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A mother and her new best friend start an very passionate affair with her 18 year old son, But the mother starts to want other men.
Diane and Danny

Chapter 1

Diane Watson was sat looking at the living room clock, it was nearly time for her 18 year old son Danny to get home from college.
In her hands where several over dew and final demand bills.
She was desperately short of money since her husband, had run off on her with her best friend.
Just over a year ago.
She only had a part time job working as a receptionist for a local dentist. She had tried to increase her hours but she was still finding it pretty hard to find the money to pay her bills every month.
Her shit of a husband had also cleared out their joint bank account when he ran off with her friend.

Diane had just got back from a meeting with her bank manager were he told her because she was so far behind on the mortgage.
Which her husband paid out of his salary, they had no alternative but to repossessed her house.

Diane nearly jumped in surprise when she heard the front door open a couple of minutes later her son walked into the living room. She tried her best to give him a warm and happy smile. But her heart was breaking at what she was going to have to tell him.

When Danny saw that his mother had been crying, he was very angry inside he wished he could get his hands on his father.
He would cut his heart out for upsetting his mother.
His mother was the gentlest person in the world and would do anything for anybody.
He felt so helpless when he saw her upset once again.

Diane gave her son a big smile and patted the sofa next to her for him to come and sit down next to her.
Danny put down his bag and went to sit next to his mother.
Danny could see the handful of overdue bills in her hands he had overheard several telephone conversations and he knew that they were short of money.

Diane now took a deep breath and explained to her son about their money situation and about them losing the house to the bank.
When she had finished Danny just looked at her and put his arms around her and held her close.
He then whispered into her ear.
"Don't worry mom everything will be ok and I promise you I will never run off and leave you like dad did.
I will always stay here and love you.
Please don't cry anymore."

Diane was so touched by her son’s words that the only thing she could do was to hold him close and tell him.
How much she did love him.
She then kissed him sweetly on his cheek.

The next three weeks were very busy and extremely stressful for her.
She tried to work every shift that she could get.
She also took a little part time job working in a little news agents.
She would go in for a few hours every night after Danny had got home from school.

However she still did not have anywhere for her and her son to live and she was down to only one week before she would lose the house.
She was very upset one night at work and when Joan Miller the lady who owned the newsagents came in to check up on something.
She could see that Diane was very low and quite upset.

Diane was so lost in her own thoughts that she did not see Joan enter the shop.
Joan was only a couple of years older than Diane.
She gently placed her hand on her shoulder startling Diane who quickly apologised for not concentrating.
Diane was now very fearful of getting the sack for not paying attention in the shop.

Joan Miller was a widower with no kids.
Her husband had died many years ago and left the shop to her.
Joan ran the shop alone and with help when she could afford them.

Joan asked Diane.
"What was the matter?"
Diane finally broke down and explained to Joan that.
"She could not find anywhere for her and her son to live and she was quickly running out of time.
She did not know what to do.”

Joan listened to everything that Diane told her.
She then smiled at Diane and said to her.
"Well I might be able to help you with somewhere to live it’s not a palace, but it’s a roof over your head."

Diane looked at Joan and for the first time in months had a little bit of hope in her eyes.
As it was nearly closing time Joan locked the front door.
She then told Diane.
"To follow her through the shop."

Diane followed Joan through the shop and out into the back yard of the shop there was a metal fire escape leading up to the flat above the shop.
Joan now turned to Diane and said to her.
"It’s only a one bedroom flat, but was fully central heated and had a good bathroom and a nice kitchen too.
It won't be home like you once had, but it would help you out until you could find something better once you get back onto your feet.

Joan now gave Diane the keys to the flat and told her.
"To go and have a look around the flat while she did a few things in the shop."

Diane gratefully took the keys off Joan and after thanking her.
She went to check out the flat.
The flat was quite dusty as it had been empty for a couple of months.
However it was still very clean and dry.

Diane could not see any damp anywhere and the flat had double glazing to help keep it warm.
And yes it had a fully working central heating system, which quickly came on once she figured out how to turn it on.
It had a small bathroom with bath, toilet and a shower cubicle and a small kitchen.

However it would be ok for now until she could get back onto her feet.
It also had a small living room.
The only downside to the flat was that there was only one bedroom just big enough for a double bed and a couple of wardrobes.
But it was better than sleeping in a cardboard box on the street.

Diane now locked up the flat and went looking for Joan.
Joan was just making a cup of tea when Diane came back in to join her.
They both sat down over a cup of tea and discussed terms for the flat.
Joan told Diane.
"That she found it much harder and harder every morning to get up to do the morning papers.
If Diane was prepared to do this for her it would be knocked off the rent."
Finally Joan and Diane came to an agreement.
Joan told her.
"That she would get a lease drawn up for her in the next couple of days."

Joan then handed the keys over to Diane and told her.
"She could move in whenever she wanted.
The electric, gas and water were on a token metre.
So she did not have to worry about any bills.
All she had to do was to buy the tokens which the shop also sold."

The following weekend Diane managed to find enough money to pay for a removal van and a couple of men to help her move out of her house.
As the flat was not very big, she only took with her what they really needed everything else was put up for sale which raised her some much needed money.

She and Danny worked hard all over the weekend and by around 7pm on Sunday night the flat was looking like a home.
And they both could relax on the sofa watching some television with a takeaway which Danny had insisted on paying for out of some money he had got cutting lawns for people in the area.
His mom did not know he was doing after school jobs while she worked in the shop.
He also had a paper round for a neighbouring paper shop which he did not want his mother to find out about.
But she did and made him give it up, because it was too early in the morning.

After Danny had taken out the rubbish, which included the takeaway cartons Diane told him.
"That he had better go take a bath or a shower has he still had to go to college tomorrow?"
Danny went into the bathroom and started to run a hot bath, however it was not for him.
He could see how tired his mum was and he had decided.
That she should have a bath first and relax for a little bit.
Once he had run the bath and it was ready.
He told her.
"That she had a hot bath waiting for her."

She looked at him a little puzzled, but he just smiled and told her to go on and just relax.
Diane was so tired that she gratefully accepted the offer of the hot bath.

Diane now went into the bathroom and quickly stripped off all her clothes, she then got into the bath.
The hot water felt absolutely wonderful on her tired body and she soon relaxed in the hot water.
In fact she was so relaxed that she fell asleep in the bath.

Diane had been in the bath for about 20 minutes.
Danny now needed to go for a piss he knocked on the bathroom door.
But there was no answer.
He waited a couple of minutes more before he was so desperate that he went into the bathroom.

Danny tried to piss into the toilet as quietly as possible.
He had seen his mom relaxing in the bath surrounded by bubbles and was trying to get in and out without disturbing her.
Diane was awoken by the sound of pissing.
She opened one of her eyes to see her son pissing into the toilet.

Diane was now very surprised by the size of the cock that her son was holding while he pissed into the toilet.
She suddenly felt an over powering urge to have her son very close to her.
She could feel her breasts and pussy start to tingle in the hot water of the bath.
She had not felt this way in a long time.
At first she felt ashamed for having this kind of feelings, but then again it was only natural for a woman to want a man whether it was her son or not.
She just wanted to be loved by the only person who would never leave or hurt her.
But she did not want to frighten him.

Danny now turned around after finishing pissing to see his mother smiling at him, she had risen out of the bath a little bit and both her big breasts were now clearly displayed to him as the bubbles had started to go.

Diane now smiled at her son.
"And told him that the hot water felt wonderful."
She also said to him.
"As it was getting rather late and they were on a water metre, it was really silly to waste this lovely hot water.
So why didn't he stripped off his clothes and get in this bath after she had gotten out of it."

Danny was just staring at his mother; he still had his hands on his prick as he stared at his mother's wonderful big breasts.
Diane was aware of what her son was looking at, she was also aware that his cock was still out of his pants.
And it was getting rather large.
As he got a hardon from looking at her tits.
She now had a wicked idea; she wondered how hard she could get him.

Diane now started to get out of the bath, once she was stood up in the bath.
She said to her son.
"Come on hurry up and take your clothes off the water is getting cold, you don't want to have a cold bath do you?"

However Danny was looking from his mother's big tits that had soapy water dripping off them to her big hairy pussy.
This was the first time apart from in a magazine, that he had actually ever seen a pussy for real.
And his mother had a very hairy pussy.

Diane decided to give her son a little hand.
She got out of the bath and walked towards him, now her tits were level with his face.
She quickly took hold of his top and pulled it over his head.
She then dropped down to her knees and quickly pulled down his shorts and underwear.
Now he was stood there completely naked.
She got back up patted him on his ass and told him.
"To get in the water before it got cold."

She then picked up a towel wrapped it around her body and walked out of the bathroom into the warm living room.
As she walked passed him, she was very happy to see that he had a very big hardon now.

Danny stood for a few moments watching his mother leave the bathroom then he started to get cold and quickly jumped into the hot water.
Diane was now looking at herself in the mirror in the living room.
She dropped her towel so she could admire her naked body.
She was not really too happy with the state of her very hairy pussy.
She usually kept it nice and short.
But as no man was seeing it lately, she had just given up on it and let it grow.
But now she decided when she got the chance it would be best if she took it back in hand and gave it a trim.

Diane now walked into the small bedroom which she was going to share with her son.
Danny thought that he was sleeping on the sofa.
But Diane was not going to allow that when there was a perfectly good bed for him to sleep in.

Diane now went to her chest of drawers and selected a nightie to wear to bed.
It was black and sheer and really displayed everything that she had.
It was really like wearing nothing at all.
But she wanted her son to get used to seeing her naked.
Diane now put her dressing gown on over her nightie and fasten it tightly around her body so her son would have no clue what she was wearing under it.

Diane now went over to the chest of draws which she had put her son's clothes in, she found her son a pair of old shorts and a baggy top to wear to bed.
Danny was just getting out of the bath when his mother entered she saw him naked for a split second before he quickly wrapped a towel around his body.
Diane now gave him the top and shorts to wear.

Diane was now in the kitchen making two cups of Horlicks.
When Danny came back into the living room his mother was sat on the sofa drinking a cup of Horlicks.
She indicated to the other cup that she had made him one also.
Danny liked Horlicks and took his cup and took a large drink of it which burnt his mouth.
Dianne tried her best to hide a little smile that was on her lips now.

Danny was a little puzzled now; he could not see any sheets or pillows to make up a bed on the sofa.
He looked at his mother and said to her.
"Where are my sheets and pillows, do I have to make up my own bed?"

Diane smiled at her son then said to him in such a sweet voice like one talking to a little child would use.
"I am not having you sleeping on an old sofa and getting cold and hurting your back.
It's not really designed to sleep on.
My double bed will be big enough for you and me, you can sleep with me until we can afford to get you a sofa bed or change my double bed for two single beds.

Danny did not say anything he just drank his Horlicks in silence. After they had finished drinking their Horlicks Diane took the dirty cups into the kitchen and washed them up.
She now turned and looked at her son and said to him.
"Well I have to be up at 5am to do the morning papers and to sort out the paper boys so I suggest we go to bed now.
Danny was still not sure about the idea of sharing a bed with his mother.
However he got up and followed her into the small bedroom.

Danny quickly pulled back the bed covers and climbed into the bed.
He then pulled the bed covers back over him.
The bedroom was quite cold now.
Diane smiled at her son as he climbed into the bed.
She was wondering what his reaction would be, when he saw what she was wearing or not wearing as the case may be.

Diane now turned her back on her son.
She could see out of the corner of her eye in a mirror that he was watching her intently from under the bed covers.
Diane smiled to herself knowing that he was watching her.
She now started to untie her robe belt.
She then let the robe dropped to the floor.
Diane could feel her nipples harden with excitement and her pussy get a little wetter now.

Danny was watching his mother intently from under the bed covers; he could clearly see her naked ass cheeks through the thin material of her night gown.
It was some kind of black thing.
He noticed it was very thin and he could clearly see her back.

Diane now took a deep breath and turned a round.
Danny could not help but make a little moaning sound from under the covers.
He could clearly see through his mother's nightie.
He could clearly see her big tits and her mass of pubic hair.
It was like she was wearing absolutely nothing apart from this black very thin nightie.
He felt himself get instantly hard looking at her

Diane tried to hide her smile when she heard him gasp out loud when she turned around.
Her nipples were now rock hard and badly needed sucking on.
However she was going to play her seduction of her son nice and slow.
She wanted him to make the first move.
Dianne was prepared to tease him until he fucked her.

Diane now climbed into bed next to her son.
She was going to tease him a little bit more but suddenly felt very tired and she knew that she had to be up at 5am.
Dianne decided she had better get some sleep.
She would start her plan tomorrow.

However before she did go to sleep she leant over her son so her breasts rubbed his chest and she felt his cock through his shorts and gave it a squeeze.
She then kissed him Goodnight turned over and was instantly asleep.
Leaving him layed on his back with a massive hardon in his shorts.

Danny suddenly felt a funny tingling in his shorts.
He knew that he had just come in his pants.
He had just experienced his first orgasm not by his own hand.
Danny smiled to himself then cuddled up next to his mother wrapped his arms around her waist and was soon fast asleep.

Chapter 2

Diane was a woken by her mobile phone vibrating; she had set the alarm to vibrate as she did not want to wake her son before he was due to get up for college.
As she was just about to get out of bed.
She noticed that her son had his hand on her breast and was sleeping peacefully.
She smiled to herself and very gently as not to wake him moved his hand off her breast.

It was very cold and Diane quickly put on a pair of jeans and a warm jumper, she then found her thick coat and quickly put it on.
She now left the flat went down the fire escape and let herself into the shop.
Once she had disarmed the alarm and turned on the lights and heating, she opened the front of the shop.
The papers were on the pavement already it took her about 10 minutes to get all of them in.
She now spent the next 30 minutes marking up the papers as Joan had showed her the night before.

Luckily for Diane there were only two rounds delivered by two paper boys.
People started to pop in for a paper on their way to work just before 7am.
Diane had both paperboys out of the shop and on their rounds for 7:10am.
Diane only had to serve customers who came into the shop; she worked from 6am to 9am in the morning. Joan would come in to relieve her just after 9am.

Danny was up for just after 7am he got a shower and quickly got ready for college.
He then made his mother a cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich just the way she liked it.
Danny now through his bag over his shoulder picked up the bacon sandwich and cup of coffee, and locking the flat behind him went into the shop.
His mother was reading a paper stood behind the counter when he came up behind her.
He placed the coffee and sandwich down on the counter next to her.
She jumped a little bit at his presence as he had taken her completely by surprise.

Diane gave her son a kiss and a cuddle for being so thoughtful and bringing her a coffee and a sandwich. They talked for a little bit then around 7:45 Danny set off for college.
He had to be at college for 8:30 as class started at 8:45.

Danny gave her a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky pat on the bottom which made her smile he then said to her.
"He would see her after he finished college."

Diane was fairly busy until just before 9am.
At 8:50 there was a delivery of magazines which she needed to sort out and put out on the shelves and get those which had been reserved ready to be delivered that night by the paper boys after school with the night papers.

Diane now started to work through the pile of magazines.
The first dozen magazines where a mixture of car magazines and gardening magazines.
The next lot of magazines where women's magazines like Women's Own and craft type magazines.
The next magazines where men's magazines like Zoo and some soft porn magazines like Mayfair and Playboy.

Diane now came to the last few magazines there were five magazines, these magazines where all in black plastic covers with only numbers on them.
Diane looked at the magazine's a little puzzled.
She then looked in the paper register and saw that all five magazines were due to be picked up by the same customer.

Just then the shop door opened and in came Joan with a bright smile on her face.
Joan now asked Diane.
"How her first morning had gone?"
Diane explained to Joan.
"That everything had gone okay."
Diane then said to Joan.
"I am a little puzzled by these magazines."

Joan smiled at Diane then with a big grin on her face told her.
"To open one of them if she wanted to and have a look at it."

Diane's curiosity was getting the better of her, so she picked one of the magazines and carefully using a little pair of scissors opened it very carefully so she could easily reseal the magazine so nobody would know it had been opened.

Joan now watched her intently with a big sarcastic smile on her face. She knew what was in the magazines because she ordered them every month for a particular customer. He was very weird and perverted. But he would pay a lot and these magazines were very expensive and extremely illegal.

Diane now carefully took the magazine out of its plastic protective cover.
Diane looked at the cover of the magazine with her hand to her face in shock.
The title of the magazine was. Housewife’s Afternoon Dog Fun.
The picture on the cover showed a pretty woman around 30 and a big black powerful built dog.
Joan now came up to stand next to Diane and quickly started to turn the pages of the magazine.
Both women were now looking at the magazine intently.
Joan had seen this kind of magazine before Infact she was quite interested in this kind of subject and had a lot of this kind of magazines and DVDS at home.
But for Diane she was seeing it for the first time.
Diane had heard of this but never believed it was real.

Diane found that she was getting quite turned on from looking at the pictures.
She couldn't believe that this woman was allowing the dog to penetrate her pussy with his dog cock.
She was also shocked in the last few pictures when the woman took the dog cock into her mouth and sucked it off before letting it shoot off all over her face.

Joan now smiled at Diane then carefully put the magazine back in its protective plastic cover and very skilfully resealed it.
Joan then said to Diane.
"I have a number of customers who order specialist magazines and are willing to pay the high cost of them. This particular magazine costs over £50.00 and he orders 5 of this kind a month."

Joan now skilfully steered the conversation onto a different subject.
And when Diane was gathering up her things she quickly put the magazine's under the counter out of sight.
Diane was going back to the flat to grab a couple more hours of sleep, before she was due at work at the dentist's office at 2pm to 6pm.
However she slept badly and dreamed about getting fucked by a big dog cock.

Tuesday and Wednesday went just the same as Monday for Diane, she got up did the papers and saw the paper boys off.
Looked after the shop until Joan came in then had a couple of hours sleep, then went to do her afternoon job at the dentist's.
Thursday however was different; she was writing out the papers like she had done all week and waiting for the paper boys to come in.
The paper boys were two brothers.

Diane now looked at her watch the paper boys were 25 minutes late and they were never late.
Diane had a contact number for their house; she called up the house to see if the boys were ok.
Their mother told Diane.
"That both boys were in bed with flu, she apologised for not letting her know sooner but she had completely forgotten about their paper round."
Dianne told her.
"Not to worry about it, she would get the papers sorted for the rest of the week.
She hoped the boys would get better soon."

Diane now had a dilemma on her hands at first she was going to deliver the papers herself.
Then she realized that she would have to shut up the shop.
But the shop took a lot of money in the few hours she worked.
It was the busiest part of the day for the shop.
Diane could think of only one way around the situation.

Diane took out her mobile phone and called her son in the flat.
After a few seconds Danny sleepily answered the phone.
Diane apologised for waking him and explained the situation she was in.
Danny told her not to worry.
He would deliver the papers for her.
He then told her.
"He would see her in a few minutes time."

15 minutes later Diane felt guilty as she watched her son going out of the paper shop with two big paper bags full of papers.
He would have to do both rounds and carry all those heavy papers.
Danny assured his mother that it was not a problem.
Danny did finish both rounds without missing a single paper off, however he was 45 minutes late for college that day.

Diane continued with her plan for teasing her son.
She now started to walk around the flat from the bedroom to the bathroom in just a pair of skimpy panties and a little bra.
She wanted her son to start lusting after her body.
The effect on Danny was incredible every time he saw her in this state he got a big hardon.
And he had to run into the bedroom or the bathroom.
Depending on which room was free and rapidly Jack himself off into the toilet if he was in the bathroom or into some tissues if he was in the bedroom.

Danny continued to deliver the papers. He even did the Saturday morning papers and the Saturday night papers as well as doing the morning and night papers during the week.
Sunday was Diane's morning off Joan told Diane.
"That she would do the Sunday morning papers and work in the shop."
She only opened for a few hours on the Sunday just mainly to do the morning papers.
She closed the shop at 1pm on a Sunday.

Danny was in bed with his mother cuddled up to her.
Diane had gone to bed in a white see through Teddy and a white pair of see through panties.
Diane had kept her promise to herself.
But this time she had completely shaved her pussy bare which Danny loved.
He could clearly see her big pussy lips through the transparent material of her panties as well as seeing her big tits through the see through Teddy.

Danny would cuddle up next to his mother at night and wrap his arm around her waist.
Diane would pretend to fall asleep quickly.
He would wait until his mother had fallen asleep unaware that she was just pretending to be asleep.
Once Danny was certain that she was fast asleep.
Diane was very good at pretending to be asleep.
Danny would cup her big breasts and start to fondle them Diane would start to moan in her sleep.
He would continue to play with her tits and if he was feeling very brave he would rub her pussy through her panties as well.

Now Danny gave her nipples a little playful tweak.
Which made Diane moan in her sleep for real as she was in a sound sleep and dreaming of the fucking that her son should soon be giving her?
Danny very reluctantly and very quiet as not to disturb his mother as he got out of bed.
He quietly got dressed and let himself out of the flat.
He left a note for his mom telling her that he was doing the morning papers and should not be too long.

Joan was just packing his paper bag for him when he came into the shop through the rear door.
She smiled at him then said to him.
"Are you sure you are up to doing this round?
I can try and get somebody else to do this round if you want me to."

Danny smiled back at Joan he then said to her.
"It's ok I can do it all right."

Joan just smiled at him.
She was then very surprised, when he picked up both of the paper bags.
She looked at him and he knew what she was thinking.
He then said to her.
"It will save me coming back for the second bag.
If I take both of them with me."

Joan now watched him go out of her shop with both newspaper bags full of newspapers flung over his shoulders.
She smiled to herself then went back to arranging some of the chocolates on the front counter.

Diane leisurely stretched and turned over to give her son a good morning hug she was surprised to find the bed empty.
She got out of bed and walked into the living room not bothering to put on her dressing gown, she light flashing what she had to her son and her big tits bounced in her nightie as she walked.

She was surprised to find both the kitchen and the living room empty. She then saw the note he had left her on the small coffee table.
She then walked to the flat living room window which looked down onto the street.
It was raining now and was very cold.
She hoped he would be okay out in this weather. He did not really have a decent thick waterproof jacket to wear as they still did not have a lot of spare money at the moment.
She remained looking out of the window for a few more minutes. She then went to have a shower at least she could make him a decent breakfast when he came home.

Danny was now getting very wet as the morning rain storm changed into a full blown winter storm.
It was also trying to snow a little bit, he was very cold as his jacket was a summer jacket and not really meant for this kind of weather.
He continued on with delivering the papers, he had nearly finished the first round and was hoping to be back home after about another an hour or so.

Joan in the shop was also looking out of the shop door at the whether she felt very guilty for sending him out in this bad weather.
Diane had finished her shower and now just dressed in her dressing gown was pacing up and down and kept looking out of the window. She had some milk on the cooker on low ready to make him a nice hot chocolate when he came home.

Danny now finally delivered his last paper; it was now snowing quite heavily.
He now started to walk back towards the paper shop.
It took him 40 minutes to get back to the shop.
Joan opened the door as this literally walking snowman entered the shop.

Joan very quickly helped him off with his two wet paper bags.
She then said to him.
"Get yourself upstairs and into a warm bath, otherwise you'll catch your death of cold."

Diane felt very relieved when she heard the back door to the flat open she then rushed to the kitchen. She now looked at her son he was completely wet through and covered in snow.
She quickly told him.
"To take off his jacket."

Danny was very cold now; he tried his best to take off his jacket.
Diane could see he was very cold and having problems taking his jacket off.
She quickly helped him remove his jacket.
Infact she started to help him remove all of his clothes even down to taking his socks off for him.

Diane now led her naked son into the warm living room; she quickly went back into the kitchen to finish off warming up the milk for his hot chocolate.
When she went back he was stood naked and shivering.
Diane quickly took off her dressing gown and wrapped it around his body; she then went back to getting his hot chocolate.
Danny watched his mother's hot naked ass disappear back into the kitchen.

A few minutes later Diane came back carrying a hot mug of hot chocolate for him.
Danny had now sat down on the sofa and was starting to feel a little warmer.
He smiled at his mother as she brought him his hot chocolate her big boobs were bouncing as she walked and he loved looking at her big pussy lips that stuck out from her pussy.

Danny gratefully accepted the hot chocolate and started to drink it.
The hot chocolate started to make him feel warm inside.
Diane now disappeared into the bathroom; she was going to run him a hot bath.
But decided a hot shower would warm him up quicker.
She set the shower to hot and started running the water.
Diane now came back into the living room and smiled at her son.
He looked funny in her dressing gown, which was really too small for him.
Danny smiled back at his mother and just admired her naked body.
She put her hands on her hips and did a spin for him.
This brought a smile and a little laugh from his lips.

Once Danny had finished his hot chocolate, Diane led him by his hand into the bathroom.
She then told him.
"To get into the shower."
Danny got in the shower then tried to jump back out as the water was very hot.

Diane quickly got into the shower with her son to stop him getting out of the hot water. Danny was now in a small shower cubicle with his hot naked mother, her big tits were rubbing up against his chest and he was starting to develop a hardon again.

Diane did notice that her son was getting hard once again. However her priority at the moment was to get him nice and warm and stop him from developing a cold.
She now squeezed some shower gel all over her breasts, so they were nice and slippery. She now moved behind him and pressed her body tight against his trying to get him warm as she rubbed her tits up and down his back.
Using them to massage his sore and aching muscles and drive out the cold that was in them.

Diane now squeezed more shower gel onto her breasts.
She also put some onto her hands which she wrapped around his front and used them to massage his chest and lower body area.
She was still pressing her big breasts into his back as she also massaged his front with her hands.

Danny could not help but to start to moan as his mother’s hands and the hot water on his body were making him feel wonderful.
His muscles were also less painful now as she skilfully massaged him under the hot water.

Diane was massaging his front her hands kept bumping into his large hardon which was sticking straight out in front of him.
Diane now pressed her breasts tighter against his back making Danny moan a little louder.
She then leant over his neck and whispered into his ear.
“That she was about to give him a little treat.”
She then reached under his balls took hold of his cock, which made Danny moan out louder and shoot a little pre-cum out of his cock.
She them wrapped her fingers around his stiff shaft.

Danny had never felt a sensation like this before. His mother’s hand on his cock was fantastic and better than his own hand.
She was now rapidly jacking him off and pressing her breasts into his back.
She also had her other hand under his butt and was massaging his balls as well.
Both of them now knew that this was a sexual act that neither of them could deny was happening.

Danny was now moaning quite loud and through his moans of pleasure.
He was telling his mother.
“How good it felt.”
Diane increased her speed on his cock; she also inserted a finger up his ass which made him cry out in pain and pleasure at the same time.
Danny now was on the verge of coming and he moaned to his mom that he was about to come.
Diane quickly pushed him against the far corner of the shower cubicle to give herself a little more room. She then got down onto her knees and cupped her big breasts in her hands and raise them up towards his cock.
She then said to him in such a sweet and loving voice.
“Shoot all your cum over my big tits, make them shine with your spunk."

Danny now grabbed hold of his cock and aimed it at his mother’s big juicy tits.
He now cried out with pleasure as his first spurt of spunk shot out of his cock and landed directly on her tits.
Diane laughed with pleasure as his first spurt hit her tits.
Danny landed three more huge spurts on her tits, completely covering them with his young virgin spunk.

As his cock was still spurting spunk Diane quickly wrapped her big tits around it and started to give him a tit-wank.
Now his spunk was hitting her directly in her face.
But she kept on wanking him off with her big tits until eventually his cock stopped shooting spunk and her face and tits were now covered in his young cum.

Danny now collapsed against the far wall of the shower cubicle breathing very hard.
He was completely exhausted and satisfied.
He was now smiling at his mother with a silly expression on his young face.

Diane remained kneeling on the shower floor; she was rubbing the spunk that had landed on her tits into her tit flesh.
She was also trying to catch a huge dollop of spunk that was just about to drop off her nose with her tongue.
She catch it on her tongue and tasted his young spunk for the first time.
It tasted wonderful and she gave her son a look of pleasure as she swallowed his spunk for the first time.

Diane now got up onto her feet and pulled her son into a passionate embrace.
Mother and son now were just holding each other and rubbing their hands all over the other’s bodies. Under the hot water of the shower.

Diane now smiled lovingly at her son, she then handed him the bottle of shower gel then turned her back on him.
She then said to him over her left shoulder.
“Time for you to wash me now, you need to wash your young spunk off me.”

Danny took the shower gel off his mother and squeezed a large amount into his hands.
He rubbed his hands together to make the shower gel nice and foamy he then placed his hands on the top of her shoulders and started to massage the shower gel into her skin.

Diane was now moaning with pleasure and pushing her butt back onto his now semi hard cock.
As he massaged the shower gel into her skin.
It felt wonderful and she started to relax.

Danny now worked his way down her back from her shoulders to her feet.
Diane could not believe how wonderful his hands felt on her body he was very gentle on her body.
Diane could feel her pussy start to tingle as he continued to massage her body with his hands so lovingly.

Danny was now on his knees rubbing his hands up and down her legs to help relax her tired muscles. Diane moaned softly as he continued to massage her legs.
Diane with closed eyes now whispered to him.
“Don’t forget to massage my front as well.”
She said this with a little giggle in her voice.

Danny now smiled to himself; he slowly started to work his way back up from her feet to her beautiful butt.
Which he spent a few minutes on massaging each of her ass cheeks which got more moans of pleasure from his mother.
Danny was now back up on his feet. He put more shower gel onto his hands and rubbed them together once again.
He then wrapped his hands around her front and cupping each of her big breasts in his young hands.
He started to massaged the shower gel into her breasts; he also tweaked her nipples with his hands.
He now continued to massage the shower gel into his mother’s big firm breasts.

Diane had forgotten how wonderful a man’s hands on her breasts felt.
She always loved her breasts being played with.
If a man massaged them just right and kissed and sucked them as she like them to be kissed.
She would probably do anything for him.

Diane’s hand now found her son’s now rock hard cock once again. She now slowly using one hand to play with it as her son continued to massage her breasts so wonderfully.
She could feel her pussy dripping juices onto the shower floor as her son played with her big boobs.
Danny’s cock felt so wonderful in her hand.
That Diane knew that she was on the point of no return.

Diane now used all of her will power, she reluctantly let go of her sons hard cock.
She also moved out of his embrace.
She turned to face him and then smiled at him so lovingly. She then said to him.
“I think we’d better get dry we don’t want to burn out the shower.”
She said this with a glint of regret in her eye and a half smile on her face.

Danny did not really understand what was happening between him and his mother. However he did not want to do anything to upset her.
He liked this new closeness they had found. He enjoyed her allowing him to touch her and he enjoyed it when she touched him.
Danny now just smiled at his mother and said to her in his sweet innocent voice that nearly broke her heart.
“Anything you say, I will always do whatever you say.
I love you so much mummy.”

Diane skilfully managed to avoid her son’s groping hands for the rest of the day.
She wanted him so badly but she felt that her first idea of seducing him maybe a little wrong.
She did not want to break his young heart.

After tea Danny looked at his mom then suggested so innocently.
“As he was going to have to do the papers in the morning as the two paper boys were still on sick. It would be a good idea for them to have an early night.”

Diane had been dreading bed time, would she be able to control herself with him lying next to her.
Diane smiled at her son then said to him in a sweet innocent voice.
“That sounds like a good idea to me.”

While Danny was engrossed in watching a TV programme.
Diane slipped into her bedroom and went through her draws trying to find something more motherly to wear to bed.
She found a thick pair of old style French knickers that showed nothing and nearly came up to her waist.
She also found an old nightie which had belonged to her mother.
Perfect she thought to herself these are not sexy one little bit and should send the right message to him at bedtime.

It was a round 8:30pm when Danny pretended to do a fake yawn.
He looked at his mother then said to her.
“I am getting tired, I think it’s time for bed what do you think?”

Diane smiled at her son and told him.
“To go get ready for bed, she would make 2 cups of Horlicks and bring them into the bedroom.
They could drink them before they went to sleep.”

Danny gave his mother a sweet innocent smile that sent a shiver of longing and desire down her spine.
He then went off to the bedroom to get ready for bed.
Diane put the milk on the cooker to boil,
While she was waiting for the milk to boil, she went into the bathroom and put on her sensible night wear.

The nightie she was wearing tonight was very different from the sea through teddies that she had been wearing over the last few nights and she did feel a little guilty about teasing her son with her body and what she did to him in the shower. She decided from tomorrow they would go back to a normal mother and son relationship and try to forget everything that had happened in the last few days.
Diane also took the further precaution when she made the drinks to slip a sleeping tablet into Danny’s drink. She hoped that it would knock him out and they both would get a peaceful night sleep.

Diane was now smiling to herself as she walked with the two drinks from the kitchen to the bedroom. She was very happy and confident that the plan she was putting into action for tonight was perfect.
And she had nothing at all to worried about.

Danny was not stupid he knew why his mother was acting so offhand the rest of the day.
He knew that she was having serious doubts about what they had been up to.
He knew that she needed a big push and once she was over the edge.
She would willingly be his.
He had a plan of his own which he was now putting into action.
Diane entered the small bedroom which she shared with her son carrying the 2 cups of hot Horlicks with a big smile on her face.
She was wondering what her son’s reaction would be when he saw what she was wearing to bed.

Diane was now stopped dead in her tracks her hands started to shake and the smile on her face disappeared instantly.
Lying on top of the bed completely naked with a huge hardon with a blue ribbing tied around his cock.
And a big cheeky smile on his face was her son.

Diane could not help but look at his huge cock. She was now using every bit of herself control that she could muster not to just go jump on it,
Danny could see the inner struggle that was going on inside his mother.
He thought it was funny that she thought an old fashion nightie would stop him from getting horny.

Diane was pleased that the mother side of her personality was starting to win over the whore side of her personality which just wanted to go fuck him.
Danny could see that she needed a gentle push over the edge.
He now untied the blue ribbon from around his huge cock.
He looked at his mother so sexy and innocently at the same time as his hand started to move up and down on his cock.
He then said to her in his best little boy voice.
“I have something nice for you mommy why don’t you come and try it.”

The mother side of her personality suddenly went on vacation to some hot beach resort.
And she was left with just the whore part of her being.
The only thought that went through her head now was that she was going to go to hell.
Diane quickly put the 2 cups down on a neighbouring cabinet.
She then quickly pulled her nightie over her head exposing her big firm breasts once more to her son who just smiled at her.

Danny was now looking at the sensible panties which she was wearing. He could not help letting out a little giggle.
Diane followed her son’s gaze down to her panties. She also giggled a little bit. But quickly slipped out of them and tossed them at his head.

Now it was Danny’s turn to look a little shocked. She was now looking at him.
He could see the lust burning in her eyes now.
And just for a split second he wondered if he had gone too far.
However the decision and any other idea of backing out was quickly taken away from him as she quickly jumped onto the bed and gripped his cock tightly in her hand.

Diane now looked intently at Danny her hand was covered in his pre-cum as she rapidly and forcefully jacked on his cock.
He was moaning now as she jacked him off.
She now said to him.
“Well you little shit I hope you are man enough to handle me.”

Diane now gave him a big lust filled smile and at the same time, she positioned her pussy directly over his huge hard cock.

Mother and son were now looking intently into each other's eyes as she lowered her pussy onto his cock.
Both of them moaned out with pleasure as his cock parted her pussy lips and slipped into her pussy.
And in that split second she had taken her son’s virginity and made him a mother fucker for real.
She had also changed their relationship from a normal mother and son to an incestuous relationship. Diane was now going to live out any fantasy she wanted.
She would fuck the life out of him.
He would never need another woman; she would be everything to him from now on.

Chapter 3

Diane was awoken by the buzzing of her alarm clock; she tried to hide back under the covers but knew she had to get up.
She turned around to look at her son, who was still sleeping through the alarm.
He had a sweet innocent smile on his face as he slept like a child.
Everything that had happened last night came back to her; she put her hand down to her pussy and inserted a finger into her sore cunt hole.
She now pulled her finger back out of her pussy and brought it up to her lips. It had a white substance on it.
She now sucked the cum off her finger and smiled to herself as she remembered the fucking her son had given her the night before.
She now suddenly became very horny once again.

Diane now disappeared under the covers and made her way down to her son’s cock.
Her nostrils were now full of the smell of her own pussy and her sons cock. It was making her even wetter in her pussy.
She very gently rolled him over on to his back.
She now poked her nose down to his cock and took in a deep breath of his boyish smell.

She gently took hold of his limp cock in her hot warm mouth.
She then gently started to lick up and down the length of his shaft.
His cock tasted of spunk and cunt juice from their love making last night.

Danny moaned in his sleep, but did not wake up. She smiled at him as she popped his semi hard cock into her hot mouth.
She now used her throat muscles to massage his cock.
She took more and more of his cock into her mouth now.
Within a couple of minutes of this kind of sucking he was once again rock hard.

Danny was rock hard once again and she was taking him all the way down her throat now.
She smiled to herself as his moaned became louder and louder and he started to move about on the bed.
Now that he was hard she let him out of her mouth and climbed aboard his hard cock.

Danny now reluctantly opened his eyes; the first thing he saw was a pair of huge boobs bouncing up and down in front of his eyes.
He then saw the face of his beautiful mother. She had her eyes closed and her head thrown back as she bounced up and down on his hard cock.

Danny now reached up and took hold of her big boobs and started to squeeze them lovingly.
Diane opened her eyes and looked down at her son.
He smiled up at her as he continued to play with her big boobs.
She returned his smile and threw her moans of pleasure said.
"Good morning sweetheart."

Danny answered his mother by grinning at her and then by thrusting up deep into her cunt.
At the same time she thrusted down onto his cock.
Which made her moan louder with pleasure as he went deep into her cunt?

Diane screamed at him through her pleasure.
“I like that do it again.”

Danny now timed his thrusts perfectly; it only took a couple more deep thrusts. Before she screamed out and came all over his cock.
She then collapsed into his arms and they started to kiss passionately.
Danny now looked at his mother then said to her.
"I need to come too."
He then put his hands onto her shoulders and pushed her down to his cock.

Diane did not struggle, she allowed her son to push her head down to his cock. Once she was level with his cock she lovingly took it back into her mouth.
Diane now started to perform a deep throat blowjob on her son's cock.
She loved having him all the way down her throat, she never once stopped her sucking as he moan and groaned
She was also playing with his balls as she took him all the way down her throat.

Diane knew that she was running out of time and she needed to open up the shop. But she wanted her breakfast. She wanted her mouth full of hot creamy spunk.
She now increased her sucking she also started to run her teeth up and down his shaft as she took him in and out of her mouth, she also squeezed his balls hard as well.

Within a few minutes she was rewarded by him shooting is hot young spunk down her throat and directly into her stomach.
She swallowed his first three spurts then moved her mouth off his cock.
She wanted to catch the rest in her mouth and savour the taste of him before she swallowed it.

Once Danny had come he collapsed back onto the bed with a pleased expression on his young face.
Diane now looked at her son mischievously.
She still had a mouth full of his spunk.
She quickly pinched his nose so he had to open his mouth and once his mouth was open.
She kissed him passionately forcing the spunk in her mouth into her son’s mouth.
She continued to kiss him until he started to respond to her kisses.
Danny had no choice but to swallow his own spunk.
He did not like the taste of it.
He was a little pissed off with her at first, but soon he got over it.
He started to think of a way to pay her back.

After they had finished kissing Diane said to him.
“Hurry up and come into the shower with me, we have to open the shop and I’m afraid it looks like you’re doing the papers again as they have not called in to say they will be in today.”

Danny was now fully awake he jumped off the bed and chased his mother who had started to giggle as he grabbed at her ass and into the shower.
Diane liked the way he washed her and massaged her breasts in the shower. However they did not have time to play this morning.

Once they were out of the shower and dry and dressed they both opened up the shop.
Danny brought in the papers and helped his mother mark them up.
They were only running about 15 minutes late.
Danny could make up the time delivering the papers by running abit.

Diane smiled at Danny and as nobody was in the shop, she sent her son off to deliver his papers with a long passionate tongue filled kiss.
This made Danny instantly hard.
So he had to do both paper rounds with a throbbing hardon in his trousers.
Diane liked the idea of him thinking about her all day at college.

Diane was serving a customer when Joan came in to relieve her.
Joan asked Diane.
“How where the two papal boys had they recovered from there flu.”

Diane was just about to answer Joan when her mobile phone started to ring.
She apologised for the interruption but quickly answered the phone as it was Danny calling.
Danny now quickly explained to his mother.
“That the two lads that usually delivered her papers were out delivering papers right now.
It looked like they were now working for a rival newsagent.”
Diane put the phone on loud speaker so Joan could hear as well.

Joan was absolutely fuming with anger.
She had been very good to the two boys and she paid them very well for their paper round.
She now felt totally betrayed by them.
She asked him.
“Where about’s the boys wear now.”
After Danny had told her.
She quickly left the shop and jumped into her car and went to find them.

Danny was watching in a house doorway. He saw Joan’s little blue Ford Escort pull up next to the boys who were just having a crafty cig.
Their faces froze when they saw her getting out of her car.
Danny could not over hear what was said between them but by the expressions on their faces and on Joan’s face if it was not a pleasant conversation.

Danny continued to watch from the doorway across the road from them.
Just as Joan was about to get back into her car.
One of the boys grabbed her blouse and ripped it.
Joan had been so angry when she heard about what the boys were doing that she quickly jumped in her car without putting her coat back on.
She was only wearing a thin white blouse and skirt now.

Joan now tried to pull away from him and her blouse was completely ripped open her big tits were now only covered by her small lacy bra.
One of the boys quickly put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming for help.
As it was still quite early there was nobody about and the lights in the houses were still off.
Both boys forced her back into the car and one of them jumped into the back with her while the other got in the driver’s seat and sped off.

Danny stood watching the car sped off down the street; he didn’t really know what to do.
He had an idea by the way they were driving the car it was obvious that they could not drive very well. They were kangarooing up the road.
He knew that they would not want to take her very far as they would get stopped by the police the way they were driving.
Danny knew there was a park just about half a mile up the road.

Danny was just about to go running after the boys when he saw a bus coming his way.
He knew the bus went right past the park.
He quickly got on the bus paid his fare and sat down.
He never once thought about calling the police. He just didn’t think of it, he was really angry and just wanted to help his friend Joan.

Danny quickly jumped off the bus at the stop next to the park.
He now ran into the park which was quite difficult with the two big heavy paper bags he was carrying.
When Danny found the car both boys were in the back seat with Joan her blouse was completely ripped open and they had pulled her bra up.
Both her big tits were hanging out of it.
Both boys had a big tit in their hands and were roughly fondling them as they both tried to drive their tongues down her throat.
Joan was struggling to try and break free, but it was very difficult both boys were quite strong and she didn’t really have any chance against both of them.

Danny quickly removed both of his heavy paper bags; he then quickly looked around for some kind of weapon.
He found a heavy piece of an old tree branch which was like a club.
The brothers had now pulled her skirt up and ripped off her small pair of panties. One had a couple of fingers pushed inside her pussy and was finger fucking her with his dirty fingers. While his brother sucked on her big tits.

Joan was crying and begging for them to let her go, she was still trying to break free but the boys held her fast.
Now one of them had his cock in his hand and was trying to push it into her mouth.
He forcefully rammed it into her mouth.

But Joan bit down hard on it.
He screamed out in pain and slapped her viciously across her face.
Joan was dazed for a little bit, but she soon came around.

Joan came around to an odd sensation; she looked down to see one of the lads just inserting his cock into her pussy.
He had a big vicious smile on his face as he pushed his cock all the way into her cunt then he started to rapidly fuck her.
Joan suddenly realized that she was being raped.

Joan once again tried to get him off her.
She was crying and screaming and trying to scratch him with her nails.
She also felt a little frustrated as his cock in her pussy started to feel good.
She did not want it to feel good.
She did not want this dirty little bastard inside of her.

Danny now made his move he crawled along the ground so he would not be seen. He then very quietly opened the back passenger door.
Where one of them was fucking her.
The other one was still nursing his bite cock, and did not see him.

Danny quickly wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him from the car.
Now Danny and the lad were both on the wet ground rolling about trying to kick, bite and hit each other.
Danny managed to get the upper hand by grabbing his dick which was sticking out of his trousers and squeezing it so hard that he begged for mercy.
Danny was now on top of him pounding him with blow after blow.

Joan felt suddenly relieved to have him out of her.
She looked to see who had come to her rescue.
She was very surprised to see it was Danny.
However her surprise was short lived, his brother now forgetting about the pain in his dick was just about to whack Danny across the head with the piece of wood, which Danny had brought to defend himself with.

Joan now screamed a frantic warning to Danny for him to move.
Danny suddenly hearing her warning turned to see what she was screaming about.
All he saw was the vicious smile on the other brother’s face as he raised the piece of wood and brought it down on his head knocking Danny out cold.
Joan seeing this vicious attack on Danny.
Now started to scream for help at the top of her lungs.
The two boys suddenly got frightened and got themselves quickly dressed and ran off into the park.

Joan quickly tried her best to make herself look decent. She then ran over to the unconscious Danny.
She put her hand on his head and it felt sticky, she looked at her hand and it was covered in blood.
She now started to scream and scream for help.
Luckily for her a couple of park wardens where working not too far away and they heard her screams they quickly ran to her assistance.
After they finally calmed her down one of them got the story out of her.
While the other one quickly called for an ambulance and the police.

Danny was rushed to the hospital so was Joan. A police car stopped at Joan’s shop to pick up Diane and bring her to the hospital.
Danny was rushed into theatre as he had a blead that would not stop.
Joan was taken into a small cubicle where under police supervision she was given a rape test.
It came back positive.

After Joan had been tested she was asked to make a statement by the police.
After she had given her statement.
She was showed into a small room where she could try and get some rest. However she could not rest as she was too worried about Danny.

Joan was now sat on the little bed in the cubicle all alone; she now started to cry to herself.
Joan was suddenly surprised to feel a pair of arms wrapped around her and someone pulling her closer to her body.
Joan looked up to see a worried Diane holding her.
Diane tried her best to give her a little smile.
Joan wrapped her arms around Diane and both women just stood there holding each other tightly.

Diane now ask Joan.
"What exactly had happened?"
The police had told her what had happened.
But she wanted to hear it from Joan’s own lips.
Joan through her heart broken cries now explained everything to Dianne.
After she had finished her little story, she said to Dianne.
"I am so sorry it was my entire fault."

Both women just held each other and found comfort in being held by somebody who cared.
Diane now kept going up to the ward and asking about her son.
She would then return to wait with Joan in her little room.
Diane now got some good news when she went to ask about her son. He was just coming out of theatre. They had managed to stop the bleeding and there was no other damage which they could see. But they would be keeping him in for a few days for observation.
Diane was so happy she nearly started to cry.
She asked the nurse who told her the good news.
“If it would be possible for her to see him.”

The nurse now smiled at her kindly and then said to her.
“Come back in around 15 minutes and I will sneak you onto the ward.
But you will only be able to stay for a few minutes and he has been sedated.
So he will be asleep.”

Diane was so happy she quickly went to tell Joan the good news, as she got to Joan’s little room a nurse was just coming out of it.
Diane quickly told Joan.
“The good news about Danny.”

Joan was so relieved that she hugged Diane tightly.
Joan now told Diane.
“That she had been discharged, but she didn’t really want to be alone.
So she was thinking of booking herself in to a hotel for the night.
But she didn’t have any clothes to wear. As the Police had taken all her clothes as well as taken her car.”
She was only wearing a hospital gown.

Diane now confessed to Joan, that she didn’t want to be alone as well.
Diane now asked Joan.
“To come home with her.”

Joan gratefully accepted Diane’s offer.
As for clothes Diane picked up her big coat which she had on when the police first brought her to the hospital.
She told Joan.
“To put this on over her gown and they would both go and see Danny before they both went home to her little flat.”

Now both Joan and Diane were shown onto the ward where Danny was resting.
They were both told that.
"They must be quiet and that they could only stay a few minutes."
Both Joan and Diane were both upset when they saw him laid in his bed with a large bandage wrapped around his head.
However he did look like he was sleeping peacefully.

Before they both left they both gave him a tender kiss on his cheek as the nurse waited for them.
Both women were quite upset when they walked off the ward.
Both started to cry a little bit and held on to each other as they left the hospital.
Diane managed to flag down a taxi outside of the hospital and soon they were both back inside her little flat.

Chapter 04

Once they were back at Diane’s flat and both settled down.
Diane run Joan a hot bubble bath, Joan gratefully accepted the bath and soaked in it.
She felt real dirty.
Diane brought her a glass of wine and sat down on the toilet and both women just started to talk like two normal women.
Joan now started to tell Diane.
“How wonderful her son was for coming to her rescue.”
Joan also noticed that when she mentioned Danny’s name Diane had a little twinkle in her eye.

Diane and Joan continued to talk like two old friends.
Both of them even got the other to laugh at little silly jokes.
Joan now looked directly at Diane and asked her.
“If she could ask her something.”

Diane now looked at Joan oddly but she just nodded her head to her.
Joan took a big drink of her wine then said to Dianne.
“Are you and Danny fucking each other?”

Diane was so surprised by Joan’s question that she nearly choked on her own wine.
She quickly put down her wine glass and looked a little flushed in the face. She then tried not to look at Joan.
Eventually she looked at Joan for a few moments then very slowly she said in a very quiet voice.
“Yes we are lovers."

Diane now smiled at Joan.
Diane felt relieved that she had finally told someone about her and Danny.
She had wanted to confide in someone for a long time.
She now told Joan everything that had happened between her and her son. Joan listened to her without judgment or interrupting her.

Diane now asked Joan.
“How did she know about her and Danny?”
Joan told her.
“That she did not know, it was only when she saw the glint in her eye when she was telling her how wonderful her son was.
It was a look that a lover would have when she was proud of her lover.
Not a mother proud of her son.”

Joan now stood up in the bath ready to get out of it. Diane could not help look at her naked body. Her breasts were just a little bit bigger than her own. With big hard nipples topping them. Her pussy lips were roughly the same size as hers.
Both Joan and Diane had big pussy lips.

As Joan got out of the bath Diane wrapped a towel around her body. Both women just smiled at each other.
Diane now flushed a little bit as Joan was looking at her intently.
Diane now said to Joan.
“I’ll go find you a nightie for tonight.”

Joan quickly grabbed Diane’s hand at the same time she let the towel drop from her body.
Joan looked directly into Diane’s eyes. Then said to her with passion in her voice.
“Don’t bother I always sleep in the nude.”

Now both women were just looking at each other. And without really being aware of what was happening both women slowly moved closer together.
Joan’s lips lightly brushed Diane’s lips.
Diane did the same to Joan’s lips.
Now both women wrapped their arms around each other and were soon kissing passionately.

Joan now took the lead; she took hold of Diane’s hand and gently led her into the bedroom.
Once in the bedroom she slowly undressed her.
Once she was fully undressed both women climbed onto the bed.
That night was a new experience for both of them.
Both women had wondered; what it would be like to be with another woman.
Neither of them had actually done it before.
They spent the night making love to each other.
Nobody got a morning paper that morning.
They did not even open the shop.

The next morning Diane and Joan were sat in the living room of Diane’s small flat discussing what had happened yesterday.
The police had called just before 9am to tell Joan that both the brothers had been arrested trying to get on a train to London.
Both of them were going to be charged with rape plus some other charges.

Joan was now telling Diane.
“How relieved she was that the boys had been arrested.
She also still felt very guilty about Danny being in hospital.”
Diane moved closer to Joan on the sofa and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips.
She then said to Joan.
“Danny was doing what he wanted to do; he was a good boy and would not stand by and let you get hurt. It wasn’t your fault so stop feeling guilty.”
She then kissed her again harder and Joan responded to this kiss and kissed her back with as much passion.
The two women shared a few more tongue filled kisses and groped each other’s breasts.
Finally they broke off their kisses and just smiled at each other.
Diane now a little flushed in her face said to Joan.
“I think it’s time we went to the hospital and see how Danny is getting on?"

When Joan and Diane got to his ward, they were both relieved to see him sat up and looking like his old self. He looked tired and he still had a big bandage wrapped around his head.
But he did look a lot better than the last time they saw him.
When he saw both of them he gave them a really big smile which nearly melted both their hearts.

As the two women were sat alongside his bed talking to him, each of them held one of his hands.
A doctor and nurse came up to his bed.
The doctor gave Diane and Joan a big smile then said to them both.
“Well this young man is coming along quite nicely Infact if he promises to stay in bed for a few days and takes it really easy I can’t see why he cannot go home today.”

Both women were really pleased at the prospect of Danny coming home.
The doctor told them.
“To go home and come back in about 3 hours.
He should have the paperwork done and Danny ready to come home.
He would also have any medication he would need ready for him to take home with him.”

Both women gave him a little kiss on his cheek then left him to have a little sleep while they got the flat ready for him to come home to.
Both women caught the bus back to the flat as they were sat on the bus Joan turned to Diane and said to her.
“I think I’d better move back home you will need the room and you will have your hands full looking after Danny.”

Diane now turned to Joan and gave her a really big sweet smile.
Diane now said to Joan.
“I thought you would help me look after him, I am going to take a few days off work and I thought we could both look after him and run the shop together.”

Joan was now very happy and smiled back warmly at Diane.
She then said to her.
“I think that is a wonderful idea.”
And without waiting to see if anybody was looking, she put her hand on her knee and squeezed it hard.
This got a smile of approval from Diane.
Joan then said to Diane.
“I think I’m going to knock the morning paper deliveries on the head, we’ll just sell them in the shop.
I don’t want to hire any more paperboys.”

Diane now looked at Joan and for some strange reason her last remark started to make her giggle. Joan looked at her a little oddly.
But Diane could not help it and she started to laugh a little louder now.
Joan suddenly saw the funny side of her last remark and she too started to laugh.
The other people on the bus were looking at them strangely.
But the two women did not really care what anybody else thought about them.
They were both still laughing when they got off the bus.
The two women were busy sorting out the shop and flat ready for Danny to come home out of hospital. Joan suddenly said to Diane.
“There is only one bed.
You and Danny share it.
And while he has been in hospital; me and you have been sharing it.
Where are we all going to sleep?”

Diane smiled at Joan and then said back to her.
Don’t worry about it the bed is big enough for all three of us and I have a feeling Danny May have several hard problems arise during the night.
Which will need immediate action?
Both women now looked at each other then burst out laughing.

Diane looked around the bedroom apart from the wardrobes and the bed it was pretty bare.
Danny would get pretty bored.
The TV in the living room was old and too heavy to move.
Joan told Diane.
“She had a new TV with a built in DVD player at her house.”

Joan then said to Diane.
"That she had to go home to get a few bits and pieces anyway. So she would bring the TV back with her."

Diane smiled lovingly at Joan and thanked her for her kindness.
She then said to her.
“Danny would really appreciate that, especially if he had to stay in bed for about a week or so.”
So the two women decided among themselves that Diane would go pick him up in a taxi and bring him home.
Joan would go to her house pick up what she needed and also pick up a few things for tea and she would meet her back at the flat later on.

A couple of hours later Diane walked back onto her son’s ward carrying a plastic bag with a few clothes in it for her son to put on.
The doctor made Diane wait for about 20 minutes while he gave Danny a further check-up he wanted to make sure everything was OK before he discharged him.

Finally she was allowed to go see her son.
The doctor explained to her.
“That he might suffer from headaches and dizziness for a few days and he really should not go any further than the toilet and back.
He really needed to rest up.”

The doctor told her.
“That he was giving her a supply of strong painkillers and some sleeping tablets just in case he was in pain and needed to sleep.”
He also explained to her.
“That he had arranged for a nurse to pop in and see him every two days, just to make sure that everything was OK.”

Diane now.
“Thanked the doctor and nurses for all they had done for him.”
She then promised them both.
“That he would be staying in bed and she would be paying particular attention to make sure that all his needs were taken care of.”
Danny flushed a bit at his mother’s statement however the doctor and nurse did not pick up on it.

Now that Danny and his mother were left alone, she pulled the curtains around his bed and told him. “He had better strip off that hospital gown which he was wearing.”
Danny suddenly went very bashful which made her smile a little bit.
She carefully helped him pull the hospital gown up over his head now he was completely naked.

Diane now emptied the contents of the plastic bag onto his bed.
She had brought with her a pair of shorts and a top and also his dressing gown and a pair of slippers.
Diane now carefully helped him put on his shorts and top.
She now got down onto her knees and helped him to step into his slippers.

Diane was now level with his soft cock in his shorts.
She had missed it so much that she could not help giving it a few soft and gentle little kisses.
This made Danny moan with pleasure.
He was also a little nervous somebody would come in and see his mother kissing his cock.

Diane nearly did get caught, just as she was getting back up the curtain opened and the nurse came in with the medication she was to take home with her.
Danny could not help flush in his young face.
But the nurse did not notice anything odd.
25 minutes later Danny and his mother were in a taxi on their way home.
Diane had to use all herself control in the taxi, all she wanted to do was kiss and cuddle and fondled him.

Diane had to help Danny up the fire escape at the back of the flat.
Danny found it particularly hard.
Diane put her arm around his waist and helped him up the fire escape.
Soon he was stepping into the kitchen.
Joan was busy preparing dinner when they both came into the kitchen.
She smiled at him when he entered the kitchen.
Joan then came up to him wrapped her arms around him and pushed his head into her ample tits. Diane just smiled at her friend as she nearly suffocated the poor boy in her big bosom.

Joan and Diane now shared a couple of sneaky smiles with each other.
Diane now led Danny into the bedroom took off his dressing gown and made him get into bed Danny complained that he was not really that tired.
Diane smiled at him then said to him handing him the TV remote.
“Why don’t you watch a little TV in bed? I am going to help Joan with the dinner?
Danny had not noticed the TV on the little chest of drawers at the end of the bed.
Danny now turned on the TV and started to watch some sci-fi film which had only just started.

Diane could hear the TV from the kitchen; she knew he was watching some silly sci-fi thing.
He loved his sci-fi.
In some things even know he was 18, he still was also still a kid in her eyes.
However in the bedroom department he was more than any man she had been with.
And she was quite willing and eager to share his favours with her friend Joan.

The film had now finished and he was now flicking from channel to channel trying to find something he was interested in watching.
He then noticed on the remote control a button marked DVD.
He realized that this TV had a built in DVD player.
He wondered if there was a DVD in it.

Danny now pressed the DVD button on the remote control the screen went blank then it went blue and remained blue for a few seconds.
Danny was just about to turn the DVD off and go back to watching the normal TV when something came on the screen.

Danny watched in wonder as on the screen a very busty blonde lady of around 40 wearing a black Basque and fishnet stockings and high heels led a big black dog into a room on a lead.
Joan had deliberately put this DVD in the DVD player when she was setting up the TV.
She wanted to tease him a little bit and she also wanted to introduce Diane to this kind of sex which she was very interested in.
She was a member of a club which specialized in this kind of sex.

Danny was not stupid he realized that this was a sex DVD, he wondered if Joan had forgotten it was in the player.
He knew the TV belonged to her.
He quickly lowered the sound down a little bit as he did not want his mother or Joan to come in and see what he was watching.

Danny was watching the DVD intently.
He had not seen anything like this before the busty woman now had her big tits out of her Basque. She was underneath the dog giving it a blow job.
He did not even know that a woman could do that to a Dog.

Danny watched as this woman went through a lot of different sex acts with the dog.
She let the dog fuck her pussy and even fuck her in the ass too.
She finished off by sucking on the dog cock once again and letting it come all over her face then into her mouth.
Danny had to admit to himself that this was his favourite part of the DVD and he watched that bit over and over again.
He wondered if he could get his mother to do something like that for him.
Danny also realized that this DVD was a home-made movie and that this woman was someone’s wife or mother.

Danny now heard voices coming from the kitchen it sounded like they were heading towards the bedroom he quickly turned the DVD off and turned on some normal TV.
Only a few seconds after he turned the DVD off his mother and Joan entered the bedroom.
His mother was carrying a tray.
On the tray was some dinner that Joan had prepared for him and a glass of pop.

Joan and Diane sat down on the bed and talked to him while he ate his dinner after he had finished his dinner his mother gave him two painkillers which he took with the glass of pop. Danny realise that he was getting a little tired and said to his mother.
“That he would try and get some sleep.”
Joan and Diane remained with him until he fell asleep.
Now Joan and Diane went into the kitchen to have their own dinner after they had finished eating the two women washed up the pots and cleaned down the kitchen.
Then they both went down into the shop to get it ready for reopening tomorrow morning.

After the two women came back up from the shop they checked in on Danny. He was still sound asleep. Both of them took the opportunity to have a shower.
They had a shower one after the other as they did not want to start something which they may not have the time to finish off.
Now both of them were dressed in reasonable sensible nighties.
They both went into the bedroom to see how he was.
When they entered the bedroom Danny started to wake up.
He smiled at both of them he was then a little puzzled to see Joan who was also in her nightie.

Both women had decided on wearing sensible nighties as they did not want to excite him too soon as this was his first night out of hospital.
Danny now smiled at both Joan and Diane as they got into bed one on each side of him.
They now cuddled up next to him.
All free of them spent a pleasant night watching a little television and talking.
Joan and Diane however could not help but to tease him a little bit by lifting up his top and gently massaging his chest with their hands.
Which Danny liked very much.

Just after 10pm Joan turned off the TV.
Danny had already fallen asleep as had Diane.
Joan now got herself comfortable and was soon fast asleep as well.

Chapter 5

The next morning when Danny woke up he was alone in the bed.
He found a note on the bedside cabinet next to his bed.
The note said.
Me and Joan are in the shop. If you need anything ring me.
Love Mom xxx.

Danny wanted to go and have a shower, but he was still a bit unsteady on his feet as he was still having the odd dizzy turn.
He picked up his phone and called his mother Diane was busy serving a customer so Joan answered the phone.
Danny quickly explained to Joan.
“That he wanted to get a shower. But he was a little afraid he might go dizzy again and asked Joan to send his mother up to give him a hand.”

Once Diane had finished serving the customer Joan explained to her what Danny wanted.
Diane smiled at Joan then said to her.
“Why don’t you go and give him a hand.
I will look after the shop.”
Joan looked at Diane a little surprised.
But Diane just said to her.
“Go on and enjoy yourself."

Danny was a little surprised when Joan walked into the bedroom instead of his mother.
Joan then informed him.
“That Diane was busy and she had sent her to help him.”
Joan then said to Danny.
“That getting a shower might not be the best idea.”
She then said to him.
“I think you will be better in a bath where you can sit down.”

Joan now told him.
“To remain in bed while she went to run him a bath.”
Danny watched a little TV until she came back for him.

Joan now helped Danny out of bed and putting her arm around his waist to steady him helped him into the bathroom.
Once in the bathroom Danny suddenly felt a little embarrassed about having to undress in front of Joan.
However Joan just smiled at him and told him.
“Too put his hands up over his head.”
And soon his top was off.

Joan quickly got down on her hands and knees and quickly pulled off his shorts.
Now he was completely naked.
Joan was quite impressed by the size of his cock, it was soft at the moment but it was still an impressive sight.
Danny was a little embarrassed and put his hands over it.
This got a smile off her.

Joan now helped him get in the bath the hot water did feel good and Danny started to relax in the hot bath. He was just about to start to wash himself when Joan told him.
“To just relax and she would take care of that for him.”

She now rolled up her blouse sleeves and took hold of the wash cloth and put some soap on it getting it good and soapy.
She then started to wash his face neck and shoulders. She then started to wash his arms and back.
All the time she was washing him she was lent over the bath and her white blouse was getting wet through.

By the time she had washed everything that she could reach her blouse was really wet and she was getting pretty fed up about having to roll her sleeves back up every few minutes.
Joan now got back up onto her feet; she now started to unbutton her blouse.
Danny watched her intently as she undid button after button.
She now stripped off her blouse and tossed it onto the bathroom floor.

Danny was now looking at her very impressive breasts which where encased in her white frilly lace bra. Her breasts looked to be about two sizes bigger than his mother’s to his young eyes.
Joan was very aware that he was looking at her breasts.
It was getting her very horny him looking at her.
Unlike the two boys who tried to force themselves on her, she wanted Danny and she knew that his mother would not object to her having a little bit of fun with him.

Joan now smiled at Danny then said to him.
“I really don’t want to get my best bra wet so I hope you don’t mind.”
She did not wait for him to answer her.
She reached behind her back and undid the clip of her bra.
He watched in amazement as she removed her bra and tossed it onto her wet blouse.

Danny thought that she would stop there, but soon she unclipped and unzipped her skirt and that joined her blouse and bra on the floor.
Her pantie soon joined the rest of her things.
She now took off her shoes.
Joan was now completely naked.
She now started to rub her own nipples as he just looked at her.
Danny now had a huge hardon which was just sticking up out of the water which caused her to smile and her pussy to get wet.

Joan now took him completely by surprise getting in the bath with him.
She then took him by his hands and gently pulled him up so he was stood up with his back leant against the wall of the bath.
She smiled at him lovingly then she picked up the wash cloth and got it nice and soapy.
Joan now continued to wash his chest and started to make her way down to his groin and legs.

Joan was knelt down in the bath washing him. Her face was level with his big cock which was only about a couple of inches from her face.
She longed to take it into her mouth however she resisted the urge for now.
She also deliberately missed washing his groin area doing his legs first.

Once she had finished washing his legs she turned him around got back up then started to wash his shoulders and back and worked her way down to his cute butt.
She was once again knelt down in the water her face level with his butt.

All the time she had been washing him Danny’s breathing had been getting faster and he was getting more excited.
He suddenly moaned out with pleasure as she parted his butt cheeks and put her tongue into his ass crack and started to lick up and down his asshole.

Danny was amazed that getting his asshole licked could be so pleasurable. He was also amazed that she was prepared to do it.
She continued to lick his asshole for a few minutes, she had her face deep in his ass and his cheeks parted as far as they could go.
She loved the smell of his asshole it was so sweet to her.
Joan loved licking out men’s and dogs assholes.

Joan who was still knelt down in the Luke warm water of the bath. Put her hands on his hips and turned him around so his cock was directly pointing at her face.
She gave him a very seductive smile she then placed her hands on his balls and gently rubbed them this got a moan of pleasure off him.

Joan continued to gently massage his balls with one hand, with her other hand she took hold of his hard shaft.
It felt hot and wonderful in her hand.
She now pulled down his foreskin then moved her mouth only a few millimetres from his cockhead she then blew her hot breath onto his cockhead.
Danny moaned out loud that felt incredible.
Her hot breath on his sensitive cockhead felt wonderful.

She now licked his cock from his balls to his pisshole.
Joan very slowly ran her tongue up his shaft so that it teased his shaft and cockhead.
She then put her tongue in his pisshole.
She did this a few times to him.
Danny’s breathing had increased and he was having to hold onto her shoulders to stop himself from passing out with joy his cockhead was now leaking quite a lot of pre-cum which Joan happily licked up with her tongue.

Joan now said to him in between licking his balls and cock.
“Did he enjoy the DVD she had left in the TV.”
Danny just moaned a.
To her as she continued to lick and tease him.

Joan continued to tease him, she now started to Jack on his cock very slowly and using one finger to tickle his balls.
She then said to him.
“Would you like to see a DVD of me getting fucked by a big dog?”

Danny’s young eyes now lit up and he looked down at her like a child wanting a new toy.
He then said to her through his moans, as she had increased the pressure on his cock.
“That he would love to see her getting fucked by a big dog.”

Joan now gave him a big smile then winked at him; she then took his cockhead into her mouth and gently licked and kissed it.
She then started to take all of him into her mouth and down her throat.

Danny was in complete heaven he now had two willing women that were eager and willing to suck and fuck him any time he wanted.
One of them was his mother and the other one was her best friend.
He still had his hands on her shoulders as he looked down at her and smiled at her.
His breathing was now becoming hard as he wanted to come desperately.
Her head was now bobbing up and down on his cock faster and faster.
He moaned out loud that he was about to come then he quickly filled her mouth with his precious young spunk.

Joan had a small orgasm when he first shot off into her mouth. She had been fingering herself under the water as she sucked his beautiful cock.
She now swallowed everything that he shot into her mouth.
She did not let his cock out of her mouth until she was sure that he had stopped shooting off.
She then used her tongue to clean him up.
Joan licked up every drop of his precious young spunk.

Danny was now leant back against the bathroom wall trying to catch his breath. Joan was still knelt in the water which was now cold.
She was looking up at him lovingly and occasionally licking his cock and balls.
Joan was very pleased to see that her licking was starting to get him hard once again.
She took hold of his cock and really started to suck on it.
She wanted him nice and hard once again.

Joan now climbed out of the bath; she turned to look at him she then put a finger in her pussy and got it nice and wet she then brought it up to her lips and tasted it.
She then looked at him and said to him in an innocent little voice.
“I am nice and sweet, why don’t you come and taste me.
I will be on the bed waiting for you.”
She then walked out of the bathroom swaying her hips as she walked.

Joan now got on the bed and parted her legs ready for Danny’s arrival. She also picked up Danny’s mobile phone and called Diane in the shop.
Joan now told Diane.
“That Danny was feeling a little bit better and she was about to let him have something to eat.”

Joan continued to talk to Diane on the phone as Danny came into the bedroom climbed onto the bed and positioned his head between her wide open legs.
Joan now moaned into the phone has Danny started to lick her pussy.
Danny now parted her outer pussy lips and stuck his tongue into her wet cunt and started to lap up her precious cunt juices.
Joan moaned out loud as he pushed his tongue deeper into her cunt.
She dropped the phone onto the bed, completely forgetting about Diane.
Diane could hear Joan’s moans and groans and she realized what her son was having for breakfast.
She just smiled to herself and put the phone on loud speaker then put it back down on the shop counter and continued to get on with her work as she listened to her son licking out her friend’s juicy cunt.
Before she put her phone down she started to record the call.

Joan loved the way he was teasing her with his tongue. The last time she had her pussy licked out it was by a big black Labrador called Max.
Max was a good cunt licker, but he could not lick her the way, Danny was doing to her right now.

Danny now found her clit and he was rubbing his teeth along it teasing her. She was moaning loudly every time he did this. Danny took her completely by surprise by biting hard on her clit.
Joan screamed and spurted pussy juice into his face and open mouth, which Danny greedily drank. She also grabbed his head and pulled it deeper into her cunt.
She also thrusted her cunt up into his face at the same time she screamed.

At the very moment Joan screened out in pleasure on Diane’s phone. Diane was serving a little old lady with some old English humbugs.
The old lady was quite shocked by the obscene sound.
Diane quickly turned off the loud speaker smiled at the little old lady.
She then said to her.
“I must find a new text alerts for my text messages that one is a little loud.”
The little old lady left the shop wondering about two things, what that strange sound was and what was a text alert.

Joan could not hold on any longer she needed him pounding inside of her cunt.
She pulled him up her body and told him.
“To put his cock in her and fuck her brains out.”
Danny was only too happy to Obey.

Just over an hour later a very tired and dishevelled looking Joan came down into the shop.
She had put back on her skirt and a red silk blouse with no bra.
Diane was serving an old man with his night newspaper and a gardener’s weekly magazine when Joan came up to the counter and stood next to her.
Diane had not looked at Joan yet.
She was just giving the Oldman his change.

Diane was just giving the old man his change she wondered why his hands had started to shake a little bit and he looked very nervous.
She watched him leave the shop wondering to herself what was so wrong with him.
Within a few seconds she got her answer why he was acting so nervous.

Diane now turned to ask Joan.
“How she and her son had got on.”
As she looked at Joan she saw why the old man had been very nervous and a little shocked. Joan’s blouse was so sheer; she could clearly see her big tits through the thin material of the blouse.
That’s what the old man had been looking at that’s what had shook him.

Diane offered to continue to man the shop while Joan went back upstairs to change her blouse or at least put on a bra under it.
Joan caught sight of herself in a mirror in the shop she could clearly see her boobs in her blouse.
However she did not care.

Joan manned the shop that afternoon in her see through blouse the women who came into the shop just looked at her shocked and quickly left the shop.
The men who came into the shop stayed to try and chat her up and usually bought quite a lot of things.

She found that she could sell a lot of adult magazines by having them on the counter and when some man came into the shop.
She would hold the magazine close to her tits.
So they saw the magazine she was holding as they stared at her big tits.

She then ask them if they wanted anything good to read and they would buy the magazine’s so they could continue to look at her tits.
Infact she took quite a lot of money that afternoon and decided that every now and again this was a good idea how to increase her sales.

Chapter 6

That night at bedtime Diane found out how much better her son was feeling. He fucked her and Joan all night long while one got a few hours of sleep he fucked the other.
Then they would swap around.
Both Diane and Joan got every hole they had fucked at least twice.

When Danny woke up both Joan and Diane were in the bathroom getting washed.
He was so exhausted that he did not have the energy to move and he badly needed to have a morning piss.
Danny wondered which one to call for.
He decided to call Joan she needed a little more training he thought to himself.
He was determined to make these to women his personal sex slaves.

Joan came walking into the bedroom smiling at him; she was only wearing her bra and panties.
Joan sweetly asked him.
“What he wanted.”

Danny smiled at her wickedly he move the covers away from his hard cock and he told her.
“That he needed a piss but the bathroom was too far.”
He told her.
“To get down onto her hands and knees and open her mouth, he was going to piss down her throat.”
As Danny was telling Joan this Diane walked back into the bedroom and stood in the doorway.
Like Joan she was only dressed in her underwear.

Diane now listened and waited she wondered what Joan’s reaction would be to this demand.
Danny once again told her.
"To get down on her knees."
Joan turned and looked at Diane who was just stood in the doorway watching her.
Diane just smiled at her but did not say a word.

Joan now let out a little moan of acknowledgement and got down onto her knees.
Danny quickly positioned himself so he could piss on her face.
He then started to piss all over her face.
He told her.
“To open her mouth and keep it open.”
As he pissed his golden stream of piss into her mouth.

At first Joan swallowed his piss very reluctantly, but the more she tasted it the more she started to like it. She knew that this was a degrading act and Danny was trying to show her that he now owned her.
However Joan did have a little submissive side and in the end she started to enjoy the experience.
She even licked his cock clean of the last few drops of his piss.
Before she went back into the bathroom to wash her face clean.

Danny’s mother also got treated the same when he wanted a piss he would call one of them up and they would take his cock in their mouth and drink all his piss.
Both Joan and Diane had now become he’s willing sex slaves.
Danny knew that it must also go both ways.
So on the night he would do anything they wanted him to do.
He would even come in one of their cunts then lick it out to the amusement of the other.
He even let his mother fuck him up the ass with a cucumber.
He did not admitted to them, but he quite enjoyed the experience.

Also Diane gave up her job at the dentist and started to work full time with Joan in the shop. A small cafe down the road had closed and there was nowhere for anybody to get sandwiches or hot drinks from.
Diane now started to provide tea or coffee and hot or cold sandwiches.
There was also a large building site not far from the shop and the workmen started to come in for sandwiches and drinks.
Especially when they found out that the girls tended not to wear Bras and little blouses when they served them and small skirts with usually with no panties on under them.

That night while they all were in bed Joan showed Diane and Danny the DVD where she got fucked by a couple of big dogs at the club which she went to once a month.
Danny was interested in this club and he told his mother.
“That he wanted her to attend the next meeting.”

Diane now totally refused she said there was no way that she was going to fuck a smelly dog.
Over the next couple of nights both Joan and Danny tried their best to change her mind.
They would leave dog sex magazines lying around in the flat and would watch porn movies on a night which had a couple of dog sex scenes in them.
Diane red the magazines and always watched the porn without saying a word.

Over the last week or so a lot of builders and workmen from the nearby building site had started to come into the shop on a dinner time for hot sandwiches and hot drinks.
Diane got very friendly with two of the men who came into the shop.
Diane found that she was attracted to both of them.
Diane wondered if it was because they were both black, and she always wondered what it would be like to go with a black man.

The two men always asked her out for a drink, but she always refused them.
She knew that she would not be allowed to go out with them without Danny’s permission and she did not want to upset her son by going out behind his back.
Joan had noticed that the men kept asking her out and she noticed that Diane was very attractive to them.
Joan realise that she now had a way of getting Diane to do what Danny wanted if Danny was prepared to let his mother have a little freedom and a little bit of fun with these two black men.

That night when they were all in bed instead of a dog sex DVD Joan picked a DVD out of her own private collection.
It was one where white women got fucked by black men or multiple black men.
Joan had done both for real.
Joan had enjoyed getting fucked by the black men, but she preferred white men and dogs to them.

Once the DVD started to get going Diane watched it fascinated. She wondered if Dominic and Leeroy the two black men who kept asking her out, were as well hung as the black men in the movie.
Joan cuddled up next to Danny and in between giving him a blowjob she whispered in his ear about his mother.
“Wanting to try a couple of black men.
And if he let her she would probably do the dog sex thing that he wanted her to do.”

After the DVD had finished Danny was in-between his mother’s legs giving her a good fucking.
She was moaning and groaning and had her legs wrapped around his back.
As he was thrusting in and out of her cunt.
He whispered into her ear.
“Would she like to go out with the two black men and would she like his permission to fuck them both.”

Diane looked at her son, and then smiled at him lovingly.
She then whispered into his ear.
“That she would really like to try them out.”

Danny was now turned on by this idea, and he started to thrust into her cunt harder.
Which caused her to moan out louder?
He gave her one almighty thrust and she came all over his cock.
Danny was still on top of his mother and his cock was still buried in her cunt.
He then said to her.
“What would you do for me if I allow you to go out with them?”

Joan was watching everything intently, she was laid on her side by Danny and she was stroking his ass as he pounded in and out of his mother’s cunt.

Diane just looked into her son’s eyes for a few moments.
She then closed her eyes quickly and thought for a few seconds.
She then opened her eyes and looked at him intently.
She then said to him.
“If you allow me to go out with them I will do the dog sex thing for you. But I will only do it one time.
Do we have a deal?”

Danny now kissed his mother passionately forcing his tongue down her throat.
Diane responded to her son's kisses, after they had finished kissing.
Danny said to her.
"We have a deal."

Danny now rolled off his mother and his cock came out of her pussy with a loud popping sound.
He now laid on his back smiling to himself with a contented look on his face.
Joan now gave Danny a little smile and a crafty wink.

She then positioned herself in-between Diane’s still wide open legs and she then started to eat out her pussy.
Joan loved the taste of pussy juice and spunk mixed together.
Diane now had two further orgasms as Joan ate out her pussy.
Once Joan had finished eating out Diane's pussy.
Diane smiled at them both and then said to them.
“I am going to have a nice long hot bath."

Both Joan and Danny just smiled at her as she walked naked to the bathroom.
Joan now took full advantage of having the big bed and Diane's son to herself.
She got him nice and hard by giving him a wonderful sensuous blowjob.
Once he was nice and hard she climbed on top of him and rode him like he was a horse.

Joan now came hard on his young cock; she had truly fallen in love with this young lad,
She was determined to marry him as soon as he turned 21 years old.
Diane now laid in the hot water of her bath relaxing and thinking about everything that had happened to her recently.

She was starting to have serious doubts about herself and her son.
She did not mind Joan having sex with her son.
Infact she tried to make sure that they had sex a lot.
Diane was trying discreetly to step back a little bit from the sex with her son bit.
She wanted Joan to take over fully in that department.
Diane also felt very guilty because she had lied to her son for the first time ever. She was not going to have sex with the dog.
She just wanted the chance to have a night out and have a normal relationship with a man or too men as the case maybe.

The following day Diane and Joan were working in the shop as usual. Danny was up and about watching some television in the living room.
It was just a little after 12 when Dominic and Leeroy came in to the shop; Joan noticed that Diane’s face lit up when she saw both of them.
But she was trying her best to act like she had not noticed them.

Dominic and Leeroy went over to Diane as usual and ordered a couple of bacon sandwiches which Diane was only too happy to make for them.
They also ordered a couple of cups of coffee to take away.

Leeroy smiled at Diane and without thinking there was any chance that she would say yes he once again asked her.
“If she wanted to come out with them both one night for maybe a drink and a drive in the countryside.”

Diane now gave both of them a really big smile and she leant forward over the counter a little bit. In doing so she displayed a lot of her ample cleavage to both of them.
She then said to them.
“I would love to have a drink with you both. How about tonight.
Say around 7pm.”

Both Dominic and Leeroy were a little surprised that she had accepted the invitation.
However they were not stupid and just smiled back at her and told her.
“That they would pick her up outside the shop at 7pm.”
Diane’s smiled at them both warmly then said to them.
“She would be looking forward to it.”

Diane was a little nervous all that day she was like a schoolgirl preparing for her first proper date.
However Danny was having serious second thoughts about everything he did not want his mother to go she seemed too eager to go on this date.
It was only through Joan persuading him to keep quiet and that she would make it worth his while that he did not say a thing to his mother.

At 6pm Diane knocked off work and went to get a shower, she then started to get ready for her big date. Danny just sat on the bed watching as his naked mother went through her underwear draw trying to choose what to wear.
Diane now selected from her underwear draw a pair of black silk stockings. A white suspender belt, a white low cut push up bra and a pair of white see through panties.
She quickly put on the underwear and attached the stockings to the suspender belt.
She then looked at herself in the bedroom mirror.

Danny was getting hard just looking at his mother.
She looked really hot in her underwear and he now had a massive hardon.
He wanted her to come and suck him off before she went out.
He pulled his cock out of his shorts and started to play with it a little bit.
He then called her over and told her.
“To take his cock into her mouth like a good whore and suck him off and swallow all of his cum.”

Diane was just putting on a black knee length skirt.
She put on the skirt and fastened it, she then turned to her son and gave him such a big smile which Danny thought that she was going to come over and do what he had asked her to do.
She walked over to the bed and ruffled his hair like she used to do when he was a little boy.
She then said to him.
“You say the funniest things, now be quiet and let mummy get ready. She has a hot date tonight.”

Danny went instantly quiet and just looked at her in shock Diane was now fastening a blue silk blouse.
Now Diane sat down at her dressing table and started to apply some make up in particularly some very red lipstick.
Danny could not understand why she had said no to him.
She had never said no to him before.

Danny now got very angry he jumped off the bed grabbed her hand and Span her around.
He then said to her.
“That is it you have gone too far, now get those clothes off and get on that bed and get your fucking whore legs wide open. The only person who will be fucking you tonight is me.
Now do what you have been told.”
Diane now looked at her son and her eyes flashed with anger, she quickly slapped him so hard across his face that it sent him flying across the room.
Diane now looked at him and said with anger in her voice.
“You are right I will get my whore legs wide open tonight, but not for a silly little boy like you.
I will have two big black cocks inside me and satisfying me.
You are a little silly boy and you will never ever get inside of me again.
From now on you do what you are told; otherwise I will pack your bags and you can sleep on the fucking pavement for all I care.”
She then turned around picked up her handbag and stormed out of the bedroom and out of the flat.

Joan was just adjusting a display near the shop window when she saw Diane come around the corner her face looked like thunder.
However she suddenly started to smile when she saw the two men waiting for her outside of the shop. Leeroy opened the back passenger door and she soon got in.
He quickly got in next to her and put his arm around her.
Dominic was behind the wheel of the car.
And once Diane was in the car he sped off down the road.

Joan now got very worried about Diane and Danny she locked up the shop early and went up into the flat to see how Danny was.
She found him crying on the bed with a big red hand mark on his face.

Joan now asked Danny in a tender kind voice.
“What had happened between him and his mother?”
Danny through his tears explained everything that had happened between him and his mother.”

Joan had been fearing that something like this might happen. Diane was a very attractive woman and she knew that she might start to want to see other people.
Danny was still young and couldn’t understand why his mother may need to see other men.
Joan now tried to comfort him the best she could.

Joan now tried to comfort him by undoing her blouse and offering him her big breasts to suck on. But Danny was heartbroken all he wanted was his mother.
Joan wished that she could go find Diane and tell her how much she had truly hurt her poor son.
Joan did the only thing that she could do; she just held him close and tried her best to comfort him after about 25 minutes of crying he finally fell asleep.
Joan quietly left the bedroom so that she would not wake him up.
She now sat on the sofa in the living room lost in her thoughts.
Joan wondered to herself how she could get Diane to come back and look after her son.

As soon as the car sped off down the street Diane started to have second thoughts about how she had treated her son.
She had been very excited about her date, but now all she could think about was her slapping him. She had never hit him before.
Diane felt so guilty inside all she wanted to do was to go back home comfort her son.
And tell him she had made a terrible mistake and begged him to forgive her.

Diane had been so lost in her guilt about how she had behaved to her son; that she had not been paying any attention to where they were going.
Diane now looked at Leeroy who was sat in the back with her. He had his hands on her knees and was rubbing her legs.
She tried her best to give him a smile and asked him.
“Where they were going?”
Just then the car turned off the main road onto a small dirt track.
Diane could see at the end of the track there were a couple of caravans and cars parked up.

Dominic now pulled the car up next to an old battered looking caravan.
He turned to Diane and gave her a big smile, he then told her.
“That this was where they were staying; they used the caravans to move from job to job.
He then said to her.
“That he had forgotten his wallet and was just going to get it.”
Leeroy added to her.
“Come on we can wait inside its warmer than this old car.”

Diane suddenly felt very uneasy and very reluctant to get out of the safety of the car.
Leeroy said something to her and she finally got out of the car.
Diane looked around there was a big fire burning across from her and a group of men were sat around it, eating and drinking beer.

All of the men were looking at her with odd expressions on their faces.
Diane also could not understand any of the voices that she could hear, they all sounded foreign to her. Diane knew that a lot of foreign workmen had been working on the building site.
She wondered if this was where everyone stayed when they were not at work.
Just then Leeroy took her by her hand quite gently and led her into the caravan smiling at her as he did so. Diane reluctantly allowed him to lead her into the caravan.
Once inside Leeroy close the door and locked it behind him.

Diane now noticed that Dominic was sat on his bed laid back with his arms behind his head looking at her with a strange expression on his face.
She then realized Leeroy was blocking the doorway.
She said to them in an innocent voice trying not to sound scared.
“I thought we were going for a drink?”

Dominic now smiled at Diane then said to Leeroy.
“Make the lady a drink.”
Leeroy quickly slipped the door key into his pocket, he then went over to a cupboard opened it took out a bottle of whisky and some glasses and poured three large drinks.
He then handed one to Dominic one to Diane and kept one for himself.
Dominic then smiled at Diane and said to her.
And he downed his drink in one go.

Dominic who was still on the bed, looked at her with fire and lust in his eyes.
He then said to her.
“Right you white cock teaser, you have been teasing us ever since we first started coming in to your shop. Now it’s time to pay up.
I want to see those big beautiful breasts.”
Leeroy refilled Dominic’s glass now.
Diane also down her drink in one, she was very nervous.
Leeroy refilled it.

Diane had decided that she did not want this anymore and was just about to say something to Dominic.
When Dominic said to Leeroy.
“I think the lady is a little shy, why don’t you help her with her blouse.”
Diane was just about to protest when Leeroy walked up behind her and wrapped his big black arms around her waist and cupped her breasts through her blouse.
He gently gave them a squeeze.
This made her reluctantly moan out in pleasure.
He then started to fondle them a little rougher which caused her breathing to get quicker.
He was also gently kissing her neck as he fondled her big firm breasts.

Diane wanted to break away but his big black hands on her breasts held them firm.
He was so strong but also so gentle in his caresses of her breasts.
He now whispered into her ear as he kissed up and down her neck, for her.
“To undo her blouse.”

Diane was now in some kind of trance and she slowly started to undo her blouse.
Dominic just sat on his bed watching this with a big smile on his face. What Diane had not known was that as Leeroy was pouring out the drinks he had slipped something into hers.
It was fast acting and made her a lot more willing to persuasion.

Diane had now unbuttoned all the buttons of her blouse and was playing with the material of her blouse in her nervous hands.
Leeroy now gently took hold of her blouse and pulled it from her body.
Dominic now smiled at her when he saw her big breasts in her sexy little bra.
Leeroy was just about to unclip her bra for her, but Dominic said to him.
“I think the lady knows how to do it herself.”

Diane was still very nervous; however she also had a very strange sensation going through her body. She quickly finished her second whisky which also had something in it. Then she tossed the glass to the floor. She then put her hands behind her back and unclipped her Bra.
It fell to the floor.

Dominic was now smiling at her warmly Diane had her arms crossed over her chest trying to hide her breasts. Dominic said to her in a soft gentle voice.
“Don’t be so shy let me see your treasures.”
Slowly she let her arms dropped to her sides.
Dominic whistled with satisfaction when he saw her big beautiful breasts.
Diane did not put up a struggle when Leeroy started to unclip her skirt then pulled it down her legs. When it was around her feet Diane stepped out of it.
She even managed to give Dominic a little smile.

Dominic now liked what he was looking at so did Leeroy. She was only wearing panties stockings and high heels now.
Both men were getting very hard in their pants.
Leeroy quickly offered her another drink.
He had increase the dosage in this one; he wanted her as willing as possible.

Dominic now smiled to himself in satisfaction when she removed her panties herself.
She was just about to unclip her stockings.
When Dominic told her to leave them on and her high heels too.
She just smiled at him and did as he asked her.
She was now running her own hands up and down her own body rubbing her own breasts and tweaking her own nipples.
She was also working a finger in and out of her pussy.
Diane did not have the vaguest idea why she was acting like this all she knew was that it was what she wanted to do and what the men wanted her to do.

Dominic now unfastened his belt and started to undo his jeans.
He then pulled out what looked to her lust filled eyes as a monster of a cock.
Diane was now staring at his big black cock in amazement it must have been well over 10 inches long and 4 inches thick.
Its head was covered with small droplets of white pre-cum that only emphasized its size and its blackness to her.

Diane felt her nipples suddenly hardened and her pussy started to contract and she could feel her own juices dripping out of her.
She was so excited that the room was filled with the smell of her pussy.
Dominic now used a finger to indicate to her to come closer.

Diane was now in a trance like state she walked over to him and took it in her hands.
She then started to lovingly run her hands up and down his shaft.
She also took his huge balls in her hands and gently started to play with them.
Dominic smiled in pleasure as this white whore now started to play with his cock and balls.

More pre-cum was now dripping out of his cock piss hole now and she was desperate to taste it.
She put out her tongue and was just about to lick it all up.
When Dominic put a hand on her shoulder and held her away from his cock.
He then said to her with a big smile on his face.
“Begged me to suck it.”

Diane was a little confused but he repeated his question.
Diane now suddenly under-stood and she asked him in her most whoreish voice.
“Please may I suck your come from your cock?”

Dominic took hold of her head in one of his huge hands and pulled her down on to his cock.
Diane willingly wrapped her lips around his cock and started to suck on it noisily.
She wanted to drop to her knees but Dominic told her to remain standing and just bend over him.
This was a very uncomfortable position for her.
But she did as he told her and continued to suck on his huge cock.

Diane would quickly find out why Dominic did not want her on her knees. While she was noisily and happily sucking on his cock.
Leeroy was quickly stripping off all his clothes.

If Diane thought Dominic was big she was in for a huge shock.
Leeroy was bigger and also wider then his friend and she was about to find out how big pretty soon.
Leeroy had found out from experience that when women saw the size of him they refused him.
But if he could take them by surprise once he was inside them they loved it and begged him to fuck them.

Dominic was moaning and groaning with happiness as he watched this white whore sucking on his cock. He loved watching her big tits dangling down and bouncing around as she sucked him off.
He also saw his friend approaching her with a big smile on his face and his huge cock in his hand. Dominic just smiled at his friend he knew what was coming they had done this a few times before.
Leeroy now came up directly behind her his huge cock in his hand. He positioned himself so he could slam it straight into her.
Diane would have screamed out with pain but her mouth and throat were full of Dominic’s big cock. Leeroy now slammed his full length into her pussy.
She was now impaled at both ends by two big black Cocks.

Both men now remained still.
They were letting her get used to having a cock in her cunt and one in her mouth.
Leeroy now slowly started to move his cock in and out of her now very wet pussy.
Diane now moaned the best she could; she still had a big cock filling her mouth.
Dominic now winked at his friend when her head once more started too bob up and down on his cock.
Diane now loved being filled at both ends.
She had never felt a sensation like this before, it felt wonderful and it was making her so horny.

Diane let Dominic’s cock out of her mouth only for a couple of seconds.
She looked over her shoulder at Leeroy then said to him in a very husky voice.
“Faster, deeper and harder fuck me make me your white whore.”
She then went back to sucking on Dominic’s cock.

Both men now smiled at each other as one pounded in and out of her pussy. While the other thrust his cock in and out of her willing cunt.
The men who had been drinking beer around the fire now gathered around the caravan and were peering in through the windows.
They were watching intently as she got well and truly fucked by these two big black men.

Diane would have been screaming the caravan down in ecstasy and passion. But it was impossible with Dominic’s big cock ramming in and out of her throat.
Leeroy’s huge cock was pounding in and out of her cunt and touching places no other cock had ever touched before.
It was an out of this world experience and her orgasms were building up inside of her.
It would only be a few more seconds before she erupted and spurted her love juices out of her well fucked cunt and all over his wonderful cock.

Diane could not stand it any longer; she let Dominic's prick out of her mouth and screamed out loud in ecstasy as her pussy came shooting her pussy juices all over Leeroy’s cock and lower body.
Dominic also could not hold on any longer.
He gripped his cock in both hands and sprayed his cum all over her pretty face and big tits.
Dominic now collapsed back on the bed exhausted and Leeroy and Diane collapsed onto the floor.

Diane now got both of them to sit on the bed next to each other.
She now got down on her knees in front of them both. She now took a cock in each hand and started to Jack on them getting them both hard once again.
Both of them moaned with pleasure as she gave them both a hand-job.

Now that they were nice and hard she started to suck from one cock to the other.
Both of them watched her in amazement as she sucked on each of their cocks in turn.
As she was sucking on one cock, she was jacking the other off.
She did this until both of them were ready to come.
She once again took one of their loads in her mouth and down her throat.
Diane now took the other man’s spunk all over her big tits.
She then collapsed onto the floor giggling like a schoolgirl.

Diane was now on the floor still giggling with her legs still wide open. The men who had been watching outside could not take it any longer and one of them opened the caravan door.
Leeroy and Dominic just smiled at them and nodded to them
Before Diane knew what was happening the first man had his pants down and his cock buried balls deep into her pussy.

Diane was a little shocked at first to be getting fucked by a complete stranger, but after everything she had done this night she decided just to go with it.
As soon as he came in her pussy and pulled out another man was ramming his cock inside of her and fucking her.
Infact all of the men fucked her that night.
Diane completely lost track of how many men she fucked and how many orgasms she had that night.
It was just after 3am when Leeroy dropped her off back home.

When Diane very quietly entered the living room she peered into the bedroom Danny was fast asleep cuddled up next to Joan. He still had one of her big nipples in his mouth and he was sucking on it has he slept.
Joan too slept peacefully with a big smile on her face.
Diane did not want to disturb them both so she got some spare blankets out of the cupboard and made a bed up on the sofa for the night.

The next couple of days were very awkward for all of them.
Diane had regretted some of the things that she had said to her son.
Danny did his best to stay out of his mother's way.
Diane went out a couple more times with both Leeroy and Dominic.
Danny finally realised that he had lost his mother as a lover.
However Joan made up for Diane's absence in the bedroom.
She now looked at Danny as hers and would do anything for him.

One afternoon after she had been out with both Dominic and Leeroy the night before.
She got Joan and Danny to both sit down in the living room.
She told them both that she had something to tell them.

Diane sat on one of the chairs and Joan and Danny both sat on the sofa.
Diane did not waste any time she told them both.
“That Dominic and Leeroy had finished their job up here and their next job was down in Cornwall and they had asked her to go with them and she had said yes.”

Danny now burst into tears and ran into the bedroom slamming the door closed behind him.
Diane was just about to go after him when Joan stopped her.
Joan said to her.
“It would be best if she’d just left him alone for a little bit.”

Joan now asked her “when she was thinking of going? And what she was going to do about Danny and the flat?”
Diane now told Joan that she would have to give up the flat and that she was going to take Danny with her.
Joan now suddenly got angry and said to Diane.
“So you want to take him with you so he can sit in the living room of were ever you are going to be living and listen to you getting fucked by your two nicker lovers every night.”

Diane was shocked and also a little hurt now by the way Joan had talked to her.
She now said to Joan.
"That Danny was her son and he was going with her."
Just then a voice from the bedroom doorway said to her.
“Why don’t you just fuck off with your two nicker boyfriends and leave me and Joan alone.
Why don’t you pack your bags and go now. I don’t ever want to see you again.
You are just a nickers whore now.”

Now it was Diane's turn to run into the bedroom crying, she stayed in there for about an hour. When she came out she had a couple of suitcases with her. She had called Dominic and Leeroy and they were waiting outside for her.
She did not say a word to Joan or Danny and neither of them said anything to her.

That night Danny cried himself to sleep, nothing Joan could do helped to comfort him.
Diane also cried herself to sleep that night.

Around 11am the next morning a car turn down the road where the paper shop was towing a caravan it stopped directly outside of the news agents.
Diane let out a big sigh and looked at Dominic and Leeroy.
They both gave her a big comforting smile.
She then got out of the car and walked into the shop, Dominic and Leeroy remained in the car.
When Diane walked into the shop Joan was just serving a customer.
Diane waited until the customer had left the shop.
She then walked to the shop door and locked it and put the closed sign on.
She then went back to the counter were Joan was waiting for her with a face like iron.

Diane now asked “If Danny was at home or had he gone to college?”
Joan told Diane “that Danny was upstairs in bed, he had cried all night. So she decided to keep him off college today.”

Diane now asked Joan “if she could see her son before she went?”
Joan was silent for a couple of seconds she was thinking it over in her head.
She wanted to tell Diane to fuck off.
But would Danny be upset without saying goodbye to his mother.
So she said to Diane “that she would call him and see if he wanted to come down and see her.”

Joan now called Danny on his phone she put it on loud speaker so Diane could hear everything that she said.
Joan told “Danny that his mother was in the shop and that she wanted to say goodbye to him before she left and would he please come down and see her.”

Joan and Diane waited for a couple of seconds, Danny did not say a word then suddenly the phone just went off as Danny hung up.
Diane was just about to go into the flat but Joan moved in front of her and blocked her way.
Joan now said to Diane in a very harsh and determined voice.
“You are not welcome here anymore. I think its best you just leave; you have hurt your son very much.
He was in love with you and you have thrown it away for what a couple of nickers. Why don’t you just go?”

Diane was just about to say something to Joan when she decided not to.
She turned around unlocked the door and left.
As she was walking to the car she turned and looked up at the flat.
Danny was looking out of the window at her.
Diane now had tears in her eyes, she tried to blow him a kiss but Danny just turned and walked away from the window.
Leeroy got out of the car and opened the back passenger door for her; he put his arm around her and helped her into the car.
Danny went back to the window just as the car and caravan were pulling away.

Diane never saw her son again.
A week after she left Joan put the shop up for sale at a very cheap price.
It sold within the month.
Joan and Danny got married on his 19th birthday and were very happy.
They both moved to Spain and changed their names so no-one could find them.

Diane stayed with Leeroy and Dominic for just over 6 months, at first it was good both of them were very loving towards her.
But soon they had met some-one younger and she was kicked out of the caravan.
She was forced to stay with a couple of Russian workmen who just used her for sex.
Soon she was just the camp whore and everyone just fucked her.

By now she was an alcoholic and hooked on hard drugs which Dominic and Leeroy gave her to keep her in line.
One day she ran away offering sex to anyone who would drive her back home.
When she finally got back to the little shop her heart broke when she saw the shop had a different name and a different owner now.
When she enquired inside the man who now owned the shop told her.
“That they had sold it and moved away, and he had no forwarding address for them.”

That night after drinking a full bottle of vodka.
She walked onto the train line and was killed by the London Express.
She was buried as a Jane Doe nobody came to her funeral.
Danny and Joan never knew what happened to her and they never ever enquired after her.


Jaxon BloughReport 

2017-01-04 22:12:22
I must agree. The grammar was terrible to say the least. The story was good sometimes but then kind of worked me up for a big let down. The ending sux!! What about Joan & her dog sex? Never got to the monthly meeting, wtf? I'm not a writer but I think I could make up stories better than this ending.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-18 13:56:34
honestly, "How where the two papal boys had they recovered from there flu.”
??? WTF? Please do yourself a favour and get a proofreader if you can't compose sentences properly. Yeah, yeah "Grammar Nazis" yabber yabber yabber.
Try "How WERE the two PAPER boys ? HAVE they recovered from THEIR 'flu ? "
4 spelling, 1 tense and 3 punctuation errors in one sentence suggests you really do need a proofreader to perform some magic on your story, and make it readable.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-18 09:41:12
Last chapter was shit

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-14 21:31:12
Well you little shit hope your man enough to handle me??????? Where the fuck did this come from??? Well enough...... chapter three and the rest I'll leave to readers with more patience!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-14 21:23:23
Haven't read it all yet, just up to the paper delivery and couldn't believe the bad grammar! It should read....... Danny finally delivered the last paper as the rain turned to snow and started to come down quite heavily. Then in the cold and blowing snow Danny started on the forty minute trudge back to the shop.... Or something like that! The story itself is quite good! Just the grammar!

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