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Part one is primarily for setting the scene of how Jax and Becky discover their mutual desire for incest. Comments are welcome but please do not be nasty
Brother brother

Part One :

I have never thought of myself as being frigid but that is exactly what Is being spread like wildfire around campus about me. I am not really all that fazed by it. So what, Yes I am a 17-year-old virgin and yes I do want to wait for the perfect guy for me. It may be an old-fashioned idea but too bad. I am not going to sleep with someone just because one guy decided to tell the whole world I would not give it up for him. Let the entire student body think what they will.

Sniggers and sneers seem to follow me about all week long, little taunts as I pass calling me little Miss Prissy and other names of the like. My Twin Brother Jaxshon suffering more for it than myself as he has this need to defend me and a few scuffles have ensued because of it. Jax always ending up coming out unscathed but in trouble because of it. I don't want him fighting over this as I have no doubts the bullies and rumour moguls will move on soon enough to some poor other soul. Yet at the same time, I like that my Brother loves me enough to stick up for me against anyone slandering his Sister's name. I had heard the rumours of a bet with high stakes between guys at the school who could pop my cherry before the school's out. That hurt a bit and filled Jaxsohn with rage. He made it well known he would beat anyone to a pulp that tried.

Being twins Jax and I have always been close. We seem to have this uncanny knowledge of each other's feelings, thoughts and needs. At times no words are even needed between us to know what our next move or words will be. It's a twin thing or so our parents have always told us and everyone else that is willing to listen. We have even been known to know exactly when the other is in need or trouble of some sort when in fact we are miles apart. So I guess you could call it a twin thing. No matter what you want to call it we have a special bond one that runs deeper than just being Brother and Sister.

By the start of the new week the taunts and Leers had petered off some, by mid-week Myself and my intact hymen have thankfully become old news just as I Had predicted and things seem to return to normal. Jaxshon has settled with his wrath and is smiling again, happily allowing every skirt in the school chase him as they have always done. My Brother is certainly good looking and has always been the target of every girl within miles, still, he remains level-headed and not full of himself unlike other guys with looks and a body girls would kill for.

With just four weeks until summer break I find myself with my head in the books preparing for the following week of exams. The Library has become my second home and even though not even a single word is mentioned of the taunts or bet it has also become my haven. My escape. for just because they have forgotten and moved on I have not. That is until Matty peeks over my shoulder picks up my pencil and corrects a math formula I had been working on. His face is just inches from mine and his smile dazzles me for a second. ' as long as you remember the correct placements it is easy to remember' he said, those blue eyes hold a glint of satisfaction to them. ' easy for some' I mumble. ' I am usually good at this stuff but lately, I just don't seem to be retaining anything' my forehead has creased in frustration ' sorry, I mean thanks for that' Matty chuckles lighting up those eyes even more. ' hey, I could help you study if you like. But only if you help me with Extension English?'

And so it began. Me letting my wall down slowly. Matty was different to the other guys I had spent time with this year. He wasn't a jock or a popular guy because he wasn't into sports like most of the male students. Instead, he preferred being behind a camera. Playing chess online along with other more violent involved games. He didn't push me to do things I did not want to do. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that he too is a virgin. Jax has questioned me about him a few times since Matty and I started spending lots of time studying together. He is worried that all the guy was trying to do doing was get into my pants. I guess my Brother still isn't over recent events either. I also get the feeling My Brother does not like my new friend so much. When I question Jax why this is so all I get in return is that he is just doing his duty and looking out for me. I can see it in my Brother's eyes, feel it in his demeanour and in the way my sibling watches Matty closely he does not like him one little bit.

After exams are said and done and I can breathe a sigh of relief I fear that Matty's attention will drop off now that there is no need to study. I am wrong though he still joins me for lunch and we spend time together just discussing anything and everything. There is no pressure to hold his hand or kiss him although I am starting to secretly wish he would reach out and take my hand as we walk together between classes. Funny things thoughts and emotions. I find myself worrying whether or not Matty likes me in the way that I have come to like him? Maybe he does not find me attractive in that way? My fears are squashed on The Friday afternoon when he asks me out to the movies. He is so visibly nervous when asking me that it makes my heart melt for him.

Jaxshon is none to pleased with the idea and I tease him asking if my Brother is jealous. He dismisses my taunt with a huff telling me that Matty better not try anything on me if he knows what's good for him. He needed not worry as the entire night Matt is a perfect Gentleman, insisting he pays for our meal before hand and the movie tickets and drinks. Not once does he make me feel uncomfortable or put upon. My secret wish finally comes true as Matty walks me home, taking my hand up in his without a word and giving it a gentle squeeze.

The last two weeks before the holidays start in earnest Matt and I spend every spare moment together. We share sensual kisses often in this time and it is quickly known that we are an item even though Matt has not officially asked me to be his girl I am happy despite that my Brother frowns down upon my relationship but he does not interfere. Jax is way too busy with his own on again off again Girlfriend called Sasha. Mum and Dad don't approve of His Girl because she is a few years older than Jaxshon so he basically keeps their affair under wraps. From our parents anyway.

Our parents are busy too, readying themselves and everything else for a trip they are taking. The first Holiday they have had alone since Jax and I were born. It took months for Dad to convince our Mum that we will be fine on our own. The lectures and lists have been endless. Notes showing up everywhere throughout the house full of assorted instructions in Mum's neat handwriting. Anyone would think they were leaving for Months on end, not just two weeks. Jax seems keen for their Departure which just happens to be early in the morning on the last day of the school year.

Two days left of college and I am looking forward to the vacation. Lazy days on the beach with Matt. Time spent just not thinking about studying, assessments or anything to do with school. The bullying from weeks ago now long forgotten. Matt has asked me to go to the end of year Party on Friday night at Toby's place. Everyone who is anyone is going to be there he told me, it will be fun he said. I agreed to go with him as long as he didn't leave me sitting on my own. I have plenty of friend's but parties just were not my thing. I asked Jax if he was going and he said no. He had plans with Sasha that night.

My Brother and I bid our parents farewell and safe travels amid Mom's last minute instructions, lectures, and tears. We assure her we will be fine and yes we won't forget to feed the cat. Yes, we have all the emergency numbers and their itinerary with all the numbers where to reach them if we can't reach them on either of their cell phones. Both of us now keen for the night ahead of us sigh a breath of relief whilst waving our Parents goodbye. When their car is out of sight Jax claps his hands together and rubs them as if warming them ' let the fun begin , hey Sis' he shoulders me gently wiggling his eyebrows at me. ' Jax please don't have Sasha over here all the time. ' I whine just a little. ' want me all to yourself ?' He kids. I raise an eyebrow at him and he smiles warmly ' just don't freak if I don't come home tonight ok. And don't you bring that leech home with you!' A serious tone underlines his lasts words. ' as if'.' I reply.

Matty picks me up precisely at 7pm. When I answer the door he is busy texting someone and smirking. He looks handsome and smells Devine. ' you ready Beautiful? ' his smile lights up those blue eyes that roam down my body taking in my halter neck top and flowing skirt that rests mid-thigh. ' uh huh' is my reply as I lock the front door behind me.

Toby's house is only a few blocks from where I live so we decide to leave Matt's car parked out front and walk the short distance to the party. As always Matty is attentive and sweet, holding my hand in his and chatting about his day. I can hear the loud music before Toby's house even comes into view and although I want to be here with Matt I know I won't stay too late. Alcohol flows freely and gangs of teenagers gather in different parts of the house. Some play drinking games others just chat. Girls dance and giggle . Couples making out everywhere, some are in the pool out back and of course the loud noise of the bass from the music echoes around the property.

Matt leads me over to a group of his friends I only know from afar. The music so loud that he has to lean in and all but yell in their ear for a conversation. My ears drums are copping such a beating that I can't even make out what is being said. I feel like a fool standing there holding my boyfriend's hand and just looking about whilst he chuckles and continues his conversation. Thank god he ends it fairly quickly and guides me outside where it is not so punishing on my senses. Matt seats us in an unoccupied Balinese style hut ' sorry it's so loud, don't worry the neighbours will most likely complain and they will be made to turn it down a bit' I shrug my shoulders trying to make it seem like I am not bothered by it. I am just happy to be here with him. ' it's ok. I don't mind' Matt smiles at me then announced he is going to get us drink ' stay here ' he is gone before I can protest and I can only hope he does not go for long.

I am pleasantly surprised when I spot Matt coming out of the sliding doors with a drink in each hand shortly after he left me sitting here. He is sporting a broad smile and calls back at someone laughing. It is so nice to seem him relaxed and happy. It makes being here at this party all the more easier to bare. He takes his seat beside me. Turns and kisses me softly. Tenderly. His lips lingering, hovering over mine. 'Mm Mmm hello there ' he says 'hi' I giggle swooning that little more. Matt passes me a cup, I can smell the alcohol the moment it passes under my nose but I guess one won't hurt. Never having drank before I take a tentative sip and a delicious flavour erupts on my tongue. ' what is this?' I ask looking down into the full cup. ' vodka and red bull, good huh? But take it easy ok!' I nod and take another sip, this one bigger than the first. ' Mmm it is good' he smiles and we sit chatting ignoring all those about us. The concoction goes to my head a little and I realise I have consumed half the cup. ' slow down Becky. You don't want to get drunk now' the look in his eye seems a little off to me as he says this but I dismiss the thought putting it down to the alcohol.

Matt's phone keeps vibrating in his pocket but he ignores it pulling me in for another kiss. This one slower than the last, his tongue licking at my lips until they part allowing his entry so it can seek out my own in a decadent dance . His hand rubs at my thigh, his thumb sliding up under my skirt and it tickles but I don't stop him. Our kiss deepens becoming more passionate, he sucks my tongue into his mouth and it feels a little weird and also distracts me from the fact his hand has travelled further up my thigh and now sits dangerously close to my pantie clad sex. His other hand wraps around my lower back holding me in place. I break the kiss and smile shyly. Matt sits back removing his hand from under my skirt ' sorry babe.' He mewls at me in a sexy voice. I notice his eyes have become very hooded. ' it's ok' I smile my cheeks a little a flame. We both pick up our drinks and take another mouthful.

Looking back over at the house hoping no one has seen our passionate embrace I am happy to note no one seems to be taking notice of us. Although Matt's friends I spy through the sliding glass doors all seemingly laughing at something amusing but they are not looking our way. Matt's phone vibrates again in his pocket. He takes it out of his pocket takes a quick look at the screen but puts it back in his pocket without answering the text he had received. I watch as he drains his cup then slurring slightly asks if I want another. I decline as I still have a near half a cup. He goes to stand up only to flop back down and put his face in his hand alarming me. ' Matt, are you okay? ' my voice is shaky because I am not sure what is going on. ' yeah. Just give me a moment' his words are slow and slurred. I watch with concern as he rests his arms on the table and presses his forehead to his wrist.

Unsure what I should do, my confusion marring my judgement. He only had half a cup more than I did so he could not be drunk right? That and other questions alike flash through my thoughts confusing me more. He was fine like ten minutes ago! What the hell is happening? ' Matty? Do you want to get out of here?' My voice thick with concern. I look up to find a couple of his friend's looking our way but they turn their heads like nothing is amiss. I am considering going to fetch one of them to help me when Matt's cell phone starts up its incessant vibrating once more. When my boyfriend does not make a move to retrieve it I tell him that I will. Reaching in his pocket I fish out his phone and look at the screen. What I see written makes no sense to me. I swipe my thumb over the screen and open the message properly and as I read my world falls apart.

Part Two:

I lock myself in my bedroom for the next two days much to my Brother's concern. I have not spoken to anyone but Jax Since I discovered the group message on Matt's phone and even then all he has been able to get out of me is yes and no answers or ' leave me alone' , ' go away' and these replies only serve to make him angry through frustration and worry. Matt has not tried to contact me except for calling my cell half an hour after I left him drenched with the last of my drink I had poured over his head on Friday night.

Sunday night finds me Laying on my bed in just a pair of undies and a singlet top. I can here Jaxshon murmuring on the phone. Probably talking to Sasha. He has not left the house since he discovered I had locked myself in my room. He had been trying to coax me out ever since, even threatening to break the door down and when that did not work he told me he was calling our parents. He obviously did not do that otherwise, Mom would have been calling nonstop.

I finally feel brave enough to read over the group messages I had sent to my phone from Matt's whilst he was all but passed out. They start from the very first day Matt had corrected my Math formula in the library. Right from the start it was all just lies. A game for Matt and his mates. I sit there reading all about the bet that was still ongoing when it was thought to be dead and buried. His friend's urging him on. Telling him Each and every day how they thought he had it in the bag. Side bets were made and the original stakes grew ever higher as the days passed. Proof of my deflowering was a common thread. They would have been happy with stained sheets as evidence but photo's where the preference. I swipe past all the parts I just can't bear to read the last messages that were sent on Friday night. Matt had planned to drug me in the end . He wanted to win this bet at all costs. Costs that only would affect me. I had not noticed the cups where different colours when Matt had gotten us drinks that night. One red cup meant for me. One blue cup for him. The texts turn from cheering him on to urgently trying to make him aware he was drinking from the wrong coloured cup. Luck had been on my side.

The tears flow in earnest this time and the pain sets in along with the humiliation of it all. Sobs escape from my mouth even though I try to reign them in so that my Brother does not hear. Too late Jax is pounding on my door a moment later. ' Becky enough already let me in. Tell me what's going on?' When I don't answer all I hear is his footfalls walking down the hallway. I bury my head in my pillow and try to stop the waterworks from continuing. Jax is soon back at my bedroom door. I hear the door handle rattling and I sit up to look swiping at my tears and runny nose. The door swings inward and My Brother stands there with a satisfied smirk on his face and a butter knife that he had used to unlock my door in his hand.

Three large strides across my room and Jaxshon is seating himself on my bed and pulling me into his arms. He holds me tightly. Telling me everything is going to be fine. How can he say that when he does not know what's happened? His chin sits atop of my head as he tries to calm me . The tears subside and he asks 'are you going to talk to me, Sis?' I nod and sit back reaching for my phone. I open the message and hand the phone to him. Jax pulls me back to his side with one arm wrapped around my waist. Why can't I find a guy who was just like my Brother? Protective, caring and honest?

I start feeling concerned about what his reaction will be, his silence as he reads scares me slightly. It is unlike him to be so. He puts the phone down and just stares into my puffy eyes. His calm demeanour confusing me somewhat. ' I am going to kill him but right now. You need me. ' wrapping his other arm around me he kisses my forehead. It feels so good to be held in this manner. An embrace that is from the heart. One that I would never doubt as being anything but what it is. We sit that way for some time. Neither speaking, just drawing from each other what we need. For me compassion and understanding for Jax a chance to keep control of his rage at Matt and others

Questions begin to resurface and a voice the first one that comes to mind on little more than a whisper. ' why is my virginity such a big deal to others?' Jaxshon sighs and shifts on the bed. He tucks a tangled lock behind my ear so he can see into my eyes. ' because Sis, you are beautiful, desirable and
Untouched. There is not a guy alive who wouldn't want to have you.' He pauses and lifts my chin up a little with his fingers. ' they think if they are the first to have you it makes them high in stature amongst their mates, males are pigs, trust me I know. I am one' his joke is meant to make me smile and I appreciate his efforts. ' do what is right for you Becky, you wait as long as you want. You deserve a guy who will take the time to treat you right your first time and every other time after. One who had your best interests at heart, like me' he smirks. My heart swells bringing up feelings for him that I had buried months ago that had me in a spin for so long. 'your no Pig Jax. If you were not my Brother......' I stop mid sentence, blushing I hide my face behind my hair once more. My Brother places his head upon my shoulder gazing into my eyes ' but I am' comes his reply, his pupils have darkened. His hot breath washes up over my neck causing a warmth to spread in my chest. 'you are' I whisper, I am not exactly sure of what just passed between us. But what I am sure of is that my twin is the only male on this earth besides our Father that I trust. His lips find my neck and softly glide up my sensitive skin to my ear, the sensation causing me to quiver in the most delicious of ways. It is so taboo so wrong to feel this way. A sinful act just in being in such close intimate proximity. Yet it feels so good. So right that it is Jaxshon that has caused this reaction with a simple swipe of his lips and a few whispered words. His teeth tug lightly on my earlobe making me whimper softly. It Is in this moment I make up my mind. Jaxshon is that one guy. The guy who would treat me right.

Jaxshon sits up putting distance between us ' I am sorry Sis' he drags a hand through his dark hair. A concerned look upon his face. ' I should not have done that' his forehead creases and his fists ball tightly at his sides. My cheeks flame with the embarrassment of rejection. I know if he had not stopped I would have allowed my Brother to go as far as he pleased. 'I am not sorry' my whispered words barely audible. A fresh lot of tears threatening to fall. ' hey, hey' he sits closer ' no more tears Sis' I sniffle and lower my face ' fuck. Look it's not that I don't want too. Because believe me I have wanted to for so very long now' his admission stuns me a little and I look up at him. ' ' I like sex a certain way, my girls a certain type' My lips part in a shocked gasp and my heart sinks at his words. I look away but he forces my face back towards him and he kisses me in such a demanding manner. His tongue forcing its way between my lips until he finds my own tongue. His hand on the nape of my neck tilts my head to suit his own need. If anyone else had dared kiss me like this I would be furious! I should be angry with him. Upset at the very least but he kisses me with such a fierce passion that I find myself responding likewise. I have kissed a few boys in my time but none have ever left me wanting more like I do when Jax releases me. He presses his forehead to mine panting in time with me. ' I am not into vanilla sex Sis and you need to be tenderly loved' with that he stands. A bulge visibly straining behind the confines of his shorts. ' I need a cold shower' he smirks and strides out of my room leaving me flabbergasted, confused but knowing without any doubts that it is my Brother That I want to be my first.

I have heard the term vanilla sex before but I am not exactly sure of it's meaning so I pick up my phone and google it. Understanding dawns the more I read. I look at pictures, Read a few Articles all whilst my Brother showers. My cheeks heat and my sex begins to tingle. I hear the shower shut off. Chewing on my lip I make a decision that can only have two possible outcomes. Putting down my phone and removing my singlet top I quickly make my way to the bathroom where my sibling has just showered. I can not remember the last time I was seminaked around anyone. I guess it was Jaxshon when we still very young. Startled to find the bathroom door open and my Brother standing at the sink with a towel wrapped around his hips preparing to shave his face. I adjust my stride to a casual one, like walking in on him in the bathroom whilst I am topless Is a normal thing. If he is shocked he does not show it, just continues slathering his face with shaving cream. Taking a leap from his book I turn the shower back on then slip out of my damp panties and step into the recess. The water feels incredibly good and helps to wash away the ill feelings from the past 48 hours. I pretend Like Jax is not in the room and begin to wash my body. Lathering my skin well and paying Extra attention than I normally would to washing my breasts.

Jaxshon pays me no mind that Shows on his face as he carefully removes stubble with the sharp razor. The towel wrapped around his hips tells another story. His hardening shaft makes an impressive bulge form from the under the fluffy towel. I swallow wondering what it is I am attempting to get myself into. Contemplating this Whilst the water rinses the soap suds off my naked flesh I start to consider the consequences of my actions not just for myself but for Jax too. Incest is a serious matter and could land us both in a lot of trouble. 'I am going to order some Pizza for dinner' he announces nonchalantly and once more leaves the room. ' can you order a couple of Red Bull drinks?' I shout out after him.

30 mins later I present myself downstairs. This time, Jax reacts to my appearance ' Becky shouldn't you put some more' he waves his hand as if showing me my own body, his pupils once more growing larger ' clothes on?' We wouldn't want the delivery boy drooling on the welcome Mat' a hint of a chuckle is in his voice. Glancing down at my attire That consists of a pair of panties and a long-sleeved red and black checkered button down shirt, which I have deliberately left one too many buttons undone leaving my cleavage showing, I shrug my shoulders ' you answer the door then' I simply reply and as if on cue the doorbell rings. I hear my Brother mumble under his breath ' you're going to be the death of me' it makes me smirk. Maybe my seduction that is lacking on skills is affecting him more than I thought.

Not much conversation is had as we eat, I find myself ravenous thanks to two days of sulking in my room consuming nothing but water. Jax watched me closely even though he has seated himself on a single armchair away from where I sit on the four-seater. I pick up the tv remote and toss it at him. ' may as well watch something. Do you want a glass to drink your Coke?' Standing I don't wait for an answer but head into the kitchen and grab two tall glasses. Still, Jaxshon watched me. The open plan living area allowing him to track my movements. It is very unnerving because for once I do not know what my Brother is thinking.

From the extensive selection of liquor behind the bar that our Father keeps well stocked I grab the grey goose. The only brand of vodka I am familiar with, thanks to Mom always getting me to pour her a nip when she has had a particularly hard day at work. 'What are you up too now?' My Brother finds his voice. ' I need a drink. Want one?' Reclaiming my seat on the couch Jax just shakes his head. I pour myself the same drink Matt had gotten for me on Friday night. Red Bull and vodka. ' what we going to watch? ' the sweet taste of my drink making my jaw tingle.

Whilst Jax flicks through Netflix I decide to do something I haven't done since We were like ten years of age. Standing I rearrange the couch converting it into a double bed as it is designed to do. ' Christ I almost forget that thing could do that' the look on his face is one that tells me he would have made use of it more if he had. ' I don't feel like sleeping in my room tonight,I I'm a bit over those four walls for one weekend.' from the closet under the staircase I retrieve the spare pillows and bedding that is stored for just such occasions. ' remember when we use to have movie nights out here as kids?' Jaxshon just nods, continuing to flick through the menu on the Tv screen whilst chewing on the last slice of pizza. I make up the bed then get comfortable atop of the blanket and sip at my drink. My thoughts no longer give time to Matt, his friend's and their scheming. Instead, they are solely now committed to figuring out my feelings for my sibling, both physically and mentally. eventually, Jax settles on an old crime movie that is in black and white. and here I was hoping he would pick something a little more action-packed with a dash of sexual content. We watch in silence and once my drink is drained of it's sweet contents I lay down getting comfortable no longer trying to get the attention I seek from my Twin. If he wanted me he wasn't showing it.

I wake to find the lights off, the Television's volume down low and My Brother still seated in the same spot. watching me, his eyes sparkling in the dark from the reflection of the Tv. The movie we had been watching, seemingly long finished. a new movie was now playing out on the large screen dominating the lounge room, ' how long have I been asleep?' I ask him, my voice still drowsy. ' A couple of hours" he pauses but I can tell he has more to say "my god Becky you are so very sexy.' I watch as he stands noting his arousal hidden by his shorts, I swallow as my nipples instantly react to the sight. Towering above me Jaxshon is a sight to behold. 'I have been thinking about you and what you have been trying to achieve all night long" I open my mouth to speak but he places his finger against his lips. 'shhh, just listen' he waits to make sure I am not going to interrupt him. ' I have wanted you for so very long Becky but I have held back for many reasons' once more he pauses a moment. 'You are my Sister for one, but also I am a Dominant, you know what that means now thanks to google right?' I nod slowly wondering where he is going with all this. 'As I said you need a male who will take the time to treat you right, make your first-time special as it should be.' before I can protest he continues. 'You have made if very clear that you want that person to be me, and ohh fuck does that make weak at the knees!'

His eyes have taken on a look I have never seen before and it heats my stomach, giving me butterflies. 'So if you are still sure about this you need to know a few things first.' he looks down at me with a very serious stare. ' It won't be a one-off thing Sis, no way could I only ever have you once.' Nerves have me fidgeting with the edge of the blanket.I sit up propping myself up on the pillows awkwardly taking in all he is telling me. 'As I said before Vanilla sex is not my thing but If you are willing to let me control the situation, control you, your obedience will serve enough for me to do what is best for you' his eyes soften and he smiles for the first time since I woke. ' Can you do that Sis? can you obey me knowing that this won't be the last time I would be inside you? And it won't always be vanilla? licking my suddenly dry lips I nod.
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