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This is my first post; please be honest but not mean. I don't want your kik; no one else does either. Please just don't. This is the beginning to a pretty long one so hang tight part II will be here soon!
I wasn’t supposed to be working that night. As usual, I was nice and took one of my coworker’s shift; I didn’t have a life outside of this place anyways. More money for me and less I would have to worry about later for my one-bedroom apartment that cost me an arm and a leg. I really needed a second job but no luck.

Working by yourself, it’s hard to get a cigarette break, but I always somehow managed. I was outback when I heard a loud bang and pop at the same time. They say flight or fight; I froze. I just stood there; couldn’t move. I didn’t exactly know that it was a gun that had gone off, but it definitely was not fireworks inside of a coffee shop. I took my phone out to call the police, but I was way too late.

Bang again! I didn’t feel it at first, I only heard it. I tried to continue my efforts to call, but I fell instead. You know when you go down a roller coaster and you try to scream but for some reason you can feel something blocking it and it doesn’t come out? That’s how I felt my last few moments. My life never flashed before my eyes like some books say. I felt someone take my hand, try to say something to me, then darkness.
“She should be waking by now, I don’t understand.” I liked that voice, it must be a super-hot doctor.
“Your Highness, she will wake up soon. Remember she’s half human as well.” Another really hot voice came to my ears. I couldn’t move, or open my eyes, but I could listen. Wait. Did he just say “highness” and “half human?” What the fuck was going on? Where was I? Oh no, not the darkness again.

This time, the first thing I did was try to open my eyes, and it worked. I looked around; it seemed as if I was in a hospital room. It was that nasty pink color covering the walls in the room, I was wearing a nasty looking hospital gown. There were lights and it smelled like someone sterilized the room. This was definitely some type of hospital. No one was here, thankfully so I could try and get my bearings. What happened? Then it all started to come back. Work, two gunshots (were they gunshots?), I fell, darkness. I was shot!

Quickly, I run my hands around my body trying to find a wound, but to no avail. I was shot, wasn’t I? I felt a panic attack coming on when the door swung open. “Oh, you’re awake!” said the first hottie with blond hair. He was tall, and muscular, but he seemed gentle. I must have looked like a deer in headlights.

“Do not fear us, Aria.” This was the other ‘doctor.’ He was just as tall as the blond, but not as muscular, and he had almost black hair with dark brown eyes that were kind but aged. He was at least 2 decades older than me, maybe even more. I didn’t know who this man was, but for some reason I wanted to scratch the beard on his chin that he clearly kept well-groomed. The hot blond guy didn’t have any facial hair to compare. He had a baby face that showed love and affection towards who, me?

“We saved you the other night from the robber that shot you.” The blond explained.

“Who are you people?” Now I really needed some answers. “If I was shot, I would have a wound, and there isn’t one. Can you explain that?”

The blond smiled, “I just did Aria, I healed you.”
Is it okay to freak out now? I thought so. I jumped off the bed and almost immediately fell. The dark haired guy caught me before I even saw the floor get close. “Easy, Aria. We won’t hurt you.” I tried with all my might to get away. I felt his breath on my ear “I promise, love. You are safe in my arms.”
I don’t know how or why, but I immediately slumped in his arms. Why did I just trust this man? They know my name and I don’t even know theirs. Granted, I didn’t give them enough time to introduce themselves, but I really didn’t want them to. I just wanted to go home.

What is home now? I live in a one bedroom by myself on one side of the country while my family lives on the other. I haven’t spoken to any of them in over four years. Neither one of them has even tried to contact me and ask how I was doing. And I was alive. I wasn’t supposed to be, either. These people saved me. I don’t know how, or why, but they did. They say to trust your gut instinct, but I couldn’t fully trust these people. Not yet.
The older man placed me back on the bed, but instead of leaving me there, he laid with me. And I didn’t stop him; weird. “Aria, I am Jackson, the king of the land Matron. This is my healer, Ryder. You are in our realm and land. Here, you will be protected. No harm will come to you, I swear it.” I loved his arm around me.

Ryder came over and took my wrist. “I need to take your pulse; it must be going through the roof right now.”

“Why did you call me half human earlier?” I had to ask questions now.

“Because you are. Someone from this realm went to yours and bred with a human. A lowlife human at that”, Ryder explained. “Sometimes, our people can dream reality. It’s not always perfect, but every so often they can dream so vivid and so often that they need to do whatever it is in their dream. It’s sort of like the universe is trying to send that person to its destiny. King Jackson dreamt of you, for weeks. He saw your face, heard your voice, felt your touch. He had to find you; he couldn’t think of anything else. And so he did. Your pulse is fine now, I’ll leave you two to chat.” And with that he left.

“Come here, aria,” the king said. And I immediately rolled over to be in his arms. I shouldn’t trust myself around this man, I’m feeling things for a stranger that I shouldn’t. But then, he didn’t feel like a stranger, either. “I’ve waited so long to hold you in my arms, and here you are. I apologize for the circumstances; I should have found you sooner. Nevertheless, I’m glad you are here now.” With that, he kissed me.
I pulled away and blocked my mouth so he couldn’t kiss me again, but he just chuckled. He wasn’t pushy, but he managed to move my hands away and kissed me again, this time with more haste as if he was afraid I’d pull away again. This time, I kissed him back and so he made it more intense. His tongue found mine, and I was enjoying every moment of it. I don’t know why, but I let him continue kissing me. His hands found the back of my neck and moved down my body in a very sensual way.
Before I knew it, Jackson had taken my hospital gown off and was roaming his hands everywhere but my most sensitive places. I wanted him to though, and let out an involuntary groan when he passed the center of my body and caressed my inner thighs instead. That was when he stopped kissing me.

“Aria, look at me.” He placed one of his hands on the back of my head and kept his other on my inner thigh and I looked into his dark eyes that had passion in them, yet reserve. “I need you to trust me. Your body is responding to me for a reason, I promise. But you can’t have any hesitation through this. I will explain everything later. Right now, your body is begging for a release and I’d be happy to give it to you. Can you trust me, Aria?”
It took me only a moment to think about my response, “yes.”

He then laid me on my back and he leaned over me. He kept his arm around the back of my neck and his hand was still on my inner thigh, but moving and caressing me more. His mouth found mine and everything went hazy. Jackson’s hand moved up my thigh as he stuck his tongue in my mouth not greedily, but hungry. I felt a finger move up the outside of my slit ever so slightly and I moaned into his mouth. He kept moving his finger up and down adding pressure when he came to my clit.
His mouth then found my left breast and started sucking the nipple into his mouth and his finger was moving slowly on my clit. I groaned again at the teasing and he just chuckled into my breast. He then parted the lips covering my pussy and slowly added one finger inside.

“Sweetheart, you’re so tight,” he whispered in my ear. Then a second finger was added, but he was still moving slowly in and out while nibbling my ear.
It took him a minute, but Jackson found my sweet spot inside with his two fingers probing and rubbed the tips of them on the spot which made me scream out. I hadn’t been touched like this since, well, ever! It was definitely hard to stay a virgin in this day and age where sex was an emotion and emotions were moot. I wasn’t that kind of girl that opened her legs for anyone, unless it was a toy, of course. I’m not crazy just not stupid.

“It’s because…I…never…have…” I stated between breaths.

“Never what, Aria?” Jackson seductively asked as he continued to gently finger me.

I was so close to the point of no return, I couldn’t think of the answer at that point. Everything in body felt like it was about to explode from the sensations of his breathing on my neck and his fingers deep within me that no toy has ever reached. Jackson then started moving faster inside me and added his thumb to my clit and I fell off the precipice of my climax and came so hard I couldn’t see. He started kissing my neck lightly that felt like feathers. Jackson twisted the two fingers inside me and said “ah, that’s what you meant by ‘you’ve never. Don’t worry my dear Aria, not yet until you are ready.”

“Okay,” was all I could muster up since I was still coming down from the intense orgasm this ‘Jackson’ gave me.

Jackson, sorry, King Jackson got up from the bed and I immediately missed his touch. He found me a blanket that looked super warm and cozy and tucked me in. “Sleep, Aria. You must rest. When you wake, you will be in your own bed.” With that, he kissed me gently on the forehead and quietly left the room.
Sleep was quick to remind me as I was going through the earlier conversation I had had with the ‘King’ and his ‘healer’ Ryder as well as the mind blowing orgasm I just allowed a complete stranger to give me. Oops, but not oops. Kind of like those dumb girls say, ‘sorry, not sorry.’ It was amazing whether it was from a stranger or not. I stretched, a little achy, yawned and fell asleep peacefully which I hadn’t done in over four years.



“Her anxiety is through the roof. Someone hurt her. Filthy humans.” I had felt every nerve in her body zing as soon as I laid next to her. I hadn’t even touched her yet. The way our kind work, we are relaxed and enjoy our bodies. Not torture or hurt them. We love. Why can’t the humans figure that out yet? All they want is a quick fix like a drug, money and material things.

“Yes, I could feel it while she was sleeping and I was running a physical on her. No one in their sleep should freak out like that. She is physically okay though. No issues.” Ryder explained. He was my right hand, which was unusual since he was a healer. Usually, kings had a knight as their right hand, but I trusted no one more than Ryder. We grew up together in the palace, and when my grandmother the last Queen on the throne had tried to tell me he was only a healer and nothing special, I argued and said he was like a brother I never had. When I got older, my grandmother explained she had wanted me to feel that way about him and tried to turn me the wrong way, explaining that she knew my heart and would always feel that way. She also taught me that humans saw each other in that way, and I needed to be careful. What a great Queen that woman was.

“Did we find out who her mother was?” In the weeks that I dreamt of Aria, I never saw her parents or family, only her. Which means she set out to find herself without them. Probably one of the smartest things she had done.

“You really don’t want to know.” Ryder gave me that look. The one that was going to make me use my ‘king force’ and have to make him tell me.

“Ryder…” I said to him with a warning tone.

Ryder exasperated out loud and said, “Andrea.”

It took me a lot, I mean a lot to get mad, and boy was I. I found the most fragile thing in my office and smashed it on a wall by throwing it with all of my might.

“Sir…” Ryder tried to calm me.

“Don’t ‘sir’ me!” I screamed and found something else to throw. “That backstabbing piece of…how is she one of us?! She should be human after what she did! If that so called ‘woman’ ever shows up here again, you send her to me. I will personally banish her from this realm and make her full human to live and rot on Earth!”

“Agreed, but Aria is to wake soon. Now is not the time to be angry.” Ryder explained calmly.

“You’re right.” I finally felt myself cool down. This, this is why he was my right hand man. “You do understand what this means, right?”

“Yes, which is why we should be celebrating. The realm will have a new queen. Shall I start the preparations for the celebration, sir?”
“not yet. Not only do I have to tell Aria she is our new Queen when ready and prepared, I have to tell her that the guy that just gave her an orgasm and put her to sleep is her father.”


Just as the King said, I woke up in a comfier bed in a gigantic bedroom. I was also in a pair of comfy sweats and a t-shirt. I’m not sure who let them in on how I liked sleeping, but I wasn’t complaining. The bed I was in was a four poster king, one I would never dream of owning let alone be sleeping in, with of course, the curtains drawn on the posters for privacy. I really had felt like a princess in a castle. The bedroom was huge with windows as long as the walls with curtains the same size that were closed and keeping light out that was trying to creep in through the edges.

I got up and decided to take in my surroundings. There were three doors in the room. A double that led to a huge walk-in closet that housed all women clothing. And it wasn’t that ‘kingdom ball gown’ clothing, either. There were dresses with corsets, but there were also jeans, t-shirts and skirts with nice shoes. I don’t care who you are, or what kind of girl you are. When you see a room full of expensive looking clothes and shoes, your heart does a flip. It’s within us.

On the right wall of the walk-in closet was a door, and it led to the bathroom? How else, ash, there was another door in the bathroom that led to the bedroom. This room was made for a queen it seemed. Huge glass door shower, Jacuzzi tub that you had to walk up steps to get into with windows overseeing a massive amount of land. The sky wasn’t yellow and blue like on Earth though. It was green, and pink, and even, purple? What realm was I in? What was a realm?
I had watched superhero movies and read comic books that explained this, but nothing written could compare to the sky I was looking at right now. I felt, relaxed. As if the sky was a natural muscle relaxer, and I just wanted to lay down again. But I also wanted that awesome orgasm the king gave me earlier.

What was behind door number three though? It had to be the way out of the room. Of course it was as I slowly opened the door, waiting for someone to jump out at me or something. When there was no fear to be had, I opened it all the way and saw something more amazing than the sky. It was a city. Right outside of the bedroom. A city with tall buildings and people roaming around here and there doing things. They were shopping, and trading. I saw no money be exchanged, though.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught something that seemed unusual, so of course, I had to look. Human curiosity at its finest. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing: it was a couple, having sex. In public? What the fuck am I seeing? Thinking I was being super rude and staring, I immediately went back in the room and slammed the door shut. What the fuck is this place? I thought to myself as I tried to catch my breath. And why did I just sort of enjoy that? They didn’t have a care in the world if anyone watched, they were just fucking right there in public.

Just then, a knock on my door. “who is it?” I asked shakily.

“Jackson, sweetheart, open up. We need to talk.”

“Uh-oh,” I thought. He probably saw me being creepy and staring at that couple. I must be in some kind of trouble. Nonetheless, I opened the door slowly and let the King in.

“It’s nice to see you up and moving, Aria. Do you like your room? If not, I will have it re-done to your liking.” He smiled genuinely.

“It’s better and bigger than the one bedroom I have; it’ll do perfectly. Thank you.” I replied hesitantly. My room? I’m staying here?

The King must have seen the questioning look on my face and his smile widened. “Aria, my love, this is your new home. You don’t ever have to go back to that awful place where you came from. You are safe here and I would like you to stay if you wish. But I cannot force you. All that I ask is that you give it time. Things will be new to you, like that” he pointed to the hallway and chuckled-I blushed “and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. If you do hesitate, you will only be more confused and you will scare easily. Don’t allow that to happen.”

didn’t notice he was getting closer to me, but even when I did start to, I didn’t move. I still didn’t get how I trusted this man I met…how long ago?

“I haven’t’ spoken to my family in over four years; I don’t trust them. How am I supposed to trust you?” This is when I began to back up.

“Because Aria, you need to trust your body first. Your body contains your instinct. Let your brain process the rest later. Have an open mind. Try something scary for once.” The close he got, the further I moved back at this point. What the fuck kind of advice is that? Trust your body…every man on the planet said that just to get between a woman’s legs. But then, Jackson did say that this realm was different. And the two men I had met so far hadn’t hurt me, yet. So, why not?

At this point, I had moved so far back that the back of my knees were touching the bed. “Relax, Aria. Go ahead, lay back. Let your body respond to everything, not your mind.”
With that, my back was on the bed and Jackson was hovering over me supporting his weight with his hands on the bed so his body didn’t touch mine. His face was so close, though. “Shhhhhh,” he whispered with his lips so close to mine. “Easy, sweetheart, I’ve got you.” And the most romantic kiss I’d ever had in my life happened. His lips easily touched mine but lingered. When Jackson came back for more, it was more intense, but still gentle. How did he do that? I was under the impression it was one or the other.
His body slowly started to relax on top of mine so I could feel his heat and his junk rub against my thigh. “No, don’t please.” I begged while moaning.

‘“OH sweetheart, no, not yet. That won’t be happening until you’re ready. Just as I said before. That will not be happening yet, nor will I try. I want you to just feel. Feel my body touch yours. Feel how your body reacts to mine. I want you to understand that connection.” He ground a little bit into me, but it was never forceful. I did feel it alright. I felt the bulge in his pants and began to moan under him.

“That’s a good girl. Feel, don’t think. Not yet.” Right when it was getting good, Jackson got up. He saw the disappointment and chuckled. He enjoyed doing that. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back. An Adjustment needs to be made.” With that, he picked me up and laid me flat with my head on the pillows assuming the position I was in when I awoke earlier. “Remember what we talked about early?” I nodded. “Good, I need you to trust me again as well as your body.”

Jackson lifted my shirt gently over my head and threw it on the floor looking at me in the eyes the whole time. Next was my sweats. I didn’t really want them off, they were so comfy. But I lifted my ass to allow him to slip them off anyway. He still looked into my eyes the entire time even as he threw the sweats on the floor as well. I was stark naked, again. I felt uncomfortable yet amazingly good at the same time.
Jackson knelt in front of my legs, picked them up by the back of the knees and pushed them forward so I was spread eagle for him. I started too panicky, thinking he was trying the thing he said he wouldn’t and instantaneously his look changed from lust to authority.

"Aria, relax. No, I’m not trying to fuck you. Calm down. Trust yourself to trust me.” I tried, I really did. I let the muscles in my thighs go so all the weight was in his hands. “good girl.” He then leaned down and scooted his legs so his shoulders were holding my legs back and his face was inches from pussy.

He slowly let a breath out on my pussy, intentionally it seemed, and I squirmed. I wanted this. I wanted this man’s mouth on my pussy giving me the release I needed from the turn on in the city. And from him. Why him? Feelings…. feelings…what are feelings? Didn’t matter what inside feelings were, I wanted to feel this man’s mouth devour me as if he hadn’t eaten in days.
I was a virgin, and I had never allowed another man’s face between my legs, either. I had fooled around with one boy in high school, and he touched me but never entered me with his fingers. I wouldn’t let him, not that there was much time. He came with my hand wrapped around his dick in less than 30 seconds right when his hand went up my skirt. Jackson was the first man to give me an orgasm, and I most certainly wanted another.

Finally, Jackson's tongue touched the hood that was hiding my clit and used his fingers to slowly open my inner lips to uncover the secret no man could get to but him. I would have to figure out why later like he said. His tongue went to my vagina, moved it around the hole, and slowly entered and swirled some more. This awarded him with a moan from my throat I didn’t know I had in me. He then moved his tongue in and out a few times then moved up through my still open slit and licked my clit that he found through its hiding place.

I moaned louder and so he moved down again. A bit disappointed but thinking he was going to my vagina anyway, he went further, lifted my ass cheeks and licked at my hole that I expected no man to touch except for a doctor. Jackson stayed there for a while, swirling his tongue on my tight hole then slowly and aggravatingly moved back up to my pussy and thrusted back into my vagina a few more times and then ravishly licked my clit again.
He kept at this pace for a while, using his skilled tongue to elicit louder and deeper moans from me. I was having a hard time breathing and seeing, even thinking which was good since all I wanted to do was what the king ordered, just feel. Everything he was doing to me felt amazing and I could feel the new build up feeling coming back to give me the release I so desperately craved.

“Please!” I screamed at him to stop teasing and let me cum.

I heard somewhat of a groan come from Jackson’s mouth since it was busy at work and he began to focus on my clit. Then, he inserted one finger into my awaiting hole and hooked up to reach that sweet spot he had found in the hospital room earlier. I went mad. I knew I was thrashing and screaming at the top of my lungs as my orgasm was coming. I could feel it in my bones. One more hook in my pussy and one more lick to my clit did it.
I came. Hard. I felt some type of juice spray out of my vagina and instantly felt embarrassed. But Jackson just groaned again and began licking my juices that dripped from my clit to my ass until there was nothing left and I was a hot mess.

The king came up and cradled me in his arms and kissed my forehead. He seemed to enjoy doing that. I was still coming down, not knowing exactly what had just happened to me, yet feeling it zing throughout my entire body. I felt myself shake and Jackson held me tighter and said “you’ll stop shaking soon. Just enjoy it. There’s a reason for it.”

“What was that?” I asked incredulous.

“That was a mind-blowing orgasm, my dear Aria. Would you like another?” He was now cradling my face in his hands forcing me to look at him.

“Yes.” And that’s all he needed. He went back down between my legs and went back to work. This time though, while his finger was inside me, he didn’t touch my sweet spot just yet. He also began to suck on my clit instead of just lick it. While he was fingering me and sucking my little nub that was again fully exposed, Jackson started to ring my asshole with one of his other fingers.
He didn’t push though, only ran his finger in circles and barely pushed pressure. Then, he took his finger back from my ass and inserted it into my vagina with his other finger. I thought he was going to stay, but I was so wrong. The second finger left my pussy and went back to my ass adding more pressure than before. I moaned when this happened which gave Jackson the okay to enter, and he did. Slowly, he pushed and pushed until his finger was in my tight ass all the way up to the second knuckle.
During all of this, he was still eating my pussy and I was close to another climax I felt was going to be harder than the last. Not thinking I could handle what he was doing now, I screamed for it to end, and Jackson started to thrust his fingers in and out of my ass and pussy. On top of that, the king decided he was going to hook his finger in my pussy to find the spot while still thrusting my ass with his other.

“Too much,” I screamed.

The king stopped at that looked at me and said, “No Aria, not enough.” And continued eating and finger fucking between my legs. The next time he sucked my clit in, was the next time I came.
I was right; it was harder than last time and my eyes rolled in the back of my head as I screamed his name. This one lasted forever, and I had hoped it actually wouldn’t end.
Jackson came back to me again and held me in his arms and cooed me to calm. “That’s a good girl Aria, love what you feel. There is plenty more where that came from.”

“Uh-uh, no more,” I begged.

“No, not yet. Rest.” He kissed me on the mouth and I could taste my musky juices on his face and I apologized. “And what do you have to be sorry for?”

“Being messy?” I replied in a questioning tone.

“Don’t ever be sorry to me for coming on my face. I loved it. “He kissed me again and I began to fall back asleep.

“Stay with me this time,” I said between a yawn.

“Of course my sweet Aria, anything you wish.”


Aria fell asleep in my arms after two orgasms I was more than happy to give to her. She couldn’t sleep forever, though. I had to tell her. But how was a King supposed to tell a girl who had no idea who she even was that it was natural in our realm for fathers to take their daughters to bed?

Granted, it only happened when the females were over 18, and it was consensual. It always was. In fact, most daughters requested that their fathers take them their first time as not only a form of respect, but because they are sure their fathers love them and will be gentle. My dearest daughter was different. She was from a world where it wasn’t okay to feel anything except for a man she is to marry and she is to wait until they are married before a “God” they don’t even know exists just for his approval. Earth was a fucked up place and it ruined my only child. Her mother ruined her. How? Our realm and people are peaceful. We don’t do wrong to others and do not wish harm upon them. Since my grandmother’s reign as Queen, we have had peace. I’m glad my ex-wife is gone. she made a mess that I’ll have to clean up and reteach our beautiful daughter about perspective on feelings and the point of her life.

Not only is that work cut out for me, I then have to explain to her she is a Queen with responsibilities, even better she’s both Ryder and my mate, and that her life will never be the same. With all of that, I need her to trust me. No way. I couldn’t. Not yet. She was sleeping without shaking, and I couldn’t bring myself to change that.

I needed help; I needed my grandmother.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-05 01:58:46
What kind of drugs are you on? You should share, your fucked up.

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