin. I watched in the mirror as my hand slid up and down the smooth taut skin. I was watching myself jerk-off, but all I could see was Jess' tasty looking sex. I had never actually tasted her, but had seen oral sex in videos on the Internet, and knew one day I would taste Jess.

The more I thought about Jess, the faster I stroked myself. I could soon feel my balls pulling tight into my body and the electric tingling sensation that heralded my approaching orgasm. I held onto the feeling as long as I could, but finally, there was no more holding back. I exploded in a huge rush, one rope after another gooey rope into the sink, on the mirror and all over my now slick fingers. As the last drops of cum dripped from the tip of my cock onto my fingers still sliding up and down my shaft. In a moment of curiosity, I licked a tiny amount of my own semen from my hand. It tasted funny and had a strange texture, but it was not at all unpleasant.

I quickly wiped the goo from the mirror and sink, then got in the shower and washed away any residue of my love juice and the day's grime. By the time I finished, I felt more relaxed and suddenly very tired. I slept like a baby that night. I dreamed of my sweet Aunt Jess.

The next morning I tried calling Jess, but she did not answer her phone. I assumed she and Grammi were shopping as it was late morning. My assumption proved right. Jess called as they were waiting for their lunch. They decided to eat a Perkins near the mall. “I am so sorry I didn't hear my phone ring,” Jess apologized. We were so focused on our shopping.”

“It's okay,” I told her. “I know women got to shop.”

“Especially when I am having a hard time finding something for you.”

“You already know what I want.”

“I think I do… It has something to do with that picture I sent you, right? By the way, that is for your eyes only… Do you hear me?”

“Loud and clear Ma'am,” I laughed.

“You better heed my warning. If you don't, you will not live to see it again. Now, is there something else specific I can buy for you? And don't you spend too much for mine, if you are getting me one at all.”

“Too late,” I said. “I have already bought yours.”

“It better not have cost too much.”

“You will know when you get it.”

“Mom just went to the restroom. I have a question for you.”


“What did you think of that picture… Really?”

“I thought it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

“I may have uploaded a picture from the Internet. It may not be me,” She said with a giggle.

“I know it is you, love. That lips tattoo just above your tan line is a dead giveaway.”

“You've been looking at my crotch area you perv?”

“Well… Er… Um.”

“Yeah, that's what I thought.” A short paused, then Jess continued. “Did you wank it last night?”



“Hee hee hee. Did you?”

“Yes. And I won't lie about it! What did you get me for Christmas?”

“I had my pecker cast in bronze. That way, you can have me anytime you want.”

“Bullshit. Dammit, here comes Mom. I will talk to you later. I love you.”

“I love you. Bye.”

The next two days till Christmas Day were the longest. I was like a little child, getting excited about what gifts I was getting. I was also anxious to see how Jess reacted to the gift I got her. We planned on going to Pap and Grammi's on Christmas Eve and spending two full days there. We were to spend this evening with Grandma Tuttle. I looked forward her Christmas almost as much as with the Bailey side of the family. I had been getting cash from Grandma Tuttle. Pat and Kat were still young enough they only wanted toys. Grandma did not disappoint any of us. She enjoyed lavishing us with piles of toys and or cash. When we returned home, and just like she was watching the house, Jess called. I was excited to tell her about the money I got from Grandma. “We need to talk… Seriously,” Jess started.

“What's going on, Love?”

“I was going to wait till tomorrow to tell you this, but I think we need talk about this now.”

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing… Yet,” Jess replied.

“Well, please, don't keep me in suspenders.”

“Funny, Chet. Anyway, this morning I started having premenstrual cramps.”

“O...K… Forgive my stupidity, but where is this going?”

“I was planning to ask if you want to have sex. I wanted it to be spontaneous. But with these cramps, I think my period is just around the corner. I am ready to have sex with you. God, I hope you are ready for me. I would feel awful if you weren't.”

“Of course I am ready. I have wanted you for so long, but I didn't want to appear be pushy about it.”

“Yeah, I have never felt pushed. That is one thing I love about you. Nevertheless, I am ready and I don't think I can wait any longer. And now I know what your manhood looks like, I want it more.”
“I just hope your period doesn't start for another couple days. I would hate to let you down.”

“You couldn't let me down if you tried. If it does start, maybe you can look past that and we can still do it.”

“I don't know if I could. I would certainly give it a try. Just to please you.”

“Good. Anyway, I just started getting cramps this morning and they usually last a couple days before the bleeding starts.”

“I can't wait to see you naked, finally.” We talked for another hour before we traded our “Goodnights” and went to bed. I didn't sleep well that night. My mind was fixed on what was going to happen in the next day or two.

First thing in the morning on Christmas Eve, we packed up the car to make the two hour trip from Sandusky to Akron for the Bailey Family Gathering. Though I was high with anticipation for the plans that Jess and I had made, I slept most of the way there. I guess I was making up for some of the sleep I had missed the night before. Mom and Dad laughed as we pulled into the drive. Pat and Kat usually zonked out during the trip, but I usually read a book, did homework or just watched the scenery.

Pap, Grammi and Jess ran out to meet us as we were getting out of the car. They were always happy to see us. Of course, Jess gave me special hellos. This day was no different other than our secret plans. Jess hugged Mom and Dad and the little children. Pap and Grammi hugged me first, knowing that Jess would “molest” me and tie up all my time. When it was my turn to greet Jess, she gave me that sly sparkling smile that drove me nuts. The smile quickly faded as she was hit with a particularly bad cramp. Once the cramp had passed, she locked me in her arms and gave me a passionate kiss. Pat and Kat giggled in shy embarrassment.

When we pulled away from each other, I looked at Jess, who must have been having another cramp, and asked her, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I'll be fine, once the Midol kicks in.” She rubbed her stomach as we walked to the house arm in arm. She did, in fact act like she felt better as the day wore on.

After a huge dinner, we cleaned up the dishes and settled in the living room and talked about everything and nothing while we let our meal process. About three o'clock, we decided it was time to exchange gifts. I was anxious to see Jess open the gift I bought for her. I was hoping she would like it. I bought her an iPad. We had looked at them one time when we went shopping and she said she would like one. I hoped that she hadn't gotten one from anybody else, since. When she opened the gift, she looked at it and screamed. “Oh, my god! This is just what I wanted!” She looked at me, “How could you afford this? They don't just give them away, you know.”

“I worked for the money,” I said. “I do odd jobs for Grandma Tuttle.”

“And she pays well,” Dad and I added at the same time.

“How well? These iPads go for over seven hundred dollars apiece.” Jess stopped thought for a second. “Dammit Chet, I don't think I am worth such a pricey gift.”

“I do, Honey.” I answered as I looked around the room for support. Everybody nodded in agreement.

“But what I got you isn't worth near that much,” Jess stated with a waver in her voice as she tried to hold back tears.

“If you bought it for me, It is worth MORE than that iPad.” I grabbed the package she got for me and opened it. It was a plastic model kit of a 1961 Chevy Impala. “Where did you find this? I have been looking for one for years.”

“I went into that old hobby shop on Old Main,” she managed to get out. “You see, the box has a little shelf rash and is faded a little. It sat there for a long time.”

“Just waiting for you to come along and rescue it.” I sat the box carefully to the side and took Jess into my arms. “It is the perfect gift. I love you.”

“I wanted more for you,” she sobbed.

“I told you, this is perfect. Now I have the car of my dreams. And the girl of my dreams.”

“And you still owe him a Christmas kiss,” Pap joked. Jess didn't waste a second and planted the second passionate kiss of the day on me. I wiped the tears from her eyes and we continued opening gifts. The room was filled with laughter and joy, as all other Christmas's in my memory were.

When bedtime came, Grammi suggested it would be alright if I were to sleep with Jess. But only if that was all we did. “It would be a lot more comfortable than that cot you always get stuck on,” she said. I was excited as hell to finally be able to share a bed with my love. I was not going to betray the trust my family gave me.

I showered and went to Jess' room and waited for her to do her bathroom duties. I was nervous, to say the least. I fidgeted and paced the room while Jess finished. When she finally came into the room, she was wearing only her fluffy terry robe. I had never thought of a terry robe as sexy, until that moment. “I need to get into my nightie,” she said shyly. “Would you object to seeing me naked? If only for a few seconds?”

“I would not object at all,” I stammered. Jess slowly undid the sash on her robe and let it fall open. There she was in all her beautiful glory. “I knew it,” I said after I caught my breath. “Oh my god, Jess. I never could imagine...” Her breasts were larger than they appeared to be under her blouses and inside her bras and bikini tops. How was that possible? Her nipples were dark brown and erect. I allowed my eyes to follow the shape of her torso down to her virgin pussy. Just as with the picture the pubes were neatly trimmed to a perfect “V” and glistened in the light just like the hair on her head. The one small difference was that her bush was tightly curled. “Uh, I think you should get into your nightie, or better yet, a full nightgown, before I forget the promise I made to Grammi.”

“Yes, I suppose I should.” she hesitantly agreed. “One thing, though. I haven't got anything frumpy. You will just have to control yourself. And, if you can't, we will deal with the consequences.” I was doing good to keep my erection to half staff. I am sure Jess could see it as all I was wearing was a light pair of pajama bottoms. She dropped the robe to the floor and took her time putting on the thin silk nightie. It did very little to hide the magnificent body within. “Be careful with that,” she said pointing at my growing boner.

“Dammit,” I grunted. “I was trying to keep that down.”

“Well, it didn't work. Get in bed and try not to stab me with that thing.” She was obviously turned on the same as I. Her face was flushed and she couldn't get her eyes off my wood. I slid under the covers and patted the bed beside me. She crawled in and cuddled next to me. She threw her arm over me, kissed me softly and closed her eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you. Merry Christmas.”

“Mury Chirma,” she mumbled sleepily seconds before she started to breath heavy with sleep. I was asleep not more than a couple minutes after. It just felt so right sleeping in the same bed with my gorgeous aunt.

I woke late the next morning. I went to the bathroom and completed my morning ritual. I could hear the rest of the family planning a trip to the shopping center to look for some post season bargains. Mom called out to me, “We are going shopping, Chet. Would you like for us to wait so you can come with?”

“No, thanks Mom,” I replied. “ I am just going wait here.”

“Okay. Jess is going to stay home, too. She is not feeling well. See you later.”

“See you all later.” When I finished I the bathroom, I went into the kitchen so find something for breakfast. Jess was sitting at the kitchen table, looking like the morning after a solid drunk. “Good morning Jess. Not feeling well again?” I tried to kiss her, but she pulled away slightly.

“I am sorry, Chet, my love,” she apologized. “I just feel like hammered dogshit, and I am waiting for the meds to kick in.”

“Are your periods always this bad?”

“No. I have had cramps, but nothing like this.”

“Maybe you should see the doctor tomorrow.”

“If I am not feeling better, I will. I promise.”

“In the meantime, can I get you anything?”

“Just a cup off coffee and one of mom's double chocolate muffins.” I poured her a cup and set a muffin on a small plate for her. I then got a tall glass of milk and a muffin for myself. I sat next to her and we ate in silence for a few minutes. This was unusual as we rarely went without talking about something, whether it made sense or not.

Finally Jess leaned in front of me, kissed me, and said “Thank you for being… you.”

“I want to make you happy whether you feel good or not.”

“I am feeling a little better. The coffee, the chocolate, Midol, and you, are doing me wonders.”

“Your wish is my command, my queen.”

“Please...” We both chuckled a little. I finished my muffin and milk, while Jess finished her muffin and most of her coffee. I gathered the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. “Chet?”

“Yes, Baby.”

“The family will be gone for a few more hours. Will you do something for me?”

“Anything, for you. You know that.”

“Will you make love with me?”

I stopped cold where I stood. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I am positive.”

“Then, yes. By all means I will make love with you. I will do the best I can. You know I am still a virgin. Don't you?”

“You damn well better be,” she said with a very stern voice. “I have saved myself for this moment, and I hoped you had, too.”

“I have told you, I am yours entire. Always have been. Always will be.” She directed me to sit back in the chair next to her. We sat face to face with our legs intertwined, my knee mere millimeters from the hot center of her sexual being. I leaned in and began kissing her softly. Our mouths opened together and our tongues explored each others mouths. My hand found the firm flesh of her eightteen year old breast. I squeezed the yielding globe of skin and gland. At the front-most point was a hard sensitive nipple which grew longer and harder under my gentle pressure. Jess cooed her approval into my mouth as we continued the oral wrestling match.

My free hand traveled south and came to rest at the elastic waistband of her cotton shorts. Yes, she was wearing shorts. I was unseasonably warm and we all dressed accordingly. “Easy pilgrim,” she whispered. “Let's go back to my room where we can finish this in comfort.” We stood and Jess took my hand and lead me back to her room. At the door she had to stop and brace herself from another strong cramp.

“Damn, your Midol is wearing off already. We don't have to do this, if you are not up to it.”

“It is okay. The cramp is almost gone anyway. Besides, nothing is going to stop us now.” We made it to her bed, we sat on the edge and resumed our kissing and heavy petting. Our tongues once again twisted around each other as we both felt the heat filling our bellies. I broke our lip lock long enough to pull her shirt over her head. I sought our her lips again as I squeezed her breast again. The nipple quickly responded and pressed hard into my palm. As before in the kitchen, my free hand found the elastic waistband of her shorts and I started to pull at it.

Jess lay back on the bed and I followed. I turned my attention to the bra hiding her perfect breasts. The bra was of the front clasp variety and it was a quick simple move to release it. The cups fell to their respective sides and I once again was treated to a view of her perfect tits. I resumed my assault on her lips and tongue. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and wiggled out of them, taking her tiny panties with them. She kicked the garments to the floor and she was naked for my eyes to gaze upon.

After kissing squeezing and fondling each other for more than five minutes, Jess yanked my shorts off along with my underwear. All I had on now was my teeshirt. “Oh this will not due,” she mused. With one swift and savage movement, she ripped the shirt off my chest. And suddenly we were completely naked and pressed very closely together.

I moved over her and straddled her torso while we kept drilling for tonsil oil. “Oh, Chet. I need you inside me right now,” Jess pleaded. I looked into her eyes and before I could ask if she was sure she said, “Yes, lover. I am absolutely ready for you.” Shifted myself around so I was between her athletic smooth legs. My aching tool rested on her coarse mound of pubic hair. The feeling was more intense that I had ever imagined. Actually being inside this wonderful angel must be like heaven itself.

I lowered my body slightly so that the head of my cock was lined up with the slick wet entrance to my aunt's virgin love tunnel. She took my rod in her inexperienced hand. She cooed when my dick jumped in reaction to her soft touch. She guided me to her hot hole and nodded when I was to push forward. I pushed slowly so not to hurt her. I had gotten information from my experienced friends that the first time for a girl is painful, but once inside, the pain goes away. So I took great care not to just shove it in. I wanted this to be as beautiful as we saw in movies.

Jess grunted a little as I pushed pass her maidenhead. We were no longer virgins. I continued my slow deep penetration. I was above half in when the expression on he face turned from pleasure and lust to that of fear and pain. “Ow… Ow… Ow… OH, GOD THAT HURTS. IT HURTS SO BAD!” I knew in an instant there was something very wrong. I wasn't big enough to be causing this much anguish.

“This isn't right, Honey. I am pulling out.”

“No. I want you to finish. Ow that hurts. I am so sorry.” Tears were streaming down her face as I slowly withdrew. My erection faded fast. MY concern and worry overrode everything else. I pulled away and sat on my haunches by her side, feeling scared for her. She rubbed her lower stomach as if trying to relieve a knot in a muscle. Suddenly, she jumped up and ran to the bathroom, shut and locked the door and vomited.

I ran to the door and tried to go in to assist Jess the best I could. “Come on, Honey. Please let me in. I want to help you.”

“No… GRAGH! I'll be fine.” I heard the toilet flush, then in a few seconds she unlocked the door and opened it so I could come in. She washed her hands and brushed her teeth.

“I am so sorry I hurt you. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you...”

“You didn't hurt me,” she said through her pain. “You are right, there is something else wrong. I hope it is just some kind of bug. Come on, help me back to my room. We need to get dressed. The family will be back soon.”

We went into her room and I helped her get dressed. I felt sick, not flu sick, but sick as if I did something wrong and guilt is killing me. She picked up my shredded shirt and tried to smile as she studied the carnage. I just wanted to cry, I still felt responsible for her pain.

When we had finished getting dressed, I stood in the middle of her room, not knowing what to say. She hugged me tight and kissed my neck. “It's okay, Chet. I will be fine. Please don't blame yourself. Just remember this. I love you with all my heart and clear through my soul. That will never change.”

“I love you so much Jessica Lynn Bailey.”

We went to the living room sat on the couch and turned the TV on to watch the “Price is Right.” I sat near the middle of the couch with Jess sitting so close she was nearly on my lap. “I think that puke helped,” she said during the commercial. “I am feeling better. Still a little crampy, but not nearly as bad as earlier.”

“Promise me you will see the doctor, please.”

“I will have mom call.”

“Good enough.” I kissed her tenderly and we watched the rest of the program on TV.

The show had just finished when the family returned from their shopping trip. They all filed into the house laughing and chittering about something they had seen in the mall. Most carried a bag or two of merchandise, they had bought from one store or another. Pap carried two buckets of the Colonel's chicken, along with all the sides, of course. Grammi got plates and flatware from the kitchen and set up the dining room for our last meal together for the year. Jess did little more than pick at the one wing she put on her plate. “Are you okay Sweetie?” asked Grammi.

“I am just a little under the weather again is all, Mom.”

“She vomited earlier,” I added. Jess kind of gave me a sneer. I gave her the look that I hoped she picked up on. She did.

“Mom, I think I need to see a doctor. Maybe.” Grammi immediately went to the phone and called the family doctor.

“He can't see you until day after tomorrow,” she said as she sat back at the table. “It better not be something life threatening.” We finished the meal quietly. I think everybody was worried about Jess. I certainly was.

A couple hours later, we packed up the car and readied ourselves for the two hour drive back home. I have never felt so bad about leaving before. I hugged Jess and held her for a few moments. “I will be okay. Really I will,” Jess assured me. I kissed her, got in the car and waved a hesitant farewell.

I called her a couple hours after we got home. Grammi answered her phone. “Jessica is asleep. I don't think we want to disturb her.”

“No, we don't. Just tell her I called and that I love her.”

“I will do that.”

“Thank you, Grammi. I love you.”

“I love you too, honey. Goodbye.”

I went to bed as soon as I finished talking with Grammi, for all the good it did. I did not sleep well, over worry about Jess. When sleep did come, it was brief. Finally, about a million hours later, it was eight o'clock and a good time to get up. I went to the bathroom and did my morning ritual, shit, shower and shave, then back to my bedroom to call Jess.

I picked up the phone and discovered she had tried to call me while I was busy. She left no message, so I simply dialed her back. She answered before it rang the second time. “Hello Chet, love,” the weary voice on the other end said.

“Hi Jess, honey. You don't sound very good.”

“I had a rough night.”

“So did I. I was worried about you.”

“Well, I don't feel much better today. In fact I may be worse. Ow! Oh, Ow!”

“Honey, put Grammi on the phone please.”

“Mom! Chet would like to speak with you.”

I heard her bedroom door open and Grammi said, “What does he… Oh, my god Jess! You look pale as a ghost. Give me that phone. Hello, Chet? Get down here as soon as possible. I am taking Jess to the hospital.”

“I am on my way.” I hung up and ran out to the kitchen to tell Mom. “Mom, Grammi is taking Jess to the hospital. I need you to get me to her.”

“I'll call your dad and tell him where we are going. You get the car out and ready to go. Maybe you should pack some clothes, just in case we stay the night, again.” I backed the car out of the garage and got Pat and Kat buckled in. “No, Chet. Grandma Tuttle is coming in a couple minutes to watch the young ones.” Just then, she pulled in the drive. “Thank you for watching the kids on such short notice, Julie.”

“It's the least I can do,” Grandma Tuttle said. “Chet, I sure hope Jess is okay. I know what you two mean to each other.”

“Thank you Grandma. I hope she is too.” Grandma Tuttle took Pat and Kat back to the house. “Let's get going, Mom.” She got in the passenger side. I am sure she knew I wouldn't give up my place in the driver's seat. We headed out stopping near the edge of town to fill the tank.

I drove half the way there without saying much of anything. I just mumbled occasionally about Jess' condition being my fault. Mom finally asked, “How is it your fault?” Just then, I saw a roadside park. I pulled in and parked the car.

“Mom, I have a confession to make. I am in love with Jess.”

“That's no secret,” Mom replied.

“We tried to have sex, yesterday. She said she was feeling crampy before we started and thought that it would be our last chance before she got her period. She insisted we take our relationship to the next level. I wanted her so bad, I wasn't about to argue with her. Well, we stopped, because I was hurting her.”

“I thought there was something different. I am amazed you waited this long. But don't you see? She was already in pain before you started. She was complaining of cramps the night before. None of us took it as seriously as we should have. So don't blame yourself. She doesn't. I am certain of that.” Now, let's get back on the road, before they send the rescue squad to search for us.”

“Thank you, Mom.” I started the car and got back on the highway, feeling a little better. I was still deeply worried for Jess' wellbeing.

We arrived at the hospital in just under two hours after we left home. I will admit, I was driving a little too fast. We went into the emergency waiting room where Grammi was. We all hugged. “How is she Grammi?” I asked.

“She is resting right now. They gave her some strong pain medicine, and they are planning on doing an MRI in a couple hours, when she has had a chance to rest a little more. Her blood pressure was dangerously high when the ambulance came.”

“So all we can do is wait,” Mom said.

“That is precisely what they told me.” We sat together and prepared to wait for a couple hours.

We waited for little more than an hour, when a nurse came out to give us an update. “Jess is resting easier now,” she told us. “ We managed to get her blood pressure down to a reasonable level and we will be taking her in for her MRI, shortly after lunch. We will know more after that.”

“Thank you,” I said. The nurse turned and went back to wherever she came from.

We waited and waited for word on Jess' condition. I must have paced a couple miles up and down the hallway in that area of the hospital. Finally, just before two o'clock, her doctor came in the room. “Are you the family of Jessica Tuttle?” he asked.

“Yes,” Grammi answered. “Is she going to be alright?”

“She needs immediate surgery. She has a rather large tumor in her uterus. It is about the size of a tennis ball.”

“Why is it just bothering her now?” Mom asked.

“Yes, why wouldn't it have cause problems before?” I added.

The doctor paused, with a concerned look on his face. “Well, The tumor is rooted in the muscle. With her age, we don't want to do a full hysterectomy. We are going to go in through a small incision just above her pubic bone and open the uterus, then scrape the tumor away from the lining and muscle. We will try to do as little damage as possible. That being said, the chances of her being able to conceive let alone carry a baby are slim and maybe even dangerous.”

“Dangerous? How?” asked mom.

“If she becomes pregnant, she and/or the baby may die. It is my professional opinion that we should perform a tubal ligation to prevent any chance for pregnancy. That is entirely up to you and Miss Bailey.”

“If I had any say in it..” I started. The doctor glared at me as if I had no place speaking my mind. I chose not to continue.

Grammi looked at me with her warm eyes and said, “You do have some say, Honey. And I will say that I would go forward with the tubal ligation. I may be selfish, but I do not want to lose my baby.”

“I agree,” said Mom. “But, I think it is ultimately Jess' decision.”

“She chooses to go ahead with the procedure.” The doctor looked at me and finally asked me, “What is your opinion, young man? Miss Bailey seems to think you are as part of this decision as she is.”
“Tie her tubes,” I said. “She is far too important to lose. And there is always adoption.”

“Very well,” the doctor said.

“Thank you doctor,” Grammi said. “When will you be doing the surgery?”

“As soon as we get the paperwork done and her prepped. Time is of the essence.”

“Show me where to sign,” Grammi said with a sense of urgency.

“The paperwork will be waiting for you at the admissions desk. I will send a nurse to help you find the desk, if you need it.”

“No,” said Mom. “ We are familiar with this hospital.”

“Very well. I will keep you informed.” With that, he turned and walked away. We all went to the admissions office and got the papers filed. We were then showed to the family waiting room, where we stayed for the three hours that Jess was in surgery. It seemed to be an eternity till a nurse came in and told us Jess was in recovery and doing well. We could go to her room and see her soon after she woke.

It was more than an hour later when a nurse came and escorted us to Jess' room. We came in just as they were getting her transferred to the bed . “Hi baby, how are you feeling?” I asked.

“I have a little pain, but it is nothing near what I was feeling this morning. They tell me they got it just in time before the tumor started poisoning my system.”

A nurse interrupted, “The doctor will be in shortly to give you more details. Now, Jessica, if you need anything, you call push this call button. I will be back shortly with the menu for your evening meal.”

“Thank you, but I don't feel much like eating right now,” Jess said.

“You need to eat something, you need to keep your strength up. It will be only liquid tonight. Broth, juice, maybe Jello. If you need to pee, you can call me and I will help you with the bedpan. This is only for tonight. We will be getting you up and around tomorrow. I will be back in awhile to check your vitals and whatnot.”

“Thank you,” we all said.

We visited with Jess for awhile, the usual conversation for somebody in a hospital. Soon, the doctor came in. “How are we doing, Jessica?” he asked.

“Please, Jess,” she said. “I am doing… better. I have a little pain. But nothing like earlier.”

“Have an upset stomach? Headache? Vomiting? These are all normal after a surgery, but if they get to bad we will need to know so we can give you something for it.”

“No, thanks. I am fine.”

“Okay. Now young lady, what we did is rather invasive, but not nearly as bad as it was years ago. We went in and took the tumor. I am sure we got it all. We did the tubal while we we were in there. I do ask that you refrain from sex for at least a month. I will need to do a pelvic exam, before I can recommend resuming and sexual activities. Stay away from swimming pools for at least a month. We don't need you getting any unnecessary infections.”

“What about masturbation?” Jess asked with a little twinkle in her eyes.

“If you can, I would ask you refrain from that as well, for at least a month, but you will have to be the judge on that. Stay away from vibrators and dildos until I give you the go-ahead, please. You will not have periods as you remember them. You may spot occasionally and maybe even have full period, once in awhile. Every case is different.”

“How bad was it in there?” she asked.

“The tumor was rooted in the muscle very well, but we were able to separate them. Most of the lining… the part that makes conception possible, was sacrificed. This is why I feel your periods will not be what you have come to know.”

“Will I be normal?”

“Normal, is a loose term, but, for the most part, you should be.”

“Thank you, Doc.”

“Well, you get some rest, young lady. I will come in and see you in the morning.” He was met the food server at the door as he was leaving. He studied the contents of the tray, rolled his eyes and went on about his business.

The woman set up the tray for Jess, said “Enjoy.” and left.

Jess looked it over and rolled her eyes, like the doctor did. She had a cup of chicken broth, a small cup of apple juice and a dish of lime Jello. “Mmm, Lime Jello. My favorite,” Jess said sarcastically.

“Eat up, Honey,” Grammi ordered. “You need to keep you strength up.”

“With this?” Jess argued.

“Yes,” I said looking her in the eyes, trying to look stern. “Don't you think they want you to have the best nutrition and the best flavor?”

“Flavor? With this? Get me a pizza Baby… Please.”

“I can't do that. As much as I would love to.” I apologized.

“I know.” Jess picked up her spoon and ate her Jello. She sipped her broth, curled her nose at it and set it a side. She then drank all her apple juice in a few gulps. When she finished she continued, “That was completely awful.”

“Finish your broth, Honey,” Grammi suggested.

“No, it sucks. You know what I really want right now?”

“What would that be?” asked Mom.

“A kiss,” looking right at me. I was not one to let her down. I stepped up beside her, carefully leaned over her, and kissed her softly. She put her hand on the back of my head, pulling me back for another longer kiss. “I love you Charles Edward Tuttle.” Her eyes seemed larger and warmer than they had in a long time.

“You have been feeling less than one hundred percent for awhile, haven't you?” She looked at me with a puzzled gaze. “I haven't seen your eyes look that clear for some time. It is back.” She put both her hands on either side of my face and pulled me in for a surprisingly passionate kiss. It embarrassed me a little, but didn't seem to bother Jess any. Mom and Grammi didn't seem to be against any of the action.

“Kissing is probably okay, kids. But you need to be careful,” Grammi insisted.

“Yes, I got a little carried away,” Jess agreed.

We stayed as long as the hospital would allow us. When visiting hours was over, we kissed Jess goodbye and left her. We were relieved she wasn't worse off than she was. We knew her youth was on her side. I slept easier that night despite the fact that I was sleeping in Jess' bed and she wasn't there with me.

We went to the hospital early the next day to spend as much time with Jess as possible. When we came into her room, she was gone. Her name was still in the slot on the door, so I was a little confused and just a little worried, until she, with the help of a nurse, came back into the room. “I needed a shower,” Jess said as she was being helped back into bed.

“She insisted it be a real shower,” the nurse said.

“And if she keeps going like this we will have to ask her to leave before the end of the week. And give the bed to somebody who really needs it,” the doctor added as he walked into the room. “We got a report back from pathology. The tumor was benign , although it would have caused problems later if it had gotten bigger. We are going to keep her here for three more days and keep up with the antibiotics to stave off any infections that may occur. And as far as meal times, you can go ambulatory, and eat in the commissary.”

After lunch that day, Jess got a visit from some of her friends at school. I had the pleasure of meeting Kathy, Misty, Amber, Tom, David, Kendall and James. They all seemed genuinely concerned for Jess' well being. They were also curious about me and our relationship. “This is my nephew, Charles. He prefers to be called Chet,” Jess told her friends. The next thing she she said set the entire room to silence, at least for a moment. “He is also the man I am in love with.” She said it with such pride, but I blushed with embarrassment, not knowing how her friends would react.

After a few tense seconds, Misty chuckled sweetly, and said, “So this is the one that has you so head over heels. I see what you like. He's hot.”

Tom shook my hand and said, “Balls, dawg. I have had feelings for my Aunt and never had the nerve to tell her.” I felt the tension in the room drop, like instantly.

“Now I know I am not alone in my perversions,” Kendall admitted. “Maybe this isn't as unique as we have been taught.” From that moment on, we all shared a kindred bond. As I found out later, Misty and David are cousins and have been together nearly as long as Jess and I. What shocked me the most was that the entire town knew and accepted them as a genuine couple.

Jess was released from the hospital after the forth day. She was back to better than recent normal. Other than a small amount of pain, she had no other affects from the surgery. Mom and I stayed with she, Pap and Grammi until the weekend. I would have to be going back to school on Monday, and so would Jess, I assumed. I did enjoy the week with Jess, though, I couldn't have her. I was just happy to be with her and for her to be feeling better.

Tom and I had become the best of friends over the week. I learned he was learning to play the guitar. Listening to him talk about it, aroused the interest in my as well. Once back home, I begged Dad to allow me to buy a good electric guitar and amp. Of course I would need lessons as well. Dad agreed to the instrument easier than I thought possible. Tom and I spent almost as much time talking on the phone as Jess and I. She accused him of “backdooring” me. Jokingly, of course.

Two weeks after Jess' surgery, we planned a small party for her recovery. All my new friends, Jess' lifelong friends, were invited as well. The weekend was going to be a busy one to say the least. The festivities began early in the afternoon, the guests were invited to start showing up at one o'clock. Being mid January, we held the party in Pap's heated shop. Tom and Amber were the first to arrive shortly before one o'clock. The rest arrived shortly thereafter, along with a few more friends from Jess' school. She asked me not to make a scene in front of the ones I did not know. She was merely classmates with them and unsure of their possible reaction. I agreed and we acted like normal family while they were present.

The party went just as any family oriented party would go. We had a meal with loads of sweets and a large bowl of un-spiked punch. I hung close to Jess and her friends, but at times, I must admit, I felt a little out of place. Most of the conversations centered around the goings on at school. I didn't know any of the people they talked about.

Thankfully, most of the party-goers left in a couple hours. The only ones left were the members of our circle, and family members, of course. With a huge sigh of relief, I embraced Jess, gave her a massive kiss, and said, “Oh, Baby. I have missed you.”

She laughed as she kissed me back. “Now the real fun can begin.” She chuckled. “What are we able to do, though. It is freezing outside.”

Without hesitation, Tom ran to his car and brought back his guitar and amp. “I know you all may not be interested but I just had to show it off,” he said excitedly. He pulled the instrument out of the case and plugged it in. After making sure it was in tune he played a few rudimentary tunes. “I am not that good yet, but this is just the beginning.” I watched in awe as he played around showing the chords he had learned and some of the fingering he was practicing.

Within an hour, Kendall, David, James and I were convinced we needed to have guitars as well. I had already started working Dad to let me get one. He took me to the side, “You told me last week you would really like to get one of these things.”

“Yes,” I answered.

“Are you into it for the long haul? If you are just going to give it up in a couple months, we can forget it all.”

“No, Dad,” I said in all earnest. “I mean, yes. I am into it for the long haul.”

“Okay then,” He said after a moment of thought. “You will be using your own money for the instrument and lessons. You have enough, right?”

“I am sure I have plenty,” I answered. “How much, Tommy?”

“Depends on what you want. I paid nine hundred for my Fender. Three hundred for the amp.”

“We'll have to go on-line and see what is available.”

“How 'bout we just go to Guitar Center?” suggested Jess.

“Great idea, Baby!” I yelled. We all piled into a couple cars and headed for the nearby Guitar Center.

When we got there, a young salesman told us we could take the guitar of our choice down, plug it in, and play it. “We don't know how to play,” I informed the salesman. “Can you recommend a good starter package?” He showed us several options and explained the differences between each. After looking over the selection and deciding which we wanted, we promised the salesman we would be back soon to purchase them,and went back to the house.

“Did you find what you wanted?” asked Dad.

“Yes,” I said. “I am getting a Gibson Les Paul Studio and Carvin amp. I will get the money out of my account on Monday. I just hope the store up there has the one I want in stock.”

“I am sure they will. Or you will be able to order it,” Mom added. “Are you interested in getting an electric piano, Jess? I know you have taken lessons for years. I have never heard you play, though, I am sorry to say.”

“Nobody, but Mom and Dad, have heard me play. I am not good enough for an audience,” replied.

“That is only your opinion. I think you are a great pianist,” Grammi stated.

“All this time I have been following you like a lost puppy and you have never played for me, either,” I threw into the conversation. “And I thought I knew you.”

“I told you, I am not good enough to play for an audience. Not even family. I am sorry. I don't want to embarrass myself.” Jess looked like she had been backed into a corner. All eyes were on her. She looked at around at everybody, then with large tears in her eyes, ran out of the house. I followed her and caught up to her as she approached the corral on the far side of the driveway. “I am so embarrassed,” she said through her sobs.

“Are you feeling alright?” I asked as I put my arms around her. She resisted a little at first then slowly melted into my embrace. “Look,” I said after a short pause. “I cannot say I am not a little disappointed that you never told me about the piano lessons. I mean, I didn't think we had any secrets. And, how did it not come up with us talking everyday?”

“I told you, I am embarrassed.”

“Would it be closer to assume that you are just shy about having people watch you and maybe judge your talent?”

“Yes,” she agreed. “Maybe I am shy about that.”

“Well, don't think about that. We are family and friends. We all love you. Nothing will change that. And I will bet everything I have that you are a wonderful pianist.”

“Do you see a piano in the house? I have to play at school or in the church. You know how uncomfortable I am in the church. One day they will know about us and they will pass their fake judgment on us.”

“We can fix that,” I said. “Come to my place next weekend and we will go into the music shop up there and look for a good electronic piano for you.”

“Would you do that for me?”

“Dammit, Jess. You know how much I love you. You know I would do anything within my means for you.”

“Yes, Chet. I do know. But, how can you afford to spoil me? Am I worth it?”

“I have told you. I work for Grandma Tuttle. And she pays very well. I have saved nearly every penny she has given me, to date. Trust me, what I have in my account will more than cover our instruments. And, yes, you are worth it. To me, you are worth a hundred times… a thousand times what I have in my account.”

“Chet… Marry me,” she said. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. “Ow. Maybe a little too soon for such a tight hug.”

“Be careful, baby.”

“It's okay. I only hurts a little. Besides, to be able to hold you is worth it.”

“Maybe not so tight. Just the same amount of love,” I smiled into her eyes and they sparkled in approval. “And as far as marrying you. I say, YES. But we will have to wait a couple years. Till we are both out of school. “

“Can I tell my friends I am engaged?”

“Sure. Now, do you think we should get back to our guests?” She nodded and we went back to the house. Just as we did for nearly everywhere else we went, we walked hand in hand. I stopped at the door. Before we went in, I turned to face her. “I love you, Jess… With all my heart.”

“And I love you with all my heart,” answered Jess. We opened the door and walked into a house full of concerned family and friends. They felt much better once we explained why Jess ran out, and how we were going to remedy the situation.

The next evening, a Sunday evening, we had just arrived back home from our weekend visit with the Bailey side of the family. Dad and I were sitting in the living room discussing the money I was going to be spending on mine and Jess' music instruments. “How much money do you have in your account?” he asked.

“The last time I checked, I had a hundred and thirty two thousand dollars and some change,” I said.

Dad looked shocked, “I didn't know Grandma was paying you that much. I knew she was giving you a lot, but never realized it was so much. And you haven't really spent much of it. I am shocked, but more than that, I am pleased. It would take a great amount of self control to not be begging to spend more of that money.”

“I had a few clear goals in mind. I always knew I would want to buy nice things for Jess, and some of these things will be expensive. I also would like to buy a car. You know my nineteenth birthday is just a little over a month away.”

“Yes, I am very aware of that fact. And I suppose you think you have to have brand new car.”

“No. Actually, I have an old one in mind. I have been looking at this classic car website and found a car I would really like to have.”

“More..” dad said with a bewildered look.

“I found a 1960 Chevy Impala two door that is ninety percent restored. He wants twenty thousand for it, and all it needs, according to the ad, is paint.”

“Let's have a look,” Dad suggested. We went to his study to look it up on his computer. Within minutes, we found the listing. In the picture was a 1960 Impala two door in primer. The listing said it had an LS3 crate engine coupled to a custom power glide transmission, leading to an independent rear suspension from a corvette. The body was completely stock with the exception of the rear wheel tubs set wide enough for thirteen inch wide tires. “Looks like a pretty good deal. I don't see anything about the interior, though. Do you have any idea how much it will cost to finish this? Are you going to do the work, or have somebody else do it?”

“I don't know what it will cost,” I said after thinking about it for a moment. “I am thinking ten to twenty thousand, depending on the finish I want.”

“Good guess. And what of the interior?”

“I guess another five to ten thousand?”

“Again, good guess. Are you willing to deplete your account that much for this car?”

“Yes. Cars like this are becoming more scarce all the time. And the new cars don't have the style the classics do. Have you been in a car lot lately? They all look alike, even across brands.”

“You are very convincing. Call the man tomorrow, and see what we can get set up.”

“Thank you, Dad.”

The next day, as soon as I got home from school, I called the man with the car for sale. We had a nice conversation about the car. In speaking with this man, I found out that the man had started restoring the car a couple years before. He told me everything he had done to it. The only things left were the paint and interior, as Dad and I suspected.

We set an appointment to look over the car for later that afternoon. I was so sure I was going to get the car, I had Mom run me to the bank to get the money, and then to the man's house, which was just a couple miles from home.

I took twenty thousand in cash from my account, but was hoping to talk the man down a few thousand. We, Mom, Pat, and Kat and I, arrived a the man's house, and I rang the doorbell. The man who answered looked to be about sixty and in very poor health. I offered my hand and introduced myself, “I am Charles Tuttle. I am here to look at your 1960 Impala you have for sale.”

“I am Frank Edwards,” he said. “Aren't you a little young to be driving a high horse power classic car? And where are you getting the money?”

“I will be nineteen in a little less than two months. I have been saving my money for years, preparing for this day.”

“How am I supposed to trust you won't get into trouble with this car?”

“All I can tell you, is that I will be spending a large amount of money for this car and will be spending even more to finish it. I cannot afford to ruin it. Oh.. and I have cash. By the way, why are you selling it so close to being done.”

“I wouldn't sell it if I were in better health,” the man said. “I am dying.”

“I am so sorry,” I genuinely felt bad for the man. “What are you dying from. May I ask?”

“”It's okay. You may ask. I am dying from colon cancer. The doctor told me a couple days ago, that I have only about two weeks to live. So, I decided I would sell all I could between now and then. My boy will get the remainder of my cash… What I have left after all the bills are paid. I do not want him to have the car. He was so against me getting it in the first place. If I were smart, I wouldn't give the disrespectful ass a dime. So, do you want to see the car?”

“Yes,” I said anxious to see the car, but sorry for the reason it was for sale. He lead me across the yard to a large shop. Inside sat the car, just as it was pictured in the ad on the website. I looked it over. It had new floor pans that were not yet painted. The rest of the body was in primer and ready to be blocked and primed for paint. “What is your bottom dollar,” I asked after looking the car over top to bottom, inside and out, at least twice.

“Make me an offer,” he said after a moment of thought.

I looked the car over once again, very quickly. “Fifteen thousand.”

“Nineteen,” he responded, obviously liking the dickering.



“Seventeen… five.”

“Deal,” he grinned shaking my hand. “It's not about the money, so much. You see. It's more about the chase. Fun, ain't it?”

“Oh, yeah,” I said excitedly.

“Let me ask you. Where are you going to go to get it finished?” He looked me over as if to get a handle on my personality. “You aren't going to do it yourself, are you?”

“I am not doing it myself,” I assured him. “I haven't got the knowledge and talent to do this machine any justice. I was thinking I would take it to Dabi Garcia's. He does a great job and he is full service. He can do the interior as well as finish the paint and body.”

“I would have suggested him, if you hadn't come up with him already. Let me get the title and we'll get you on the road, so to speak.” We did the paperwork, and completed the sale, and left. On the way home we stopped at Dabi's to get the ball rolling on the car. He offered to go pick the car up. We discussed color combinations and he gave me an estimate for the work.

After the evening meal, I called Jess and told her about the conversation with Dad and that I bought a car. “I am so excited for you, Chet!” she screamed. “I can't wait till we can break in the back seat.”

“Easy, baby. I have hard enough time keeping my hands to myself when we are together.”

“You can have me anytime you want me,” I didn't know what to say for a second so she spoke again, “I know, the doctor hasn't given me the okay to have sex… again. And you can touch me wherever you want now. You just don't. Don't you want me?”

“You have no idea how much I want you. Hold on.” I was getting a hard-on thinking about her, so I snapped a picture of the lump I my pajama bottoms, and sent it to her.

“Not a very good one, Chet. I can't see the meat. Here, I'll give you some inspiration.” I heard some fumbling from her end, then I got the chime on my phone telling me there was an incoming text. I opened it and saw her standing in front of her full length mirror, totally nude. I was instantly hard and straining at my pants. I looked to her lower abdomen and saw where they cut her for the surgery. The scar was nearly healed and her bush was almost as thick as she had in her first photo exchange. I released my aching member snapped a couple pictures and sent them both to her. “Now that's more like it. Dammit you've got me so fucking horny. I am going to have to rub one off so I can sleep tonight.”

“Can you do that now?” I asked.

“I can sure try. If it hurts, I will stop.”

“Okay. Have fun.”

“Don't hang up on me. I want you to hear it. I am going to tell you everything I am doing and how it feels.”

“You want to drive me insane, don't you?”

“Just crazy horny, my love.” There was a short pause, then she started to speak again. “I am squeezing my tits. They are full and sensitive. My nipples are getting harder the more I tweak them. Mmmm, that feels good. I wish it was your hands on my tits.”

“So do I,” I breathed heavily.

“Don't talk,” she ordered. “Just listen. I am moving my left hand down my tummy now. My right hand is still teasing my nipples.”

“How are you doing that and talking on the phone at the same time,” I interrupted.

“Headset. Now shut up. My stomach is smooth and creamy. Still a little tanned from last summer. My finger tip is tracing circles around my belly button. It is sending shivers through my body. The fine hair on my belly is standing on end and goose pimples are popping up everywhere. I can feel my pussy getting warm and moist. I move my hand down to feel the soft fur growing back on my beautiful pussy. It is black and shiny, and almost as soft as the hair on my head. I am spreading my legs now. My pussy lips are swollen and oozing a sweet smelling juice. Don't you wish you could taste me, right now? Don't answer that.

“My finger has just parted my tender lips and found the little button of Oh damn that feels good. It is so sensitive, just touching it makes me shudder. My finger tip is tracing tiny circles around the base of…. Mmmm…. My clit. It is getting so wet and Oh my god, I am so… o… o hot.” I heard a quiet slurping sound. “Mmm… my pussy is so delicious.”

“I wou...” I started to say.

“SHUT UP!” she ordered. “If you keep interrupting me, you're going to throw off my rhythm. And if you do that, I can't cum. If I can't cum I'll have to go to bed with a wet pussy. If I do that, you are going to have hell to pay.”

“Sorry,” I apologized. “Please go on.”

“It's about time,” she said with a heavy sigh. “I am putting my finger back in my pussy. Just inside the lips. They are really dripping wet now. I am teasing around the entrance to my vagina. Oh… damn… that feels good. My nipples are getting sore I am pulling on them so hard. You will need to kiss them and make them feel better, baby… Don't say anything.

“Two fingers are pressing the entrance of my vagina, now. It feels so tight. I don't know if I can get them both inside. Going in with just one, for now. Oh, that's just a little tender. I can't stop now. I am so… close… to cummmming.” All the time she is masturbating on the phone for me, I was slowly stroking my angry shaft. She was nearing her orgasm and I wanted her to see what she did for me, so I quickly grabbed my iPad and set it up to record a short video of my own orgasm.

“I have my finger buried as deep as I can. My pussy is so tight. It hurts just a little, but I am not stopping. Mmmm. Ow… Oh god… I ammm…. CUMMING!” She screamed so loud, I was afraid she would alert Grammi and Pap. She obviously didn't care. She was having a very much needed orgasm. I couldn't hold my orgasm off any longer. As I heard Jess screaming and grunting through her spasms, I shot my hot sticky goo all over my torso. I kept cumming and cumming, one long rope after another. My orgasm finally and slowly subsided to a spent stupor.

“Oh, Fuck, Chet. That was exactly what I needed,” Jess panted.

“Can I speak now?” I asked.

“Yes, you may talk now.”

“I am sending you a small clip of how happy you just made me. Check your in box.”

“You made quite a mess,” Jess said after a few long seconds.

I carried my phone into the bathroom with me, so we could continue talking while I cleaned myself. I decided to take a shower when I got done talking with Jess. As I was cleaning myself I listened to her tell me how she couldn't wait to get together and have her way with me.

“How are you feeling now, baby?”

“The orgasm was a little painful, but so worth it. I can't wait to see you again. When are you coming down again?”

“I don't know,” I answered. “I think in about a month. My birthday is just four weeks away.”

“That's too long.”

“We can still call each other every day. And we can send pictures back and forth, I don't even have to see you naked. Sorry, that really sounded stupid.”

“I need to be with you,” She was sounding a little down all the sudden. “I miss you so much.”

“We just saw each other yesterday. Are you okay?”

Jess didn't answer right away. I could hear her sniffling in the background. “I miss you, Chet.”

“Yes, you told me that, already. I miss you, too. It really sucks, that we were there just yesterday and we are feeling the anxiety of separation so soon. What does that mean?”

“It means we are in love.” She sniffled several more times. “I am sorry I am being so emotional. I miss you. I need to feel you near me.” Jess started sobbing.

“Baby? Are you going to be alright? Dammit! I am going to get down there to see you next weekend, if I have to thumb it all the way. I can't stand to hear you this way.”

“No, Chet. Don't hitchhike down here. I will ask Mom to let me borrow the car and come to you.”

“Okay,” I said. “It's going to be a hella long week. Hang in there, Baby. And remember I love you. I am in love with you, Jessica Lynn.,

“ I am in love with you Charles Edward,” she managed a little chuckle. “I gotta go. Mom says I need to get to bed. Call me tomorrow.”

“Absolutely,” I assured her. “I love you. Good night my sweet.”

“Good night. I love you.” I hung up my phone and headed for the shower.

When I returned to me room, I found Mom sitting on the edge of my bed. I was still naked from my shower, but we have always been comfortable with nudity, so I didn't panic or move to hide myself. “Mom? What's up?”

“Just get done talking to Jess, Honey?”

“Yeah,” I answered. “She is kinda down. We are missing each other already and she is a little depressed about it. We would like to figure out a way to get together this weekend.”

“I am sorry, but I see no way we can work it out,” I sat next to her on the bed. I always liked being close to Mom, and this night was no different. She and Jess looked so much alike, with the exception of hair and eyes color. Mom's are a little lighter, hair and eyes both. Mom, being nearly twenty years older and having had three children was more curvy. I am sorry to say, though, that Mom showed her age slightly more than Jess. Needless to say, Mom was still quite sexy. She didn't smell as sweet and innocent as Jess, as she wore more adult scents. She still smelled wonderful.

“It is going to be a miserable four weeks, if we can't see each other, Mom.” I sat in silence for a few seconds. “It's like we are becoming obsessed with each other. I love her more and more all the time and this distance isn't going to help that a bit. 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder', right?”

“It could work the other way as well,” Mom said putting her hand on my bare thigh. I wasn't sure whether it was an innocent touch or if it had a deeper meaning.

“Well, I don't think I could live with it, if it works against us. You know, I have been telling her since I first realized I had fallen for her, she is my life, entire. And as time goes on, it means that much more.”

“Tell me, where have you heard that line before?” asked Mom.

“It's a spin on the Jewish Proverb, 'The man who saves one soul, saves the world entire.' I feel like she has saved me. From what, or how, I cannot tell. But I know I couldn't live without her.”

Mom started moving her hand closer to my crotch. “So, nothing will come between you two?”

“Nothing I can see. Mom please. I can't do this, if this is what I think it is you're doing. I made a promise to myself and an unspoken promise to Jess that I wouldn't screw up what we have.”

“You're prick tells me a different story. The snake is angry,” she pointed out as she moved her loving hand to my hard throbbing member. She wrapped her experienced fingers around my shaft and slowly stroked me till I was aching to shoot my wad. As I was getting almost to the point of no return, I started to think about Jess and how she would more than likely feel if she found out about this. That was all I needed. My erection faded almost instantly. “What the?” Mom asked in disappointed surprise.

“I told you, I cannot do this. I love you and respect your concern. But this is...not… WAIT! This was a test, wasn't it? You wanted to know how far I would let you go. You wanted to test my ability to be faithful to Jess. Am I right?”

“Yes, I guess you are. In part,” Mom admitted. “I have to admit that if you had let me, I would have loved to finish you, then maybe have you give me relief. It's wrong, a mother wanting to fuck her son. More wrong than you and your aunt wanting to have sex. But, I cannot fight my feelings. It's just curiosity, but the feelings are sometimes overpowering.”

“But, what about Dad?” I asked. “How does he fit into this curiosity?”

“Bless his big loving heart. The man is working his hardest to keep my feet on the ground. He knows about my fantasy, my GODDAMN INSATIABLE FANTASY,” Tears began to well in Mom's eyes. I put my arms around her and held her tight to my bare body.

“Let me ask you a hypothetical, if you would, please,” I asked as I pulled away, but only slightly. She nodded against my chest. I felt a tear roll down my chest as I continued, “If I were to talk to Jess and get her okay to have sex with you. Of course it would have to wait till after she and I have been together, to have made love at least once.”

“Do you think she would be on board?”

“No, I don't really think so. But… If she were, would one time be enough to satisfy your insatiable curiosity or would it only fuel your desire for more?”

“I cannot tell you one way or the other. I don't know.”

“Mom, I am sorry, but I will have to talk this out with Jess and Dad, before I can help you with your… exploration. I don't want to hurt you and I don't want things to be weird between us, but I just can't do anything with you, right now.”

“I understand.” With that, she stood and left the room. Minutes later I heard her soft moans coming from their bedroom. Dad is a great guy, stepping up and taking his rightful place with Mom. I was happy they had each other, but at the same time, I was sorry that I had to turn Mom away. I wasn't sure if she really would have done it with me. I just tried to convince myself that she was testing me to see if I was worthy of her sister.

I got into bed, not even bothering to put on my pajamas. Despite the evenings problems, I was asleep in no time. I dreamed heavily all night. First it was about the day I would finally get to make love with the most important woman in my life. Then it was Mom's turn in dreamland. Her segment was not so good, however. I was pounding away at Mom when Dad and Jess came into the room and both started beating me to within an inch of my life. I forced myself to wake up and was soon back to sleep, dealing up another sweet fantasy with Jess.

The next day was petty uneventful other than, I went to Dabi's to check on the car. They were well into the tear down that was necessary for a complete paint and body job. I was really impressed with the speed at which Dabi got the car in the shop. When I praised him all he said was, “All the thanks I need is to be paid.”

“Which is why I am here,” I said.

“It's all taken care of,” Dabi informed me.

Confused I asked, “What do you mean. You just got the car yesterday afternoon, and I haven't gotten the money from my account yet.”

“A Francis Tuttle came in first thing this morning, and paid everything in full.”

“Why… How… Really?”

Dabi laughed, “I suggest you talk to your grandma and ask her.”

“Thank you. I will let you get back to work and maybe check back in a week or two,” I said.

“Make it two,” he yelled as I walked out the door.

Grandma T's house was just a few blocks away, so I made a beeline there. I walked into the house and into the living room where she was watching the afternoon talk shows. “I thought you would be showing up today, tomorrow, at the latest.”

“I'm sure you know why I am here, don't you?” I inquired.

“Yes. You want to know why I paid Dabi for finishing your car.”

“Exactly. You know I have plenty of money in my account to pay for it myself.”

“Aw,” she smiled. “But, how many driving age grandchildren do you think I have? How many of them have helped me as much as you have. And how many times have you ever complained about the work you do for me?”

“Should I answer them one at a time?”

“Those questions were mostly rhetorical, smarty britches. I will answer the questions myself, though. I have three grandchildren. One is old enough to drive. The other two are still barely old enough to ride bicycles. And being as you are the only one old enough, you too, are the only one that helps me, whenever I need it. I have NEVER heard a single complaint from you.”

“I don't think I have earned all you have given me,” I pointed out.

“I have plenty,” she said. “Your grandfather was a very good businessman and watched his money closely, as well. He left more than enough for John and Roger to retire on, when they choose. And the business is still thriving.”

“Okay, Grandma. How can I finally thank you, for all you have done for me?”

“Go to college and learn to run this business so it will be there for YOUR grandchildren.”

“I don't think we will have grandchildren… Unless we adopt.”

“Oh, yes,” Grandma realized. “How is Jessica doing? Better I hope.”

“Yes,” I said. “She is a little depressed right now. For some reason she misses me. She's upset that we can't see each other for another month.”

“Aw, yes. Young love. Absence can make the heart grow fonder, but being together is so much sweeter. That was kinda lame wasn't it?”

“Lame though it may be,” I agreed. “That is the way I feel. And so does Jess.” We talked for a couple more hours until Mom called to see if I was there and to tell me that dinner was on the table so I should beat it home. I bade Grandma a good evening and hurried home.

I talked to Jess after our meal as usual. I didn't have any homework, so I focused all my attention on her. She was still down in the dumps about not being able to see me, but talking through it seemed to help a little. That is, until I told her what happened with mom the night before. I started with, “I have something to tell you, and I am afraid of what you might think.”

“What is it?” she asked.

“After we got done talking last night, I got in the shower to wash the, you know, jizz off myself. And when I went back to my room, Mom was sitting on my bed waiting for me. You know how liberal we are here… I was naked when I walked into my room.”

“Why was she there?”

“She wanted to talk about us, you and I. She thinks we need this time apart to make sure we are solid. That's not all she wanted, though,” I fell silent for a few seconds.

“What else did she want?” sounding a little defensive now.

“We were sitting beside each other on the bed. She… uh… put her hand on my inner thigh.”

“Did you get… well… a boner?”

“Yes. I tried like hell not to. And I told her we couldn't do anything. She started stroking my cock, Jess. I am so sorry I have to tell you this.”

“And what the hell did you do to stop her?” sounding very upset.

“I thought about you and what would happen with us, if she and I went all the way.”


“I lost my erection, so Mom got the message and went on to bed.”

“So you can lose an erection, thinking about me?”

“I lost the erection thinking how much something like this might hurt you.” I was almost to tears and pleaded with her. “Please don't let this come between us. You know and now Mom knows, you are my life entire. I cannot go on without you.”

“God, Chet. N ow you are sounding like a wimp. I think I need a couple days to think about this. I love you, but I don't know if I can handle the competition with my own sister, your mother, living in the same house. I gotta go. Goodnight, Charles.”

Jess hung up before I could tell her I love her, and would call her in two days. Those next two days proved to be horrible days for me indeed. On Wednesday the school was holding try-outs for the swim team. I ranked in the middle of the field, but didn't make the team. I asked the coach, “Why?”

“My nephew just transferred to this school and he wants a spot on the team,” the coach told me.

“That is bullshit,” the team captain, Robert Schmidt yelled from a short distance away. “Yes I heard what you said, coach. Your nephew was the worst swimmer here today. Maybe if he lost ten or a hundred and fifty pounds, he could be better. Tuttle is better than half the team and you're cutting him?”

“Easy Bobbie,” said the coach. “You just may lose your spot on the team, if you give me any lip. And if you lose your spot, you can wave your scholarship bye-bye.”

“It's okay Bob,” I said. “I have others things going on that are just a little more important than swimming right now.”

Bob looked at me with bewilderment, “If you aren't on the team, then I quit also.”

“No Bob,” I stopped him. “The team needs their best captain. We won't make it to state without Robert “The SCHWIMMER” Schmidt leading us.”

“Okay Tuttle, I'll do it for you. But don't think I am happy about it. And with that tub on our team, there is no way we make it to state.” I gave Bob a pat on the back and went to the locker room to clean up and went home.

Thursday was no better, in my opinion, than Wednesday. I came into the house after school and went straight to my room. I didn't have much homework, but didn't feel like dealing with the family at the time. I buried my nose in my geometry book, though I had a hard time concentrating on it.

A short time later, Mom came into the room. She stood just inside the doorway and stared at me for a couple minutes. My back was to her, but I could feel her eyes on me. Finally I asked, “What do you need, Mom?”

“Oh.. Nothing,” she responded. “Did you talk to Jess last night?”

“No. She told me not to call for a couple days.”

“Why? What happened?”

“I told her about what you did Monday night. She acts as if I did something wrong.”

“But, you didn't,” she said. “I made the move on you. Did you not tell her that?”

“Yes, I did. But she was still mad at me.” I turned my attention back to my geometry book.

“Call her. Now.” I picked up my phone and dialed her number. It rang a couple times, then she cut me off. I tried again and the same thing happened.

“It's obvious she doesn't want to talk to me,” I said, defeated.

“I am going to call her and try to talk some sense into her.” Mom left the room and I went back to my studies, which was not much more than simply staring at the floating numbers and meaningless symbols on the page. Soon I drifted off into a listless sleep with my head propped up by my hands over the book.

A couple hours later, Pat knocked on the door and walked in before I could invite him in. He came to my desk and wiggled his way onto my lap. He sat looking at my text book in silence for a minute, then said, “You drooled in you book.”

“Thank you, I needed that,” I laughed and hugged him. He looked at me not understanding what I meant. It didn't matter to me. He brightened my day, if only slightly.

Friday, I tried one more time to call Jess. And, same as the night before, she hung up on me after a couple rings. I decided I would try no more. She can call when she was good and ready. I spent the evening playing Golf on the PS3 with Dad. Before I knew it, it was two-thirty Saturday morning. I told Dad, I needed to get to bed, I had to work for Grandma T early and needed at least some sleep. I showered and got into bed, and was out like a light, despite my mind being constantly on how to resolve this rift between Jess and I.

About ten o'clock the next morning, I was still sound asleep, but being woken by a very familiar set of lips. I knew right away it was Jess. I pretended to be groggy and said, “C'mon Mom. Let me sleep a couple more hours, can't ya?”

“Jess slapped me upside the head and “Wake up, lazy ass!”

I opened my eyes and there she was, standing next to my bed, looking as fresh and happy as a spring morning. “How did you get here? I thought we couldn't see each other for another three weeks.”

“You've been set up,” Dad said from just outside the door.

Jess pulled her near leg up and threw it over me and slid up so she was sitting on my stomach. “Yes and everybody was in on it,” she said with an evil chuckle. “Even Grandma T played a big part in it.”

“That's right,” Dad added. “We set the whole week in motion Sunday night.”

Grandma T came to the bedroom door and said, “Jess was so upset Sunday night after talking to you, that John decided we needed to find a way to help her out. He called me and explained what was going on, and his idea to remedy it. I was all too happy to do what I could. Jess is the genius behind the rouse, though.”

Mom came in, “Grandma T called our dad Monday morning and asked if she could buy Jess a car. You know, Harold, 'What's the scam?'”

“Once I explained the situation, and how I was wanting to help, Harold was a willing albeit silent participant,” Grandma T added. “Then I had to get to Jess and help her find a good car.”

“I spoke with Louise on Tuesday and she said Jess was bouncing off the walls, she was so happy. That gave me the idea to stir the hornet's nest, so to speak,” Dad admitted.

“Chet,” Jess looked at me with a very serious look in her eyes. She was still sitting on my stomach, mind you. “I knew about these fantasies Janet has been having about you. Everybody knows the story in full now. Anyway, she and I thought it might be a chuckle if I made you believe I was really pissed at you and ready to end our relationship over it.”

“Tuesday, Jess didn't have school, so I called her and told her about you turning me out Monday night,” mom continued.

“I am really happy you turned her down… For now,” Jess said. “But we thought, what the hell, we would let the plot thicken and fester. Do you know how hard it was for me to not pick up the phone and tell you it was all part of a surprise for you, and us?”

“So let me get this straight,” I said. “Grandma T, you and Dad bought Jess a car after hearing about how upset she was Sunday night? And then Mom, you and Jess set me up with that fiasco Monday night.”

“Wait just a minute, Chet,” Mom interrupted. “The yearning and desire are real. Your dad, and Jess have known about it for quite some time now.”

“Years. Right, sis?” Jess pointed out.

“Yeah… Maybe a couple of years,” Mom agreed.

“So, you really want to have sex with me, too? And Jess, you are okay with that?”

“Yes,” Mom and Jess said together.

“But I get you first,” Jess added.

“Dad?” I looked pleadingly to him.

“It's all about family. We share everything.,” Dad said.

“Grandma T?” I asked.

“I am out of this. You do what you want, I will love you always no matter what you do. As long as nobody gets hurt,” She responded.

“Okay, so we are all good?” I looked to all the faces in the doorway and in my room. They all nodded. “Kat and Pat. Where are they?”

“They are watching cartoons, nothing can pull them away from the TV for at least another hour,” Mom sighed.

“Well, family. If you will excuse me, my bladder is about to burst. And though you are not heavy, Jess, the pressure of you sitting on my belly isn't helping.” Everybody laughed as they went to the living room to watch the shows with the young ones. Only Jess stayed behind. She eased off my stomach and stood by my bed. “Uh, Baby,” I said. “I am naked under these sheets.”

“So,” she smiled. “I have seen you naked before.”

“Only in pictures.”

“Well it's about time I got to see the real deal.” Without a moment's hesitation, she pulled the sheet and comforter off my naked body. “Mmm. Nice.” I couldn't waste anymore time. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Jess was right behind me. “Need me to hold it?” she asked.

“No thanks,” I answered. “I've got it.” I took my place at the toilet and start to urinate when I felt a soft hand on my butt and slowly moved around to cup my balls. I tried my damnedest not to get a hard-on, but failed. “Dammit, Jess! Do you have any idea how hard it is to piss with a boner?”

“It's not my fault you get hard with the slightest touch.”

“Maybe, if you could keep your hands to yourself...” Jess did let me go and I was able to finish my piss. “I need to shower, so, if you will excuse me...”

“I don't mind if I do,” she said as she began to strip herself. I knew I would lose any argument I could come up with, so I let her proceed. I was quietly happy she wouldn't listen to my objections anyway. I watched as she removed one piece at a time to reveal more flawless skin. Soon, I was for the second time ever, seeing my aunt/girlfriend in the flesh, before my hungry eyes. “Well, what do you think?” She put her arms out and spun around for me. I covered as much of her body as I could with my gaze.

“It's healed, huh?” I observed as I reached out and gently ran my finger over the scar from her surgery that lie just above the line of her thick black bush. Her stomach jumped and she sighed at my touch.

“Yes, honey the scar is healed. I just need the doctor to give the okay for me to jump you,” she said with heavy breath, and sultry wanton eyes. I couldn't resist anymore. I grabbed her around the waist, pulled her nakedness to me and hugged her tight. My stiff dick pressed into her lower stomach, making Jess coo her heated approval. I kissed her, softly at first, then deeper and more passionately. I began to explore her smooth sexy body with my inquisitive hands. I roamed her back from her shoulders to her tight swimmer's butt. I played with the firm cheeks, all the while, probing her yielding mouth with my tongue.

Jess' hands found their way to my butt and mimicked what my hands were doing. She started to pull me into herself, grinding her steaming crotch into mine. Our pubic hair tangling together. I took this as a sign that she wanted more, so I began a dry hump. But she wasn't getting what she needed. So, she pushed me to the toilet. I barely had time to put the seat down before she jumped in my lap and made the dry hump count. My stiff aching dick easily parted her wet puffy lips. Jess rocked her hips back and forth. Each time she pulled backward I could see the head of my penis peak from between her lips, and dragging her clitoris out of its hiding spot.

I grabbed her luscious fanny globes and pulled hard when she moved forward. This ground my cock into her gash with ever increasing pressure. She locked her arms around my neck and locked her lips hard to mine. Within a few short minutes, her moans became low throaty screams that echoed in my head, as we continued to kiss. She was cumming from the grind, soaking my crotch with her pungent love nectar. I couldn't hold off anymore and released my own cum all over my stomach. Jess moved in closer and smeared the spent man juice all over both our stomachs.

“Well… I guess we had better get in the shower and clean up this mess,” Jess said getting off my lap, and trying to stand on shaky legs. I moved to the pantry grabbed two towels then to the shower and turned on the water. “Make it hot… like you make me.,” she said. We got in the shower and though we had already sexually satisfied each other, we played a little more.

After lunch, Jess wanted to show off her car, so we excused ourselves and headed outside to check out her new car. “Wow!” I shouted as it came into view. “Oh my god, Jess. That is one awesome car!” The car was a Black Nissan 370z. Not the kind of car I saw her being into, but still a great choice.

“Wanna go for a ride?” she asked.

“Duh,” I answered, making a beeline for the passenger door. I was in the car and buckled up before she could fish the keys out of her purse and get in herself. “Oh, cool. A six speed manual. Any guy would be jealous . Is it fast?”

“I haven't pushed it yet, but it has plenty of power,” she answered. “Okay, where are we going?”

“Guitar Center,” I suggested. “We need to get you that electronic piano,and I still haven't got my guitar. It was a bad week.”

“I am so sorry for that,” She laughed. “Okay, no I'm not.”

“I will get you back, someday somehow,” I warned her. She couldn't get the car into gear, she was laughing so hard. I couldn't help but to laugh with her.

Once at Guitar Center, we started shopping for a good keyboard. Jess played around with a few, which gave me a very good indication of her untapped prowess. She was very good. Some other customers gathered to listen to her play. They followed her from one unit to the next. I think she was starting to like the attention as she began to ad-lib a little and even show off. The more she hammed it up, the better she got. She was really coming out of her shell in that store. She finally settled on an eighty-eight key Korg. Not the most expensive one, but, not the cheapest, either.

I knew which guitar I wanted and which amp, so when I paid for Jess' piano, I also paid for my new equipment. Since it would not fit in her car, we arranged for it all to be delivered. I also picked up some self help books. As we were leaving the store, she stopped me and gave me a very passionate kiss, for the whole store to see. “I guess you don't care who sees you kissing me,” I chuckled

“Nobody here knows me and our relationship. Other than that we obviously love each other,” she snickered. “Okay, Chet. I need to thank you for buying me this keyboard.”

“No thanks are necessary,” I said. “I have an ulterior motive. I want you to play for me. Often.”

“Deal. I love you so much,” she said as she planted another hot kiss on my lips.

We went back home and spent the rest of the afternoon studying the books I had bought. I had to be patient on actually trying out my new guitar. The store was going to do a “setup” on it and deliver it Monday afternoon. But that didn't deter us from studying.

After the evening meal, we watched movies on DVD, until it was time to go to bed. “Where are you sleeping tonight, Jess?” mom asked.

“Do you really need to ask?” I asked.

“No, she didn't need to ask. She knows,” Dad said.

“You know, you still haven't been cleared for sex,” Mom informed Jess.

“We can handle sleeping together without having sex,” Jess said. “Besides, we had fun this morning. Didn't we, Chet?”

“Yes,” I agreed. “That brings to mind… how did that orgasm feel? I mean, did it hurt? You said the first one you had after the surgery was a little painful.”

“They don't hurt anymore,” Jess said. “The one I had this morning was incredible.”

“I am going to bed now,” I said. “Goodnight all.” I went to my room with Jess less than two steps behind me. I got undressed, then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and use the toilet for the final time of the day. When I finished, Jess did her thing in the bathroom. By the time she got back to my room, I was in bed, waiting. Jess had put on a tiny nightie before she used the bathroom, but as she approached the bed, the nightie came off.

Jess slipped under the covers and cuddled next to me. It felt so good to have her next to me in bed again. She wrapped her legs around mine and laid her head on my chest. We laid still for quite a while not saying a word. Finally I said, “I love you Jess.”

“I love you, Chet. Goodnight, Honey.”

“Goodnight, Baby.” I reached over and turned out the light. Soon Jess was snoring lightly next to me. I enjoyed the rhythmic breathing until I faded into a restful and satisfied sleep.

I slept without a movement until about six o'clock, when I had to get up and relieve my bladder. When I finished, I slipped quietly back into bed. I lay there in the dim light and looked Jess over for a moment or two. She was on her back so I was able to see her breasts and pussy. Her hard young athletic tits stood proud on her chest. The chocolate colored nipples topped them perfectly, and were semi-erect in the cool morning air. I looked down her perfectly smooth stomach to her neatly trimmed pussy. I dared touch the fur covering. It was coarser than I had imagined, yet felt luxurious. I traced the cleft at the top of her gash, and pushed my finger in slightly to find her clitoris. It felt moist and slick. Jess moaned lightly and wriggled a tiny amount. I figured I had better not push my luck and decided to try and get back to sleep. Before I did, however, I sniffed the finger I had probed her with. The scent was exquisite; musky and very arousing. I moved my hand to just under her perfect breast, and drifted off into a dream filled sleep.

Two hours later, I was awoken by a sensation I had never experienced before in my life. My dick was hard and throbbing. I had imagined that sensation many times before, but the feeling now was indescribable. I opened my eyes to see the top of Jess' head moving up and down on my shaft. She had one hand cupped around my balls and the other stroking my cock at the same pace her mouth kept. I was in heaven. My hands found the back of her beautiful head. I just felt so natural to gently guide her.

She stopped sucking just long enough to look into my eyes and say, “Good morning, Honey. I saw your beautiful dick standing at attention and just couldn't resist. What a yummy meat stick.” She quickly resumed the oral lavishing. I was shocked at her prowess. She pulled back until just the tip was just inside her mouth, where she danced her soft tongue over the very end and into the slit. She, then opened her lips slightly and took the entire six inches in one swift motion.

“This isn't your first blowjob, is it?”

“UMM..HMM,” she hummed as she continued.

“Where did you learn to suck…. Ohhh…. So good?”

“I have watched porn,” she pulled off long enough to answer. Before Jess could get my dick back into her hungry mouth, a large drop of pre-cum appeared at the tip. She licked it off and smacked her lips as if to say she liked the taste.

She once again took my dick full into her steamy velvety mouth. She went as deep as she could go without gagging, then pulled out so just the head was still in her mouth. Then as far as she could go to the bottom. She took me deeper with every stroke until she had me full into her throat once again. She kept slowly moving up and down, stopping every several strokes to lick my balls and the bottom side of my twitching cock. Several large drops of pre-cum oozed out and were quickly licked off, by the eager tongue. In a few short minutes, I could take it no more and tried without success to pull out to come on her face or chest. Instead, I came one gooey rope after the other into her yielding throat. She greedily drank down every drop.

Jess crawled up my body so she was face to face with me, “How's that for a wake-up call?” she asked.

“That was wonderful,” I said. I tried to kiss her, but she pulled away. “What gives?”

“You just came in my mouth. I don't think you want to taste yourself.”

“I am okay with that,” I said. “I have tasted my own cum before.”

“Ew… What did you think?”

“Not bad. I could get used to it, if I had to.”

“I thought it was okay, too. Not as tasty as my pussy, but I could get addicted to it. What I really like, is the smell and taste of your dick, itself.”

“The smell?”

“Yes, it has a heady, musky smell that drives me wild. Hence the morning blowjob.” Jess looked at me with her worm brown eyes and they twinkled more than I remember seeing the twinkle before. “Did you like the smell of my pussy this morning when you touched me?”

“You knew I did that?”

“I was pretending to be asleep. I just wish you would have finished what you started. Well… now you can.” She immediately got on her back and spread her legs in invitation to her honey hole. I was not going to let her down. I came over top of her and straddled her. I wanted to be careful not to put any weight on her, not knowing how deep she has healed yet. I kissed her deeply, exploring her sweet mouth with my tongue. She moaned softly and kissed back heating me to my core.

I broke away from Jess's mouth and started kissing and nibbling around her cheeks and jawline. I paid special attention to her earlobes while I was near, them. She started to breath heavy and cooed her approval. I decided it was time to move on and kissed her neck and shoulders. I had never thought of shoulders being sexy, till I actually came in contact with my sexy Aunt's. I had to push on, though. I knew if I dawdled too long I risked facing the wrath of an overheated teen woman. I didn't have any experience in that arena, but didn't want to venture there at this point.

I lowered my head to her heaving chest, to give her erecting nipples some well deserved attention. I cupped each one lovingly while sucking and lightly biting first the left then the right nipple. I found that the nipples weren't chocolate colored as I had originally thought. They were more of a dark rose pink. I didn't care, I just thought they were beautiful and inviting. They must have been very sensitive as they instantly responded to my lip service. Jess began to squirm as the frustration of wanting my mouth on her hot pussy began to build to a slow boil.

I wanted to hurry south to the molten honey pot, but I also knew that if I took my time and drove her crazy and right to the edge, she would quickly explode with ecstasy. That was the hope anyway. I slowly worked my way further. I kissed the underside of her ample breasts, sending shivers throughout her body. She started to whimper. “Please, stop teasing me. I can't take it anymore.”

I did as I was begged to, and went in for the kill. I came face to face with her steaming pussy. I have finally gotten the worm's eye view I had been longing for. The scent emanating from her being was intoxicating. My head start to spin a little as I inched closer for the first taste. I stuck my tongue out and let it graze her swollen pouting lips. Jess jumped slightly and thrust her hips skyward. My tongue involuntarily pushed between the folds. The taste was incredible. I had to go for it now.

I used two fingers to part her super aroused lips. She was so wet her pussy made a smacking sound as I pulled it open. Her juice ran freely from somewhere deep within her. I lapped at the tight hole. I licked her from bottom to top where I stopped to suck and nibble her throbbing clit. She jerked every time my teeth gently clamped onto her love button.

Jess grabbed my head with both hands and pulled me in as deep as I could go. She ran my hair between her fingers to hold me in place. She began to thrash as her pleasure was building to a mind numbing crescendo. She started to pant and whimper, which motivated me to give more of what I had been doing. “Oh… Gawd… Honey. You are going to make me cum. Keep going. Oh… AH… I'm cumming!” her hips bucked against my inexperienced tongue. She was mashing so hard that I could feel my top lip swelling as if being punched. I wasn't about to stop now, though. I was determined to fulfill her need.

Jess let go and came in a rush of wet creamy spasms. Her juice ran down the crack of her ass and soaked the sheet and mattress under her. I did my best to lap up as much of the nectar as I could, but there was just too much and most of it ran between her ass and my chin. In a little less than a minute her spasms eased up as her orgasm began to subside. She collapsed still panting and trying to catch her breath.

There was a knock at the door. “Is everything okay in there?” we heard Mom's voice ask. Neither Jess nor I answered right away, so Mom took it upon herself to walk in. I was still laying between Jess' legs with her deluge dripping off my chin. “You kids having a good time? We could hear you in the kitchen, you know.”

“Dammit, Mom!” I yelled, trying to hide my embarrassment and Jess' still oozing pussy. “I need a lock on my effin' door!” Jess, on the other hand, didn't seem to be phased by Mom's appearance in my room. Once she recovered from her orgasm, she simply crossed her arms behind her head and watched Mom's and my exchange.

“I thought you two weren't supposed to do anything till the doctor released Jess.”

“I couldn't wait for his okay anymore, Janet,” Jess laughed. “I have been masturbating for a week now.”

“Whoa, Jess. Too much information,” complained Mom.

“And we didn't have intercourse, Mom. The doctor didn't say anything about not having oral sex,” I added. “Plus, he told her, she had to be the judge of whether she was ready for masturbation. I can't see a lot of difference here, since there is no penetration.”

“Oh, I guess I can't argue with that,” Mom sighed. A smile slowly came to her face. “Now that you two have been together, I can have Chet now, right?”

“No,” Jess said. “We haven't had intercourse, yet. You can't have him until I have had him at least once.” Through this whole short conversation, I maintained my position between Jess' legs. I was still kind of on my stomach with my head on her pussy. I moved my head to look at Mom and with that, I could feel Jess' wet pubic hair smear against my cheek. The smell coming from her spent pussy was still intoxicating. I could see from the corner of my eye, Mom was rubbing the upper inside of her thigh and moving toward her horny cunt. I guessed Jess saw that too, as she put her hand on the side of my head and held it to her sex.

“I am sorry, Jess,” Mom said with some difficulty. “The desire is getting to the point where I cannot stand it. John would like a break. The ache is so overwhelming.”

“Janet… Let me ask you something,” Jess started. She pulled out from under me and sat against the headboard. I crawled up next to her and sat against the headboard as well. “I would like to know why you have so much desire to be with your own son. Not to be sounding judgmental. I know we have all had a special relationship all or lives.”

“I know it's not right,” Mom answered, quoting “Right” with two fingers of each hand. “It is something that has been there inside me since the day he was born. I don't feel that with the two young ones. What does that mean?” Jess and I both shrugged our shoulders. She slowly moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “I have said it before… Bless John's big loving heart. He has known all along about my desire. Maybe he thinks that if I see you two together, really together, I will lose some of that desire. God, help me… The desire is getting stronger all the time.” She began to sob. Jess and I moved to either side of her. We hugged her tight, still completely naked.

“Janet, Honey… If you can be patient, I will let you have him when I have. Shit, that sounded so wrong on so many levels. But Chet promised to save himself for me and I for him. Can you understand that?”

“Yes,” Mom sniffled. “I feel so selfish in thinking I can get what I think I need if I push enough.”

“It's not selfish, Mom. If you have been fighting your feelings for this long and fighting so hard, I have to say, I admire your stamina.”

“So do I,” Dad said as he walked into the room. I tried to cover myself to no avail. Jess didn't bother. “Don't worry, kids. I am not upset. I know everything that goes inside your mom's beautiful head.” He knelt before Mom and looked directly into her weeping eyes. “I will never tire of having to keep your feet on the ground, as you say it.”

“I love you so much John Tuttle,” Mom said as she hugged Dad's head. “So… when is this going to happen?”

“I was thinking about Prom night, if the doctor releases Jess before then.” I suggested.

“Prom night? That's nearly two months away! You had better be ready to eat a lot of pussy between now and then.!”

“Well, we need to leave you two alone to discuss this. Get dressed and get the day going,” Dad ordered. He and Mom left the room so Jess and I could get ready for the day.

“What the fuck just happened here?” I asked.

“The whole family is behind us and our love,” Jess observed. “Now, why do we have to wait till Prom night to go all the way?”

“I thought it was a good time. A romantic night.”

“Well, I guess if I have to wait that long… You had better be ready to eat a lot of pussy! You do an awesome job, by the way.”

“You really think so?” I asked with new confidence.

“Look at the bed. We're going to have to change the sheets and flip the mattress. I made such a mess.”

“We need to get in the shower first.” Jess grabbed my dick and lead me to the bathroom. Once there we got in the shower and cleaned each other. Once finished we joined the rest of the family for brunch.

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out, watching movies and shooting the shit. At around seven o'clock, Jess gave me a tight loving hug and equally loving kiss, and headed for home. She called two hours later, when she got home and we talked for another hour, before Grammi told her to get off the phone and get to bed.

The music store delivered my new guitar and amp on Monday. I played around with it most of that evening, once I finished my homework. Jess received her electronic piano as well.

Tuesday, I had my first guitar lesson at the music store. The first thing he taught me was the intro to “Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple . The instructor told me that if I can't play the intro within a week, I shouldn't play guitar at all. He said it was that simple. He gave me the sheet music with tabs to help me. I had it mostly down that evening. It needed some work, but that's what I practiced for.

Wednesday, after school I went to Dabi's to check on the progress of my car. They had the body in primer and block sanded and ready for the base coat of paint. I told Dabi I would check in again in a week.

Thursday, I had my second music lesson. The instructor was happy that I had pretty much had the intro to the song down. He said he had hope that I wasn't wasting his time. As soon as I got home that afternoon, I called Tom and told him what I had learned. He sounded happy and said I was progressing at about the same pace he was. We agreed to get together someday soon. I talked with Jess for a couple hours that evening, of course.

The next two weeks were routine. The same thing as the week before. Guitar lessons Tuesday and Thursday. I checked on my car on Wednesday, and Jess came on Friday. We pleasured each other orally as often as we could. Mom was doing very good, with her desires. Dad was doing well to keep her feet on the ground. My birthday was the next week, I would be nineteen. We were going to have a party at Grammi and Pap's. I asked if Jess' friends could be there. The ones I was familiar with, at least. Amber, Kathy, Misty, Kendall, Dave and Tom would be there.

My birthday was actually Friday, so Dabi delivered my car to the house after school. It was more than I had imagined. Deep metal blue body, with a pearl white top and buckskin leather interior. Seventeen by thirteen inch tires on the rear and sixteen by eights on the front. The car looked as mean as I hoped it ran. And when I took it out for my first drive, I discovered that it was one bad ass car.

I insisted on driving to my birthday party on Saturday, so I could show off my car. Jess was absolutely crazy for it. She danced around it for several minutes, then suggested we take a ride and break it in properly. As much as I wanted to, I didn't feel the time was right.

The party was tame to say the least. It was a typical child's party with cake and ice cream. The only things adolescent were the guests and the music we played. The adults gathered and talked adult things, the young children, Pat and Kat played video games, while the adolescents all gathered and did our own thing. We planned to get together and practice our instruments.

That evening, Jess and I excused ourselves and got in the shower. We started out simply washing each other. I was, to say the least, a little disappointed. I was feeling quite horny as my hard throbbing member would attest to. When we were clean, I pushed her back against the wall of the shower and started kissing her. “I love you Jess… With all my heart,” I whispered in her ear.

“I love you with all my heart,” she whispered back. “But, why are we whispering?”

“I just sounds more romantical.”

“Romantical, huh? First you make me hot by whispering in my ear. Then you nearly kill the moment with your Mike Wyzowski impression.” I was pressed against her naked body, but tried to move away after that exchange. “Where the fuck do think you're going?” She locked her arms around me and mashed her pussy against my leg.

“I just thought, since I ruined the moment, I would go lick my wounds.”

“You can't lick your wounds. That's my job.” She turned me around and pinned me against the shower wall. She then began to savagely kiss me all over my face. She planted her steamy pussy against my leg once more and slowly humped it up and down till it was slick with her juice. I grabbed her ass and pulled her tighter to my leg. “Take me to bed now.”

“Or lose you forever?”

“Oh… No…! You are not getting out of it that easy.” We got out of the shower, dried off, and quickly dashed to her bed. We wasted no time getting on the bed. We continued our hot kissing. We lay beside each other fondling and kissing.

“I am going first,” I offered and started the trek down Jess' long lean body to her sweet cunny. I teased her lips and hole till she begged me to suck her clitoris. I alternated between sucking her hardening clit and probing her tight hole. In a moment of curiosity I pulled her leg up and apart and went in for a taste of her chocolate starfish. I licked it gently at first.

“Oh, you dirty, dirty boy,” she said. “Don't even think about stopping. That feels so fucking good.” I pushed my tongue at her tight little hole. She twitched as I pushed in slightly. The muscle relaxed slightly and allowed me to probe deeper. “Mmm. I am liking that a lot.”

Jess pushed me away just far enough that she could roll onto her stomach and push her shapely ass into the air. This gave me the room I needed to tongue the tiny pucker deeper yet. “Oh, that is just it! Push that tongue deeper into my asshole you dirty little boy.” While my tongue was doing it's job, my finger found her tight vagina. I moved the digit very slow,y into the sweet hole. I was not sure whether she would be able to take it yet, but I felt the need to try. “Ah, yes, Honey, finger my sweet pussy!”

I moved my finger slowly and gently in and out of her vagina at the same time I continued to tongue fuck her tiny asshole. In just a few very short minutes, she began to buck hard into my hand and mouth. Her breathing became deep and rapid. Her pussy seemed to tighten and flood with her juices. “Mmm… Ah! Oh…. Honey! Harder my love, harder! I am cumming. Oh FUCK! You are making CUM! AHHH!” Her orgasm hit with a strong spasm that nearly broke my finger in her vagina and sucked my tongue out of my mouth into her heated asshole. Her whole body tensed then relaxed slightly over the next minute or so, through her intense orgasm.

Jess went limp as her orgasm subsided. She lay on her stomach panting and whimpering. I moved beside her and stroked her hair and caressed her cheek. “I love you Jess.” I kissed her as close on her lips as I could considering her position.

“Not half as much as I love you,” Jess sighed. “Give me a minute to recover, and I will give you what you have earned.” Jess fought if off as much as she could, but drifted into an angelic and satisfied sleep.

“Goodnight my sweet princess,” I whispered in her ear. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” I settled in next to my lovely aunt and was shortly asleep with her.
My wake up Sunday was a familiar one. I got the sensation of pleasure coming from my groin area, along with wet, warm and sucking. I knew in an instant that Jess was giving me an early morning blowjob. “Good morning, Baby,” I said. She glanced up at me, winked and continued giving me an amazing treat. She sucked the head and flicked her tongue over the tip. One hand was on my balls, the other rubbed the inside of my leg near the knee. I was amazed at how a gentle touch behind my knee could feel so erotic.

Jess licked her way down my shaft to the thick base under my balls. She sucked my balls gently into her mouth, first one then the other. “Oh, this is fantastic,” I said. She tilted her head and slid her head back up my dick to the head. She then took it in her wet mouth once again.

“Your dick tastes wonderful. Once it has had a chance to marinate, that is.”

“Marinate?” I chuckled.

She smacked her lips as she pulled away from the tip once more. “Yes, marinate. You know, cure and get some flavor to it. My friends told me about it, and I know now what they mean. Your taste is incredible… Edible.” She took me into her mouth again and slowly sucked her way down so that nearly all my six inches was in her mouth. She held at the bottom and cupped her tongue around the shank sending shivers up my spine.

I could feel the pressure building in my balls as she moved her mouth over every inch of my phallus. She appeared to be enjoying herself as she would moan slightly when she pushed the last little bit into her throat. She closed her lips tight around my meat stick and pulled to just under the head. Then she loosened her lips then dove back to the bottom to repeat the movement.

She kept up the slow pace for quit a while. I was so turned on by all she was doing, but the feeling was too intense for me to come. That doesn't seem possible, but that is how it felt to me. In a couple minutes, I think she began to need more as she picked up her pace and started to stroke me in cadence with her oral movements. This was what I needed. The pressure from her fingers wrapped around my girth and the rhythm of her head oscillating on my flesh pin was having the desired affect. My balls and whole midsection for that matter, began to tingle as the pressure was building even higher in my aching balls. I grabbed a handful of her angel soft black hair and pushed her head down gently and shot the first big load down her willing throat. She hummed her thanks and started a fevered pace to bring me off faster. I came harder and harder for the next three or four shots, until my orgasm tapered to a soft finish.

Jess sucked me till my dick was completely limp in her mouth. She swallowed the last remnants of my semen, then pulled up beside on the bed. “How was that?” she asked.

“It was wonderful,” I said as I pulled her face close for a loving kiss. “You just keep getting better and better. Though, you were never bad.” We snuggled on the bed and made small talk for a few minutes until Grammi called us out for breakfast. I quickly got up and darted for the bathroom. Jess had the same idea and pushed me out of the way and sat on the toilet to pee. “Dammit, Jess! My bladder is about to explode.!”

Jess laughed maniacally and simply sat there, prolonging my misery. “How long before you have to let go and piss all over the place?”

“Two and a half seconds,” I said impatiently. She smiled coyly, wiped and slowly abdicated her position on the commode. I quickly took my position at the toilet and let the contents of my bladder flow.

We cleaned up, brushed our teeth and went to her bedroom to get dressed. “Are you kids getting up?” Grammi asked.

“Yes, mom,” Jess said. “We'll be right out.” We finished dressing and joined the rest of the family at the breakfast table.

Shortly after lunch, I called Tom and asked if he would like to join us uptown for ice cream. It was going to be a warm day. Warm for April anyway. Jess and I thought it a good idea to get together with the friends and get a treat. Tom readily agreed and said he would gather the rest of the “Crew”. “Be sure to bring your hot rod,” Tom said.

After a stop at the car wash, we met at the city's most popular ice cream parlor. It was also known for bringing in hot rodders for impromptu car shows. We no more than got settled with our treats, when other people with classic hot rods started showing up. I had never done a car show before, so I didn't know what to do, but after watching a few of the other owners setting up, I had a good idea what was normally done. I opened the hood, the trunk and rolled down the windows.

As the cars continued to file into the parking lot of the ice cream parlor, one of the first to arrive greeted me and introduced himself. “I am Forrest Robertson. And you are?”

“I am Charles Tuttle,” I said shaking his hand. “My family and friends call me Chet.”

“Good to meet you Chet. Very nice car. Did you build it yourself?”

“No, I am sorry I did not,” Humbling myself before him. “I bought the car from a man who had it ninety percent done, then took it to my local body shop and he finished it.”

“Who did the work?”

“Dabi Garcia.”

“Oh, yes. I see the quality. He is one of the best. Are you a member of the Hot Rodders' Guild?”

“No. Should I be?”

“Yes. Especially with a machine like that. We have many shows during the summer all over the state. They run from Memorial Day to Labor Day. We give trophies for best of show, most and least modified, and other categories. Give me your address and I will send you the membership packet.” He handed me a pad and a pen and I scratched my information on it. “Thank you. I had better greet the rest. I am the president of the Akron Chapter. It would behoove you to introduce yourself to the men in our guild.”
“Thank you,” I said, shaking his hand again. I took Jess' hand in mine and we walked from car to car introducing ourselves to the other owners. Jess knew a few of them, being from here.

We spent the rest of the afternoon getting to know the members of the Akron Hot Rodders' Guild. I learned a lot about showing my car and made some great contacts for the shows to follow. The show broke up shortly before six o'clock that evening. I stopped at a local fast food drive-in and picked up our evening meal for the family and my new friends. We all went back to my grandparents' and ate outside, enjoying the unseasonal warmth of this April evening.

After the meal, “The Crew” and I sat on the patio and played our guitars, as best we could. Jess
brought her piano out, and demonstrated her talent. I was very impressed. We played until ten o'clock when my parents insisted we pack up and get home, saying “We have to work tomorrow and you have school.” Jess gave me a deep kiss and big hug, and we were off. The road back to Sandusky seemed especially long that night. I kept telling myself that prom was two short weeks later. It helped me go forward. And I would see her again the next weekend as well, when we got together with the “Crew” to practice our guitars.

The week was a busy one, so it seemed to go by like a flash. I had my normal guitar lessons on Monday and Thursday, I worked for Grandma Tuttle on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Friday, I finished the painting on the model I had gotten for Christmas from Jess. It was nearing the point where I would start the assemble process. Jess was becoming impatient to see it finished. Of course I spoke with Jess on a nightly basis. The conversations were getting racier than ever. We were so horny for each other that we thought we would not be able to hold out till Prom night.

Saturday, Jess and the “Crew” invaded our house. This was the weekend for me to host the practice session. A few of my school friends joined us with the jam. Some were better musicians, and others were at about the level we were. The more experienced players were very helpful and encouraging to we lesser players. At one point we did a head count, and had thirteen players. We would have had more, but there were a couple missing from Jess' Akron crew. One of my Sandusky friends stated that a couple more wanted to come out today, but didn't know that they would be welcome. I told him, that was silly, that the more the merrier and that we were here for a common cause.

Mom and Dad surprised the entire group with a catered meal late in the afternoon. They seemed happy we were all together. We had pulled smoked pork sandwiches, baked beans , and potato and macaroni salads. Once we had devoured nearly everything set for us, we went back to playing our instruments. We played till dark, when the members of Jess' crew needed to pack up and head for home. The local boys left at about the same time.

Once the guests were all gone, Jess and I excused ourselves to get in the shower. “Is that all you're going to do?” Mom inquired.

“We aren't going to have sex, if that is what you're implying,” Jess replied with a little annoyance in her voice.

“Easy sis,” Mom said. “I was just teasing. A-and a little hopeful.”

“Patience Mom,” I said. “There is only one week left till Prom and we plan… Hope…. You know.”

“C'mon Chet, I wanna get in the shower. I stink.” Jess grabbed my hand and pulled into the bathroom, where she proceeded to tear at my clothing.

“Patience, baby. What's the hurry anyway?” I asked.

“I am so fucking horny. I need you make me cum.” I needed no more coaxing. I quickly finished undressing and helped Jess get out of her things. She tuned and bent slightly to get the water set for the shower. I did as any normal, albeit horny, teen-aged male would do. I checked her fine rounded ass. I had seen it many times, but I was no less enthralled with the sight of it. The separation of a week apart only served to make me appreciate more the attributes of the young woman who stands naked before me. She was right about smelling. I would argue that she did not stink, though. The heat from her aroused pussy was evident in the sweet aroma filling the small room. My cock responded immediately and sprang to full attention.

Jess stepped in the shower and motioned for me to follow. Who was I to keep the woman I love waiting? I came in behind her, pressing my rigid manhood between the firm globes of her perfect athletic ass. I also wrapped my arms around her and cradled both breasts. She cooed her approval as I tweaked both hard nipples. She rocked her hips against my engorged rod.

We held this position for only a couple minutes, when she turned in my arms and locked her warm soft lips on mine. We kissed passionately for a few seconds, then she pulled away. She looked in my eyes with her huge nearly black eyes, so seductive, so inviting. “I don't know if I can wait another week to have you completely.”

“If you want to make love now, I am with you one hundred percent. But I think we can hold out for one more short week.”

“Are you afraid of making love with me? Do you not want to make love with me?”

“It's nothing like that. I just thought it would be more romantic… it would mean a lot more if we waited till prom night. Kind of like tradition.”

“But you can make me cum tonight,” she added.

“Of course.” We continued to kiss and caress each other under the hot water of the shower. Finally, we washed and shampooed each other. By the time we had our bodies and hair sufficiently scrubbed, the water was beginning to cool. This prompted us to hurry and finish. We toweled each other off and brushed our teeth, then made a beeline for my bedroom.

“Goodnight you two,” I heard Dad say.

“Goodnight Dad,” I replied.

“Goodnight Uncle John,” added Jess with a husky giggle.

Jess sat on the edge of the bed and held her arms out to me. I stepped between her open legs and into her arms. My raging boner pressed into her chest dead center between her firm breasts. I could feel her nipples making dents in my upper thighs near my cock. I curled my index finger under her chin and pulled her gaze up to meet mine. “I am more in love with you today that I was yesterday.” I paused, then continued. “Is that too sappy?”

“Not at all,” she smiled sweetly. “I feel the same. The more time I spend with you, the more time I want to be with you.” I pushed her to her back and straddled her stomach. I lowered my face to hers and began kissing her with all the passion I had built during the day. We jockeyed our bodies around so she was full on the bed with me between her legs. I could have very easily entered her at this point, but resisted the temptation. Instead I kissed my way from her lips to her neck, breasts, nipples, stomach and finally just above the cleft where her pussy lips merge. I was careful not to dive in at her clitoris too fast. This was making her anxious and she pulled at my hair, trying to direct me to her heat.

After managing to keep away from her love button for a couple minutes, I gave in and sought out the twitching minuscule appendage. At the instant my tongue made contact with the sweet nub, Jess locked her legs around my head and came in violent waves of ecstasy. Her passion seeped freely from the depths of her tight vagina, and she moaned huskily as her orgasm continued for more than a minute. I lapped at the spasming hole not wanting to waste a single drop of the slick pungent deluge. One gob did escape my greedy tongue and pooled in the pucker of her tiny asshole. I chased it down and caught it just before it became a wet spot on the sheet. Jess moaned loudly as I flicked my eager tongue over her sensitive bung.

Once her orgasm had completely subsided, Jess pushed me away and directed me to move about so she could give me what I needed. She wasted no time taking my whole cock into her yielding hot mouth. She was salivating so bad that it ran down my shaft, over my balls and onto the sheet. I put my hand on the back of her head and fucked her mouth. She eagerly took as much as I could give her into her throat with every thrust. My balls quickly started to pull up and tingle, signaling my rapidly approaching orgasm. I tried with no luck to pull free of her deep sucking to prolong the exquisite torture. When I couldn't take it any longer, I came hard into her relentless mouth.

When I was completely spent and quickly losing my erection, Jess scooted up to my side and kissed me deeply. I could taste myself in her mouth as my tongue twisted and danced with hers. “I love you so much,” I said as I pulled away from the kiss.

“I love you more,” she chuckled.

“No… I love you more.” Before she had a chance to say anymore, I locked my lips on hers in another loving kiss. We locked our still naked bodies together as we orally explored the others' mouth. I broke away from her and pulled a sheet over us. I turned out the light and snuggled next to my sweet sexy aunt. We talked briefly about the prom next weekend and our plans for the rest of the evening. The more we talked the dreamier Jess' voice sounded until she didn't talk anymore. Her soft voice was replaced by slow steady breathing. Not long after, I faded into a restful satisfied sleep.

All too soon, the morning came, and with it Mom. She came into my room and woke us. “It's almost eight o'clock you two. Breakfast is ready, and we have a lot to get done today. We need the help of both of you.”

“What are we doing?” I asked groggily.

“Resealing the pool. Dad got a couple buckets of epoxy, and it will be warm enough that it will cure in short time today. We need to get it filled so it can have a chance to warm.”

“Sounds like a lot of fun,” Jess said sarcastically. “You can count on me.”

“Me too,” I said. “Now can we have a minute to get up and get our bathroom stuff done?”

“Don't let me stop you,” Mom replied not moving a muscle toward the door.

“We are naked, Mom.”

“Yeah?” Mom asked. “And you are all the sudden self conscious?”

“Under the circumstances… No… I just don't want to unintentionally start your fire.”

“Janet… Please...” Begged Jess.

“Oh, very well.” Mom gave in. “Don't think you're off the hook young man!” she sternly told me. “You still have to tend this 'Fire'.”

“In due time Mother,” I said with a little more annoyance than the night before. I wanted to make her happy, but didn't want to give it up to her before Jess had a chance at me completely.

We reluctantly got out of bed and head for the bathroom. I pissed, then while I got the shower ready, Jess sat on the toilet and did her thing. She wiped and glanced at the wad of paper with a disappointed look on her face. “What's up, baby?” I asked.

“I got my period… So soon?” she answered curling her bottom lip out.

“Didn't the doctor tell you that they may come irregularly for awhile? Besides we got our nuts off last night.”

“But what if I needed you again before I go home tonight?”

“I will survive, if you can.” She shrugged, nodded then joined me in the shower. We were all business this time, as we were pressed for time. I did take the opportunity to kiss Jess a few lingering sweet times. I had seen her nude so many times recently, but still marveled at her sheer beauty and sexiness. “I love you, Jess,” I said as I pulled away from the last kiss.

“I love you, Chet,” she answered with a gleam in her eyes.

“C'mon you two! Daylight is wasting,” called out Dad.

“We'll be out in a minute,” I said as I stepped out and quickly dried. We both brushed our teeth and hair, as fast as we could, then hurried to my bedroom to get dressed. Within minutes we were sitting with the rest of the family at the breakfast table. Mom was eyeballing me. After a few paranoid seconds, I asked, “Yes? What's on your mind?”

“You know what's on my mind,” she replied a bit snarky.

“Yes, I know what's on your mind… And NO, not yet. I told you it will be next weekend… maybe.”

“What are you talking about,” asked Kat.

“Nothing, Honey,” Dad said. “Mom is just waiting for your brother to get something done, so she can have her way.” Mom looked at him with a catty sneer, but quickly changed face.

“Have your way? Mom?” Kat questioned.

“You are too young to understand Sweety,” Mom added, caressing her cheek.

“Aw,” Kat pouted. Her pout quickly turned to hope. “Chet, can I help you with the pool?”

“I don't know. Dad, what do you think?”

“We'll give you a try,” Dad assured her. “Pat, would you like to help?”

“No,” Pat said. Nothing more. He finished his breakfast and went outside to play.

We all finished our meals then set out to get the pool sealed. First, we had to scrub the grime and loose epoxy from the side and bottom. I think Kat got bored with that task and drifted away to play with Pat.

Shortly before lunch, we completed the task of scrubbing the pool. I spent the last few minutes sweeping the waste out, so we can get to sealing directly after lunch. Jess helped dump the waste in the trash bin and we washed ourselves with the garden hose. Of course, we both ended up getting wet. We were invited to eat our lunch on the deck, which we were happy to do as it was a beautiful day.

When we had finished our lunch, we returned to our jobs. Kat decided she could help again, and with a little coaching from Dad and I, she did a pretty good job. Jess and I had to go over some of the parts she did. They were just a little too thin, but we praised her for doing a good job, anyway. And, with the five of us working on it, Dad, Mom, Jess, Kat, and I, we had the pool sealed in just a couple hours.

Once we were done and cleaned up, we sat on the deck, admiring our handiwork. Dad and Jess started talking about the lumber business. Jess had been working with 3D design in school and had some great ideas for furniture. As it turned out, she brought some samples of her schoolwork with her to show Dad. When he had agreed to take a look at them, she excitedly ran to her car and dragged out a huge leather bound portfolio. They sat at the table and flipped through the plans she had printed.

I was curious about what Jess had drawn, so I stood behind her and watched over her shoulder. Dad was very impressed with what he saw. Truth be known, so was I. She was very good. Dad told her many times through the conversation that he might have to put her to work. The lumber business was doing very well, and Dad had, on many occasions, stated that he would like to use his own lumber to manufacture his own line of “High End Furnishings”. The current conversation he was having with Jess only excited him more about the prospect.

Later that evening, after Jess had headed home, Dad was still talking excitedly about his idea. Mom and I listened as well as we could to his ramblings about it, He was like a kid with a new toy. Jess called when she got home, as she normally did. I told her she lit a fire under Dad that will probably not soon go away. Jess was excited as well.

The next week dragged on with no apparent end in sight. I practiced my guitar, talked to Jess and my friends, daily, and nothing helped the days go by any faster. Dad was still talking endlessly about the furniture designs. Mom was getting edgy, she couldn't keep her hands to herself. She did do well trying to keep Dad grounded, but she was failing at keeping herself grounded. Dad didn't help that much either.

Finally, Saturday came. It was Prom Night at last. I picked up my tux and headed to Akron to meet Jess. I changed at Pap and Grammi's. They wouldn't let me see Jess until she was ready to go. They said it would just make me appreciate her beauty that much more. They were absolutely right. When she walked into the living room, I had to caught my breath. Oh… My… GAWD! She was wearing a pale yellow satin dress that fit her every curve as if it had been painted on. The top of the dress fit her particularly well. Her ample breasts were pushed in and up and her nipples were hard under the thin material. I struggled to keep from getting a hard-on. “Wow… Jess. You look absolutely gorgeous,” was all I could manage to say.

“Thank you, Baby,” she said as she came to me and gave me a hot delicious kiss. “Now we better get going. It is going to be a long hard night.” She grabbed my crotch and gave me a husky chuckle. She turned and headed toward the door leaving my aching cock behind. I quickly excused myself and ran after Jess.

I caught up with Jess just as she was about to open the passenger side car door. I gently nudged her way from the handle. “A gentleman will always open the door for his woman,” I said and held it open while I took her hand and helped her into the car. I shut the door when I was sure she was in and ready, then went around and got in the the driver's side. In seconds, we were on our way to the hall where the event was being held.

Once at the hall, we checked in, had our picture taken and found our table. Over the next half hour to forty-five minutes we sat and watched the rest of Jess' class file in. Some stopped and said hello. Some commented on how beautiful she looked. We were unfortunate in that none of her friends were assigned to our table. We commented to each other that we would both be more comfortable if we did have some of her friends at our table.

Soon, they served the meal; a choice between fish and prime rib. I said to Jess, “I cannot imagine why anyone would choose fish over prime rib.”

“There are a few people eating fish. See?” she said pointing to a couple people carrying trays with the fish dinner on them. “They must be on special diets or something.”

“Or just weird.” I continued. The strangers around the table laughed nervously at my statement. I began to look around to see where “The Crew” were. Misty and Dave were just a few tables behind us. They waved as I soon as I found them. Tom and Kendall were to the left of them, sharing the same table. Tom, James and Amber were scattered on the far side. As soon as Tom saw me, he stood and waved like a fool. Being a fun kind of guy, I stood on my chair and waved wildly back at him. He laughed hysterically as Jess pulled me down and admonished me for embarrassing her.

After the meal was done, we listened to the speakers of the night. They read things like class prophecies, wills, and other silly things. When they were finished making asses of themselves and others, the dance started in a banquet room next door.

We moved to a table near the outside of the room. I chose a couple drinks for Jess and I and we sat and sipped them while we waited for a song we wanted to dance to. She made it clear, she wanted our first dance to be a slow dance.

The third or fourth song in was “Nights in White Satin” by The Moody Blues. This was to be our first song. We stepped in very close and started to dance. My arms were around her waist and she had her hands on my shoulders. As the music moved on, Jess pulled me in closer, wrapping her arms tight around my neck. Her warm breath filling my ear with its sweet song. I could feel the heat rising between us, and began to sing along with the song.

“And I love you”
“Oh, how I love you...”

Then, “Nights in White Satin...”
“Never reaching the end...”
“Letters I've written…”
“Never meaning to send...”

“Chet,” Jess whispered. “I love you so much. How do you know this song?”

“Are you serious?” I asked. “Your parents, my grandparents, are the original hippies. I hear them playing this stuff all the time. This song does a very good job of relaying how much I love you.”

“The feeling is so mutual. Being away from you during the week hurts so much. The emptiness is nearly unbearable.”

“Baby… It won't be long and we will be together… Forever. Just remember that.”

“You know just what to say. You make me so wet and horny.”

The song was ending, but the DJ missed the poem at the end which is the most important part of the song, in my opinion. Without answering Jess' last statement, I recited that poem.

“Breath deep the gathering gloom.
“Watch lights fade from every room.
“Bedsetter people look back and lament.
“Another day's useless energy is spent.
“Impassioned lovers wrestle as one.
“Lonely man cries for love and has none.
“New mother picks up and suckles her son.
“Senior citizens wish they were young.
“Cold hearted orb that rule the night.
“Removes the colors from our sight.
“Red is gray and yellow white.
“And we decide which is right.
“And which is an illusion.

Jess didn't say anymore. She simply pulled herself closer to me, as if that were possible. Her cheek was pressed hard against mine. I felt what I thought was a single tear roll down my cheek. It was her tear. “Are you okay, Baby?” I asked.

“I am wonderful tonight,” she sniffed. She kissed my ear. The next two songs were slow and we continued to grind on each other. I could easily feel the mound of her pussy through the thin material of her dress and my thin polyester tux pants. “You feel ready for later right now. You know what I mean?”

“Yes, I know exactly what you mean, baby. Do you want to cut out now?”

“No… We better stick around for a while longer.” When the song finished, we returned to our seats for a short rest.

I was no more than set and comfortable when Tom came bounding over to us. “I just made a request with the DJ. I would like to invite you to play some air guitar with me and the boys.”

'What up Tommy? What are we playing to?” I asked.

“Just get your butt out there and be ready,” he pointed to the far side of the dance floor where the crowd was thin.

“You heard him,” Jess said. “Get your butt out there and make a fool of yourself like the rest of the boys,”

“Yes ma'am,” I said. I stood and gave her a kiss. I walked with Tom to join the rest. “So what are we playing to?”

“Green Grass and High Tides by The Outlaws,” he answered. “Do you know that song?”

“Of course I do,” I said. “That's one of my favorites. It's one of the main reasons I wanted to learn to play guitar.”

“So you know a good tune when you hear it? That's fucking awesome!” We met with the rest of the gang just before the song started. There were at least a dozen and a half guys lining up. When the music started, everybody just picked the part they wanted to play. About half played the first lead, a little less than half played second lead, and the rest played rhythm. Though we weren't playing real guitars, we enjoyed what we were doing and the rest of the crowd got into it also. They all cheered when the son was over. We mock bowed and left the floor.

The rest of the evening went pretty much the way any organized dance goes. Jess and I danced nearly every slow dance and even danced a few fast songs. Jess laughed at how uncomfortable I appeared to be. I wasn't a good dancer at all. A few young men tried to cut in and have a dance with Jess, but she refused them. She told them she would only dance with me.

When the night was over, we were asked to attend a party. We declined,saying we had other things we need to do. Of course they knew what we were planning. We bade our goodbyes and headed for home.

As soon as we stepped in the door, our clothes started falling off as we made a beeline for her bedroom. Jess had been dropping not so subtle hints that she was extremely horny and ready for me all night. I ached for most of the evening due to her rubbing her hot crotch against mine with every chance she got. I had to hide my erection on more than one occasion. Now that we were home, we could finally fuel the fire properly. By the time we got to her bedroom, we were both completely naked.

We kissed savagely, feeling the lust burn hotter than it ever had before. Jess lay on the bed with her lags spread wide. She patted her pussy, inviting me in. Her large brown eyes showing nearly all black in the low light of the room and her passion. “You don't need to eat me tonight, Baby. I am ready, so ready for you now.”

I was also ready. My rock hard dick lead me to the steaming honey pot just inches away. I knelt between Jess' shapely legs and lowered myself to her stomach. My cock rested on her slick pubes. I kissed her, softly at first, then as the heat built even higher than we thought possible. She reached down between her legs, grabbed my throbbing rod and guided it toward the center of her fire. She rubbed the head over her dripping wet lips to lube me up and directed me to the tight entrance of her vagina. She was as tight as I remembered form the brief sex we had months before. The feeling was incredible. Her tight muscles sucked me in deeper with every passing second.

I moved deeper into her love tunnel until my balls rested on her swollen yet yielding pussy lips. I started a slow in and out movement. Our lips were locked and tongues wrestled each other. I began to pick up the pace and Jess humped her pussy up to meet every stroke.

All too soon, I was nearing the point of no return. I was about to cum and tried to stop so I wouldn't. Jess kept her movement at a fevered pace. I could hold out no longer. I exploded deep within her belly. I unloaded long gobs of hot seed deep in her vagina. Six or seven huge contractions later, I stopped. My orgasm drained balls no longer depositing their bounty. I looked into Jess' eyes. She had a mixed look on her face. One of contentment mixed with disappointment. I knew right away that she hadn't cum.

I tried to lighten the mood and asked, “How was that?”

“To be completely honest,” she started slowly. “I need more.”

“I know, Baby,” I felt so bad all the sudden. She had been so hot waiting for this moment all night… Hell, since Christmas. I let her down. I was still on top of her and inside her. I kissed her forehead and brushed her hair from her eyes.

“You are still hard. I need you to make love to me.” I hadn't noticed, but I was in fact still hard. I began fucking my dick in and out of her again. I wanted her to be happy and satisfied. As I hit bottom, I pushed a little harder, grinding my pubic bone into hers and the base of my cock into her clitoris. This was having the effect I was looking for as she started to moan in my ear.

I locked my lips back onto hers and kissed her passionately as I continued to fuck her tight twat. Since I had already cum once, I was confident that I could hold out much longer before my next orgasm. I rocked in and out of her at an increasing pace. Her moans and grunts came faster as I hammered her with growing momentum. I unlocked from her lips and kissed her from her lips to her neck. I lingered at her earlobe for a moment then moved on to the nape of her neck. She wrapped me in her strong arms and fucked me back as hard as I was fucking her.

Jess was beginning to gasp in me ear. It told me she was nearing her orgasm. I wanted to get her over the edge before I came again, but it didn't seem to be a problem. She locked her ankles around my waist and pulled me in deeper. Our bodies were drenched in sweat and we slid together, wringing flesh into flesh. Our sweat was making it harder for her to keep her legs in position at my waist.

Finally my work paid dividends. Jess put her lips next to my ear and said in a low panting voice, “I am cumming, baby. I… am…. CUMMIING! OH...GAWD… I AM CUMMING SO HARD!” I picked up the pace as her tight vagina muscles threatened to strangle the life out of my solid meat probe. Her spasms eased slightly after nearly a full minute, but before she could completely relax, her orgasm took over one more time. Her pussy was squirting what seemed like buckets of female cum from any place it could escape. It coated my balls and ran back down my shaft, over her puffy pussy lips,and down the crack of her ass to end up puddling in the sheet beneath her.

I could stand no more. I gave her a few more hard jabs deep into her love tube and shot large loads once again into her being. I bit Jess' neck as I tried to quietly succumb to the pleasure. My juice oozed out and ended on the sheet with her juice. I peeled myself from her body with a heavy slurp sound and collapsed to her side. We kissed softly as we slowly came down from our first successful union.

I was finally able to speak and asked, “How was that?”

“I think you already know,” she grinned. “You shouldn't have to ask. Is that a man thing?”

“No,” I said. “I didn't want to leave you hanging.”

“Well, you made up for the first short shot. If you do that every time, I am going to be after you all the time.” We kissed long and softly some more then cuddled together. We drifted into a restful satisfied sleep.

I woke around five a.m. and remembered we left our clothes strewn from the front door to the door of Jess's room. I slid out of the bed and quickly gathered our things and brought them into the bedroom. Jess was also awake and pulling the sex soaked sheets off the bed. “It was getting cold and sticky,” she said. “Help me turn the mattress.” I helped turn the mattress and make the bed with fresh sheets. We then slipped back in and were quickly back to sleep.

Sometime later, I was sure I was having a wonderful dream. I was on my back, and I felt my cock being engulf in warm wet tight flesh. I was so immersed in the dream, I could swear it felt exactly like Jess just a few hours before. I was so sure it was just a dream…. Until she grunted softly in my ear. I opened my eyes to see her big brown eyes sparkling above me. She was cumming on my stiff pole again. She trembled as she came on my ready cock. I didn't waste any time giving her my morning store of jizz. It wasn't nearly as intense as earlier, but just as satisfying.

One we had recovered, we sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating getting the day started. Jess said, “I bet you wonder why I helped myself to your sweet meat.” I nodded. You were having an obviously hot dream. You were laying on your back and your dick was hard as a rock and throbbing. I just had to have it again. So, I hopped on and got myself another great orgasm.”

“I would love to wake up that way every morning,” I smiled.

Before we could say any more, there was a knock on the door. “Chet,” Pap called through the door. “Your dad wants you home as soon as you can get there. And Jess, he wants to speak with you also.”


2018-07-21 17:32:54
why if we all adults here would this be censored to anything??


2018-07-21 17:32:20
why if we all adults here would this be censored to anything??

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-16 16:47:08
We're pt2

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-28 11:35:08
This is great, can't wait to read part 2

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-25 06:02:21
I cant wait for part 2
Great story

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