Continuing the story of the Kennedys, "Domestic Bliss," the third and final season of the series.
Sex was never boring with Kiki, but I did come across this interesting website, It asked both of us a bunch of questions about sex we'd like to do. If either of us says no, then it drops that idea. If both of you show interest, it tells you about that. We both took the test, and it suggested there were several areas we might want to explore. Some things Kiki wanted to do included, "show pictures of us having sex over the internet," that went along with "take pictures of Matt," "take pictures of us having sex," and "film ourselves having sex." It'd be difficult to show the pictures, if they hadn't been taken.
Of course, Kiki has lots of pictures, and videos of herself, they were all over the internet, and her website. I never wanted to be on that side of the camera, but now I knew that Kiki wanted it, I thought about it. Then we talked about it, I had lots of reservations about the idea, but Kiki came up with a plan I could live with. I never liked the idea of being naked (or fucking) in front of men, but women are no problem for me (now). Kiki said we could have Tina and Dana, the videographers, and Chris, the stills photographer, from her porn production company to do the shoot.
I'm still not going for it, so Kiki suggests they be naked doing while working. That evened up the situation a lot, but it was when she said they'd expect to be "paid" (in sex) for that, that I came on board with the idea. I've had all of them when I've done my part time job at Kiki's company (I'm the fluffer for the women in the office). So it was a plan, we set up the shoot for one weekend.
There was one other thing that Kiki was really keen on, that fit in this theme, "watch Matt masturbate." That would also be part of the weekend's activities. When I took the quiz, I answered "We already do that." For that question, but it seems that Kiki doesn't count me jacking off over her face (which I do often), or her other parts, or when we did it via FaceTime, as watching me. She wanted me naked, on the bed, just pleasuring myself. I hadn't had much need to jack off recently, now we were actually living together and having lots of sex (not all of it with each other).
The girls (Tina, Dana, and Chris) arrived on Saturday morning, and started setting up their equipment. Once everything was set, the girls stripped off, then it was time for me. I was already hard as the girls were now naked. First up was Chris taking stills of me, I'd start off clothed, but end up naked. Tina and Dana took some behind the scenes footage while we were doing that.
I was posed in various places around the house, in the living room, on the bed, in the kitchen. I was posed doing various things, like working on my laptop, cooking, or just lying on the bed feeling silly. My clothes were discarded as we went along. Then some were put back on, so they could have both topless and bottomless pictures of me. (Kiki particularly likes me in just an unbuttoned shirt.) As well as full nude, and ones wearing just the apron in the kitchen. Chris was professional and kept me busy, so I stopped noticing that I was naked, even weirder, I stopped noticing she was naked.
Then we got to "watch Matt masturbate," the least appealing part of the day. Now I had to lie on the bed, and jack off. Kiki was sitting in the easy chair, watching intently. Chris continued taking stills, but the main aim was to get video. Tina was using the camera on a tripod, and Dana was running around with a Steadicam. But now I start to feel self-conscious, and my mind empties of any sexy thoughts. So Kiki catches my eye, she blows me a kiss, then raises her mini skirt, she's wearing her usual outfit of mini skirt and crop top. There's nothing under the skirt, except her (very turned on) pussy, which she starts playing with. That gives me something to think about, so I can do my thing.
I could appreciate why the guys in porn claim it's a difficult job, as I'm just lying down and trying to jack off like that. Really, sex is a mental business, what you're thinking is most important. I can feel my hand on my dick, and what it's doing, but that's not important. My dick is sending signals telling me, "That feels good." That pushes you along, but it's not going anywhere without the right thoughts. So I managed to think about Kiki, and going down on her. I hadn't had any sex yet that day, that made it easier.
I just lie there doing what feels good, I get immediate feedback about that, so I don't have to think about what I'm actually doing, just that it feels good. (That's half the fun of someone else doing it to you, they don't have that feedback, so it's not as efficient, more like they're teasing you, not doing exactly the right thing.) I can, do the right thing, and it felt very messy with come going all over my chest, then I didn't worry about it anymore.
Next thing, Kiki is licking up the mess, typical of her. That tickles a little. Then, she gets very affectionate and hugs me, that's nice. I lie there being hugged for a while, before I realize, she's turned on. Of course she's turned on, she always is, it's at times like these I despair of Kiki, if she just told me that (like say, Kennedy would), I'd already be doing something about it. Being extra affectionate is one way she'll try to communicate that to me, not always successfully.
So I roll over on top of her and scoot down to between her legs, which of course magically part as if they have a mind of their own. I ignore the three naked chicks with cameras, and the lights, and the flashes as the stills are taken. Kirsten (Kiki's video editor) used to curse like mad at Chris for the flashes, until they found a video filter which would remove them automatically.
So I'm going down on Kiki, my absolute favorite thing to do ever (I've finally had decided that). Kiki is really, really turned on, I'm surprised that me jacking off had that much effect on her, so I guess we'll be doing that again, in private, hopefully. With her being so turned on, it's difficult to just not set her off immediately, but I do manage it. Kiki does like being teased like that, and more to the point I get to enjoy myself more. So I work away at her for quite some time, she's really writhing and moaning, that should make for good footage, before I finally set her off into an explosive orgasm where she just about jumps off the bed.
I'm not content to leave it at that, so I try for another. She doesn't even calm down before she's coming agin, then I go for it again, and she really explodes. This time I let her lie there, place one kiss on her pussy, before looking at Tina's camera with my shy embarrassed smile, and ask, "Did I do alright?" Hamming it up for the camera. Acting like that gives me something to (metaphorically) hide behind, I'm really not comfortable when I think about this situation.
I used to ask that a lot, I never knew if I'd gotten it right or not, now I have some clue. Kiki being limp on the bed, in a sweaty heap, with her best grin permanently affixed is a big clue. She does manage to raise one finger in a signal, and weakly say, "Cut! … Take 5!"
When I'm working at Kiki's company, "Take 5" usually means I get to do my thing, so the girls took that as an invitation to join me. Chris gets on the bed first, she lies down and spreads her legs, so I get to work. If you only have 5 minutes (which is what "take 5" means, take a 5 minute break), you have to work quickly, so I tried to get her off quickly, and soon enough she was coming. Dana was there and ready, so I went to work on her and got her to come just as quick, and finally it was Tina's turn, that also didn't take long.
So now I was out of clients. I knelt on the bed and surveyed the scene. The four girls were all flat on their backs smiling vacantly, I take that as a sign I did a good job. I had a raging hard on, but I'm sure Kiki had plans for that, or I might have just chosen one of the girls to fuck. Which makes me wonder which I'd choose, Kiki was of course by far the hottest, but I do get to fuck her a lot, so I like a little variety.
The others aren't porn stars, just normal working women, they aren't trading on their looks, they're not unattractive, just pale in comparison to Kiki. However, they are naked and willing, which makes up for a lot, so I could imagine fucking any one of them. Tina is very flat chested, she's almost boyish in her looks, Chris is taller and has a fuller figure, on balance I think I'd go for Chris first.
Kiki interrupts my reverie, by calling out to the room in general, "I think it's lunch time, but I didn't arrange for craft services." (Craft services is the set caterers, they'll feed the crew and talent while on a shoot.) This was not an official shoot, it was supposed to a sexy exercise, but Kiki wouldn't want to take bad quality photos or videos, she has a reputation for quality productions.
Then she addressed me, "Hey honey, would you mind cooking for the girls? I could go for some pancakes," she didn't wait for an answer before asking the others, "How's pancakes sound?" There was general positive agreement about that, not all of it vocalized. I had no objection anyway, I like cooking, and "serving" the girls like that did appeal to my submissive side. So Kiki told me, "Why don't you go get started, we'll be along presently."
So I got started on the pancakes, and they were nearing completion when the girls emerged, all naked of course, and sat at the breakfast bar. That leaves nothing to the imagination, so I'm definitely making a tent in the apron (the only thing I'm wearing). They watch me do my thing, and chat among themselves. There's comments that Kiki is lucky to have me (I think it's me that's lucky) and that she's got me well trained, I like the comments, but blush a lot.
Once I'm done, I take off the apron and serve up the pancakes, then pointedly look down at the floor after catching Kiki's eye. She says to me, "OK, but only a little, you have to eat too." Then addresses the others, "How's this for 'well trained?'" As I kneel and duck under the breakfast bar to find a line of inviting pussies. I like this other meaning of "serving" the girls. I go down on them all, but I can't spend long enough on them to get them off, there are a few squeaks and squeals from above as I taste them, then disappointed sighs as I move on.
After just a brief taste, I emerge from under there to eat my lunch. The girls are all smiling, Kiki promises them that they'll get more later. I'm looking forward to that.
Fortified by lunch, we were ready to tackle the afternoon's scene, me fucking Kiki. Fucking Kiki is of course, a great idea, but I still wasn't sure about the cameras, but Kiki is, so I went along with it. We started on the bed, both naked, and hugging, that was nice. We just kissed and fondled for a while, before it became more serious, Kiki moved down to blow me. Unfortunately, as much as we both like a blow job, this was just foreplay, and wasn't supposed to get me off. It's still fucking awesome though, Kiki is the absolute best cocksucker in the world, as well as the sexiest woman alive. I know this for a fact, I'm not biased about that.
So it's my turn to writhe and moan on the bed, I'd have hammed that up for the camera if I'd thought about it, but Kiki's blowjobs leave no room for thought. That was until she stopped. After a quick kiss, she rolled off me onto her back. She made it obvious she wanted to get fucked, I appreciate it when she makes it that obvious. So this bit was easy, I was still not thinking about the cameras pointed at me, I hardly noticed the naked chicks pointing them. Kiki will do that to me, she had me all hyped up by the blowjob and I wanted this.
I also wanted it to last, we'd both like that. I'm really not sure if me, or Kiki, wanting it is the biggest motivator there. I did my usual, which is not to say it was boring, fucking Kiki is the best thing into the world (second only to going down on her). I warmed her up at a pace I could keep up for the long haul, she appreciated that and was very vocal about it. Maybe slightly more vocal than normal, maybe she was hamming it up for the camera. Still it wasn't like her fake moans you usually get in her videos though.
She started to sound more natural in her moans, like I was getting to her, I liked that. Then it was time to ramp things up, now it becomes a race between coming and expiring, but I've been exercising; I'm fitter than I ever have been. (Biking half an hour to work is a good way of getting fit.) She comes, and I carry on, her orgasm blends into another, I'm thinking it'll be my time soon. I want to see if I can get her to come again before I do, I'm thinking I'm not going to make it, when she comes again. I pause, look at the camera, and ask, "Did I do alright?" Hiding behind the character again, before one final thrust and I come, and come, and come. That was quite something, must be the cameras.
I do my usual thing, collapse on top of Kiki, pinning her limp form to the bed. She likes that. She does manage to hold up a hand, and very weakly say, "Cut! It's a wrap!"
Again, on a wrap, it usually time for me to do my thing, but I'll be able to take more time than just a break. But this isn't usual, I've just come after a very energetic fuck, I'm not going to be good for anything for some time. But, the girls aren't in the mood to wait, they start by hugging me, but when that doesn't get much of a reaction, several pairs of hands push and pull me off of Kiki and onto my back.
I just lie there still stunned, but I don't get a chance to recover, a wet pussy lands on my face. At the same time I feel a mouth on my dick, cleaning me up (that does tickle a bit), and a hand takes my hand and places it on a wet pussy. The girls in the office are encouraged to be assertive with me when it comes to sex, I like that, the only problem is I'm not in much condition at that moment to do a good job, but I try my best.
I seem to be doing a good job, whoever is sitting on me seems to be enjoying it. I'm working away on her, and I'm becoming more alert, then she twitches and manages to slip off my face. It's Chris, again, she's a bit greedy like that. I turn her over and go to work on her again, it's easier to do it properly from that angle. That really agrees with her, I'm taking my time and enjoying her, she stiffens and her butt comes off the bed. I play with her not letting her come, then go for it. She screams, almost jumps off the bed, then melts into the covers.
I'm feeling pleased with myself, I did alright, but I don't get time to think much, as Tina grabs my hand and drags me over to her. She takes her position, on her back with her legs open, and I go to work on her. Again, I try to draw this out as long as I can, and Tina is definitely enjoying herself, so am I.
When I finally make her come, I see that Kiki is propped up on one elbow, watching me, she smiles and blows me a kiss. I smile back, before Dana drags me off to attend to her. I'm feeling a little tired by now after taking so long over Chris and Tina, but I do my best, and that's appreciated. She eventually comes, and I kneel there to admire my handiwork.
Dana is flat out and grinning, Tina moaning softly to herself but is still, Chris is starting to stir. Kiki comes over to me and kisses me, she whispers in my ear that my cum is still in her pussy, which is my cue to go down on her again. I'm a little tired, but I perk up enough at that to go down on her, I give her a gentle lick we both enjoy, it doesn't take her long to come, then I move up and hug her.
The other girls come join in the hug, that's nice. Kiki asked the girls if they wanted to stay, they all did; we just hung out for most of the rest of the day. It was later that night before we had any more sex, then went off to sleep, all four of them and me in the bed.
The next day (Sunday), Kiki left me in bed with Tina and Dana, while she reviewed the stills with Chris. Chris is a good photographer; they found some photos which actually looked good. I went down on Tina and Dana one more time, before they cleaned up and left. Then, Kiki called Kirsten, who agreed to come and edit the video, in exchange for my usual services. While Kirsten was doing her thing, I went down on Chris before she left. Then of course, it was time to do Kirsten before we reviewed the videos.
Me, Kiki, and Kirsten were cuddling on the sofa, watching the videos, that was nice. I wasn't keen on the first video though, that was the one of me jacking off. Kiki really did like that one. The next couple were the one of me going down on Kiki, and the one of me fucking her. I was still embarrassed by being in the video, but the action was hot, there were particularly good reaction shots, close ups of Kiki's face while I'm doing my thing. She's cute when she's being fucked. She's cute at any time, but especially so when being fucked, I'm usually too distracted when I'm doing the fucking to take that in fully, but I've seen plenty of video of her being fucked by others. Now I find it's even better when it's me doing the fucking in the video.
Kiki put the pictures (the good ones anyway) and videos on her website, she made a section called "Matt's Corner" for them. The videos were popular, the ones with Kiki in them anyway, they became some of the most watched on her site, though Kiki says she still liked the one of just me best. I started getting fan mail because of my videos. Most of it was good, a lot of guys giving me metaphorical high fives for having Kiki, that just reinforces how lucky I am in my mind. There were some girls wanting a piece of me, I'd respond to those personally, I had some nice exchanges with some of them. We'd file those away, you never know when you might get around to meeting them.
Then there were the unpleasant and just plain crazy ones, like men telling me how they'd like to rape me. I don't know why they think that's a reasonable thing to say. Anyway, it became Megan's (Kiki's secretary's) job to screen my mail for those. There weren't that many like that, thankfully.
There were a lot on a theme like, "What's it like to fuck Kiki?" There were enough of them, that I expanded my participation in her forum to answer those. I had been on her forum, but mainly in the more serious sections (like "Physics Nerds"), so now I posted in the more overtly sexual forums; you're reading the results.